S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S ! ! !
Athens (GREECE), May 30 - 31, 2008
| DEADLINE February 4, 2008 |
Alla SAFONOVA, University of Pennsylvania (USA)
The 2nd speaker is not yet known
The 3rd speaker is not yet known
The 3IA International Conference on Computer Graphics is the
only International Conference on Intelligent Computer Graphics.
The aim of this Conference is to present the current state of
research of Computer Graphics researchers who use Artificial
Intelligence techniques.
The eleventh 3IA International Conference (3IA'2008) will take place
in May 2008, in Athens (GREECE).
Under the title "Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence", several
themes could be covered by the authors of papers. The following list gives
an idea of possible themes :
- Artificial intelligence techniques in scene modeling.
- Declarative techniques in scene modeling.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in rendering.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in construction of geometric figures.
- Animation and artificial intelligence.
- Behavioural animation.
- Design of intelligent graphic interfaces.
- Scene properties description techniques.
- Intelligent methods of exploring virtual worlds.
- Computer graphics and learning.
- Combination of classical and AI techniques.
- Application of AI techniques in CAD and GIS.
- Intelligent visualisation.
- Intelligent collaborative design.
- Semantics-based approaches in design.
- Decision support systems in design.
- Intelligent computational aesthetics.
- Intelligent CG applications in bioinformatics and medical informatics.
- ...
Dimitri PLEMENOS, Emeritus Professor
Universite de Limoges
Faculte des Sciences
MSI Laboratory
83, rue d'Isle
phone : (+ 33) 5 55 43 69 74, (+33) 5 55 43 69 76
fax : (+33) 5 55 43 69 77
E-mail : plemenos(a)unilim.fr
CONFERENCE E-mail : 3ia(a)teiath.gr
CONFERENCE Web site : http://3ia.teiath.gr
Yury BAYAKOVSKY (Russia)
Christian BOHN (Germany)
Rene CAUBET (France),
Giovanni DE PAOLI (Canada)
Jean-Francois DUFOURD (France),
Yves DUTHEN (France)
Eugene FIUME (Canada),
Marina GAVRILOVA (Canada)
Djamchid GHAZANFARPOUR (France),
Gerard HEGRON (France),
Andres IGLESIAS (Spain),
Andrey IONES (USA)
Prem KALRA (India),
Stanislav KLIMENKO (Russia),
Ivana KOLINGEROVA (Czech Republic),
Jean-Claude LAFON (France),
Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN (Switzerland),
Michel MERIAUX (France),
Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Zhigeng PAN (China),
Bernard PEROCHE (France),
Pascal LIENHARDT (France),
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France),
Xavier PUEYO (Spain),
Mateu SBERT (Spain),
Vaclav SKALA (Czech Republic),
Daniel THALMANN (Switzerland),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece),
Jiri ZARA (Czech Republic).
e-mail: gmiaoul(a)teiath.gr
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France), Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece), Jean DRAGONAS (Greece),
Giola DIONYSSOPOULOU (Greece), Georges BARDIS (Greece),
Vassilios GOLFINOPOULOS (Greece), Dimitrios MAKRIS (Greece),
Jean XYDAS (Greece), Christos YIAKOUMETTIS (Greece),
Suzanne SIMONET (France).
Return of the intention form: today.
Paper submission deadline: February 4, 2008.
Paper acceptance notification: March 20, 2008.
Short paper submission deadline: March 27, 2008.
Short paper acceptance notification: April 7, 2008
Final papers due : April 15, 2008.
Papers should be sent as attached PDF files by e-mail to the general
Chair of the Conference. It is also possible to submit a paper
in PDF format by ftp. In this case, please use the following
ftp: 3ia-ftp.teiath.gr
username: 3ia2008
password: dep0t (the "o" of "depot" is a "0")
Maximal length: 12 pages
Font to use: times
Characters size: 12 pt for text, 18 pt bold for title, 14 pt bold
for section titles and 12 pt bold for sub-section titles.
Paper format: two-column A4 format
190 Euros (Students: 120 Euros)
- the proceedings of the conference,
- two lunches in the university canteen,
- a dinner in a restaurant Friday evening.
