EUROGRAHICS 2008: The John Lansdown Prize for Interactive Digital Art
All those working in interactive digital art are invited to submit for
this international prize, awarded annually by the Eurographics Association.
The first prize has a cash value of 750 Euros and there is 250 Euros for
the runner-up. The closing date for submission is 18th January 2008.
The criteria for the Award centre on the creative use of the digital
medium for interactive art, in any form. The work submitted must have
been created within the last two years.
Details of the winning entries from the 2007 and 2006 competitions have
been published on the Eurographics Web site,
Eurographics presented the John Lansdown Prize for the first time at the
Eurographics 2000 conference. The award was renamed the Prize for
Interactive Digital Art in 2006, to better describe the kind of entry
that the judges are looking for.
The prize is dedicated to the memory of Professor John Lansdown, who
died in February 1999. In his varied career, John Lansdown was involved
in many creative activities, from his first discipline of architecture,
through computer graphics to computer-mediated artwork of many forms,
culminating in multimedia production. Creativity is an overworked word,
but it can be justly applied to John Lansdown's approach to everything
he explored, so the criteria for the award centre on the creative use of
computers to generate interactive art.
The results of the competition will be announced at Eurographics 2008 in
Crete in April 2008. A certificate will accompany the cheque.
The judges look forward to receiving a stimulating set of submissions
and wish all submitters good luck with their research and development work.
Judging Criteria
The submission awarded first prize will demonstrate innovation in the
use of interaction with images, sound and animation. The judges will
take into account whether the work looks and sounds "good" and behaves
"well", the strength of the underlying ideas and the degree to which the
system "works" both conceptually and mechanically, in other words the
fitness for purpose of the submission. A successful work will show a
significant understanding of the needs, motivations, conceptions and
actions of the user.
Fundamental characteristics that the judges will expect to find in a
successful submission include:
* Innovation
* Usability
* Degree of finish
* Technical ingenuity
* Coherence
* Usefulness
* Meeting declared aims
* Selectivity or appropriateness
* Fertility for development
* Awareness of "state of the art"
The judges reserve the right to make no award or to award only a second
prize if, in their opinion, the standard of work submitted does not
reach the high standards of creativity associated with John Lansdown.
The judges' decision is final. They may, at their discretion, give
private advice or comments to submitters of work on future development,
but will not openly discuss their decisions nor respond to direct
questioning on the reasons for decisions after the award ceremony.
Rules for submission
A submission may be made by companies, Universities, Research
organisations, individuals -in short anyone- from any country in the
world. The work submitted must have been created within the last two
years. The work must be submitted on CD-ROM or DVD (five copies). The
submission should be accessible using standard software on standard
equipment (for example, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator, Microsoft
Explorer, Adobe Acrobat on PC and/or Macintosh platforms). If specialist
plug-ins or Xtras are needed, arrangements to download these should be
made clear in the submission. If the work is a web site, a disk copy
should be submitted. If the work is an installation, it is acceptable to
submit a video describing the work and including a tour through the
work. Videos may be submitted on CD-ROM or DVD. Entries that run on
mobile devices should also be submitted as video, e.g. by capturing the
Submissions should be received by the Chairman of the judges, Nuno
Correia, on or before 18th January 2008. Submissions received after this
closing time will not be considered.
Each submission should contain:
* the name, address, telephone, FAX, email and company or university
affiliation (when relevant) of a contactable submitter, as well as a
signed and dated statement indicating willingness to accept the rules of
the competition and for Eurographics to have the right to use extracts
from the work for publicity purposes;
* the names, addresses and affiliations of any collaborators, plus a
signed and dated statement from each indicating their agreement that the
work should be submitted to the competition and that they accept the
competition rules;
* TWO signed copies of the "Licence to Use Agreement" (DOC, PDF).
One copy, signed by Eurographics, will be returned to you;
* a brief statement (no more than one A4 page) indicating the aims
and status of the work (for example, commercial product, joint or
individual student project, "proof of concept" development, etc.);
* complete operating instructions for the work, to include any
special requirements of the operating platform and/or software.
Contact details
Professor Nuno Correia
Eurographics 2008 John Lansdown Award Competition
Informatics Department
Faculty of Sciences and Technology
New Universyty of Lisbon
Quinta da Torre, 2829 -516 CAPARICA
Fax: +351 21 2948541
email: nmc(a)
SG08: 8th International Symposium on SMART GRAPHICS
June 2-4 2008
Rennes, France
submission deadline Jan 10, 2008
Graphics become Smart Graphics when their design and implementation are
grounded in an understanding of human abilities, activities, and
motivations from design experience and the broad spectrum of cognitive
and social sciences.
When knowledge from these diverse fields is combined with new methods,
tools and techniques in AI, HCI and computer graphics, environments are
created that
(1) engage the user and are esthetically satisfying;
(2) participate in human cognition as external or distributed
(3) are sensitive to the real-time demands of the interaction in the
context of the available informational and computational resources;
(4) adapt the form of the output according to a wider set of constraints
such as an individual's perceptual, attentive, and motor abilities
and the nature of the presentation media and available interaction
The International Symposium on Smart Graphics aims at gathering people
from the fields of Cognitive Science, Computer Graphics, Artificial
Intelligence and Graphics Design to share experiences and experiments in
this new and emerging area of study.
