2012 International Conference on CyberWorlds
25-27 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany
Notification: 29 May 2012
Registration: 21 Jun 2012
Camera-ready paper: 25 Jun 2012
Created intentionally or spontaneously, cyberworlds are information spaces
and communities that immensely augment the way we interact, participate in
business and receive information throughout the world. Cyberworlds seriously
impact our lives and the evolution of the world conomy by taking such forms
as social networking services, 3D shared virtual communities and assively
multiplayer online role-playing games. The international conferences on
Cyberworlds have being organized annually since 2002 with the proceedings
published by IEEE Computer Society and special issues published in The
Visual Computer, Transactions on Computational Science, and International
Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies.
Cyberworlds 2012 is organized by Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany,
in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS Association and supported by the IFIP
Workgroup Computer Graphics and Virtual Worlds.
The 2012th International Conference on Cyberworlds will address a wide range
of research and development topics, but not limited to the following topics:
* Shared virtual worlds
* Virtual collaborative spaces
* Shape modeling for cyberworlds
* Virtual humans and avatars
* Intelligent talking agents
* Networked collaboration
* Haptic interaction and rendering
* Computer vision, augmented, mixed and virtual reality
* Human-computer interfaces
* Cognitive informatics
* Brain-computer interfaces
* EEG-based emotion recognition
* E-learning in virtual collaborative spaces
* Multi-user web games
* Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
* Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds
* Cyberethics and cyberlaws
* Cybersecurity
* Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
* Social networking
Special Session:
Arts, Design and Virtual World: see
The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE, placed in the IEEE
Xplore and Computer Society digital libraries, and submitted for indexing
through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.
Special issues of the following international journals will be formed from
extended journal versions of the best papers:
* The Visual Computer
* Transactions on Computational Science
* International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies
To be included in the conference proceedings and special journal issues, at
least one author of the accepted paper must register and present the paper
at the conference.
Please email your requests to cyberworlds2012(at)
Honorary Chair
Tosiyasu L. Kunii, University of Tokyo, Japan
General Chair
Dieter Fellner, Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany
Program Chair
Arjan Kuijper, Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany
European Conference on Visual Media Production
28th & 29th November 2012
VUE Leicester Square, London
CVMP 2012 is the 9th annual industry-academic conference series on media
production for film, broadcast and games. Visual media
production brings together expertise in video processing, computer vision,
computer graphics, animation and physical simulation.
CVMP provides a forum for presentation of the latest research advances
combined with key-note and invited talks on state-of-the-art
industry practice in content production and post-production. CVMP is rapidly
building a reputation as a prime venue for researchers
to meet with image practitioners in the film and television industry. For
instance, in 2011 48% of the audience were from the film and
television post-production industry including representation from high
profile post-houses such as Moving Picture Company, Double
Negative, and so forth. Furthermore, CVMP hosts keynotes from distinguished
researchers and professionals from industry (to
name have few from previous years: Jeremy Doig / Google, Roberto Cipolla /
Cambridge University, Sylvain Paris / Adobe).
High-quality papers are invited which present novel research related to any
aspect of media production. Full length submitted
papers will be subject to peer review. The papers will be published in
cooperation with Eurographics and ACM (pending). Selected
papers will be invited to submit extended versions to the IEEE Transactions
on Multimedia. Papers are invited in all areas of visual
media production including:
Image and video based modelling
Motion Estimation
Visual effects
3D video capture
Segmentation and matting
Interactive media and games
Camera tracking
Stereo and 3D video processing
Multiple view reconstruction
Infilling, object removal and insertion
TV, film and e-cinema
Video-based human motion capture
Image and video synthesis
Content management systems
Video-based animation
Image annotation and classification
Real-time imaging systems
Scene modelling
Image enhancement and restoration
Post production using 3D and motion
High-dynamic range imaging
Stylisation and cartoon rendering
Multiple camera systems
Illumination and reflectance modelling
Novel imaging devices
Photo-realistic rendering & animation
Omni-directional video
Colour processing
Relighting images and video
3D and stereo production
Submissions of full technical papers of up to 10 pages are solicited.
Accepted papers will be presented as either oral or posters and
will appear in the conference proceedings. Further details of online
submission and paper formats will be available from the CVMP
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: 23rd July 2012
Submission of Camera Ready: 3rd September 2012
Short one page papers presenting novel research in progress are also
invited. Short papers will be considered for presentation as
posters in a special session.
