IEEE/EG International Symposium on Volume Graphics
September 3-4, 2007
The Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Volume graphics deals with the analysis, synthesis and presentation of
volumetric objects, both static and time-varying. Specifically, it
includes topics related to the acquisition, reconstruction and
transformation of volume data as well as feature analysis, information
extraction and rendering. Research papers are solicited that present
original and unpublished results concerning all aspects of volume
graphics. We especially invite research contributions that report
computational techniques derived from existing knowledge in numerical
analysis, signal processing and statistical modeling. Furthermore,
papers are solicited which demonstrate the efficacy of the methods of
volume graphics towards enhanced practices or understanding of specific
applications in engineering, medicine and physical and biological
This 6th occurrence of Volume Graphics has been changed from a Workshop
to a Symposium and is again co-located with the Symposium on Point-Based
Graphics 2007 as well as with the Eurographics 2007 Conference.
The accepted papers will be published in IEEE/EG sponsored proceedings,
and archived in electronic form in the Eurographics and IEEE online
digital libraries. A selected number of submissions will be further
considered for publication in a major journal in computer graphics and
Please refer to
preparation guidelines.
Important Dates
May 11, 2007 (23:59 PDT) Electronic abstract submission deadline
Abstract submission is mandatory!
May 18, 2007 (23:59 PDT) Electronic paper submission deadline
June 29, 2007 Author notification
July 13, 2007 Receipt of camera-ready papers
Primary Symposium Topics
+ Representation of Volume Information
+ Acquisition and Reconstruction of Volume Data
+ Volume Rendering
+ Modeling, Transformation and Analysis of Volumetric Objects
+ Volume Graphics in Applications
Symposium Chairs
Torsten Möller, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Milos Sramek, ÖAW Visualisierung, Vienna, Austria
Papers Chairs
Hans-Christian Hege, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
Raghu Machiraju, The Ohio State University, USA
Steering Committee
Min Chen, University of Wales, Swansea, UK
Tom Ertl, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Issei Fujishiro, Tohoku University, Japan
Arie Kaufman, Stony Brook University, USA
Klaus Mueller, Stony Brook University, USA
Honorary Symposium Chair
Arie Kaufman, Stony Brook University, USA
S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S !!!!!
Athens (GREECE), 30 - 31 of May, 2007
In cooperation with Eurographics
2nd Call for Participation
General Chair: Dimitri PLEMENOS (plemenos(a)
Invited speakers: Veronique GAILDRAT (France), Christian BOHN (Germany),
Kristinn THORISSON (Iceland)
Athens Imperial Hotel
Karaiskaki Square
104 37, Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210 5201600
Fax: +30 210 5225521
Email: ai(a)
REGISTRATION FEES: 190 Euro (regular participants)
120 Euro (students)
Payment by Bank transfer (see
Here is the program of the 3IA'2007 international conference. If you
wish to attend the conference, please fill the registration form
located on the web site of the conference (
and follow the instructions for the payment of registration fees.
Invited speakers: Veronique GAILDRAT (France), Christian BOHN (Germany),
Kristinn THORISSON (Iceland)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007, Morning
08:30 a.m: Reception
09:20 a.m: Opening of the Conference
09:45 a.m: Invited speaker (Veronique Gaildrat)
Declarative Modelling of Virtual Environments: Overview of
Issues and Applications.
Veronique Gaildrat (FRANCE)
10:45 a.m: Coffee break
1st session: Modelling
11:10 a.m.: A parametric mechanism for preferences consensus in a
collaborative declarative design environment.
G. Bardis, N. Doulamis, J. Dragonas, G. Miaoulis (GREECE),
D. Plemenos (FRANCE).
11:40 a.m.: Experimental results of selective visualisation according
to user preferences in a declarative modelling environment.
G. Bardis, V. Golfinopoulos, D. Makris, G. Miaoulis (GREECE),
D. Plemenos (FRANCE).
12:10 a.m.: Avatar creation for believable agents.
