<https://vriphys2013.inria.fr/> cid:8E0A84F9-9807-4162-BCFE-CB63724BAD07
We are pleased to announce the 10th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation <https://vriphys2013.inria.fr/> VRIPHYS 2013. The
workshop is hosted by <http://www.inria.fr/en/centre/lille> INRIA-Lille
North Europe and the <http://www.univ-lille1.fr/home/> University of Lille
1 and will take place on Nov. 28-29. It is organized in cooperation with
Eurographics. This year, VRIPHYS will be preceded by a full day
tutorial/workshop for SOFA users (Nov 27).
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality. The workshop provides an
opportunity for researchers in virtual reality and computer animation to
present and discuss their latest results and to share ideas for potential
directions of future research. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
* animation, e. g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and
geometric approaches
* virtual and augmented reality
* planning, learning, optimization for animation
* interfaces for creating and editing animations
* perception in animation
* autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior
* natural phenomena
* mathematical foundations of animation
* haptics
* sound interfaces
* related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling
* applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
Paper submissions in PDF should be formatted according to the EG publication
style. You can download the The Latex template
Style-vriphys2013.zip> here.
Submissions must be anonymous, should be written in English and should not
exceed 10 pages. We encourage the submission of supplementary videos to
particularly illustrate dynamic aspects of a submission. All materials will
be submitted electronically through the <https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy> SRM
portal before August 1 (extended deadline) . All submissions will be
reviewed by members of the International Program Committee. Accepted papers
will be presented at the workshop. A full proceedings with all accepted
papers will be published at the time of the workshop.
Best paper award sponsored by Nvidia
A Best Paper Award will be given to the author(s) of a full paper
presented at the conference, selected by the Organizing Committee. This
year, NVIDIA® is happy to support with the donation of NVIDIA® Tesla K20
graphic card for Best Paper Award ($3,200). The authors of the best paper
will be invited to submit an extended version to the journal
<http://www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-and-graphics/> Computers &
Important dates
July 19 August 1 (extended deadline)
Sept. 20
Final version:
Oct. 5
Nov. 28-29
For more informations : <https://vriphys2013.inria.fr/>
<http://www.insimo.fr/> cid:E75DC33B-778D-4C91-88DF-673594C48D9F
<http://www.nvidia.com/> cid:B8A5F89E-8770-4BB4-BD1E-2EA96CD84BCB
Best regards,
Jan Bender, Gabriel Zachmann, Christian Duriez (General Chairs)
Jérémie Dequidt, Hugo Talbot, Nazim Haouchine (Organization Committee)
Aging and Weathering
- Special Section of Computers & Graphics -
Submission deadline: October 1, 2013
Guest Editors:
Stéphane Mérillou, Université de Limoges
Carles Bosch, Universitat de Girona
Aging and weathering have been very active research fields for many years
Due to the complexity and variety of materials change in appearance, such
topics are of interest for a very large part of the Computer Graphics
community. Aging and weathering phenomena often involve changes in
reflection properties, color, and geometry, simultaneously and over time.
Moreover, the characteristics of the surrounding environment, the shape of
the objects and their material properties influence all these processes.
Despite recent advances in simulation and reproduction techniques, there are
many challenges still worth pursuing in this area. New aging models are
required for reproducing specific effects, both at single and multiple
levels of detail. Furthermore, combining multiple effects and using advanced
contextual information are necessary to further enrich aging models. In
addition, dealing with large-scale scenes requires more efficient and
flexible approaches, providing more user control than that afforded in many
present-day techniques.
In this Special Section, we seek contributions spanning all aspects of aging
and weathering, ranging from modeling to rendering, as well as from theory
to practice.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* First-principle simulations for aging and weathering
* Procedural models
* Example-based and data-driven methods
* Image-based approaches
* Acquisition procedures and representation of time-varying data
* Real-time techniques
* Perceptual aspects of aging and weathering
* Applications
* Validation techniques
If you are not sure whether a given idea or topic would suit this Special
Section, please contact the Guest Editors.
