Submission system now open!!
August 27-28, Toulouse, France
Important Dates
Paper submissions (long and short): 22 April 2011
Notification of paper acceptance: 27 May 2011
Final papers due: 3 June 2011
Final TAP papers due: 1 July 2011
Poster submissions: 24 June 2011
Notification of poster acceptance: 27 June 2011
Final posters due: 1 July 2011
The Symposium for Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization APGV
unites researchers in the fields of perception, graphics, and visualization.
These fields can benefit from the exchange of ideas --- in particular
research in computer graphics and visualization can benefit from and
contribute to research in perception.
Our eight annual event provides an intimate, immersive forum for exchanging
ideas about areas of overlapping interests. This year, APGV 2011 will be
co-located with the European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), the
largest European conference on visual perception.
We invite submissions of original work in all areas that link perception,
computer graphics and visualization. This includes, for example, methods for
visual, auditory and multimodal representation, work that advances research
on perception and cognition using methods from computer graphics and
visualization, and studies that exploit perception research to optimize and
design technical systems in these areas.
Relevant topics include:
. applications of insights from perception to the development of algorithms
for more efficient, effective, or realistic modeling, rendering, and
. applications of perception in the design and evaluation of methods for
more effective representation, visualization and communication of data
. computational aesthetics, stylization, and perceptual aspects of
non-photorealistic rendering and visualization
. perceptual issues arising due to fusion of digital imaging, computer
vision, and computer graphics techniques
. perception-inspired interfaces for immersive activities in virtual worlds
as well as for interactive/3D TV and cinema
. perception and visuomotor control in computer games, virtual and
augmented environments
. fundamental contributions in spatial and temporal vision that are
relevant for technical applications
. integration of empirical perception research with computational models
. color vision and color appearance modeling
. the influence of attention and eye movements on visual perception and
visual memory, especially if relevant for technical applications
. statistical learning and perception of natural scenes
. perception of shapes, surfaces and materials
. visual illusions and perceptual organization having potential to enhance
image depiction
By co-locating APGV 2011 with the European Conference on Visual Perception
(ECVP), we aim to further promote communication between the fundamental and
the more applied aspects of perception, while bringing APGV back to Europe.
Research can be submitted as a long paper (up to 8 pages and a 20 minute
talk), a short paper (up to 4 pages + 15 min talk), or as a poster
presentation (1 page abstract; see below for a description of the posters
program, which this year presents some novelties). Papers that are not
accepted can be considered for the poster session. Authors of posters
accepted by this route will of course have the option to decline the
opportunity to present a poster. Please check the formatting guidelines
before submitting your work on
<> this page. Submissions do
not need to be anonymous.
All papers will be carefully reviewed by our International Program
Committee. Papers will be evaluated as submitted, given the limited time
between submission and final version. Under a recent agreement with the ACM
Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) and the ACM Publications Board, the
five strongest accepted papers will be offered the possibility to be
published as full paper at the ACM journal TAP. These papers will undergo a
second review cycle, during which the authors will need to improve the paper
as indicated by the summary review (similar to conditionally accepts at
SIGGRAPH). Authors of such special issue papers must agree to present the
paper at APGV. As has always been the case, authors of regular APGV papers
can still submit to TAP regular issues with appropriate additions.
Each accepted poster will have a surface that is 8 feet long and 4 feet
high. This gives a large canvas on which to work and it is up to the authors
how they choose to use it.
Diego Gutierrez and Martin Giese
APGV 2011 Program Chairs
>>> Call for Papers <<<
GraVisMa 2011 Computer Graphics, Computer
Vision and Mathematics
to be held at VSB-Technical University Ostrava and Institute of Geonics,
Academy of Sciences, Ostrava, Czech Republic September 6-8, 2011
Werner Benger, Louisiana State University, USA Vaclav Skala, University of
West Bohemia & VSB-Technical University, Czech Republic
Keynote speakers
Norman Wildberger: Rational methods in geometry: Euclidean and
non-Euclidean,University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
Other agreements pending
GraVisMa conferences are a unique forum for researchers, practitioners,
developers and academia experts to discuss new approaches and methods in
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Scientific Computation, Scientific,
Medical and Information Visualization with applications of the latest
developments in Mathematics and Physics.
