Eurographics 2005, Dublin, Ireland
The evolution of graphics: where to next?
Call For Contributions
Conference Website: http://www.eg.org/eg2005
Email: eg2005(a)cs.tcd.ie
>From Monday, August 29th to Friday, September 2nd, 2005, Trinity
College Dublin, Ireland, will play host to Eurographics, the 26th
annual conference of the European Association for Computer
Graphics. The conference will take place in the TCD conference
centre and will include a banquet in the Old Dining Hall.
The conference program will include keynote talks from Rob Cook
(Pixar), Steven Collins (Havok) and Pat Hanrahan (Stanford).
Carol O'Sullivan (IE), Michael McNeill (UK)
Holly Rushmeier (USA)
Authors are invited to submit original papers reporting research
contributions, practice and experience, or novel applications.
Papers are sought in all areas of computer graphics: rendering,
modeling, animation, interactive techniques, and other relevant
topic areas. If in doubt about the suitability of your topic,
please contact the papers co-chairs at eg2005-papers(a)cs.tcd.ie.
Paper length should be appropriate to content, and formatted
according to the EG publication guidelines. For double-blind
reviewing, the anonymous submission version should be used.
Accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference and
appear in the proceedings. The proceedings will be published in
the Eurographics journal, Computer Graphics Forum, volume 24,
issue 3, in print and online, and will be distributed in both
printed and electronic formats to all conference delegates.
Anonymous submissions will be made electronically - further
details will appear closer to the deadline online.
PRIZES - An international jury will select the three best papers
accepted for and presented at the conference and the best student
papers. The best of the three will receive the traditional Günter
Enderle Award, including a cash prize of EUR 1000 sponsored by
Eurographics. Two further papers will each receive EUR 750,
sponsored by Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs. An award of EUR
1000 sponsored by IBM Research will also be given to the best
student paper, authored and presented at Eurographics 2005 by a
full-time student.
Paper Abstract Submission - FRIDAY, 11TH OF FEBRUARY, 2005
Full Paper Submission - WEDNESDAY, 16TH OF FEBRUARY, 2005
Notification - MONDAY, 18TH OF APRIL, 2005
PAPERS CO-CHAIRS - Marc Alexa (D), Joe Marks (USA/IE)
Pierre Alliez (F)
Chris Bregler (USA/D)
Paolo Cignoni (I)
Sabine Coquillart (F)
Oliver Deussen (D)
Neil Dodgson (UK/NZ)
Andrew Fitzgibbon (UK/IE)
Eduard Groeller (A)
Francois Guimbretiere (USA/F)
Jessica Hodgins (USA)
Joaquim Jorge (P)
Dani Lischinski (IL)
David Luebke (USA )
Ken Museth (SE)
Carol O'Sullivan (IE)
Kari Pulli (FI)
Ramesh Raskar (USA/IN)
Hans-Peter Seidel (D)
Wolfgang Stuerzlinger (CA/A)
Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (HU)
Matthias Zwicker (USA/CH)
STARs are survey papers that cover hot topics in contemporary
computer graphics research. Their goal is to give a comprehensive
overview of all relevant work in the respective field and to
explain in depth the techniques and algorithms involved. Potential
STARs may be based on a recent tutorial or course given by the
authors. For submission, a 6-10 page STAR-let is sufficient. These
must be formatted according to the EG publication guidelines and
submitted by email to eg2005-stars(a)cs.tcd.ie. All submitted
manuscripts undergo a formal review process. Authors of
conditionally accepted proposals must subsequently submit a final
15-25-page STAR, that incorporates constructive reviewer feedback
and acceptance of the STAR is contingent on this requirement.
Accepted STAR papers will be invited to be submitted as regular
contributions to Computer Graphics Forum.
At EG'05, STAR authors will be given 90 minutes to present the
state-of-the-art of their respective field. For one author, the
conference registration fee will be waived. STARs will be
distributed to conference participants both in printed and CD-ROM
formats and are considered regular conference publications.
Submission date - WEDNESDAY, 16TH OF FEBRUARY, 2005
Notification - MONDAY, 18TH OF APRIL, 2005
Full report due - WEDNESDAY, 15TH OF JUNE, 2005
STARS CO-CHAIRS - Yiorgos Chrysanthou (CY), Marcus Magnor (D)
International experts are invited to give half day or full day
tutorials providing in-depth instructions on a variety of topics
in computer graphics and related areas, such as (but not limited
to) haptic interfaces, simulation, visualisation, virtual reality,
and augmented reality. Tutorials will range from introductory and
refresher topics to cutting-edge technologies.