Conference Chair: Dr. Oliver Grau, BBC Research and Development, UK
Conference Secretary: Abi Bowman, The Foundry, UK
Programme Chair: Dr. Jan Kautz, University College London, UK
Dr. Graham Thomas, BBC R&D, UK Prof.
Adrian Hilton, University of Surrey, UK
Dr. Bill Collis, The Foundry, UK Prof. Anil
Kokaram, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Tom Evans, Wavecrest Systems Ltd., UK Simon
Robinson, The Foundry, UK
Dr. Jan Kautz, UCL, UK
Contacts: For further information please contact the Conference Organisers:
E-mail: contact(a) Web: Twitter: CVMP
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
May 13th, 14th, 2012
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
EGPGV is the premier international event focusing on parallel
graphics and visualization technology, where novel solutions
exploiting and defining new trends in parallel hardware and
software architectures are presented.
Dear Colleague:
we would like to inform you that the EGPGV 2012 online
registration is open and the early-bird registration will
last until
*** April 7th, 2012 ***
so please register soon to catch the reduced fees! Registration
information is provided on our website.
Registration information is provided on our website:
<> at the
registration page.
Accommodation should also be booked as soon as possible, as May is the
beginning of the main travel season in Cagliari. Hotel information
and travel information can be found on our website.
On the Eurographics 2012 website you can find also travel information
The 2012 program, which is available on the web site, will consist
of 16 high quality papers and two keynote speeches.
Full details on the conference,
can be found through the conference web site at:
Conference Chair ( <> info(a)
Fabio Marton, CRS4, Italy
Program Co-Chairs ( <> papers(a)
Torsten Kuhlen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Hank Childs, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, USA
We are pleased to announce the 9th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS 2012. The workshop is hosted by the Graduate
School of Computational Engineering and the Interactive Graphics Systems
Group at the Technical University of Darmstadt and Fraunhofer IGD. It is
organized in cooperation with Eurographics.
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality. The workshop provides an
opportunity for researches in virtual reality and computer animation to
present and discuss their latest results and to share ideas for potential
directions of future research. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
- animation, e. g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and
geometric approaches
- virtual and augmented reality
- planning, learning, optimization for animation
- interfaces for creating and editing animations
- perception in animation
- autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior
- natural phenomena
- mathematical foundations of animation
- haptics
- sound interfaces
- related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling
- applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
A "Best Paper Award" will be given to the author(s) of a full paper
presented at the conference, selected by the Organizing Committee. The "Best
Paper Award" is a TeslaT C2075 computing processor (or similar) sponsored by
Important dates
- Submission: July 20
- Notification: September 7
- Final version: September 21
- Conference: December 6-7
For further information, please visit
SGP 2012: Second Call for Papers and Registration Opened
The Tenth Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP2012)
July 16-18, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia
Invited Speakers:
- Erik Demaine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Takeo Igarashi, University of Tokyo
- Marc Pollefeys, ETH Zürich
General page: <>
Call for Papers: <>
Abstracts: April 20, 2012
Papers: April 27, 2012
Author Notification: June 7, 2012
Final Approval: June 29, 2012
Camera-ready copy: July 2, 2012
Submission page and style file download:
The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) is the premier venue
for disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in geometry
processing. In this research area, concepts from applied mathematics,
computer science, and engineering are used to design efficient algorithms
for acquisition, reconstruction, manipulation, simulation and transmission
of complex 3D models.
In 2012, SGP will be held in Tallinn, Estonia, from July 16 to 18. As in
2011, SGP will offer a graduate school on July 14-15 and a software award.
We invite submissions related to, but not limited to, the following topics
in geometry processing:
- Geometry and topology representations
- Scanning, reconstruction, reverse engineering
- Meshing and remeshing
- Simplification, approximation, level of detail
- Discrete differential geometry
- Smoothing and denoising
- Multiresolution shape analysis and synthesis
- Surface and volume parameterization
- Animation and simulation
- Compression of static or animated geometry
- Robust geometric computing
- Geometry processing applications (e.g. architecture, medicine)
- Interactive techniques
- Geometric aspects of rendering and other fields
The SGP proceedings will appear as a regular electronic issue of Computer
Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the EUROGRAPHICS Association.
The journal status of the proceedings requires a two-stage review process
with conditional acceptance after the first round and final acceptance based
on the revised submissions.
