Postdoctoral Position in Data-intensive Analysis, Visualization, and
Storage, Argonne National Laboratory
We are seeking a postdoctoral appointee in data-intensive analysis,
visualization, and storage. Join a vibrant multidisciplinary research team
of computer scientists and discover new parallel scalable algorithms for
data analysis and visualization, storage and analysis of scientific data,
and integrate your ideas in parallel scientific simulations on some of the
worlds largest supercomputers.
You will work in the Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division at
Argonne National Laboratory, in the Chicago suburbs, funded by the DOE
SciDAC Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization (SDAV) Center, the DOE
Center for Exascale Simulation of Advanced Reactors (CESAR), and other
projects. Be part of an integrated, multidisciplinary research team and
collaborate with computer and computational scientists at Argonne as well as
in the broader community.
The ideal candidate will have comprehensive knowledge in C/C++ programming
under Unix/Linux, and experience in data analysis and/or scientific
visualization, including one or more of the following: statistical analysis,
graph analysis, data mining, visualization of scalar and vector multivariate
data. Experience in software development for parallel computing is a plus.
Candidates should have earned a Ph.D. in computer science within the past
three years.
Follow the link below to the official Argonne job posting and apply online
there. The attached advertisement has more information as well. To apply:
PhD position at the University of Gävle, Sweden
Theme: Geovisualization and flood risk mapping
The position requires a MSc degree (or Swedish Magister) or equivalent in
Geomatics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or other closely related
The applicant should have
- good written and oral communication skills (English)
- strong interest and experience in computer graphics & 3D
- strong interest in use and development of geographical information
The deadline is 11th of November 2012. The position is available from 1st
of December 2012.
For more details see:
Professor Stefan Seipel
Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management
University of Gävle
801 76 Gävle
Email <> ssl(a)
Phone +46-26-648563
Fax +46-26-648686
Cell +46-760282800
**** VRIPHYS 2012 : Call for Participation ****
9th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation
December 6-7 2012
Darmstadt, Germany
We are pleased to announce the 9th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS 2012. The workshop is hosted by the
Graduate School of Computational Engineering and the Interactive Graphics
Systems Group at the Technical University of Darmstadt and Fraunhofer IGD.
The workshop presents high-quality research in the domains of dynamic
simulation and physical interaction in virtual reality environments, as well
as work showing on-going research with promising results and new technology
with applications of related focus.
Vriphys 2012 registration is open. See for details.
The program ( ) includes two
invited talks:
* Jan Peters - full professor at the Technische Universitaet Darmstadt and a
senior research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent
Systems (MPI-IS); heading the interdepartmental robot learning group.
* Stéphane Cotin - scientific leader of the SHACRA team at Inria Lille.
Stephane joined Inria in 2007 to hold a position of Research Director, and
since 2012 he is highly involved in a new institute (IHU) based in
Strasbourg and dedicated to new, hybrid, surgical techniques.
A list of accepted papers is available at
We are looking forward to seeing you in Darmstadt!
Jan Bender Graduate School CE, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Arjan Kuijper Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Germany
Dieter Fellner TU Darmstadt & Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Éric Guérin INSA Lyon, France
POSTDOC position the University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Theme: triangulations, meshing, space subdivisions
Mentor: Prof.Ivana Kolingerova, <>, <>
Duration: till the end of 2014
Project: EXLIZ <>
DEADLINE November 1, 2013
Applications to be sent to: Martina Vichrova, e-mail:
vichrova(a), tel: 420-377-632-690
====================================================================== Kolingerova
e-mail <> kolinger(a),
Department of Computer Science
University of West Bohemia
Univerzitni 8, Box 314
306 14 Plzen
Czech Republic
tel.: +420-37763-2433 direct, +420-37763-2401 secretary,
fax: +420-37763-2402
**** EUROGRAPHICS 2013 Tutorials ****
34th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
May 6th to 10th, 2013
Girona, Spain
Eurographics 2013, the 34th Annual Conference of the European Association
for Computer Graphics, will take place from May 6 to May 10 in Girona,
Spain. It will be organized by
ViRVIG and University of Girona. Eurographics 2013 will provide a unique
platform for the computer graphics community to showcase latest techniques
and educational work, and to explore new trends and ideas.
The Eurographics 2013 Tutorials Committee invites you to propose tutorials
teaching the technical background of a given subject, or demonstrating its
potential creative applications. Tutorials are intended to show what can be
done, but even more importantly, how this is done and what kind of tools can
be used to do it. In a proposal for a tutorial you should consider that
tutorial attendees come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from research and
development to education and application.
We are soliciting half-day and full-day tutorial proposals at the beginning,
intermediate, or advanced level in all areas pertinent to Computer Graphics.
