FINAL REMINDER: SGP'14 Papers due soon
FINAL REMINDER: Call for Papers - Eurographics Symposium on Geometry
Processing 2014
The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2014 (SGP 2014) will be
held at Cardiff University, UK on 9-11 July, 2014. A graduate school will
offer tutorials on 7-8 July, taught by leading experts.
SGP is the premier venue for new research and results in geometry
processing. Contributions are sought on efficient algorithms for
acquisition, modelling, analysis, manipulation, simulation and transmission
of complex 3D models.
Accepted regular papers will appear in an issue of Computer Graphics Forum,
the International Journal of the EUROGRAPHICS Association.
Submissions may now be made at the following link:
Important Dates:
Full paper submission: April 15, 2014
It will help organisers if you can submit an abstract by April 10, 2014.
Call for papers: <>
Conference website: <>
>>> WSCG 2014 <<<
>>> <<<
>>> in cooperation with Eurographics, ACM and ACM SIGGRAPH listed <<<
>>> SUBMISSION April 20 - May 5, 2014 <<<<
REMINDER - deadline for SHORT papers and POSTER papers
======= register yourself at <>
NOW, to be kept informed ========
WSCG 2014
22. International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics,
Visualization and Computer Vision 2014
Plzen [Pilsen] close to Praha [Prague], Czech Republic
Venue dates: June 2-5, 2014
Recent WSCG conferences (with on-line papers in PDF)
Please, see: - Digital library, Recent keynote speakers
Keynote speakers
Manuel M. Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Tino Wienkauf, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrucken, Germany
Important Dates
Short paper and posters submission April 20 - May 5, 2014
Acceptance notification: May 20, 2014
Venue: June 2 - 5, 2014
Main topics (but not limited to)
Computer graphics, scientific and medical visualization, computer vision,
image processing, pattern recognition, GPU graphics, graphical human
computer interfaces, geometric modelling, rendering and animation, virtual
reality, haptic systems, medical imaging, graphical interaction,
computational photography, data compression for graphics, image based
rendering, mathematical methods for graphics and vision, physically based
modelling, shape analysis & modelling & retrieval, surface and volume
parameterization, parallel graphics, CAD, CAGD and GIS systems and related
Accepted short papers aand posters will be published in WSCG proceedings
with ISBN and submitted for indexing to Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS and others.
ALL WSCG proceedings and Journal of WSCG since 1992 are available at, access free.
Travelling Info
Pilsen City is close to Prague (Praha) - the Golden European city approx.
80km from the Plzen city (60 mins. by a coach). To reach the Pilsen city
from the Prague airport is approx. 75 mins. by the public transport -
actually faster than to reach the Prague central part.
If interested in WSCG 2015
Please, register at to be kept informed
Call for new reviewers
If you or colleague of yours would like to act as a reviewer for WSCG
events, please, send me
- First Name;Last Name;@mail
URL personal page
via @mail to skala(a) subj. WSCG - Reviewing
Feel free to contact me if you would have any question
Prof.Vaclav Skala
skala(a) - SUBJ.: WSCG 2014
Dear Colleagues,
The exciting EuroVis 2014 poster deadline is:
*** 8 April 2014 ***
EuroVis 2014 is re-introducing a poster track. The purpose of this
track is to present late-breaking results, work in progress, and
follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. In particular,
it provides young researchers, especially postgraduate students, with
valuable opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers,
and engage in stimulating discussions.
The poster track will be managed by the co-chair team and the
International Program Committee (IPC) for the short paper track.
We solicit poster submissions in the form of a poster and an accompanying
sketch (i.e., an extended abstract of at most 2 pages, with an additional
page allowed for references only).
Posters will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage double-blind process.
Accepted posters will be presented at the poster fast-forward session
and poster viewing session of the conference. Both a PDF version of the
poster and the sketch will be included on the conference USB stick.
In addition to directly submitted posters, some submissions to the
short paper track will be offered an opportunity to be presented as posters.
Such submissions will not require an additional review process.
Traditionally, the materials in a poster/sketch can be reused later by
the original authors for a more extensive publication (e.g., a full
paper) with more detailed content and mature results. This should not
be considered as self-plagiarism. However, as posters/sketches are
citable, researchers are encouraged to acknowledge novel ideas and
results presented in posters/sketches. A EuroVis poster may describe
a piece of work in any aspect of visualization. For directly-submitted
posters, we particularly encourage summary report of collaborative
projects, work in progress, and application case studies.
A EuroVis poster may describe a piece of work in any aspect of
visualization. For directly-submitted posters, we particularly encourage
summary report of collaborative projects, work in progress, and application
case studies. Formatting and submission guidelines are found on
the EuroVis 2014 web page.
