EuroVR - the 7th EuroVR (former INTUITION) Conference
EGVE - the 16th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
VEC - the annual Virtual Efficiency Congress
September 29 - 30, 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Schwabenlandhalle, Stuttgart-Fellbach
*** Extended Paper DEADLINE May 31, 2010 ***
In 2010, the 16th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, the
7th EuroVR (INTUITION) Conference, and the annual Virtual Efficiency
Congress are merged together into the JVRC10 - Joint Virtual Reality
Conference of EuroVR - EGVE - VEC.
JVRC10 will provide an opportunity for virtual reality researchers,
engineers and users to interact, share new results and new applications,
show live demonstrations of their work, and discuss emerging directions for
the field.
JVRC10 will include an open call for papers, short papers, posters,
tutorials, demos, lab presentations, as well as industrial presentations and
exhibitions from industrial partners and research projects in the wider area
of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and 3D User Interfaces.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Display and Projection Technologies
- Tracking & Sensing
- Haptics, Audio and Multimodal Interfaces
- VR System Architecture and Development
- 3D Input and Output Devices
- Augmented and Mixed Reality (AR and MR)
- Collaborative and Distributed VR
- 3D User Interfaces and Interaction
- User Studies and Evaluation
- Presence and Cognition
- Realtime Rendering, Modelling and Simulation
- VR, AR, and MR Applications
* Scientific Track *
Original, unpublished papers, short papers and posters documenting new
research contributions, practice and experience, or novel applications, from
all areas of virtual VR/AR/MR are invited.
* Industrial Application Track *
We seek reports on best practices, applications of VR/AR/MR in industry and
application oriented research projects with emphasis on process integration,
qualitative or quantitative benefit analysis, ROI analyses or methods. This
necessitates a strong involvement and feed-back of industrial end-users.
Submissions do not have to be original in a scientific sense but should
include the above mentioned reflections.
* Submission information *
Information about the submission procedure and formatting instructions will
be available online at
Accepted scientific papers will be presented at the conference and published
in the Eurographics symposium series. Additionally, a selection of the best
papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of a journal.
The industrial application oriented papers will be considered for
publication in a special EuroVR publication series.
* Important Dates *
May, 31: Deadline for submissions of research papers and short papers
June, 20: Deadline for posters
June, 20: Deadline for submissions of industrial application papers
June, 20: Deadline for registration of research demos
July, 2: Notification of acceptance for papers, short papers, posters, and
July, 15: Deadline for camera-ready copy
July, 15: Notification of acceptance for research demos
The conference is organized by Fraunhofer IAO, Germany.
* General Co-chairs * (jvrc10_chairs(a)
Dieter Spath, (Fraunhofer IAO Stuttgart, Germany)
Anthony Steed (University College of London, UK)
Roland Blach (Fraunhofer IAO Stuttgart, Germany)
* International Program Committee Co-chairs *
Torsten Kuhlen (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Sabine Coquillart (INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France)
Victoria Interrante (University of Minnesota, USA)
* Industrial Application Program Committee Co-chairs *
Angelos Amditis (ICCS, NTUA, Greece)
Manfred Dangelmaier Fraunhofer IAO, Germany)
Phillipe Gravez (CEA, France)
Christoph Runde (VDC, Germany)
S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S !!!!!
Athens (GREECE), 28 - 29 of May, 2010
In cooperation with Eurographics
General Chair: Dimitri PLEMENOS (plemenos(a)
Local Chair: George MIAOULIS (gmiaoul(a)
Invited speakers: Yves DUTHEN (France), Nikolaos AVOURIS (Greece),
Xavier PUEYO (Spain)
REGISTRATION FEES: 190 Euro (regular participants)
130 Euro (students)
Payment by Bank transfer (see
Friday, May 28, 2010, Morning
09:15 a.m: Reception
09:50 a.m: Opening of the Conference
10:00 a.m: Invited speaker (Yves Duthen)
The Bio-Logic of the Artificial Creatures
Yves Duthen (FRANCE)
11:00 a.m: Coffee break
1st session: Virtual reality, Artificial life, Games
11:30 a.m.: Virtual Reality Advanced Editor For Crowded Worlds
Martha E. Zavala Villa (MEXICO), Hervé Luga (FRANCE),
Victor M Larios Rosillo (MEXICO).
12:00 a.m.: Levels of Interaction: A User-Guided Experience in
Large-Scale Virtual Environments
David Panzoli (FRANCE), Christopher Peters (UK),
Ian Dunwell (UK), Stephane Sanchez (FRANCE),
Panagiotis Petridis (UK), Aristidis Protopsaltis (UK),
Vincent Scesa (FRANCE) and Sara de Freitas (UK)
12:30 a.m.: A Multiple Level Behavioural System for Crowd Simulation
in Computer Games.
