Dear colleagues,
we are hiring a new research fellow (PhD candidate) in visualization at the
University of Bergen, Norway (see below for more information or refer to the
official announcement at The
application deadline is March 14, 2013.
Please kindly distribute this information to potentially interested
Thanks and best regards,
Stefan Bruckner
// Dr. Stefan Bruckner, Professor in Visualization
// Department of Informatics
// University of Bergen, Norway
== Open PhD Position in Visualization ==
We have an open PhD position in visualization at the Department of
Informatics ( of the University of Bergen, Norway.
Applicants should have have a strong background in computer graphics and/or
visualization, have excellent programming skills (in particular GPU
programming), and a good command of the English language. Specific expertise
in the visualization of biomedical data as well as knowledge in software
engineering and web development (HTML5, Ajax, WebGL) is advantageous.
The starting salary is grade 50 (code 1017/pay framework 20.8) in the Civil
Service pay grade table; currently NOK 416,600,- gross p.a. following
ordinary meriting regulations.
Applications will be solicited exclusively through the jobbnorge portal,
applications sent by e-mail will not be considered.
Please send your electronic application, CV, certificates, diplomas and
transcripts for both bachelor and master as well as scientific works,
including a list of publications, by clicking on the button marked "APPLY
application should include a brief statement of research interests and
motivation, and the names and contact details of at least two referees.
For further information about the position please contact
Stefan.Bruckner(a) or Helwig.Hauser(a)
Closing date for applications: 14 March 2013
(Apologies for multiple copies)
Call for Submissions 3DV Conference (Third Joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference)
Email: chairs3dv(a)
We invite submissions for the 3DV (3D Vision) conference to be held June 29
- July 1, 2013 in Seattle, Washington, following CVPR in nearby Portland,
Oregon. This meeting will be a continuation of the successful 3DIM and 3DPVT
conference series. Submissions are solicited on topics related to acquiring,
modeling, analyzing, and visualizing 3D data. The event will provide a
premier forum for disseminating ideas and results that cover a broad scope
of topics related to 3D research in computer vision and graphics, from novel
optical sensors, signal processing, geometric modeling, representation, and
transmission, to visualization and interaction, and a variety of
The organizers invite you to submit high quality, original full research
papers by March 17 2013.
Note that the submission date for this conference occurs during the SIGGRAPH
rebuttal period. Accommodations will be made for authors who want to
retarget their SIGGRAPH submissions for this meeting.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
. 3D cameras and sensors
. Real-time 3D systems
. Automated view planning
. 3D sensor calibration
. Image-based modeling
. Shape-from-X
. Shape and appearance modeling
. 4D capture
. Image and video-based rendering
. Interactive modeling
. Augmented and mixed reality
. 3D printing and rapid prototyping
. Psychophysics of 3D sensing
. Geometric signal processing
. Multi-resolution 3D representations
. 3D shape retrieval and recognition
. Shape analysis and morphology
. 3D compression and transmission
. Reverse engineering
. Dimensional inspection & metrology
. Cultural heritage & architecture
. Medical visualization and analysis
. Urban modeling
. Robotics
. 3D television
. 3D tele-immersion
. Forensics and security
General Chair
Brian Curless, University of Washington
Program Co-Chairs
Yasutaka Furukawa, Google Inc.
Ioannis Stamos, City University of New York
Camillo J. Taylor, University of Pennsylvania
Postdoctoral Position in Computer Vision Analysis of Growing Plants at U. C.
Davis, California, USA
We have a Postdoctoral scholar position in the Department of Computer
Science at the University of California, Davis CA, USA, for a researcher in
computer vision, image processing, image segmentation, or shape matching,
to work on a project to understand the growth of tomato plants. The work
includes multi-view stereo reconstruction, registration and joint
analysis of multi-view stereo, thermal, and "pushbroom" multispectral
imagery of growing plants, feature tracking in Micro Computed Tomography
images of growing plant meristems, and developing models of plant
growth, as well as helping to mentor two graduate students doing this
research. The position is for 12 months, with a possible extension for
up to 3 more months, and could start anytime in the calendar year 2013.
Appointment as a postdoctoral scholar requires a doctoral degree (Ph.D.,
M.D.) or foreign equivalent (in this case, in Computer Science or a
related filed such as Electrical Engineering or Mathematics). To apply,
e-mail a CV to Nelson Max <> <max(a)>.