Manolya Kavakli, Iwan Kartiko (AUSTRALIA)
12:30 a.m.: Multiple scene understanding for declarative scene modelling.
V. Golfinopoulos, G. Bardis, D. Makris, G. Miaoulis (GREECE),
D. Plemenos (FRANCE).
13:00 p.m. Lunch
Wednesday, May 30, 2007, Afternoon
02:30 p.m.: Invited speaker (Christian Bohn)
On Artificial Intelligence and Motivation in Computer
Graphics Education.
Christian Bohn, Jan Oliver Steinbach (GERMANY).
2nd session: Scene understanding 1
03:30 p.m.: Towards a semantic web system for understanding
real world representations.
Laura Papaleo, Leila De Floriani (ITALY), James Hendler
Annie Hui (USA)
04:00 p.m.: CART: Shape recognition and curvature estimation using
circular augmented rotational trajectory.
Russel Ahmed Apu, Marina L. Gavrilova (CANADA)
04:30 a.m: Coffee break
3rd session: Scene understanding 2
05:00 p.m.: Scene understanding by apparent contour extraction.
Nancy Dandachy (LEBANON), Dimitri Plemenos (FRANCE)
Bachar El Hassan (LEBANON).
05:30 p.m.: Intelligent scene understanding using geometry and
Cyril Lam, Dimitri Plemenos (FRANCE).
06:00 p.m.: Tesselation-independent best view selection.
Pere-Pau Vazquez, Carlos Andujar (SPAIN).
06:30 p.m.: End of session
Thursday, May 31, 2007, Morning
09:30 p.m.: Invited speaker (Kristinn Thorisson)
Avatar Intelligence Infusion: Key Noteworty Issues.
Kristinn Thorisson (ICELAND).
4th session: Animation 1
10:30 a.m.: Introducing an associative memory in a neural
controller for advanced situated agents.
D. Panzoli, H. Luga, Y. Duthen (FRANCE)
11:00 a.m.: Automatic generation of computer animated serquences
based on human behavior modelling.
Pau Baiget, Joan Soto, Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzalez
11:30 a.m.: Coffee break
5th session: Animation 2
12:00 a.m.: Search for body pose similarity in character animation.
Elena Martinova, Vadim Turlapov (RUSSIA).
12:20 a.m.: A structured approach for the synthesis of Computer
animated human models and the motion execution in
walking applications along curved surfaces.
Dimitrios Emiris, Dimitrios Koulouriotis (GREECE).
12:40 a.m.: Physically-based animations of 3D biped Characters using
Genetic algorithms.
Maurizio Conventi, Marco Fratarcangeli (ITALY).
13:00 a.m.: Lunch
Thursday, May 31, 2007, Afternoon
6th session: Fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, image retrieval
02:30 p.m.: Symbolic knowledgeand fuzzy logic in automatic segmentation
of MRI images.
F. H. Andriamanankoavy (MADAGASCAR), V. Gaildrat (FRANCE),
F. E. Ratolojanahary (MADAGASCAR).
02:50 p.m.: "Seeing and hearing" evolutionary compositions.
Artemis Moroni, Jonatas Manzolli, Rafael Bocaletto
Maiolla (BRAZIL).
03:20 p.m.: A developmental model to simulate natural evolution.
Sylvain Cussat-Blanc, Herve Luga, Yves Duthen (FRANCE).
03:50 p.m.: A signature tree content-based image retrieval system.
Konstantinos Athanasakos, Anastasion Doulamis, Nikitas
Karanikolas (GREECE).
04:20 p.m.: End of the conference
Wednesday, May 30, 2007, Morning
7th session: Computer aided design
11:10 a.m.: A novel pattern generation algorithm based on Persian
floral rule extension.
Azam Bastanfard, Ali Akbar Sayyadi (IRAN).
11:40 p.m.: Application of artificial intelligent methods for
surface unfolding.
Valentina Kurysheva, Andrew Rogozhin (RUSSIA).