Christos Gatzoulis (CYPRUS).
13:00 a.m. Lunch
Friday, May 28, 2010, Afternoon
2nd session: Scene Modelling 1
02:30 p.m.: Vague modeling with fuzzy solid models
A.A Zaldivar (CUBA), J.C. Torres (SPAIN).
03:00 p.m.: A Computational Model to Develop Key Symmetry Patterns
Used in Islamic Geometric Patterns.
Ali Izadi, Azam Bastanfard, Mahdi Rezaei (IRAN).
03:30 p.m.: Virtual Globe Based Collaborative 3D City Modelling
Christos P. Yiakoumettis, Georgios Bardis,
Georgios Miaoulis (GREECE), Dimitri Plemenos,
Djamchid Ghazanfarpour (FRANCE)
04:00 p.m.: Coffee break
3rd session: Scene understanding
04:30 a.m.: Alternative visualization techniques for understanding
scenes with embedded objects.
Nancy Dandachy, Dimitri Plemenos, Safwan Chendeb
(FRANCE), Bachar El Hassan (LEBANON).
05:00 a.m.: Incorporating Viewpoint Entropy into the S-PDB viewer
for Selecting Optimal 3D object Views.
Nikolaos Doulamis, Evangelos Chronis, Anastasios Doulamis,
George Miaoulis (GREECE), Dimitri Plemenos (FRANCE).
05:30 p.m.: End of the 1st day;
Saturday, May 29, 2010, Morning
09:30 a.m.: Invited speaker (Xavier Pueyo)
Physically-Based Modeling and Rendering.
Improving Real World Applications
. Xavier Pueyo, Carles Bosch, Adria Fores, I. Martín,
A. Mas, G.Patow (SPAIN).
4th session: Rendering
10:30 a.m.: Interactive Volume-based Indirect Illumination of
Dynamic Scenes.
Athanasios Gaitatzes (CYPRUS), Pavlos Mavridis,
Georgios Papaioannou (GREECE).
11:00 a.m.: A comparison of two machine learning approaches for
Photometric Solids Compression.
Samuel Delepoulle, François Rousselle, Christophe Renaud,
Philippe Preux (FRANCE).
11:30 a.m.: Coffee break
5th session: Scene Modelling 2
12:00 a.m.: Declarative Disambiguation Using Knowledge-based Requirements
Transformation into a Formal Constraint Model.
Georgios Bardis, Dimitrios Makris, Vassilios Golfinopoulos,
Georgios Miaoulis (GREECE), Dimitri Plemenos (FRANCE).
12:30 a.m.: Growing Cells Meshing.
Hendrik Annuth, Christian Bohn (GERMANY).
13:00 a.m.: Lunch
Saturday, May 29, 2010, Morning
6th session: Machine learning
10:40 a.m.: Robust Foreground Detection and Tracking using Dynamic
Foreground-Background Modeling Based on Adaptive Boosting.
Nikolaos Doulamis, Anastasios Doulamis, John Dragonas,
George Miaoulis (GREECE).
11:10 a.m.: Self adaptive shape-based 3D searching environments.
Evangelos Promponas, Nikolaos Doulamis, John Dragonas,
George Miaoulis (GREECE).
11:30 a.m.: Coffee break
7th session: Data visualization, Camera selection, GPU
12:00 a.m.: Plastic Material Selection By Intelligent Graphic Mode.
Urska Sancin, Bojan Dolsak (SLOVENIA).
12:20 a.m.: Camera Selection Using SCSPs.
Michael Janzen, Eric Neufeld, Michael Horsch (CANADA).
12:40 a.m.: Simulating Soft Tissues using a GPU approach of
the Mass-Spring Model.
Christian Andres Diaz Leon (COLOMBIA), Steven Eliuk (CANADA),
Helmuth Trefftz Gomez (COLOMBIA), Pierre Boulanger (CANADA).
13:00 a.m.: Lunch
Saturday, May 29, 2010, Afternoon
02:30 p.m.: Invited speaker (Nikolaos Avouris)
Design of interactive technologies for a mobile and
ubiquitous world
Nikolaos Avouris (GREECE)
8th session: GIS
03:30 p.m.: Application of the Pareto-Based Genetic Algorithm in Multi-
Objective Location Analysis.
Mirza Ponjavic, Almir Karabegovic (BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA).
04:00 p.m.: GIS Scene Explorer, an Intelligent Navigation Tool for
Georeferenced Scenes.