*** Come and Join the Smart Graphics Experience ***
Smart Graphics 2008 welcomes submissions from researchers and
practitioners, as well as artists and graphic designers interested in
an interdisciplinary approach to the design of smart interactive visual,
auditory, and haptic displays.
Submission categories are divided into:
* Full papers: these will encompass comprehensive descriptions of original
work within the scope of the symposium (limited to 12 pages in Springer
LNCS format).
* Posters: tentative or preliminary results of research or design work
with emphasis on the interdisciplinary evaluation of the ideas (limited
to 4 pages in Springer LNCS format). Poster papers will be included in
the proceedings.
* System demonstrations: short descriptions of research or design work
that the authors intend to show and discuss in a demo session at the
symposium (limited to 2 pages in Springer LNCS format). System
demonstration papers will be included in the proceedings.
Smartgraphics specially encourages young researchers to submit their ideas
and results. The best full paper and best poster, which first authors
are students, will receive a prize. As in previous conferences,
proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Note in Computer
Science (LNCS) series.
This year, we propose a specific emphasis on interaction in virtual
reality as well as on constraint techniques in user interfaces.
For a full description of the scope of the Symposium, and details of
previous events, see the website:
For any queries, please use the contact address:
(marc.christie at
Submission Categories:
Full papers
System demonstrations and artwork
Important Dates:
Jan 10, 2008 (submission deadline)
Feb 21, 2007 (notification of results)
Mar 13, 2007 (camera ready copy due)
Jun 2-4 (Symposium in Rennes, France)
Andreas Butz (University of Munich, Germany)
Marc Christie (IRISA/INRIA Rennes, France)
Brian Fisher (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Antonio Krueger (University of Muenster, Germany)
Patrick Olivier (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK)
* Elisabeth Andre (University of Augsburg)
* William Bares (Millsaps College)
* Marc Cavazza (Teeside University)
* Sarah Diamond (Ontario College of Art and Design)
* Stephane Donikian (IRISA/INRIA Rennes)
* Steven Feiner (Columbia University)
* Veronique Gaildrat (IRIT, Paul Sabatier University Toulouse)
* Knut Hartmann (University of Magdeburg)
* Hiroshi Hosobe (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo)
* Tsvi Kuflik (University of Haifa, Israel)
* Rainer Malaka (European Media Lab)
* Jun Mitani (University of Tsukuba)
* Shigeru Owada (Sony CSL)
* W. Bradford Paley (Digital Image Design)
* Bernhard Preim (University of Magdeburg)
* Thomas Rist (University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg)
* Shigeo Takahashi (University of Tokyo)
* Takafumi Saito (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
* Lucia Terrenghi (University of Munich)
* Massimo Zancanaro (ITC-irst Trento)
* Michelle Zhou (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
The John Lansdown Prize for Interactive Digital Art
All those working in interactive digital art are invited to submit for this
international prize, awarded annually by the Eurographics Association.
The first prize has a cash value of 750 Euros and there is 250 Euros for
runner-up. The closing date for submission is 18th January 2008.
The criteria for the Award centre on the creative use of the digital medium
for interactive art, in any form. The work submitted must have been created
within the last two years.
Details of the winning entries from the 2007 and 2006 competitions have
published on the Eurographics Web site,
Eurographics presented the John Lansdown Prize for the first time at the
Eurographics 2000 conference. The award was renamed the Prize for
Interactive Digital Art in 2006, to better describe the kind of entry that
the judges are looking for.
The prize is dedicated to the memory of Professor John Lansdown, who died
February 1999. In his varied career, John Lansdown was involved in many
creative activities, from his first discipline of architecture, through
computer graphics to computer-mediated artwork of many forms, culminating
multimedia production. Creativity is an overworked word, but it can be
justly applied to John Lansdown's approach to everything he explored, so
criteria for the award centre on the creative use of computers to generate
interactive art.
The results of the competition will be announced at Eurographics 2008 in
Crete in April 2008. A certificate will accompany the cheque.
The judges look forward to receiving a stimulating set of submissions and
wish all submitters good luck with their research and development work.
Judging Criteria
The submission awarded first prize will demonstrate innovation in the use
interaction with images, sound and animation. The judges will take into
account whether the work looks and sounds "good" and behaves "well", the
strength of the underlying ideas and the degree to which the system "works"
both conceptually and mechanically, in other words the fitness for purpose
of the submission. A successful work will show a significant understanding
of the needs, motivations, conceptions and actions of the user.
Fundamental characteristics that the judges will expect to find in a
successful submission include:
* Innovation
* Usability
* Degree of finish
* Technical ingenuity
* Coherence
* Usefulness
* Meeting declared aims
* Selectivity or appropriateness
* Fertility for development
* Awareness of "state of the art"
The judges reserve the right to make no award or to award only a second
prize if, in their opinion, the standard of work submitted does not reach
the high standards of creativity associated with John Lansdown. The judges'
decision is final. They may, at their discretion, give private advice or
comments to submitters of work on future development, but will not openly
discuss their decisions nor respond to direct questioning on the reasons
decisions after the award ceremony.
