The INRIA Mimetic team has the possibility of funding a 2-year Starting
Research Position (SRP) in Rennes, France. The research topic is fully open
to all scientific challenges addressed by the Mimetic team, in particular
o Human motion analysis through the design of innovative protocols to
capture and enhance knowledge on motion control in complex situations,
o Autonomous virtual humans through the design of elaborate motions
strategies and behaviors in virtual environments, and
o Physical activity in Virtual Reality where VR is coupled with human
motion simulations to carry out controlled experiments.
The conducted research should also address one of the following domains:
Sports (performance, evaluation, training), Ergonomics (assessment, work
drudgery, workstation improvement), Health (assessment, rehabilitation),
Simulation (motion behaviors, planning, navigation, cinematography and
SRP positions are dedicated to excellent researchers with a PhD in computer
science or strongly related to the MimeTIC research topics, and 2 to 8 years
of experience after the PhD without limitation in age or nationality. The
selection will be based on the scientific quality of the candidate and his
potential in developing joint research with members of the Mimetic team.
Please contact <> franck.multon(a)
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