Participation Form for the 3IA'2008 conference
(to be retourned to the general chair of the conference: plemenos(a)unilim.fr
or plemenos(a)numericable.com)
Professional address:
Phone number:
I intend to participate to the 3IA'2008 conference in Athens (Greece).
--- ---
I intend to submit a paper : yes I I no I I
--- ---
Title of the paper:
Do not send money for the moment. You will be informed later on the mode
of payment.
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a)unilim.fr I
I 83,rue d'Isle I http://msi.unilim.fr/~plemenos/ I
We apologize if you received multiple copies of this Call for Papers.
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.
Call for Papers
International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW 2008)
URL: http://www.china-vr.com/cw08/index.htm
Hangzhou, China
September 22-24, 2008
The conference Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society
Press. Special issues in SCI journal(s) are being planned.
Cyberworlds are information worlds being formed on Internet either
intentionally or spontaneously, with or without design. As information
worlds, they are either virtual or real, and can be both. In terms of
information modeling, the theoretical ground for the Cyberworlds is far
above the level of integrating spatial database models and temporal database
models. This conference will deal with large distributed information worlds
on Internet and methods/tools used for creating such worlds.
This year, Cyberworlds 2008 (CW2008) will be held in Hangzhou, China.
Hangzhou has long been a famous tourist attraction. The widely expressed
Chinese proverb, "in heaven there is paradise and on earth there are
Hangzhou and Suzhou" combined with the words of Marco Polo who described
this place as, "the most beautiful and magnificent city in the world" have
helped to make Hangzhou one of the biggest tourist attractions in the entire
Conference Topics
. Philosophy, evolution, and ethics of Cyberworlds
. Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds
. Telemedicine, healthcare in Cyberworlds
. Mobile computing, mobile graphics, mobile game
. E-learning, web-based learning and edutainment
. Intelligent agents in Cyberworlds
. Digital watermarking, Internet security, information hiding
. Distributed virtual environments
. Cyber fairs and digital museums
. Game engine, game algorithm, and multi-user web games
. VR/AR/MR for Industrial design, digital heritage
. Shared virtual worlds, Collaborative work using Cyberworlds
. Human animation in Cyberworlds
. Virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed Reality
. Computer vision for Cyberworlds
. Cyberethics and cyberlaws
. Communication in Cyberworlds
. Data mining and warehousing in Cyberworlds
. Bioinformatics for cyberlife and medicine
. E-business in Cyberworlds
. Cyberworlds for manufacturing, civil planning, and bioengineering
. Multimedia information retrieval/indexing in Cyberworlds
. Biometrics in Cyberworlds
Important dates
Submission: 10 April, 2008
Notification: 25 May, 2008
Registration: 15 June, 2008
Camera Ready: 25 June, 2008
Conference: 22-24 September, 2008
CW 2008 will provide an opportunity for scientists and engineers from around
the world to share the latest research, ideas, and developments in these
fields. The conference will consist of full paper sessions and hands-on
demonstrations where research groups, artists, and vendors will show the
state-of-the-art in the field.
Web Site: http://www.china-vr.com/cw08
Contact: Professor Zhigeng PAN (State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou, China)
E-mail: cw2008(a)cad.zju.edu.cn
Organising Committee
Conference Honorary Chair:
Tosiyasu Laurence Kunii, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
General Conference Chair:
Zhigeng Pan, Zhejiang University, China
General Conference Co-Chairs:
Xiaoyi Jiang, University of Münster, Germany
Daniel Thalmann, EPFL, Switzerland (Special Issues)
Conference Steering Committee:
Tosiyasu Laurence Kuni, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Hock Soon Seah, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Alexei Sourin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Program Committee Chairs:
Xuelong Li, University of London, UK
Enhua Wu, Macao University, China
Publication Chair:
Yong Liu, Zhejiang University, China
Publicity Chair:
Dacheng Tao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Workshop Chair:
Wei Zhang, Tsinghua University, China
Local Organisation Committee Chair:
Gencai Chen, Zhejiang University, China
S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S ! ! !
Athens (GREECE), May 30 - 31, 2008
The 3IA International Conference on Computer Graphics is the
only International Conference on Intelligent Computer Graphics.