A poster session will provide an additional informative look into ongoing
research. Submissions with high potential but which have not been accepted
as papers will be invited to be presented in a poster session during the
There will be a two-day tutorial on geometry processing on July 14-15,
specifically targeted towards graduate students. This graduate student
workshop is intended for those SGP participants, who are not yet that
familiar with the overall field and who will thus benefit from a more
thorough introduction into the topics dealt with at the following SGP event.
The lecturers will be senior scientists experienced in the topics of the SGP
talks and possibly also authors of the papers to be presented.
Software Award
To encourage the distribution of useful, high quality software in geometry
processing, since SGP 2011 there is an award for freely available software
related to or useful for geometry processing. Please send nominations and
applications for the software award to
Looking forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you in Tallinn next
Program Chairs
Eitan Grinspun, Columbia University, New York
Niloy Mitra, University College, London
Event Chair
Ewald Quak, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology
<> symposium(a)
Max Planck Institute for Informatics
The Max Planck Institute for Informatics, as the coordinator of the Max
Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (MPC-VCC), invites
applications for
Junior Research Group Leaders
in the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication
The Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communications offers young
scientists in information technology the opportunity to develop their own
research program addressing important problems in areas such as
- image communication
- computer graphics
- geometric computing
- imaging systems
- computer vision
- human machine interface
- distributed multimedia architectures
- multimedia networking
- visual media security.
The center includes an outstanding group of faculty members at Stanford's
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Departments, the Max Planck
Institute for Informatics, and Saarland University.
The program begins with a preparatory 1-2 year postdoc phase (Phase P) at
the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, followed by a two-year appointment
at Stanford University (Phase I) as a visiting assistant professor, and then
a position at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics as a junior research
group leader (Phase II). However, the program can be entered flexibly at
each phase, commensurate with the experience of the applicant.
Applicants to the program must have completed an outstanding PhD. Exact
duration of the preparatory postdoc phase is flexible, but we typically
expect this to be about 1-2 years. Applicants who completed their PhD in
Germany may enter Phase I of the program directly. Applicants for Phase II
are expected to have completed a postdoc stay abroad and must have
demonstrated their outstanding research potential and ability to
successfully lead a research group.
Reviewing of applications will commence on May 1, 2012. The final deadline
is June 30, 2012. Applicants should submit their CV, copies of their school
and university reports, list of publications, reprints of five selected
publications, names of references, a brief description of their previous
research and a detailed description of the proposed research project
(including possible opportunities for collaboration with existing research
groups at Saarbrücken and Stanford) to:
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Seidel
Max Planck Institute for Informatics,
Campus E1 4, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
Email: mpc-vcc(a)
The Max Planck Center is an equal opportunity employer and women are
encouraged to apply.
Additional information is available on the website
[Apologies for multiple postings. Please feel free to forward.]
Web3D Conference 2012
17th International Conference on 3D Web Technology
Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and in cooperation with Eurographics
* Accepted Posters will be presented in the SIGGRAPH 2012 Poster area *
August 4 - 5, 2012
L.A. Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Mail: web3d2012(a)
Important Dates
* Extended Deadline: April 16th *
Paper submission deadline (new): April 16th, 2012
Author Notification (new): May 25th, 2012
Camera-ready due (new): June 12th, 2012
Conference date: August 4 - 5, 2012
The 17th ACM International Web3D Conference will address a wide range of
research topics related to Web-based 3D Graphics. These topics include:
representation and modeling methods, content analysis, rendering,
distributed virtual environments, large-scale databases, Web-wide
human-computer interaction, as well as innovative tools and applications. On
the one hand, authoring and delivering educational contents is one of the
main interests of this edition of the conference. The creation of
educational materials, such as interactive electronic technical manuals
(especially for Augmented-Reality-based scenarios) will be supported, as
well as the approach to incorporate advanced real-time rendering features
into the X3D standard, in a generic way that is independent from the
specific rendering method. On the other hand, the conference will
particularly focus on novel mobile AR applications, innovative 3D graphics
Web applications and novel Medical and eHealth developments, aside from
contents over 3D Internet.
