ACM/EG Expressive 2019 — Call for Submissions
Paper deadline: February 21, 2019
Acceptance by: March 21, 2019
Camera-ready: April 5, 2019
Symposium: May 5-6, 2019
Artworks/posters/demos by: Rolling notification, closes March 15, 2019
The Expressive symposium explores the capacity of computer graphics, animation, and computational media to be used in artistic, aesthetic, and creative ways. The field can be seen as encompassing problems in expressive understanding, expressive communication, and expressive interaction:
* Expressive understanding integrates aspects of computer science, philosophy, psychology, and the fine, applied, and performing arts, investigating theoretical approaches that further our understanding of aesthetic evaluation, perception and meaning.
* Expressive communication focuses on imagery and motion which is expressive rather than photorealistic, although it may incorporate realistic elements.
* Expressive interaction explores models, algorithms, and technologies for sketch-based interfaces, particularly classifying and recognizing hand-drawn shapes as a way to create or edit digital models, text, mathematics, or 3D shapes.
<> Expressive 2019 will take place in Genova, Italy, May 5-6, 2019 — co-located with <> Eurographics 2019 in Genova.
Expressive technical papers will be submitted, evaluated, and presented in a single, unified track. This unification reflects the ongoing evolution of the symposium, which originated as the union of three separate events: Computational Aesthetics (CAe), Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR), and Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modelling (SBIM). The symposium will also include an arts program, posters and demos, and presentations of published journal articles.
<> > Call for Papers
<> > Call for Posters and Demos
<…> > Call for Artworks
<> > Call for Journal Presentation
General Co-Chairs:
Joaquim Jorge, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Lyn Bartram, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Chiara Eva Catalano, Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, Italy
Program Co-Chairs:
Craig Kaplan, University of Waterloo, Canada
Angus Forbes, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Stephen DiVerdi, Adobe Research, USA
Arts Program Co-Chairs:
Daniel Berio, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Pedro Cruz, Northeastern University, USA
Posters and Demo Chair:
Jose Echevarria, Adobe Research, USA
Publicity Chair:
Amir Semmo, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam,Germany
Ph.D. and Postdoc positions within ERC project at the
University of Lugano (Switzerland)
Dear colleagues,
We have open Ph.D. and Postdoc positions within a new ERC Starting
Grant project titled "Perceptually-Driven optimizations of Graphics
Content for Novel Displays". The main subject of the research is
algorithms for generating and optimizing content for new display
devices such as VR and AR headsets. The positions are fully-funded
with a competitive salary in line with Swiss universities.
Official flyer:
More information about the group:
Contact: piotr.didyk(a) <>
Please forward this call to interested Master or Ph.D. students.
Thank you very much,
Piotr Didyk
Assistant Professor
University of Lugano, Switzerland
WEB3D 2019
Los Angeles July 26 - July 28 Co-Located with SIGGRAPH2019
The 24th International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology
In Cooperation with Eurographics and the Web3D Consortium
Paper submission: March 18, 2019
Tutorial & Workshop submission: April 1, 2019 (First Monday of April)
Demonstration submission: May 6, 2019 (First Monday of May)
Posters submission: May 6, 2019 (First Monday of May)
Industrial use cases submission: June 3, 2019 (First Monday of June)
H-Anim competition: June 3, 2019 (Winners announced at the Conference)
Tutorial/workshop acceptance: May 6, 2019
Paper/poster/demo acceptance: May 13, 2019
Camera-ready paper/poster/demo: May 27, 2019
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Please feel free to forward this announcement !