Goals of the GraVisMa conferences are to bring theory of the Projective
Geometry, Geometric Algebra, Grassmann Algebra and Conformal Geometry to
practice especially in the fields related to Computer Graphics and Vision,
Scientific Computation and Visualization.
GraVisMa conferences bring new impulses to related fields of computer
science, especially in development of new approaches to algorithms and data
structures, stimulate research activities between mathematicians and
computer science experts.
Important dates Upload
Full papers (8 pages A4): April 30, 2011 June
10, 2011
Tutorial proposals (2 page A4)
[abstract]: April 30, 2011
June 10, 2011
Communication papers
(8 pages A4): June 30, 2011
July 31, 2011
Posters (4 pages A4): June 30, 2011
July 31, 2011
Software demonstration
(2 or 4 pages A4): June 30, 2011
July 31, 2011
FINAL version: August 15, 2011
Main topics (but not limited to)
· Computer Graphics (modeling, rendering, 3D imaging) · Computer Vision
(3D reconstruction, image transformations) · Algorithms and Data Structures
· Parallel & Distributed Computing with GPU/CUDA/TESLA/Larabee
architectures · Scientific, Medical & Information Visualization ·
Scientific Computing · 3D TV and HCI related issues,· Numerical
Computation · Projective Geometry · Geometric Algebra · Conformal Algebra
· Grassmann & Clifford Algebra · Other related Mathematical Aspects
· Applications· Influence
§ Mathematics to Computer Science
§ Computer Science to Mathematics
· Educational Aspects
· Programming Tools and Systems
· Other related topics
Conference proceedings - all papers are reviewed anonymously.
Accepted and presented papers will be published in GraVisMa proceedings with
ISBN. Proceedings will be sent for indexing by Thompson Reuters/ISI and
others. Post-conference DVD will be produced. Proceedings will be available
on-line on WEB with no-access restrictions.
Extended version of selected papers will be considered for publishing with
Springer Verlag and/or scientific journals.
prof.Vaclav Skala
c/o University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering Center of Computer Graphics and
Visualization Univerzitni 8, CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
<> skala(a) Subj. GraVisMa
Come and explore the Ostrava city, very industrial, historical and cultural
The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) is the premier venue
for disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in geometry
processing. In this research area, concepts from applied mathematics,
computer science, and engineering are used to design efficient algorithms
for acquisition, reconstruction, manipulation, simulation and transmission
of complex 3D models.
In 2011, SGP will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, from July 20 to 22. As
new features this year, SGP will offer a graduate school on July 18-19 and
install a new software award (see below).
We invite submissions related to, but not limited to, the following topics
in geometry processing:
- Geometry and topology representations
- Scanning, reconstruction, reverse engineering
- Meshing and remeshing
- Simplification, approximation, level of detail
- Discrete differential geometry
- Smoothing and denoising
- Multiresolution shape analysis and synthesis
- Surface and volume parameterization
- Animation and simulation
- Compression of static or animated geometry
- Robust geometric computing
- Geometry processing applications (e.g., architecture, medicine)
- Interactive techniques
- Geometric aspects of rendering and other fields
The SGP proceedings will appear as a regular issue of Computer Graphics
Forum, the International Journal of the EUROGRAPHICS Association. The
journal status of the proceedings requires a two-stage review process with
conditional acceptance after the first round and final acceptance based on
the revised submissions.
A poster session will provide an additional informative look into ongoing
research. Submissions with high potential but which have not been accepted
as papers will be invited to be presented in a poster session during the
There will be a two-day tutorial on geometry processing from July 18-19,
specifically targeted towards graduate students. The courses will be taught
by leading experts in the field and complemented by hands-on practical
exercises to obtain an in-depth knowledge of the most important aspects of
digital geometry processing.
