SIGGRAPH Asia 2010
15-18 December 2010, Seoul
The 3rd ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and
Interactive Techniques in Asia
Share your ideas and knowledge with the dynamic computer graphics community
in Asia and around the world from 15-18 December 2010 in Seoul, Korea. If
your work involves computers, visual experiences, and/or innovative
interactions, submit your achievements to SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 and share them
with thousands of other creative people in four world-class programs:
*** Technical Papers ***
The SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Technical Papers program continues the tradition of
excellence in the world's premier forum for the latest research in computer
graphics and interactive techniques. We invite submission of high-quality
papers that will advance the state of the art and stimulate future trends.
Accepted papers will be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 and published as a
special issue of ACM Transactions on Graphics.
Complete Information on How to Submit Technical Papers:
Deadline: 11 May 2010
*** Courses ***
In Courses, international experts share the very best of computer graphics
and interactive techniques. Course proposals should emphasize learning,
develop residual skills, and suggest directions for further personal
Courses Submission Information:
Submission Deadline: 18 May 2010
*** Computer Animation Festival ***
This international showcase presents a wide spectrum of inspiring
computer-generated animation, visual effects, and scientific visualizations
in two formats:
. Screenings
. Panels & Talks
Details on How to Submit Your Work to the Computer Animation Festival:…
Submission Deadline: 15 July 2010
*** Technical Sketches & Posters ***
Technical Sketches & Posters are short summaries of recent achievements and
works in progress in animation, visual effects, video games, and
human-machine collaboration. In these interactive forums, topics range from
academic research to industrial development, practical tools, and
behind-the-scenes explanations of commercial and artistic work.
Technical Sketches & Posters Submission Details:
Submission Deadline: 30 August 2010
All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC/GMT.
Registration and group discount price information are now available at….
Register early or as a group and save!
Online registration will open in May.
Group discount is available for 10 or more people from the same
For more details, contact registration_asia(a)
*** Enjoy a higher participation return with more affordable exhibition
prices for SIGGRAPH Asia 2010! ***
No other Asia-Pacific conference or trade show attracts SIGGRAPH Asia's
depth and breadth of researchers, developers, producers, and providers of
computer graphics and interactive techniques. And no other event offers such
a rewarding return on investment.
SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 is your best opportunity this year to reach the leaders
and decision makers in the Asia-Pacific digital media market.
Make your exhibition plans now!
Suppliers, purchasers, and high-quality recruits will be looking for you in
"I think the SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 attendee count was very high considering it
was the first time for SIGGRAPH to come to Japan. The trade exhibition was
crowded and well attended. Compared with our conference, CEDEC, I recognized
that SIGGRAPH Asia was much bigger, and I was surprised to see how
international it was."
Gakuto Kobayashi
Technical Committee
CESA (Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association)
Contact SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Exhibition Management to reserve exhibit space
and explore sponsorship opportunities. Early discounts are available until
31 July 2010!
Please use the contact form at to
get in touch with SIGGRAPH Asia for any inquiry you may have.
Alternatively please call for:
General Inquiries and registration, call:
Conference Administration
SIGGRAPH Asia 2010
Tel: +65.6500.6700
Fax: +65.6296.2771
Trade Exhibition and Sponsorships, call:
Adrian Sng
Exhibition Management
Tel: +65.6500.6722
Fax: +65.6296.2771