The aim of this Conference is to present the current state of
research of Computer Graphics researchers who use Artificial
Intelligence techniques.
The eleventh 3IA International Conference (3IA'2008) will take place
in May 2008, in Athens (GREECE).
Under the title "Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence", several
themes could be covered by the authors of papers. The following list gives
an idea of possible themes :
- Artificial intelligence techniques in scene modeling.
- Declarative techniques in scene modeling.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in rendering.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in construction of geometric figures.
- Animation and artificial intelligence.
- Behavioural animation.
- Design of intelligent graphic interfaces.
- Scene properties description techniques.
- Intelligent methods of exploring virtual worlds.
- Computer graphics and learning.
- Combination of classical and AI techniques.
- Application of AI techniques in CAD and GIS.
- Intelligent visualisation.
- Intelligent collaborative design.
- Semantics-based approaches in design.
- Decision support systems in design.
- Intelligent computational aesthetics.
- Intelligent CG applications in bioinformatics and medical informatics.
- ...
Dimitri PLEMENOS, Emeritus Professor
Universite de Limoges
Faculte des Sciences
MSI Laboratory
83, rue d'Isle
phone : (+ 33) 5 55 43 69 74, (+33) 5 55 43 69 76
fax : (+33) 5 55 43 69 77
E-mail : plemenos(a)unilim.fr
CONFERENCE E-mail : 3ia(a)teiath.gr
CONFERENCE Web site : http://3ia.teiath.gr
Yury BAYAKOVSKY (Russia)
Christian BOHN (Germany)
Rene CAUBET (France),
Giovanni DE PAOLI (Canada)
Jean-Francois DUFOURD (France),
Yves DUTHEN (France)
Eugene FIUME (Canada),
Marina GAVRILOVA (Canada)
Djamchid GHAZANFARPOUR (France),
Gerard HEGRON (France),
Andres IGLESIAS (Spain),
Andrey IONES (USA)
Prem KALRA (India),
Stanislav KLIMENKO (Russia),
Ivana KOLINGEROVA (Czech Republic),
Jean-Claude LAFON (France),
Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN (Switzerland),
Michel MERIAUX (France),
Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Zhigeng PAN (China),
Bernard PEROCHE (France),
Pascal LIENHARDT (France),
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France),
Xavier PUEYO (Spain),
Mateu SBERT (Spain),
Vaclav SKALA (Czech Republic),
Daniel THALMANN (Switzerland),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece),
Jiri ZARA (Czech Republic).
e-mail: gmiaoul(a)teiath.gr
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France), Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece), Jean DRAGONAS (Greece),
Giola DIONYSSOPOULOU (Greece), Georges BARDIS (Greece),
Vassilios GOLFINOPOULOS (Greece), Dimitrios MAKRIS (Greece),
Jean XYDAS (Greece), Christos YIAKOUMETTIS (Greece),
Suzanne SIMONET (France).
Return of the intention form: today.
Paper submission deadline: February 4, 2008.
Paper acceptance notification: March 20, 2008.
Short paper submission deadline: March 27, 2008.
Short paper acceptance notification: April 7, 2008
Final papers due : April 15, 2008.
Papers should be sent as attached PDF files by e-mail to the general
Chair of the Conference. It is also possible to submit a paper
in PDF format by ftp. In this case, please use the following
ftp: 3ia-ftp.teiath.gr
username: 3ia2008
password: dep0t (the "o" of "depot" is a "0")
Maximal length: 12 pages
Font to use: times
Characters size: 12 pt for text, 18 pt bold for title, 14 pt bold
for section titles and 12 pt bold for sub-section titles.
Paper format: two-column A4 format
190 Euros (Students: 120 Euros)
- the proceedings of the conference,
- two lunches in the university canteen,
- a dinner in a restaurant Friday evening.
Participation Form for the 3IA'2008 conference
(to be retourned to the general chair of the conference: plemenos(a)unilim.fr
or plemenos(a)numericable.com)
Professional address:
Phone number:
I intend to participate to the 3IA'2008 conference in Athens (Greece).
--- ---
I intend to submit a paper : yes I I no I I
--- ---
Title of the paper:
Do not send money for the moment. You will be informed later on the mode
of payment.
