SCA 2013 Call for Posters
The SCA poster and demo session is the perfect opportunity for authors to
display late-breaking technical achievements that are not yet ready for
publication as a full paper. As in previous years, the poster and demo
session will be an integral part of the SCA program. The poster session will
be held Friday evening, and will follow a fast-forward session during which
all presenters will give a one-minute description of their work. A Best
Poster award will be presented to the top poster.
Posters are not formal publications. Work submitted as a poster is still
eligible for later publication, and will be exempt from inclusion in the ACM
and Eurographics Digital Libraries. However, the 2-page extended abstracts
will still be distributed to the attendees on the preprint proceedings USB
For further details and submission instructions please visit:
The deadline for the extended abstract submissions is this Friday, May 31.
C&G Special Section on Uncertainty and Parameter Space Analysis in
Visualization (Submission Deadline: ***July 15, 2013***)
For details see:
Uncertainty and parameter space analysis in visualization are becoming
increasingly prevalent and play an important role in astronomic,
(bio)-medical, industrial, and engineering applications. All these areas
require methods and techniques which help domain specialists to understand
the processes involved in data generation, the reliability of the data, and
the distribution of and reasons for uncertainty.
Furthermore, with increasing algorithmic complexity additional questions
arise: How does a slight parameter change modify the result? How stable is a
parameter? In which range is a parameter stable, or which parameter set is
optimal for a specific problem?
Such questions are frequently neglected when new visualization techniques
are introduced. This special section of Computers and Graphics on
Uncertainty and Parameter Space Analysis in Visualization
is a follow up initiative to the Guest editors IEEE VisWeek 2012 tutorial
with the same name (see <> Our
aim is to promote research which takes into account the various aspects of
uncertainty and its influence on the visualization pipeline, as well as
algorithmic stability and the exploration of parameters.
We invite the authors to submit high-quality research-focused contributions
of all aspects of uncertainty visualization and parameter space analysis.
Important Dates:
June 15, 2013: Special Section opens for submissions July 1, 2013: Abstracts
due July 15, 2013: Submissions due August 15, 2013: 1st Decision September
15, 2013: Revised versions due September 30, 2013: Final decision October
15, 2013: Final versions of accepted papers due December 2013: Publication
Guest editors:
Christoph Heinzl
Stefan Bruckner
Eduard Gröller
/// SIGRAD 2013 - Registration now open
/// Conference of the Swedish Eurographics Chapter
SIGRAD 2013 is the premier venue for computer graphics, visualization and
interactive techniques in Sweden and will be hosted by C-Research, Linköping University.
The conference program is now online.
Important Dates
SIGRAD 2013 will be held June 13th-14th in Norrköping.
Early bird registration is available until June 5th
Registration is now open and be accessed from:
Keynote Speakers
* Helwig Hauser, University of Bergen, Norway
* Frank Steinicke, University of Würzburg, Germany
* Martin Enthed, IKEA Communications R&D, Sweden
* Claes Lundström, SECTRA, Sweden
Further Information
Best regards,
The Co-Chairs
CFP - Cyberworlds 2013 (apologies for cross-posting)
Conference: October 21-23, 2013, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
Abstract due: 7th June, 2013 (New, mandatory)
Paper due: 14th June, 2013 (Updated)
Extended version of all accepted full papers and selected short papers will
be included in one of the special issues from The Visual Computer(SCI
indexed), IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems(SCI indexed),
Springer Transactions on Computational Science and International Journal of
Art, Culture and Design Technologies
Cyberworlds 2013
Call for Papers
October 21-23, 2013, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
Cyberworlds are information worlds or communities created on cyberspace by
collaborating participants either intentionally or spontaneously. As
information worlds, they accumulate information regardless whether or not
anyone is in, and they can be with or without 2D or 3D visual graphics
appearance. The examples of such cyberworlds are communities created in
different social networking services, 3D shared virtual environments, and
multiplayer online games. Cyberworlds are closely related to the real world
and have a serious impact on it, augment and sometimes replace the real life
and become a significant component of real economy. The international
conferences on Cyberworlds have being organized annually since 2002 with the
proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society and special issues published
in multiple journals, including The Visual Computer and Springer
Transactions on Computational Science. Cyberworlds 2013 will be organized by
the Society for Art and Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio
University, Japan, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH and EUROGRAPHICS, and
supported by IFIP.