Tutorial proposals should be submitted in electronic form to
eg2005-tutorials(a)cs.tcd.ie. Submitted tutorial proposals should
contain the following information:
- Author details:
: Name(s),
: Institution,
: e-mail,
- Title of Tutorial
- Half or full day tutorial
- Keywords
- A detailed outline of the tutorial
- A statement of the necessary background and potential target
audience for the tutorial.
- A brief resume of the presenter(s) indicating their background in
the tutorial area.
All tutorial proposals will be reviewed by external reviewers and
the tutorial co-chairs, based on the quality of the submitted
proposals, the qualification of the presenters, relevance to the
conference, and balance of topics.
Sample course notes, although not required in the submission, are
highly encouraged to accompany the tutorial proposals. Notes may
include original text, formatted according to the EG publication
guidelines, reprints of earlier papers (subject to copyright
approval), slides and any other material the authors consider
useful. All course notes of accepted tutorials will be
distributed to conference participants both in printed and CD-ROM
formats. The acceptance of tutorial proposals is contingent upon
the final submission of complete course notes.
Speakers of selected tutorials will receive an honorarium of:
- 400 Euros and one free registration for a half-day tutorial
- 800 Euros and two free registrations for a full-day tutorial
Submission date - WEDNESDAY, 16TH OF FEBRUARY, 2005
Notification - MONDAY, 18TH OF APRIL, 2005
Full report due - WEDNESDAY, 15TH OF JUNE, 2005
TUTORIAL CO-CHAIRS - Ming Lin (USA), Celine Loscos (UK )
Authors are invited to submit proposals for short presentations of
recent results, work in progress, and new ideas. Papers should be
no longer than 4 pages and accepted papers will be presented both
as a poster and as a short oral presentation during a special
session of the conference. Short papers will be distributed to
conference participants both in printed and CD-ROM formats. This
year, there will be a special prize of EUR 500 sponsored by
Science Foundation Ireland for the best student short paper,
written and presented at the conference by a full-time student.
Submission date - FRIDAY, 22ND OF APRIL, 2005
SHORT PAPER CO-CHAIRS- John Dingliana (IE), Fabio Ganovelli (I)
An Animation Theatre will be screened during the conference.
Authors are invited to enter the competition for the 1000 Euro
prize, sponsored by Pixar! Additional awards will be made to the
best entries in other categories such as: Real-Time Animation,
Simulation, Rendering, Schools & Universities, Commercials,
Feature Film, Making-of. The results will be announced at the EG05
Awards session. This year, the submission process will be entirely
on-line. After acceptance the authors will have to provide the
final high-quality version on a DVD. All selected entries for the
Animation Theater will appear in the Conference DVD. The detailed
procedure and rules will appear soon on-line.
Submission date - FRIDAY, 22ND OF APRIL, 2005
Multimedia projects presented as web-sites, CD-Roms, DVDs and
videos will be accepted for the selection committee. The John
Lansdowne prize of EUR500 will be awarded to the best multimedia
project for its originality and flair in the use of graphics,
sound and interaction. Submissions should include a short
description of the project and biographies of the principle
Submission date - FRIDAY, 22ND OF APRIL, 2005
The Eurographics Association organises a biannual competition to
acknowledge the contribution that computer graphics is playing in
the medical field, and to encourage further development.
Submissions for the EG2005 Medical Prize are now being invited
from researchers and developers who can demonstrate that a
particular benefit has resulted from the use of computer graphics
technology in a medical application that they have produced.
Examples of entries could include the use of new medical
visualization techniques, virtual environments and augmented
reality. The winner of the EG2005 Medical Prize will receive a
total prize of € 500, sponsored by Immersion Medical. The judging
panel will select the winning entry on the basis of its clinical
value, use made of computer graphics, and novelty.
Submission date - THURSDAY, 30TH OF JUNE, 2005 MEDICAL PRIZE
Eurographics'05 in Dublin:
Dr. Carol O'Sullivan
Image Synthesis Group, Computer Science Department
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
Tel: (353 1) 6081220, Fax: (353 1) 6772204
Dear Collegue,
with this message I would like to inform you about the current call for
for a number of postdoc fellowships / independent research groups within
Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication.
The Max Planck Center has been established jointly by Stanford University
the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science in Saarbruecken. Phase I of
program offers the possibility of a two year stay at Stanford University as
visiting assistant professor. Upon successful completion of Phase I
participants will
be eligible for Phase II of the program which allows them to set up and
chair an
independent research group at MPI Informatik.
Direct applicants for Phase II must have completed a postdoc stay abroad
must have demonstrated their outstanding research potential and ability to
successfully lead their own research group.