The abstract of our
funded project is included below.
"In the near future, population increases combined with climate change
are expected to place unprecedented demands on agriculture. Droughts are
predicted to become more prevalent, nitrogen and phosphorous will become
limiting, and saline environments may be accessed as arable land becomes
depleted. Developing crop varieties to cope with such stresses under
unpredictable climate conditions will require a nuanced understanding of
genetic responses to environmental changes. Additionally, valuable water
and fertilizer must be efficiently triaged to those plants facing the
greatest deficit of resources. In this project, we will study responses
to drought, salinity, and nitrogen and phosphorous deprivation in
tomato, the second most valuable vegetable crop in California and
worldwide. We will use RNA expression profiling to identify those genes
most responsive to environmental stresses not only in domesticated
tomato, but also its wild relatives, which may harbor sensitized
responses to environmental change. We will develop high throughput
methods to measure biochemical markers of stress, including remote
multi-spectral sensing, thermal imaging, and stereo reconstruction.
Additionally, we will analyze changes in the development and morphology
of organs using Micro Computed Tomography to image the meristem and
observe changes in leaves from their inception. We will direct our
understanding of stress response towards the creation of genetically
engineered tomato varieties that, from the outset of specific stresses,
will visibly express a reporter, changing the color or structure of the
plant. Such sentinel plants will allow the application of water and
fertilizer as needed, rather than broadcasting these resources on
potentially wasteful schedules."
Research Assistant - PhD Student in Computer Science (3D Graphics and
Visualization) Visualization and MultiMedia Lab Department of Informatics
University of Zürich <>
Job Summary:
Open position for a PhD student in the area of real-time 3D graphics and
interactive scientific visualization at the University of Zürich. This
position is for a PhD student participating in a Hasler Foundation funded
The open position is for a research assistantship in a PhD program in
computer science with a focus on interactive, parallel 3D computer graphics
and visualization. With the advent of ubiquitous parallel computing and
graphics resources through many-core CPUs and GPUs, an increased emphasize
is put on parallel algorithms and computing, also in the context of
real-time 3D graphics and interactive visualization. This project is aimed
at the advancement of parallel and distributed rendering systems to improve
applicability and interoperability with interactive graphics applications
e.g. in CAD and engineering, bio-medical imaging, geo-visualization, urban
planning, architectural modeling etc. as well as scalability.
The project requires strong interest not only in graphics algorithms and
data structures but in particular also in large parallel and distributed
systems programming. A strong interest and good skills in learning new and
complex software frameworks and 3rd-party code is highly recommended, as the
targeted research project will build on a previously developed code bases.
Good C++, 3D graphics and distributed systems programming skills are
The activities of the position not only include research and continuing
education for PhD students, but also support in teaching as well as
administrative tasks. The main goal is to conduct excellent research
generating results which are published and presented in top international
journals and conferences, and to eventually work towards achieving a PhD
degree through the writing and defense of a doctoral dissertation.
The University of Zurich (UZH) is a top internationally recognized research
university with faculties in medicine, humanities, economics as well as
mathematical and natural sciences. UZH is the largest university in
Switzerland and ranked among the top world leading research universities,
e.g. according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai
Jiao Tong University, and has recently been ranked top 15 in Europe. The
Department of Computer Science (IFI) covers major computer science, software
engineering and information management research and teaching topics, it
offers BSc, MSc as well as PhD degrees in computer science.
The Visualization and MultiMedia Lab (VMML) and IFI, are located in the
vibrant city of Zürich as part of the universitys new Nord-Campus in
Oerlikon in a renovated modern office building. The UZH Nord-Campus is
conveniently located a short walk off the Max-Bill Platz, center of the new
trendy living, shopping and business district New Oerlikon, as well as near
the Oerlikon train, S-Bahn and tram stations. Also the Zürich international
airport (ZRH) is reachable within minutes with public or private
Research assistants, PhD students are remunerated according to local
university regulations and standards. Appointments will be made with
respects to standard university rules, same applies for fringe benefits and
vacation days. Appointments are expected to involve a 100% effort in
research, teaching and administration.
It is the goal of UZH to offer an equal opportunity workplace environment
and as part of this we strongly encourage women to apply. Specific benefits
include flexible working hours, young scientist promotion opportunities,
parental leave benefits, nursery services and care for dependents and much
Comment/web site for additional job details:
- For application and further information contact: Prof. Renato Pajarola,
<> pajarola(a)
- See also the research groups website at <>
A Master degree in computer science or closely related area from a research
university is required to enter the PhD program of UZH, a prior focus on 3D
graphics and visualization, as well as experience in distributed systems is
highly beneficial.