12:00 p.m.: Mending fractured models using surface patches.
Pavlos Stavrou, Georgios Papaioannou, Theoharis
Theoharis (GREECE).
12:20 p.m.: Manufacturability analysis in intelligent CAD systems.
Dmitry Troitsky, Alexander Inozemtsev, Maria Novikova
12:20 p.m.: End of session
13:00 p.m.: Lunch
Wednesday, May 30, 2007, Afternoon
8th session: Concepts 1
03:30 p.m.: Concept formation in architecture: the Simmons Hall
Sotirios Kotsopoulos (USA)
04:00 p.m.: Play and dream your city.
Ole Pihl (DENMARK)
04:30 a.m: Coffee break
9th session: Concepts 2
05:00 p.m.: The passage from the creator intelligence to
artificial intelligence. The Kandinsky project.
Manthos Santorineos (GREECE).
05:30 p.m.: Evaluation of artificial intelligence techniques
used in urban growth simulation.
Majeed Pooyandeh, Saadi Mesgari, Abbas Alimohammadi
05:50 p.m.: On the structure of drawings.
Stavros Vergopoulos (GREECE)
06:10 p.m.: End of session
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a) I
I 83,rue d'Isle I I
Dear Colleague,
We are excited to confirm that registration for /Computational
Aesthetics/ is now available on our website.
This year's conference will be held in the majestic Rocky
Mountains of Banff, Alberta, Canada, from June 20-22, 2007.
Follow the link:
<imap://> and
register before our early bird deadline of *May 10th, 2007*.
Also, check out the Program link
<imap://> to see
the list of our distinguished invited speakers.
Please feel free to forward this email to any interested parties.
Kind regards,
Sheelagh Carpendale
Brian Wyvill
Co-Chairs, CAe 2007
[Apologies if you receive this CfP-update several times]
| |
| NEW DEADLINE: June 4th 2007 |
Symp. of the German Association for Pattern Recognition, DAGM
September 11th, 2007, Heidelberg
NEW Submission of full papers: June 04th, 2007
Notification of acceptance: July 30th, 2007
Final versions due: August 10th, 2007
Workshop: September 11th, 2007
3D imaging sensors have been investigated for several decades. In recent
years, improvements on classical approaches like stereo vision on the one
hand, and novel techniques like ZCam or Photonic Mixing Device (PMD) on the
other hand have emerged, leading to 3D vision systems with radically
characteristics. Presently, these techniques make full-range 3D data
at interactive frame rates, and thus open the path towards a much broader
application of 3D vision systems.
The workshop focuses on sensor systems, data processing approaches and
incorporating interactive, full-range 3D sensors in specific application
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Development of full-range 3D sensors or sensor systems, including
- active and passive 3D imaging systems
- 3D sensors operating at optical, near-infrared, terahertz and
microwave wavelengths
- sensor simulation
* Multi sensor fusion incorporating full-range 3D sensors
* Data processing for dynamic full-range 3D-data, including
- sensor based image synthesis
- calibration techniques
- 3D object recognition
- 3D optical flow
* Applications using interactive, full-range 3D sensors, e.g. in
areas like
- autonomous robotics
- medicine
- industrial automation
Results of practical significance with an adequate inclusion of interactive
vision sensors will be considered. The content of submitted papers has to be
* Peter Haring Bolivar, U Siegen, Germany, Email:
* Reinhard Koch, U Kiel, Germany, Email: rk(a)
* Andreas Kolb, U Siegen, Germany, Email:
* Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, U Siegen, Germany, Email:
* Otmar Loffeld, U Siegen, Germany, Email:
* Volker Blanz, U Siegen, Germany
* Joachim Denzler, U Jena, Germany
* Jan-Michael Frahm, U North Carolina, USA
* Günther Greiner, U Erlangen, Germany
* Klaus Hartmann, U Siegen, Germany
* Joachim Hornegger, U Erlangen, Germany
* Heinrich Höfler, FhG-IPM Freiburg, Germany