Christos P. Yiakoumettis, Georgios Bardis, Georgios
Miaoulis (GREECE), Dimitri Plemenos, Djamchid Ghazanfarpour
04:30 p.m.: End of the conference
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a) I
I 83,rue d'Isle I I
I | I
I Home address: | I
I 44, rue Antoine Bourdelle | Home phone: (+33) 5 55 43 80 60 I
I 87000 LIMOGES - FRANCE | Home e-mail: plemenos(a) I
Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this
We have extended our early bird registration deadline till Friday
21st May. Please also note our new program.
Computational Aesthetics 2010
You are invited to participate in the sixth annual Symposium on
Computational Aesthetics that will take place in London from the
14-15 June.
Call for Participation
Invited speakers: Maggie Boden and George Mallen.
Registration is now open at
Registration Fees:
Early Bird (before 15^th May) *** extended till 21st May
£155 Student (CAS/EG)
£205 Student (non-member)
£215 Regular (CAS/EG)
£315 Regular (non-member)
£125 Art contributor*
After 15^th May
£205 Student (CAS/EG)
£255 Student (non-member)
£255 Regular (CAS/EG)
£355 Regular (non-member)
£175 Art contributor*
*Monday 14th June 2010 *
9:20 Welcome
9:30 _Keynote_ Computer Art and Emotions Maggie Boden
10:30 Coffee
_Session 1 Weird Images_
11:00 Realtime Aesthetic Image Retargeting, Ligang Liu and Jin Yong.
11:25 The "In-Between" virtual neighborhood and the "Cellutopia"
engine, Nefeli Dimitriadi and Stavroula Zoi
11:50 Pannini: A New Projection for Rendering Wide Angle Perspective
Images, Daniel German, Thomas Sharpless and Bruno Postle.
12:15 A robust and universal gradient domain imaging solver using
gradient variables and locally varying metrics, Ramon Hegedus and
Laszlo Neumann.
12:40 Lunch
_Session 2 Suggestive Lines_
13:40 Suggestive Hatching, Mayank Singh and Scott Schaefer.
14:05 Two Computers at Leisure Playing Chess in a Park, Timothy Devine
14:30 Recursive scene graphs, Neil Dodgson and Brian Wyvill.
14:55 Line Drawings vs. Curvature Shading: Scientific Illustration
of Range Scanned Artefacts, Christian Hörr, Guido Brunnett and
Christian Vix.
15:20 Interactive volume illustration using intensity filtering,
Marc Ruiz, Imma Boada, Miquel Feixas and Mateu Sbert.
15:45 Coffee
16:15 Art Installation Exploration
17:15 Posters, art & drinks
18:30 Finish
*Tuesday 15th June 2010 *
_Session 3 Magic Brushes_
9:00 Arabic Calligraphy, Salman Alhajri.
9:25 Brush stroke ordering techniques for painterly rendering,
Lesley Northam, Joe Istead and Craig S. Kaplan.
9:50 Stroke Matching for Paint Dances, Simon Colton.
10:15 Coffee
_Session 4 Freaky Geometry_
10:40 Subdivision Beyond Smoothness, Michael Hansmeyer
11:05 A Planetary Order (Terrestrial Cloud Globe), Martin John Callanan.
11:30 Procedural generation of surface detail for science fiction
spaceships, Craig S. Kaplan and Kate Kinnear.
11:55 Discretization of 3D models using voxel elements of different
shapes, Davide Cavagnino and Marco Gribaudo.
12:20 Lunch
13:20 _Invited Talk_ Goose pimples are for humans, what's for
robots? George Mallen
_Session 5 Mental to Metal_
14:00 Bridging the Imaginal Gap: From Mental Image to Computer
Model, Nick Lambert
14:25 Toward Auvers Period: Evolution of van Gogh's Style, Jaume
Rigau, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert and Christian Wallraven.
14:50 Coffee
_Session 6 Crossover_
15:15 The Needle Factory, Jeremy Radvan.
15:40 Learning about Shadows from Artists, Elodie Fourquet.
16:05 From Communication Game to Cities Tango, Ernest Edmonds and
Francesca Franco
16:30 Closing
[Please feel free to distribute among your contacts -- We apologize for
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
Madrid, Spain
July 2-4
The Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) is the premier forum for
innovations in the software and technology of computer animation. The
ninth annual event unites researchers and practitioners working on all
aspects of time-based phenomena. Our
focused, intimate gathering, with single track program and emphasis on
community interaction, makes SCA the best venue to exchange research
results, get inspired, and set up collaborations. Don't miss out!
We invite submissions to the SCA posters session. A poster or demo
presentation is the perfect opportunity for authors to display and
discuss late-breaking technical achievements.
We encourage any of the following types of poster submissions:
* Up and coming computer animation research
* Technically novel production work
* Work done outside of SCA that would be of interest to the computer
animation community. This includes animation-related works recently
accepted to other conferences such as I3D or NPAR, or the SIGGRAPH
General program.
