Dear colleague,
I would like to remind you that tomorrow is the last day of the early bird
registration for Eurographics'2006 in Vienna. You can do that online at .
Best regards,
Werner Purgathofer
PS: If you have already registered, please ignore this reminder.
GAMES 2006 Congress
International Digital Games Conference (iDig 2006)
September 26-28, 2006
Portalegre, Portugal
Call for Papers - 5 DAYS EXTENDED TIME!
** Deadline for full paper where extended for 5
days (Wednesday, 14th of June) **
To submit a paper:
For more details see in
or contact us to games2006(a)
Dear Colleagues, today is the last day for full
paper submissions but, due to several extended
time requests, we decided to extend the deadline till Wednesday (14th June)
GAMES 2006
Two more Invited Speakers confirmed
Alexander L. Fernandez
StreamLine Studios
Alexander is the Managing Director of Streamline
Studios, an award wining creative and engineering
outsource studio in the Netherlands. Since its'
founding in 2001, Streamline has gone on to work
on several high profile projects including James
Bond: 007 and Unreal Tournament: 2004. He is
actively participating in building a European
game development network and has spoken at
numerous Universities around the Netherlands
regarding business and the games industry. Aside
from his duties at the studio, Alexander is a
writer and has worked on various international
film projects as a script editor and screen
writer. He is currently working on two film
projects and their video game adaptations.
Hector R. Fernandez
StreamLine Studios
Hector Fernandez is the Chief Creative Officer of
Streamline Studios. He is the responsible for
guiding and executing creative strategy at the
studio, and serves as the Executive produce for
all internal and external products. Prior to
joining Streamline Studios, Hector worked for
World Wide Graphics training Department at
Electronic Arts, where he assisted in the
development of creative curriculum, style, and
guidelines for the studios world wide. Hector is
an accomplished graphic designer with 8 years
experience in graphic management and design. His
services have been used by top companies and
organizations such as Hewlett-Packard and 2002 Winter Olympic Games.
CONTACT: games2006(a)
SGP'06 registration is OPEN, conference will start in 2 weeks:
Fourth Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP)
in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, June 26-28 2006
We welcome you at the sunny beaches of Sardinia to SGP06:
The Symposium on Geometry Processing is the premier venue for
disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in
computerized processing of geometric models. In this emerging
area, concepts from applied mathematics, computer science,
and engineering are used to design efficient algorithms for
acquisition, reconstruction, manipulation, simulation and
transmission of complex 3D models. Applications of geometry
processing algorithms cover a wide range of areas from multimedia,
entertainment, and classical computer-aided design, to bio-medical
computing, reverse engineering, and scientific computing.
The conference addresses diverse topics from Geometry Processing:
- geometry and topology representations
- compression of static or animated geometry
- surface and volume parameterization
- approximation and meshing
- reverse engineering
- simplification and level of detail
- smoothing and denoising
- computational geometry
- multiresolution shape analysis and synthesis
- geometric aspects of rendering and other fields
- interactive techniques
- animation and simulation
Further Information, including the full program are available at
Program Co-Chairs:
* Alla Sheffer, University of British Columbia
* Konrad Polthier, Freie Universität Berlin
Organizing Co-Chairs:
* Riccardo Scateni, Università di Cagliari
* Roberto Scopigno, ISTI-CNR Pisa
The full-color proceedings of the symposium will be published in the
Eurographics Proceedings Series, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH.
In addition to the technical paper presentations the conference
will have two distinguished invited speakers:
* Markus Gross, ETH Zurich
* Ron Kimmel, Technion.
NEW: the industry panel will be a new conference feature where
representatives of major companies actively involved in geometry
processing and its application will present and discuss the most
challenging research problems in the work of their companies.
This year's panelists are:
* Arnaud Ribadeau-Dumas (Dassault Systèmes)
* Rasmus Tamstorf (Disney)
* Olivier Paugam (Mental Images)
A posters session will provide an additional informative look into
ongoing research. Papers with obvious potential but which missed
the threshold may be invited to be presented as posters during the
symposium. Two page abstracts of the posters will be published in
a separate volume distributed to the symposium participants.