* Bernd Jähne, U Heidelberg, Germany
* Marcus Magnor, TU Braunschweig, Germany
* Wolfgang Osten, U Stuttgart, Germany
* Hartmut Roskos, U Frankfurt, Germany
* Hubert Roth, U Siegen, Germany
* Rudolf Schwarte, U Siegen, Germany
* Peter Seitz, U Neuchatel, Switzerland
* Wolfgang Straßer, U Tübingen, Germany
* Zengqui Sun, Tsinghua U Beijing, China
* Hans Tiziani, U Stuttgart, Germany
* Peter Xu, Massey U, New Zealand
The format of the final paper is 9.5"x6.5", single-column. Contributions to
the workshop should not exceed 8 pages. Please format your article according
to the Inderscience Enterprises guidelines. Templates for Word and Latex can
be found under
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by independent reviewers. Accepted
papers will be presented orally, or as posters in a separate session. All
accepted papers will be published in a Special Issue of the of the
International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications
Further information about the submission procedure can be found on the
workshop website:
The workshop will take place in conjunction with the Symp. of the German
Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM) 2007 in Heidelberg. Registration
information for the DAGM Symp. and this workshop can be found under:
In cooperation with:
* Eurographics
* ZESS, Center for Sensor Systems, Siegen
Sponsored by:
* PMD Technologies, Siegen
Genova - June 18-22, 2007 ----
The school will focus on representations and computational techniques
for modeling and reasoning on digital shapes (3D objects, pictures,
sketches, images, videos, etc.)
The program will consist of invited lectures, given by leading
international scientists in the field, who will present state-of-the-art
techniques on shape modeling and reasoning, and will bring complementary
views of problems and solutions.
The school is organized and hosted by the Department of Computer Science
(DISI) of the University of Genova in collaboration with the Institute
for Applied Mathematics and Information Technology of Italian National
Research Council and the Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION)
within the EU FP6 Network of Excellence AIM@SHAPE .
- Pierre Alliez (INRIA): Geometry Processing
- Leila De Floriani, Enrico Puppo (University of Genova): Mesh-based
Shape Representations
- Anath Fischer (Technion): Data Fusion and Mesh Reconstruction Methods
Utilizing 3D Emerging Non-Contact Scanning Technologies
- Stephanie Hahmann: Multi-resolution Modeling
- Hanan Samet (University of Maryland): Multidimensional, Spatial, and
Metric Data Structures for Computer Graphics Applications
- Ariel Shamir (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories) Strategies
for Mesh Segmentation
- Deborah Silver (Rutgers University): Curve Skeletons: Applications &
- Simone Marini, Michela Spagnuolo, Daniela Giorgi, Silvia Biasotti
(Italian National Research Council, Genova): Geometric and Semantic
Methods for Shape Retrieval
The school will be open to about 50 qualified, motivated and
pre-selected students. Ph.D. students, post-docs, young researchers
(both academic and industrial) or industrial professionals are
encouraged to apply.
Participation will be free of charge. Students will have access to all
courses, material, coffee breaks, and lunches. The social program will
include a guided tour in Genova historial center and a social dinner.
Deadline for student application is May 22, 2007. Please look at the
official web page of the School for information about registration.
The school will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science -
University of Genova, located in one of most pleasant and quiet areas in
Genova is a city and a seaport, and one of the largest historical
centers in Italy, rich of cultural heritage. The sea, weather, food and
the wine are also excellent.