Further Details are available on the web site
The deadline for the current call is October 31, 2004 with the funding
period starting
in the spring/summer 2005. The exact starting date is flexible.
I hope that the program finds your interest and would be happy if you could
the call for participation to any interested parties.
Best regards
Hans-Peter Seidel
Hans-Peter Seidel Tel: +49.681.9325.400
Director Fax: +49.681.9325.499
MPI Informatik Email:
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85 URL:
66123 Saarbrücken
(please forward to potentially interested students, postdocs,
researchers, faculty)
9th International Fall Workshop
November 16 - 18, 2004
Stanford (California), USA
organized by:
Stanford University
MPI for Computer Science
Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication
The program consists of invited talks by internationally renowned
speakers, as well as poster presentations
of contributed papers. To preserve a workshop atmosphere, attendance
might be limited,
with preference given to active participants.
Invited Speakers:
Paul Debevec, USC
Tom Ertl, U Stuttgart
Eugene Fiume, U Toronto
Leo Guibas, Stanford
Marc Levoy, Stanford
Jitendra Malik, UC Berkeley
Tom Malzbender, HP Labs
Pietro Perona, CalTech
Mark Pollefeys, UNC
Holly Rushmeier, Yale
Roberto Scopigno, CNR
Rick Szeliski, Microsoft
Seth Teller, MIT
Brian Wandell, Stanford
Avideh Zakhor, UC Berkeley
Accepted contributed papers cover current research in the areas of 3-D
analysis and 3-D image synthesis, and their convergence such as:
* 3-D imaging
* Object localization and recognition
* Volume data processing and visualization
* Multi-sensor fusion and 3-D registration
* 3-D structure from motion and stereo
* 3-D video processing
* Geometry-based and image-based rendering
* Geometric modeling
* Scene modeling and integration
* Realistic rendering
* Animation
* Multi-view image processing and coding
* Virtual Reality
* Applications (medicine, robotics, fluid mechanics, manufacturing,
automated inspection, communication, etc.)
See the workshop webpage for an updated technical program.
The early registration fee BEFORE OCT 15th is $200/$350 for students
and non-students respectively.
After Oct 15th a late registration fee of $250/$425 applies.
The registration fee covers proceedings as well as the welcome
reception and the workshop dinner.
See the VMV webpage for online registration.
Location & Travel Information
The meeting will be held at Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
conveniently located in the close
proximity to San Francisco and Silicon Valley.
Detailed travel information can be found on the workshop webpage.
We have arranged special prices for participants of the VMV 2004 with a
number of hotels.
Details can be found on the VMV webpage.
Web Site and Contact:
Web site: http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/conferences/vmv04/
E-mail: vmv04(a)mpi-sb.mpg.de
To: general(a)eg.org
Please, find the WSCG 2005 Call for Papers enclosed useful for you, your students and colleagues of yours. Shall we ask you to forward this Call to colleagues of yours?
Please, visit the WSCG site at http://wscg.zcu.cz and visit conference programs with a repository of on-line papers since 1992 - 2004 - access free including downloads.
Vaclav Skala, Univ.of West Bohemia, Czech Republic http://herakles.zcu.cz skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz
---------------- FINAL Call for Papers ----------------
Call for papers & Participation
W S C G ' 2005
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS
January 31 - February 4, 2005
13th International Conference in Central Europe
on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2005
Topics included (not limited to)
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and
pattern recognition, fundamental algorithms, graphical human computer
interfaces, geometric modeling and computer aided geometric design,
computational geometry, rendering and virtual reality, animation and
multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, object-oriented
graphics, parallel and distributed graphics, WWW technologies, CAD/CAM, DTP
and GIS systems.
Recent WSCG conferences
See http://wscg.zcu.cz/ for on-line papers available without restriction since
University of West Bohemia http://www.zcu.cz/
Plzen http://www.zcu.cz/plzen/
Czech Republic
close to Prague - the Golden European City
Honorary Chair
Mike L.V. Pitteway, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom
Conference Co-Chairs
Tosiyasu L. Kunii, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Keynote speakers
. Stuart Ferguson: Adapting Computer Game Technology to Build a Surgical
Simulator, Queen's University of Belfast, U.K.