Roberto Scopigno
Visual Computing Laboratory
Istituto Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) -
National Research Council (CNR)
Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa
Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa ITALY
phone: +39 050 315 2929 cell: +39 348 396 6819
fax: +39 050 313 8091 (G3) +39 050 313 8092 (G4)
email: roberto.scopigno(a)
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]
[Agradecemos a mais ampla divulgação deste apelo junto da vossa instituição,
colegas, investigadores e alunos. Desde já pedimos desculpa por eventuais múltiplos re-envios desta mensagem]
Artech 2006
Third International Conference on Digital and Electronic Art
"Linking frontiers"
"Art, technology, science and society"
Pontevedra, Galicia-Spain, 17-18 November 2006
Artech 2006 will be the third conference, following Artech 2004 in Lisbon, Artech 2005 in V.N. Cerveira, organized in Portugal and Galicia, concerned with disseminating research, development and experiments in Digital Art assuming its multi-faceted artistic and technical characteristics. At the same time it aims also to promote contacts between Iberian and also International contributors concerned with the conception, production and dissemination of Digital and Electronic Art.
Artech 2006 aims to bring together the scientific, technological and artistic community who are interested in the context of digital culture and in the intersection between art and technology like a important fields of research, a common space for discussion and exchange of experiences, as also provide a forum for digital artists in the creation, understanding and appreciation of these new forms of cultural expression.
The net, the city and the society are the scenario for a network of transdisciplinary context between different systems. Nowadays, engineers, designers, architects, economists, biologists, artists, urban planners, etc. have to think the concept of city, community, map, and identity in a new way, a new context of interconnections in the digital ecosystem.
Main areas are related with image, video, sound, music, multimedia, virtual and augmented reality, mobile multimedia as also other new media, developed and applied as interactive media (spatial organization, hardware, software, networking, other) for the enhancement of the artistic creativity, artistic production and support for artistic experiences and artifacts. Although non exclusive, the main themes of the conference are:
o Net Art and Digital Culture
o Electronic Music
o Audio-visual and Multimedia Creation
o Technology in Art Education
o Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
o New Experiences, New Media and New Applications
o Media art history
o Art and Science
Artech 2006 has the format of a conference with technical sessions, invited talks and discussion panels and well an exposition area for installations. Contributions can be in the form of full papers, short papers and proposals for installations. All the contributions are subject to a blind peer-review and evaluation by the International Programme Committee. All papers accepted for presentation will be published in a duly registered book (ISBN) and a selection of the best papers will be published in an appropriate scientific and technological academic journal.
Authors are invited to submit a paper of six to ten pages in length (in A4 format) for oral presentation. Short paper shall not exceed four pages. The official languages of the conference will be Portuguese, Galician, Castellan and English. All papers written in other language than English have to include a summary in English. In addition to the text, each paper must include a separate cover page containing:
· The name, organisation, mailing and e-mail addresses of each author
· The name of the presenting author
· The name of the contact author
· A maximum of five keywords
Papers should be submitted in accordance with the rules and guidance defined in ( Submissions should also be forwarded electronically in Word format to artech2006artigos(a) and they must not be larger than 7Mb. The act of submitting a paper tacitly implies an intention that at least one of the authors of the paper will be registered for the conference to present his/her work.