* Lab overviews which present a snapshot of the ongoing
animation-related research at a given institution.
All details are on
We invite submissions to the SIGMAD Animation Festival for projection
during the festival, and during SCA. The Animation Festival is open to
a wide spectrum of computer generated animations: narrative animation,
real-time animation, video games trailers, music videos, visualization
(...). Accepted movies will receive a certificate and will participate
to the best videos contest in each category. They will be projected
during the festival, and the reel from the jury will be shown as a
special event during SCA 2010.
We encourage any of the following types of animation submissions:
* Short Animation Movie, Professional level
* Short Animation Movie, Amateur level
* Technical Video
* Game Demo
All details can be found on
Registration is now open. Register early and before the 24th of May and
get a free mug ! We remind papers and posters authors that at least one
author per contribution must be registered for the paper/poster to
appear in the corresponding proceedings. Information on hotel booking
with discount rates is also available.
All details as well as the registration form can be found at
*** Conference co-Chairs ***
Francois Faure (Grenoble Universities, INRIA, LJK-CNRS)
Caroline Larboulette (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid)
*** Program co-Chairs ***
Zoran Popovic (University of Washington)
Miguel A. Otaduy (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid)
*** Posters Chair ***
Adam Bargteil (University of Utah)
*** Animation Festival co-Chairs ***
Caroline Larboulette (Madrid ACM SIGGRAPH Professional Chapter)
Laura Raya (Madrid Computer Graphics Students Chapter)
*** Important Dates ***
All deadlines are 11:59pm Central European Time (GMT+2).
16th of May 2010: Deadline for posters submissions
23rd of May 2010: Camera-ready papers due
24th of May 2010: Deadline for Advance Registration
1st of July 2010: Animation Festival
2nd-4th of July 2010: Symposium
Don't hesitate to contact us (see if you
have any question.
We look forward to seeing you in Madrid!
Call for Papers
The goal of the special issue is to collect a broad range of papers on
perspective applications of 3D content, a rapidly emerging new form of
media in
the semantic multimedia panorama and an extremely challenging context of
application of semantic multimedia. The issue is promoted by the FP7 EC
K3D project, and it is expected to provide an up-to-date view of the open
issues in knowledge intensive 3D media, and trace future research and
technological directions.
The special issue addresses scientists not only in Computer Graphics but
in all the disciplines that make strong use of 3D modelling and simulation;
professional developers of tools for 3D content creation and management;
publishers/dealers of online 3D repositories; creators of digital 3D
We call for contribution on topics related to semantic 3D media and
applications, including but not limited to:
* semantics-based 3D modelling and processing
* semantics-driven 3D shape segmentation
* content-based 3D retrieval and classification
* semantics-driven 3D visualization
* 3D media ontologies
* formalization of shape semantics
* smart objects and virtual characters
* automatic creation of imaginary worlds
* semantics-driven interaction in D worlds
Contributions should be formatted according to the Elsevier style guide and
submitted online ( Detailed instructions
will be
made available on the web site of the FOCUS K3D project
All submissions will undergo a two-stages review cycle according to the
standard of the Computers & Graphics Journal.
Guest Editors Bianca Falcidieno (IMATI-CNR, Italy) and Ivan Herman (CWI, NL)
Papers due: 30th May 2010
Revisions 1st cycle: 15th July 2010
Revised papers due: 30th August 2010
Revisions 2nd cycle: 30th September 2010
Camera-ready: 15th October
The production and processing of digital 3D content was and still is a
traditional field of expertise of Computer Graphics, but only recently 3D
entered the multimedia world. In the near future 3D data will represent
a huge
amount of traffic and data stored and transmitted using Internet
3D media, as a term which encompasses all forms of digital content about 3D
objects used and managed in networked environments, are not only
graphics used in entertainment applications : 3D media are endowed with
a high
knowledge value carried either by the expertise needed to design them or
by the
information content itself. 3D media are key in many applied sectors
such as
Medicine and Bioinformatics, Gaming and Simulation, CAD/CAE and Virtual
Modelling, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. In these applied sectors,
representing a complex shape in its complete life-cycle stages is known
to be
highly non trivial, due to the sheer mass of information involved and the
complexity of the knowledge that a shape can reveal as the result of a
modelling process. 3D media introduced therefore a new kind of content
in the
multimedia scenario. At the same time, research on semantic multimedia,
as the
deep integration of semantic web techniques with multimedia analysis
tools, has
shown how to use and share content of multiple forms, endowed with some
kind of
intelligence, accessible in digital form and in distributed or networked
environments. The success of semantic multimedia largely depends on the
at which we will be able to use them in systems that provide efficient and
effective search capabilties, analysis mechanisms, and intuitive re-use and
creation facilities, at the level of content, semantics and context.
