Dear colleagues,
the new Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence Department at the
Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics (
<>…) has
an opening for a research group leader. The new department is headed by Prof. Christian
Theobalt who is a new Scientific Director at the MPI for Informatics.
The Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence Department investigates foundational
research problems in Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence. It is
our long term vision to develop entirely new ways to capture, represent, synthesize and
simulate models of the real world at highest detail, robustness, and efficiency. To
achieve this long term goal, we develop new concepts that rethink and unite established
approaches from Computer Graphics and Computer Vision with concepts from Artificial
Intelligence, in particular Machine Learning. In the past, Prof. Theobalt and his team
made widely recognized contributions to visual computing, notably in the area of virtual
humans and neural rendering, some of which also received broader attention beyond the
scientific community. Example works are VNect, Face2Face, Deep Video Portraits, DeepCap,
Neural Sparse Voxel Fields and recently Deep Dynamic Characters.
The department’s work will lay the foundations for a new way of thinking about computer
graphics, and for new ways of uniting and enriching the real world with computer graphics
technology. It also lays the foundations for advanced methods to better perceive,
understand and interpret the complex real world in motion surrounding us from visual
observation, which is an essential capability of future interacton modalities, as well as
of intelligent computing systems that safely and intuitively interact with humans and the
human world.
The department performs foundational research in the following areas and is seeking
applications from candidates in these areas
* Virtual Humans
* Neural Representations
* Inverse Rendering
* Rendering and Neural Rendering
* Deep Learning for Visual Computing
* AI for Graphics and Vision
* Language Guided Graphics and Vision
* Knowledge Representation for Visual Computing
* Visual Scene Understanding
* 3D and 4D Reconstruction
* Multi-modal Reconstruction and Synthesis
* Free-viewpoint and 3D Video
* Marker-less Motion and Performance Capture
* 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis
* Inverse Rendering
* Computer Animation
* Geometric Modeling
* Virtual and Augmented Reality
* New Sensors for Visual Computing
* Physically-based and Image-based Rendering
* New Methods for Human-Compter Interaction
The department provides a unique, inspiring and highly collaborative research environment.
It features unique large scale experimental facilities in visual computing for real world
data acquisition, such as diverse scanner hardware, and several large-scale multi-camera
and capture systems for humans and general objects and scenes. The department also has
access to excellent computing infrastructure with access to multiple large scale GPU and
CPU clusters.
Research Group Leaders pursue an independent research agenda with their own small team.
Funding for the group leader, personnel and equipment is provided. Applicants for a
research group leader position should have an outstanding PhD in computer science or a
related field and have conducted research in one of the research areas listed above.
Further, group leader applicants typically have experience as a researcher on a
postdoctoral level. Applicants should have an excellent track record of publications in
the top tier conferences and journals in computer graphics (EUROGRAPIHCS, SIGGRAPH,
SIGGRAPH Asia, ACM TOG etc.), computer vision (CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, TPAMI etc.), or machine
learning (NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR etc.). The application package should contain a CV, a
statement of research describing the research vision of the group, transcripts and the
contacts of at least three academic references.
Please send your complete application package to via Email to
<> d6-applications(a) For
questions regarding these positions please directly email Christian Theobalt:
theobalt(a) <> .
The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are
underrepresented andt herefore explicitly encourages women to apply. The Max Planck
Society is further committed to employing more individuals with handicaps and particularly
encourages these to apply.
About the environment
The Max-Planck Institute for Informatics (MPI-INF) (
<> ) is one of the world's leading research institutes
in Computer Science in general, and Visual Computing in particular. It is located on the
campus of Saarland University in Saarbruecken, Germany. MPI-INF is embedded in a unique
cluster of computer science research. Around 400 PhD students in CS do research in the
different CS institutes on campus under the roof of a joint CS graduate school.
The immediate neighborhood on campus is home to other computer science research institutes
of world renown with which close collaborations exist: the Computer Science Department of
Saarland University, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the
Max-Planck-Institute for Software Systems, the Institute for Bioinformatics, and the new
Helmholtz research center on IT Security, Privacy and Accountability (CISPA). The Leibniz
Center for Informatics in Schloss Dagstuhl is also located nearby.
( <> )
Prof. Dr. Christian Theobalt
Scientific Director
Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence Department
Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics
Saarland Informatics Campus
Campus E1.4, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
Phone +49 681 9325 4500 Fax +49 681 9325 4599
Email: theobalt(a) <>
Assistant Email: budde(a) <>