Important Dates:
Full papers submission: 30 June
Installations proposals
and short papers submission: 30 June
Full papers notice of acceptance: 31 July
Installations proposal
and short papers notice of acceptance: 31 July
Submission full paper final version: 21 September
Conference: 17-18 November
Conference chairs:
Karin Ohleshläguer Media Lab Madrid
Christa Sommerer DIC-UAD, Graz, Austria
International Program Committee:
Lola Dopico, FBA-UV, Pontevedra, Spain (President)
Adérito Marcos, DSI-UM, Guimarães, Portugal (Vice-President)
Álvaro Barbosa, U. Católica do Porto, PT
Antoni Mercader , U. Barcelona, ES
António Ramires, DI-U. Minho, PT
Charles A. Wuethrich, Bauhaus U. Weimar, DE
David Duce, OBU, UKElisa Lessa, IEC-U. Minho, PT
Fernando Suárez Cabeza - FBA/U.Vigo, ES
Fernando José Pereira, U. Porto, PT
Fortunato Rodriguez, FBA/U.Vigo, ES
Henrique Silva, FBienal de Cerveira, PT
Jorge Lens, U. Vigo, ES
José Antonio Castro Muñiz. U. Vigo, ES
José Luis Brea, U. Carlos III, ES
José Ramón Alcalá, U. Castilla -La Mancha, ES
Laura Baigorri, U. Barcelona
Leonel Valbom, DSI-U. Minho, PT
Luis Paulo Santos, DI-U. Minho, PT
Jesús Hernández Sánchez, U. Vigo, ES
Marc Cavazza, SC/TU, UK
Maria José Fernandez Pisón, U. Politécnica Valência, ES
Mariana Correia, ES. Gallaecia, PT
Miguel Encarnação, IMedia, USA
Monica Mendes, FBA-U. Lisboa, PT
Nuno Correia, DI/FCT/U. Nova de Lisboa, PT
Pau Alsina, U. Oberta de Catalunya, ES
Paulo Bernardino, DCA-U. Aveiro, PT
Paulo Dias, IEP/U. Minho, PT
Pedro Faria Lopes, ISCTE, PT
Rui João José, DSI-U. Minho, PT
Salomé Cuesta , U. Politécnica de Valencia, ES
Sudhir Mudur, U. Calgary, CA
Stefan Göbel, ZGDV, DE
Tomás Henriques, FCSH- U. Nova de Lisboa, PT
Local Organization:
Lola Dopico Aneiros
Fernando Suarez Cabeza
Silvia García Gonzalez
Alberto García Ariza
Artech 2006 Secretariat
Facultade de Belas Artes
Rua da Maestranza nº 2
36002 Pontevedra, Spain
Tel: +34 986801800
Fax: +34 986801885
E-mail : artech2006(a)
Artech 2006 - Terceira Conferência Internacional de Arte Digital e Electrónica
"Ligando Fronteiras"
"Arte, tecnologia, ciência e sociedade"
Pontevedra, Galiza, Espanha, 17-18 Novembro 2006
Artech 2006 é a terceira conferência, no seguimento do Artech 2004 em Lisboa, Artech 2005 em Vila Nova de Cerveira, organizada em Portugal e na Galiza, a fomentar a investigação, o desenvolvimento e a experimentação de Arte Digital, tendo em conta as suas múltiplas facetas, do foro artístico e tecnológico, enquanto promove o contacto entre os principais intervenientes tanto ibéricos como a nível internacional, envolvidos na concepção, produção e divulgação de Arte Digital e Electrónica.
Artech 2006 visa assim a congregação das comunidades científica, tecnológica e artística interessadas no tema cultura digital e na intersecção entre arte e tecnologia ao nível da investigação, do espaço comum de discussão e troca de ideias e experiências, como também proporcionar um forum para artistas digitais na criação, compreensão e apreciação destas novas formas de expressão cultural.
A rede, a cidade e a sociedade são o cenário para estabelecer um contexto multidisciplinar entre diferentes sistemas. Hoje em dia engenheiros, arquitectos, biólogos, artistas, planificadores urbanos, etc. tem de pensar o conceito de cidade, comunidade, mapa, identidade numa nova forma, um contexto de interligações no ecossistema digital.
As áreas principais relacionam-se com a imagem, vídeo, som, música, multimedia, realidade virtual e aumentada, multimedia móvel assim como outros media, desenvolvidos e aplicados como media interactivo (organização especial, Hardware, Software, rede, outro) para possibilitar a criatividade e produção artísticos e suportar experiências artística e novos artefactos.
Embora não exclusivos os temas principais da conferência são os seguintes:
o Cultura Digital e Net Art
o Música Electrónica
o Criação Multimédia e Audiovisual
o Tecnologia na Educação Artística
o Realidade Virtual e Aumentada aplicada
o Novas Experiências, Novos Media e Novas Aplicações
o Historia da Media-art
o Arte e Ciência. Vida Artificial
Artech 2006 tem o formato de uma conferência com sessões técnicas, palestras proferidas por oradores convidados, painéis de discussão e uma área de exposição para instalações. As contribuições podem ser na forma de artigos longos, artigos curtos e propostas para instalações. Todas as contribuições serão sujeitas a uma avaliação por pelo menos três membros da Comissão Científica Internacional. Todos os artigos aceites para apresentação serão publicados em livro registado e com depósito legal (ISBN) e uma selecção dos melhores artigos serão publicados numa revista científica de circulação internacional.
