When : 8-10 August, 2014
Where: Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver
URL : http://www.web3d2014.org
Co-located with SIGGRAPH 2014
===== PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: APRIL 2ND ====================
The Web3D 2014 conference will bring together academic and industry
leaders in the 3D space to share state of the art 3D applications in
industry, business and research. The three-day gathering will consist
of keynotes from visionaries in the field, papers, tutorials,
workshops and panels discussions on hot 3D topics.
*** Paper submission deadline: April 2, 2014
*** Author notification: May 11, 2014
*** Camera-ready due: June 1, 2014
Tutorials and Workshop submission deadline: Coming soon
The 19th annual ACM International Web3D Conference is the next major event
that gathers researchers, developers, entrepreneurs, experimenters, artists,
and content creators in a dynamic environment focused on advancing the
frontiers of Web-based 3D graphics.
*** This year's event will be co-located with SIGGRAPH 2014 in the beautiful
*** city of Vancouver.
The conference includes research into the enabling technology of web-aware,
interactive 3D graphics from mobile devices up to high-end immersive
environments and the use of ubiquitous multi-media use across a wide
range of applications and environments from cultural heritage, eHealth,
transportation, industry and manufacturing, education, and tourism.
For the Web3D 2014 edition, we welcome works addressing the emerging
opportunities and research into portable, integrated information
spaces over the web.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
· Scalable and interoperable representations and modeling methods
for complex geometry, structure, and behaviors through client and server
· 3D search, shape matching and indexing
· Scientific and medical visualization
· 3D content creation and analysis tools and pipelines
· Streaming and rendering of large-scale models, animations and
virtual worlds
· Distributed virtual environments and collaboration
· Web-wide human-computer interaction and 3D User Interfaces
· 3D City Models & Web3D, Geo-visualization
· Mixed and Augmented Reality (including standardization aspects)
· Agents, animated humanoids, and complex reactive characters
· Interactive Web 3D applications in all applications and sectors
General Chairs: Nicholas F. Polys PhD (Virginia Tech, US) Alain Chesnais
(TrendSpottr, CA)
Program Chairs: Enrico Gobbetti PhD (CRS4, IT) Jürgen Döllner, PhD
(Hasso-Plattner-Institut, DE)
Tutorial Chair: Tobias Franke (Fraunhofer IGD, DE)
Workshop Chair: Don Brutzman PhD (Naval Postgraduate School, US)
Industrial Liaison Chair: Christophe Mouton (EDF, Fr)
Web Chairs: Marcio Cabral PhD (POLI-USP, Brasil) Mario, Nagamura (LSI-TEC,
Publicity Chair: Anita Havele (Web3D Consortium, US)
Local Chair: Leonard Daly (Daly realism, US)
Finance Chair: Oyewole Oyekoya PhD (Virginia Tech, US)
A female post-doctoral researcher is being sought to join the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization (see http://www.cgv.tugraz.at for details of the group) at the Graz University of Technology. The position is open to women only in order to increase the percentage of female scientific staff at the Faculty of Computer Technology and Biomedical Engineering.
Position Number: 7110/14/011. The full-time position is restricted to 6 years with the possibility to gain tenure if agreed qualifications have been met. Gross salary: € 48.766 p.a. Expected starting date: 1. July.
Requirements: A PhD in technical sciences (information technology or mathematics). The applicant has excellent written and spoken English and German language skills, and experience in acquisition and management of scientific projects.
The Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization conducts applied research at the interface of computer graphics, simulation science and digital libraries. In the coming years we intent to focus our research on defining an efficient and reduced representation for freeform surfaces. Parallel to this is the question on how to efficiently analyse and simulate the behavior of freeform structures.
We are seeking a highly motivated researcher interested in the field of geometry processing and computer aided geometric design, with an expertise in subdivision surfaces. Experience with isogeometric analysis based on subdivision surfaces is a plus.
The work of a successful candidate will include the scientific development of the above described area of research, acquisition and coordination of scientific projects, teaching and developing courses, and supervision of Bachelor and Master Theses.
For details and requirements see the official announcement: http://www.cgv.tugraz.at/CGV/Home/News
The interested applicant should send documents, including application letter, curriculum vitae, and number of reference of open position to Graz Technical University, the dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Franz Wotawa, Inffeldgasse 10/II, A-8010 Graz ( <mailto:informatik@tugraz.at> informatik(a)tugraz.at). Application deadline: 9. April 2014.
