Call for Participation:
Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP'14) and Graduate School
Cardiff, UK
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 9 June, 2014
Graduate School 7-8 July, 2014
Main Conference 9-11 July, 2014
Conference Keynote Speakers:
Helmut Pottmann (KAUST and Vienna University of Technology)
Wojciech Matusik (MIT)
Misha Kazhdan (John Hopkins University)
The Symposium on Geometry Processing 2014, a Eurographics symposium in
cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH, will be held from 9-11 July in Cardiff,
United Kingdom. SGP is the premier venue for new research and results in
geometry processing. The conference involves plenary high quality paper
sessions as well as a poster session for work in progress with high
A related Graduate School will be held from 7-8 July, 2014, which is
specifically targeted towards graduate students at the beginning of their
PhD studies. The courses will focus on fundamental concepts and important
aspects of digital geometry processing, with 5 tutorials and two invited
Graduate School Programme: <>
Registration: <>
Conference website: <>
Sponsors: Microsoft Research, Pixar Research (Disney), Geometry Factory