September 16, 2013 Special Section opens
October 1, 2013 Submissions due
November 7, 2013 First decisions to authors
December 1, 2013 Revised versions due
December 20, 2013 Final decisions communicated to authors
January 8, 2014 Final versions of accepted papers due
March, 2014 Publication online
May, 2014 Paper available
Computers & Graphics is an Elsevier publication. Authors are encouraged to
use two-column Elsevier format with inline images. Please use the following
LaTeX template for best results:
For detailed paper formatting and submission instructions please refer to
<http://ees.elsevier.com/cag> http://ees.elsevier.com/cag and the
corresponding Guide for Authors:
You will need to register/log on to EES before submitting your paper. When
prompted to specify the Article Type, select: Special Section: Aging and
Please contact the guest editors if you any questions:
Stéphane Mérillou
Carles Bosch
Research Officer - Advanced Medical Imaging and Visualisation Unit, Bangor,
The Advanced Medical Imaging and Visualisation Unit is a partnership between
the Research Institute of Visual Computing (with members from the computer
science departments of Aberystwyth, Bangor, Cardiff and Swansea
Universities) and the NHS in Wales. It is funded by a grant of £1.2 million
from the National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (NISCHR).
The unit works on state-of-the-art research projects that deliver medical
imaging and visualization technology to hospitals.
We are seeking an excellent research officer to carry out collaborative
research in this exciting and challenging area of computer science.
The successful candidate will be expected to start September 2013 and the
position is available until March 2015 and will be based at the School of
Computer Science, Bangor University. The closing date for the position is
Friday, 19th July 2013.
Full details available here:
5 research positions in visual computing at the Expertise centre for Digital
Media in Diepenbeek, Belgium
Following the acquisition of several new R&D projects, the visual computing
research group of the Expertise centre for Digital Media (EDM) in
Diepenbeek, Belgium, has 5 vacancies for young researchers. The projects
relate to compressive sensing, light field cameras and displays, 360 degrees
video and free viewpoint video, 3D shape reconstruction, reconstruction of
light reflection properties, augmented reality, and high dynamic range
Two positions are financed for a period of 4 years by the Hasselt University
research fund, and require the candidate to perform fundamental research
towards a PhD degree.
Three positions are opened in the context of new EU FP7 international
collaborative research and development projects focussing on computational
multi-camera technology for movie production and TV broadcasting. These
projects enable a candidate to obtain a PhD degree eventually, but are also
open for candidates not aiming for a PhD degree in the first place. These
projects have a duration of 3 years. EDM participates in these projects as a
part of the iMinds research institute.
The envisaged start date of all 5 positions is October 2013.
About us:
The Expertise centre for Digital Media (EDM, www.edm.uhasselt.be) is a lab
of Hasselt University, and part of the iMinds research institute. EDM was
founded in 1987 and currently hosts over 60 researchers and staff in visual
computing and human computer interaction. EDM covers the full spectrum from
basic research - with publications at top-conferences such as ACM SIGGRAPH
and IEEE CVPR - to contract R&D, and has given rise to 8 spin-off companies
since 1991.
iMinds (www.iminds.be) is an independent research institute founded by the
Flemish (Dutch-language Belgium) government, aiming at a lasting and
positive impact on society through innovation in ICT. iMinds mission is to
create highly competent human capital in different aspects of ICT through
multi-disciplinary demand-driven research. This includes all technological,
legal and social dimensions of development and exploitation.
iMinds unites over 1.000 researchers, in 5 research departments, and has
carried out over 250 R&D projects in its core competence areas Internet,
Media & Imaging, Health, Security and Digital Society. Many of these
projects are of a large scale and visibility in the region. iMinds
researchers are embedded in research labs spread over several universities
in Flanders, including the Expertise centre for Digital Media (EDM) of
Hasselt University.
EDM is located on the science park in Diepenbeek, Belgium, near the city of
Hasselt. Hasselt (www.hasselt.be) is a bustling and charming town of about
74.000 inhabitants and 14.000 students at 1 hour or less driving from
Brussels, Antwerp, Liege (Belgium), Maastricht, Eindhoven (Netherlands), and
Aachen (Germany). Hasselt is characterised by a high quality of living
(ranked 2nd of 20 Belgian cities in June 2012) at an affordable cost of
living, and is an attraction pole for creative young people.