Todos os autores são convidados a submeter um artigo completo de 6 a 10 páginas (formato A4) para apresentação oral. Os artigos curtos não deverão ultrapassar 4 páginas de extensão. A línguas oficiais da conferência serão o Português, o Galego, o Castelhano e o Inglês. Todos os artigos escritos noutra língua que não o inglês deverão integrar um resumo em inglês. Cada submissão deverá incluir em página de topo, separada, contendo os seguintes elementos:
· Nome, organização, endereço e endereço de correio electrónico de cada autor
· Nome do autor apresentador
· Nome do autor para contacto
· Um máximo de 5 palavras - chave
Os artigos deverão ser submetidos com a formatação definida pelas regras e orientações contidas no documento disponível em ( A submissão deverá ser electrónica, em formato Word, e enviada para artech2006artigos(a) Os artigos não deverão ultrapassar o tamanho de 7Mb. O acto de submissão implica tacitamente a vontade de, pelo menos um dos autores, se registar na conferência e vir apresentar o seu trabalho.
Datas Importantes:
Submissão dos artigos longos: 30 Junho
Submissão de artigos curtos
e propostas de instalação: 30 Junho
Notificação de aceitação dos artigos longos: 31 Julho
Notificação de aceitação dos artigos curtos
e propostas de instalação: 31 Julho
Submissão versão final dos artigos: 21 Setembro
Conferencia: 17-18 Novembro
Presidentes da Conferência:
Karin Ohleshläguer, Media Lab Madrid, Espanha
Christa Sommerer DIC-UAD, Graz, Austria
Comissão Científica Internacional:
Lola Dopico, FBA-UV, Pontevedra, Espanha (Presidente)
Adérito Marcos, DSI-UM, Guimarães, Portugal (Vice-Presidente)
Álvaro Barbosa, U. Católica do Porto, PT
Antoni Mercader , U. Barcelona, ES
António Ramires, DI-U. Minho, PT
Charles A. Wuethrich, Bauhaus U. Weimar, DE
David Duce, OBU, UKElisa Lessa, IEC-U. Minho, PT
Fernando Suárez Cabeza - FBA/U.Vigo, ES
Fernando José Pereira, U. Porto, PT
Fortunato Rodriguez, FBA/U.Vigo, ES
Henrique Silva, FBienal de Cerveira, PT
Jorge Lens, U. Vigo, ES
José Antonio Castro Muñiz. U. Vigo, ES
José Luis Brea, U. Carlos III, ES
José Ramón Alcalá, U. Castilla -La Mancha, ES
Laura Baigorri, U. Barcelona
Leonel Valbom, DSI-U. Minho, PT
Luis Paulo Santos, DI-U. Minho, PT
Jesús Hernández Sánchez, U. Vigo, ES
Marc Cavazza, SC/TU, UK
Maria José Fernandez Pisón, U. Politécnica Valência, ES
Mariana Correia, ES. Gallaecia, PT
Miguel Encarnação, IMedia, USA
Monica Mendes, FBA-U. Lisboa, PT
Nuno Correia, DI/FCT/U. Nova de Lisboa, PT
Pau Alsina, U. Oberta de Catalunya, ES
Paulo Bernardino, DCA-U. Aveiro, PT
Paulo Dias, IEP/U. Minho, PT
Pedro Faria Lopes, ISCTE, PT
Rui João José, DSI-U. Minho, PT
Salomé Cuesta , U. Politécnica de Valencia, ES
Sudhir Mudur, U. Calgary, CA
Stefan Göbel, ZGDV, DE
Tomás Henriques, FCSH- U. Nova de Lisboa, PT
Organização Local:
Lola Dopico Aneiros
Fernando Suarez Cabeza
Silvia García Gonzalez
Alberto García Ariza
Artech 2006 Secretariat
Facultade de Belas Artes
Rua da Maestranza n.º 2
36002 Pontevedra, Spain
Tel: +34 986801800
Fax: +34 986801885
E-mail : artech2006(a)
International Digital Games Conference (iDig 2006)
GAMES 2006 Congress
September 26-28, 2006
Portalegre, Portugal
Call for Papers
** Final Call for Papers - Deadline for full paper - 9th of June ***
To submit a paper:
For more details see in
or contact us to games2006(a)
GAMES 2006
Invited Speakers Confirmed
Jason Della Rocca
Executive Director
International Game Developers Association (IGDA)
Jason oversees the day-to-day management of the
International Game Developers Association,
working to build a unified global game
development community and provide a common voice
for developers. Jason and the IGDA deal with such
diverse topics as anti-censorship advocacy,
academic relations, business issues, workplace
diversity, and developer quality of life. He also
oversees the running of the Game Developers
Choice Awards, an annual industry event which
recognizes and rewards outstanding achievement
within the game development community. Jason has
been a member of the game development community
for many years, and has spent time at Matrox
Graphics, Quazal and Silicon Graphics.