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a)unilim.fr I
I 83,rue d'Isle I http://msi.unilim.fr/~plemenos/ I
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS - vizNET Uses of Visualization Showcase
All those working in the area of visualization are invited to submit work
for the vizNET Uses of Visualization Showcase. The goal is to disseminate
good practice and provide stimulation to users and developers of
visualization in all application domains. This is the third year of this
Showcase participants from previous years: Last year the competition was won
by Dr Lakshmi Sastry & her team at STFC e-Science Centre for Data
exploration using remote commodity visualization cluster and won the year
before by Dr Nick Holliman and his colleagues, at the University of Durham
for Cosmic cookery: visualizing galaxy formation using observed and
simulated data. Other notable participants and runners-up include: So you
think you can design a jet engine by Prof Philip Withers and his team from
the University of Manchester, Massive data visualization using real time ray
tracing by Dr Steven Parker and Group at University of Utah, Hyperstreamball
visualization of second order tensors from Jia Liu of the University of
Manchester, Facilitating visualization of large scale data in virtual human
atrium simulations by Dr Ian Grimstead and team from Cardiff University and
Visualizations of a nuclear pressure vessel by Dr Joanna Leng and colleagues
from the Universities of Manchester and Durham.
Prize: Selected entries will feature in the vizNET website. The Eurographics
UK Chapter (EGUK) will host a session at their annual conference, TP.CG '08
which will be held at the University of Manchester, UK June 9th-11th to
showcase the winning entries. EGUK will pay for a full conference ticket -
entrance, tutorials, socials and accommodation - for the winning submission.
Deadline Friday 14th March 2008
The criteria for the Showcase centre on the usefulness (for example measured
by the fresh insight gained in the application domain) and novelty (for
example the application of known visualization techniques to new domains, or
the application of new techniques to existing domains). Applications are
invited from all domains in the arts, sciences and humanities. The Showcase
is open to entries from around the world.
Judging Criteria: A successful submission will show a significant
understanding of the needs and motivations of the users. Fundamental
characteristics that the judges will expect to find in a successful
submission include:
* Innovation * Usability *
* Degree of finish * Meeting declared aims * Awareness of
'state of the art'
* Technical ingenuity
Rules for submission: The submission must include details of all the authors
and a brief statement (no more than one A4 page) indicating the aims and
status of the work Emphasise what is novel about your use of visualization,
and provide evidence of the added value that is provided to the application
domain. In addition, at least one the following must be included:
images from the application showing computer generated graphics;
a movie file of the application in use;
a runnable executable to demonstrate the application;
a reference to a persistent web site.
These materials should be supplied electronically either as file attachments
in email or uploaded on the vizNET Wiki, http://wiki.viznet.ac.uk/.
Submissions should be received by Lakshmi Sastry (m.sastry(a)rl.ac.uk) on or
before Friday 14 March 2008. Submissions received after this closing time
will not be considered. In addition to the electronic media, each submission
should contain the name, address, telephone, FAX, email and affiliation of a
contactable submitter, as well as a signed and dated statement indicating
willingness to accept the rules of the competition and for vizNET to include
the work, if selected, in the vizNET Visualization Showcase web site.
Details at http://www.viznet.ac.uk/
Grand Challenge 9: Bringing the Past to Life for the Citizen
Workshop: 18th March 2008
Location: British Computer Society, Southampton Street, London
Call for Participation
Since UKCRC approved progression of Grand Challenge 9 to the next stage
in 2006, the topics covered in the Grand Challenge have been considered
mainly within the community drawn together by the EPOCH NoE in FP6; the
community based around the VAST series of conferences (see the
EUROGRAPHICS Digital Library at www.eg.org) and; the EUROGRAPHICS
working group on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. The activities have
resulted in the production of a first version of an EPOCH Research
which overlaps the remit of this Grand Challenge considerably, at
least for the earlier stages of its progression. The EPOCH research
agenda only seeks to address research targeted at the tangible heritage
associated with monuments, sites and museums. Formal progress within the
Grand Challenge community has been somewhat slower and it is now time to
address this.
