Submission Deadline: 26 November 2012
Notification: 16 January 2013
The Eurographics Association organizes a biannual competition to acknowledge the contribution that computer graphics is playing in the medical field, and to encourage further development.
In 2010 the Eurographics Medical Prize was renamed to honor Dirk Bartz who passed away far too early in March 2010. Dirk Bartz was a highly recognized and enthusiastic scientist, teacher and promoter of Visual Computing in Medicine.
Dirk Bartz was an active member of the Eurographics Association and Chair of the EG Medical Prize 2007 and 2009.
Submissions for the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine 2013 are now being invited from researchers and developers who can demonstrate that a particular benefit has resulted from the use of computer graphics technology in a medical application that they have produced. Examples of entries could include the use of new data visualization techniques, interaction methods, or virtual/augmented environments.
Instructions for submission can be found at https://srm.eg.org/SRM_EG2013MED
The top three winning entries of the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine 2013 will receive a prize and their submission will be published in the “Short and Areas Papers and Medical Prize Awards” proceedings. The judging panel will select the winning entries on the basis of their clinical value, use made of computer graphics, and novelty. All three winning teams will have an opportunity to briefly present their results at Eurographics 2013 in Girona (Spain), 6-10 May, which means that at least one author of each winning team must attend to present the results.
See the Hall of Fame http://www.eg.org/images/stories/awards/dirk_bartz_price/halloffame_2012052… for previous recipients of the prize.
Cristian Lorenz, Philips Hamburg, Germany
Charl Botha, TU Delft, Netherlands
Jürgen Meixensberger, Universität Leipzig
Bernhard Preim, Universität Magdeburg, Germany
Timo Ropinski, Linköping University, Sweden
Nigel W. John, Bangor University, United Kingdom
Jorge Juan Olsina Kissler, Hospital Universitario Arnau de Vilanova, Spain
Valentina Puntmann, King's College London, United Kingdom
Michael Meissner, Omnyx, United States
Katja Bühler, VRVis Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization Research, Austria
Hans-Christian Hege, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
Anna Vilanova, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce this year's edition of the annual Computer
Graphics Forum Cover Contest. Entries are due November 12, 2012. The full
announcement and submission site can be found at:
<http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/cgf/index.php> http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/cgf/
We are looking for the cover image to appear on all 2013 issues of Computer
Graphics Forum.
Why don't you send us a compelling image from one of your latest papers?
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Holly Rushmeier and Oliver Deussen
Eurographics 2013 Education Track
Girona, Spain, May 8-9, 2013
In 2013, Eurographics will once again host an education track at our annual
conference. We will again have the most current papers and panels on
education in computer graphics and computer graphics in education, but we
will have some new features in the programme:
Tips and Techniques: borrowing from one of the most lively features of
the SIGCSE conference, we invite short presentations of effective teaching
tips and techniques for focused computer graphics course content.
Outstanding student projects: borrowing from SIGGRAPH education content,
we invite instructors to present outstanding student computer graphics
projects and describe the course context for them.
Issues with implementing the European Bologna process in computer
graphics, with a lively panel and extensive discussions among faculty who
are dealing with these issues in their programmes.
Look for the Call for Participation for the EG 2013 Education Track later
this year at the Eurographics 2013 conference Web site:
<http://eg2013.udg.edu/> http://eg2013.udg.edu/
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward
to seeing you in Girona next May!
Eva Cerezo, Universidad de Zaragoza
Jean-Jacques Bourdin, Université Paris 8
Steve Cunningham, Brown Cunningham Associates
<mailto:educationchairs@eg2013.udg.edu> educationchairs(a)eg2013.udg.edu
TUM is the first university in Germany to reinforce its recruitment policy
by a comprehensive tenure track system. Based on best international
standards and transparent performance criteria, TUM FACULTY TENURE TRACK
offers quality-oriented academic career options for high-potential young
scientists, from the appointment as Assistant Professor through a permanent
position as Associate Professor and on to Full Professor.
The TUM Department of Informatics invites applications for a
Tenure Track Assistant Professorship
» Games Engineering «
Initially pay-scale grade W2, to be filled as soon as possible.
We are looking for an excellent scientist with a high potential for
developing an internationally recognized research agenda in the field of
Games Engineering. The successful candidate is expected to conduct research
and teaching in Games Engineering. The candidate should have comprehensive
skills including a university degree in computer science. We are
expecting a research record in at least one of the following fields:
Realtime Rendering, Computer Animation, Visual Simulation. We are seeking
for applicants who have gained experience in industrial game development,
with a focus on the technical realization of immersive 3D computer games.