Leonard Paul
Video Game Audio Instructor
Vancouver Film School / Electronic Arts
Leonard teaches video game audio full-time at the
Vancouver Film School as well as being an
independent game audio contractor with his
company Lotus Audio. He attained his honors
degree in Computer Science at Simon Fraser
University. He is a recognized lecturer on the
topic of game audio and has given lectures at the
Banff New Media Institute, the New Forms
Festival, the Surrey Art Gallery and the 2003
GDC. His most recent worked on COACH K COLLEGE
BASKETBALL (Genesis), NBA LIVE 2000 (N64), MAX
PAYNE 2 (PC), and PS2 titles MODERNGROOVE:
Randi Rost
Senior Manager, Driver Development
Intel, Inc.
Randi Rost has managed the Fort Collins, CO
driver development group of 3Dlabs, Inc.
(formerly Dynamic Pictures) since October '97.
This group is currently driving the definintion
of the OpenGL 2.0 standard and implementing
OpenGL drivers for the 3Dlabs' family of graphics
products. Prior to joining 3Dlabs, Randi was a
graphics software architect for Hewlett-Packard's
Graphics Software Lab and was responsible for
leading Hewlett-Packard's graphics software
efforts in the areas of imaging and volume
rendering. Prior to joining Hewlett-Packard, he
was chief architect for graphics software at
Kubota Graphics Corporation. There he was
responsible for leading KGC's efforts to design
and implement a rich and flexible software
environment for KGC's line of high-performance
graphics and imaging systems. Randi has
participated in emerging graphics standards
efforts for over fifteen years. He was one of the
chief architects for PEX and served as the PEX
document editor for the first four years of the
effort. He has participated in the design of
OpenGL since its inception and, and was a member
of the Graphics Performance Characterization
(GPC) Committee during the development of the
Picture-Level Benchmark (PLB). He received NCGA's
1993 Achievement Award for the Advancement of
Graphics Standards. Randi has previously
participated in SIGGRAPH tutorials on PEX and
evaluating graphics workstations, was the course
organizer for tutorials on large model
visualization at SIGGRAPH '93, and was the course
organizer for tutorials on OpenGL at SIGGRAPH
`92, `93, and `94 and at Eurographics `94. His
most recent SIGGRAPH presentations were as the
course organizer for "CPU Extensions for Graphics
and Video" presented at SIGGRAPH '99 and as the
course organizer for "Media-Rich Programming With
OpenML" presented at SIGGRAPH 2001.
Tom Hunter
Compass Rose Games
Tom Hunter consults on pricing strategy for firms
in consumer products, telecommunications,
software, industrial automation, hardware and
financial networking. A professional interest in
price, value and pricing strategy coupled with a
life long interest in games and game design
inspired this article. He has spoken on the topic
of price and value in computer games and advised
independent game developers on pricing strategy.
Tom is also CEO of Compass Rose Games, a game
consulting and design firm focused on maximizing
the value of games. Compass Rose creates uniquely
effective strategies using price, value and
intellectual property to make games more successful and profitable.
In the scope of the GAMES 2006 Congress, the
first International Digital Games Conference
(iDiG Conference) aims to promote excellence in
research, creativity, and innovation in games
related areas. It constitutes a privileged forum
to foment interdisciplinary collaboration and
cooperation between industry and academia.