COMPUTER GRAPHICS INTERNATIONAL CGI 2019 University of Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, 17-20 June, 2019
CGI 2019 website: BLOCKEDcgs-network[.]org/cgi19BLOCKED
Organized by the Computer Graphics Society (CGS) In cooperation with ACM
Computer Graphics International is one of the oldest international annual
conferences in Computer Graphics and one of the most important ones
worldwide, founded by the Computer Graphics Society (CGS). It is a yearly
meeting where academics present their latest algorithms, and explore new
ideas on various computer graphics topics. Since 1983, it was held in
different continents as in Europe, Asia, Australia and North & South
America. CGI 2019, the 36th annual conference will take place on June 17th -
June 20th in Calgary, Alberta, Canada at the foothills of majestic Canadian
Rockies. CGI 2019 is organized in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH and
Conference, Tutorials and Workshops June 17 - 20, 2019
Visual Computer papers submission
Submission deadline: February 12, 2019
Paper notification: March 24, 2019
Camera-ready April 7, 2019
CGI proceedings submission
Submission deadline: March 25, 2019
Paper notification April 21, 2019
Camera-ready May 03, 2019
The scientific program of the conference will include full papers and short
papers. 35 accepted full papers will be included in the Visual Computer
journal published by Springer. Other accepted papers (short and full papers)
will be included in the conference proceedings published by LNCS, Springer.
We invite original contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in topics
related to:
Rendering Techniques, Volume Rendering
Geometric Computing
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Shape and Surface Modelling
Physically Based Modelling
Computer Vision for Computer Graphics
Scientific Visualization
Data Compression for Graphics
Biometric Image and Signal Processing
Medical Imaging
Computation Geometry
Image Based Rendering
Computational Photography
Computer Animation
Visual Analytics
Shape Analysis and Image Retrieval
Geometric Modelling
Computational Fabrication
Image Processing
3D Reconstruction & 3D Printing
Solid Modelling
Global Illumination
Graphical Human-Computer Interaction
Human Modelling
Image Analysis
Saliency Methods
Shape Matching
Sketch-based Modelling
Robotics and Vision
Stylized Rendering
Textures Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning for Graphics
Conference Co-Chairs
Marina L. Gavrilova,
University of Calgary, Canada
Hiroshi Ishikawa,
Waseda University, Japan
Program Co-Chairs
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann,
University of Geneva, Switzerland, and NTU, Singapore
Jian Chang,
Bournemouth University, UK
Local Organizing Chair
Marina L. Gavrilova
University of Calgary, Canada
Local Organizing Committee
Usman Alim, University of Calgary
Ehud Sharlin, University of Calgary
Tony Tang, University of Calgary
The Department of Computer Science of the Dortmund University of Technology,
Germany, is seeking for a Full Professor (W3) in Computer Graphics. Details
are available in the attachment.
The 18th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) will take place in
sunny Los Angeles, California from July 26 to July 28, 2019, immediately
before SIGGRAPH. For almost two decades now, SCA has been the premier forum
for presenting innovations in the theory and practice of computer animation.
Bringing together academic and industrial researchers and practitioners
working in all aspects of time-based phenomena, SCA provides an intimate
setting that encourages community interaction, promotes the exchange of
research results, inspires future ideas, and establishes new collaborations.
Conditionally accepted regular papers will undergo a second round of
revision and will, upon approval, appear in the new journal Proceedings of
the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (PACMCGIT). Best
Paper Awards will be given to excellent submissions that push the leading
edge. New this year, we are also excited to introduce SCA Sketches, which
provides a forum to present and discuss your late-breaking, innovative, and
thought-provoking animation ideas and work-in-progress at SCA.
Website: <>
We invite work on a broad range of animation topics, including:
2D, 3D, and N-D animation systems
Autonomous characters
Clothing and hair animation and simulation
Expressive motion / communication
Facial animation
Fabrication of dynamic objects and characters
Group and crowd behavior
Intuitive interfaces for creating and editing animations
Mathematical foundations of animation
Methods of control and artistic direction of simulations
Nature in motion (natural phenomena, plants, clouds, .)
