EUROGRAPHICS 2011 - Call for Special Track Papers on Graphics for Heritage
and Archaeology.
Andy Day
Roberto Scopigno
Eurographics 2011 will be the 32nd annual conference of the European
Association for Computer Graphics.
The conference will take place at Llandudno, Wales on the 11-15April 2011.
Full details of the conference are at:
We will invite contributions that advance the state of the art in computer
graphics technologies in the framework of their applications in the wide
Cultural Heritage (CH) domain.
The topics to be addressed include:
Data Acquisition: active 3D Data Capture technologies
Data Acquisition: image-based 3D reconstruction
Data Acquisition: 3D modelling
Geometric Processing of sampled data
Repositories and data collection of 3D data
2D and 3D GIS in CH
Visualization issues for CH data and applications
Non-Photorealistic Rendering of CH Data
Computer Animation for CH Applications and Virtual Heritage
Interactive Environments and Applications for CH
Multi-modal interfaces and rendering for CH
Virtual Museum Applications (e-Museums and e-Exhibitions)
Virtual Reality in Archaeology and Historical Research
Tools for Education and Training in CH
Usability, Effectiveness and Interface Design for CH Application
Applications (e.g. in Education, Tourism, Restoration)
Important dates:
Submission of papers (8 pages, formatted according to EG conference style):
December 10th, 2010
Notification of acceptance: January 28th, 2011
Submission of camera ready: February 15th, 2011
Accepted full-papers will be presented at Eurographics 2011 and published in
a separate proceeding published by Eurographics. Selected best papers will
be published in the ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage.
Andy Day
Roberto Scopigno
|| EuroVis 2011: Call for Papers
|| Visualization Symposium in Bergen, Norway;
|| Dates: May 31 (EuroVA), then EuroVis on June 1--3, 2011
|| Abstracts due Nov. 26, 2010,
|| Papers due Dec. 3, 2010
-+ With this *call for papers*,
| we invite the active participation in *EuroVis 2011*
| with the presentation of *high-quality visualization research*.
-+ EuroVis 2011,
| i.e., the *Eurographics/IEEE Symposium on Visualization*,
| is annually organized
| by the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization
| and the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee.
| General URL:
-+ In 2011, the symposium is located in *Bergen, Norway*,
| continuing an already extensive series of earlier meetings,
| consisting of *12 EuroVis/VisSym events* in the years 1999--2010
| (most recently in Bordeaux, Berlin, Eindhoven, and Norrköping),
| as well as *9 EG ViSC Workshops* in the years 1990 to 1998.
| Bergen is a historic port-town on the scenic west coast
| of Norway, also called the *gateway to the fjords*.
!! Important note:
!! Early June is amongst the few very best weeks in the year
!! to visit Bergen and it is very, very popular during this time --
!! early booking of accomodation (before April!) is strongly
!! recommended to avoid problems with the travel planning.
-+ Papers accepted for EuroVis 2011
| are published in a special issue of *Computer Graphics Forum*,
| i.e., The Int'l Journal of the Eurographics Association,
| after a *two-staged peer-reviewing process*.
-+ Submissions should be 9 pages (at most),
| excluding references, and 10 pages (at most), in total.
-+ Abstracts are due *Nov. 26, 2010*,
| and full papers on *Dec. 3, 2010*
| (more dates further below).
-+ Suggested topics for research papers include (but are not
| limited to):
* Visualization Taxonomies and Models
* Spatial Data in Visualization:
visualization of scalar, vector, and tensor fields,
multi-field, multi-variate, and multi-dimensional visualization,
multi-resolution techniques, visualization of irregular and
unstructured grid data, geographic data, and molecular data
* Non-Spatial Data:
visualization of graphs and trees, high-dimensional data,
dimensionality reduction for visualization, ambient information
in visualization, text and document visualization, and
the visualizaiton of time series data
* Large Data Visualization:
visualization of time-varying data, streams,
compression techniques, parallel and distributed visualization,
scalability, visualization over networks, visualization
hardware and acceleration techniques
* Visualization Techniques:
metrical, geometrical, topological, pixel-oriented, point-based,
volume-based, icon-/glyph-based, graph-based, feature-based,
hierarchical, illustrative, view-dependent, focus+context,
statistical, and animated visualization techniques
* Visual Analytics, Visual Data Mining, and Knowledge Discovery:
in particular the integration of computational approaches
with interactive visualization, visualization for
exploration, analysis, and presentation
!! Please note that EuroVis is open to all kinds of high-quality
!! visualization works, especially also to visual analytics --
!! in coordination with EuroVA, we invite researchers in the field
!! of visual analytics to submit full paper submissions to EuroVis
!! and short papers / posters to EuroVA (later deadline).
