6th International Conference on
Computer Vision / Computer Graphics
Collaboration Techniques and Applications
June 6th - 7th 2013
Berlin, Germany
In Cooperation with
Eurographics Association
Paper Submission Deadline (extended): March 15th 2013
Mirage 2013 is an international conference with focus on Computer Vision /
Computer Graphics collaboration techniques. It is the 6th in a series of
successful events having the objective of bringing together scientists and
people interested in the interdisciplinary fields of vision and graphics,
with special emphasis on the link between the converging disciplines. With
recent developments in 3D sensor and camera technologies, mobile computing,
and GPU processing, many novel applications emerge in areas like multimedia,
augmented reality, media production, gaming, and medicine. Mirage 2013 will
provide a forum for discussing innovative research and novel ideas in
computer vision and graphics with plenary talks, single track oral sessions,
and practical technology demonstrations.
Authors are encouraged to submit their recent research results, practice and
experience reports, or novel applications relating to the topics of the
Mirage 2013 conference. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Model-based imaging and analysis
Image-based modeling and 3D reconstruction
Capture, processing, and display of 3D video
Image and video-based lighting and rendering
Computational photography
Time of flight, Kinect imaging
Model-based vision approaches
3D indexing and database retrieval
Object, body, and face tracking in image sequences
Model-based image and shape analysis
Model-based video compression techniques
With applications in the field of:
Multimedia applications, multimedia database classification
Virtual and augmented reality
Human / Computer interfaces
Media productions from and for films, broadcasts and games
Post-production, computer animation, virtual special effects
Realistic 3D simulation, virtual prototyping
Video-games and entertainment industry
Medical and biomedical applications
Important Dates:
- Paper Submission : March 15th 2013
- Notification of acceptance: April 12th 2013
Conference Email:
- mirage2013(a)
Conference Website:
Conference Chairs:
- Peter Eisert (Fraunhofer HHI / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- André Gagalowicz (Inria Paris-Rocquencourt)