Call for Papers
The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2008 will take place in Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, from June 23 to June 25, 2008. This is the 19th
annual event in the series of very successful Eurographics Symposia on
Rendering and Eurographics Workshops on Rendering.
The local organizers are Jasminka Hasic and Selma Rizvic. The program chairs
are Steve Marschner and Michael Wimmer. Up-to-date information about the
conference is available on the EGSR 2008 web site:
Conference Topics
Conference topics include (but are not limited to):
- Global illumination
- Monte Carlo techniques
- Finite element techniques
- Volume scattering and translucency
- Reflectance and scattering models
- Human perception and error measures
- Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing
- Shadows and visibility
- Texture models, analysis, and synthesis
- Computational photography
- Non-photorealistic rendering
- Image-based measurement and rendering
- Sensing for graphics
- Point-based rendering
- New rendering hardware and new uses of existing hardware
- Real-time rendering and real-time ray tracing
- Systems and software architecture for rendering
- Virtual/augmented reality and interactive systems
- Rendering dynamic/animated environments
Starting this year, the proceedings of EGSR will be a special issue of the
journal Computer Graphics Forum. This will improve the availability of EGSR
papers and make them citable as journal articles. Because of this there will
be a brief second review cycle for any papers that require changes to be
accepted; such papers will only be accepted after the changes have been
confirmed by the program committee.
Important Dates
All deadlines are 11:59 p.m., US Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4).
Abstract submission deadline: Friday, April 4
Paper submission deadline: Monday, April 7
Author notification: Thursday, May 8
Revisions due: Friday, May 16
Final PDF files due for printing: Monday, May 19
Symposium: June 23-25
The EGSR review and publication process is very short, and to achieve this
quick turnaround all deadlines must be strictly observed. In particular,
final PDF files for printing must be finished on time.
Keynote Speakers:
David Salesin, Adobe Systems
Heinrich Bülthoff, Max Planck Institute
International Program Committee
Program Chairs: Steve Marschner (US) and Michael Wimmer (AT)
International Program Committee:
Aseem Agarwala (US)
Kavita Bala (US)
Philippe Bekaert (BE)
Jiri Bittner (CZ)
Per Christensen (US)
Craig Donner (US)
George Drettakis (FR)
Philip Dutre (BE)
Michael Goesele (GE)
Baining Guo (US)
Tim Hawkins (US)
Wolfgang Heidrich (CA)
Nicolas Holzschuch (FR)
Greg Humphreys (US)
Henrik Wann Jensen (US)
Stefan Jeschke (AT)
Jan Kautz (UK)
Jaroslav Krivanek (CZ)
Samuli Laine (FI)
Jason Lawrence (US)
Jaakkoo Lehtinen (US)
Hendrik Lensch (GE)
Danni Lischinski (IL)
Bill Mark (US)
Wojciech Matusik (US)
Sumanta Pattanaik (US)
Fabio Pellacini (US)
Holly Rushmeier (US)
Marc Stamminger (GE)
Lefebvre Sylvain (FR)
Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (HU)
Nicolas Tsingos (FR)
Greg Ward (US)
Peter Wonka (US)
Local Organizing Chairs: Jasminka Hasic (BA) and Selma Rizvic (BA)
Instructions for Submission
All contributions submitted to Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2008 must
be original, unpublished work. Any work that has previously been published
or simultaneously been submitted in substantially similar form to any other
conference or journal will be rejected. Contributions must be written and
presented in English.
Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Submitted manuscripts should
be formatted using the Eurographics publication style proceedings templates,
and be anonymized for the double-blind reviewing process.
Papers should be as long as their content requires, but not longer. Papers
with average length requirements are expected to be 8 formatted pages long,
including references and all figures; up to 10 pages will be allowed only
where justified. During the review process, each paper's contribution will
be judged in proportion to its length: a solid contribution described
clearly and succinctly is more likely to be accepted than the same result
submitted in a longer paper.
All submissions must be made through the Eurographics Submission and Review
Management system, using the following URL.
The submission deadlines will be strictly enforced. The authors of each
accepted paper need to complete and return the EG Copyright Assignment Form
before the paper can be published.