We are therefore calling for participants at a workshop tasked with
fleshing out a research agenda and intermediate stages for the advances
required to rise to the challenge. In technical terms these can be
grouped into a number of themes:
. Digital Asset capture and representation (sites, artefacts,
reconstructions, stories etc. including very specific and complex issues
to do with legacy data - museum catalogues, archaeological records etc)
. Cultural Informatics (Metadata, knowledge and belief system
representation, ontologies, thesauri, multi-lingual technologies, AI,
search and research, co-referencing, etc)
. Interactive and communication technologies (including interactive
gaming, graphics, multi-modalities, user interfacing, speech
technologies, displays, mobile technologies, haptics, augmented and
virtual reality, story-telling, etc)
The Cultural Heritage sector spans many distinct sub-areas, which may be
divided into two major classifications:
? Tangible heritage, represented by the discovery, documentation,
organisation, interpretation and communication of artefacts, monuments,
sites, museums and collections (including digital archives, catalogues
and libraries).
? Intangible heritage, represented by performance, stories, myth and
At the interface between these two areas lies the area of historical and
cultural interpretation. The increasing volume of digital cultural
artefacts and collections is becoming an important body of heritage
content in its own right. Finally the area of collections, their
organisation, catalogue management and interrogation is also a valid topic.
We seek participants who seek to define the scope of the Grand Challenge
and the constituent research agendas further so that the roadmap for GC9
may advance to the next stage with perhaps some emerging research
projects targeted as outcomes of the workshop and leading to bids for
Those wishing to participate should email D.Arnold(a)brighton.ac.uk in the
first instance or contact any of the Steering Group members below.
Important Dates:
Expressions of interest in participation: Jan 18th 2008 (optional but of
great help in planning)
Position papers: Feb 15th 2008
Final Programme: Feb 29th 2008
Workshop: March 18th 2008
GC9 Steering Group
David Arnold (University of Brighton)
Alan Chalmers (University of Warwick)
Andy Day (UEA, Norwich)
David Duce (Oxford Brookes University)
Phil Willis (University of Bath)
Call for Papers
The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2008 will take place in Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, from June 23 to June 25, 2008. This is the 19th
annual event in the series of very successful Eurographics Symposia on
Rendering and Eurographics Workshops on Rendering.
The local organizers are Jasminka Hasic and Selma Rizvic. The program chairs
are Steve Marschner and Michael Wimmer. Up-to-date information about the
conference is available on the EGSR 2008 web site:
Conference Topics
Conference topics include (but are not limited to):
- Global illumination
- Monte Carlo techniques
- Finite element techniques
- Volume scattering and translucency
- Reflectance and scattering models
- Human perception and error measures
- Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing
- Shadows and visibility
- Texture models, analysis, and synthesis
- Computational photography
- Non-photorealistic rendering
- Image-based measurement and rendering
- Sensing for graphics
- Point-based rendering
- New rendering hardware and new uses of existing hardware
- Real-time rendering and real-time ray tracing
- Systems and software architecture for rendering
- Virtual/augmented reality and interactive systems
- Rendering dynamic/animated environments
Starting this year, the proceedings of EGSR will be a special issue of the
journal Computer Graphics Forum. This will improve the availability of EGSR
papers and make them citable as journal articles. Because of this there will
be a brief second review cycle for any papers that require changes to be
accepted; such papers will only be accepted after the changes have been
confirmed by the program committee.
Important Dates
All deadlines are 11:59 p.m., US Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4).
Abstract submission deadline: Friday, April 4
Paper submission deadline: Monday, April 7
Author notification: Thursday, May 8
Revisions due: Friday, May 16
Final PDF files due for printing: Monday, May 19
Symposium: June 23-25
The EGSR review and publication process is very short, and to achieve this
quick turnaround all deadlines must be strictly observed. In particular,
final PDF files for printing must be finished on time.
