*** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION --- Web3D 2012 ***
Web3D Conference 2012
17th International Conference on 3D Web Technology
Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and in cooperation with Eurographics Association
August 4 - 5, 2012
L.A. Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Mail: web3d2012(a)web3d.org
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
- Markus Gross (ETH Zurich & Disney Research Zurich, Switzerland)
- David J. Kasik (Boing, USA)
The program and the list of accepted papers and posters can be found on
The 17th ACM International Web3D Conference will address a wide range of
research topics related to Web-based 3D Graphics. These topics include:
representation and modeling methods, content analysis, rendering,
distributed virtual environments, large-scale databases, Web-wide
human-computer interaction, as well as innovative tools and applications.
On the one hand, authoring and delivering educational contents is one of the
main interests of this edition of the conference. The creation of
educational materials, such as interactive electronic technical manuals will
be supported, as well as the approach to incorporate advanced real-time
rendering features into the X3D standard, in a generic way that is
independent from the specific rendering method. On the other hand, the
conference will particularly focus on novel mobile AR applications,
innovative 3D graphics Web applications and novel Medical and eHealth
developments, aside from contents over 3D Internet.
The annual ACM Web3D Conference is a major event that gathers researchers,
developers, entrepreneurs, experimenters, artists, and content creators in a
dynamic environment. Attendees can share and explore methods of using,
enhancing, and creating new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies, such as
WebGL and HTML5, Flash 11/ Stage 3D, X3D, COLLADA, and the MPEG family. The
conference highlights capabilities and trends in interactive 3D graphics
across a wide range of applications and supports research from mobile
devices up to high-end immersive environments.
* Modeling, processing, analysis and rendering of complex geometry,
structure, and behaviors
* 3D search, shape matching and indexing
* Rendering algorithms and standardization and visualization of large data
* Interaction methods for online 3D content
* Interactive 3D graphics for mobile devices
* Mixed and Augmented Reality (including standardization aspects)
* Agents, animated humanoids, and complex reactive characters
* Remote rendering and streaming
* Stereo and multi-view visualization of 3D graphic interfaces
* High-performance 3D graphics for distributed environments,
tele-presence, and 3D broadcasting
* Web, multimedia and standards integration and interoperation.
Accepted papers and posters will appear in the Web3D 2012 Conference
Proceedings, published by ACM Press.
General Chairs:
- Christophe Mouton, EDF, France
- Jorge Posada, Vicomtech, Spain
Program Chairs:
- Yvonne Jung, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
- Marcio Cabral, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
2012 International Conference on CyberWorlds
25-27 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany
Early Registration deadline: 13 Jul 2012
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Marina Gavrilova, University of Calgary, Canada,
Intelligent Decision Making for Multi-Sensor Pattern Recognition and
Reinhard Klein, University of Bonn, Germany
>From real to Cyber: Tools and Expertise for 3D Collection Formation (working
Johannes Behr, Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt
>From Cyber to real: The world in your pocket (working title)
A list of accepted papers can be found on
The program consists of full and short papers, and invited peer-reviewed
papers in two special sessions.
A demo program will show State of the Art in applied research on Graphics,
Vision, Virtual and Augmented Reality.
Social Event:
Although a local brewery (http://darmstaedter.de/de/home) is important,
Darmstadt is mainly known as City of Science
c6061), city of culture
(http://www.darmstadt.de/darmstadt-erleben/kultur/index.htm) and city of
Jugendstil (http://www.darmstadt.de/darmstadt-erleben/jugendstil/index.htm).
Combining all good things, the social program will take place on the
Mathildenhöhe (see google!) with a mixture of culture and food.
Created intentionally or spontaneously, cyberworlds are information spaces
and communities that immensely augment the way we interact, participate in
business and receive information throughout the world. Cyberworlds seriously
impact our lives and the evolution of the world conomy by taking such forms
as social networking services, 3D shared virtual communities and assively
multiplayer online role-playing games. The international conferences on
Cyberworlds have being organized annually since 2002 with the proceedings
published by IEEE Computer Society and special issues published in The
Visual Computer, Transactions on Computational Science, and International
Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies.
Cyberworlds 2012 is organized by Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany,
in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS Association and supported by the IFIP
Workgroup Computer Graphics and Virtual Worlds.
The 2012th International Conference on Cyberworlds will address a wide range
of research and development topics, but not limited to the following topics:
* Shared virtual worlds
* Virtual collaborative spaces
* Shape modeling for cyberworlds
* Virtual humans and avatars
* Intelligent talking agents
* Networked collaboration
* Haptic interaction and rendering
* Computer vision, augmented, mixed and virtual reality
* Human-computer interfaces
* Cognitive informatics
* Brain-computer interfaces
* EEG-based emotion recognition
* E-learning in virtual collaborative spaces
* Multi-user web games
* Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
* Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds
* Cyberethics and cyberlaws
* Cybersecurity
* Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
* Social networking
Special Sessions:
* Arts, Design and Virtual World: see also
* Applied Visual Computing
The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE, placed in the IEEE
Xplore and Computer Society digital libraries, and submitted for indexing
through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.