* Interaction:
human-computer interaction for visualization, interaction design,
zooming and navigation, linking & brushing, coordinated multiple
views, data editing, manipulation, and deformation, guided
visualization and interactive visual storytelling
* General Topics:
visual design, cognition, perception, and aesthetics,
uncertainty, design studies, novel algorithms and mathematics,
presentation/production/dissemination, collaborative and
distributed visualization, mobile/ubiquitous visualization,
visualization systems, problem-solving environments,
virtual environments, sonification and haptics,
visualization for the masses
* Evaluation and User Studies:
task and requirements analysis, metrics and benchmarks,
qualitative evaluation, quantitative evaluation,
laboratory studies, field studies, usability studies
* Application Areas of Visualization:
in the physical sciences, bioinformatics and in life sciences,
and in engineering, geographic and earth/space/environmental
visualization, information sciences, software and financial
visualization, and applications in the humanities,
social sciences, and education
-+ Important dates:
| 2010, Nov. 26: abstracts due
| 2010, Dec. 3: full papers due, then reviewing cycle #1
| 2011, Feb. 11: notifications (after reviewing cycle #1)
| 2011, Mar. 4: minor revisions due (for 2nd reviewing)
| 2011, Mar. 11: poster submissions due
| 2011, Mar. 18: final decisions (after 2nd reviewing)
| 2011, Apr. 4: poster notifications
| 2011, Apr. 6: camera-ready papers due
-+ Symposium chairs:
| *Helwig Hauser*, University of Bergen, Norway
| *Hanspeter Pfister*, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
| *Jarke van Wijk*, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
-+ Links and further information:
| EuroVis URL:
| Twitter:
| EuroVis 2011 is also on Facebook
| Or:
|| Co-located event: EuroVA 2011
|| EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics
|| Workshop in Bergen, Norway;
|| Date: May 31, 2011, preceding EuroVis
-+ EuroVA 2011
| (following EuroVAST in 2010)
| is the second international *workshop on visual analytics*,
| held in Europe.
-+ It aims
| at promoting and advancing the combination and integration
| of methods for interactive visualization and computational
| analytics for the purpose of problem solving in a variety
| of application domains (engineering, business, public
| policy, medicine, security, etc.).
-+ EuroVA 2011 is held on *May 31st, 2011, in Bergen, Norway*,
| co-located with the annual EuroVis 2011 conference
| (
-+ The EuroVA 2011 program will include one *invited speaker*
| from research or industry as well as *short paper presentations*
| and *posters* (note the additional opportunity to submit a full
| paper to the EuroVis conference, which solicits visual analytics
| as one of its main topics).
-+ EuroVA web page:
| Short paper *submission deadline for EuroVA: Feb. 18th, 2011*
| (short papers are up to a maximum of 4 pages in length)
-+ Workshop chairs:
| *Silvia Miksch*, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
| *Giuseppe Santucci*, Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy
V Ibero-American Symposium in Computer Graphics (SIACG 2011)
2 - 3 June 2011
Universidade do Algarve
Faro, Portugal
In cooperation with Grupo Português Computação Gráfica, Eurographics Spanish
Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference
Proceedings Citation Index.
Best papers will be published in the Computer Graphics Forum, The
International Journal of the Eurographics Association, an ISI Journal.
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the International
Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG)
Dear Colleague,
The purpose of SIACG is to promote the international cooperation between
researchers and professionals in Computer Graphics from the different
communities of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America. This symposium is
the fifth of similar events organized every other year and alternating
between Europe and South America.
The SIACG 2011 is organized by the University of Algarve, Eurographics
Portuguese Chapter and Eurographics Spanish Chapter in Cooperation.
Authors are invited to submit papers from all areas related to computer
graphics, multimedia and hardware, for review by the international Program
Committee. Both research and applications papers are of interest to
Those papers which are accepted and presented orally at the symposium by one
of the authors will appear in the SIACG'2011 proceedings. Best papers will
be published in the Computer Graphics Forum, The International Journal of
the Eurographics Association, an ISI Journal.
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the International
Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics
If you have any question or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me.