Rules for submission
A submission may be made by companies, Universities, Research
individuals -in short anyone- from any country in the world. The work
submitted must have been created within the last two years. The work must
submitted on CD-ROM or DVD (five copies). The submission should be
accessible using standard software on standard equipment (for example,
Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Explorer, Adobe Acrobat on
and/or Macintosh platforms). If specialist plug-ins or Xtras are needed,
arrangements to download these should be made clear in the submission. If
the work is a web site, a disk copy should be submitted. If the work is an
installation, it is acceptable to submit a video describing the work and
including a tour through the work. Videos may be submitted on CD-ROM or
Entries that run on mobile devices should also be submitted as video, e.g.
by capturing the screens.
Submissions should be received by the Chairman of the judges, Nuno Correia,
on or before 18th January 2008. Submissions received after this closing
will not be considered.
Each submission should contain:
* the name, address, telephone, FAX, email and company or university
affiliation (when relevant) of a contactable submitter, as well as a signed
and dated statement indicating willingness to accept the rules of the
competition and for Eurographics to have the right to use extracts from the
work for publicity purposes;
* the names, addresses and affiliations of any collaborators, plus a
signed and dated statement from each indicating their agreement that the
work should be submitted to the competition and that they accept the
competition rules;
* TWO signed copies of the "Licence to Use Agreement" (DOC, PDF). One
copy, signed by Eurographics, will be returned to you;
* a brief statement (no more than one A4 page) indicating the aims and
status of the work (for example, commercial product, joint or individual
student project, "proof of concept" development, etc.);
* complete operating instructions for the work, to include any special
requirements of the operating platform and/or software.
Contact details
Professor Nuno Correia
Eurographics 2008 John Lansdown Award Competition
Informatics Department
Faculty of Sciences and Technology
New Universyty of Lisbon
Quinta da Torre, 2829 -516 CAPARICA
Fax: +351 21 2948541
email: nmc(a)
SBIM 2008
Fifth Eurographics workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
June 11-13, Annecy, France
co-located with NPAR 2008 and the Annecy Animation Film Festival
Important Dates
March 15, 2008 Paper Deadline
April 20, 2008 Notification of Decisions
May 2, 2008 Final Papers Due
June 11-13, 2008 Conference Dates
Call for Papers
Although computers are indispensable tools, pencil and paper still
reign in the early stages of design in domains such as engineering,
architectural design and in the entertainment industry, from 3D
animation to video games. Enabled by advances in pen-based computer
hardware, digital sketch-based interfaces are emerging as a way to
combine the quick and intuitive feel of paper with the advantages of
digital technology. However, fully realizing the potential of these
sketch-based systems requires effective user interface design and
underlying algorithms to analyse the input. Interpreting the users'
sketches as advanced 2D or 3D models is a fascinating research area that
builds on human perception, shape recognition and geometric modeling
techniques. In addition to sketching from scratch, many tasks related to
modeling, editing and control can be made more efficient through systems
that allow the user to annotate existing data, from text and diagrams to
images, videos or 3D shapes.
The workshop will explore models, algorithms and technologies needed
to enable effective sketch-based interfaces. It will investigate novel
methods for classification and recognition of hand-drawn shapes, and the
ways of using these techniques for creating or editing digital models,
from text and 2D diagrams to 3D shapes. Likewise, the workshop will
explore the application of sketch-based interfaces to domains as diverse
as 3D computer graphics and animation, CAD, diagram editing, note
taking, etc. Finally, the workshop will welcome empirical user studies
aimed at clarifying the nature of sketch-based interfaces and comparing
them to other interaction techniques.
Created in 2004, SBIM provides a unique venue for researchers and
students interested in sketch-based techniques to interact with one
another, share lessons learned, show new results and discuss open issues.
This year, the workshop will be held in Annecy, France, a friendly
little town surrounded by the beautiful French Alps. It will take place
during the famous Annecy Animation Film Festival and be held back to
back with NPAR'2008 (the premier conference for techniques in expressive
rendering and animation), encouraging participation in both events. The
two-days workshop will include paper presentations (single track),
coffee breaks, a social event and invited talks. All are welcome to
attend the workshop; submission of a paper is not required for
attendance. The proceedings will be published in the EG Workshop series
and made available online through the Eurographics Digital Library.
Authors are invited to submit original papers on topics in pen-based
2D and 3D modeling, sketch recognition, and pen-based interface design,
including, but not limited to:
* Multimodal interfaces for sketching
* Novel sketch input devices
* Novel pen-based interaction techniques
* Low level ink processing and pen stroke segmentation
* Sketch parsing, classification and recognition
* Sketch-based interfaces for CAD systems
* Sketch-based modeling and editing of 3D shapes
* Sketch-based control of animations
* Sketch-based interfaces for other applications (surface
editing, diagram creation, mathematical annotations, games, etc.)
* Rendering techniques for sketch-based systems (NPR)
* Sketches for Medical and Volume data editing
* Sketch-based retrieval of multimedia information
* Usability studies of sketch-based systems
* Studies of the impact of sketching on creativity and design
The workshop is small and provides plenty of time for interaction, so
authors of workshop papers are strongly encouraged to provide demos.