We expect the candidate to actively take part in the Bachelor and upcoming
Master program Informatics: Games Engineering, and to have an ability to
pursue scientific research at international level in one of the addressed
fields. Teaching assignments include courses in the subject area and the
basic courses offered by the department as well as courses for other
academic TUM departments. The ability to teach in English and German is a
prerequisite for TUM Professors.
The initial appointment will be for 6 years. After positive evaluation in
the final year, the candidate is tenured on an Associate Professor level.
Tenure evaluation may be initiated after a minimum of three years only in
exceptional cases, justified by extraordinarily outstanding achievements or
in regard of particularly strategic significance in shaping the universitys
Eligible candidates typically hold a doctorate, have established a strong
track record in the postdoctoral phase, and demonstrate pedagogical and
personal aptitude as well as substantial international experience. Family
leave will be taken into consideration.
Supported by competitive start-up resources, candidates are expected to
develop an independent and vigorous research program. Furthermore,
candidates should be committed to excellence in undergraduate/graduate
teaching and in supervising PhD students.
As part of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state
governments, TUM has been pursuing the strategic goal of substantially
increasing the diversity of its faculty. As an equal opportunity and
affirmative action employer, TUM explicitly encourages nominations of and
applications from women as well as from all others who would bring
additional diversity dimensions to the universitys research and teaching
strategies. Preference will be given to disabled candidates with essentially
the same qualifications. The TUM Munich Dual Career Office provides support
for dual career couples and families.
Applications accompanied by supporting documentation (CV, certificates,
credentials, list of publications including 3 selected reprints, list of
courses taught, and presentation of research and teaching strategies, names
and addresses of at least 3 references) should be submitted by October 15,
2012 to:
Dekan der Fakultät für Informatik
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 3, D-85748 Garching (Germany)
E-Mail: bewerbung.dekanat(a)in.tum.de
Call for Full Papers for Eurographics 2013
(Website http://eg2013.udg.edu/)
The Eurographics 2013 Technical Papers programme will showcase innovative
practice and experience, and novel applications. We invite submission of
papers that will set the standard in the field and stimulate future trends.
Accepted papers will be presented at Eurographics 2013 and published in a
special issue
of the Eurographics journal, Computer Graphics Forum. We encourage
submission from all
areas related to computer graphics such as rendering, modeling, animation,
virtual reality, computer vision, imaging, and related disciplines.
A preliminary abstract is due by 23:59GMT, Friday September 21st, 2012, and
the full paper
deadline is 23:59GMT, Friday September 28th, 2012.
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory and will be conducted using
the Submission
and Review Management (SRM) system. Papers must be written in English, must
be anonymized,
should not exceed 10 pages in length, and must be formatted according to the
Computer Graphics Forum publication guidelines. Accepted papers must be
presented in English
at Eurographics 2013. This event uses a double-blind reviewing approach, so
please remove all
personal data (like such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your
submission. Reviewers are
asked to keep confidential all materials sent to them for evaluation.
Double Submission Policy
Authors are required to include a declaration that they have not previously
published nor
currently submitted the scientific contribution claimed in their paper to
any other conference
or journal before or during the Eurographics 2013 Technical Papers review
period. Any paper
that does not adhere to these requirements will be rejected without review.
Re-Submitted Material
For papers that have previously been reviewed for other venues and have been
rejected or
withdrawn, the authors can provide a cover letter describing the changes
they have made to
comply with reviewers comments and requests. This procedure is strongly
recommended and
it is meant to improve the efficiency of the reviewing process but does not
imply reviewer
continuity. The cover letter has to be submitted through the SRM as an
Additional Attachment
(last section of the SRM upload form).
Rebuttal, Notification, Publication & Prizes
New this year: a rebuttal period from November 15th to 18th will allow
authors to clarify
any ambiguity with respect to the original reviews.
The date for notification of the results of the review process is December
7th, 2012.
From all accepted papers, an international jury will select the three best
papers. The best
paper will receive the Günter Enderle Award, including a cash prize of
1000 Euros presented at
Eurographics 2013.
For any question concerning full paper submissions please contact the papers
program co-chairs: ipcchairs(a)eg2013.udg.edu
Apologies for cross posting
Call for papers
VAST2012: The 13th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology
and Cultural Heritage Brighton, UK, 19-21 November 2012
Use inspired technological advances in heritage
Digital technology has the potential to influence every aspect of the
cultural heritage environment. Archaeologists and cultural heritage
scientists as well as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) experts
have in the past collaborated to find solutions to optimise all aspects of
capturing, managing, analysing and delivering cultural information, but many
unsolved problems remain. The goal of VAST 2012 will be to build on the open
dialogue between these different areas of expertise, and in particular allow
ICT experts to have a better understanding of the critical requirements that
cultural heritage professionals have for managing and delivering cultural
information and for the ICT systems that support these activities.
