Please note: The discounted 'Early bird' registration ends 31st March,
after that date full conference rates will apply.
Call for Participation
Eurographics 2010
31st Eurographics conference
3rd-7th May, 2010
Norrköping, Sweden
The Eurographics Conference is the première event in Europe showcasing
Computer Graphics research and applications. The conference this year is
being hosted in the city of Norrköping by the University of Linköping,
Sweden and will be held in the Louis de Geer conference centre next to
the University's Norrköping campus, in the heart of the city.
Full details of the conference, co-located events and programme can be
found through the conference web site at:
Travel to Norrköping is very easy, with a number of options available.
Full details of travel information can be found here:
Conference Chairs: Anders Ynnerman, University of Linköping,
Kari Pulli, Nokia Research Center.