Submission Information
Authors are requested to submit original research papers, no longer than
8 pages, with the main body set in Eurographics Conference Paper
Format. All submissions are electronic. You can get more information and
download a set of LaTeX style files (starting early 2008) from the
workshop web site:
Please contact the program chairs (alvarado(a) or
marie-paule.cani(a) with any submission questions.
Conference Organization
General chair: Karan Singh
Paper co-chairs: Christine Alvarado & Marie-Paule Cani
EG SBIM working group chair: Joaquim Jorge
Program Committee:
Marc Alexa, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Ken Anjyo, OLM Digital, Japan
Loic Barthes, University of Toulouse, France
Alexandra Bartolo, University of Malta
Ronen Barzel, ACM siggraph, USA
Bill Baxter, OLM Digital, Japan
Daniel Cohen-Or, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Mario Costa Sousa, University of Calgary, Canada
Randall Davis, MIT, USA
Oliver Deussen, Konstanz University, Germany
Julie Dorsey, Yale University, USA
Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Adam Finkelstein, Princeton University, USA
Andrew Forsberg, Brown University, USA
Ken Forbus, Northwestern University, USA
Xavier Granier, University of Bordeaux, France
Cindy Grimm, Washington University in St Louis, USA
Mark Gross, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Tracy Hammond, Texas A&M University, USA
Takeo Igarashi, University of Tokyo, Japan
Joaquim Jorge, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Prem Kalra, IIT-Delhi, India
Burak Kara, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
James Landay, University of Washington, USA
Edward Lank, Univeristy of Waterloo, Canada
Joseph LaViola Jr., University of Central Florida, USA
Jean-Claude Leon, INP Grenoble, France
M. Gopi, University of California, Irvine, USA
Beryl Plimmer, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Shengfeng Qin, Brunel University, UK
Karthik Ramani, Purdue University, USA
Eric Saund, PARC, USA
Metin Sezgin, University of Cambridge, UK
Michael Shilman, Microsoft Research, USA
Tom Stahovich, University of California, Riverside, USA
Michiel van de Panne, University of British Columbia, Canada
Xin Wang, Microsoft Research, USA
Liu Wenyin, City University of Hong Kong
Brian Wyvill, University of Victoria, Canada
Bob Zeleznik, Brown University, USA
Sun Zhengxing, Nanjing University, China
S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S ! ! !
Athens (GREECE), May 30 - 31, 2008
The 3IA International Conference on Computer Graphics is the
only International Conference on Intelligent Computer Graphics.
The aim of this Conference is to present the current state of
research of Computer Graphics researchers who use Artificial
Intelligence techniques.
The eleventh 3IA International Conference (3IA'2008) will take place
in May 2008, in Athens (GREECE).
Under the title "Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence", several
themes could be covered by the authors of papers. The following list gives
an idea of possible themes :
- Artificial intelligence techniques in scene modeling.
- Declarative techniques in scene modeling.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in rendering.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in construction of geometric figures.
- Animation and artificial intelligence.
- Behavioural animation.
- Design of intelligent graphic interfaces.
- Scene properties description techniques.
- Intelligent methods of exploring virtual worlds.
- Computer graphics and learning.
- Combination of classical and AI techniques.
- Application of AI techniques in CAD and GIS.
- Intelligent visualisation.
- Intelligent collaborative design.
- Semantics-based approaches in design.
- Decision support systems in design.
- Intelligent computational aesthetics.
- Intelligent CG applications in bioinformatics and medical informatics.
- ...
Dimitri PLEMENOS, Emeritus Professor
Universite de Limoges
Faculte des Sciences
MSI Laboratory
83, rue d'Isle
phone : (+ 33) 5 55 43 69 74, (+33) 5 55 43 69 76
fax : (+33) 5 55 43 69 77
E-mail : plemenos(a)
CONFERENCE E-mail : 3ia(a)
Yury BAYAKOVSKY (Russia)
Christian BOHN (Germany)
Rene CAUBET (France),
Giovanni DE PAOLI (Canada)
Jean-Francois DUFOURD (France),
Yves DUTHEN (France)
Eugene FIUME (Canada),
Marina GAVRILOVA (Canada)
Djamchid GHAZANFARPOUR (France),
Gerard HEGRON (France),
Andres IGLESIAS (Spain),
Andrey IONES (USA)
Prem KALRA (India),
Stanislav KLIMENKO (Russia),
Ivana KOLINGEROVA (Czech Republic),
Jean-Claude LAFON (France),
Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN (Switzerland),
Michel MERIAUX (France),
Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Zhigeng PAN (China),
Bernard PEROCHE (France),
Pascal LIENHARDT (France),
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France),
Xavier PUEYO (Spain),
Mateu SBERT (Spain),
Vaclav SKALA (Czech Republic),
Daniel THALMANN (Switzerland),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece),
Jiri ZARA (Czech Republic).
e-mail: gmiaoul(a)
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France), Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece), Jean DRAGONAS (Greece),
Giola DIONYSSOPOULOU (Greece), Georges BARDIS (Greece),
Vassilios GOLFINOPOULOS (Greece), Dimitrios MAKRIS (Greece),
Jean XYDAS (Greece), Christos YIAKOUMETTIS (Greece),
Suzanne SIMONET (France).
Return of the intention form: today.
Paper submission deadline: February 4, 2008.
Paper acceptance notification: March 20, 2008.
Short paper submission deadline: March 27, 2008.