Leila De Floriani (University of Genova)
Gill Barequet (Technion)
Bianca Falcidieno (Italian National Research Council, Genova)
Craig Gotsman (Technion)
Enrico Puppo (University of Genova)
Michela Spagnuolo (Italian National Research Council, Genova)
Laura Papaleo - Chair (University of Genova)
Laura Montanari (University of Genova)
Daniela Peghini (University of Genova)
- Shape Modeling and Reasoning Summer School 2007
- WEB:
- Contact email: papaleo(a)
Extended Submission Date:
Abstract submission deadline: May 8, 2007
Deadline for paper submissions: May 15, 2007
Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
(SBIM '07)
University of California
Riverside, CA, USA
Thursday August 2 - Friday August 3, 2007
Aims and Scope
Most computer user interfaces continue to be based on the keyboard and
mouse. These are good for typing and pointing, but they lack the
naturalness, transparency, and ease-of-use of basic low-tech pencil
and paper. Modern pen computing hardware--in principle--enables fluid
drawing, sketching, and direct manipulation of both text and
graphics. To realize this potential requires effective user interface
designs and underlying algorithms to support them.
This workshop will explore techniques and technologies needed to
enable sketch-based interfaces. The foci will be on methods for
recognition of hand-drawn shapes and interpretation of diagrams and
sketches, and on applications of sketch-based interfaces to a variety
of domains such as 2D/3D graphics, CAD, diagram editing, and
note-taking. Empirical usability studies aimed at clarifying the
nature of sketch-based interfaces and comparing pen input to other
interaction techniques are also welcome.
The workshop is being held in cooperation with Eurographics and the
American Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI). The workshop dates of August 2-3 are just prior to
SIGGRAPH. The workshop location is Riverside, California, 1.5 hours by
car from the SIGGRAPH venue in San Diego.
The two-day workshop will include paper presentations (single track),
a breakout session, coffee breaks, a conference dinner, and invited
talks. There will be a demo session in which participants have an
opportunity to demonstrate their systems and try out those of the
other participants. All are welcome to attend the workshop; submission
of a paper is not required for attendance.
The proceedings will be published in the EG Workshop series and made
available online through the Eurographics Digital Library. Summaries of
previous Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling Workshops can be explored at
Authors are invited to submit technical papers on topics including, but not
limited to:
* Low level ink processing
* Sketch segmentation
* Classification and recognition of hand-drawn sketches
* Multimodal interfaces for sketching
* Novel sketch input devices
* Rendering techniques for sketch-based interfaces (NPR)
* Usability studies of sketch-based systems
* Sketch-based interfaces for 2D/3D computer graphics (modeling,
animation, games, etc.)
* Sketch-based CAD systems
* Sketch-based interfaces for other applications (diagram editing,
math, etc.)
* Sketch-based retrieval of multimedia Information
Authors of workshop papers are encouraged to provide demos. We also invite:
* demos of rough ideas and work in progress.
* demos that present and critique commercial pen computing software
* demos of games and other novel applications making creative use of
sketch interfaces
Submission Procedure
Authors are requested to submit papers, no longer than 10 pages, with the
main body set in Eurographics Conference Paper Format. Each paper should
contain title, authors' names and affiliations, abstract, keywords, text,
illustrations, and references. Detailed guidelines and LaTeX style files are
available through the EG Conference Manager (MCP)
All submissions will be done electronically via the EG Conference
Manager (MCP). Papers will be accepted in PDF format only.
Documentation on and assistance with the submission system is
available at Please contact
the conference organizers should you experience any problems with
electronic submission. Proceedings will be available on-line through
the Eurographics Digital Library and in paper book form in the
Eurographics Book Series.
Paper selection will be based on technical and scientific content and
relevance to the workshop.
Those interested in providing a demo should submit a one-page abstract of
the proposed demo. If possible, the abstract should include a URL for a
video, screen images, etc.
Special Issue: Computers & Graphics
Revised and expanded versions of selected workshop papers will be
featured in a special issue of the Computers and Graphics Journal
(Elsevier) in 2008.
