GraVisMa 2009
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Mathematics
in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS Association
Call for Papers and Participation
GraVisMa workshop is a unique forum for researchers, practitioners,
developers and academia experts to discuss new approaches and methods in
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Scientific Computation, Scientific,
Medical and Information Visualization with applications of the latest
developments in Mathematics and Physics.
Goals of the GraVisMa workshops is to bring theory of the Projective
Geometry, Geometric Algebra and Conformal Geometry to practice especially in
the fields related to Computer Graphics and Vision, Scientific Computation
and Visualization.
GraVisMa workshop will bring new impulses to related fields of computer
science, especially in development of new approaches to algorithms and data
structures, will stimulate research activities between mathematicians and
computer science experts.
Informal atmosphere of the GraVisMa workshops will stimulate discussions
between researchers and practitioners, that will lead to further
international research collaborations and projects proposals as well.
Important dates
Extended Abstract (1 page A4 GraVisMa format/two column)
May 31, 2009
Acceptance notification for presentation:
June 30, 2009
Venue (Expected):
September 2-4, 2009
Paper submission (8 pages A4/double column):
September 30, 2009
Acceptance decision after reviews
November, 2009
Final paper submission
November, 2009
GraVisMa 2009 proceedings with ISBN*:
December, 2009
Abstract / Paper registration:
Main topics of workshops (but not limited to)
Computer Science fields
Mathematical fields
· Computer Graphics
(modeling, rendering, 3D imaging)
· Computer Vision (3D reconstruction, image transformations)
· Algorithms and Data Structures
· GPU/CUDA/TESLA Computing
· Scientific and Medical Visualization
· Scientific Computing
· 3D TV and HCI related issues,
· Applications
· Numerical Computation
· Projective Geometry
· Geometric Algebra
· Conformal Algebra
· Grassmann Algebra
· Other related Mathematical Aspects
· Influence
o Mathematics to Computer Science
o Computer Science to Mathematics
· Educational Aspects
· Programming Tools and Systems
· Other related topics
Abstracts of accepted papers will be published in the GraVisMa proceedings
with ISBN
Post-conference proceedings papers (8 pages A4 format/double column -
GraVisMa format) will be anonymously reviewed and after revision accepted
papers will be published in GraVisMa FULL papers proceedings with ISBN.
The best papers will be selected to publication in the Journal of WSCG (with
ISSN indexed by ISI and others) and other recognized research journals.
Post-workshop DVD will be produced.
The GraVisMa workshop is to be held at
prof.Vaclav Skala
skala(a) Subj. GraVisMa
University of West Bohemia (
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Center of Computer Graphics and Visualization
Plzen - Campus Bory
Czech Republic
Come and explore the Plzen city, very historical and cultural city, famous
of invention of a unique beer technology used worldwide, nowadays.