. Mark Harris: General - Purpose Computation on GPUs, NVIDIA, USA
. James T. Klosowski: Scalable Visualization using Commodity Clusters:
Challenges and Solutions, IBM, USA
. John Spitzer: Evolution of Graphics Hardware Architecture and
Applications, NVIDIA, USA
Information for authors
. Paper registration: October 11, 2004 11:59 GMT (London time)
. Paper and files uploads: October 21, 2004 11:59 GMT (London time)
. Format A4 (strictly), max. 8 pages, additional material (video as MPEG,
AVI and similar files, color plates etc. can be submitted, please, no video
tapes) up to 5 MB
International Program Committee and Reviewing Board members review all
peer-to-peer carefully and anonymously.
Selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, Vol.13. ISSN
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG
proceedings with ISBN.
The Journal of WSCG and WSCG proceedings are indexed/abstracted by ISI,
INSPEC and others.
Organizer and conference office
Prof. Vaclav Skala, c/o University of West Bohemia, Univerzitni 8, Box 314,
CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz Subject: INFO WSCG 2005
http://wscg.zcu.cz Tel./Fax: +420-37-763-2457
---------------- REMINDER Call for Papers ----------------
Call for papers & Participation
W S C G ' 2005
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS
January 31 - February 4, 2005
13th International Conference in Central Europe
on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2005
Topics included (not limited to)
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and
pattern recognition, fundamental algorithms, graphical human computer
interfaces, geometric modeling and computer aided geometric design,
computational geometry, rendering and virtual reality, animation and
multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, object-oriented
graphics, parallel and distributed graphics, WWW technologies, CAD/CAM, DTP
and GIS systems.
Recent WSCG conferences
See http://wscg.zcu.cz/ - on-line papers available without restriction since
University of West Bohemia http://www.zcu.cz/
Plzen http://www.zcu.cz/plzen/
Czech Republic
close to Prague - the Golden European City
January 31 - February 4, 2005
Honorary Chair
Mike L.V. Pitteway, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom
Conference Co-Chairs
Tosiyasu L. Kunii, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Keynote speakers
· Stuart Ferguson: Adapting Computer Game Technology to Build a Surgical
Simulator, Queen's University of Belfast, U.K.
· Mark Harris: General - Purpose Computation on GPUs, NVIDIA, USA
· James T. Klosowski: Scalable Visualization using Commodity Clusters:
Challenges and Solutions, IBM, USA
· John Spitzer: Evolution of Graphics Hardware Architecture and
Applications, NVIDIA, USA
Information for authors
· Paper registration: October 11, 2004 11:59 GMT (London time)
· Paper and files uploads: October 21, 2004 11:59 GMT (London time)
· Format A4 (strictly), max. 8 pages, additional material (video as MPEG,
AVI and similar files, color plates etc. can be submitted, please, no video
tapes) up to 5 MB
International Program Committee and Reviewing Board members review all
peer-to-peer carefully and anonymously.
Selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, Vol.13. ISSN
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG
proceedings with ISBN.
The Journal of WSCG and WSCG proceedings are indexed/abstracted by ISI,
INSPEC and others.
Organizer and conference office
Prof. Vaclav Skala, c/o University of West Bohemia, Univerzitni 8, Box 314,
CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz Subject: INFO WSCG 2005
http://wscg.zcu.cz Tel./Fax: +420-37-763-2457
SMI'2005 Call for papers
We are pleased to announce the next Shape Modeling International (SMI)
conference, held at MIT, Cambridge, Massachusettes, USA, 13 - 17 June 2005.
Abstracts: 15 October 2004
Full Papers: 1 November 2004
Short Papers: 1 December 2004
Details on: http://www.shapemodelling.org/
Best regards
Marie-Paule Cani
John Hart
SMI05 Conference Co-chairs
To: general(a)eg.org
Please, find the WSCG 2005 Call for Papers enclosed useful for you, your students and colleagues of yours. Shall we ask you to forward this Call to colleagues of yours?
Please, visit the WSCG site at http://wscg.zcu.cz and visit conference programs with a repository of on-line papers since 1992 - 2004 - access free including downloads.
Vaclav Skala, Univ.of West Bohemia, Czech Republic http://herakles.zcu.cz skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz
---------------- Call for Papers ----------------
Call for papers & Participation
W S C G ' 2005
(formerly the Winter School of Computer Graphics)
13th International Conference in Central Europe
on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2005
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS
University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
close to Prague - the Golden European City
January 31 - February 4, 2005
Honorary Chair
Mike L.V. Pitteway, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom
Conference Co-Chairs
Tosiyasu L. Kunii, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Keynote speakers
* Stuart Ferguson: Adapting Computer Game Technology to Build a Surgical Simulator, Queen's University of Belfast, U.K.
