Dear all,
I would like to call your attention to the EG event below, organized by
the EG Working Group on Multimedia
Could you please disseminate through EG mailing lists ?
Best Regards
Call for Papers
EG Multimedia 2004 - 7th Eurographics Workshop on Multimedia
Nanjing University, China, 27-28 October 2004
Important Dates
May 21, 2004 Submission deadline
July 9, 2004 Notification of acceptance
July 27, 2004 Deadline for camera-ready copies
October 27-28, 2004 Workshop
Aims and Scope
This workshop is a follow up on the Eurographics Workshop on Multimedia
held in Manchester, UK, in September 2001 and continues a series of six
successful Eurographics workshops in the field. It is also the first
time that this workshop takes place in a location outside Europe, which
will promote interaction between researchers from different origins. The
workshop will cover a wide range of current subjects with a special
focus on issues related with Multimedia in Mobile and Augmented
Environments. These include approaches for mobile multimedia, using
video in mobile devices, using the physical world to present multimedia
information, and other context aware applications. Authors are invited
to submit technical papers in these or related areas. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
Mobile Multimedia
Context Aware Interactive Multimedia
Interactive Video
Audio and Video in Augmented Environments
Multimodal Interaction
Ubiquitous Media
Broadband Personal Interfaces
Auditory Interfaces
Audio/Image/Video Processing
Content Analysis
Media Databases and Search Engines
Content Based Retrieval
Media Information Retrieval on the Web
Delivery of Multimedia Data
Media Web Servers and Services
Video Coding and Description Standards
Multimedia Document Metaphors
Authoring Paradigms
Media Integration
Augmented Reality
Storytelling Environments
Applications: Entertainment, Learning, etc.
Submission Procedure
Authors are requested to submit papers, no longer than 10 pages, in the
Eurographics Conference Paper Format. Detailed guidelines will be
available at the EG Multimedia 2004 Workshop Site. Post-workshop
proceedings will be available on-line, through the Eurographics Digital
Library, and in paper book form, in the Eurographics Book Series.
Selection will be based upon technical and scientific content and
relevance to the workshop.
Workshop Format
The workshop will be held in two days, including paper presentation
tracks and discussion plenary sessions. Participation is open to
everyone, not requiring submission of a paper. The workshop will take
place just after the ICIG'2004 Conference (Oct. 23-25, 2004, Hong Kong,
China, The workshop will be
co-located with a conference on Digital Media and Digital Cities. As
such, it will provide a very interesting opportunity for researchers
that want to attend or present communications at these events.
Venue and Fee
The workshop will be held at Nanjing University, China. Workshop
participants will be charged a registration fee that includes a workshop
proceedings book (printed by Eurographics Press), coffee breaks, and a
social event in the first evening of the Workshop. Nanjing University is
located in the Nanjing City, the Capital of Jiangsu Province. Present
day Nanjing, with tens of universities and hundreds of high-tech
companies, ranks fifth among the "50 strongest" of Chinese cities. It is
a transport and telecommunications hub in East China, and the second
largest international trade port after Shanghai in the Yangzi River
Delta. Comprehensive information about Nanjing, traveling and
accommodation will be available at the workshop Web page.
Workshop Co-Chairs
Nuno Correia, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Hong Jiang Zhang, Microsoft Research, China
Program Co-Chairs
Joaquim Jorge, IST/INESC, Portugal
Teresa Chambel, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Zhigeng Pan, Nanjing University, China
Honorary Chair
José Encarnação, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
International Program Committee
(to be announced)
Local Organizing Committee
Jian Lu, Nanjing University, China
Xianglin Fei, Nanjing University, China
Zhigeng Pan, Nanjing University, China
Xiaohu Ma, Nanjing University, China
Gangshan Wu, Nanjing Univeristy, China
Weiqun Cao, Nanjing University, China
Weiqing Li, Nanjing Polytechnic University, China
Ruhui Yun, Nanjing Normal University, China
Jun Feng, Hehai University, China
Zongcai Ruan, South-East University, China
For more information, please contact egmm2004(a)
------- End of Forwarded Message
GRAPHICON'2004 - Annual Computer Graphics Conference in Moscow, Russia
GraphiCon is the largest international conference on Computer Graphics
between Europe and
Asia annually organized in Russian Federation. Following well-established
traditions, the 14th
event will be hosted by Moscow State University on September 6-10, 2003.
The conference is dedicated to the 250-year anniversary of Moscow State
University named after
M.V.Lomonosov. The university was found in 1775 and currently is one of the
universities in Russia and worldwide.
The event is organized in cooperation with Eurographics Association.
The main themes of the conference include (not restricted):
* Geometry modeling and processing
* Photorealistic techniques
* Scientific visualization
* Image-based techniques
* Data and image processing
* 3D reconstruction and acquisition
* Animation and simulation
* Virtual and augmented reality
* Applications of CG: CAD, GIS, etc.
* Computer graphics for mobile devices
* Graphics in computer games
* Computer graphics hardware
* Multimedia
The following sections will be organized for the conference (tentative):
* Full Paper Presentations
* Computer Graphics Tutorials
* STAR Reports
* Work in Progress Presentations
* Industrial Presentations
* Multimedia Shows
* Education in Graphics panels
All submissions will be carefully and anonymously reviewed by the
International Program
Committee. Accepted materials will be distributed in printed and electronic
form among the
participants. The best full paper presentation and student presentation
selected by the
international jury will be awarded a prize.
Official language of the conference is English. Submissions in Russian are
possible, but they will
be organized in separate sections (English abstracts are required).
Important Dates:
Submission deadline for full papers: May 15
Notification of acceptance: June 15
Final version of full papers due: July 15
Submission deadline for other sections: July 1
GraphiCon Conference September 6-8
GraphiCon Tutorials September 9-10
Additional information will be available at GraphiCon website:
Conference Committee Chairs
Yuri Baykovsky (Russia) yurib(a)
Denis Ivanov (Russia) denis(a)
International Program Committee Chairs
Daniel Thalmann (Switzerland)
Yevgeniy Kuzmin (Russia)
Conference email: gc2004(a)