We appreciate your participation and would like to have you attending the
Best regards,
Mauro Figueiredo
Organizing Committee Chair
Email: siacg2011 at ualg dot pt
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Computer Graphics Systems and Hardware
Computer Animation
Rendering Techniques and Global Illumination
Real-Time Rendering
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
Computer Human Interface
Computational Geometry
Geometric Computing and Solid Modeling
Game Design and Engine Development
Virtual Humans and Artificial Life
3D Reconstruction
GPU Programming
Graphics and Multimedia
Computer Graphics in Arts, Education, Engineering,
Entertainment, Medicine and Science
Computer Graphics for Mobile Applications
Image Processing
Interactive Environments
Software and Web accessibility
Multimedia Design
Digital and Interactive Art
Educational Strategies in Computer Graphics
Digital Interfaces and Emotional Expressivity in Multimedia
Graphics & Perception
Computational Photography
Geographic Information Systems
Paper Submission: January 30, 2011
Notification of acceptance: March 11, 2011
Final version: March 25, 2011
Symposium: 2-3 June 2011
General Conference Co-Chairs:
Beatriz Sousa Santos (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
Xavier Pueyo (Universidad de Girona, Spain)
International Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Frutuoso Silva (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal)
Diego Gutierrez (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
Jorge Ernesto Rodríguez (Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela)
Organizing Committee Chair
Mauro Figueiredo, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal (mfiguei(a)
Local Organizing Committee
Mauro Figueiredo, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
José Rodrigues, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
João Rodrigues, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Roberto Lam, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Zélia Coelho, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal (SIACG2011 at ualg dot pt)
Ana Paula Santos, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal (SIACG2011 at ualg dot
International Program Committee
Abel Gomes, (Univ. da Beira Interior, Portugal)
Adérito Marcos (Univ. Aberta, Portugal)
Adolfo Muñoz (Univ. de Zaragoza, Spain)
Adriano Lopes (Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Aldo Reyes (Univ. de Carabobo, Venezuela)
Alex Cuadros (Univ. Católica San Pablo, Perú)
Alexandra La Cruz (Univ. Simón Bolívar, Venezuela)
António Augusto Sousa (Univ. do Porto, Portugal)
Carles Bosch (REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France)
Ernesto Coto (Univ. Central de Venezuela, Venezuela)
Francisco Serón (Univ. de Zaragoza, Spain)
Gustavo Patow (Univ. de Girona, Spain)
Helder Araújo (Univ. de Coimbra, Portugal)
Helmuth Trefftz (Univ. EAFIT, Colombia)
Holly Rushmeier (Yale University, USA)
Javier Lluch (Univ. Politecnica Valencia, Spain)
João Madeiras Pereira (IST - Univ. Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal)
Joaquim Madeira (Univ. de Aveiro, Portugal)
Jorge Lopez-Moreno (Univ. de Zaragoza, Spain)
José Tiberio Hernández (UNIANDES, Colombia)
Juan Carlos Torres (Univ. de Granada, Spain)
Luciano Pereira Soares (TecGraf -PUC Rio, Brasil)
Luis Matey (CEIT, Spain)
Luis Paulo Santos (Univ. Minho, Portugal)
Manuel Próspero dos Santos (Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Marcelo Zuffo (Univ. de Sao Paulo, Brasil)
Miguel Angel Otaduy (Univ. Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)
Miguel Chover (Univ. Jaume, Spain)
Miguel Sales Dias (Microsoft/IUL, Portugal)
Omaira Rodriguez (Univ. Central de Venezuela, Venezuela)
Pablo Alejandro Figueroa (UNIANDES, Colombia)
Pedro Linares (Univ. de Carabobo, Venezuela)
Pere Brunet (Univ. Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Rachel McDonnell (Trinity College, Ireland)
Rafael Bidarra (TU Delft, Netherlands)
Rhadamés Carmona (Univ. Central de Venezuela, Venezuela)
Robert Joan-Arinyo (Univ. Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Sara de Freitas (Coventry Universit, UK)
Silvia Mabel Castro (Univ. Nacional del Sur, Argentina)
Teresa Chambel (Univ. de Lisboa, Portugal)
Veronica Orvalho (Univ. do Porto, Portugal)
Authors are invited to submit full papers between 6 and 8 pages or short
papers between 2 and 4 pages. Papers must be written in English, although
presentations can be delivered in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
The program committee, composed of internationally renowned experts, will
review the submissions.