Keynote Speakers:
David Salesin, Adobe Systems
Heinrich Bülthoff, Max Planck Institute
International Program Committee
Program Chairs: Steve Marschner (US) and Michael Wimmer (AT)
International Program Committee:
Aseem Agarwala (US)
Kavita Bala (US)
Philippe Bekaert (BE)
Jiri Bittner (CZ)
Per Christensen (US)
Craig Donner (US)
George Drettakis (FR)
Philip Dutre (BE)
Michael Goesele (GE)
Baining Guo (US)
Tim Hawkins (US)
Wolfgang Heidrich (CA)
Nicolas Holzschuch (FR)
Greg Humphreys (US)
Henrik Wann Jensen (US)
Stefan Jeschke (AT)
Jan Kautz (UK)
Jaroslav Krivanek (CZ)
Samuli Laine (FI)
Jason Lawrence (US)
Jakkoo Lehtinen (FI)
Hendrik Lensch (GE)
Danni Lischinski (IL)
Bill Mark (US)
Wojciech Matusik (US)
Sumanta Pattanaik (US)
Fabio Pellacini (US)
Holly Rushmeier (US)
Marc Stamminger (GE)
Lefebvre Sylvain (FR)
Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (HU)
Nicolas Tsingos (FR)
Greg Ward (CA)
Peter Wonka (US)
Local Organizing Chairs: Jasminka Hasic (BA) and Selma Rizvic (BA)
Instructions for Submission
All contributions submitted to Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2008 must
be original, unpublished work. Any work that has previously been published
or simultaneously been submitted in substantially similar form to any other
conference or journal will be rejected. Contributions must be written and
presented in English.
Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Submitted manuscripts should
be formatted using the Eurographics publication style proceedings templates,
and be anonymized for the double-blind reviewing process.
Papers should be as long as their content requires, but not longer. Papers
with average length requirements are expected to be 8 formatted pages long,
including references and all figures; up to 10 pages will be allowed only
where justified. During the review process, each paper's contribution will
be judged in proportion to its length: a solid contribution described
clearly and succinctly is more likely to be accepted than the same result
submitted in a longer paper.
All submissions must be made through the Eurographics Submission and Review
Management system, using the following URL.
The submission deadlines will be strictly enforced. The authors of each
accepted paper need to complete and return the EG Copyright Assignment Form
before the paper can be published.
(Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message)
Call for Papers
Eurographics 2008 Workshop on 3D object retrieval
April 15, 2008
3D object representations have become an integral part of modern computer
graphics applications, such as computer-aided design, game development and
film production. At the same time, 3D data have become very common in
domains such as computer vision, computational geometry, molecular biology
and medicine. The rapid evolution in graphics hardware and software
development, in particular the availability of low cost 3D scanners, has
greatly facilitated 3D model acquisition, creation and manipulation, giving
the opportunity to experience applications using 3D models to a large user
community. As the number of 3D models is continuously growing fast the
problem of creating new 3D models has shifted to the problem of searching
for existing 3D models. Thereupon, the development of efficient search
mechanisms is required for the effective retrieval of 3D objects from large
repositories, both of a single class (such as human faces) and across
The aim of this workshop is to stimulate researchers from different fields
(computer vision, computer graphics, machine learning and human-computer
interaction) who work on the common goal of 3D object retrieval, to present
state-of-the-art work in the field and thus provide a cross-fertilization
ground that will stimulate discussions on the next steps in this important
research area.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to :
- Invariant 2D / 3D feature extraction
- Biologically inspired 3D representations
- Mesh segmentation
- Relevance feedback
- Active learning
- Ontology-driven search
- Generative / Discriminative approaches in 3D object categorization
- Indexing methodologies
- Benchmarking issues
- Applications in Multimedia industry, CAD industry, Games industry,
Biometrics, e-Science, e-Learning, Medicine, Culture.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: Monday, January 14th, 2008 (24:00
Notification of acceptance: Friday, February 15th, 2008
Camera-ready papers deadline: Monday, February 25th, 2008
Workshop: Tuesday, April 15th, 2008 (one
full day)
The proceedings of the Workshop will be published in the Eurographics
Proceedings Series and on the Eurographics Digital Library. The authors of
selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions for publication
in a peer-reviewed Journal.