The topics covered by Cyberworlds 2013 will include but are not limited to
- Networked and shared virtual worlds
- Virtual collaborative spaces
- Shape modeling for cyberworlds
- Virtual humans and avatars
- Multimodal interaction and rendering
- Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality
- Cognitive informatics
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Affective computing
- Social computing
- Online communities
- E-learning in cyberworlds
- Multi-user web games
- Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
- Cyberethics and cyberlaws
- Cybersecurity
- Welfare in cyberworlds
- Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
- Visual analytics in cyberworlds
* Publication *
Submission categories include full paper (up to 8 pages), short paper (up to
4 pages) and poster (1 page). All accepted submissions will be included in
the conference proceedings to be published by the Conference Publishing
Services (CPS) and placed in the IEEE Xplore and Computer Society digital
libraries, and submitted for indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex),
Thomson ISI, and other indexing services. Authors of all accepted full
papers and selected short papers will be invited to submit a revised version
to the special issues of The Visual Computer, IEICE Transactions on
Information and Systems, Springer Transactions on Computational Science and
International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies
* Important Date (Updated) *
Abstract submission: 7th June, 2013 (Mandatory)
Paper (full and short) submission: 14th June, 2013
Poster submission: 30th June, 2013
Authors notification: 19th July, 2013
Authors registration: 2nd August, 2013
Camera-ready paper: 2nd August, 2013
* Organization *
Honorary Chair:
- Tosiyasu L. Kunii (Morpho, Inc., The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Steering Committee Coordinator:
- Alexei Sourin (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
General Chair:
- Issei Fujishiro (Keio University, Japan)
Program Co-Chairs:
- Xiaoyang Mao (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
- Lichan Hong (Google Research, USA)
Special Session Co-Chairs:
- Gianluca Mura (Politecnico di Milano University, Italy)
- Lichan Hong (Google Research, USA)
Publicity and Finance Chair:
- Masahiro Toyoura (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
<> cw2013(a)
Call for Participation:
The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2013 will take place in
Zaragoza, Spain, from June 19 to June 21, 2013. This is the 24th annual
event in the series of very successful Eurographics Symposia on Rendering
and Eurographics Workshops on Rendering.
The local organizers are Diego Gutierrez and Adolfo Munoz and the
program chairs are Nicolas Holzschuch and Szymon Rusinkiewicz.
Further information and registration: <>
Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling: Issues and Acquisition
co-located with EGSR2013 in Zaragoza Spain, June 19, 2013
The purpose of this workshop is to discuss and define open issues in the
acquisition and modeling of material appearance. In this workshop we will
gather researchers and potential users of material appearance models to
define what the major challenges and problems are in this area. The format
of the workshop will be short presentations followed by group discussion of
position papers submitted on the topic before the workshop. Position papers
should be submitted by June 3, 2013.
More information on the workshop:
or email: Holly Rushmeier, <> holly(a)
Call for Posters:
We invite you to submit your poster proposals to the EGSR 2013 Posters
program. We seek posters presenting:
. Recent research results on rendering previously published in another
venue. This is your chance to present your work to the full rendering
audience and gain more visibility!
. Recent research work, late-breaking technical results and work in progress
covering the topics of the conference (see the call for papers for more
details and a full list of the conference topics).
The poster chairs are Jose A. Iglesias and Patric Ljung. The submission
deadline for posters is 23:59GMT, June 12th, 2013
IF interested - please reply IMMEDIATELY
Academician - research assistant (postdoc)
Research specialization of the specialist team:
Research activities are targeted to development of new algorithms for
computer graphics, data and information visualization, methods for 3D TV and
3D Cinema technologies, virtual reality and haptic systems with application
of geometrical algebra and conformal geometry
( in the context of large data processing with
GPU/Intel MIP technologies application. Close collaboration on international
and national research and application projects with the mentor is expected.
Importance is given to the above mentioned research fields with a strong
priority for research publications in international research journals with
an impact factor and at leading international research conferences (ACM
SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, Computer Graphics International, Pacific Graphics
etc.) and participation of the prototype (software) production.
Description of work position:
Selected candidates will reinforce the existing top quality research team of
the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. His/her main task will be to get
involved in the activities of the specialist team
under the leadership of the mentor, to follow the determined schedule of
research and scientific activities and to get involved into educational
activities (3-5 hours per calendar week in average for postdoc full-time
position). Performance of the candidate's own scientific and research work
includes publication of scientific and research results in prestigious
foreign impacted magazines and in significant conferences, applied results,
involvement in national and international research projects and organization
of specialist/scientific events at the workplace (seminars, conferences).
The postdoc job description includes participation in research fellowship
programme for 3-5 months, participation in foreign and domestic conferences
and transfer of acquired knowledge through workshops to other academicians
and students (especially in master and doctoral study programmes).