Authors of the best papers will be invited to prepare a journal version
which will be published in the Computer Graphics Forum, The International
Journal of the Eurographics Association, an ISI Journal.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to prepare a journal version to
be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Creative
Interfaces and Computer Graphics (
Proceedings indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation
*awaiting the confirmation of indexation
SIACG 2011
Universidade Algarve
email: SIACG2011 at ualg dot pt
Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference 2010
(EG-IT 2010)
"Computer graphics meets computer vision"
Call for papers
******* DATES CHANGED!!!!! *******
November 11-12, 2010
Genova (Italy)
Important dates:
Full paper submission: September 15, 2010
Notification of acceptance: October 13, 2010
Final paper due: October 20, 2010
The Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference (EG-IT) is the main Italian
conference on Computer Graphics. Organized by the EUROGRAPHICS Italian
Chapter, the 8th EG-IT will be held in Genova on November 11 and 12, 2010.
The scientific program of the conference will consist of both invited
talks by distinguished speakers and contributions by participants.
Contributed papers will be peer reviewed; accepted papers will be
published in the proceedings of the conference by Eurographics and held
on the EG digital library.
The theme of 8th EG-IT will be "Computer graphics meets computer
vision": contributions will be accepted from all areas of Computer
Graphics, Geometric Modeling, Computer Vision, Image Processing and
Multimedia. Interdisciplinary contributions on topics at the frontier
between Computer graphics and such other disciplines will be
particularly welcome.
For more information, please visit the Conference web site at:
EG-IT 2010 Organising Committee:
Enrico Puppo - Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences - University
of Genova
Andrea Brogni - Dept. of Advanced Robotics - Italian Institute of Technology
Leila De Floriani - Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences -
University of Genova
Enrico Puppo, professor of Computer Science
Department of Computer and Information Sciences -- University of Genova
Via Dodecaneso, 35 -- 16146 Genova -- Italy
Tel: +39 - 0103536706 -- Fax: +39 - 0103536699
Email: puppo(a) -- URL:
WSCG 2011 - Call for Papers -
Deadline Extended due to technical problems
to October 29, 12:30 GMT (London time)
19th Int.Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision
in cooperation with Eurographics
January 31 - February 3, 2011
Plzen[Pilsen], Czech Republic
(close to Prague approx. 60 mins. by a coach-good connection)
Conference Co-Chairs:
Gladimir Baranoski, University of Wateloo, Canada
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Important dates:
Abstracts: September 30, 2010 (recommended)
Full Papers: October 29, 12:30 GMT (London time) - EXTENDED
Acceptance decision (expected): December 4, 2010
WSCG conferences are held traditionally in Plzen, Czech Republic since 1992
Accepted and presented papers will be published in WSCG proceedings with
and selected papers are published in the Journal of WSCG. Proceedings and
the Journal of WSCG are sent for indexing (see the WEB page of the WSCG
conf. for details).
All papers are available on-line with no-access restriction at
that leads to high dissemination of knowledge world wide.
----SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 E-News-----
More SIGGRAPH Asia Programs Now Available!
Register online before 31 October for Greater Savings!
[Technical Papers]
SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Technical Papers presents a premier international forum for new research results in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Leading international experts from Asia and all over the world will present ground-breaking results in peer-reviewed research in fluids and flows, curves, character and crowd animation, sampling and filtering, geometric and volumetric reconstruction, modeling and rendering, computational imaging and video, and imaging hardware.
Technical Paper Highlights:
Video-Based Reconstruction of Animatable Human Characters
This paper presents a technique for capturing multi-view video of an actor's performance. The captured virtual actor is represented as a skeleton with surface skinning, collision proxies, and a physics-based simulation model for moving cloth.
A Practical Appearance Model for Dynamic Facial Color
Human skin changes color as emotional states and types of expression change. This paper presents an appearance model based on real measurements of melanin and hemoglobin, which is efficiently coupled to a geometric facial-animation rig.
Optical Computing for Fast Light Transport Analysis
This paper shows how to efficiently perform numerical computations on a scene's unknown transport matrix (eigenvector analysis, low-rank approximation, inversion) by doing them partially in optics with projectors and cameras.
Context-Based Search for Models
This paper introduces a context-based search engine that uses information about the supporting scene a user is building to find good models.
SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Courses focus on topics related to gaming, animation, and visual-effects techniques. It also includes a wide range of topics related to the basic foundations of computer graphics and highly technical summaries of the latest research breakthroughs.