The goal of the conference is to get everyone
related to digital games together to promote a
comprehensive discussion of game issues and share visions of future gaming.
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 9, June
Short Paper Submission Deadline: 30, June
Notification of Acceptance (full papers): 21, July
Notification of Acceptance (short papers): 28, July
Final Paper Submission (both, short and full): 4, August
Jose Dionisio, Instituto Superior Tecnico
Antonio Ramires Fernandes, Universidade do Minho
John Sutherland, Abertay University
Frans Mayra, University of Tempere / DiGRA
Stephane Natkin, CNAM
Paulo Gomes, Instituto Politecnico de Portalegre / APROJE
A. Augusto de Sousa, Universidade do Porto / APROJE
Luis Teixeira, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa / APROJE
Aderito Marcos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Alan Chalmers, Bristol University, UK
Ann DeMarle, Champlain College, US
Antonio Coelho, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Bary W. Pollack, Sierra Nevada College, US
Brian Winn, Michigan State University, US
Catherine Pelachaud, Univesity of Paris 8, France
Cecile Le Prado, ENJMIN, France
David Adrian Cheock, Mixed reality laboratory / NTU, Singapure
Didier Stricker, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Dmitri Williams, University of Illinois, US
Frank Schoeffel, VRCOM, Germany
Gabriel Zachmann, Bonn University, Germany
Gastao Marques, Instituto Politecnico de Portalegre, Portugal
Gerber Ramalho, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Glyn Heatley, Algoma University College, Canada
Gonzalo Frasca, TU University of Copenhague, Denmark
Janet H. Murray, Georgia Institute of Technology, US
Jesper Juul, TU University of Copenhague, Denmark
Jesse Schell, Carnegie Mellon University, US
Joao Madeiras Pereira, Instituto Superior Tecnico / INESC, Portugal
John Sutherland, Abertay University, UK
Jose Creissac Campos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Jose Miguel Salles Dias, ISCTE / MICROSOFT, Portugal
Katherine Isbister, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US
Lee Sheldon, Anti-LinearLogic, US
Leonard Paul, Vancouver Film School / Lotus Audio, Canada
Licinio Roque, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Luis Filipe B. Teixeira, Universidade Lusofona, Portugal
Luis Filipe Marcelino, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Luis Paulo Santos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Manuel Próspero dos Santos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Marcos Fernandez Marín, Valencia University / ARTEC, Spain
Mark H. Overmars, Utrecht University, Netherland
Mauro Figueiredo, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Mehdi Qas, Univesity of Wolverhampton, UK
Michael J. Katchabaw, Middlesex College, Canada
Nelson Zagalo, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Pascal Estraillier, Universite de la Rochelle, France
Peter Astheimer, Glasgow ITI University, UK
Philippe Martins, Instituto Politecnico de Portalegre, Portugal
Rafael Bidarra, Delft University of Technology, Netherland
Raquel Morais, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa Portugal
Rui Bastos, NVIDIA, US
Stephan Gruenvogel, University of Berlin, Germany
Stephane Natkin, ENJMIN / CNAM, France
Stephen Jacobs, Rochester Institute of Technology, US
Susan Gold, Sierra Nevada College, US
Tony Manninen, University of Oulu, Finland
Veronica Orvalho, Dynamic Simulation Lab, Argentine
Veronica Zammito, DiGRA, Argentina
Yansheng Wang, Chinese Academy of Science, China
CONTACT: games2006(a)
Third Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations
Móstoles, Madrid, Spain, 6th-7th November
This is the third edition of the workshop and this year it is hosted by the Rey
Juan Carlos University. The workshop is organized in cooperation with
As in previous editions (vriphys04, vriphys05), the goal is to attract high
level research papers in the domains of dynamic simulation and physical
interaction in virtual reality environments. We also welcome papers showing
on-going research with promising results and new technology with applications
related. We particularly encourage works in the medical domain due to its
strong ties to the workshop topics.
Submissions are invited in (but not limited to) the following areas:
* Collision detection techniques
* Deformable objects (e.g. biomechanical modeling of soft and hard tissues)
* Physical standards for assessing deformable objects (e.g. performance
metrics & validation of medical simulators)
* Natural phenomena modeling (hair, fluids, ...)