Mentor of this position is Prof. Ing. Vaclav Skala, CSc., e-mail:
Qualification requirements:
- Properly completed doctoral study programme at the Czech university or
college excluding UWB or properly completed similar study programme in
abroad, recognized pursuant to Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on universities and on
amendment of some other statues (the "Education Act"), as amended, with the
date of graduation after 28 March 2008, - Good knowledge of the Czech or
English language (min. CAE or equivalent),
- Experience in research in the field of the specialist team's research
The vacancy can be filled only with a full-time candidate for the period of
up to 25 months (by 31.05.2015 at the latest). Offered salary: min. CZK
40,000 (gross monthly salary/wage - full-time employment - 40 hours/week)
and a possibility to gain further support within the motivation system of
the University of West Bohemia depending on the results of work, up to CZK
57,000 monthly (gross).
Expected commencement of employment contract: September/October 2013.
Required form of candidate's job application:
- Structured C.V.,
- Copies of documents proving obtained education (PhD diploma or equivalent
- Copies of documents proving achieved level in English (CAE or equivalent),
- Full bibliographic data of published articles in impacted magazines (state
namely articles relating to specialization of the position, incl. the impact
factor of the magazine at the time of publishing of the article concerned),
- Full bibliographic data of papers published in collections/almanacs of
significant (listed in WoS or SCOPUS) international conferences relating to
specialization of activity in the offered vacancy,
- Summary of significant teams (especially international ones) with whom the
candidate cooperated, incl. the projects in which he/she was engaged,
- Summary of cooperation with sphere of application and achieved application
- Enclose at least two letters of recommendation from important
personalities (e.g. dissertation supervisor or examiner).
Candidates shall submit their applications to:
Zapadoceska univerzita v Plzni (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen), FAV -
KMA, Univerzitni 8, 306 14 Plzen, Ceska republika (Czech Republic).
Responsible person: prof,.Vaclav Skala <>
(Apologies for cross posting)
New deadline : Monday the 27th of May 2013
Call For Papers EGUK Chapter Conference: <>
5-6 September, 2013 - Bath, UK
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Kenny Mitchell (Disney Research)
Andrew Willmott (EA Maxis)
Christian Theobalt (MPI Informatik)
Paper Submission Deadline: 27th May 2013.
The 31st Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
Association will be the eleventh Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics
2013 Conference (TP.CG.13). It will take place at the University of Bath on
the 5-6 September 2013, with a paper deadline of May 13th, 2013. All
accepted papers will be published by Eurographics and held on the Digital
Library, and will be available at the conference.
The aim of the conference is to focus on theoretical and practical aspects
of Computer Graphics and to bring together top practitioners, users and
researchers, which will hopefully inspire further collaboration between
participants particularly between academia and industry.
The Programme Committee is seeking refereed papers and work-in-progress
reports in all aspects of computer graphics and its applications. The topics
of interest include (but are not limited to):
* computer animation
* computer-based art and entertainment
* computational geometry
* display technologies
* fundamental algorithms
* graphics applications and graphics systems
* graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
* fractal and natural phenomena
* human computer interaction
* image processing
* Internet graphics and collaborative environments
* medical imaging
* modelling methods
* rendering techniques
* texture synthesis
* scientific visualization
* information visualization
* virtual reality and virtual environments
* volume graphics
* web graphics
Please see the website for more information:
Cyberworlds 2013
Call for Papers
October 21-23, 2013, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
Cyberworlds are information worlds or communities created on cyberspace by
collaborating participants either intentionally or spontaneously. As
information worlds, they accumulate information regardless whether or not
anyone is in, and they can be with or without 2D or 3D visual graphics
appearance. The examples of such cyberworlds are communities created in
different social networking services, 3D shared virtual environments, and
multiplayer online games. Cyberworlds are closely related to the real world
and have a serious impact on it, augment and sometimes replace the real life
and become a significant component of real economy. The international
conferences on Cyberworlds have being organized annually since 2002 with the
proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society and special issues published
in multiple journals, including The Visual Computer and Springer
Transactions on Computational Science. Cyberworlds 2013 will be organized by
the Society for Art and Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio
University, Japan, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH and EUROGRAPHICS, and
supported by IFIP.