Short Paper and Poster Co-Chairs
Niklas Elmqvist, Purdue University, USA.
Mario Hlawitschka, University of Leipzig, Germany.
Jessie Kennedy, Napier University.
EuroVis 2014 Co-Chairs
Robert S Laramee
Min Chen
>>>> Paper and Poster Deadline extended to Wednesday 9 April 2014.
When : 8-10 August, 2014
Where: Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver
Co-located with SIGGRAPH 2014
The Web3D 2014 conference will bring together academic and industry
leaders in the 3D space to share state of the art 3D applications in
industry, business and research. The three-day gathering will consist
of keynotes from visionaries in the field, papers, posters, tutorials,
workshops and panels discussions on hot 3D topics.
*** In response to a number of requests from authors, we have extended
*** the deadlines as follows:
*** Paper and poster submission deadline: April 9, 2014
*** Author notification: May 18, 2014
*** Camera-ready due: June 1, 2014
The 19th annual ACM International Web3D Conference is the next major event
that gathers researchers, developers, entrepreneurs, experimenters, artists,
and content creators in a dynamic environment focused on advancing the
frontiers of Web-based 3D graphics.
*** This year's event will be co-located with SIGGRAPH 2014 in the beautiful
*** city of Vancouver.
The conference includes research into the enabling technology of web-aware,
interactive 3D graphics from mobile devices up to high-end immersive
environments and the use of ubiquitous multi-media use across a wide
range of applications and environments from cultural heritage, eHealth,
transportation, industry and manufacturing, education, and tourism.
For the Web3D 2014 edition, we welcome works addressing the emerging
opportunities and research into portable, integrated information
spaces over the web.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
· Scalable and interoperable representations and modeling methods
for complex geometry, structure, and behaviors through client and server
· 3D search, shape matching and indexing
· Scientific and medical visualization
· 3D content creation and analysis tools and pipelines
· Streaming and rendering of large-scale models, animations and
virtual worlds
· Distributed virtual environments and collaboration
· Web-wide human-computer interaction and 3D User Interfaces
· 3D City Models & Web3D, Geo-visualization
· Mixed and Augmented Reality (including standardization aspects)
· Agents, animated humanoids, and complex reactive characters
· Interactive Web 3D applications in all applications and sectors
General Chairs: Nicholas F. Polys PhD (Virginia Tech, US) Alain Chesnais
(TrendSpottr, CA)
Program Chairs: Enrico Gobbetti PhD (CRS4, IT) Jürgen Döllner, PhD
(Hasso-Plattner-Institut, DE)
Tutorial Chair: Tobias Franke (Fraunhofer IGD, DE)
Workshop Chair: Don Brutzman PhD (Naval Postgraduate School, US)
Industrial Liaison Chair: Christophe Mouton (EDF, Fr)
Web Chairs: Marcio Cabral PhD (POLI-USP, Brasil) Mario, Nagamura (LSI-TEC,
Publicity Chair: Anita Havele (Web3D Consortium, US)
Local Chair: Leonard Daly (Daly realism, US)
Finance Chair: Oyewole Oyekoya PhD (Virginia Tech, US)
Eurographics 2014 Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV
2014) June 9-10, 2014, Swansea, Wales, UK Co-located with EuroVis 2014
Dear Colleagues,
we invite you to attend the EGPGV 2014 Conference, in Swansea, Wales, UK
from 9-13 June 2014 co-located with EuroVis 2014.
The early bird registration deadline is:
*** 25 April 2014 ***
EGPGV is the premier international event focusing on parallel graphics and
visualization. The importance of parallel computing is increasing rapidly
with the ubiquitous availability of multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and cluster
systems. Computationally demanding and data-intensive applications in
graphics and visualization are strongly affected by this trend and require
novel efficient parallel solutions. The aim of this symposium is to foster
the exchange of experiences and knowledge exploiting and defining new trends
in parallel graphics and visualization.
EGPGV 2014 chairs
Carsten Dachsbacher
Margarita Amor López
Markus Hadwiger
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to attend the lovely EuroVis 2014 Conference, in Swansea,
Wales, UK from 9-13 June 2014 and the following co-located events:
- EuroVA, The Eurographics Workshop on Visual Analytics
- EGPGV, The Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
- The 2nd Workshop on Visualization in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)
- Workshop: Towards Visualization Literacy
- Workshop: Toward Visualization-Specific Heuristic Evaluation
- Outreach Event: Introduction to Data Visualisation Training Event
- Outreach Event: Workshop on Open Source in Visualization (OSVIS)
The early bird registration deadline is:
*** 25 April 2014 ***
With this call for registration, we invite the active participation
in EuroVis 2014 including the presentation of high-quality visualization
research. EuroVis 2014 will be held in Swansea, Wales, UK, June 9-13,
2013. This is the very first time the event is located in historic
EuroVis 2014 is the 16th annual scientific gathering on visualization
jointly organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data
Visualization and the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee.