New time-based art forms on the computer
Novel time-varying phenomena
Perceptual foundations and metrics for animation
Physical realism / measuring the real world for animation
Physical simulation
Fluid animation
Planning / learning / optimization for animation
Real-time and interactive methods
Camera control methods for computer animation
Sound and speech for animation
as well as related problems and techniques in robotics, game development,
human-computer interaction, simulation, visualization, computer vision, and
Regular Papers:
We invite submissions of original, high-quality papers on computer
animation, broadly defined as computation dealing with time-varying
phenomena. Each submission should be 7-10 pages in length and will be
reviewed by an international program committee for technical quality,
novelty, significance, and clarity. All conditionally accepted regular
papers will be guaranteed a presentation slot and to appear in the SCA
proceedings. They will then undergo a thorough second round of revision and
review, and (conditional on final acceptance) be published in the new
journal Proceedings of the ACM in Computer Graphics and Interactive
Techniques (PACMCGIT). In the case that a paper fails to pass the second
review round, authors retain the option to withdraw the paper or exclude it
from the conference/proceedings, if requested.
As in previous years, the poster (1-2 pages) session will be an integral
part of the SCA program. The poster session will be held prior to the
reception Friday evening and will follow a posters fast-forward session
during which all presenters will have the opportunity to give a one-minute
description of their work. Posters will be included in the conference
proceedings and the ACM and EG digital libraries.
Sketches (NEW!):
We also invite sketch submissions (in 2-4 pages) for quick dissemination of
fresh, compact ideas. These submissions will also undergo a full review by
the program committee, but with greater emphasis placed on novelty and
potential future impact over polish or completeness. Accepted submissions
will be presented during the symposium. Sketches can be freely published in
other venues because they will not be archived in any journal, conference
proceedings, or digital libraries. We hope that feedback from reviewers and
attendees will help to improve your work for a future paper submission!
Important Dates
Regular Papers:
Paper Submission: April 5th, 2019 - 23:59 UTC
Notification of Acceptance: May 2nd, 2019
Paper Revised Version: May 23rd, 2019
Paper Final Notification: June 7th, 2019
Camera-Ready Paper: June 12th, 2019
Sketches & Posters:
Sketch/Poster Submission: May 8th, 2019 - 23:59 UTC
Notification of Acceptance: May 23rd, 2019
July 26th-28th, 2019
Conference Co-Chairs:
Sung-Hee Lee, KAIST
Craig Schroeder, UC Riverside
Program Co-Chairs:
Jin Huang, Zhejiang University
Christopher Batty, University of Waterloo
Posters Chair:
Tamar Shinar, UC Riverside
*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
EG/VGTC EuroVis 2019 (June 3-7 2019, Porto, Portugal)
Due: February 28, 2019
Notification: March 31, 2019
EuroVis 2019 features a short paper track to present late-breaking
visualization research results, work in progress, and follow-up extensions
or evaluations of existing methods. All accepted short papers (4 pages) will
be presented orally at the conference. Please submit your work to the Short
Papers program!
A EuroVis short paper describes a more focused and concise research
contribution and is likely to have a smaller - yet still significant - scope
of contribution than a full paper. Short papers draw from the same paper
types as full papers, as well as the same list of suggested topics.
For detailed submission instructions, please see:
The Short Papers Chairs,
Jimmy Johannsen, Filip Sadlo, Liz Marai
REMINDER - EXTENSION - Call for Papers - 27. WSCG 2019 Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization & Computer Vision
DATE March 10, 2019 (EXTENDED)
see details at WSCG 2019 WEB pages -
WSCG 2019 (held annually at Pilsen [Plzen] - the CITY of BEER - since 1992)
27. Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2019 – main page of WSCG- access to WSCG digital repository – WSCG 2019 page
When: May 27 – 31, 2019
Where: Primavera Congress Center, Pilsen [Plzen] (the City of Beer),
close to Prague, Czech Republic
approx. 70 mins. from the Prague Airport by public transport
Proceedings will be published in Computer Science Research Notes (ISSN 2464-4617).
The best selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG (ISSN 1213-6972).
Papers will be published with DOI
>> "Pay to publish" strategy submission is NOT acceptable. << At least
>> one author has to present the paper at the conference. << Proceedings
>> will be made after the conference <<
Recent publications available via - repository since 1992.