Instructions for Submissions at
VAST 2010: 11th Symposium on Virtual reality Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Ecole de Louvre, Palais du Louvre, Paris, September 21st-24th 2010
2nd Call for Papers Submission Deadlines: 20th May 2010
Science Technology & Museums: A Challenge for the New Decade
In the 21st century the use of digital technology is a common practice
in every day of our lives, contributing to the development, management
and delivery of the information that surrounds our environment.
Archaeologists and Cultural Heritage scientists as well as Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) experts have in the past
collaborated to find solutions to optimise all aspects of managing and
delivering cultural information to new generations, but there remain
many unsolved problems.
The goal of this VAST will be to build on the open dialogue between
these different areas of expertise, and in particular allow ICT
experts to have a better understanding of the critical requirements of
the CH scientists for managing and delivering cultural information.
The result of this interaction will be disseminated through use of
innovative digital techniques in research and education for Cultural
Heritage and through publications: on-going project results;
preliminary ideas and works in progress; and overviews of research in
the use of digital technology in the context of Cultural Heritage.
We are seeking contributions that advance the state of the art in the
technologies available to support cultural heritage. In particular:
* 2/3/4D data capture and processing in Cultural Heritage
* Augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations
* Data acquisition technologies
* Digital Libraries
* Digital capture and annotation of intangible heritage
(performance, audio, dance, oral)
* Interactive environments and applications for Cultural Heritage
* Long term preservation of digital artefacts
* Metadata, classification schema, ontologies and semantic processing
* Multilingual applications, tools and systems for Cultural Heritage
* Multimedia data acquisition, management and archiving
* Multi-modal interfaces and rendering for Cultural Heritage
* On-site and remotely sensed data collection
* Professional and ethical guidelines
* Serious games in Cultural Heritage
* Standards and documentation
* Storytelling and design of heritage communications
* Tools for education and training in Cultural Heritage
* Usability, effectiveness and interface design for Cultural
Heritage Applications
* Visualization
Other relevant works concerning the application of technology to
Cultural Heritage not directly included in the above categories are
also welcome for submission.
The best papers presented at VAST 2010 will be selected for possible
extension and review for inclusion in a special edition of the ACM
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH). JOCCH is published
online during the year and then a hardcopy volume is produced at the
end of the year.
VAST 2010 will include the "VAST-STate-of-the-Art Reports
(VAST-STARs)", inspired by the EG STARs. These are longer papers
providing useful novel overviews of research in the fields of computer
graphics, computer science and related fields that can benefit the
multidisciplinary nature of VAST. They are survey papers in what the
community considers important areas that have not been covered before
or recently. Their aim is to give a detailed account of the
principles, algorithms and open problems of a research area, so that
an interested reader can quickly become up to speed in this field. We
warmly encourage all colleagues to submit to the VAST-STARs reports.
Two VAST-STARs will be selected by peer review and published in the
local proceedings together with the short and project papers. The
VAST-STARs will be eligible for the special issue on Cultural Heritage
on Elsevier's Computers and Graphics (C&G, to be confirmed).
VAST-STARs authors will present their work with a 60 minute
presentation during VAST 2010.
We are soliciting five types of contributions:
* Full research papers presenting new innovative results: these
papers will be published by Eurographics in the EG Symposium (ISSN
* VAST-STARs providing a useful novel overview of research in the
fields of computer graphics, computer science and related fields that
can benefit the multidisciplinary nature of VAST.
* Project papers focusing on on-going projects, the description of
project organization, use of technology, and lesson learned, but do
not necessarily involving innovative technical content. These papers
will have an oral presentation and will be included in a "Projects &
Short Papers" proceedings volume. Authors will have the option to
present a poster during the breaks to provide more information
regarding the project.
* Short papers and posters presenting preliminary results and
works-in-progress. These papers will have an oral presentation and
will be published in the "Projects & Short Papers" proceedings volume.
* Tutorials and Workshops: half-day and full-day working sessions
that provide an opportunity to educate and share on key topics of
interest face-to-face. Suitable tutorial documentation will be
published in the "Projects & Short Papers" proceedings volume.
Workshops that provide supplementary material in time for the CD-ROM
printing will also be included.
All submissions will be reviewed and feedback given to the authors.
See detailed information on the VAST 2010 website under Submissions.