Important Workshop Dates
* Abstract submission deadline: May 8, 2007
* Deadline for paper submissions: May 15, 2007 (Extended Deadline)
* Notification of acceptance: June 8, 2007
Workshop Chairs
Thomas Stahovich, University of California, Riverside, CA
Christine Alvarado, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA (alvarado(a)
Program Chairs
Michiel van de Panne, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Eric Saund, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Palo Alto, CA (saund(a)
EG SBIM Working Group Chair
Joaquim Jorge, Technical University of Lisboa, Portugal
-J. Jorge Yahoo IM: joaquim_jorge
Joaquim A. Jorge (jorgej(a), jorgej(a) | PHONE:+351 213100363
INESC, Rua Alves Redol,9, 1000-029 Lisboa, PORTUGAL| TAGUS:+351 214233238
____________________Simplex Sigillum Veri__________|____jaj(a)inesc.pt_____
Submit your paper to Computers & Graphics at:
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to participate to Shape Modeling International 2007
conference which will be held in the beautiful city of Lyon June 13-15.
The conference web page is :
In conjunction with SMI'07, the Network of Excellence AIM@SHAPE
is organizing SHREC - 3D Shape Retrieval Contest, whose general
objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of 3D-shape retrieval algorithms.
Conference Chairs
Samir Akkouche (U. Claude Bernard, Lyon, France)
Jarek Rossignac (Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA)
Program Chairs
Eric Galin (U. Claude Bernard, Lyon, France)
Mark Pauly (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
Brian Wyvill (U. Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Best regards,
Eric Galin.
Deadline Extended: Cyberworlds 2007, HAPTEX'07 & NASAGEM'07
[Apologies if you received it in multiple copies or do not want to
receive it at all]
After many requests from authors and because of the long public holiday
"Golden Week" in many Asian countries, the submission deadline has been
extended till May 25 (for the main conference and both workshops). This
is the final deadline and we will not accept any submission after May
If you are considering to submit a paper, you can register an account
with us at
and submit a tentative title and authors, so that we can stay in
contact with you. As long as the deadline is not reached, you can
always edit or withdraw your submission.
If you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them via
email to hcw2007(a)
Best Regards;
Franz-Erich Wolter
Conference and Program Co-Chair of CW 2007
PS: If you missed the Call for Papers before, you can find them at
The UK Chapter of the Eurographics Association (EGUK) presents:-
Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2007
University of Wales, Bangor, UK, 13-15th June 2007
** Registration now open **
** Early Bird discount until 26th May **
The 25th Conference organised by the UK chapter of the
Eurographics Association will be the sixth Theory and
Practice of Computer Graphics Conference (TP.CG.07).
Confirmed keynote speakers are Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter
Seidel, Director of the Max-Planck-Institut Informatik
in Saarbrücken, Eduard Gröller, Associate Professor
at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms
in the Vienna University of Technology and Dr Simon
Watt of the School of Psychology at the University of
Wales, Bangor.
The conference runs from the afternoon of the 13th June to
lunch on the 15th June. A full program of social events
is also arranged.
A discount for early registration is offered until
26th May. The booking form is linked from the conference
web site at
We look forward to welcoming you to this conference.
afrigraph 2007
... the 5th International Conference for Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality,
Visualisation and Interaction in Africa ...
Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and in association with EUROGRAPHICS.
29 - 31 October 2007
Grahamstown, South Africa
Visit the Afrigraph 2007 Website ( for more
Key-note speaker: Tom Furness
Call for Participation
We invite you to participate in one of the following exciting events to take
place at AFRIGRAPH2007:
· Academic Paper Sessions
· Tutorials
· Art and Animation Gallery
· Poster Session
· Exhibition / Corporate Demo Reels
AFRIGRAPH2007 is to be held at the campus of the beautiful and historic
Rhodes University,
Grahamstown, South Africa. Grahamstown is located at the heart of the wild
region of the Eastern Cape
and is surrounded by wildlife and game lodges containing the Big 5. For more
information regarding
Grahamstown, visit the Grahamstown tourism website
The keynote address at AFRIGRAPH2007 will be given by Professor Tom Furness,
the founder of the
Human Interface Technology Lab (HIT Lab) at University of Washington.