To encourage the distribution of useful, high quality software in geometry
processing, we are instituting an award for freely avaiable software related
to or useful for geometry processing. Please send nominations and
applications for the software award to awardnominations(a)
Abstract deadline: April 18
Paper Submission: April 22
Author Notification: May 30
Final Approval: June 23
Graduate School: July 18-19
Conference: July 20-22
For more information, please visit the conference web site:
Scott Schaefer, Texas A&M University
Mario Botsch, Bielefeld University
Program Co-Chairs
Mark Pauly, EPFL
Conference Chair
Call for papers
The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2011 will take place in Prague,
Czech Republic, from June 27 to June 29, 2011. This is the 22nd annual event
in the series of very successful Eurographics Symposia on Rendering and
Eurographics Workshops on Rendering.
The local organizers are Alexander Wilkie, Josef Pelikán, and Jaroslav
Křivánek and the program chairs are Ravi Ramamoorthi and Erik Reinhard.
Conference Topics
Conference topics include (but are not limited to):
- Global illumination
- Reflectance, volumetric scattering and translucency
- Representations of material appearance
- Human perception and error measures
- Rendering hardware and its application
- Rendering dynamic/animated environments
- Shadows and visibility
- Monte Carlo techniques
- Finite element techniques
- Sampling, filtering, and anti- aliasing
- Texture models, analysis, and synthesis
- Non- photorealistic rendering
- Image- based measurement and rendering
- Acquisition of appearance
- Point- based rendering
- Real- time rendering and real- time ray tracing
- Systems and software architecture for rendering
- Audio/sound rendering
The proceedings of EGSR will be a special issue of the journal Computer
Graphics Forum. Because of this there will be a brief second review cycle
for any papers that require changes to be accepted; such papers will only be
accepted after the changes have been confirmed by the program committee.
Promising papers that require more significant revisions may be referred to
Computer Graphics Forum for an expedited review.
Important Dates
All deadlines are 11:00 p.m. Central European Daylight Saving Time (9:00
p.m. UTC).
- Abstract submission deadline: Tuesday, April 5
- Paper submission deadline: Friday, April 8
- Author notification: Saturday, May 14
- Revised papers due: Tuesday, May 24
- Camera ready due: Friday, May 27
- Symposium: June 27 - June 29 (Monday - Wednesday)
The EGSR review and publication process is very short, and to achieve this
quick turnaround all deadlines must be strictly observed.
Instructions for Submission
All contributions submitted to the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2010
must be original, unpublished work. Any work that has previously been
published or simultaneously been submitted in substantially similar form to
any other conference or journal will be rejected. Contributions must be
written and presented in English.
Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Submitted manuscripts should
be formatted using the Eurographics publication style proceedings templates,
and be anonymized for the double-blind reviewing process.
Papers should be as long as their content requires, but not longer. Papers
with average length requirements are expected to be 8 formatted pages long,
including references and all figures; up to 10 pages will be allowed only
where justified. During the review process, each paper's contribution will
be judged in proportion to its length: a solid contribution described
clearly and succinctly is more likely to be accepted than the same result
submitted in a longer paper.
All submissions must be made through the Eurographics Submission and Review
Management system, using the following URL:
The submission deadlines will be strictly enforced. The authors of each
accepted paper need to complete and return the EG Copyright Assignment Form
before the paper can be published.
Keynote Speakers
Peter Shirley, University of Utah / NVIDIA (US)
Marc Pollefeys, ETH Zurich (CH)
Program Chairs
Ravi Ramamoorthi (US) and Erik Reinhard (UK)
International Program Committee
Nicolas Bonneel, CA
Adrien Bousseau, FR
George Drettakis, FR
Philip Dutre, BE
Elmar Eisemann, FR
Kayvon Fatahalian, US
Eugene Fiume, CA
Abhijeet Ghosh, US
Jinwei Gu, US
Diego Gutierrez, ES
John Hart, US
Nicolas Holzschuch, FR
Doug James, US
Wojciech Jarosz, CH
Henrik Wann Jensen, US
Jaroslav Křivánek, CZ
Vivek Kwatra, US
Ares Lagae, FR
Hendrik Lensch, GE
Katerina Mania, GR
Steve Marschner, US
Wojciech Matusik, US
Nelson Max, US
Michael McCool, US
Karol Myszkowski, DE
Srinivasa Narasimhan, US
Diego Nehab, BR
Derek Nowrouzezahrai, CH
Ryan Overbeck,US
Renato Pajarola,CH
Sumanta Pattanaik, US
Pieter Peers, US
Fabio Pellacini, US
Matt Pharr, US
Pedro Sander, HK
Pete Shirley, US
Jos Stam, CA
Jack Tumblin, US
Bruce Walter, US
Rui Wang, US
Li-Yi Wei, US
Tim Weyrich, UK
Alexander Wilkie, CZ
Michael Wimmer, AT
Chris Wyman, US
Kun Zhou, CN
Todd Zickler, US
Matthias Zwicker, CH
Local Organising Chairs
Jaroslav Křivánek (CZ), Josef Pelikán (CZ), and Alexander Wilkie (CZ)
2011 International Conference on CyberWorlds
4-6 October 2011, Banff, Alberta, Canada <> SUBMISSION DEADLINE: May 6, 2011
In Cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS Association Endorsed by IEEE VGTC Committee
for IEEE technical co-sponsorship Proceedings will be published by IEEE-CS
Organized by the Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, with
support from Informatics Circle of Research Excellence iCORE and School of
Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Conference papers will be published in the proceedings printed by IEEE
Computer Society.