1st C A L L F O R P A
Paper Submission Deadline:
May 16, 2014
The 12th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural
October, 6th - 8th 2014, Darmstadt, Germany
cooperation with
TU Darmstadt
Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt
You are cordially invited to contribute to the 12th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on
Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH) that, for the first time, will take
place in Darmstadt, Germany.
Archaeologists and Cultural Heritage scientists as well as ICT experts have
in the past collaborated to find solutions to optimize all aspects of
managing and delivering cultural information to new generations, but still
many unsolved problems remain. In continuation to last years' workshop
series, we would like to invite you to participate and contribute to the
European Forum for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) applied
to the Cultural Heritage domain. Following a long tradition, this event
focuses on the integration of digital tools and solutions into the practice
of Cultural Heritage, Archaeology and Museums.
GCH 2014 will take place in Darmstadt, the birth place of the last Empress
of Russia, Tsarina Alexandra Romanov. Darmstadt is famous for its
'Jugendstil' (art nouveau) buildings. The establishment of the Mathildenhöhe
artists colony more than 100 years ago played its part in raising Darmstadt
to prominence. Magnificent art nouveau houses give this hill of muses an
unmistakable character. Through science, literature, art and architecture,
Darmstadt has developed a wholly unique appeal that has earned it much
acclaim. Today, Darmstadt boasts a great diversity of science and art, many
publishing houses and graphic design studios, as well as the European Space
Agency's satellite control centre and internationally acclaimed institutes
for ICT, literature, art and music - all of this reflected in Darmstadt's
official name as 'City of Science'.
The 12th EUROGRAPHICS Workshops on Graphics and Cultural Heritage aims to
foster an international dialogue between the different fields of expertise
and in particular allow ICT experts to have a better understanding of the
critical requirements of CH scientists for managing, processing and
delivering cultural information to a broader audience. Focus of this year's
forum is to present and showcase new developments within the overall process
chain, from data acquisition, 3D documentation, analysis and synthesis,
semantical modelling, data management, to the point of virtual museums or
new forms of interactive presentations and 3D printing solutions. GCH 2014
therefore provides scientists, engineers and CH managers a possibility to
discuss new ICT technologies applied to data modelling, reconstruction and
processing, digital libraries, virtual museums, interactive environments and
applications for CH, ontologies and semantic processing, management and
archiving, standards and documentation, as well as its transfer into
practice. The result of this interaction will be disseminated through use of
innovative digital techniques in research and education for Cultural
Heritage and through publications: on-going project results, preliminary
ideas and works in progress, and overviews of research in the use of digital
technology in the context of Cultural Heritage.
We therefore seek original, innovative and previously unpublished
contributions in theoretical or applied areas of the digital cultural
heritage domain, challenging the state of the art solutions and leveraging
new ideas for future developments. In particular:
* 2/3/4D data capturing and processing in Cultural Heritage
* Material acquisition and presentation
* Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections with digital
* Data acquisition technologies
* Digital libraries and 3D documents
* Digital capture and annotation of intangible heritage (performance,
audio, dance, oral)
* Interactive environments and applications for Cultural Heritage
* Visualization and Virtual Museums
* 3D printing based on new appearance models
* Preservation and digital archiving of artefacts
* Metadata, classification schemes, ontologies and semantic processing
* Multilingual applications, tools and systems for Cultural Heritage
* Multimedia data acquisition, management and archiving
* Multi-modal interfaces and rendering for Cultural Heritage
* On-site and remotely sensed data collections
* Serious games in Cultural Heritage
* Storytelling and design of heritage communications
* Standards and documentation
* Usability, effectiveness and interface design for Cultural Heritage
* Tools for education and training in Cultural Heritage
* New business models and technology transfer into practice
GCH 2014 will also include "State-of-the-Art Reports", inspired by the EG
STARs. These are longer papers providing useful novel overviews of research
in the fields of computer graphics, computer science and related fields that
can benefit the multidisciplinary nature of GCH. They are survey papers in
what the community considers important areas that have not been covered
before or recently. Their aim is to give a detailed account of the
principles, algorithms and open problems of a research area, so that an
interested reader can quickly become up to speed in this field. We warmly
encourage all colleagues to submit to the STAR reports. Two STAR reports
will be selected by peer review and published in the local proceedings
together with the short and project papers. GCH-STAR authors will present
their work within a 60 minute presentation during GCH 2014.
We are seeking contributions by following means:
- Full research papers presenting new innovative results: these papers will
be published by Eurographics in the EG Symposium Series
- GCH-STAR reports providing a useful novel overview of research in the
of computer graphics, computer science and related fields that can benefit
the multidisciplinary nature of this workshop series.
- Short papers presenting preliminary results and work-in-progress or
on on-going projects, the description of project organization, use of
and lesson learned. These papers will be published in the
"Projects & Short Papers" proceedings volume.
- Tutorials and Workshops: the conference will also host half-day and
working sessions that provide an opportunity to get in touch with ongoing
projects and cutting-edge research in the field of digital technologies
Cultural Heritage.
The best papers of the Conference will be proposed for an extended
submission to ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
May 9 Abstract (mandatory for all contributions);
May 16 Full Papers, Short Papers, STAR
reports due
July 2 Workshops & Tutorials, Exhibitions
July 14 Notification
Sept 1 Final Camera Ready due for accepted works, early
Formatting & Templates
More details on templates, formatting guidelines and submission/registration
procedures can be found at: http://diglib.eg.org/GCH2014
For further inquiries get in contact with: info-GCH2014(a)eg.org
* Event Co-Chairs:
Dieter Fellner (TU Darmstadt/Fraunhofer IGD, Germany)
Roberto Scopigno (CNR, Pisa, Italy)
* Program Co-Chairs:
Reinhard Klein (Univ. Bonn, Germany)
Pedro Santos (Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Germany)
* Program Committee:
Pierre Alliez Dieter Fritsch Fabio
Carlos Andujar Luc van Gol Patrick
David Arnold Sorin Hermon Maria Roussou
Juan Barcelo Wim Hupperertz
Holly Rushmeier
Andreas Bienert Marinos Ioannidis
Robert Sablatnig
Vinzenz Brinkmann Livio de Luca
Michela Spagnuolo
Alan Chalmers Marco Marchesi Didier
Martin Dörr Sofia Pescarin Stella
Anastasios Doulamis Denis Pitzalis
Tim Weyrich
Franz Fischnaller Marc Pollefeys
Michael Wimmer
* Local Organising Committee:
Holger Graf Arjan Kuijper
Stefanie Behnke
Looking forward to meet you in Darmstadt!
The Conference Chairs:
Dieter Fellner Roberto Scopigno
Reinhard Klein Pedro Santos
>>> WSCG 2014 <<<
>>> http://www.wscg.cz <<<
>>> in cooperation with Eurographics, ACM and ACM SIGGRAPH listed <<<
WSCG 2014
22. International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics,
Visualization and Computer Vision 2014
Plzen [Pilsen] close to Praha [Prague], Czech Republic
Venue dates: June 2-5, 2014
>> Please, forward to your colleagues <<
>> and potential authors according to your mailing list <<
>>> EXTENDED deadline is MARCH 31, 2014 <<<< due to technical problems
Please, be so kind and resend information to potential authors if possible.
Recent WSCG conferences (with on-line papers in PDF)
Please, see: http://www.wscg.eu - Digital library, Recent keynote speakers
Keynote speakers
Manuel M. Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Tino Wienkauf, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrucken, Germany
Important Dates
Paper submission: March 31, 2014 [EXTENDED]
Acceptance notification: April 20, 2014
Venue: June 2 - 5, 2014
Main topics (but not limed to)
Computer graphics, scientific and medical visualization, computer vision,
image processing, pattern recognition, GPU graphics, graphical human
computer interfaces, geometric modelling, rendering and animation, virtual
reality, haptic systems, medical imaging, graphical interaction,
computational photography, data compression for graphics, image based
rendering, mathematical methods for graphics and vision, physically based
modelling, shape analysis & modelling & retrieval, surface and volume
parameterization, parallel graphics, CAD, CAGD and GIS systems and related
Accepted papers will be published in WSCG proceedings with ISBN and
submitted for indexing to Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS and others.
The best papers will be selected for publication in the Journal of WSCG ISSN
1213-6972 (http://wscg.zcu.cz/JWSCG/)
ALL WSCG proceedings and Journal of WSCG since 1992 are available at
http://wscg.zcu.cz/DL/wscg_DL.htm, access free.
Travelling Info
Pilsen City is close to Prague (Praha) - the Golden European city approx.
80km from the Plzen city (60 mins. by a coach). To reach the Pilsen city
from the Prague airport is approx. 75 mins. by the public transport -
actually faster than to reach the Prague central part.
If interested in WSCG 2015
Please, register at http://wscgreg.zcu.cz to be kept informed
Call for new reviewers
If you or colleague of yours would like to act as a reviewer for WSCG
events, please, send me
- First Name;Last Name;@mail
URL personal page
via @mail to skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz subj. WSCG - Reviewing
Feel free to contact me if you would have any question
Prof.Vaclav Skala
skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz - SUBJ.: WSCG 2014
Date 2014-03-15
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral Research Associate post on an
EPSRC-funded grant in the Graphics and Vision group at the Department of
Computer Science at University College London (UCL). We seek a candidate
with a track record of expertise in some combination of computer graphics,
machine learning, and computer vision, to work under the supervision of Tim
The post is for a researcher who will get involved in our diverse graphics,
vision and special-effects projects, but with primary focus on and
responsibility for the funded project Acquiring Complete and Editable
Outdoor Models from Video and Images. This project aims to develop
interactive computer graphics and vision technology on smart capture,
synthesis and editing of real-world landscapes for special-effects and games
industries. The project is in close collaboration with the University of
Bath and involves a total of six investigators and six post-docs, as well as
an industrial advisory panel of world-leading special-effects and games
Key Requirements
Candidates should hold a PhD in a relevant subject, or will shortly be
assessed for a PhD level qualification. Candidates should also have previous
experience in 3D or appearance capture, procedural modelling, or texture
synthesis. Publications in relevant leading peer reviewed conferences and/or
journals are essential (SIGGRAPH, CVPR, PAMI, ICML, etc).
Salary (inclusive of London allowance): £32,699 - £37,427 per annum
The post is funded until 16 October 2016 in the first instance.
Closing Date (has been extended to): 23 Mar 2014
Further Details can be found at <http://tim.weyri.ch/>
35th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
April 7th to 11th, 2014
Strasbourg, France
<http://eg2014.unistra.fr> http://eg2014.unistra.fr
We would like to inform you that Eurographics 2014 starts in less than one
month. You should perform your registration and
book your accommodation as soon as possible!
See <http://eg2014.unistra.fr/html/attendees/registration.html>
http://eg2014.unistra.fr/html/attendees/registration.html for details.
The 2014 program ( <http://eg2014.unistra.fr/html/program/program.html>
http://eg2014.unistra.fr/html/program/program.html) is now online!
The schedule will be announced in the next coming days.
The 2014 program is very rich and of utmost quality. April 6th will be
dedicated to co-located events, while the main conference will open on
Monday, April 7th and close on Friday, April 11th. Note that the tutorial
program on Monday is included in the conference registration and the
conference opening with the awards session followed by the paper fast
forward will start on Monday, April 7th in the late afternoon. In addition
to high quality papers, tutorials and STARs, Wednesday 9th will be the
opportunity to meet representatives of leading companies and listen to
exciting industrial seminars.
Full details on the conference, co-located events and program can be found
through the conference web site at:
<http://eg2014.unistra.fr> http://eg2014.unistra.fr
Travel to Strasbourg is very easy, with a number of options available. Full
details of travel information can be found here:
The EUROGRAPHICS 2014 Organization Committee:
Conference Chair:
Jean-Michel Dischler, Université de Strasbourg, France
Local organization committee ( <mailto:conf-eg2014@unistra.fr>
David Cazier, Université de Strasbourg, France
Caroline Essert, Université de Strasbourg, France
Call for Papers - Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) 2014
The 25th annual Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR 2014), the premier
venue for research in rendering, will take place in Lyon, France, from June
25 to June 27, 2014 ( <http://egsr2014.liris.cnrs.fr/>
We are looking for original high-quality submissions in rendering and
related fields. The proceedings of EGSR will be a special issue of the
journal Computer Graphics Forum, after full peer review (including a
rebuttal and a 2nd review cycle).
Important Dates:
Abstract deadline: March 27, 2014
Paper deadline: March 31, 2014
Conference: June 25-27, 2014
For any questions concerning full paper submissions please contact the
program co-chairs, Pieter Peers & Wojciech Jarosz, at:
<mailto:chairs-egsr2014@eg.org> chairs-egsr2014(a)eg.org.
Call for Papers for VRIPHYS 2014
We are pleased to announce the 11th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS 2014).
The workshop is organized in cooperation with Eurographics.
All accepted papers will be published in Eurographics' Digital Library.
The workshop will be hosted at University of Bremen, Germany, and will take
place on Sep. 24-25, 2014.
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality.
The workshop provides a great opportunity for researchers to present and
discuss their latest results and to share ideas for potential directions of
future research in virtual reality and computer animation.
VRIPHYS 2014 seeks original, high-quality papers in all areas related, but
not necessarily restricted to:
- animation, e.g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based, and
geometric approaches
- virtual and augmented reality
- planning, learning, optimization for animation
- interfaces for creating and editing animations
- perception in animation
- autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior
- natural phenomena
- mathematical foundations of animation
- haptics
- sound rendering & interfaces
- related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling
- applications, e.g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
Continuing its successful introduction last year, VRIPHYS 2014 will feature
a PhD & work-in-progress session.
Paper submissions should be formatted according to the EG publication style
in PDF. You can download a Latex template here.
Submissions must be anonymous, should be written in English, and should not
exceed 10 pages. We encourage the submission of supplementary videos to
particularly illustrate dynamic aspects of your submission.
All materials need to be submitted electronically through the SRM portal.
All submissions will be reviewed double-blind by members of the
International Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop. A full proceedings with
all accepted papers will be published at the time of the workshop. In
addition, they will be published in the Eurographics Digital Library.
Best paper award
A "Best Paper Award" will be given to the author(s) of a full paper
presented at the conference,
selected by the Organizing Committee.
This year, NVIDIA is happy to support this with the donation of an NVIDIA
Quadro 6000 graphics card for the Best Paper Award.
The authors of the best paper will be invited to submit an extended version
to the journal Computers & Graphics.
June 2 -- paper submission deadline
July 7 -- notification of review results
July 21 -- camera-ready version due
Sep 24 -- conference starts
Web Site
The official web site of the VRIPHYS 2014 is at
<http://vriphys2014.uni-bremen.de> http://vriphys2014.uni-bremen.de
For more information, please contact the
Program Co-Chairs:
Gabriel Zachmann, University of Bremen, Germany
Jan Bender, Graduate School CE, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Christian Duriez, INRIA Lille, France
Fabrice Jaillet, Université Claude Bernard Lyon
Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2014
Call for Tutorials
The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2014 (SGP 2014) will be
held at Cardiff University, UK on 9-11 July, 2014.
SGP 2014 will feature a two-day school (7-8 July 2014) on geometry
processing intended for graduate students at the beginning of their PhD
studies. Proposals are sought for tutorials teaching the technical
background of a given subject, or demonstrating its potential creative
To submit, a brief tutorial proposal (2-3 pages) should be emailed to the
program co-chairs ( <mailto:paperchairs@geometryprocessing.org>
paperchairs(a)geometryprocessing.org) by 30 April 2014.
See the full call for tutorials for more detail at:
Conference website: http://geometryprocessing.org
Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2014
The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2014 (SGP 2014) will be
held at Cardiff University, UK on 9-11 July, 2014. A graduate school will
offer tutorials on 7-8 July, taught by leading experts.
SGP is the premier venue for new research and results in geometry
processing. Contributions are sought on efficient algorithms for
acquisition, modelling, analysis, manipulation, simulation and transmission
of complex 3D models.
Accepted regular papers will appear in an issue of Computer Graphics Forum,
the International Journal of the EUROGRAPHICS Association.
Submissions may now be made at the following link:
Important Dates:
Abstract submission: April 10, 2014
Full paper submission: April 15, 2014
Call for papers: <http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/sgp2014/cfp-sgp.pdf>
Conference website: <http://geometryprocessing.org>