Based on the continued growth and success of the event, EuroVis will
be a conference for the third time.
The objective of EuroVis is to foster greater exchange between
visualization researchers and practitioners, and to draw more
researchers and industry partners in Europe to enter this rapidly
growing area of research. EuroVis has an expanded scope to
include all areas of visualization, and a steadily more wide-spread
visibility that achieves a more wide-spread impact.
EuroVis papers are published as a special issue of Computer Graphics
Forum, (CGF) the International Journal of the Eurographics Association,
using a two-stage review process.
New to EuroVis 2014: STARS
For the first time in 2014, EuroVis also features a survey paper
track (also known as State-of-the-Art Report, STAR) which aims to
foster an overview presentation of a particular sub-field of data
visualization. STAR papers will be electronically archived and
are fully citeable publications. A selection of STAR submissions
will be invited for a subsequent submission to the CGF journal.
Short Paper and Posters will also be presented at EuroVis 2014.
Welsh Cakes: Delicious Welsh cakes will be served daily. Freshly baked
Welsh cakes have an addictive quality to them. EuroVis takes place in
the UK only once approximately every ten years, so take advantage of
this great opportunity.
EuroVis 2014 Co-Chairs
Robert S Laramee
Min Chen
SIGRAD 2014 Call For Papers, CORRECTION
Unfortunately, the Program Committee list in the CFP that was sent out
earlier, was an outdated version. The correct list of program committee
members is as follows:
* Alex Olwal (Google, USA)
* Alireza Entezari (University of Florida)
* Andreas Kunz (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
* Andreas Kerren (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
* Bernhard Preim (University of Magdeburg, Germany)
* Burkhard Wuensche (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
* Csébfalvi Balázs (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
* Francesco Banterle (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
* Gerd Bruder (University of Würzburg, Germany)
* Heidrun Schumann (University of Rostock, Germany)
* Jonas Unger (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Jose Diaz (CRS4, Italy)
* KangKang Yin (NUS Singapore)
* Kresimir Matkovic (VRVis Forschungs GmbH)
* Manuela Waldner (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Marco Fratarcangeli (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
* Matt Cooper (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Michael Doggett (Lund University, Sweden)
* Nils Andersson (EON Reality, Sweden)
* Oliver Mattausch (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
* Przemyslaw Musialski (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Rafal Mantiuk (Bangor University, UK)
* Ruediger Westermann (TU Munich, Germany)
* Stefan Bruckner (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Stefan Seipel (University Gävle, Sweden)
* Tania Pouli (Technicolor, France)
* Thomas Ertl (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
* Thomas Wischgoll (Wright State University, USA)
* Timo Ropinski (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Tomas Akenine Möller (Lund University, Sweden)
* Tomas Larsson (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
* Ulf Assarsson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Veronika Solteszova (University of Bergen, Norway)
* Veronica Sundstedt (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Our sincere apologies for sending double e-mails,
Morten Fjeld, Mohammad Obaid, Daniel Sjölie, and Erik Sintorn
SIGRAD 2014 - Call for Papers
Conference of the Swedish Eurographics Chapter
SIGRAD 2014 will be held June 12-13, 2014 in Gothenburg, Sweden, and
focuses on visual computing. SIGRAD solicits the submission of original
research papers that advance the state-of-the-art of one of the subareas
of visual computing, ranging from computer graphics and visualization to
We expect a beautiful summer here in Sweden, and are very happy to have
an outstanding lineup of keynote speakers. The submission system is open
now, and full paper submissions can be made until April, 23.
Keynote Speakers
* Albrecht Schmidt, Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems
(VIS), University of Stuttgart, Germany
* Frédéric Vernier, University of Paris Sud, France
* Niklas Elmqvist, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue
University, USA
* Joseph (Yossi) Somer, CEO & Filmmaker, Norway.