To achieve this VAST 2012 will explore the entire pipeline of ICT in
cultural heritage from background research to exploitation. The conference
not only focuses on the development of innovative solutions, but it will
investigate the issues of the exploitation of computer science research by
the cultural heritage community. The transition from research to practical
reality can be fraught with difficulty. The digital environment provides new
opportunities and new business processes for sustainability, but with these
opportunities there are also challenges. VAST 2012 will provide an
opportunity for the heritage and ICT communities to understand these
challenges and shape the future of ICT and heritage research. We are seeking
contributions that advance the state of the art in the information
technologies available to support cultural heritage. In particular:
Data Acquisition and Processing:
2/3/4D data capture
Geometry processing and representations
On-site and remotely sensed data collection
Digital capture of intangible heritage (performance, audio,
dance, oral)
Geographical information systems
Metadata Handling:
Classification schemas, ontologies and semantic processing
Long-term preservation of digital artefacts
Digital libraries, data management and collection management
Multilingual applications, tools and systems
Mobile technologies
Virtual museums
Augmentation of physical collections with digital
Interactive environments and applications
Multi-modal interfaces and rendering
Storytelling and design of heritage communications
Usability, effectiveness and interface design
Intelligent and knowledge-based tools for digital
Authoring tools for creating new cultural experiences
Practitioners' Experience:
Professional and ethical guidelines
Standards and documentation
Requirements and policies
Methodological issues and research paradigms
Tools for education and training
Serious games in cultural heritage
Assistance in monitoring and restoration
Economics and Business:
Economics of cultural informatics
Watermarking, provenance, copyright and IPR
Business models and sustainability for ICT in cultural
Impact of ICT applications in cultural heritage
Other relevant works concerning the application of information technologies
to Cultural Heritage, not explicitly included in the above categories, are
also welcome for submission. Accepted papers will be presented in the form
. Full research papers presenting new innovative results: these
papers will be published by Eurographics in the EG Symposium Series (ISSN
1881-864X). The contributions should not exceed 8 pages, including
bibliography and illustrations.
. Short papers presenting preliminary results and works-in-progress
or focusing on on-going projects, the description of project organization,
use of technology, and lesson learned. These papers will have an oral and
poster presentation and will be published in the "Projects & Short Papers"
proceedings volume. The contributions should not exceed 4 pages, including
bibliography and illustrations.
BEST PAPERS AWARD The best papers selected at VAST 2012 will have the
opportunity to be submitted to the ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural
Heritage (JOCCH). JOCCH is published online during the year and then a
hardcopy volume is produced at the end of the year.
All submissions will be reviewed and feedback given to the authors. See
detailed information on submissions (http://www.vast2012.org/submissions).
To have the paper published in the proceedings, at least one of the authors
must register to the Conference after being notified of acceptance but
before submitting camera-ready copies.
The submission deadline for SIGRAD 2012 has been extended to September 13, 2012.
*** apologies for cross-posting ***
Call for Papers: SIGRAD 2012 – Interactive Visual Analysis of Data
Location: Växjö, Sweden
Date: November 29-30, 2012
Web site: http://cs.lnu.se/sigrad2012/
*** EXTENDED paper submission deadline: September 13, 2012 ***
SIGRAD, the Swedish Chapter of Eurographics, invites contributions to
the conference SIGRAD 2012 with the presentation of high-quality
visualization and computer graphics research. Papers accepted for SIGRAD
2012 are published by Linköping University E-Press both in an electronic
and printed proceedings. Submissions may be full research papers or
short papers which may describe proven and tested solutions, novel
ideas, work-in-progress or recent results. More information on how to
submit a paper can be found at
* http://cs.lnu.se/sigrad2012/
The selected theme of this year's conference is "Interactive Visual
Analysis of Data". However, we also invite papers on other aspects of
interactive computer graphics and visualization. Thus, topics for
submissions include but are not limited to the following areas:
* Information Visualization and Scientific Visualization
* Visual Analytics, Visual Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Large Data Visualization including Streaming Data, Temporal Data, Text
and Documents, Networks, ...