Your job:
You will be a member of the scientific research team at EDM. Depending on
the project, you will enjoy a scholarship from Hasselt University, or be on
the payroll of iMinds.
As usual for researchers in an academic environment, you
- will be responsible for acquiring and maintaining an accurate and complete
understanding of the academic and industrial state of the art in the project
- will carry out original technological research and development advancing
the state of the art;
- will disseminate research results in leading scientific fora;
- will work autonomously to a high degree, with support and advice from the
visual computing group staff and colleagues.
Researchers on the more applied collaborative R&D projects
- will demonstrate research outcomes in concrete real-world applications,
concerning computational multi-camera methods for movie production and TV
broadcasting, together with renowned companies and research institutes
active in that field all-over Europe;
- will be responsible for day-to-day communication with project partners;
- will report research activities in project documentation aimed at less
expert readers, besides scientific publications.
Your profile:
Candidates hold a master degree in an exact scientific discipline, with
specialisation in computer vision, computer graphics and/or image
processing. Also students, who are expected to graduate by the summer of
2013, are warmly welcome to apply.
The ideal candidate:
- is bright, studious, and passionate about the topic : in order to not only
understand the state of the art, but to also advance the state of the art;
- is proficient in implementing visual computing concepts : be able to turn
theory into working C++ code, mastering or be motivated to learn GPU
programming a.o.;
- is able to work autonomously, yet is a team player;
- has excellent English reading, writing and oral communication skills.
Our offer:
EDM provide successful candidates with a stimulating, dynamic and flexible
work environment with young colleagues, a network with world class research
laboratories and companies in the field of visual computing in Belgium and
abroad, the opportunity for research stays abroad, an attractive salary (in
the order of 1800 Euro per month net, with social security and health
insurance covered by the employer) and extra-legal benefits.
Send your resume and get in touch with
Prof. Philippe Bekaert, philippe.bekaert(a)uhasselt.be
Prof. Gauthier Lafruit, gauthier.lafruit(a)uhasselt.be
and Dr. Sammy Rogmans, sammy.rogmans(a)iminds.be
Postdoctoral Position in Data Management and Analysis of X-Ray Microscopy
Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Join a vibrant multidisciplinary research team of computer scientists,
physicists, and mathematicians in suburban Chicago and discover parallel
scalable algorithms for analysis, visualization, and data management of
ptychography in synchrotron light sources at Argonne National Laboratory and
other US National Labs. The resulting software will leverage multi-core/GPU
clusters and supercomputing facilities to perform near real-time
reconstruction of ptychography datasets. Argonne's postdoc program, ranked
5th in the Scientist Magazine's 2013 survey of 30 best US postdoc programs,
provides a rare opportunity to grow your scientific skills while advancing
your career.
The ideal candidate will have comprehensive knowledge in C/C++ programming
under Unix/Linux and experience in data analysis, optics or signal
processing, or numerical optimization. Communication skills for working in a
multidisciplinary team environment and the ability to create, maintain, and
support high-quality software are desired. Experience in software
development for parallel computing is a plus. Candidates should have earned
a Ph.D. in computer science within the past three years.
To apply, please visit:
We are pleased to announce the 10th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation <https://vriphys2013.inria.fr/> VRIPHYS 2013. The
workshop is hosted by <http://www.inria.fr/en/centre/lille> INRIA-Lille
North Europe and the <http://www.univ-lille1.fr/home/> University of Lille
1 and will take place on Nov. 28-29. It is organized in cooperation with
Eurographics. This year, VRIPHYS will be preceded by a full day
tutorial/workshop for SOFA users (Nov 27).
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality. The workshop provides an
opportunity for researches in virtual reality and computer animation to
present and discuss their latest results and to share ideas for potential
directions of future research. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
* animation, e. g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and
geometric approaches
* virtual and augmented reality
* planning, learning, optimization for animation
* interfaces for creating and editing animations
* perception in animation
* autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior
* natural phenomena
* mathematical foundations of animation
* haptics
* sound interfaces
* related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling
* applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
Paper submissions in PDF should be formatted according to the EG publication
style. You can download the The Latex template
Style-vriphys2013.zip> here.