Short paper acceptance notification: April 7, 2008
Final papers due : April 15, 2008.
Papers should be sent as attached PDF files by e-mail to the general
Chair of the Conference. It is also possible to submit a paper
in PDF format by ftp. In this case, please use the following
username: 3ia2008
password: dep0t (the "o" of "depot" is a "0")
Maximal length: 12 pages
Font to use: times
Characters size: 12 pt for text, 18 pt bold for title, 14 pt bold
for section titles and 12 pt bold for sub-section titles.
Paper format: two-column A4 format
190 Euros (Students: 120 Euros)
- the proceedings of the conference,
- two lunches in the university canteen,
- a dinner in a restaurant Friday evening.
Participation Form for the 3IA'2008 conference
(to be retourned to the general chair of the conference: plemenos(a)
or plemenos(a)
Professional address:
Phone number:
I intend to participate to the 3IA'2008 conference in Athens (Greece).
--- ---
I intend to submit a paper : yes I I no I I
--- ---
Title of the paper:
Do not send money for the moment. You will be informed later on the mode
of payment.
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a) I
I 83,rue d'Isle I I
The 3rd International Conference on E-learning and Game
Edutainment 2008 (Nanjing, China)
June 25-27, 2008
About Edutainment 2008
Edutainment 2008 is the third International Conference on E-learning and
Games, which is an international forum for researchers to share their latest
research output on the development and application of e-learning and digital
entertainment systems. Edutainment 2008 will be held at Nanjing Normal
University in June 25-27, 2008. The conference will include plenary invited
workshops, tutorials, paper presentation tracks and panel discussions. Three
to six
keynote speakers will be invited.
Call for Papers
Edutainment 2008 will cover a range of topics including:
E-Learning Platforms and Tools; Learning Resource Management; Practice and
Experience Sharing; E-Learning Standards; Mobile Learning; Education and
Remote Classrooms; Effectiveness of Virtual Reality for Education; Life Long
Learning; Collaborative Environments; Remote Group Simulations;
Collaborative Learning; Virtual Reality in Education; Game Design and
Development; Game Engine Development and Customization; Game AI and
Artificial Life; Game Physics; Game Rendering/Animations; Virtual
Characters/Agents; Online/Mobile Game/ Video Game; Storytelling and Game
Narrative; Affective Interaction in Games; Digital Museum; Digital Heritage;
Animation Techniques; Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality; Vision and Imaging
Technology in Games; Synergies between Digital TV and Edutainment; and any
other researches dealing with a pioneered or significant development in
animation, virtual reality and multimedia.
Papers accepted in the conference will be published as a volume in Lecture
in Computer Science, Springer. Selected papers of high quality will be
by some international journals (IEEE CiSE, The International Journal of
Reality, et al.). The conference will have tutorial and workshop sessions
conducted by international researchers.
Important Date:
Due of Submission December 10, 2007
Due of Review February 15, 2008
Due of Acceptance March 1, 2008
Due of Camera-ready March 15, 2008
Conference June 25-27, 2008
Conference Website:
VR Committee, CSIG
Zhejiang University, China
NSFC, China
Edu-game Research Center of
Nanjing Normal University, China
Conference Honorary Co-chairs:
Ruth Aylett, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Newton Lee, ACM Computers in Entertainment, USA
Yongzhong Song, Nanjing Normal University, China
Conference co-chairs:
Zhigeng Pan, Zhejiang University, China
Jim Chen, George Mason University, USA
Ryohei Nakatsu, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Invited speakers:
Adrian David Cheok, NUS, Singapore
Madjid Merabti, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Yangsheng Wang, CAS Institute of Automation, China
André Gagalowicz, INRIA, France
Program co-chairs:
Xiaopeng Zhang, CAS Institute of Automation, China
Abdennour El Rhalibi, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Woontack Woo, GIST, Korea
Workshop chair:
Harold Thwaites, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Publicity co-chairs:
Fong-Lok Lee, CUHK, China
Jorge Posada, VICOMTech, Spain
Gloria Brown Simmons, USA
Publication Chair:
Mingyong Pang, Nanjing Normal University, China
Financial Co-Chairs:
Huimin Shi, Nanjing Normal University, China
Mingmin Zhang, Zhejiang University, China
Organizing Co-chairs:
Yi Li, Nanjing Normal University, China
Zhengxin Sun, Nanjing University, China
Jun Feng, Hohai University, China
General Secretary:
Ruwei Yun, Nanjing Normal University, China
Executive Committee:
Zhigeng Pan, Zhejiang University, China
Ruth Aylett, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Jim Chen, George Mason University, USA
Hyun-seng Yang, KAIST, Korea
Yi Li, Nanjing Normal University, China
Xiaopeng Zhang, CAS Institute of Automation, China
Adrian David Cheok, NUS, Singapore
Ryohei Nakatsu, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
International Program Committee:
Abdennour El Rhalibi Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Sangchul Ahn Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Isabel Machado Alexandre University Campus of Lisbon, Portgual
Elisabeth Andre University of Ulm, Germany
Dominique Archambault University Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Ruth Aylett Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, UK
Leandro Balladares National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
Christian Bauckhage Deutsche Telekom, Germany