Special issues of the following international journals will be formed from
extended journal versions of the best papers:
* The Visual Computer
* Transactions on Computational Science
* International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies
To be included in the conference proceedings and special journal issues, at
least one author of the accepted paper must register and present the paper
at the conference.
Please email your requests to cyberworlds2012(at)igd.fraunhofer.de.
Honorary Chair
Tosiyasu L. Kunii, University of Tokyo, Japan
General Chair
Dieter Fellner, Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany
Program Chairs
Arjan Kuijper, Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany
Alexei Sourin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Symposium on Computer Animation 2012
July 29-31 Lausanne, Switzerland
Call for Participation& Poster submissions
The list of accepted full& short papers is now visible !
And this year SCA will feature keynote presentations by:
* Markus Gross (ETHZ& Disney Research Zurich)
* Karl Grammer (University of Vienna)
Benefit from the early registration fees until June 30th!
Blocked rooms in various hotels are also guaranteed until June 30th.
The Call for poster and presentation is still open until June 30th.
The SCA poster and demo session is the perfect opportunity for authors to
display late-breaking technical achievements that are not yet ready for
publication as a full paper. The poster session is integrated with the
second social event in the Polydome; it will be introduced by a fast-forward
session during which all presenters will give a one-minute description of
their work. New this year! A Best Poster award will be presented to the top
Note that posters are not formal publications, so work submitted as a poster
is still eligible for later publication, and will be exempt from inclusion
in the ACM and Eurographics Digital Libraries.
We encourage any of the following types of poster submissions:
* Up and coming computer animation research
* Technically novel production work
* Work done outside of SCA that would be of interest to the computer
animation community. This includes animation-related works recently accepted
to other conferences such as I3D or NPAR.
* Lab overviews which present a snapshot of the ongoing animation-related
research at a given institution
* Half-baked ideas and negative results
Important Dates
All deadlines are 6pm, US Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4).
* 2012 June 30th: Deadline for poster submission.
* 2012 July 12th: Notification of acceptance for posters.
* 2012 July 16th: Camera-ready papers and posters due.
* 2012 July 29th-31st: Symposium
Applications are invited for a 3 year University funded Ph.D. project hosted
in the School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology at Manchester
Metropolitan University.
This interdisciplinary project will expand on recent advances made at MMU
and the Institute for Reproductive Medicine at the University of Warwick in
microscopic embryological data processing and visualization.
The aim of the current research is to develop a more detailed understanding
of the molecular basis of the changing 3D organization of developing. The
student will develop methods for semi-automatic segmentation targeted at 3D
microscopic embryological datasets, with implementation and testing on real
pre-existing datasets. Based on the segmentation results, the student will
then create physically based 3D models of embryo shapes and inner
structures. The segmentation and visualization of the number, shape and size
of blastomeres and nuclei will provide valuable information about the
potential viability of the embryo, and will assist embryologists to
understand the mechanisms of developmental failure.
The student will need to combine skills and interests in computer vision;
C/C++ and MATLAB based implementation and physically based modeling. The
student should have a good degree in Computer Science or a suitable other
hard science or engineering subject. Preference will be given to students
with appropriate M.Sc. or equivalent research experience.
The student will receive EU fees and a stipend of £12,000 per annum. The
studentship should be taken up not later than 01/September/12. The Image and
Sensory Computation research group is a lively research environment, which
currently has 5 academics and 6 other researchers working on a variety of
projects concerning human imaging. For full details and informal
discussions, please contact:
Dr. Silvester Czanner, s.czanner(a)mmu.ac.uk,
Dr. Nicholas Costen, <mailto:n.costen@mmu.ac.uk> n.costen(a)mmu.ac.uk,
Applications should be made via the University postgraduate application
form. This is available from
http://www.mmu.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/apply/#research (please make it
clear on the form that you are applying for this studentship in particular).
Dr. Silvester Czanner
Lecturer in Computer Games
School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology Manchester
Metropolitan University John Dalton Building Chester Street Manchester M1
tel.: +44 (0) 161 247 1643
e-mail: S.Czanner(a)mmu.ac.uk
Office hours (JD E137): M, Th, F: 3-4PM
11 open PhD positions in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany at the
Research Training Group Heterogeneous Image Systems
The Research Training Group Heterogeneous Image Systems researches
technical systems for processing, synthesizing, and transmitting digital
images, such as in mobile phones or game consoles, but also in medical image
systems or advanced driver assistance systems. The PhD projects range from
hardware-related topics like intelligent image sensors, over methods and
tools for the design and modeling of heterogeneous image systems, to
applications in medical engineering and entertainment technology. More
detailed information is available at <http://hbs.fau.de> http://hbs.fau.de.