* Geo-spatial Data in Visualizations
* Visualization Taxonomies and Models
* Visualization Systems and Software Architectures
* Collaborative Visualization
* Human-Computer Interaction for Visualization and Computer Graphics
* Augmented and Virtual Reality
* Solutions and Algorithms for Virtual/Augmented Reality Applications
* Real-time Rendering
* Procedural Methods and Texture Synthesis
* Parallel Graphics Algorithms
* Evaluation and User Studies
* Training and Education
* Teaching Interaction, Computer Graphics and Visualization
* Applications Areas of Visualizations, such as Biology, Physical
Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business Analytics, Software
Engineering, ...
Invited Talks
* Keynote: "Parallel Coordinates ... are better than they look!" by
Alfred Inselberg, Tel Aviv University, Israel
* Capstone: "Why Watson and SPSS Are IBM’s Big Data Yin and Yang" by
Steen Christoffersen, IBM Business Analytics, Denmark
SIGRAD 2012 Co-Chairs
* Andreas Kerren, Linnaeus University, Sweden
* Stefan Seipel, University of Gävle, Sweden
International Program Committee
* Achim Ebert, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
* Thomas Ertl, University of Stuttgart, Germany
* Morten Fjeld, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
* Eduard Gröller, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
* Hellwig Hauser, University of Bergen, Norway
* Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro, Vizrt Ardendo, Sweden
* Andreas Kerren, Linnaeus University, Sweden
* Lars Kjelldahl, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
* Jörn Kohlhammer, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
* Martin Kraus, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Robert S Laramee, Swansea University, UK
* Thomas Larsson, Mälardalen University, Sweden
* Emmanuel Pietriga, INRIA & CIRIC, France
* Helen Purchase, University of Glasgow, UK
* Timo Ropinski, Linköping University, Sweden
* Gerik Scheuermann, University of Leipzig, Germany
* Tobias Schreck, University of Konstanz, Germany
* Falk Schreiber, IPK Gatersleben and MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
* Heidrun Schumann, University of Rostock, Germany
* Stefan Seipel, University of Gävle, Sweden
* Jarke J. Van Wijk, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
* Daniel Weiskopf, University of Stuttgart, Germany
* Rüdiger Westermann, TU Munich, Germany
* Kai Xu, Middlesex University, UK
Important Dates
* Paper submission deadline: September 13, 2012 (extended)
* Author notification: October 10, 2012
* Camera-ready paper deadline: November 1, 2012
If you have any questions, please contact the conference organizers:
The early bird deadline of VMV 2012 is now open.
<http://vc.cs.ovgu.de/vmv2012> http://vc.cs.ovgu.de/vmv2012
Furthermore the preliminary programm is available.
Important dates:
22.09.2012 - Camera ready paper version/ Poster submission deadline
25.09.2012 - Poster acceptance notification
30.09.2012 - Early bird registration
12.-14.11.2012 - VMV Workshop 2012
12.11.2012 - GI-GDV Meeting
14.11.2012 - DFG SPP 1335 Scalable Visual Analytics Workshop
We hope to see you at VMV in Magdeburg!
Thorsten Grosch, Bernhard Preim, Petra Specht, Holger Theisel, Klaus Tönnies
Call for Full Papers for Eurographics 2013
(Website http://eg2013.udg.edu/)
The Eurographics 2013 Technical Papers programme will showcase innovative
practice and experience, and novel applications. We invite submission of
papers that will set the standard in the field and stimulate future trends.
Accepted papers will be presented at Eurographics 2013 and published in a
special issue
of the Eurographics journal, Computer Graphics Forum. We encourage
submission from all
areas related to computer graphics such as rendering, modeling, animation,
virtual reality, computer vision, imaging, and related disciplines.
A preliminary abstract is due by 23:59GMT, Friday September 21st, 2012, and
the full paper
deadline is 23:59GMT, Friday September 28th, 2012.
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory and will be conducted using
the Submission
and Review Management (SRM) system. Papers must be written in English, must
be anonymized,
should not exceed 10 pages in length, and must be formatted according to the
Computer Graphics Forum publication guidelines. Accepted papers must be
presented in English
at Eurographics 2013. This event uses a double-blind reviewing approach, so
please remove all
personal data (like such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your
submission. Reviewers are
asked to keep confidential all materials sent to them for evaluation.
Double Submission Policy
Authors are required to include a declaration that they have not previously
published nor
currently submitted the scientific contribution claimed in their paper to
any other conference
or journal before or during the Eurographics 2013 Technical Papers review
period. Any paper
that does not adhere to these requirements will be rejected without review.