The annual ACM Web3D Conference is a major event that gathers researchers,
developers, entrepreneurs, experimenters, artists, and content creators in a
dynamic environment. Attendees can share and explore methods of using,
enhancing, and creating new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies, such as
WebGL and HTML5 (which is a hot topic in Computer Graphics), Flash/ Stage
3D, X3D, COLLADA, and the MPEG family. The conference highlights
capabilities and trends in interactive 3D graphics across a wide range of
applications and supports research from mobile devices up to high-end
immersive environments.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
* Modeling, processing, analysis and rendering of complex
geometry, structure, and behaviors
* 3D search, shape matching and indexing
* Rendering algorithms and standardization and visualization of
large data sets
* Interaction methods for online 3D content
* Interactive 3D graphics for mobile devices
* Mixed and Augmented Reality (including standardization
* Agents, animated humanoids, and complex reactive characters
* Remote rendering and streaming
* Stereo and multi-view visualization of 3D graphic interfaces
* High-performance 3D graphics for distributed environments,
tele-presence, tele-operation, and 3D broadcasting
* Web, multimedia and standards integration and interoperation.
Authors are also invited to submit advances in the above technologies
applied to multimedia applications in:
* Automotive, Security, Transport Industries
* Life sciences and healthcare
* Geospatial modeling and digital cities
* Public sector and tourism
* Cultural heritage and E-learning.
Papers Submission Instructions
Authors are invited to submit full papers (up to 9 pages, including figures
and references) or short papers (up to 4 pages, including figures and
references) in PDF format via the SRM Submission Site.
Papers must be formatted using the document templates for conferences
sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH. Upon acceptance, the final revised paper is
required also in electronic form. Accepted papers and posters will appear in
the Web3D 2012 Conference Proceedings, published by ACM Press.
Posters Submission Instructions
For the first time, there is an invitation for submitting proposals for
technical poster presentations at Web3D 2012. Poster submissions (1 page)
can e.g. describe recently completed work, highly relevant results of work
in progress, as well as successfully developed systems and applications.
Posters must be formatted using the document templates for conferences
sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH. Upon acceptance, the final revised poster is
required also in electronic form.
Accepted Posters will be also presented in the SIGGRAPH 2012 Poster area.
Organizing Committee
General Chairs:
Christophe Mouton, EDF, France
Jorge Posada, Vicomtech, Spain
Program Chairs:
Yvonne Jung, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Marcio Cabral, CAVERNA Digital - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Workshop and Liaisons Chair:
Kristian Sons, DFKI - INTEL VCI, Germany
Publicity Chair:
Anita Havele, Web3D Consortium, USA
Local Arrangement Chair:
Leonard Daly, Realism, USA
**** EUROGRAPHICS 2012 ****
Partnering Event @ Eurographics 2012
May 16th to 17th, 2012
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
ONE 2 ONE is a partnering event that will take place within
Eurographics 2012 on 16 and 17 May 2012. The event is organised by
Sardegna Ricerche, partner of Enterprise Europe Network.
One-to-one meetings are an interesting moment to create business
opportunities, find partners with whom to build research projects
or start international collaborations.
Every speaker, participant or visitor will have the opportunity to
register to this FREE EVENT, until 30 April 2012.
Based on the cooperation profiles inserted and promoted, each REGISTERED
participant to ONE 2 ONE will be able to select other organizations
they want to meet to discuss about potential collaboration,
business or research opportunities.
Few days before the arrival in Cagliari, those who registered
to this event, will receive the agenda and schedule of the
organizations they chose to meet or those ones that required a meeting.
A dedicated area in the hall of the conference center will be
devoted to meetings.
The event will cover areas of the main conference, with an eye
on business opportunities, partner searches for new research projects,
targeted technologies in the application fields covered.
All interested participants will have the opportunity to register
for FREE directly from the website of the event or
get in touch with the main organizers Sardegna Ricerche to ask for support.
Information: dallacia(a)
Registration FREE directly from the website.
(formerly known as APGV)
August 3-4 August, Los Angeles, USA
Important Dates
. Paper submissions (long and short): 20 April 2012
. Notification of paper acceptance: 22 May 2012
. Camera-ready SAP papers due and TAP revisions due for second
review cycle : 29 May 2012
. Final TAP papers due: 15 June 2012
. Poster submissions: 29 May 2012
. Notification of poster acceptance: 5 June 2012
. Final posters due: 12 July 2012
The ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (ACM SAP), formerly known as APGV,
aims to further the development of inter-disciplinary research that crosses
the boundaries between perception and disciplines such as graphics,
visualization, vision, haptics and acoustics. These fields can benefit from
the exchange of ideas and the scope includes applications and algorithms in
any area of research that incorporates elements of perception and computer
Our ninth annual event provides an intimate, immersive forum for exchanging
ideas about areas of overlapping interests. By co-locating ACM SAP 2012 with
the thirty-ninth annual SIGGRAPH conference (SIGGRAPH 2012) in Los Angeles,
we aim to further promote communication between the core perception and the
core computer graphics communities, and also bring back the symposium in its
new form to the United States. The symposium will be hosted by the USC
Institute for Creative Technologies.