Referred to as the
'Grandfather of Virtual Reality' due to his outstanding contribution to the
advancement of this field, Tom
Furness was responsible for the development of a new family of virtual
interfaces that evolved into what
we know today as virtual reality. He pioneered the development of both
virtual displays and headmounted
tracking systems, 3D sound systems and other interfaces. Professor Furness
has been widely
recognized for his outstanding career, he received the Satava Award (with
the HIT Lab) for advances in
medical technology and in 1998 he also received the Discover Award for
Technological Innovation for
his ground-breaking technology: the Virtual Retinal Display. The award is
considered the equivalent of
an Oscar for Science and Engineering.
The AFRIGRAPH2007 Gala Dinner will be an exciting African Adventure to be
held at the Kwantu
Private Game Reserve (, and will include a guided
game drive, traditional
African Dancing and Storytelling and a five course Afro/Asian dinner.
Academic Papers
AFRIGRAPH 2007 welcomes contributions in the form of full papers or short
papers. The conference
particularly welcomes contributions that focus on Computer Graphics in the
developing world;
addressing the use of Computer Graphics in urban renewal, rural development,
health, education,
environment and the African arts and media.
However, AFRIGRAPH2007 will accept contributions from all areas related to
virtual reality, computer
graphics, visualization and interaction. Topics include (but are not limited
· Rendering
· Parallel algorithms for graphics
· Computer vision for graphics
· Computational Geometry
· Computer animation
· Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality and Presence
· Graphics in the Developing Country Context
· Education and Computer Graphics
· Interactive Application Development
· Special and Visual Effects
· Visualization and Simulation
· Perceptually-based graphics techniques
· Image analysis and processing
· Multimedia
· Medical Imaging
· Computer Aided Design and Prototyping
· 3D Modelling
· Data Acquisition
· Human Computer Interaction
Submission Guidelines
Papers are to be submitted electronically via the Afrigraph web-site. All
contributions must be written
and presented in English. Papers will be reviewed by an International
Programme Committee and the
Conference proceedings will be published by ACM SIGGRAPH and also appear in
the ACM Digital
Library. The best three papers (as decided by the Programme Chairs in
consultation with the
Programme Committee) will be republished in the journal Computer Graphics
Forum. There will also be
an award for the best paper.
Short Papers
Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of no more than 5 A4 pages
in length. These should
represent late breaking results, work in progress or novel results that are
more appropriate to a shorter
Full Papers
Full papers should report research contributions, practice and experience,
or novel applications. They
must be no longer than 10 A4 pages in length.
There is one day devoted to tutorials in the conference program. Tutorials
must be in either a half-day or
full-day format and the proposal should include details of the presenters,
tutorial content, expected level
of required delegate expertise and educational outcomes.
Important dates
Paper and Tutorial submission deadline: 13 July 2007
Notification of acceptance: 10 August 2007
Final version due: 7 September 2007.
International Programme Committee
· Marc Alexa, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
· Shaun Bangay, Rhodes University, South Africa
· Dirk Bartz, University of Leipzig, Germany
· Judy Brown, USA
· Marcello Carrozzino, PERCRO, Italy
· Alan Chalmers, Bristol University, UK
· Sabine Coquillart, INRIA, France
· Kevin Glass, Rhodes University, South Africa
· Alexandre Hardy, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
· Andrzej Lukaszewski, University of Wroclaw, Poland
· Patrick Marais, University of Cape Town, South Africa
· Gary Marsden, University of Cape Town, South Africa
· Majid Mirmehdi, Bristol University, UK
· Karol Myszkowski, Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik, Germany
· Shaun Nirenstein, NVIDIA, USA
· David Nunez, University of Cape Town, South Africa
· Sumanta Pattanaik, University of Central Florida, USA
· Pierre Poulin, University of Montreal, Canada
· Werner Purgathofer, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria
· Theresa-Marie Rhyne, North Carolina State University, USA
· Holly Rushmeier, Yale University, USA
· Mateu Sbert, University of Girona, Spain
· Hannah Slay, Rhodes University, South Africa
· Jules Tapamo, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
· Alade Tokuta, North Carolina Central University, USA
· Ingo Wald, University of Utah, USA
· Michael Wand, Stanford University, USA
Visit the Afrigraph 2007 Website ( for further
information regarding
Art and Animation
AFRIGRAPH2007 is to be the host of an exciting new Art and Animation
Gallery, featuring artistic works
and animations produced using computer graphics. The gallery will provide a
unique opportunity for up
and coming artists, animators and scientists to display their work using
visually pleasing and stimulating
techniques. The Gallery will be a platform for artists in computer graphics
to present their work to peers
in the field, exchange ideas and network with potential employers.