Half-day tutorials are about two and a half hours, plus a coffee break in
the middle. Full-day tutorials are twice that long, plus two coffee breaks
and a longer lunch break. Tutorial proposals are about 4-5 pages in length,
clearly indicating the audience that is addressed as well as the syllabus of
instruction. They will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs, supported by
external reviewers. The final selection will be based on quality of the
submission, qualification of the presenters, relevance to the conference
topics, and balance of topics.
Each accepted half day tutorial will be granted a free conference
registration for one speaker, while each full-day tutorial will be granted a
maximum of two free conference registrations. Free tutorial registrations
will be granted for all tutorial speakers.
For any question concerning tutorial submissions please contact any of the
tutorial co-chairs at tutorialschairs(a)
Submission Details
Tutorial proposals (in PDF) should be submitted via email to the tutorial
co-chairs. Full proposals (4-5 pages) should be submitted by October 31,
23:59 GMT. The full proposal should contain the following information:
Presenter(s) details:
* Name(s)
* Institution(s)
* email address(es)
* URL(s)
Tutorial details:
* Title of Tutorial
* Keywords
* Half or full day tutorial (either 2x90 minutes or 4x90 minutes)
* A detailed outline of the tutorial.
* A statement on the necessary background and potential target audience for
the tutorial.
* A brief resume of the presenter(s) indicating their background in the area
the tutorial addresses.
* If a (similar) tutorial was previously held, indicate the location (i.e.,
which conference), date, and the number of attendees. Please provide
information highlighting changes, improvements and/or why the tutorial
should be held again in this form.
Course Notes
Sample course notes, although not required in the submission, are highly
encouraged to accompany the tutorial proposals. Notes may include original
text, formatted according to the Eurographics publication guidelines,
reprints of earlier papers (subject to copyright approval), slides and any
other material the authors consider useful. All course notes of accepted
tutorials will be distributed to conference participants both in printed and
DVD formats. The acceptance of tutorial proposals is contingent upon the
final submission of complete course notes.
Tutorial Co-Chairs
Diego Gutierrez, Universidad de Zaragoza
Karol Myszkowski, Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik
Prof. Alla Sheffer's research group at the University of British Columbia
(Vancouver, Canada) has a number of openings for outstanding PhD (or PhD
track MSc) positions. Successful applicants will have an opportunity to
take part in world class research in geometry processing, modeling, and
other related topics.
See <> and
for recent research project examples.
The applicant's profile should include as many as possible of the following
. Master or Univ. Diploma degree in computer science or related fields
. Good written and oral communication skills (English)
. Strong interest and background in computer graphics
. Research or work experience in geometry modeling and/or processing a
. Good programming skills (C, C++, Matlab)
The position is available from September 2013. More details on the PhD
program at UBC are available at
Applicants should send their CV to Alla Sheffer ( <>
sheffa(a) and simultaneously apply to the UBC graduate program as
described at <> Please note
that the UBC CS deadline for such applications is December 15 2012.
**** EUROGRAPHICS 2013 ****
34th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
May 6th to 10th, 2013
Girona, Spain
Eurographics 2013, the 34th Annual Conference of the European
Association for Computer Graphics, will take place from May 6
to May 10 in Girona, Spain. It will be organized by
ViRVIG and University of Girona. Eurographics 2013
will provide a unique platform for the computer graphics community
to showcase latest techniques and educational work, and to
explore new trends and ideas.
Authors are invited to submit original work presenting fundamental
research, practice and experience, or novel applications in all areas of
computer graphics and related topics thereof.
Please note that an abstract submission is required one week before the
full papers deadline to assist the papers chairs in allocating reviewers
and ensure that the review process runs to time.