We are currently inviting applications for 11 funded PhD positions. As part
of the PhD studies, specialization lectures, communication training,
language courses, and a three-month research stay abroad are offered. The
positions are funded for a three-year period, starting in fall 2012.
Applicants must have a Masters or Diploma degree in computer science or
electrical engineering (or closely related), good English skills, and the
ability to work well in a team.
Applications should be submitted as PDF by e-mail to Prof. Marc Stamminger (
<mailto:marc.stamminger@cs.fau.de> marc.stamminger(a)cs.fau.de) by July 6,
Your workplace will be in Erlangen, which is close to Nuremberg. The
Nuremberg Metropolitan Region is situated in Bavaria, in the South of
Germany ( <http://www.em-n.eu> www.em-n.eu). Friedrich-Alexander-Universität
(FAU, <http://www.fau.de> www.fau.de) is a large university with over
30.000 students (including 2.700 international students) and a strong School
of Engineering with almost
10.000 students. It is one of the most attractive German universities for
international visiting academics. Every year, an increasing number of
Humboldt scholars and prize-winning researchers choose FAU as their research
base. As a university with an international outlook, FAU has a close-knit
network of numerous co-operation partners abroad with particularly strong
ties to the Far East.
Marc Stamminger | stamminger(a)cs.fau.de | http://lgdv.cs.fau.de
SGP 2012: Final Announcement and Call for Posters
The Tenth Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP2012) in
cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH
July 16-18, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia
Invited Speakers:
- Erik Demaine (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) - Geometric
Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra
- Takeo Igarashi (University of Tokyo) - Design Everything by
Yourself: Interfaces for Graphics, CAD Modeling, and Robots
- Marc Pollefeys (ETH Zürich) - Geometry from Images
Tentative PROGRAM: <http://www.ioc.ee/sgp12/index.php?location=program>
CALL for POSTERS: The poster session is scheduled for Tuesday, July 17, 6pm.
There is still the possibility to present a poster to provide an informative
look into ongoing research. Please contact the event chair directly to
register your poster.
A limited number of participants can still be admitted. If interested,
register promptly.
REGISTRATION: will close on July 9. Make your registration and hotel
reservations (this is high tourist season) NOW on
Looking forward to seeing you in Tallinn in three weeks
Program Chairs
Eitan Grinspun, Columbia University, New York
Niloy Mitra, University College, London
Event Chair
Ewald Quak, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology
<mailto:symposium@geometryprocessing.org> symposium(a)geometryprocessing.org
We are pleased to announce the 9th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS 2012. The workshop is hosted by the Graduate
School of Computational Engineering and the Interactive Graphics Systems
Group at the Technical University of Darmstadt and Fraunhofer IGD. It is
organized in cooperation with Eurographics.
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality. The workshop provides an
opportunity for researches in virtual reality and computer animation to
present and discuss their latest results and to share ideas for potential
directions of future research. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
- animation, e. g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and
geometric approaches
- virtual and augmented reality
- planning, learning, optimization for animation
- interfaces for creating and editing animations
- perception in animation
- autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior
- natural phenomena
- mathematical foundations of animation
- haptics
- sound interfaces
- related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling
- applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
A "Best Paper Award" will be given to the author(s) of a full paper
presented at the conference, selected by the Organizing Committee. The "Best
Paper Award" is a TeslaT C2075 computing processor (or similar) sponsored by
NEW THIS YEAR: The authors of the two best papers will be invited to submit
an extended version to the journal Computers & Graphics.
Important dates
- Submission: July 20
- Notification: September 7
- Final version: September 21
- Conference: December 6-7
For further information, please visit http://vriphys2012.inrialpes.fr
/// EG VCBM 2012 - Second Call for Papers & Posters
/// Eurographics Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM)
/// http://www.vcbm.org/
Quick Facts
* Topics: visualization and image analysis in biology and medicine
* Deadline: June 29, 2012
* Publication: EG published proceedings, three best papers in Computer
Graphics Forum
EG VCBM will be held September 27-28, 2012 in Norrköping, Sweden, and
addresses state-of-the-art visualization and image analysis research
with an application in biology and medicine. EG VCBM solicits the
submission of original application-oriented research papers that advance
the fusion of visualization and image analysis within imaging-based
medicine and biological science. All papers should focus on a well-
defined biological or medical problem, and should demonstrate a
significant innovation or improvement in visual computing.