Two special journal issues by Springer: The Visual Computer and Transactions
on Computational Science are confirmed. In addition, selected papers with
appropriate content will be considered for two Inderscience Journals:
International Journal of Arts and Technology and Journal of Biometrics. The
conference runs in-cooperation with Eurographics Association and IEEE VGTC
Computer Society technical co-sponsorship has been endorsed.
Cyberworlds are information worlds or communities created on cyberspace by
collaborating participants either intentionally or spontaneously. As
information worlds, they accumulate information regardless whether or not
anyone is in, and they can be with or without 2D or 3D visual graphics
appearance. The examples of such cyberworlds are communities created in
different social networking services, 3D shared virtual environments, and
multiplayer online games. Cyberworlds are closely related to the real world
and have a serious impact on it. Cyberworlds have been created and applied
in such areas as e-business, e-commerce, e-manufacturing, e-learning,
e-medicine, and cultural heritage, etc. Cyberworlds augment and sometimes
replace the real life and become a significant component of real economy.
The international conferences on Cyberworlds have being organized annually
since 2002 with the proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society and
special issues published in The Visual Computer and other research journals.
11th in the series, CW2011 will consist of paper sessions, tutorials,
industrial seminars, exhibitions and hands-on demonstrations where
researchers, artists, and vendors will show the state-of-the-art in the
field. CW2011 will have several parallel tracks including but not limited to
the following topics:
- Shared virtual worlds
- Virtual collaborative spaces
- Shape modeling for cyberworlds
- Virtual humans and avatars
- Intelligent talking agents
- Networked collaboration
- Haptic interaction and rendering
- Cognitive informatics
- Human-computer interfaces
- Computer vision, augmented, mixed and virtual reality
- Face and emotion recognition
- E-learning in virtual collaborative spaces
- Online multiplayer games
- Art in cyberspace, cyber-museums
- Cyberethics and cyberlaws
- Cybersecurity and biometrics
- Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
- Social networking
The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society,
placed in the IEEE Xplore and Computer Society digital libraries, and
submitted for indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and
other indexing services.
The best full papers will form 4 special issues of the following
international journals:
- The Visual Computer (Springer)
- Transactions on Computational Science (Springer)
- International Journal of Arts and Technology (Inderscience)
- Journal of Biometrics (Inderscience)
Important Dates:
Paper submission: 6 May 2011
Notice of Acceptance: 16 June 2011
Author registration: 15 July 2011
Camera-ready paper: 15 July 2011
Industrial Seminars/Exhibitions: Key industrialists are invited to share
their experience in creating and applying cyberworlds to solve practical
problems. Major research labs, industrial companies and other institutions
are invited to set up an exhibition to present their group, the work and
projects to the conference participants.
Please email your requests to cw2011{at} or call +403
General Chair and Co-Chairs:
Marina Gavrilova, UofC, Canada
Alexei Sourin, NTU, Singapore
Daniel Thalmann, EPFL, Switzerland and NTU, Singapore
CONFIDENTIALITY: This email is intended solely for the person(s) named and
may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended
recipient, please delete it, notify us and do not copy, use, or disclose its
content. Thank you.