Workshop Chairs
Ioannis Pratikakis ( IIT / NCSR 'Demokritos', Greece )
Theoharis Theoharis ( University of Athens, Greece )
Programme Chairs
Stavros Perantonis ( IIT / NCSR 'Demokritos', Greece )
Nikolaos Sapidis (University of the Aegean, Greece )
Michela Spagnuolo ( IMATI / CNR, Italy )
Daniel Thalmann (EPFL, Switzerland )
International Programme Committee
Philipos Azariadis (University of the Aegean, Greece)
Alberto Del Bimbo (University of Florence, Italy)
Petros Daras (Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece)
Bianca Falcidieno (IMATI / CNR, Italy)
Dieter W. Fellner (Fraunhofer IGD, Germany)
Thomas Funkhouser (Princeton University, USA)
John Illingworth (University of Surrey, UK);
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Georgios Papaioannou (AUEB, Greece)
Nikos Paragios (Ecole Centrale de Paris, France)
Nicholas Patrikalakis (MIT, USA)
Karthik Ramani (Purdue University, USA)
William Regli (Drexel University, USA)
Marcos Rodrigues (University of Sheffield, UK)
Dietmar Saupe (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Ariel Shamir (Efi Arazi School of Computer Science, Israel)
Ayellet Tal (Technion Institute of Technology, Israel)
Theodore Trafalis (University of Oklahoma, USA)
Dimitrios Tzovaras (Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece )
Remco Veltkamp (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Titus Zaharia (Institut National des Telecommunications, France)
Contact Information
Computational Intelligence Laboratory
Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications
National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos"
Tel: +30-210-650 3183
E-mail: ipratika(a)iit.demokritos.gr
Department of Informatics & Telecommunications
University of Athens
Tel: +30 210-7275106
Email: theotheo(a)di.uoa.gr
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call for Papers
Please forward this mail to anyone interested
CFP: The UK Chapter of the Eurographics Association (EGUK) presents:-
Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2008
University of Manchester, UK , 9-11th June 2008
** Paper deadline March 10th 2008 **
The 26th Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
Association will be the sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics
2008 Conference (TP.CG.08). All accepted papers will be published by
Eurographics and held on the Digital Library, and will be available at
the conference.
Call for Papers
This conference focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of
Computer Graphics and brings together top practitioners, users and
researchers, thereby inspiring further collaboration between
participants, particularly between academia and industry.
The Programme Committee is seeking refereed papers and
work-in-progress reports in all aspects of computer graphics and its
applications. The topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
computer animation, computer-based art and entertainment,
computation geometry, display technologies, fundamental
algorithms, graphics application systems, graphics
architectures and acceleration hardware, fractal and
natural phenomena, human computer interaction, image
processing, Internet graphics and collaborative
environments, medical imaging, modelling methods,
rendering techniques, texture synthesis, scientific
visualization, information visualization, virtual
reality and virtual environments, volume graphics,
web graphics.
Further details and submission categories may be found on
Eurographics 2008 Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
April 14-15, 2008, Crete, Greece
Co-located with Eurographics '08
Call for Papers - Deadline Extension
Aims and Scope of the Symposium
Following the success of previous EGPGV symposia, we are happy to
announce the 8th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and
Visualization. The new generation of parallel architectures introduce
many exciting research opportunities. The extreme-scale of these new
parallel systems redefines the scalability problem of many graphics and
visualization applications. The aim of this symposium is to foster
greater exchange of experiences and knowledge of parallel and
distributed computing and its application to all aspects of computer
graphics and data visualization.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
- Cluster based graphics and visualization
- Efficient graphics and visualization for shared and
distributed memory systems
- Parallel and distributed systems for large and high
resolution displays
- Parallel and distributed systems for photo-realistic rendering
- Parallel volume rendering
- Data coherence in graphics algorithms
- Large data set visualization
- Realistic rendering of large models
- Large scale simulations and graphics rendering
- Graphics and visualization in Grid environments
- Parallel simulations for interactive applications
- Parallelism within GPU architectures
- GPU and GPGPU clusters
- Parallel graphics and visualization on multi-core CPUs
and other parallel architectures
The EGPGV Symposium is co-located with the Eurographics Annual
Conference, which will take place from April 14-18.
Eurographics Annual Conference web page: http://www.ics.forth.gr/eg2008/
Paper Submission and Important Dates
The proceedings of the Symposium will be published in the Eurographics
Proceedings Series and on the Eurographics Digital Library.