Covered Topics
Suggested topics for submissions include, but are not limited to:
* Applications in cardiovascular medicine, radiology, surgery and other
medical disciplines.
* Applications in cell biology, molecular biology, developmental biology
and other biological disciplines.
* Geometry reconstruction from image data, such as microscopic or
radiological data.
* Creation and visual analysis of atlases, databases and ontologies.
* Interactive segmentation and registration.
* Multi-field/multimodal visualization and processing.
* Computer-aided diagnosis and detection.
* Visual analysis of gene sequence and gene expression data.
* Visual analysis of proteomics and interactomics data.
* Processing and analysis of biological pathways and networks.
* Visualization and simulation for surgical training.
* Intra-operative guidance for surgery.
* Perception-based studies with an application in biology or medicine.
* EG published conference proceedings.
* Selected papers will be invited to the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).
Important Dates
* Paper submission: June 29, 2012.
* Paper notification: July 29, 2012.
* Poster submission: August 10, 2012.
* Poster notification: August 27, 2012.
* Venue: September 27-28, 2012.
VCBM Co-Chairs
* Timo Ropinski (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Anders Ynnerman (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Charl Botha (Technical University Delft, The Netherlands)
* Jos Roerdink (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Further Information
* http://www.vcbm.org/
Dear visualization experts,
submissions for the 5th "Karl-Heinz-Höhne Award for Visualization in
Medicine" (in short medvis-award) are now being invited.
<http://www.medvis-award.de> http://www.medvis-award.de
Besides 'glory and honor', the top winners of this biannual competition will
receive in total 1,000.00 EUR, donated by the BrainLAB AG. The price will be
awarded by the working group of Visual Computing in Medicine of the German
society for computer science (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI)
during the annual conference of the German society of computer- and robot-
assisted surgery (curac) in November 2012, in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Please submit innovative results focusing on visualization or user
interaction with a clear benefit for medical diagnosis, planning, education,
assistance in therapy, or for any general improvement of understanding in
medical research.
You will find submission details here:
Applicants should not have completed their doctoral thesis before 2012.
Students or graduates (m/f) with a diploma/master or even an outstanding
bachelor thesis, completed after January 2010, or with up to two
publications (published or to be reviewed) from the field of medical
visualization should be encouraged to submit their work.
The deadline for submissions will be: July 1st, 2012 (24:00 CET) Please
remind or even encourage _your_ colleagues or students to participate.
With best regards
Dorit Merhof& Stefan Zachow
(medvis-award 2012 co-chairs)
Symposium on Computer Animation 2012
July 29-31 Lausanne, Switzerland
Call for Participation & Poster submissions
The Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) is the premier forum for
innovations in the software and technology of computer animation. With 80
submitted scientific papers SCA 2012 promises to become one of those
memorable SCA events. This year it will be held near Lake Geneva in EPFL
providing a fantastic view on this beautiful region. Three social events
will offer opportunities of extended exchanges within the architectural
landmark of the Rolex Learning Center, the very original wooden shell
structure of the Polydome venue, and finally the historical wineyard castle
of Glérolle on the lakeshore.
And this year SCA will feature keynote presentations by:
* Markus Gross (ETHZ & Disney Research Zurich)
* Karl Grammer (University of Vienna)
Benefit from the early registration fees until June 30th !
Blocked rooms in various hotels are also guaranteed until June 30th.
The Call for poster and presentation is still open until June 30th.
The SCA poster and demo session is the perfect opportunity for authors to
display late-breaking technical achievements that are not yet ready for
publication as a full paper. The poster session is integrated with the
second social event in the Polydome ; it will be introduced by a
fast-forward session during which all presenters will give a one-minute
description of their work. New this year! A Best Poster award will be
presented to the top poster.
Note that posters are not formal publications, so work submitted as a poster
is still eligible for later publication, and will be exempt from inclusion
in the ACM and Eurographics Digital Libraries.
We encourage any of the following types of poster submissions:
* Up and coming computer animation research
* Technically novel production work
* Work done outside of SCA that would be of interest to the computer
animation community. This includes animation-related works recently accepted
to other conferences such as I3D or NPAR.
* Lab overviews which present a snapshot of the ongoing animation-related
research at a given institution
* Half-baked ideas and negative results
Important Dates
All deadlines are 6pm, US Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4).
* 2012 June 25th: Notification of acceptance for SCA papers.
* 2012 June 30th: Deadline for poster submission.
* 2012 July 12th: Notification of acceptance for posters.
* 2012 July 16th: Camera-ready papers and posters due.
* 2012 July 29th-31st: Symposium