Rafael Bidarra Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Paul Brna University of Glasgow, UK
Gloria Brown-Simmons University of California in Irvine, USA
Eliya Buyukkaya University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6), France
Yiyu Cai Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Christophe Chaillou ALCOVE, INRIA Futurs, France
Tak-Wai Chan National Central University, Taiwan, China
Maiga Chang Athabasca University, Canada
Yam San Chee National Institute of Education, Singapore
Jim X. Chen Georage Masnion University, USA
Nuno Correia Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Jinshi Cui Peking University, China
Akshay Darbari Tata Elxsi Limited, India
Stepahne Donikian Université de Rennes, France
Stephen Downes National Research Council Canada, Canada
Guangzheng Fei Communication University of China, China
Paul Fergus Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Bernd Froehlich Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
Marco Furini University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Lisa Gjedde Danish University of Education, Denmark
Martin Goebel fleXilution, Germany
Michael Haller Upper Austria University, Austria
Wenfeng Hu Communication University of China, China
KinChuen Hui The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Wijnand IJsselsteijn Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Manjunath Iyer Philips Electronics, India
Marc Jaeger Digiplant, INRIA, France
Posada Jorge VICOMTech, Spain
Bill Kapralos University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Börje Karlsson PUC-Rio, Brazil
Mike Katchabaw University of Western Ontario, Canada
Gerard Jounghyun Kim Korea University, Korea
Sehwan Kim Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Mona Laroussi Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France
Fong-Lok Lee The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Sang-goog Lee Catholic University of Korea, Korea
Jongweon Lee Sejong University, Korea
Xin Li DigiPen University in Seattle, USA
Craig Lindley University of Gotland, Sweden
Kwan-Liu Ma Professor in Visualization, UC Davis, USA
Bruce Maxim University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
Wolfgang Mueller University of Education Weingarten, Germany
Stéphane Natkin Conservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers, France
Yoshihiro Okada Kyushu University, Japan
Chunhong Pan CAS Institute of Automation, China
Zhigeng Pan Zhejiang University, China
Jun Park Hongik University, Korea
Daniël Pletinckx Visual Dimension, Belgium
Edmond C. Prakash Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Marc Price BBC Research, UK
Matthias Rauterberg Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Theresa-Marie Rhyne North Carolina State University, USA
Albert Skip Rizzo University of Southern California, USA
Marco Roccetti University of Bologna, Italy
Cecilia Sik Lanyi University of Pannonia, Hungary
Ulrike Spierling University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt, Germany
Gerard Subsol The National Institute for Research in Computer Science and
Control, France
Mohd Shahrizal Sunar Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Kim Hua Tan Nottingham University Business School, UK
Ruck Thawonmas Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Harold Thwaites Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Jaap Van Den Herik University of Maastricht, The Netherlands
Frederic Vexo Ecoles Polytechniques Fédérale in Lausanne, Switzerland
Yangsheng Wang CAS Institute of Automation, China
Charlie Wang The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Toyohide Watanabe Nagoya University, Japan
Kevin Kok-Wai Wong Murdoch University, Austria
Woontack Woo GIST, Korea
Hongping Yan INRIA PARIS-Rocquencourt, France
Xiaopeng Zhang CAS Institute of Automation, China
Eurographics 2008 Workshop on
3D object retrieval
April 15, 2008
3D object representations have become an integral part of modern computer
graphics applications, such as computer-aided design, game development and
film production. At the same time, 3D data have become very common in
domains such as computer vision, computational geometry, molecular biology
and medicine. The rapid evolution in graphics hardware and software
development, in particular the availability of low cost 3D scanners, has
greatly facilitated 3D model acquisition, creation and manipulation, giving
the opportunity to experience applications using 3D models to a large user
community. As the number of 3D models is continuously growing fast the
problem of creating new 3D models has shifted to the problem of searching
for existing 3D models. Thereupon, the development of efficient search
mechanisms is required for the effective retrieval of 3D objects from large
repositories, both of a single class (such as human faces) and across
The aim of this workshop is to stimulate researchers from different fields
(computer vision, computer graphics, machine learning and human-computer
interaction) who work on the common goal of 3D object retrieval, to present
state-of-the-art work in the field and thus provide a cross-fertilization
ground that will stimulate discussions on the next steps in this important
research area.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to :
o Invariant 2D / 3D feature extraction
o Biologically inspired 3D representations
o Mesh segmentation
o Relevance feedback
o Active learning
o Ontology-driven search
o Generative / Discriminative approaches in 3D object categorization
o Indexing methodologies
o Applications in Multimedia industry, CAD industry, Games industry,
Biometrics, e-Science, e-Learning, Medicine, Culture.