* Geometric algorithms for physical simulation
* Haptic interactions & virtual reality interfaces
* Physically based dynamics (video games, medical simulators)
The workshop seeks to be an international forum for researchers and students to
provide a propitious environment for sharing results and exchanging new
concepts on these fields.
Camera ready submission:
Papers are allowed 6 to 10 pages and formatted according to the EG publication
guidelines for workshop submission. For double-blind reviewing, the anonymous
submission version should be used. Accepted papers will be presented orally at
the workshop and appear in the proceedings.
The works must be formatted in pdf and should include the following data:
* Abstract of not more than 150 words.
* Three to five keywords.
The 2 best papers will be published in the 2nd issue of year 2007 (April) in the
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCIR). JCR Impact
Factor : 0.9
* Papers due: July 3rd
* Notification of acceptance: September 18th
* Deadline for camera-ready version: October 9th
* Conference: November 6th, 7th
Workshop chairs:
* Cesar Mendoza (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* Isabel Navazo (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)
Local chair:
* Luis Pastor Pérez (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
International Program Committee
* Bedrich Benes (Department of Computer Graphics Technology. Purdue
* Christophe Chaillou (INRIA Futurs France)
* Stephane Cotin (CIMIT USA)
* Paolo Dario (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy)
* Hervé Delinguette (INRIA, Sofia Antipolis, France)
* John Dingliana (Trinity College, Ireland)
* Francois Faure (INRIA Rhone-Alpes France)
* Fabio Ganovelli (CNR, Italy)
* Cesar Mendoza (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* Philippe Meseure (SIC France)
* Min-Hyung Choi (The University of Colorado, Denver)
* Matthias Müller-Fischer (AGEIA Inc.)
* Isabel Navazo (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)
* Victor Ng-Thow-Hing (Honda Research Institute, USA)
* Carol O'Sullivan (Trinity College, Ireland)
* Isaac Rudomin (ITESM, CEM, Mexico)
* Riccardo Scateni (Università di Cagliari, Italy)
* Roberto Scopigno (CNR Italy)
* Marco Tarini (Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy)
Local Organization :
* Sofia Bayona (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* José Miguel Espadero (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* Marcos García (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* Carolina Gómez (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* Susana Mata (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* Angela Mendoza (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* David Miraut (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* Oscar Robles (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* Angel Rodríguez (Politecnical University of Madrid, Spain)
* José Luis Bosque (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* José San Martín (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
* Pablo Toharia (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)
Dear Madame/Sir,
The island of Cyprus and the organizing committee are pleased to announce a joint conference to be held from the 30th of October to the 4th of November, 2006 focused on building regional capacity in Cultural Heritage :
"The e-volution of Information Technology in Cultural Heritage,
Where Hi-Tech Touches the Past: Risks and Challenges for the 21st Century".
A joint event for the exchange and sharing of know-how in the areas of Cultural Heritage (CH) and Information Technology (IT) focusing on e-documentation and Computer Graphics:
- The 37th CIPA International Workshop on e-Documentation and Standardisation in Cultural Heritage ( )
- The 7th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.
- The 4th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage ( )
- The 1st Euro-Med Conference on IT in Cultural Heritage.
- EPOCH General Assembly and EPOCH SME meeting ( )
- The 6th RecorDIM Roundtable ( )
It is the first time that several organizations have decided to join together in order to create an optimal environment for the discussion and explanation of new technologies, exchange of modern ideas and in general to allow the transfer of knowledge between a maximum number of professionals and academics during one common time period.
We would appreciate it if you would distribute this announcement to any interested colleagues.
We hope you find this 2006 joint conference to be of interest and look forward to seeing you in Cyprus!
For questions or requests for additional information, please visit our website: or
Best regards,
Marinos Ioannides
Email: chairman(a)
The UK Chapter of the Eurographics Association (EGUK) presents:-
Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2006
University of Teesside, 20-22nd June 2006
** Program now available online **
** Tutorials now available **
** Early Bird discount extended to 23 May **
The 24th Conference organised by the UK chapter of the
Eurographics Association will be the fourth in the series
of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics
Conferences (TP.CG.06).