Towards A Sustainable Earth: Print Only When Necessary
SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 - The 4th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on
Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia
Conference: 12 - 15 December 2011 / Exhibition: 13 - 15 December 2011
Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 sees the return of the Art Gallery and Emerging
Technologies programs. Also calling for submissions are: Computer Animation
Festival, Courses, Technical Papers, Technical Sketches & Posters.
The submission deadlines are:
17 May 2011 - Technical Papers
07 June 2011 - Courses
07 June 2011 - Emerging Technologies
09 June 2011 - Art Gallery
14 July 2011 - Computer Animation Festival
30 August 2011 - Technical Sketches & Posters
All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC/GMT. Deadlines are strictly enforced.
For more information, please visit
ACM SIGGRAPH is a volunteer-driven organization, and the SIGGRAPH Asia
conference is no different. Be a Student Volunteer at SIGGRAPH Asia 2011.
Meet and interact with the movers and shakers of the industry.
Applications close 30 June 2011.
Apply Now via
SIGGRAPH Asia attracts some of the industry's top researchers, developers,
producers, and providers of computer graphics and interactive technique
It is fast establishing itself as the industry's leading trade fair and
conference in the Asia Pacific Region. Contact us now to learn how you can
be part of this pivotal event.
Contact the SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Exhibition Management to reserve exhibit
space and explore sponsorship opportunities.
Early bird discounts are available until 31 July 2011!
Exhibition-related inquiries:
Exhibition Management
Daniel Schmidt / Brian Kee
Tel: +65.6500.6743 / +65.6500.6725
Fax: +65.6296.2771
General Inquiries and registration:
Conference Administration
Tel: +65.6500.6700
Fax: +65.6296.2771
Marketing and Media:
Tel: +65.6500.6731
Fax: +65.6296.2771
If you would like to email us, click here for details.
Computational Aesthetics 2011 Call for Papers
Date: August 5 7, 2011
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Computational Aesthetics (CAe) bridges the analytic and synthetic by
integrating aspects of computer science, philosophy, psychology, and the
applied & performing arts. It seeks to facilitate both the analysis and the
augmentation of creative behaviors. CAe also investigates the creation of
that can enhance the expressive power of the fine and applied arts and
our understanding of aesthetic evaluation, perception, and meaning. The
Computational Aesthetics conference brings together individuals with
experience of developing computer-based tools to solve aesthetic problems
people with artistic/design backgrounds who use these new tools. Refereed
papers and artworks aim to facilitate a dialogue between scientists and
engineers who are creating new tools, and also artists and designers who use
them. Presentations will provide a snapshot of the latest technical
breakthroughs and the most recent artistic or design achievements in
computer based techniques to solve aesthetic problems.
For the first time in its history, CAe 2011 will be run jointly with the
related conferences on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR
and Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM 2011), and the event will be
co-located with the worlds leading conference on computer graphics and
interactive techniques: SIGGRAPH 2011. CAe/NPAR/SBIM 2011 will be held on
August 57, 2011, in Vancouver, Canada, as a two-and-a-half day, two-track
event running before SIGGRAPH.
Three invited talks will be shared among the conferences and sessions will
mixed. Participants will be able to freely switch between the sessions to
only see the talks of their own field of work but also be inspired but talks
from related domains. The submission, reviewing, and publishing process for
event, however, will be handled separately between the three conferences.
Technical submissions are invited across the broad range of areas covered by
Computational Aesthetics. Specific technical areas include, but are not
* computational analysis and modeling of creative behavior (AI, A-life);
* artistic image transformation techniques (colors, edges, patterns,
* image style and salience analysis (paintings, photographs, others);
* visualization (perceptual or aesthetics based);
* sketching, simplification techniques (artistic, cognitive);
* composition, visual balance, layout;
* non-photorealistic and illustrative rendering addressing computational
* empirically based metrics of aesthetical attributes;
* applied visual perception (color appearance, spatial vision, and other
* measuring and describing aesthetics; and
* computational tools for artists.
Successful submissions can, for example, describe novel technical approaches
that address one or more of the areas mentioned above (or beyond). However,
are equally interested in papers that discuss the use of existing techniques
but combine them in an interesting new way or apply them in a new context
addresses problems in computational aesthetics.