The topics covered by Cyberworlds 2013 will include but are not limited to
- Networked and shared virtual worlds
- Virtual collaborative spaces
- Shape modeling for cyberworlds
- Virtual humans and avatars
- Multimodal interaction and rendering
- Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality
- Cognitive informatics
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Affective computing
- Social computing
- Online communities
- E-learning in cyberworlds
- Multi-user web games
- Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
- Cyberethics and cyberlaws
- Cybersecurity
- Welfare in cyberworlds
- Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
- Visual analytics in cyberworlds
* Publication *
Submission categories include full paper (up to 8 pages), short paper (up to
4 pages) and poster (1 page). All accepted submissions will be included in
the conference proceedings to be published by the Conference Publishing
Services (CPS) and placed in the IEEE Xplore and Computer Society digital
libraries, and submitted for indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex),
Thomson ISI, and other indexing services. Authors of all accepted full
papers and selected short papers will be invited to submit a revised version
to the special issues of The Visual Computer, IEICE Transactions on
Information and Systems, Springer Transactions on Computational Science and
International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies
* Important Date *
- Paper(full and short)submission May 17, 2013
- Poster submission June 30, 2013
- Author notification July 19, 2013
- Author registration August 2, 2013
- Camera-ready paper August
2, 2013
* Organization *
Honorary Chair:
- Tosiyasu L. Kunii (Morpho, Inc., The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Steering Committee Coordinator:
- Alexei Sourin (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
General Chair:
- Issei Fujishiro (Keio University, Japan)
Program Co-Chairs:
- Xiaoyang Mao (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
- Lichan Hong (Google Research, USA)
Special Session Co-Chairs:
- Gianluca Mura (Politecnico di Milano University, Italy)
- Lichan Hong (Google Research, USA)
Publicity and Finance Chair:
- Masahiro Toyoura (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
<> cw2013(a)
Dear Stefanie,
I wonder if you could distribute following CfP. Thank you.
Dr. Silvester Czanner
Lecturer in Computer Games
School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology
Manchester Metropolitan University
John Dalton Building
Chester Street
Manchester M1 5GD
tel.: +44 (0) 161 247 1643
e-mail: S.Czanner(a)<>
Office hours (JD E137):
(Apologies for cross posting)
Call For Papers EGUK Chapter Conference:
5-6 September, 2013 – Bath, UK
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Kenny Mitchell (Disney Research)
Andrew Willmott (EA Maxis)
Christian Theobalt (MPI Informatik)
Paper Submission Deadline: 13th May 2013.
The 31st Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics Association will be the eleventh Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2013 Conference (TP.CG.13). It will take place at the University of Bath on the 5-6 September 2013, with a paper deadline of May 13th, 2013. All accepted papers will be published by Eurographics and held on the Digital Library, and will be available at the conference.
The aim of the conference is to focus on theoretical and practical aspects of Computer Graphics and to bring together top practitioners, users and researchers, which will hopefully inspire further collaboration between participants particularly between academia and industry.
The Programme Committee is seeking refereed papers and work-in-progress reports in all aspects of computer graphics and its applications. The topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
• computer animation
• computer-based art and entertainment
• computational geometry
• display technologies
• fundamental algorithms
• graphics applications and graphics systems
• graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
• fractal and natural phenomena
• human computer interaction
• image processing
• Internet graphics and collaborative environments
• medical imaging
• modelling methods
• rendering techniques
• texture synthesis
• scientific visualization
• information visualization
• virtual reality and virtual environments
• volume graphics
• web graphics
Please see the website for more information:
"Before acting on this email or opening any attachments you should read the Manchester Metropolitan University email disclaimer available on its website "
Summer School 3D Design & Fabrication
UCL, 10-14th June 2013
Funding available for fees and accommodation.
Please send email to Dr Jamie O'Brien <>
ucftjro(a) with your latest CV (2 page), a short description of why
you would like to participate in the summer school, and a listing of your
relevant programming experience. The subject line must be 3D Summer School.
Advances in digital design and fabrication is rapidly changing the landscape
for digital design-to-fabrication, both for professional and for amateurs.
This summer school intends to provide both an exposure to latest algorithms
and methods in digital design and fabrication, and also to provide the
participants hands on exposure to latest fabrication technologies (e.g., 3D
printers, laser cutters, etc.).
The week long summer school will involve lectures by leading experts in the
area, both from academia and industry. As a key feature of the summer
school, participants will form small groups to design, plan, and finally
fabricate physical models using available fabrication facilities at UCL
(e.g., Institute of Making).
The summer school aims to bring together Computer Scientists, DIY Makers,
and Engineers under a focused theme to explore new possibilities as 3D
acquisition and accessible 3D printing/cutting options become easily
Given the practical nature of the summer school, we can only accept a small
number of participants due to limited available fabrication setups. So
please apply early. A number of scholarships will also be available to both
UK and EU students. Individual accommodation in a nearby hotel will be
available upon request.
For any further questions please contact: <>
Program Organizers
Prof. Jan Kautz, University College London, UK Prof. Anthony Steed,
University College London, UK Dr. Tim Weyrich, University College London, UK
Dr. Niloy J. Mitra, University College London, UK