Course presenters are established professional and renowned academics from 11 countries (15 from South Korea, 23 from North America, four from Europe, and some from the Asia-Pacific region) and some of the world's most prestigious academic institutions, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jeju University, and the Savannah College of Art and Design. Blizzard Entertainment, Industrial Light & Magic, Pixar Animation Studios, Microsoft Corporation and Microsoft Game Studios, Disney Imagineering, NVIDIA, ARM, Google, Inc., and Weta Digital have also lent their support to SIGGRAPH Asia 2010.
Courses Highlights:
Geometry Simulation for Feature Films
This course introduces how to make various simulations that use flesh mesh, cloth mesh, and rigid bodies in VFX movies. The course shows that non-programmer artists can create simulation setups from complex geometries.
"Gimmee Somethin' to Shoot": Filming the Cinematics for Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
Blizzard Entertainment's Film Department takes an in-depth look at the artistic and technical aspects of storytelling from 2D concepts to final artistic sequences on screen.
[Technical Sketches & Posters]
The complete lists of Technical Sketches and Posters will be available very soon! Please visit for details.
Sketches: Short illustrated talks on novel ideas in computer graphics and interactive techniques with applications in movies, games, design, science, and engineering
Posters: Poster displays of preliminary yet innovative insights, concepts and ideas
Online Group & Individual Registration Form:
Early Bird Deadline is 31 October, 23:59 UTC/GMT.
Don’t miss this chance to register with discounted fees!
SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 also offers a group discount for 10 or more from the same organization. Early bird deadline is also 31 October, 23:59 UTC/GMT.
Group Registration detail:…
New Registration Categories:
Courses Pass & Computer Animation Festival Pass are available this year.
For what included in these new passes, see…
[Exhibition Updates]
SIGGRAPH Asia 2010's Exhibition has expanded in size and quality of exhibitors in line with the growth and development in interactive technology and related markets. Once again, SIGGRAPH Asia is the one-stop convergence of industry and research.
Complete lists of SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Exhibitors
As one of the key players in the software industry, Autodesk is showcasing its latest Digital Entertainment Creation technology with a special focus on stereoscopic 3D production and virtual trends in the entertainment industry.…
The Khronos Group, founded about 10 years ago by a number of leading media-centric companies (including 3Dlabs, ATI, Discreet, Evans & Sutherland, Intel, NVIDIA, SGI, and Sun Microsystems), is exhibiting again at SIGGRAPH Asia. Joining pavilion members are ARM, Huone Innovation Partners from Korea, Rightware from Finland, and Imagination Technologies from the UK, among others. Khronos will also be hosting "Dev U" at SIGGRAPH Asia 2010
[Travel & Housing]
General travel information on Seoul:
We have lined up an impressive range of travel and accommodation options to make your stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible in Seoul.
Discount bookings close on 15 November 2010, so be sure to secure your travel plans early to avoid disappointment!
Online booking is now available at
[Contact] SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Conference Administration
E-mail: asia2010(a)
Tel: +65.6500.6700 Fax: +65.6296.2771
Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine
(Eurographics Medical Prize)
The Eurographics Association organizes a biannual competition to acknowledge the contribution that computer graphics is playing in the medical field, and to encourage further development.
This year the Eurographics Medical Prize has been renamed to honor Dirk Bartz who passed away far too early in March 2010. Dirk Bartz was a highly recognized and enthusiastic scientist, teacher and promoter of Visual Computing in Medicine, an active member of the Eurographics Association, and Chair of the EG Medical Prize 2007 and 2009.
Submissions for the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine 2011 are now being invited from researchers and developers who can demonstrate that a particular benefit has resulted from the use of computer graphics technology in a medical application that they have produced. Examples of entries could include the use of new data visualization techniques, interaction methods, or virtual/augmented environments.
A list of winners of the last years can be found here <> .
The Winners
The judging panel will select the winning entry on the basis of its clinical value, use made of computer graphics, and novelty.
The top three winning entries of the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine 2011 will receive a prize of €500, €300, and €200, and a free registration to the conference to present their projects and to receive the prize. The submission of the winning teams will be published in the “Short and Areas Papers and Medical Prize Awards” proceedings.
All three winning teams will have an opportunity to briefly present their results at Eurographics 2011, which means that at least one author of each winning team must attend to present the results.