The authors of up to three of the best papers of the Symposium will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers to IEEE Transactions
on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Abstract submission (mandatory): December 27, 2007
Paper submission: January 6, 2008
Author notification: February 15, 2008
Camera-ready paper: February 29, 2008
Symposium Chair
Daniel Weiskopf, Universitaet Stuttgart
Program Chairs
Jean Favre, Swiss National Supercomputing Center
Kwan-Liu Ma, University of California at Davis
Web Page: http://vidi.cs.ucdavis.edu/EGPGV08
For further questions please contact:
The Symposium on Geometry Processing is the premier venue for disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in computerized processing of geometric models. In this emerging area, concepts from applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering are used to design efficient algorithms for acquisition, reconstruction, manipulation, simulation and transmission of complex 3D models.
We now invite submissions related to, but not limited to, the following topics in geometry processing:
* geometry and topology representations
* compression of static or animated geometry
* surface and volume parameterization
* approximation and meshing
* reverse engineering
* robust geometric computing
* simplification and level of detail
* smoothing and denoising
* multiresolution shape analysis and synthesis
* geometric aspects of rendering and other fields
* interactive techniques
* animation and simulation
Applications of geometry processing algorithms cover a wide range of areas from multimedia, entertainment, and classical computer-aided design, to bio-medical computing, reverse engineering, architectural design, and scientific computing. We welcome papers related to applications of geometry processing such as the above.
Electronic abstract submission deadline: April 20, 2008
Electronic paper submission deadline: April 27, 2008
Author notification: May 26, 2008
Camera ready copy deadline: June 1st, 2008
Symposium: July 2-4, 2008
Submit Papers to: http://egmcp1.cgv.tugraz.at/SRM_SGP08 (available in January 2008).
Authors are requested to submit an abstract of their paper (in plain text format) by April 20, 2008. The abstract submission should contain the names and institutions of all the authors, contact information of one contact author (name, e-mail, postal address, phone and fax numbers), and the working title and abstract of the submission. Submitted manuscripts should be prepared for double-blind review, and should be original work, not concurrently submitted to any other venue. The length of a submitted paper should typically not exceed 8 pages, formatted in the proper publication style (LaTeX files available online). A submission can also be accompanied by electronic supplementary material (e.g. video). Submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee and selected external reviewers.
This year, the SGP proceedings will appear for the first time as an issue of the Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the EUROGRAPHICS Association. The journal status of the proceedings requires a two-stage review process with conditional acceptance after the first round and final acceptance based on the revised submissions.
Pierre Alliez, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Princeton University
Bart Adams
Marc Alexa
François Anton
Dominique Attali
Andreas Bærentzen
Alexander Belyaev
Ioana Boier-Martin
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat
Mario Botsch
Pere Brunet
Frederic Cazals
Siu-Wing Cheng
Daniel Cohen-Or
David Cohen-Steiner
Leila De Floriani
Tony DeRose
Mathieu Desbrun
Neil Dogson
Herbert Edelsbrunner
Michael Floater
Thomas Funkhouser
Michael Garland
Natasha Gelfand
Steven Gortler
Craig Gotsman
Cindy Grimm
Eitan Grinspun
Xianfeng Gu
Leonidas Guibas
Stefan Gumhold
Igor Guskov
John Hart
Hugues Hoppe
Kai Hormann
Shi-Min Hu
Martin Isenburg
Misha Kazhdan
Ron Kimmel
Leif Kobbelt
Seungyong Lee
Bruno Lévy
Thomas Lewiner
Dinesh Manocha
Ralph Martin
Niloy Mitra
Heinrich Mueller
Steve Oudot
Mark Pauly
Gabriel Peyré
Konrad Polthier
Helmut Pottmann
Emil Praun
Jarek Rossignac
Scott Schaefer
Peter Schröder
Hans-Peter Seidel
Ariel Shamir
Alla Sheffer
Jonathan Shewchuk
Claudio Silva
Olga Sorkine
Michela Spagnuolo
Gabriel Taubin
Alper Ungor
Amitabh Varshney
Luiz Velho
Johannes Wallner
Michael Wand
Wenping Wang
Joe Warren
Mariette Yvinec
Eugene Zhang
Kun Zhou
Afra Zomorodian
Denis Zorin
J. Andreas Bærentzen and Francois Anton
Technical University of Denmark