- Abstract submission
(full/project/short/workshops/tutorials/VAST-STARs): 15th May 2010
(23:59 CET)
- Paper submission
(full/project/short/workshops/tutorials/VAST-STARs): 20th May 2010
(23:59 CET)
- Author notification: 15th June 2010
- Camera-ready copies: 25th June 2010
- Event Chair: Christiane Naffah (Centre de Recherche et de
Restauration des Musées de France, Paris)
- Scientific Program Chairs: Alessandro Artusi (The Cyprus Institute,
CASTORC), Alejandro Ribes (Electricité de France R&D), Genevieve Lucet
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- Local Organising Committee: Denis Pitzalis (The Cyprus
Institute, STARC), Morwena Joly (Centre de Recherche et de
Restauration des Musées de France, Paris)
- VAST-STARs Committee: Yiorgos Chrysanthou (University of Cyprus) and
Selma Rizvic (University of Sarajevo)
-- ---------------------- VAST 2010 - Denis
Pitzalis - Researcher in Digital Heritage and
Archaeological Sciences The Cyprus Institute, STARC - Guy Ourisson Bld, Nicosia, Cyprus - Tel:
+35722208653 Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France
(C2RMF) - Palais du Louvre, Paris, France - Tel:
+33140202414 3DCoForm - Tools and Expertise for 3D Collection Formation
- Business Strand Coordinator
We are pleased to announce that the VCBM 2010 registration is now
officially open! We hope that you will join us in Leipzig on July 1
and 2 for what is shaping up to be a great scientific and social
program. Once the poster submissions have been reviewed, we will
finalise the scientific program. Until that time, the accepted full
paper presentations can be viewed on the program page at
Early registration, before or on May 31 2010, brings a 10% discount on
the normal registration. Go to to
See you in Leipzig,
The VCBM 2010 chairs.
GraVisMa 2010
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Mathematics
in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS Association
Eckhard M.S. Hitzer, Fukui University, Japan
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Call for Papers and Participation
GraVisMa workshops are a unique forum for researchers, practitioners,
developers and academia experts to discuss new approaches and methods in
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Scientific Computation, Scientific,
Medical and Information Visualization with applications of the latest
developments in Mathematics and Physics.
Goals of the GraVisMa workshops are to bring theory of the Projective
Geometry, Geometric Algebra, Grassmann Algebra and Conformal Geometry to
practice especially in the fields related to Computer Graphics and Vision,
Scientific Computation and Visualization.
GraVisMa workshops bring new impulses to related fields of computer
especially in development of new approaches to algorithms and data
structures, stimulate research activities between mathematicians and
computer science experts.
Informal atmosphere of the GraVisMa workshops stimulates discussions
researchers and practitioners, which will lead to further international
research collaborations and projects proposals as well.
Important dates Notification
Papers (8 pages A4) June 28, 1010 July 31, 2010
Tutorial proposals (2 pages A4) June 28, 2010 July 15, 2010
Communications - extended abstracts (2 pages A4) July 26, 2010
August 16, 2010
Posters (2 pages A4) July 26, 2010 August 16, 2010
Venue (Expected): Brno, Czech Republic September
7-10, 2010
Main topics of workshops (but not limited to)
· Computer Graphics (modeling, rendering, 3D imaging)
· Computer Vision (3D reconstruction, image transformations)
· Algorithms and Data Structures
· Parallel & Distributed Computing with GPU/CUDA/TESLA architectures
· Scientific, Medical & Information Visualization
· Scientific Computing
· 3D TV and HCI related issues,
· Applications
· Numerical Computation
· Projective Geometry
· Geometric Algebra
· Conformal Algebra
· Grassmann Algebra
· Other related Mathematical Aspects
· Influence = Mathematics to Computer Science, Computer Science to
· Educational Aspects
· Programming Tools and Systems
· Other related topics
Conference proceedings - papers will be anonymously reviewed. After
revision, the accepted and presented papers will be published in GraVisMa
proceedings with ISBN. They will be sent for indexing by ISI and others.
Post-workshop DVD will be produced. Proceedings will be available
on-line on
WEB with no-access restrictions.
Contact: prof.Vaclav Skala
c/o University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Center of Computer Graphics and Visualization
Univerzitni 8, CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
skala(a) Subj. GraVisMa
Come and explore the Brno city, very historical and cultural city.
2010 International Conference on Cyberworlds
20-22 October 2010, Singapore
Organized by the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society.
In cooperation with Eurographics Association and ACM SIGGRAPH.
Supported by the Interactive Digital Media R&D Program Office, Media Development Authority of Singapore.
Cyberworlds are information worlds or communities created on cyberspace by collaborating participants either intentionally or spontaneously. As information worlds, they accumulate information regardless whether or not anyone is in, and they can be with or without 2D or 3D visual graphics appearance. The examples of such cyberworlds are communities created in different social networking services, 3D shared virtual environments, and multiplayer online games. Cyberworlds are closely related to the real world and have a serious impact on it. Cyberworlds have been created and applied in such areas as e-business, e-commerce, e-manufacturing, e-learning, e-medicine, and cultural heritage, etc. Cyberworlds augment and sometimes replace the real life and become a significant component of real economy.