Covered Topics
Suggested topics for submissions include, but are not limited to:
* Real-time rendering
* Global illumination
* Image-based rendering
* Computational Photography
* High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Graph drawing
* Volume rendering
* Visual Analytics
* Vector field visualization
* Virtual reality
* 3D human-computer-interaction
* Advanced user interfaces
* Data Intensive Visualization
* Data Intensive Analytics
* Scientific Visualization
Important Dates
* Paper submission deadline: April 23, 2014
* Author notification: May 9, 2014
* Camera-ready paper deadline: May 21, 2014
* Conference registration deadline: June 5, 2014
SIGRAD Co-Chairs
* Morten Fjeld (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Daniel Sjölie (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Mohammad Obaid (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Erik Sintorn (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Program Committee
* Alan Chalmers (Warwick University, UK)
* Alex Olwal (Google, USA)
* Alireza Entezari (University of Florida)
* Anders Ynnerman (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Andreas Kerren (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
* Andreas Kunz (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
* Bernhard Preim (University of Magdeburg, Germany)
* Burkhard Wuensche (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
* Csébfalvi Balázs (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
* Diego Gutierrez (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
* Eduard Gröller (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Erik Sintorn (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Francesco Banterle (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
* Gerd Bruder (University of Würzburg, Germany)
* Heidrun Schumann (University of Rostock, Germany)
* Ivan Viola (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Jonas Unger (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Jose Diaz (CRS4, Italy)
* KangKang Yin (NUS Singapore)
* Kresimir Matkovic (VRVis Forschungs GmbH)
* Lars Kjeldahl (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)
* Manuela Waldner (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Marco Fratarcangeli (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
* Matt Cooper (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Michael Doggett (Lund University, Sweden)
* Nils Andersson (EON Reality, Sweden)
* Oliver Mattausch (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
* Przemyslaw Musialski (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Rafal Mantiuk (Bangor University, UK)
* Ruediger Westermann (TU Munich, Germany)
* Stefan Bruckner (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Stefan Seipel (University Gävle, Sweden)
* Tania Pouli (Max Planck Institut für Informatik, Germany)
* Thomas Ertl (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
* Thomas Wischgoll (Wright State University, USA)
* Timo Ropinski (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Tomas Akenine Möller (Lund University, Sweden)
* Tomas Larsson (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
* Ulf Assarsson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Veronica Sundstedt (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
* Veronika Solteszova (University of Bergen, Norway)
Further Information
SIACG 2014 Ibero-American Symposium in Computer Graphics
October 20 - 22 2014
Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Dear Colleague,
The purpose of SIACG is to promote the international cooperation between
researchers and professionals in Computer Graphics from the different
communities of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America. This symposium is
the fifth of similar events organized every other year and alternating
between Europe and South America.
Organized by the Universidad Nacional del Sur, the Eurographics Portuguese
Chapter and the Eurographics Spanish Chapter in Cooperation.
Authors are invited to submit papers from all areas related to computer
graphics, multimedia and hardware, for review by the international Program
Committee. Both research and applications papers are of interest to
Those papers which are accepted and presented orally at the symposium by one
of the authors will appear in the SIACG'2014 proceedings.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Computer Graphics Systems and Hardware
Computer Animation
Rendering Techniques and Global Illumination
Real-Time Rendering
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
Computer Human Interface
Computational Geometry
Geometric Computing and Solid Modeling
Game Design and Engine Development
Virtual Humans and Artificial Life
3D Reconstruction
Procedural Modeling
GPU Programming
Graphics and Multimedia
Computer Graphics in Arts, Education, Engineering,
Entertainment, Medicine and Science
Computer Graphics for Mobile Applications
Image Processing
Interactive Environments
Software and Web accessibility
Multimedia Design
Digital and Interactive Art
Educational Strategies in Computer Graphics
Digital Interfaces and Emotional Expressivity in Multimedia
Graphics & Perception
Computational Photography
Paper Submission: July 20, 2014
Notification of acceptance: September 12, 2014
Final version: September 28, 2014
Symposium: October 20-22, 2014
International Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Luis Paulo Santos (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
Gustavo Patow (Universidad de Girona, Spain)
Organizing Committee Chair
Claudio Delrieux, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina (
<> cad(a)
Local Organizing Committee
Alejandro Vitale
Marina Cipolletti
Natalia Revollo
Andrea Silvetti
Andrés Repetto
Jonathan Vainstein
José Francisco Manera
Diego Marcovecchio
Juan Bajo
Felix Thomsen
Leonardo Molas
Authors are invited to submit full papers between 6 and 8 pages or short
papers between 2 and 4 pages. Papers must be written in English, although
presentations can be delivered in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The
program committee, composed of internationally renowned experts, will review
the submissions. Authors of the best papers will be invited by the SIACG's
program Committee to prepare a journal version which will be submitted to an
international journal. Proceedings indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference
Proceedings Citation Index*
*awaiting the confirmation of indexation
-- UDMV 2014 --
Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation
2nd edition
April 6th 2014 - Strasbourg, France
And the program is now available
We are looking forward to your participation in the conference.
Workshop Chairs
Vincent Tourre (CERMA, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France)
Gonzalo Besuievsky (ViRVIG, Universitat de Girona, Spain)