Submissions must be anonymous, should be written in English and should not
exceed 10 pages. We encourage the submission of supplementary videos to
particularly illustrate dynamic aspects of a submission. All materials will
be submitted electronically through the <https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy> SRM
portal before August, 1 . All submissions will be reviewed by members of the
International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be presented at the
workshop. A full proceedings with all accepted papers will be published at
the time of the workshop.
Best paper awards
A Best Paper Award will be given to the author(s) of a full paper
presented at the conference, selected by the Organizing Committee. The Best
Paper Award. The authors of the two best papers will be invited to submit
an extended version to the journal
<http://www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-and-graphics/> Computers &
Important dates
July 19 new: August 1
Sept. 20
Final version:
Oct. 5
Nov. 28-29
For more informations : <https://vriphys2013.inria.fr/>
Best regards,
Jan Bender, Gabriel Zachmann, Christian Duriez (General Chairs)
Jérémie Dequidt, Hugo Talbot, Nazim Haouchine (Organization Committee)
PhD Position: SpySpot - Visualization of Advanced Persistent Threats
TU Eindhoven - The Netherlands
The Visualization group of the Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science of TU Eindhoven has a vacancy for a 4 year full-time PhD research
position. The vacancy is within the SpySpot project, part of the
long-term-research program Cyber Security of NWO, the Dutch organization for
Scientific Research, financed by NWO-EW and STW.
SpySpot seeks to combine advanced network intrusion detection and
visualization techniques to enable the detection of Advanced Persistent
Threats and sophisticated attacks for exfiltration of data or sabotage of
systems. There will be a strong cooperation with the Security group of TU
Eindhoven, and a separate call is available for a PhD position in that
We are looking for a candidate who meets the following requirements:
- a Master degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or closely
related discipline;
- a strong interest in information visualization, human computer
interaction, and security;
- excellent analytic, creative, and implementation skills;
- ability to work in a team, cooperate both with academic and industrial
- fluent in spoken and written English.
Appointment and salary:
We offer:
- a full-time temporary appointment for a period of 4 years, with an
intermediate evaluation after 9 months;
- a gross salary of 2,062 euro per month in the first year increasing
up to 2,638 euro per month in the fourth year;
- a broad package of fringe benefits (e.g. excellent technical
infrastructure, the possibility of child daycare and excellent sport
- For more information about the project, please contact
prof.dr. Jarke J. (Jack) van Wijk, e-mail: J.J.v.Wijk(a)tue.nl .
- For information about employment conditions, please contact
mrs. P.J. Evers, HR advisor TU/e, e-mail: <mailto:pzwin@tue.nl>
The application should consist of the following parts:
- a cover letter explaining your motivation and qualifications for
the position;
- a detailed Curriculum Vitae (and if applicable a list of publications);
- contact information of two references;
- copies of diplomas (including list of courses and grades);
- proof of English language skills (if applicable).
Deadline for application: August 31, 2013.
For more information and how to apply, see the vacancy on the website of TU
or for short: <http://tinyurl.com/pxyhpwc> http://tinyurl.com/pxyhpwc
PhD position at Graz Technical University (Austria)
The Institute of ComputerGraphics and KnowledgeVisualization at Graz
Technical University, Austria, ( <http://www.cgv.tugraz.at/>
http://www.cgv.tugraz.at/) has a job opening for a 6-year position addressed
to PhD students. The deadline for the application is July 24, 2013.
The position offers considerable freedom since it is not part of a specific
project. However, the applicant should be experienced in research and/or
teaching in one or more of the following fields: geometric modeling methods
for CAD / CAGD, 3D-reconstruction of scan data, reverse engineering,
geometry processing, semantic extraction for 3D shapes, and 3D search and
object retrieval. We are seeking a highly motivated person who graduated
with excellent grades in computer science, mathematics, or a comparable
subject on the master's level. Additional duties include the support in
teaching, and the supervision of theses in master-, bachelor-, and diploma
Candidates should be fluent in English and German.
The competitive salary on level B1 is 2,562 Euros (14x/year), which may
still be augmented to compensate for outstanding experience or performance.
Applications with all necessary documents, including Curriculum Vitae,
should be sent to the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at TU Graz,
Univ-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz Wotawa, Inffeldgasse 10/II, A-8010 Graz,
Austria, email: <mailto:informatik@tugraz.at> informatik(a)tugraz.at.
The identification code for this opening is 7110/13/009.
The Organising Committees would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing to JVRC 2013, the 5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EuroVR and EGVE, in association with ICAT 2013 (joint remote events)
5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE-EuroVR (JVRC 2013)
Campus Paris Saclay, 11-13 December 2013
After Lyon, Stuttgart, Nottingham, and Madrid, the series of Joint Virtual Reality Conferences of EGVE-EuroVR (JVRC) continue with Paris on 11-13 December 2013. This year conference gathers:
- The 19th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE - www.eg.org/<http://www.eg.org/>);
- The 10th Conference and Exhibition of the European Association of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (EuroVR - www.eurovr-association.org/<http://www.eurovr-association.org/>).
As previous issues, JVRC 2013 will bring together people from industry, commerce, research including technology developers, suppliers and all those interested in virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user interfaces to exchange knowledge and share experiences of new results and applications, live demonstrations of current and emerging technologies and form collaborations for future work.
JVRC 2013 will also feature several common France-Japan events in association with the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2013) held during the same period in Tokyo (www.ic-at.org<http://www.ic-at.org/>).
JVRC 2013 is locally organised by the VENISE group of CNRS/LIMSI (www.limsi.fr/venise/<http://www.limsi.fr/venise/>) and the Interactive Simulation Laboratory from CEA-List (www.kalisteo.fr/lsi/en<http://www.kalisteo.fr/lsi/en>). The venue this year is the Campus Paris Saclay, slightly to the south of Paris, where numerous Universities, Engineering Schools, Research Institutes and Industrial Labs are currently being gathered.
* Scientific Track: original, unpublished long and short papers documenting new research contributions, practice and experience, or novel applications.
* Industrial Track: best practices, project results and demonstrations of applications of VR/AR/MR in industry, and/or actual or potential transfers of academic results.
* Poster Track: recently completed work, work in progress, or publicly presentable ideas for unimplemented and/or unusual systems or applications.
* Demonstration and Exhibit Track: live demonstrations of past and on-going projects. Additionally, technology developers and suppliers, exhibitors, digital artists and members of the VR/AR/MR industrial communities are invited to exhibit and demonstrate the latest technologies and applications, in a dedicated exhibition area.
This year, some scientific papers will be selected for common France-Japan sessions, shared between JVRC 2013 and ICAT 2013 through video conferencing connection.
Additionally, two kinds of demonstrations are expected:
* Regular demonstrations presented in the JVRC demonstration and exhibition hall.
* Collaborative demonstrations associating teams and VR/AR/MR devices remotely located at JVRC and at ICAT. They will be delivered during a plenary joint session and a special call for these collaborative remote demos is being issued.
Submission of scientific papers is open. Papers (8 pages max) and short papers (4 pages max) will be published by Eurographics. Instructions and submission tool are here: https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/JVRC%202013
Accepted industrial papers, poster papers and demo descriptions will be published as an ISBN-registered CD. Formats for these submissions will be available soon on the website.
Please, consult Submission Guidelines at: http://jvrc2013.sciencesconf.org/
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Human factors issues
User studies and evaluation trials
Presence and cognition
3D user interfaces
3D interaction metaphors
Self-representation and embodiment
Virtual humans
Sickness and side effects
Validity and fidelity
Cost effectiveness and cost efficiency
VR system architecture
Collaborative and distributed VR
Augmented Reality (AR) and mobile devices
Mixed Reality (MR)
Advances in display technologies
Audio and Multimodal Interfaces
Haptic systems and devices
Tracking and sensing
Real-time rendering, modelling & simulation
Image-based 3D modelling and rendering
Interactive and immersive multimedia
Industrial applications
Aerospace and Transport
Construction and Architecture
Manufacturing and Engineering
Medical and Rehabilitation
Product and Process design
Training and Education
Cultural applications
Serious Gaming and Edutainment
General Conference Co-chairs
Patrick BOURDOT (VENISE team, CNRS/LIMSI, France)
Philippe GRAVEZ (CEA-List, France)
Yoshifumi KITAMURA (Tohoku University, Japan)
Torsten KUHLEN (Aachen University, Germany)
International Program Committee Co-chairs
Betty MOHLER (Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Germany)
Bruno RAFFIN (INRIA/LIG, France)
Hideo SAITO (Keio University, Japan)
Oliver STAADT (University of Rostock, Germany)
The full compositions of Organising Committees is in progress, and are gradually actualised on the conference website.