* Mark Harris: General - Purpose Computation on GPUs, NVIDIA, USA
* James T. Klosowski: Scalable Visualization using Commodity Clusters: Challenges and Solutions, IBM, USA
* John Spitzer: Evolution of Graphics Hardware Architecture and Applications, NVIDIA, USA
Information for authors
* Paper registration: October 11, 2004 11:59 GMT (London time)
* Paper and files uploads: October 21, 2004 11:59 GMT (London time)
* Format A4 (strictly), max. 8 pages, additional material (video as MPEG, AVI and similar files, color plates etc. can be submitted, please, no video tapes) up to 5 MB
Topics included
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition, fundamental algorithms, graphical human computer interfaces, geometric modeling and computer aided geometric design, computational geometry, rendering and virtual reality, animation and multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, object-oriented graphics, parallel and distributed graphics, WWW technologies, CAD/CAM, DTP and GIS systems and others.
International Program Committee and Reviewing Board members review all papers
peer-to-peer carefully and anonymously.
Selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, Vol.13. ISSN 1213?6972
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG proceedings with ISBN.
The Journal of WSCG and WSCG proceedings are indexed/abstracted by ISI, INSPEC and others.
Organizer and conference office
Prof. Vaclav Skala, c/o University of West Bohemia, Univerzitni 8, Box 314,
CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz Subject: INFO WSCG 2005
http://wscg.zcu.cz Tel./Fax: +420-37-763-2457
Apologies for any duplicate you may receive.
Please bring to the attention of colleagues / students.
COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM is the journal of Eurographics, the European
Association for Computer Graphics.
Each year we have the opportunity to change the photograph which appears on
the cover of COMPUTER GRAPHICS forum, journal of Eurographics, the European
Association for Computer Graphics.
This is your opportunity to show the world what you can do, a competition
for the cover image for the 2005 volume.
The deadline for sending your submission is: August 20th 2004
All details on the submission procedure are on the page:
The winner will be announced at the 2004 EG conference in Grenoble and he
will get a cash prize (200 Euro). But the biggest prize for the winner is of
course that the picture will appear on the cover of all the 2005 issues,
including the conference issue.
Call for Participation:
Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
Grenoble, France, August 30-31, 2004
Keynote Speaker: Takeo Igarashi, Tokyo University
"Freeform User Interfaces for Graphical Computing"
-- Preliminary Program available at
-- Registration Form is available at
-- Registration Fees:
EG Members: 100 Euros Non EG Members: 200 Euros
Modeling systems possessing great functionality now enable us to create very
complicated models. However, computers have yet to become usable at the very
early stages of design, where pencil and paper still reign. This is because
present-day interfaces require designers to leap large conceptual gaps from
their mental models of desired objects to the geometric models that formally
express their shape. As computer systems become more sophisticated, alternative
input modalities and interface technologies are emerging which may form the
basis for a new generation of sketching applications supporting what we may
call Calligraphic Interfaces. The purpose of this workshop is to explore novel
user interfaces sketching models. The workshop builds on work done in
recent years on modeling, 2D user interfaces and 3D user interfaces.
The workshop will take place just before the Eurographics'04 Conference
(September 1-3, 2004 , Grenoble) . As such, it will provide a very interesting
opportunity for researchers that want to attend /present communications at both
events. The workshop will be held in one day, including paper presentation and
invited sessions. Participation is open to everyone, not requiring submission
of a paper.
We look forward to meet you in Grenoble
John F Hughes
Joaquim Jorge
-J.Jorge [PGP Key Fingerprint: EA67 279D 23FF 543A 9CE1 F5D6 5AF0 D606]
Joaquim A. Jorge (jorgej(a)acm.org, jaj(a)computer.org)| PHONE:+351 213100363
INESC, Rua Alves Redol,9, 1000-029 Lisboa, PORTUGAL| FAX: +351 213145843
ICQ:112527225_______Simplex Sigillum Veri__________|____jaj(a)inesc.pt_____
Proud member of Eurographics. Visit http://www.eg.org for details.
Apologies for any duplicate you may receive.
Please bring to the attention of colleagues / students.
COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM is the journal of Eurographics, the European
Association for Computer Graphics.
Each year we have the opportunity to change the photograph which appears on
the cover of COMPUTER GRAPHICS forum, journal of Eurographics, the European
Association for Computer Graphics.
This is your opportunity to show the world what you can do, a competition
for the cover image for the 2005 volume.
The deadline for sending your submission is: August 20th 2004
All details on the submission procedure are on the page:
The winner will be announced at the 2004 EG conference in Grenoble and he
will get a cash prize (200 Euro). But the biggest prize for the winner is of
course that the picture will appear on the cover of all the 2005 issues,
including the conference issue.