The Program Committee
Anna Vilanova, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Katja Bühler, VRVis Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization Research, Austria
Scientific Committee
Marcel Breeuwer, Philips Healthcare (NL)
Charl Botha, TU Delft (NL)
Nigel W. John, Bangor University (UK)
Jorge Juan Olsina Kissler, Universidad De Lleida / Hospital Universitario Arnau de Vilanova (E)
Bill Lorensen (US)
Michael Meißner, Omnyx (US)
Jürgen Meixensberger, Universität Leipzig (D)
Eike Nagel , Kings College London(UK)
Bernhard Preim, Universität Magdeburg (D)
Anders Ynnerman, Linköping University (S)
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 22 November 2010
Notification: 21 January 2011
Submission of Final Short Papers: tba
Conference: 11-15 April 2011
Submission guidelines
Submitted written entries have to be presented as papers of up to 4 pages and must be formatted according to the Eurographics <> publication guidelines for Short Papers. The submission of complementary material like videos, demo applications, and references to additional publications of the authors, theses, etc .... is highly welcome!
Submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics online submission system <> . Winning entries will be published in the Short Papers and Medical Prize proceedings, on CD-ROM/DVD conference proceedings, and the EG Digital Library.
For any question concerning medical prize submissions please contact the medical prize co-chairs.
Biotronics <> 3D
VRVis <>
Eurographics - European Association for <> Computergraphics
Shape Modeling International 2011
Shape Modeling International 2011 will be held at the Interdisciplinary
Center, Herzliya,
Israel on June 22-24, 2011. Shape Modeling International (SMI) provides an
forum for the dissemination of new mathematical theories and computational
techniques for
modeling, simulating and processing digital representations of shapes and
their properties
to a community of researchers, developers, students, and practitioners
across a wide range
of fields.
Papers presenting original research are being sought in all areas of shape
and animation
processing and its applications, including (but not limited to):
* Acquisition & reconstruction
* Interactive design & editing
* Sketching & 3D input
* Shape matching & retrieval
* Compression & streaming
* Computational topology
* Curves and surfaces
* Implicit surfaces
* Shape transformation & deformation
* Shape analysis
* Semantics of shapes
* Volume & multidimensional modeling
* Features extraction & classification
* Correspondence & registration
* Parametric & procedural models
* Segmentation
* Healing & resampling
* Multi-resolution techniques
All accepted submissions will be published either as full-length or short
journal papers
in issue 35(3) of Computers & Graphics (Elsevier). All submissions will be
handled via the
Elsevier EES system.
Important Dates
December 3, 2010 - Abstracts due
December 10, 2010 - Full papers due
January 24, 2011 - First reviews notification
February 13, 2011 - Rebuttals due
March 8, 2011 - Final acceptances notification
March 14, 2011 - Camera‐ready papers due
The Symposium website: <>
Conference Co-Chairs
Ariel Shamir (IDC)
Ayellet Tal (Technion)
Program Co-Chairs
Niloy Mitra (IIT Delhi)
Olga Sorkine (NYU)
*** EGPGV 2011 - Call for Papers ***
Welcome to the 11th EGPGV, the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics
and Visualization. The event will take place on April 10 - 11 in Llandudno
Wales, at Venue Cymru. The Symposium will be held in conjunction with
Eurographics 2011.
EGPGV is the premier international event focusing on parallel graphics and
visualization technology, where novel solutions exploiting and defining new
trends in parallel hardware and software architectures are presented. The
aim of the symposium is to strongly encourage exchange of experiences and
knowledge in parallel and distributed visual computing and its application
to all aspects of computer graphics and data visualization.
All papers should have a direct relation to some aspect of parallelism in
graphics or visualization such as multi-core computing, multi-pipe GPU
rendering/computing, distributed systems, clusters or grid environments. For
more information, pleaser refer to the symposium website
The proceedings of the Symposium will be published in the Eurographics
Proceedings Series and on the Eurographics Digital Library. Note that the
authors of up to three of the best papers from the EGPGV Symposium will be
invited to submit extended journal versions to IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics.
--Important Dates--
Abstracts Due: January 15 (Sat), 2011,
Full Paper Due: January 21 (Fri), 2011,
Author Notification: February 26 (Sat), 2011
Camera-Ready Paper Due: March 4 (Fri), 2011
Symposium Chair
Torsten Kuhlen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Program Co-Chairs
Renato Pajarola, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Kun Zhou, Zhejiang University, China