o Benchmarking issues
The proceedings of the Workshop will be published in the Eurographics
Proceedings Series and on the Eurographics Digital Library. The authors of
selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions for publication
in a peer-reviewed Journal.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: Monday, January 7th, 2008 (24:00 GMT)
Notification of acceptance: Monday, February 11th, 2008
Camera-ready papers deadline: Monday, February 25th, 2008
Workshop: Tuesday, April 15th, 2008 (one full day)
Workshop Chairs
Ioannis Pratikakis ( IIT / NCSR 'Demokritos', Greece )
Theoharis Theoharis ( University of Athens, Greece )
Programme Chairs
Stavros Perantonis ( IIT / NCSR 'Demokritos', Greece )
Nikolaos Sapidis (University of the Aegean, Greece )
Michela Spagnuolo ( IMATI / CNR, Italy )
Daniel Thalmann (EPFL, Switzerland )
EG Proceedings Editors
Ioannis Pratikakis ( IIT / NCSR 'Demokritos', Greece )
Michela Spagnuolo ( IMATI / CNR, Italy )
Theoharis Theoharis ( University of Athens, Greece )
International Programme Committee
Philipos Azariadis (University of the Aegean, Greece )
Alberto Del Bimbo (University of Florence, Italy )
Petros Daras (Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece )
Bianca Falcidieno (IMATI / CNR, Italy )
Dieter W. Fellner (Fraunhofer IGD, Germany )
Thomas Funkhouser (Princeton University, USA )
John Illingworth (University of Surrey, UK);
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann ( University of Geneva, Switzerland )
Nikos Paragios (Ecole Centrale de Paris, France)
Nicholas Patrikalakis (MIT, USA)
Karthik Ramani (Purdue University, USA )
Marcos Rodrigues (University of Sheffield, UK)
Dietmar Saupe (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Ariel Shamir (Efi Arazi School of Computer Science, Israel)
Ayellet Tal (Technion Institute of Technology, Israel) Theodore Trafalis
(University of Oklahoma, USA) Dimitrios Tzovaras (Informatics and Telematics
Institute, Greece )
Remco Veltkamp (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Titus Zaharia (Institut National des Telecommunications, France)
Call for Papers
5th International Conf. on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects
Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
9-11 July, 2008
Email: amdo(a)
printable flyer:
Track 1: Computer Graphics (Human Modelling & Animation)
Track 2: Human Motion (Analysis, Tracking, 3D Reconstruction & Recognition)
Track 3: Multimodal User Interaction (VR & AR, Speech, Biometrics)
Track 4: Advanced Multimedia Systems (Standards, Indexed Video Contents)
The International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), the Spanish
Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI) and the
Mathematics and Computer Science Department of UIB are organising the
fifth international conference AMDO 2008 that will take place in Puerto
de Andratx, Mallorca. This conference is the natural evolution of AMDO's
previous workshops. The new goal of this conference is to promote
and collaboration among researchers working directly in the areas covered by
the main tracks. The new perceptual user interfaces and the emerging
increase the relation between areas involved with human-computer
interaction. The
new perspective of the AMDO 2008 conference will be to strengthen the
between the many areas that have as key point the study of the human body
computer technologies as the main tool.
It is a great opportunity to encourage links between research in the areas
computer vision, computer graphics, advanced multimedia applications and
multimodal interfaces that share common problems and frequently use similar
techniques or tools. In this particular edition the related topics are
in several parallel tracks, including the topics above proposed.
AMDO 2008 will consist of three days of lecture sessions, both regular and
invited presentations, a poster session and international tutorials. The
conference fee (approx. 450,00 euro) includes a social program (conference
dinner, coffee breaks, snacks and cultural activities). Students and IAPR
members can register at a reduced fee.
Papers should describe original and unpublished work about the above or
closely related topics. Please submit your paper electronically at our
website (see URL above) using the software provided. All submissions
should be in Adobe Acrobat (pdf). The AMDO2008 secretariat must receive
your paper before February 22, 2008, 17:00 GMT (London time).
Up to 10 A4 pages will be considered. All papers submitted will be subjected
to a blind review process by at least three members of the program
The initial paper must not provide names and affiliation, and should include
title, a 150-word abstract, keywords and paper manuscript. Accepted papers
appear in the LNCS Springer-Verlag international proceedings that will be
published and distributed to all participants at the workshop. For more
and news, visit our web page:
N.B. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to
register and to present the communication at the conference, if accepted.
Submission of papers February 22, 2008
Notification of acceptance March 31, 2008
Camera-ready April 30, 2008
Early registration May 31, 2008
Late registration June 1 2008
V AMDO Conference 2008 9-11th July 2008
PLACE: Hotel Mon Port ****, Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S ! ! !
Athens (GREECE), May 30 - 31, 2008
The 3IA International Conference on Computer Graphics is the
only International Conference on Intelligent Computer Graphics.
The aim of this Conference is to present the current state of
research of Computer Graphics researchers who use Artificial
Intelligence techniques.
The eleventh 3IA International Conference (3IA'2008) will take place
in May 2008, in Athens (GREECE).
Under the title "Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence", several
themes could be covered by the authors of papers. The following list gives
an idea of possible themes :
- Artificial intelligence techniques in scene modeling.
- Declarative techniques in scene modeling.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in rendering.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in construction of geometric figures.
- Animation and artificial intelligence.
- Behavioural animation.
- Design of intelligent graphic interfaces.
- Scene properties description techniques.
- Intelligent methods of exploring virtual worlds.
- Computer graphics and learning.
- Combination of classical and AI techniques.
- Application of AI techniques in CAD and GIS.
- Intelligent visualisation.
- Intelligent collaborative design.
- Semantics-based approaches in design.
- Decision support systems in design.
- Intelligent computational aesthetics.
- Intelligent CG applications in bioinformatics and medical informatics.
- ...
