Dear Madame/Sir,
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the registration
for the joint event ( CIPA / VAST / EG / Euro-Med 2006 )
has already begun. Early registration is possible on-line
( ) until the
22nd of September 2006.
The joint event for the exchange and sharing of know-how in the areas of
Cultural Heritage (CH) and Information Technology (IT) focusing on
e-documentation and Computer Graphics is an "In-service training" activity
and the participation can be funded by the European Commission
Initiative. For more information please visit the following webpage:
Participants from the 33 European member states of the Socrates/Grundtvig3
initiative interested in receiving a grant have to contact directly their
EU-Socrates National Agency and apply there for the grants:
Each National Agency has its own deadline for submission of applications so
make sure you apply in time. However, you have to register for the joint
event before you will apply for the EU grants.
The joint event offers special hotel rates in Nicosia which are only
available through registration for the event.
We would like to remind you that there is a limited hotel room capacity for
the event in Nicosia and rooms will be distributed on a first come - first
serve basis.
We hope you find this 2006 joint conference to be of interest and look
forward to seeing you in Cyprus!
For questions or requests for additional information, please visit our
website: or
We would appreciate it if you would distribute this announcement to any
interested colleagues.
Parallel to our joint event there is the Virtual Reality Software Technology
2006 (VRST 2006) symposium in Limassol, Cyprus. Special daily registration
rates are offered to registered participants of our joint event. For more
information see our joint event program and please visit the official
website of the VRST 2006:
Best regards,
Marinos Ioannides
Email: chairman(a)