Call dates
- May 3rd: 1st Call for all JVRC papers
- June 28th: 2nd Call for all JVRC papers
- July 5th: Special call for collaborative JVRC-ICAT demos
Deadlines for Submissions
- July 17th: Full and Short scientific papers
- July 26th: Special abstract for collaborative JVRC-ICAT demos
- September 6th: Short papers for industrial tracks, posters and all demos
- September 6th: Exhibition proposals
Notifications dates
- August 2nd: accepted collaborative JVRC-ICAT demos
- October 4th: accepted scientific papers
- October 18th: accepted papers for industrial tracks, posters and all demos
Deadline for Camera-ready Final Version: November 1st for all JVRC papers
Earlybird registration deadline: November 8th
Conference Website: http://jvrc2013.sciencesconf.org/
For any inquiries please contact us at: jvrc2013(a)sciencesconf.org<mailto:jvrc2013@sciencesconf.org> or the Co-chairs of specific Committees when they are nominated on the website:
- General Co-chairs at: jvrc2013-general(a)sciencesconf.org<mailto:jvrc2013-general@sciencesconf.org>
- Scientific Committee Co-chairs at: jvrc2013-scientific(a)sciencesconf.org<mailto:jvrc2013-scientific@sciencesconf.org>
- Industrial Committee Co-chairs at: jvrc2013-industrial(a)sciencesconf.org<mailto:jvrc2013-industrial@sciencesconf.org>
- Posters Co-chairs at: jvrc2013-poster(a)sciencesconf.org<mailto:jvrc2013-poster@sciencesconf.org>
- JVRC-ICAT Collaborative Demo Committee Co-chairs at:
- JVRC Regular Demo Committee Co-chairs at:
- Exhibition Co-chairs at: jvrc2013-exhibition(a)sciencesconf.org<mailto:jvrc2013-exhibition@sciencesconf.org>
Symposium on Computer Animation 2013
July 19-21 Anaheim, CA, USA
Call for Participation
***The Regular Registration deadline is this Friday, June 28th!***
The 12th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) will take place in
sunny Anaheim, California from July 19-21, immediately before SIGGRAPH. With
20 full papers, 4 short papers. and 4 TVCG papers, it promises to be a
memorable event.
This year's SCA features two exciting keynotes:
* Michiel van de Panne (University of British Columbia)
Title: Movement Skills for Physics-based Characters: A Roadmap
Abstract: Physics-based character animation has a long history as a
promising method for modeling the motion of humans and animals. Tremendous
progress has been made in this area over the past twenty-five years.
However, much work still remains to be done before these methods can become
truly successful. Our best models for simulating motions (and controlling
robots) still fall well short of the agility, adaptability, and range of
skills seen in nature. What have we learned? What is the missing
ingredient? When might we realize "downloadable skills" for our simulated
characters, our robots, and perhaps our brains? I will present my own
roadmap of where we have been, the lessons learned, and where we may need to
go next.
* Ron Henderson (DreamWorks Animation)
Title: The Croods: Modern Technology for a Prehistoric World
Abstract: DreamWorks Animation produces family entertainment that is enjoyed
by audiences worldwide. It is a major consumer of technology, and employs a
skilled workforce of scientists and engineers working to advance the state
of the art in computer graphics for film production. In this talk we look at
some of the key technology behind our recent film The Croods (2013). The
movie follows the story of the world's first family as they embark on the
journey of a lifetime when the cave that has always shielded them from
danger is destroyed. Production for The Croods required many diverse
locations to represent the exotic world for this adventure, and an equally
diverse set of visual effects challenges: earthquakes and landslides,
liquids from tar to shallow seas, torches and wildfires, pyroclastic flow
and massive deforming volumes. We review how our technology for achieving
these effects have evolved rapidly over the last 3-4 years, showcase some of
the artistic achievements in this film, and lay out some of the technology
challenges we need to overcome in the future.