Technical Paper Submissions
Technical papers should present original, unpublished work. The manuscripts
must be written in English, must be formatted according to the EG
guidelines, and should be no longer than 8 pages. The submission is
single-blind, so please format your paper camera-ready including author
and affiliations. Please see the web version of the call for further detail
how to prepare your paper:
Paper submissions should be made via the Computational Aesthetics conference
management system at <>. When
starting a new submission, please select the Computational Aesthetics:
Technical track.
Accepted technical and art papers will be presented at the symposium and
in the proceedings. The proceedings will be published in the Eurographics
Workshop and Symposia Series, and will be listed in the Eurographics and ACM
Important Dates
Submission deadline : Monday 25 April 2011
Acceptance notification : Monday 6 June 2011
Camera-ready deadline : Monday 13 June 2011
Conference : Friday 5 Sunday 7 August 2011
Conference Chairs:
Tobias Isenberg, University of Groningen Douglas Cunningham, MPI Tübingen
Arts Chairs:
Andres Wanner, Simon Fraser University
Allen Bevans, Simon Fraser University
Posters Chair:
Bernhard Riecke, Simon Fraser University
Publicity Chair:
Christian Richardt, University of Cambridge
Further Information
Download a PDF of the call here:
SMI 2011 - Registration now Open!
Shape Modeling International (SMI) 2011 will be held at the Herzliya, Israel
on June 22-24, 2011.
SMI provides an international forum for the dissemination of new
mathematical theories and computational techniques for modeling, simulating
and processing digital representations of shapes and their properties to a
community of researchers, developers, students, and practitioners across a
wide range of fields.
Herzliya is located on the central coast of Israel and is part of the Tel
Aviv District. It is the high-tech industry center of israel, a lovely city
with wonderful beaches, lively malls, excellent restaurants, and near-by
some fabulous archaeological sites.
The registration is now open!
It includes a full day trip to Jerusalem on Tue. 21/6/2001
Conference Chairs
Ariel Shamir (IDC)
Ayellet Tal (Technion)
Program Chairs
Niloy Mitra (IIT Delhi)
Olga Sorkine (NYU, ETH Zurich)
S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S ! ! !
Athens (GREECE), May 27 - 28, 2011
Bringing the Web to life: Distributed Intelligent Simulated Reality
on the 3D Internet
Christophe RENAUD (FRANCE)
Detecting visual convergence for stochastic global illumination
The third invited speaker will be announced later.
| |
| |
| |
| DEADLINE: March 27, 2011 |
Reviewing of full papers submitted to the 3IA'2011 conference is currently
in process by the IPC of the conference. Short papers can now be submitted
up to March 27, 2011.
The 3IA International Conference on Computer Graphics is the only
International Conference on Intelligent Computer Graphics.
The aim of this Conference is to present the current state of research of
Computer Graphics researchers who use Artificial Intelligence techniques.
The 13th 3IA International Conference (3IA'2011) will take place in May
2011, in Athens (GREECE).
Under the title "Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence", several
themes could be covered by the authors of papers. The following list gives
an idea of possible themes :
- Artificial intelligence techniques in scene modeling.
- Declarative techniques in scene modeling.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in rendering.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in construction of geometric figures.
- Animation and artificial intelligence.
- Behavioural animation.
- Design of intelligent graphic interfaces.
- Scene properties description techniques.
- Intelligent methods of exploring virtual worlds.
- Computer graphics and learning.
- Combination of classical and AI techniques.
- Application of AI techniques in CAD and GIS.
- Intelligent visualisation.
- Intelligent collaborative design.
- Semantics-based approaches in design.
- Decision support systems in design.
- Intelligent computational aesthetics.
- Intelligent CG applications in bioinformatics and medical informatics.
- ...