Relevant topics include:
. Modeling, rendering, and animation
. Visualization
. Computational aesthetics
. Haptic rendering, haptic input and perception
. Computer vision
. Color vision and color appearance modeling
. Interaction techniques and interfaces
. Augmented reality
. Virtual worlds
. Display technologies
. Auditory display and interfaces
. Perceptual auditory coding
. Spatialized sound
. Speech synthesis and recognition
. Sensory integration
. Multimodal rendering
. Spatial and temporal vision
. Empirical perception research
. Attention and eye movements
. Statistical learning and perception of natural scenes
. Perception of shapes, surfaces and materials
Research can be submitted as a long paper (up to 8 pages and a 20 minute
talk), a short paper (up to 4 pages + 15 min talk), or as a poster
presentation (1 page abstract). Papers that are not accepted can be
considered for the poster session. Authors of posters accepted by this route
will of course have the option to decline the opportunity to present a
poster. Please check the formatting guidelines on the webpage before
submitting your work on this page. Submissions do not need to be anonymous.
All papers will be carefully reviewed by our International Program
Committee. Under a recent agreement with the ACM Transactions on Applied
Perception (TAP) and the ACM Publications Board, the strongest accepted
papers will be offered the possibility to be published as full papers at the
ACM journal TAP. These papers will undergo a second review cycle, during
which the authors will need to improve the paper as indicated by the summary
review (similar to conditionally accepts at SIGGRAPH). Authors of such
special issue papers must agree to present the paper at ACM SAP. As has
always been the case, authors of regular ACM SAP papers can still submit to
TAP regular issues with appropriate additions.
Rachel McDonnell and Veronica Sundstedt
SAP 2012 Program Chairs
Email: sap12(a)
2012 International Conference on CyberWorlds
25-27 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany
PAPER DEADLINE: 2 April 2012
Notification: 4 May 2012
Registration: 1 Jun 2012
Camera-ready paper: 9 Jun 2012
Created intentionally or spontaneously, cyberworlds are information spaces
and communities that immensely augment the way we interact, participate in
business and receive information throughout the world. Cyberworlds seriously
impact our lives and the evolution of the world conomy by taking such forms
as social networking services, 3D shared virtual communities and assively
multiplayer online role-playing games. The international conferences on
Cyberworlds have being organized annually since 2002 with the proceedings
published by IEEE Computer Society and special issues published in The
Visual Computer and other research journals.
Cyberworlds 2012 is organized by Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany,
in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS Association and supported by the IFIP
Workgroup Computer Graphics and Virtual Worlds.
The 2012th International Conference on Cyberworlds will address a wide range
of research and development topics, but not limited to the following topics:
* Shared virtual worlds
* Virtual collaborative spaces
* Shape modeling for cyberworlds
* Virtual humans and avatars
* Intelligent talking agents
* Networked collaboration
* Haptic interaction and rendering
* Computer vision, augmented, mixed and virtual reality
* Human-computer interfaces
* Cognitive informatics
* Brain-computer interfaces
* EEG-based emotion recognition
* E-learning in virtual collaborative spaces
* Multi-user web games
* Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
* Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds
* Cyberethics and cyberlaws
* Cybersecurity
* Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
* Social networking
Special Sessions:
Arts, Design and Virtual World:
Other special sessions are under negotiation.
Proposals for special sessions can be sent until 31 March 2012 to
The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE, placed in the IEEE
Xplore and Computer Society digital libraries, and submitted for indexing
through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.
Special issues of the following international journals will be formed from
extended journal versions of the best papers:
The Visual Computer
International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies
To be included in the conference proceedings and special journal issues, at
least one author of the accepted paper must register and present the paper
at the conference.
Please email your requests to cyberworlds2012(at)
Honorary Chair
Tosiyasu L. Kunii, University of Tokyo, Japan
General Chair
Dieter Fellner, Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany
Program Chair
Arjan Kuijper, Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany