Eurographics 2006, Vienna, Austria
Call for Short Papers
Website: http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/events/EG06/shortpapers.php
Email: shortpaperchairs-eg06(a)cg.tuwien.ac.at
Authors are invited to submit proposals for short presentations of recent results, work in progress, and new ideas. Papers should be no longer than 4 pages, and accepted papers will be published in the Short Papers Proceedings of the conference.
Authors of accepted papers will be expected to present their work as a short oral presentation as well as a poster during a special session. Short papers will be distributed to conference participants in both printed and CD-ROM formats and will be archived in the EG Digital Library. Submission deadline is April 28th, 2006.
Submitted short papers should be formatted according to the EG publication guidelines
(refer to EGauthorGuidelines-short-sub.pdf and EGauthorGuidelines-short-sub.tex in the zip archive). For submission purposes, you should only submit a paper of up to 4 pages in length according to the submission guidelines. Formatting guidelines for the poster session will be provided to the authors of accepted short papers at a later date.
Anonymous submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics online submission system.
Deadline for Submissions: FRIDAY, 28 APRIL, 2006
Notification Date: MONDAY, 29 MAY, 2006
Final paper due: WEDNESDAY, 14TH OF JUNE, 2006
Chuck Hansen (USA)
Dieter Fellner (Austria)
For further information, please contact the short paper co-chairs at
More information on the full EG2006 conference is available at
5th International Workshop on Volume Graphics
Boston, MA, USA, 30-31 July 2006
Keynote speaker: Professor Marc Levoy, Stanford University
Capstone Speaker: Professor Ron Kikinis, Harvard Medical School
Please create your login account as soon as possible by
following the URL:
Important Dates:
Friday 21 April 2006: Electronic abstract submission
Monday 24 April 2006: Electronic paper submission
Monday 29 May 2006: Author notification
Friday 16 June 2006: Receipt of camera-ready paper
For details of CFP, Style Guide and Online Submission,
please visit http://vg.swan.ac.uk/vg06.
Workshop Co-Chairs: Min Chen & Tom Ertl
Program Co-Chairs: Raghu Machiraju & Torsten Möller
__ __ __ __ __
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Fourth Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing
in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, June 26-28 2006
Program Co-Chairs:
* Alla Sheffer, University of British Columbia
* Konrad Polthier, Freie Universität Berlin
Organizing Co-Chairs:
* Riccardo Scateni, Università di Cagliari
* Roberto Scopigno, ISTI-CNR Pisa
The Symposium on Geometry Processing is the premier venue for
disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in
computerized processing of geometric models. In this emerging
area, concepts from applied mathematics, computer science,
and engineering are used to design efficient algorithms for
acquisition, reconstruction, manipulation, simulation and
transmission of complex 3D models. Applications of geometry
processing algorithms cover a wide range of areas from multimedia,
entertainment, and classical computer-aided design, to bio-medical
computing, reverse engineering, and scientific computing.
We are now inviting submissions related to, but not limited to,
the following topics in geometry processing:
- geometry and topology representations
- compression of static or animated geometry
- surface and volume parameterization
- approximation and meshing
- reverse engineering
- simplification and level of detail
- smoothing and denoising
- computational geometry
- multiresolution shape analysis and synthesis
- geometric aspects of rendering and other fields
- interactive techniques
- animation and simulation
The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the
Eurographics Proceedings Series, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH.
NEW: proceedings will be full-color throughout.
In addition to the technical paper presentations the conference
will have two distinguished invited speakers:
* Markus Gross, ETH Zurich
* Ron Kimmel, Technion.
NEW: the industry panel will be a new conference feature where
representatives of major companies actively involved in geometry
processing and its application will present and discuss the most
challenging research problems in the work of their companies.
This year's panelists are:
* Richard Huddy (ATI)
* Arnaud Ribadeau-Dumas (Dassault Systèmes)
* Rasmus Tamstorf (Disney)
* Olivier Paugam (Mental Images)
A posters session will provide an additional informative look into
ongoing research. Papers with obvious potential but which missed
the threshold may be invited to be presented as posters during the
symposium. Two page abstracts of the posters will be published in
a separate volume distributed to the symposium participants.
* Electronic abstract submission deadline: April 19, 2006
* Electronic paper submission deadline: April 26, 2006
* Author notification: May 17, 2006
* Camera ready copy deadline: May 24, 2006
* Symposium: June 26-28, 2006
Details of the all-electronic submission procedure are available
on the official SGP website: http://www.geometryprocessing.org
Authors are requested to submit an abstract of their paper (in
plain text format) by April 19, 2006. The abstract submission
should contain the names and institutions of all the authors,
contact information of one contact author (name, e-mail, postal
address, phone and fax numbers), and the working title and
abstract of the submission.
Submitted manuscripts should be prepared for double-blind review,
and should be original work, not concurrently submitted to any
other venue. The length of a submitted paper should typically not
exceed 10 pages, formatted in the proper publication style (LaTeX
files available online). A submission can also be accompanied by
electronic supplementary material (e.g. video).
Submitted papers will be carefully reviewed by members of the
Program Committee (see list online) and selected external reviewers.
April 27: Firm deadline for paper abstracts
April 28: Firm deadline for paper submissions
May 2: Firm deadline for poster/demo submissions
The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
Vienna, Austria Sat 2 - Mon 4 September, 2006
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- autonomous characters
- physically based animation
- facial animation
- real-time animation, animation for games
- group and crowd behavior
- expressive motion / communication
- nonphotorealistic animation
- physical realism / measuring the real world for animation
- nature in motion (natural phenomena, plants, clouds,...)
- planning / learning / optimization for animation
- intuitive interfaces for creating and editing animations
- sound and speech for animation
- perceptual metrics for animation
- mathematical foundations of animation
- 2D animation systems
- new time-based art forms on the computer
Important Dates
April 28: Firm deadline for paper submissions
May 2: Firm deadline for poster/demo submissions
June 14: Paper acceptance/rejection notification
June 16: Poster/demo acceptance/rejection notification
July 1: Camera ready papers and animations due
July 1: Camera ready 2 pages poster due
Sept 2-4: Symposium
Papers must be written and presented in English. Paper length should not
exceed 10 A4 pages, should be anonymous and formatted according to the EG
publication style. Authors must include a declaration stating that the
main contribution claimed in their paper has not previously appeared in,
and is not currently submitted to, any other conference or journal.
To be considered for review, all papers must be submitted electronically
through the SCA submission web site. Supplementary
material such as videos may also be submitted electronically and will be
made available to reviewers.
All papers will be reviewed carefully by the International Program
Committee members. Given the limited time between submission and final
version, papers will be evaluated as submitted.
Authors of accepted papers will be responsible for preparing a final
camera-ready electronic version of their paper. In addition to the printed
proceedings, a DVD-ROM will be published with supplemental materials. If
an author submits supplemental materials for review with their paper, that
material (or a revised version) must also be provided by the authors for
inclusion on the DVD-ROM.
Authors of some rejected papers with high potential will be invited to
submit their work to the combined demos and poster sessions. Submissions
directly targeting the Poster & Demo session are also accepted (see
Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!
Paper chairs:
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
General chairs:
Carol O'Sullivan and Fred Pighin
Local Chair:
Caroline Larboulette
Dr. Carol O'Sullivan
Interaction, Simulation and Graphics Lab.
Trinity College Dublin
phone: +353 1 6081220
fax: +353 1 6083677
Point-Based Graphics 2006 - Call for Papers
Co-sponsored by Eurographics and the
IEEE-CS Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC)
In Cooperation with ACM/SIGGRAPH
Web: http://www.point-graphics.org
The drive for increasingly complex 3D geometric models, especially those scanned from the real-world, has brought about a growing interest in methods that build on point primitives. Following the highly successful 2004 and 2005 Symposia on Point-Based Graphics, the 3rd symposium of its series, PBG06, aims to further demonstrate the applicability of point-based methods in modeling, rendering, and simulation, and in a wide range of application domains. The PBG06 will take place in Boston, MA, July 29-30, 2006, and will be co-located with SIGGRAPH and the International Workshop on Volume Graphics (VG06). The best papers of PBG06 will additionally be published in a special issue of Computers & Graphics. We invite your original contributions in areas including, but not limited to, the following:
Data acquisition and surface reconstruction
Geometric modeling using point primitives
Sampling, approximation, and interpolation
Rendering algorithms for point primitives
Geometry processing of point models
Topological properties of point clouds
Hardware architectures for point primitives
Animation and morphing of point-sampled models
Hybrid representations and algorithms
Use of point-based methods in real-world applications
Transmission and compression of point-sampled geometry
Important Dates:
21 April 2006 Electronic abstract submission
24 April 2006 Electronic paper submission
2 June 2006 Author notification
13 June 2006 Camera-ready copy
Conference Chairs:
Mark Pauly, ETH Zurich
Matthias Zwicker, University of California at San Diego
Papers Chairs:
Mario Botsch, ETH Zurich
Baoquan Chen, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
Papers Committee:
Marc Alexa
Daniel Aliaga
Kavita Bala
Loic Barthe
Frederic Cazals
Daniel Cohen-Or
Oliver Deussen
Tamal Dey
Philip Dutre
David Ebert
Issei Fujishiro
Joachim Giesen
Enrico Gobbetti
Markus Gross
Hans-Christian Hege
Arie Kaufman
Leif Kobbelt
Anselmo Lastra
Wojciech Matusik
Nelson Max
Torsten Moeller
Klaus Mueller
Matthias Mueller
Renato Pajarola
Hanspeter Pfister
Voicu Popescu
Werner Purgathofer
Szymon M. Rusinkiewicz
Dietmar Saupe
Claudio Silva
Oliver Staadt
Marc Stamminger
Alexandru Telea
Matthias Teschner
Amitabh Varshney
Luiz Velho
Michael Wand
Ruediger Westermann
Afra Zomorodian
The Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments will take place in
Lisbon, Portugal on May 8 - 10, 2006. Details of the programme are
now available at http://www.adetti.pt/events/EGVE06/
We have assembled a high-quality programme of full papers, research
sketches and invited talks, organised as a single track. We are
particularly pleased that Roberta Klatzky, Professor of Psychology at
Carnegie Mellon University, will give a keynote talk entitled 'How
Psychophysics can Inform Device Design for Virtual and Augmented
Reality'. For anyone involved in virtual environments this is surely
an opportunity not to be missed!
The Symposium will take place in the Gulbenkian Foundation Congress
Centre. On the website you can find details of the programme,
registration procedure, and hotel reservations.
Do make the trip if you can. It promises to be an enjoyable and
stimulating event.
We hope to see you in Lisbon.
Joaquim Jorge
EGVE Symposium Chair
Ming Lin and Roger Hubbold
IPC Co-Chairs
Dear Colleague:
The island of Cyprus and the organizing committee are pleased to announce a
joint conference to be held from the 30th of October to the 4th of November,
2006 focused on building regional capacity in Cultural Heritage
www.cipa2006.org :
The e-volution of Information Technology in Cultural Heritage,
Where Hi-Tech Touches the Past: Risks and Challenges for the 21st Century.
A joint event for the exchange and sharing of know-how in the areas of
Cultural Heritage (CH) and Information Technology (IT) focusing on
e-documentation and Computer Graphics:
- The 37th CIPA International Workshop on e-Documentation and
Standardisation in Cultural Heritage (http://cipa.icomos.org )
- The 7th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and
Cultural Heritage.
- The 4th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
(http://www.eg.org )
- The 1st Euro-Med Conference on IT in Cultural Heritage.
- EPOCH General Assembly and EPOCH SME meeting (http://www.epoch-net.org/ )
- The 6th RecorDIM Roundtable (http://extranet.getty.edu/recordim/ )
It is the first time that several organizations have decided to join
together in order to create an optimal environment for the discussion and
explanation of new technologies, exchange of modern ideas and in general to
allow the transfer of knowledge between a maximum number of professionals
and academics during one common time period.
The attached announcement includes the call for papers and registration
information. We would appreciate it if you would distribute this
announcement to any interested colleagues.
We hope you find this 2006 joint conference to be of interest and look
forward to seeing you in Cyprus!
For questions or requests for additional information, please visit our
preliminary website: www.cipa2006.org or www.vast2006.org
Best regards,
Marinos Ioannides
Email chairman(a)cipa2006.org
<our apologies for cross-posting>
3rd Eurographics Workshop on
Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM '06)
Vienna, Austria
Sunday Sep. 3rd - Monday Sep. 4th 2006
************* WORKSHOP *************
Aims and Scope
The mouse and keyboard have defined user interfaces for the nearly
forty years since the mouse's invention, yet interfaces based on this
hardware often leave much to be desired. For example, while computers
are indispensable tools for engineering and architectural design, they
have yet to become the preferred tool in the very early stages of
design, where pencil and paper still reign. This is because current
user interfaces are too cumbersome when rapid exploration of the
design space is necessary.
Sketch-based interfaces are emerging as an approach to address this
sort of problem. Such interfaces are expected to provide flexible,
informal interaction between computers and users in a way that that
does not hinder creativity. These interfaces are becoming increasingly
practical because of the many recent advances in pen input devices,
especially tablet computers.
The workshop will explore the techniques needed to enable sketch-based
interfaces, such as techniques for classification and recognition of
hand-drawn shapes and text. Likewise, the workshop will explore the
application of sketch-based interfaces to domains such as 2D/3D
graphics, CAD, diagram editing, note taking, etc. Finally, the
workshop will welcome empirical usability studies aimed at clarifying
the nature of sketch-based interfaces and comparing pen input to other
interaction techniques.
The workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers working on
sketch-based interfaces to interact with one another, share lessons
learned, show new results, and discuss open issues. The workshop,
which will take place in Vienna, Austria, will be held just prior to
the Eurographics '06 Conference. As such, it will provide an
opportunity for researchers to participate in both events.
The two-day workshop will include paper presentations (single track),
coffee breaks, a conference dinner and invited talks. Participation is
open to everyone; submitting a paper is not mandatory. The proceedings
will be published in the EG Workshop series and made available online
through the Eurographics Digital Library. (Baoquan Chen's report on
last year's event can be found at:
Authors are invited to submit technical papers on topics including,
but not limited to, the following:
- Low level ink processing / Pen stroke segmentation
- Sketch parsing
- Classification and recognition of handwritten sketches
- Multimodal interfaces for sketching
- Novel sketch input devices
- Rendering techniques for sketch-based interfaces (NPR)
- Mobile appliances for design input
- Usability studies of sketch-based systems
- Sketch-based interfaces for 2D/3D computer graphics
(modeling, animation, etc.)
- Sketch-based interfaces for CAD systems
- Sketch-based interfaces for other applications
(diagram editing, math, etc.)
- Sketches for Medical and Volume data editing
- Sketching surfaces/diagrams/mathematical annotations/ etc.
- Sketch-based retrieval of Multimedia Information
- Creativity and design
Submission Procedure
Authors are requested to submit papers, no longer than 8 pages, with
the main body set in Eurographics Conference Paper Format. All
submissions are electronic. You can download a set of LaTeX style
files from the EG Conference site.