Re-Submitted Material
For papers that have previously been reviewed for other venues and have been
rejected or
withdrawn, the authors can provide a cover letter describing the changes
they have made to
comply with reviewers comments and requests. This procedure is strongly
recommended and
it is meant to improve the efficiency of the reviewing process but does not
imply reviewer
continuity. The cover letter has to be submitted through the SRM as an
Additional Attachment
(last section of the SRM upload form).
Rebuttal, Notification, Publication & Prizes
New this year: a rebuttal period from November 15th to 18th will allow
authors to clarify
any ambiguity with respect to the original reviews.
The date for notification of the results of the review process is December
7th, 2012.
From all accepted papers, an international jury will select the three best
papers. The best
paper will receive the Günter Enderle Award, including a cash prize of
1000 Euros presented at
Eurographics 2013.
For any question concerning full paper submissions please contact the papers
program co-chairs: ipcchairs(a)eg2013.udg.edu
*** apologies for cross-posting ***
2nd Call for Papers: SIGRAD 2012 – Interactive Visual Analysis of Data
Location: Växjö, Sweden
Date: November 29-30, 2012
Web site: http://cs.lnu.se/sigrad2012/
*** Paper submission deadline: September 7, 2012 ***
SIGRAD, the Swedish Chapter of Eurographics, invites contributions to
the conference SIGRAD 2012 with the presentation of high-quality
visualization and computer graphics research. Papers accepted for SIGRAD
2012 are published by Linköping University E-Press both in an electronic
and printed proceedings. Submissions may be full research papers or
short papers which may describe proven and tested solutions, novel
ideas, work-in-progress or recent results. More information on how to
submit a paper can be found at
* http://cs.lnu.se/sigrad2012/
The selected theme of this year's conference is "Interactive Visual
Analysis of Data". However, we also invite papers on other aspects of
interactive computer graphics and visualization. Thus, topics for
submissions include but are not limited to the following areas:
* Information Visualization and Scientific Visualization
* Visual Analytics, Visual Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Large Data Visualization including Streaming Data, Temporal Data, Text
and Documents, Networks, ...
* Geo-spatial Data in Visualizations
* Visualization Taxonomies and Models
* Visualization Systems and Software Architectures
* Collaborative Visualization
* Human-Computer Interaction for Visualization and Computer Graphics
* Augmented and Virtual Reality
* Solutions and Algorithms for Virtual/Augmented Reality Applications
* Real-time Rendering
* Procedural Methods and Texture Synthesis
* Parallel Graphics Algorithms
* Evaluation and User Studies
* Training and Education
* Teaching Interaction, Computer Graphics and Visualization
* Applications Areas of Visualizations, such as Biology, Physical
Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business Analytics, Software
Engineering, ...
Invited Talks
* Keynote: "Parallel Coordinates ... are better than they look!" by
Alfred Inselberg, Tel Aviv University, Israel
* Capstone: "Why Watson and SPSS Are IBM’s Big Data Yin and Yang" by
Steen Christoffersen, IBM Business Analytics, Denmark
SIGRAD 2012 Co-Chairs
* Andreas Kerren, Linnaeus University, Sweden
* Stefan Seipel, University of Gävle, Sweden
International Program Committee
* Achim Ebert, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
* Thomas Ertl, University of Stuttgart, Germany
* Morten Fjeld, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
* Eduard Gröller, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
* Hellwig Hauser, University of Bergen, Norway
* Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro, Vizrt Ardendo, Sweden
* Andreas Kerren, Linnaeus University, Sweden
* Lars Kjelldahl, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
* Jörn Kohlhammer, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
* Martin Kraus, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Robert S Laramee, Swansea University, UK
* Thomas Larsson, Mälardalen University, Sweden
* Emmanuel Pietriga, INRIA & CIRIC, France
* Helen Purchase, University of Glasgow, UK
* Timo Ropinski, Linköping University, Sweden
* Gerik Scheuermann, University of Leipzig, Germany
* Tobias Schreck, University of Konstanz, Germany
* Falk Schreiber, IPK Gatersleben and MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
* Heidrun Schumann, University of Rostock, Germany
* Stefan Seipel, University of Gävle, Sweden
* Jarke J. Van Wijk, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
* Daniel Weiskopf, University of Stuttgart, Germany
* Rüdiger Westermann, TU Munich, Germany
* Kai Xu, Middlesex University, UK
Important Dates
* Paper submission deadline: September 7, 2012
* Author notification: October 10, 2012
* Camera-ready paper deadline: November 1, 2012
If you have any questions, please contact the conference organizers:
(This Call for Papers as PDF: http://cs.lnu.se/sigrad2012/SIGRAD12-CFP.pdf)