The international conferences on Cyberworlds have being organized annually since 2002 with the proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society and special issues published in The Visual Computer and other research journals.
10th in the series, CW2010 will consist of paper sessions, tutorials, industrial seminars, exhibitions and hands-on demonstrations where researchers, artists, and vendors will show the state-of-the-art in the field. CW2010 will have several parallel tracks including but not limited to the following topics:
Shared virtual worlds; Virtual collaborative spaces; Shape modeling for cyberworlds; Virtual humans and avatars; Intelligent talking agents; Networked collaboration; Haptic interaction and rendering; Computer vision; Augmented, mixed and virtual reality; Human-computer interfaces; Cognitive informatics; Brain-computer interfaces; EEG-based emotion recognition; E-learning in virtual collaborative spaces; Multi-user web games; Art and heritage in cyberspace; Cyber-museums; Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds; Cyberethics and cyberlaws; Cybersecurity; Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds; Social networking.
CW2010 will also have a special research and industrial track for Singapore Media Development Authority Co-Space projects.
Key-note talks:
Tosiyasu L. Kunii "Modeling Cyberworlds"
Chief Technical Advisor of Morpho, Inc., Japan and Professor Emeritus of The University of Tokyo, Japan.
Nadia Thalmann "A Comprehensive Methodology to Visualize Articulations for the Physiological Human"
Professor and Director of MIRALab, University of Geneva and Director of the Institute for Media Innovations, NTU, Singapore.
Michael Yap "The Future of Media: Co-Space and the Next Web"
Deputy CEO at Media Development Authority (MDA) of Singapore and an Executive Director of the Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Programme Office.
André Gagalowicz "3D Tracking of non Verbal Facial Expressions from Monocular Video Sequences"
Scientific Leader, Mirages, INRIA Paris - Rocquencourt research centre.
Dieter Fellner "3D Semantics Pipeline: Creating, Handling and Visualization of Semantically-Enriched Models"
Professor at TU Darmstadt and Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD), Germany.
The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society, placed in the IEEE Xplore and Computer Society digital libraries, and submitted for indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.
2 special issues of the following international journals will be formed from the full conference papers:
- The Visual Computer (Springer)
- Transactions on Computational Science (Springer)
Important Dates:
Paper submission 15 May 2010 (extended)
Notice of Acceptance 15 Jun 2010
Author registration 15 Jul 2010
Camera-ready paper 15 Jul 2010
Industrial Seminars/Exhibitions:
Key industrialists are invited to share their experience in creating and applying cyberworlds to solve practical problems. Major research labs, industrial companies and other institutions are invited to set up an exhibition to present their group, the work and projects to the conference participants. Please email your requests to cyberworlds{at} or call +65 6790-4292.
General Chair and Co-Chairs:
Alexei Sourin, NTU, Singapore.
Dieter Fellner, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany.
Daniel Thalmann, EPFL, Switzerland and NTU, Singapore.
Program Chair:
Olga Sourina, NTU, Singapore.
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S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S !!!!!
Athens (GREECE), 28 - 29 of May, 2010
In cooperation with Eurographics
General Chair: Dimitri PLEMENOS (plemenos(a)
Local Chair: George MIAOULIS (gmiaoul(a)
Invited speakers: Yves DUTHEN (France), Nikolaos AVOURIS (Greece),
Xavier PUEYO (Spain)
REGISTRATION FEES: 190 Euro (regular participants)
130 Euro (students)
Payment by Bank transfer (see
Friday, May 28, 2010, Morning
09:15 a.m: Reception
09:50 a.m: Opening of the Conference
10:00 a.m: Invited speaker (Yves Duthen)
The Bio-Logic of the Artificial Creatures
Yves Duthen (FRANCE)
11:00 a.m: Coffee break
1st session: Virtual reality, Artificial life, Games
11:30 a.m.: Virtual Reality Advanced Editor For Crowded Worlds
Martha E. Zavala Villa (MEXICO), Hervé Luga (FRANCE),
Victor M Larios Rosillo (MEXICO).
12:00 a.m.: Levels of Interaction: A User-Guided Experience in
Large-Scale Virtual Environments
David Panzoli (FRANCE), Christopher Peters (UK),
Ian Dunwell (UK), Stephane Sanchez (FRANCE),
Panagiotis Petridis (UK), Aristidis Protopsaltis (UK),
Vincent Scesa (FRANCE) and Sara de Freitas (UK)
12:30 a.m.: A Multiple Level Behavioural System for Crowd Simulation
in Computer Games.
