Please share the following job postings with friends and colleagues, who could be
interested in working with us at VRVis :-)
We are looking for new team members, who will join our Biomedical Image Informatics Group
<> in
their endeavor to further advance visual computing solutions for the efficient
integration, mining, and exploration of neuroscience data:
* Software Engineer/ Full-Stack-Developer (f/m/d)
* Post-Doc Researcher (f/m/d)
* PhD Position for research software engineer (f/m/d)
We are also looking for new team members for our growing field of Climate Change
Adaptation <>
* Software Engineer/ Front-End Developer (f/m/d)
* Software Engineer/ Back-End Developer (f/m/d)
Moreover, we are looking to replace our retiring:
* Senior Controller (f/m/d)
We are also offering Master's theses and/or internships, e.g. in the field of Energy
Efficient Building Design
and Integrating Simulation Results into Point Cloud Data
Apologies for any cross-postings,
Franziska Steyer-Beerman
VRVis Zentrum fuer Virtual Reality und Visualisierung
Forschungs-GmbH FN: 195369h, HG Wien
Donau-City-Strasse 11 Tel: +43 (0)1 908 9892 206
A-1220 Wien, Austria Web: <> <>
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