Dimitri PLEMENOS, Retired Professor
Universite de Limoges
Faculte des Sciences
XLIM Laboratory
83, rue d'Isle
phone : (+ 33) 5 55 43 80 60
E-mail : <> plemenos(a)
<> plemenos(a)
Web: <>
CONFERENCE E-mail : <> 3ia(a)
CONFERENCE Web site : <>
Yury BAYAKOVSKY (Russia)
Christian BOHN (Germany)
Rene CAUBET (France),
Giovanni DE PAOLI (Canada)
Jean-Francois DUFOURD (France),
Yves DUTHEN (France)
Marina GAVRILOVA (Canada)
Djamchid GHAZANFARPOUR (France),
Gerard HEGRON (France),
Andres IGLESIAS (Spain),
Andrey IONES (USA)
Prem KALRA (India),
Stanislav KLIMENKO (Russia),
Ivana KOLINGEROVA (Czech Republic),
Jean-Claude LAFON (France),
Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN (Switzerland),
Michel MERIAUX (France),
Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Zhigeng PAN (China),
Pascal LIENHARDT (France),
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France),
Mateu SBERT (Spain),
Vaclav SKALA (Czech Republic),
Daniel THALMANN (Switzerland),
Theoharis THEOHARIS (Greece)
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece),
Jiri ZARA (Czech Republic).
e-mail: <> gmiaoul(a)
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France), Georges MIAOULIS (Greece), Nikolaos VASSILAS
(Greece), Jean DRAGONAS (Greece), Giola DIONYSSOPOULOU (Greece), Georges
BARDIS (Greece), Vassilios GOLFINOPOULOS (Greece), Dimitrios MAKRIS
(Greece), Jean XYDAS (Greece), Georgia PAPAIOANNOU (Greece), Christos
YIAKOUMETTIS (Greece), Ioannis CHRISTAKIS (Greece), Panagiotis PANOS
Return of the intention form: today.
Paper submission deadline: NEW DEADLINE: February 11, 2011. DONE Paper
acceptance notification: March 20, 2011.
Short paper submission deadline: March 27, 2011.
Short paper acceptance notification: April 7, 2011 Final papers due : April
15, 2011.
Papers should be sent as attached PDF files by e-mail to the general Chair
of the Conference. It is also possible to submit a paper in PDF format by
ftp. In this case, please use the following
username: 3ia2011
password: dep0t (the "o" of "depot" is a "0")
The submitted PDF files must be readable with Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.
Maximal length: 12 pages (full papers), 6 pages (short papers) Font to use:
times Characters size: 12 pt for text, 18 pt bold for title, 14 pt bold for
section titles and 12 pt bold for sub-section titles.
Paper format: two-column A4 format
190 Euros (Students: 130 Euros)
- the proceedings of the conference,
- two lunches in the university canteen,
- a dinner in a restaurant on Friday evening.
Participation Form for the 3IA'2011 conference (to be retourned to the
general chair of the conference:
<> plemenos(a) or
<> plemenos(a)
Professional address:
Phone number:
I intend to participate to the 3IA'2011 conference in Athens (Greece).
--- ---
I intend to submit a paper : yes I I no I I
--- ---
Title of the paper:
Do not send money for the moment. You will be informed later on the mode of
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: <>
plemenos(a) I
I 83,rue d'Isle I <> I
I | I
I Home address: | <> I
I 44, rue Antoine Bourdelle | Home phone: (+33) 5 55 43 80 60 I
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Call For Papers: EGUK Chapter Conference: <>
The 29th Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
Association will be the ninth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2011
Conference (TP.CG.11). It will take place at the University of Warwick on
the 7-9 September 2011, with a paper deadline of May 9th, 2011. All accepted
papers will be published by Eurographics and held on the Digital Library,
and will be available at the conference.
The aim of the conference is to focus on theoretical and practical aspects
of Computer Graphics and to bring together top practitioners, users and
researchers, which will hopefully inspire further collaboration between
participants particularly between academia and industry.
The Programme Committee is seeking refereed papers and work-in-progress
reports in all aspects of computer graphics and its applications. The topics
of interest include (but are not limited to):
* computer animation
* computer-based art and entertainment
* computational geometry
* display technologies
* fundamental algorithms
* graphics applications and graphics systems
* graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
* fractal and natural phenomena
* human computer interaction
* image processing
* Internet graphics and collaborative environments
* medical imaging
* modelling methods
* rendering techniques
* texture synthesis
* scientific visualization
* information visualization
* virtual reality and virtual environments
* volume graphics
* web graphics
See the website for more information: <>