Christos Gatzoulis (CYPRUS).
13:00 a.m. Lunch
Friday, May 28, 2010, Afternoon
2nd session: Scene Modelling 1
02:30 p.m.: Vague modeling with fuzzy solid models
A.A Zaldivar (CUBA), J.C. Torres (SPAIN).
03:00 p.m.: A Computational Model to Develop Key Symmetry Patterns
Used in Islamic Geometric Patterns.
Ali Izadi, Azam Bastanfard, Mahdi Rezaei (IRAN).
03:30 p.m.: Virtual Globe Based Collaborative 3D City Modelling
Christos P. Yiakoumettis, Georgios Bardis,
Georgios Miaoulis (GREECE), Dimitri Plemenos,
Djamchid Ghazanfarpour (FRANCE)
04:00 p.m.: Coffee break
3rd session: Scene understanding
04:30 a.m.: Alternative visualization techniques for understanding
scenes with embedded objects.
Nancy Dandachy, Dimitri Plemenos, Safwan Chendeb
(FRANCE), Bachar El Hassan (LEBANON).
05:00 a.m.: Incorporating Viewpoint Entropy into the S-PDB viewer
for Selecting Optimal 3D object Views.
Nikolaos Doulamis, Evangelos Chronis, Anastasios Doulamis,
George Miaoulis (GREECE), Dimitri Plemenos (FRANCE).
05:30 p.m.: End of the 1st day;
Saturday, May 29, 2010, Morning
09:30 a.m.: Invited speaker (Xavier Pueyo)
Physically-Based Modeling and Rendering.
Improving Real World Applications
. Xavier Pueyo, Carles Bosch, Adria Fores, I. Martín,
A. Mas, G.Patow (SPAIN).
4th session: Rendering
10:30 a.m.: Interactive Volume-based Indirect Illumination of
Dynamic Scenes.
Athanasios Gaitatzes (CYPRUS), Pavlos Mavridis,
Georgios Papaioannou (GREECE).
11:00 a.m.: A comparison of two machine learning approaches for
Photometric Solids Compression.
Samuel Delepoulle, François Rousselle, Christophe Renaud,
Philippe Preux (FRANCE).
11:30 a.m.: Coffee break
5th session: Scene Modelling 2
12:00 a.m.: Declarative Disambiguation Using Knowledge-based Requirements
Transformation into a Formal Constraint Model.
Georgios Bardis, Dimitrios Makris, Vassilios Golfinopoulos,
Georgios Miaoulis (GREECE), Dimitri Plemenos (FRANCE).
12:30 a.m.: Growing Cells Meshing.
Hendrik Annuth, Christian Bohn (GERMANY).
13:00 a.m.: Lunch
Saturday, May 29, 2010, Morning
6th session: Machine learning
10:40 a.m.: Robust Foreground Detection and Tracking using Dynamic
Foreground-Background Modeling Based on Adaptive Boosting.
Nikolaos Doulamis, Anastasios Doulamis, John Dragonas,
George Miaoulis (GREECE).
11:10 a.m.: A self adaptive 3D search algorithm using
non-supervised relevance feedback.
Evaggelos Promponas, Nikolaos Doulamis, John Dragonas,
George Miaoulis (GREECE).
11:30 a.m.: Coffee break
7th session: Data visualization, Camera selection, GPU
12:00 a.m.: Plastic Material Selection By Intelligent Graphic Mode.
Urska Sancin, Bojan Dolsak (SLOVENIA).
12:20 a.m.: Camera Selection Using SCSPs.
Michael Janzen, Eric Neufeld, Michael Horsch (CANADA).
12:40 a.m.: Simulating Soft Tissues using a GPU approach of
the Mass-Spring Model.
Christian Andres Diaz Leon (COLOMBIA), Steven Eliuk (CANADA),
Helmuth Trefftz Gomez (COLOMBIA), Pierre Boulanger (CANADA).
13:00 a.m.: Lunch
Saturday, May 29, 2010, Afternoon
02:30 p.m.: Invited speaker (Nikolaos Avouris)
Design of interactive technologies for a mobile and
ubiquitous world
Nikolaos Avouris (GREECE)
8th session: GIS
03:30 p.m.: Application of the Pareto-Based Genetic Algorithm in Multi-
Objective Location Analysis.
Mirza Ponjavic, Almir Karabegovic (BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA).
04:00 p.m.: GIS Scene Explorer, an Intelligent Navigation Tool for
Georeferenced Scenes.
Christos P. Yiakoumettis, Georgios Bardis, Georgios
Miaoulis (GREECE), Dimitri Plemenos, Djamchid Ghazanfarpour
04:30 p.m.: End of the conference