The prospective candidates are supposed to have an excellent background in
computer science and systems programming as well as good mathematical skills
and practical experience with computer graphics and visualization. Exposure
to parallel programming and distributed systems is explicit in this project,
prior experience a significant plus. Strong interests in numerical methods
and collaboration with other researchers and scientists is of further
importance as well.
Applications must include a detailed CV/resume, information of university
level educational background, brief description of practical work and
research experience in computer science, clear exposition of prior graphics
and visualization experience, as well as a short statement of motivation and
goals. Certified copies of transcripts, degrees and reference letters may
eventually be required.
Dates and More:
- Entrance is as soon as possible but subject to the successful evaluation
of candidates
- Duration is expected to be about 4 years for PhD students
Prof. Dr. Renato Pajarola
Visualization and MultiMedia Lab
Department of Informatics, University of Zürich Binzmühlestrasse 14
8050 Zürich
email: pajarola(a)
Call for Papers
2nd Geometry Processing Workshop NASAGEM 2013
Computer Graphics International 2013
-- New Advances in Shape Analysis and Geometric Modeling --
June 11th 2013, Leibnizhaus Hannover, Germany
The NASAGEM workshop will be held under the umbrella of the
Computer Graphics International (CGI) Conference, June 11-14th
in Hannover. In 2013 the CGI celebrates its 30th anniversary under
the auspices of the minister president of Lower Saxony.
Of special interest will be contributions addressing issues related to
characterizing and representing complex geometrical data and shapes
by using concepts from computational and differential geometry,
differential equations and computational topology.
All accepted submissions will be electronically published as full-length
papers. The best papers will be invited to be published as an extended
version in a special issue of Springer Journal The Visual Computer.
All submissions will be peer reviewed. Full papers in English containing
original and unpublished results are solicited.
Topics of Interest
* 3D data compression including geometric objects and voxel
data, modern wavelet methods
* The medial axis, its generalizations and applications
* Multiscale and multi resolution geometric modeling and
appropriate data structures
* Applications of methods from computational geometry
(including differential geometry) and computational topology
(e.g. Morse theory) on shape analysis and shape modeling
* Applications of mathematical methods such as ordinary and
partial differential equations on shape analysis and shape
* Applications of Laplace spectra for shape characterization and
* Partial image and shape matching
* Methods for analysis of dynamic volumetric and image data,
based on geometrical, topological and analytical approaches,
generalized to higher-dimensional data.
* Visualization of dynamical systems for simulations
For further details concerning the workshop and the submission, please see:
Important Dates for the NASAGEM 2013 workshop:
Paper submission deadline Sunday, 14 April 2013 23:59
Notification of paper acceptance Monday, 6 May 2013
Camera-ready papers Monday, 13 May 2013 23:59
Program and Workshop Co-Chairs NASAGEM 2013:
Franz-Erich Wolter, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, MIT, USA
Konrad Polthier, FU Berlin and MATHEON, Germany
*** Call for Papers ***
EnvirVis 2013: Eurovis Workshop Visualization in Environmental Sciences
( <>
17.-18. June 2013 (co-located to Eurovis 2013 Conference)
Leipzig, Germany
The first workshop on ?Visualization in Environmental Sciences?
(EnvirVis) focuses on visualization research and applications in
environmental sciences. Researchers in environmental sciences are faced with
tremendously heterogeneous data sets, ranging in spatial scales from
micrometers to thousands of kilometers and varying on time scales from
milliseconds to millions of years. The workshop invites both contributions
in the fields of scientific visualization and visual data integration with a
broad application area in environmental research. Applications topics
- Geosciences
- Hydrology
- Soil and Groundwater Research
- Climate Research
- Waste management
- Biodiversity
Accepted short papers will appear in the electronic workshop
proceedings and in the digital EUROGRAPHICS library. We will also edit
a topical issue of the ISI Journal Environmental Earth Sciences (EES)
based on the best contributions to the workshop.
- Short Paper Submission: March 8, 2013
- Notification to Authors: April 19, 2013
- Final Version Submission: May 3, 2013
- Workshop: June 17-18, 2013
- EES Topical Issue Submission: August 31, 2013
The workshop solicits short papers of 4 pages (one additional page for
references is permitted) addressing visualization and visual data
in environmental research. Submissions must be made through the
workshop?s electronic submission system via the website:
Workshop Chairs
Olaf Kolditz, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
Karsten Rink, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
Gerik Scheuermann, University of Leipzig, Germany
EuroVA 2013 - EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics in Leipzig, Germany
June 17th - 18th, 2013
Short paper submissions, 4 pages in length + 1 extra page of references
(maximum), are solicited. Submitted short papers should clearly relate to
visual analytics and show the integration of computational data analysis and
interactive visualization. Short papers should address either focused mature
and concise contributions or interesting preliminary results of work in
The EuroVA 2013 Conference Proceedings will be published by the Eurographics
The authors of promising selected high-quality papers of the EuroVA workshop
2013 will be invited to submit significantly extended and revised,
journal-grade versions of their papers.
EuroVA 2013 is the fourth international Eurovis workshop on visual analytics
held in Europe and aims at continuing the success of the previous editions,
held in Bordeaux, France, in Bergen, Norway, and Vienna, Austria. Also this
year the goal of the workshop is to promote and advance the combination and
integration of visualization and analytics methods for the purpose of
problem solving in a variety of application domains including engineering,
business, public policy, biology and medicine, security, etc. EuroVA will be
held on June 17th-18th, 2013, in Leipzig, Vienna, as a workshop of the
annual EuroVis 2013 Conference.
The EuroVA 2013 program will include keynote talks, given by Silvia Miksch
and William Ribarsky, and short paper presentations. Visual Analytics is the
science of analytical reasoning supported by interactive visual techniques,
which requires interdisciplinary science integrating techniques from
visualization and computer graphics, statistics and mathematics, data
management and knowledge representation, data analysis and machine learning,
cognitive and perceptual sciences, and more.
TOPICS of interest include but are not limited to:
* Visual analysis processes and workflows
* Visual representations and interaction techniques
* Data management and knowledge representation
* Data analysis and machine learning
* Cognitive and perceptual aspects
* Infrastructure and Evaluation
* Applications, as far as they are strictly related to visual analytics.
Short Paper submission deadline: March 8th, 2013
Notification of acceptance: April 5th, 2013
Camera-ready papers due: April 25th, 2013
EuroVA Workshop: June 17th - 18th, 2013
6th International Conference on
Computer Vision / Computer Graphics
Collaboration Techniques and Applications
June 6th - 7th 2013
Berlin, Germany
In Cooperation with
Eurographics Association
Paper Submission Deadline (extended): March 15th 2013
Mirage 2013 is an international conference with focus on Computer Vision /
Computer Graphics collaboration techniques. It is the 6th in a series of
successful events having the objective of bringing together scientists and
people interested in the interdisciplinary fields of vision and graphics,
with special emphasis on the link between the converging disciplines. With
recent developments in 3D sensor and camera technologies, mobile computing,
and GPU processing, many novel applications emerge in areas like multimedia,
augmented reality, media production, gaming, and medicine. Mirage 2013 will
provide a forum for discussing innovative research and novel ideas in
computer vision and graphics with plenary talks, single track oral sessions,
and practical technology demonstrations.
Authors are encouraged to submit their recent research results, practice and
experience reports, or novel applications relating to the topics of the
Mirage 2013 conference. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Model-based imaging and analysis
Image-based modeling and 3D reconstruction
Capture, processing, and display of 3D video
Image and video-based lighting and rendering
Computational photography
Time of flight, Kinect imaging
Model-based vision approaches
3D indexing and database retrieval
Object, body, and face tracking in image sequences
Model-based image and shape analysis
Model-based video compression techniques
With applications in the field of:
Multimedia applications, multimedia database classification
Virtual and augmented reality
Human / Computer interfaces
Media productions from and for films, broadcasts and games
Post-production, computer animation, virtual special effects
Realistic 3D simulation, virtual prototyping
Video-games and entertainment industry
Medical and biomedical applications
Important Dates:
- Paper Submission : March 15th 2013
- Notification of acceptance: April 12th 2013
Conference Email:
- mirage2013(a)
Conference Website:
Conference Chairs:
- Peter Eisert (Fraunhofer HHI / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- André Gagalowicz (Inria Paris-Rocquencourt)
Cyberworlds 2013
Call for Papers
October 21-23, 2013, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
Cyberworlds are information worlds or communities created on cyberspace by
collaborating participants either intentionally or spontaneously. As
information worlds, they accumulate information regardless whether or not
anyone is in, and they can be with or without 2D or 3D visual graphics
appearance. The examples of such cyberworlds are communities created in
different social networking services, 3D shared virtual environments, and
multiplayer online games. Cyberworlds are closely related to the real world
and have a serious impact on it, augment and sometimes replace the real life
and become a significant component of real economy. The international
conferences on Cyberworlds have being organized annually since 2002 with the
proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society and special issues published
in multiple journals,including The Visual Computer and Springer Transactions
on Computational Science. Cyberworlds 2013 will be organized by the Society
for Art and Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University,
Japan, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH and EUROGRAPHICS, and supported by
The topics covered by Cyberworlds 2013 will include but are not limited to
- Networked and shared virtual worlds
- Virtual collaborative spaces
- Shape modeling for cyberworlds
- Virtual humans and avatars
- Multimodal interaction and rendering
- Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality
- Cognitive informatics
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Affective computing
- Social computing
- Online communities
- E-learning in cyberworlds
- Multi-user web games
- Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
- Cyberethics and cyberlaws
- Cybersecurity
- Welfare in cyberworlds
- Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
- Visual analytics in cyberworlds
* Publication *
Subumission categories include full paper (up to 8 pages), short paper (up
to 4 pages) and posters (1 page). All accepted submissions will be included
in the conference proceedings to be published by the Conference Publishing
Services (CPS) and placed in the IEEE Xplore and Computer Society digital
libraries, and submitted for indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex),
Thomson ISI, and other indexing services. Selected full papers will be
included in the special issues of The Visual Computer,Springer Transactions
on Computational Science and International Journal of Art, Culture and
Design Technologies
* Important Dates *
- Paper (full and short) submission May 17, 2013
- Poster submission June 30, 2013
- Authors notification July 19, 2013
- Authors registration August 2, 2013
- Camera-ready paper August
2, 2013
* Organization *
Honorary Chair:
-Tosiyasu L. Kunii (Morpho, Inc., The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Steering Committee Coordinator:
-Alexei Sourin (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
General Chair:
-Issei Fujishiro (Keio University, Japan)
Program Co-Chairs:
-Xiaoyang Mao (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
-Lichan Hong (Google Research, USA)
Special Session Co-Chairs:
-Gianluca Mura (Politecnico di Milano University, Italy)
-Lichan Hong (Google Research, USA)
Publicity and Finance Chair:
-Masahiro Toyoura (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
>>> REMINDER WSCG 2013 Call for Papers <<<
>> Please, disseminate the Call for Papers <<
Dear WSCG friend,
please, find Call for Papers for the WSCG 2013 useful and circulate it to your colleagues as well.
------------------ CUT HERE -----------------------------
W S C G ' 2013
21st International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics,
Visualization and Computer Vision 2013 or
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS; SIGGRAPH and ACM listed
will be held in Pilsen [Plzen] (
close to Prague [Praha] the Golden European City, Czech Republic
June 24-27, 2013
Program Co-Chairs
Manuel M. Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia & VSB-Technical University, Czech Republic
Important dates
Abstract submission: March 5, 2013 13:00 GMT (London time)
Paper submission: March 15, 2013 13:00 GMT (London time)
Poster submission: April 29, 2013 13:00 GMT (London time)
Topics included
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition, fundamental algorithms, GPU graphics, graphical human computer interfaces, geometric modeling, computer aided geometric design, computational geometry, rendering and virtual reality, animation and multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, object‑oriented graphics, parallel and distributed graphics, CAD and GIS systems, geometrical algebra and related topics.
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG proceedings with ISBN.
The proceedings will be sent for indexing including ISI/Thomson Reuters, Scopus.
All papers will be available on-line on WSCG WEB site after the conference with no access restriction for wide dissemination.
Selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, Vol.21. ISSN 1213‑6972
Organizer and conference office
Prof. Vaclav Skala
c/o University of West Bohemia, Computer Science Dept., Univerzitni 8,
CZ 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a) Subject: INFO WSCG
Conference office
Vaclav Skala, Union Agency
Na Mazinach 9, CZ 322 00 Plzen, Czech Republic
Feel free to visit
All papers are available on-line since 1992 (no access restriction)