September 30 - October 2 2009
Chania, Crete, Greece
The Symposium for Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization
APGV unites researchers in the fields of perception, graphics, and
visualization. These fields can benefit from the exchange of ideas ---
in particular research in computer graphics and visualization can
benefit from and contribute to research in perception.
Our sixth annual event provides an intimate, immersive forum for
exchanging ideas about areas of overlapping interests. For example,
one of the impressive achievements of our visual system is the
recovery of 3D structure from motion; computer graphics and animation
algorithms may provide controls and insights into how this mechanism
works. Likewise, determining how to make animated simulations of
characters that are undetectable from real humans may rely on insights
and research from perception.
We invite submissions of original work in the areas described above
that broadly meet two goals of our community:
Goal 1. Use insights from perception to advance the design of methods
for visual, auditory and haptic representation. Examples would
* applications of insights from perception to the development of
algorithms for more efficient, effective, or realistic modeling,
rendering, and animation
* applications of perception in the design and evaluation of
methods for more effective representation and communication of
* computational aesthetics, stylization, and perceptual aspects of
non-photorealistic rendering
* perceptual issues arising due to fusion of digital imaging,
computer vision, and computer graphics techniques
* perception-inspired interfaces for immersive activities in
virtual worlds
Goal 2. Advance and facilitate novel basic perception and cognition
research that uses and is relevant to applications in computer
graphics and visualization. Examples would include:
* perception and visuomotor control in computer games, virtual and
augmented environments
* fundamental contributions in spatial and temporal vision
* integration of empirical perception research with computational
* color vision and color appearance modeling
* the influence of attention and eye movements on visual
perception and visual memory
* statistical learning and perception of natural scenes
* perception of shapes, surfaces and materials
* visual illusions and perceptual organization having potential to
enhance image depiction
Important Dates
10 June 2009 Mandatory abstract submission
12 June 2009 Deadline for paper submission
17 July 2009 Notification of paper acceptance
31 July 2009 Final Papers Due
31 July 2009 Poster Submission Deadline
30 September-2 October 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece: Conference
Research can be submitted as a long paper (up to 8 pages and a 20
minute talk), a short paper (up to 4 pages + 15 min talk), or as a
poster presentation (1 page abstract). Papers that are not accepted
will automatically be considered for the poster session. Authors of
posters accepted by this route will of course have the option to
decline the opportunity to present a poster. Please check the
formatting guidelines before submitting your work on Submissions do not need to be anonymous.
All papers will be carefully reviewed by our International Program
committee. Papers will be evaluated as submitted, given the limited
time between submission and final version. This year, under a new
agreement with the ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) and
the ACM Publications Board, the strongest accepted papers will be
accepted for "presentation" at APGV and accepted (with revisions) to
ACM TAP. These papers will form the ACM TAP "APGV 2009 special issue,"
and will be given the designation "presented at APGV" as part of their
TAP citation. For those papers so selected, we guarantee continuity of
reviewers. Should a paper so selected not be adequately revised to the
satisfaction of the editors for its final acceptance into TAP, it will
revert to the APGV proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Authors of
such special issue papers must agree to present the paper at APGV.
(As has always been the case, authors of regular APGV papers can still
submit to TAP regular issues with appropriate additions.)
Authors of accepted papers must prepare a final electronic version of
their paper that is "camera-ready". This electronic version will appear
in the ACM Digital Library as well as a conference proceedings DVD.
Program Chairs
Bobby Bodenheimer, Vanderbilt University
Carol O'Sullivan, Trinity College Dublin
Conference Chair
Katerina Mania, Technical University of Crete
Outreach Chair
Betty Mohler, MPI for Biological Cybernetics
International Program Committee
Martin Banks, University of California, Berkeley
Volker Blanz, University of Siegen
Marina Blog, University of Bradford
Alan Chalmers, University of Warwick
Sarah Creem-Regehr, University of Utah
Douglas Cunningham, University of Tuebingen
James Elder, York University
Roland Fleming, MPI for Biological Cybernetics
Diego Gutierrez, University of Zaragoza
Matthias Harders, ETH Zurich
Mary Hayhoe, University of Texas, Austin
Christopher G. Healey, North Carolina State University
Victoria Interrante, University of Minnesota
Roberta Klatzky, Carnegie-Mellon University
Joe Kearney, University of Iowa
Jonathan Kelly, Vanderbilt University/Iowa State University
Michael Langer, McGill University
Rafal Mantiuk, University of British Columbia
Rachel McDonnell, Trinity College Dublin
Gary Meyer, University of Minnesota
Ann McNamara, Texas A&M University
Betty Mohler, MPI for Biological Cybernetics
Karol Myszkowski, MPI Informatik
Adar Pelah, University of York
Sylvia Pont, Delft University of Technology
Erik Reinhard, University of Bristol
Bernhard Riecke, Simon Fraser University
Veronica Sundstedt, Trinity College Dublin
William B. Thompson, University of Utah
Christian Wallraven, MPI for Biological Cybernetics
Greg Ward, Anywhere Software
Andrew Welchman, Birmingham Unversity