Call for Papers: ICGI 2019 - International Conference on Graphics and
Interaction 2019
Important dates:
Paper submission: July 7, 2019
Authors' notification: October 14, 2019
Camera-ready version: October 17, 2019
The ICGI 2019 - International Conference on Graphics and Interaction 2019
will take place between 21 and 22 November 2019 at the University of
Algarve, in Faro, Portugal in a joint organization with the Eurographics
Portuguese Chapter.
The ICGI'2019 aims to bring together researchers, teachers, and
professionals in the areas of Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Computer
Vision and Human-Computer Interaction, providing a forum for the
dissemination of work carried out or ongoing and the exchange of scientific
results, experiences, and new knowledge between the academic, industrial and
end-user communities.
The Scientific Program will include presentations of long and short papers,
invited plenary presentations and a poster session.
Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts reporting scientific
work, experiments or applications. Long papers should not exceed eight pages
and short papers should not exceed four pages. The poster submission will
consist of a manuscript, in the same format as the papers, with a maximum of
2 pages to be included in the proceedings. The official languages of the
conference are English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Papers should be formatted according to the instructions available at
ml> IEEE and should not present any information that identifies its authors
(double-blind review). References to works by the same authors should be
indicated as [BFRP].
The submissions can only be done electronically, in PDF format, through the
<> conference submission
system. Long papers written in Portuguese or Spanish should also include the
title and abstract in English so that they can be submitted for archiving
and indexing on the IEEE Xplore Digital Library platform.
The accepted papers will appear in the ICGI 2019 digital proceedings (book
with ISBN). Similar to the previous ICGI editions (former EPCGI), the
necessary procedures for the provision of long papers in the IEEE Xplore
Digital Library are being developed.
Note: Authors of high-quality papers will be selected and invited to submit
extended and significantly revised versions of their papers to relevant
journals in the field. The selected papers may be subject to the proper
review process of the respective publications and must be written in
During the event, prizes for best paper and best paper for young researcher
will be awarded.
It is therefore with great pleasure that we invite you to submit
contributions to the ICGI 2019 and attend the event, taking place at
University of Algarve, in Faro, Portugal, on November 21-22, 2019.
Submitted manuscripts should address original research in all areas related
to Computer Graphics and Interaction, including, but not limited to:
* Accessibility
* Adaptive and Intelligent Interfaces
* Animation and Simulation
* Applications
* Autonomous and Intelligent Agents in Virtual Environments
* CG Modelling
* Cognitive Psychology
* Collaborative Work
* Computer Animation
* Computer Games
* Computer Graphics Algorithms
* Computer Graphics and Interaction in Education
* Computer Vision and 3D Reconstruction
* Creativity and Digital Art
* Ergonomics
* Ethnography
* Image Processing and Analysis
* Interaction Evaluation
* Multimedia and Hypermedia
* Multimodal and Multisensory Interfaces
* Presence, Engagement, and Immersion
* Scientific and Information Visualisation
* Simulation and Animation
* Social and Organisational Aspects
* Tangible Interfaces
* Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing
* Usability and UX
* User-Centered Design
* Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality
--Apologize for multiple emails.
CFP: SHREC'19 Tracks on Extended 3D Scene Retrieval
Dear Colleagues,
This is to invite you to participate in the following two 2019 Shape
Retrieval Contest (SHREC) tracks:
(1) SHREC'19 Track: Extended 2D Scene Sketch-Based 3D Scene Retrieval
Contact: Juefei Yuan: Juefei.yuan(a) <>
(2) SHREC'19 Track: Extended 2D Scene Image-Based 3D Scene Retrieval
Contact: Hameed Abdul-Rashid: hameed.abdulrashid(a)
which will be held in conjunction with the 12th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on 3D
Object Retrieval (3DOR'19), May 5-6, 2019, Genova, Italy
In the months following our SHREC'18 2D Scene Sketch-Based 3D Scene
Retrieval (SceneSBR2018) and 2D Scene Image-Based 3D Scene Retrieval
(SceneIBR2018) Tracks, we have extended the number of the scene categories
from the initial 10 classes in the benchmark to 30 classes, resulting in two
new and more challenging benchmarks SceneSBR2019 and SceneIBR2019.
SceneSBR2019 has 750 2D scene sketches and 3,000 3D scene models.
SceneIBR2019 has 30,000 scene images and 3,000 3D scene models.
Your contributions will be very important since we plan to submit an
extended journal version shortly after SHREC'19. Welcome to collaborate
with us to publish a good journal together as well!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the respective first
organizer of each track as indicated above and on each track website as
well. Please do send a registration email to the respective organizer ASAP,
latest by February 8th, to indicate your interest in these two tracks.
Please also help to forward this email to anyone who might be interested in
these two SHREC'19 tracks. Thanks for your attention!
Best Regards,
Juefei Yuan on behalf of the two tracks organizers:
Juefei Yuan, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Hameed Abdul-Rashid, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Bo Li, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Yijuan Lu, Texas State University, USA
Tobias Schreck, Graz University of Technology, Austria