The Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization will take place in
Lisbon, Portugal on May 8 - 10, 2006. Details of the programme are
now available at
IMPORTANT: The Early Bird Registration date is 31 March.
We have assembled a high-quality programme including 43 full papers, selected by the
International Program Committee from 98 submissions; we are also particularly pleased that
Chris Johnson, Professor at University of Utah, will give a keynote talk entitled
"Visual Computing: Case Studies and Research Challenges".
For anyone involved in Visualization this is surely an opportunity not to be missed!
The Symposium will take place in the Gulbenkian Foundation Congress
Centre. On the website you can find details of the programme,
registration procedure, and hotel reservations.
We hope to see you in Lisbon.
Joaquim Jorge
EGVE Symposium Chair
Beatriz Sousa Santos, Thomas Ertl and Ken Joy
IPC Co-Chairs