Categories of the Gallery are as follows:
· Image Stills: Artwork is to be submitted as an image still, and may be of
any topic provided the
work is produced using techniques in the field of computer graphics and
animation. Prints of the
work are to be displayed in the Gallery, for the entire duration of the
· Animations: Animation clips may be submitted in this category, and a
special viewing session
will be held for the entries. Clips may contain storylines, or demonstrate
techniques in computer
All contributions (artwork and animations) must be accompanied by a one page
description of the work,
as well as an indication of the techniques used to achieve the final piece.
Artwork and animations will be
reviewed by the conference organisers and voluntary reviewers from academia
and industry. Pieces will
be judged using the following criteria:
· Ingenuity of the techniques employed (specifically related to computer
· Aesthetics;
· Creativity;
· Overall impression.
All submitted works will be displayed in the Gallery, and awards will be
made for the top entries in each
category. In addition, the one page abstract of the winners will be
published in the conference
Important Dates
· Intention to submit an artwork (one page description of artwork): 13 July
· Artwork submission deadline: 24 August 2007
· Notification of acceptance: 7 September 2007 (Note that the full sized
piece must be provided
by the artist before or at registration for display in the Gallery)
· Animation submission deadline: 24 August 2007
· Notification of acceptance: 7 September 2007
Candidates who have only just begun a research project in Computer Graphics
or Computer-Human
Interaction are encouraged to participate in the AFRIGRAPH2007 Poster
Session. Posters are
encouraged to be a visual abstract of the research project, and participants
are challenged to produce
works that are not only colourful and attractive, but that also clearly
purvey the scientific meaning of the
Important Dates
· Submission deadline: 24 August 2007
· Notification of acceptance: 7 September 2007 (Note that the full sized
poster must be provided
by the participant at registration for display at the Gallery)
Visit the Afrigraph 2007 Website ( for further
information regarding
Visit the Afrigraph 2007 Website ( for further
information regarding
AFRIGRAPH2007 is to be the host of an exciting new exhibition, featuring
products and services for the
computer graphics marketplace locally and internationally. The exhibition
will provide an opportunity for
institutions from industry and academia to advertise their potential, and
provide an opportunity for
networking and recruiting in the area of computer graphics.
Academic Institutions with programs in computer graphics or animation, or
institutions that work with computer graphics are encouraged to participate
in the exhibition.
AFRIGRAPH2007 offers a unique chance to review and recruit local talent,
network, and offer advice to
up and coming academics, scientists, artists and animators in the field of
computer graphics in South
Requests for stall space at the exhibition can be made directly through the
Exhibition Chair. Stall sizes,
availability and registration costs are available on request.
Corporate Demo Reels
Participating organisations will also have the opportunity to present a demo
reel as part of the Animation
Parties interested in providing sponsorship to AFRIGRAPH2007 will
automatically receive exhibit space
(if required), and product/brand placement at the conference may be
negotiated. Interested parties are
encouraged to contact the Exhibition Chair.
Visit the Afrigraph 2007 Website ( for further
information or contact the
Exhibition Chair (Kevin Glass:
Contact Details
Programme Chair: Shaun Bangay (s.bangay(a)
Conference Chair: Hannah Slay (h.slay(a)
Exhibition Chair: Kevin Glass (