Confirmed keynote speakers are Marc Cavazza, Professor
of Intelligent Virtual Environments at the University
of Teesside, Professor Charles Hansen of the School of
Computing and the Scientific Computing and Imaging
Institute, University of Utah and Professor Stuart
Sumida of California State University, San Bernandino.
The conference runs from the afternoon of the 20th June to
lunch on the 22nd June. A full program of tutorials and
social events is also arranged.
The discount for early registration has been extended until
23 May. The booking form is linked from the conference
web site at
We look forward to welcoming you to this conference.
Paul Hatton
High Performance Computing and Visualisation Specialist
Technical Director, HP Visual and Spatial Technology Centre
Information Services, Elms Road Computer Centre,
The University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT.
Ph: 0121-414-3994 Fax: 0121-414-3952 M: 07785-977340
Apologies for any duplicate you may receive.
Please bring to the attention of colleagues / students.
COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM is the journal of Eurographics, the European
Association for Computer Graphics. Each year we have the opportunity to
change the picture appearing on the cover of the journal. This is your
opportunity to show the world what you can do, a competition for the
photograph for the 2007 volume.
The first prize winner gets 200 Euro, but the biggest prize is of course
the fact that your picture will appear on all the 2007 issues, including
the conference issue!
The winner will be publicly announced at the closing session of the
Eurographics 2006 conference in Vienna (Austria).
Federico Ponchio <ponchio(a)>
Deadline: AUGUST 20th, 2006
Electronic submissions may be in all image formats. For production on
the cover of "Forum", we will be asking the winning submitter to provide
a CMYK-separated eps file, saved at 300 dpi, sized at 152 mm x 128 mm.
We would also appreciate a GIF or JPEG image with RGB colour for use on
the website.
To give you an idea what we are looking for and further instructions,
visit the CGF Cover Contest web page:
Information about EUROGRAPHICS can be found at:
CALL FOR PAPERS Paper Due: 24th May 2006
2006 International Conference on CYBERWORLDS
November 28-30, 2006, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland Organized by EPFL VRlab in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS, ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM SIGWEB, CUSO, and INTUITION EU Network of Excellence
Cyberworlds are information worlds being formed on Internet either intentionally or spontaneously, with or without design. As information worlds, they are either virtual or real, and can be both. In terms of information modelling, the theoretical ground for the Cyberworlds is far above the level of integrating spatial database models and temporal database models. This conference will deal with large distributed information worlds on Internet as well as methods and tools used for creating such worlds.
The conference topics include but are not limited to the following areas.
- Philosophy, Evolution, and Ethics of Cyberworlds
- Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds
- Cyberethics and Cyberlaws
- Cybersecurity
- Visual Cyberworlds
- Human animation in Cyberworlds
- Virtual Reality in Cyberworlds
- Computer vision and augmented reality for Cyberworlds
- Intelligent agents in Cyberworlds
- Communication in Cyberworlds
- Distributed virtual environments
- Shared virtual worlds
- Data mining and warehousing in Cyberworlds
- Bioinformatics for Cyberlife and medicine
- Healthcare in Cyberworlds
- Cyberworlds for bioengineering
- Cyberinformation systems
- E-business in Cyberworlds
- Cyberworlds for education
- Collaborative work using Cyberworlds
- Cyberworlds for manufacturing
- Cyber fairs and Cyber museums
- Multi-user web games
CW2006 will provide an opportunity for scientists, engineers, and researchers from around the world to share the latest research, ideas, and developments in these fields.
The conference will consist of formal paper sessions and hands-on demonstrations where research groups and vendors will show the state-of-the-art in the field.
Paper Due: 24th May 2006
Notice of Acceptance: 1st July 2006
Camera Ready Due: 28th July 2006
Conference: 28-30 Nov 2006
Full and Short Papers (in English) containing original and unpublished results are solicited. Full papers are limited to maximum 8 pages (single space, two columns) including figures. Short papers are limited to 5 pages. All paper submissions must reach us by 10th May, 2006. Accepted papers will be included in a conference proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society.
Submission Information: <> For general enquiries please contact Daniel Thalmann, EPFL VRlab, Station 14, CH 1015, Lausanne, Switzerland
E-mail: Daniel.Thalmann(a)
Fax: +41-21-693-5328