Computers & Graphics: Special Issue on
New emerging data acquisition techniques provide fast and efficient means
for multidimensional spatial data collection. Airborne LIDAR surveys, SAR
satellites, stereo-photogrammetry and mobile mapping systems are
increasingly used for digital reconstruction. All these systems provide
point clouds, often enriched with other sensor data, yielding high volumes
of raw data. The special issue seeks to present an up-to-date view of
approaches for data management, processing and visualization able to provide
efficiently significant information contained in large geospatial datasets,
and able to derive and visualize important knowledge for the relevant level
of decision making.
In this context, the special issue of Computers&Graphics calls for
contributions on various aspects related to large geospatial data
processing, with the intent of stimulating researchers from different fields
such as Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Geomatics, Remote Sensing, HPC
and Grid computing working on the common goal of processing 3D data. This
will provide a ground for cross-fertilization and stimulate discussions on
the future challenges in this important research area.
The special issue seeks to present an up-to-date view of cutting edge
computational approaches for the management, processing and visualization of
large geospatial datasets in cloud or grid infrastructures. Original
research or practical applications are welcome in all areas related to
processing large geospatial data. Suggested topics include, but are not
limited to:
. Knowledge-driven processing
. High-quality co-registration from multiple heterogeneous data
. Efficient feature extraction and classification
. Efficient surface generation and reconstruction
. Multi-resolution and level-of-details techniques
. High-quality change detection to characterize dynamic events
. Visual analysis and inspection
. Methods and architectures for data-intensive processing
Authors planning to send a contribution are kindly invited to send an
abstract by email to the guest editors (iqmulus(a)ge.imati.cnr.it) with
prospective title, authors and a short summary of the manuscript (deadline:
July 30). Full papers (12 pages A4, Computers & Graphics style) should be
submitted by September 1st on the Computers & Graphics submission system
http://ees.elsevier.com/cag/). To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly
identified for inclusion into the special section you are editing, it is
important that authors select "SI: GC Data" when they reach the "Article
Type" step in the submission process.
Jan Boehm (University College London, UK)
Roderik Lindenbergh (Delft University of Technology, NL)
Michela Spagnuolo (CNR-MATI, Genoa, IT)
Abstract submission: July 30
Paper submission: September 1st
Review due - 1st: October 3
Revisions due: November 7
Review due - 2nd: December 3
Final notification: December 5