Conference organizer & Chair
Prof. Vaclav Skala
Contact:, skala(a) subject: WSCG 2019 c/o University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Univerzitni 8, CZ 30614, Plzen, Czech Republic
3DOR 2019: Extended deadline!
Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2019 (3DOR'19)
A co-event of Eurographics 2019
May 5-6, 2019, Genova, Italy
Important Dates
Full/Short Paper Submission: February 13, 2019 (extended deadline!)
Acceptance Notification: March 4, 2019
Camera Ready: April 5, 2019
Workshop dates: May 5-6, 2019
3D Object Retrieval Workshop Series
Search engines are now the default way in which most people engage with information, as the vast majority of information is born digital. Also, a new wave of information is underway: low-cost 3D scanners, 3D printers, and powerful modelling software have made 3D models appeal to an increasing audience. Repositories of 3D objects are rapidly growing in both number and size. Yet, the task of exploring such large 3D repositories and retrieving the models of interest remains a challenging problem. It is crucial to develop algorithms for content-based searching of 3D object collections; creating compact and accurate descriptors for 3D objects; creating efficient storage structures for databases of 3D objects; investigating theoretical aspects of practical importance, such as the definition of the similarity concept; interfaces for content-based 3D object search; visualization techniques for 3D search results; real time aspects of techniques and algorithms; new challenges such as faceted 3D browsing, social search, and navigation of hybrid datasets. The complex yet concrete problems above are drawing increasing attention from the research community.
The aim of the 3DOR Workshop series is to stimulate researchers from different fields such as Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Cognitive Science and Human-Computer Interaction who work on or are interested in 3D object retrieval search and exploration, to present state-of-the-art work in the field or learn about it and participate in discussions. This will provide a cross-fertilization that will stimulate discussions on the next steps in this important research area. 3DOR 2019 will be the 12th workshop in this series.
Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research and application papers addressing all areas of 3D Object Retrieval. Submissions are invited in the form of full papers (up to 8 pages) and short papers presented in a poster session (up to 4 pages). State of the arts papers on specific topics of interest in the workshop are also welcome and may exceed the 8 pages limit.
All accepted papers will be published in the EG Digital Library.
Extended and revised versions of selected full papers will be considered for publication in a special section of the Computers and Graphics Journal (Elsevier), based on the reviewers' comments and on the feedback from the 3DOR workshop. The deadline for this special issue will be 6 weeks after the workshop (end of June 2019) and reviewer continuity will be aimed for.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
3D shape analysis
3D shape similarity and matching
3D mesh sequence retrieval
3D mobile media retrieval
3D search in large scale data
3D object classification, indexing, and mining
Similarity of non-rigid shapes
Shape correspondence
3D shape decomposition, and segmentation
Partial, part-in-whole, and many-to-many matching
Matching under uncertainty and noise
Semantics-driven 3D object retrieval and classification
Sketch-based retrieval
Query interfaces and search modalities
Benchmarking issues
Deep learning for 3D shape retrieval
Generative/discriminative approaches in 3D object categorization
Visual Analytics for 3D similarity assessment
Applications in multimedia, CAD, architecture, games, biometrics, e-science, e-learning, medicine, biology, and cultural heritage.
Also this year, the workshop will feature the 14th Shape Retrieval Evaluation Contest (SHREC 2019).
The SHREC 2019 call for participation is available at:
The submission should be formatted according to the Eurographics guidelines. Submissions should be done through the SRM website (
The 3DOR 2019 conference will use a double-blind review process. Consequently, all submissions must be anonymous.
Workshop Chairs:
Bianca Falcidieno, IMATI - CNR Genoa, Italy
Ioannis Pratikakis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Program Chairs:
Silvia Biasotti, IMATI - CNR Genoa, Italy
Guillaume Lavoué, Université de Lyon, LIRIS, France
Silvia Biasotti
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche, 'E. Magenes'
Via De Marini, 6 - 16149 Genova
Phone: +39-010-6475696
Fax: +39-010-6475660