Important dates (
Full paper abstracts: Friday, 21/Sep/2012
Full papers: Friday, 28/Sep/2012
STARs: Sunday,30/Sep/2012
Tutorial abstracts: Sunday, 7/Oct/2012
Tutorials: Wednesday, 31/Oct/2012
Short Papers: Sunday, 2/Dec/2012
Education Papers: Sunday, 2/Dec/2012
Posters: Sunday, 3/Feb/2013
Lab Presentations: Sunday, 3/Feb/2013
Dirk Bartz Prize: Monday, 26/Nov/2012
Committees (
Conference Chairs (conferencechairs(a)
Xavier Pueyo, Universitat de Girona
Pere Brunet, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Papers Chairs (ipcchairs(a)
Isabel Navazo, Universistat Politecnica de Catalunya
Pierre Poulin, Universite de Montreal
Tutorial Chairs (tutorialschairs(a)
Diego Gutierrez, Universidad de Zaragoza
Karol Myszkowski, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
Short Papers Chairs (shortpaperschairs(a)
Miguel-Angel Otaduy, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Olga Sorkine, ETH Zurich
STAR Chairs (starchairs(a)
Mateu Sbert, Universitat de Girona
Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos, Technical University of Budapest
Education Chairs (educationchairs(a)
Eva Cerezo, Universidad de Zaragoza
Jean-Jacques Bourdin, Universite Paris 8
Steve Cunningham, Brown Cunningham Associates
Posters Chairs (posterschairs(a)
Miguel Chover, Universitat Jaume I
A. Augusto de Sousa, Universidade do Porto
Labs Presentation (labspresentationchairs(a)
Juan Carlos Torres, Universidad de Granada
Anatole Lecuyer, INRIA-Rennes
Industrial Seminars and Exhibition (exhibitionchairs(a)
Francisco-Jose Seron, Universidad de Zaragoza
Luis Matey, CEIT (Donostia)
Global illumination and wave optics
In the frame of the French ANR project AMPERE, we are looking for a
post-doctoral researcher in computer graphics.
The aim of this 12 to 18 months contract will be to develop Monte-Carlo
estimators for simulating wave effects of light and high-frequency
electromagnetic signal.
Principally, the post-doctoral researcher will have to work on :
- The study of the Wigner Distribution Function (WDF) and
its use for computer graphics (see
- The integration of the WDF into importance-sampling and
multiple-importance-sampling schemes for bidirectional path tracing.
The postdoctoral candidate must verify the following capabilities
Have obtained his/her PhD in Computer Science / Computer
Have a strong skill in C++ programming
Have a strong skill in Monte Carlo methods
The post-doctoral will be located at IRIT/CNRS, in Toulouse, south of France
( <>, and will work in the Computer
Graphics group under the supervision of Mathias Paulin (
The salary will be around 2300 euros per month.
The starting date of the postdoctoral contract will be between now and
december 2012.
For further informations, please contact <>
**** EUROGRAPHICS 2013 ****
34th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
May 6th to 10th, 2013
Girona, Spain
Eurographics 2013, the 34th Annual Conference of the European
Association for Computer Graphics, will take place from May 13
to May 18 in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. It will be organized by
CRS4 Visual Computing and University of Cagliari. Eurographics 2012
will provide a unique platform for the computer graphics community
to showcase latest techniques and educational work, and to
explore new trends and ideas.
Authors are invited to submit original work presenting fundamental
research, practice and experience, or novel applications in all areas of
computer graphics and related topics thereof.
Please note that an abstract submission is required one week before the
full papers deadline to assist the papers chairs in allocating reviewers
and ensure that the review process runs to time.
Important dates (
Full paper abstracts: Friday, 21/Sep/2012
Full papers: Friday, 28/Sep/2012
STARs: Sunday,30/Sep/2012
Tutorial abstracts: Sunday, 7/Oct/2012
Tutorials: Wednesday, 31/Oct/2012
Short Papers: Sunday, 2/Dec/2012
Education Papers: Sunday, 2/Dec/2012
Posters: Sunday, 3/Feb/2013
Lab Presentations: Sunday, 3/Feb/2013
Dirk Bartz Prize: Monday, 26/Nov/2012
Committees (
Conference Chairs (conferencechairs(a)
Xavier Pueyo, Universitat de Girona
Pere Brunet, Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya
Papers Chairs (ipcchairs(a)
Isabel Navazo, Universistat Politcnica de Catalunya
Pierre Poulin, UniversitŽ de MontrŽal
Tutorial Chairs (tutorialschairs(a)
Diego GutiŽrrez, Universidad de Zaragoza
Karol Myszkowski, Max-Planck-Intitut fŸr Informatik
Short Papers Chairs (shortpaperschairs(a)
Miguel-Angel Otaduy, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Olga Sorkine, ETH Zurich
STAR Chairs (starchairs(a)
Mateo Sbert, Universitat de Girona
L‡szl— Szirmay-Kalos, Technical University of Budapest
Education Chairs (educationchairs(a)
Eva Cerezo, Universidad de Zaragoza
Jean-Jacques Bourdin, UniversitŽ Paris 8
Steve Cunningham, Brown Cunningham Associates
Posters Chairs (posterschairs(a)
Miguel Chover, Universitat Jaume I
A. Augusto de Sousa, Universidade do Porto
Labs Presentation (labspresentationchairs(a)
Juan Carlos Torres, Universidad de Granada
Anatole LŽcuyer, INRIA-Rennes
Industrial Seminars and Exhibition (exhibitionchairs(a)
Francisco-Jose Ser—n, Universidad de Zaragoza
Lu’s Matey, CEIT (Donostia)