Dimitri PLEMENOS, Emeritus Professor
Universite de Limoges
Faculte des Sciences
MSI Laboratory
83, rue d'Isle
phone : (+ 33) 5 55 43 69 74, (+33) 5 55 43 69 76
fax : (+33) 5 55 43 69 77
E-mail : plemenos(a)
CONFERENCE E-mail : 3ia(a)
Yury BAYAKOVSKY (Russia)
Christian BOHN (Germany)
Rene CAUBET (France),
Giovanni DE PAOLI (Canada)
Jean-Francois DUFOURD (France),
Yves DUTHEN (France)
Eugene FIUME (Canada),
Marina GAVRILOVA (Canada)
Djamchid GHAZANFARPOUR (France),
Gerard HEGRON (France),
Andres IGLESIAS (Spain),
Andrey IONES (USA)
Prem KALRA (India),
Stanislav KLIMENKO (Russia),
Ivana KOLINGEROVA (Czech Republic),
Jean-Claude LAFON (France),
Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN (Switzerland),
Michel MERIAUX (France),
Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Zhigeng PAN (China),
Bernard PEROCHE (France),
Pascal LIENHARDT (France),
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France),
Xavier PUEYO (Spain),
Mateu SBERT (Spain),
Vaclav SKALA (Czech Republic),
Daniel THALMANN (Switzerland),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece),
Jiri ZARA (Czech Republic).
e-mail: gmiaoul(a)
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France), Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece), Jean DRAGONAS (Greece),
Giola DIONYSSOPOULOU (Greece), Georges BARDIS (Greece),
Vassilios GOLFINOPOULOS (Greece), Dimitrios MAKRIS (Greece),
Jean XYDAS (Greece), Christos GIAKOUMETTIS (Greece),
Suzanne SIMONET (France).
Return of the intention form: today.
Paper submission deadline: February 4, 2008.
Paper acceptance notification: March 20, 2008.
Short paper submission deadline: March 27, 2008.
Short paper acceptance notification: April 7, 2008
Final papers due : April 15, 2008.
Papers should be sent as attached PDF files by e-mail to the general
Chair of the Conference. It is also possible to submit a paper
in PDF format by ftp. In this case, please use the following
username: 3ia2008
password: dep0t (the "o" of "depot" is a "0")
Maximal length: 12 pages
Font to use: times
Characters size: 12 pt for text, 18 pt bold for title, 14 pt bold
for section titles and 12 pt bold for sub-section titles.
Paper format: two-column A4 format
190 Euros (Students: 120 Euros)
- the proceedings of the conference,
- two lunches in the university canteen,
- a dinner in a restaurant Friday evening.
Participation Form for the 3IA'2008 conference
(to be retourned to the general chair of the conference: plemenos(a)
or plemenos(a)
Professional address:
Phone number:
I intend to participate to the 3IA'2008 conference in Athens (Greece).
--- ---
I intend to submit a paper : yes I I no I I
--- ---
Title of the paper:
Do not send money for the moment. You will be informed later on the mode
of payment.
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a) I
I 83,rue d'Isle I I
Eurographics 2008 Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
April 14-15, 2008, Crete, Greece
Co-located with Eurographics '08
Call for Papers
Aims and Scope of the Symposium
Following the success of previous EGPGV symposia, we are happy to announce
the 8th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization. The
new generation of parallel architectures introduce many exciting research
opportunities. The extreme-scale of these new parallel systems redefines
the scalability problem of many graphics and visualization applications.
The aim of this symposium is to foster greater exchange of experiences and
knowledge of parallel and distributed computing and its application to all
aspects of computer graphics and data visualization.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
- Cluster based graphics and visualization
- Efficient graphics and visualization for shared and
distributed memory systems
- Parallel and distributed systems for large and high
resolution displays
- Parallel and distributed systems for photo-realistic rendering
- Parallel volume rendering
- Data coherence in graphics algorithms
- Large data set visualization
- Realistic rendering of large models
- Large scale simulations and graphics rendering
- Graphics and visualization in Grid environments
- Parallel simulations for interactive applications
- Parallelism within GPU architectures
- GPU and GPGPU clusters
- Parallel graphics and visualization on multi-core CPUs
and other parallel architectures
The EGPGV Symposium is co-located with the Eurographics Annual Conference,
which will take place from April 14-18.
Eurographics Annual Conference web page:
Paper Submission and Important Dates
The proceedings of the Symposium will be published in the Eurographics
Proceedings Series and on the Eurographics Digital Library.
The authors of up to three of the best papers of the Symposium will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers to IEEE Transactions
on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Paper submission: December 10, 2007
Author notification: February 15, 2008
Camera-ready paper: February 29, 2008
Symposium Chair
Daniel Weiskopf, Universitaet Stuttgart
Program Chairs
Jean Favre, Swiss National Supercomputing Center
Kwan-Liu Ma, University of California at Davis
Web Page:
For further questions please contact:
Note that this email list is used for the conference-calls for the
IEEE Visualization conference, and similar events.
For removal or duplicates, please reply to this email address with your
respective email address and the keyword "remove" and add "duplicate",
if it is just for the removal of an unused email address.
(The relevant email address is in the TO-field of the email header.)
If your email is a question about the conference, the submission, or
related topics, please contact the respective conference co-chairs.