Each paper should contain title, authors' names and affiliations,
abstract, keywords, text, illustrations and references. Detailed
guidelines are available through the Workshop Site under instructions
for authors. Submissions will be done electronically via the EG
Conference Manager. We will accept papers in PDF format only. Please
contact the conference organizers should you experience any problems
with electronic submission. Post-workshop proceedings will be
available on-line through the Eurographics Digital Library and in
paper book form in the Eurographics Book Series. Selection will be
based upon technical and scientific content and relevance to the
Revised and expanded versions of selected workshop papers will be
featured on a Special Issue of the Computers and Graphics Journal
(Elsevier) in 2007
Invited Speakers
Eric Saund (PARC) and Marc Alexa (TU Berlin)
1) Deadline for paper submissions: May 26, 2006
2) Notification of Acceptance: July 7, 2006
3) Camera-Ready Copy Due: July 21, 2006
4) Conference date: Sunday Sep. 3rd - Monday Sep. 4th 2006
C&G Special Issue
1) Selection of Best papers Announced: October, 2006
2) Revised Versions Due: December, 15 2006
3) Notification of Final Selection: January, 31 2007
4) Final Version Due: 21 February 2007
************* COMMITTEE *************
Workshop Chair
Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge
Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Program Co-Chairs
Thomas Stahovich
University of California Riverside, USA
Mario Costa Sousa
University of Calgary, Canada
International Program Committee (Tentative)
Marc Alexa, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Christine Alvarado, Harvey Mudd College, USA
Ken Anjyo, OLM Digital, Japan
Marie-Paule Cani, INP Grenoble, France
Baoquan Chen, University of Minnesota, USA
Daniel Cohen-Or, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Pedro Pablo Company, U Jaume I, Spain
Manuel Contero, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Randy Davis, MIT, USA
Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Bianca Falcidieno, CNR IMATI-Genova, Italy
Jean-Daniel Fekete, INRIA, France
Nunes Ferreira, FEUP, Portugal
Mark Gross, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Jason Hong, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Takeo Igarashi, University of Tokyo, Japan
Kunio Kondo, Saitama University, Japan
Jim Landay, University of Washington, USA
Pierre Leclercq, University of Liege, Belgium
Hod Lipson, Cornell University, USA
Josep Llados, U. A. Catalunya, Spain
Ralph Martin, Cardiff University, UK
Gopi M., University of California, Irvine, USA
Jun Mitani, Tsukuba University, Japan
Shigeru Owada, Sony CSL, Japan
Faramarz Samavati, University of Calgary, Canada
Eric Saund, PARC, USA
Michael Shilman, Microsoft Research, USA
Karan Singh, University of Toronto, Canada
Andre Stork, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Mark Swain, Walt Disney Feature Animation, USA
Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, York University, Canada
Michiel van de Panne, University of British Columbia, Canada
Peter Varley, University of Tokyo, Japan
Brian Wyvill, University of Calgary, Canada
Bob Zeleznik, Brown University, USA
<our apologies for cross-posting>
The Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization will take place in
Lisbon, Portugal on May 8 - 10, 2006. Details of the programme are
now available at http://immi.inesc.pt/eurovis
IMPORTANT: The Early Bird Registration date is 31 March.
We have assembled a high-quality programme including 43 full papers, selected by the International Program Committee from 98 submissions; we are also particularly pleased that Chris Johnson, Professor at University of Utah, will give a keynote talk entitled "Visual Computing: Case Studies and Research Challenges".
For anyone involved in Visualization this is surely an opportunity not to be missed!
The Symposium will take place in the Gulbenkian Foundation Congress
Centre. On the website you can find details of the programme,
registration procedure, and hotel reservations.
We hope to see you in Lisbon.
Joaquim Jorge
EGVE Symposium Chair
Beatriz Sousa Santos, Thomas Ertl and Ken Joy
IPC Co-Chairs
6th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
May 11-12, 2006, Braga, Portugal
(in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH)
Call for Participation
* *
* Early Bird Registration *
* *
* 31.March.2006 *
* *
The preliminary program for the 6th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Grahics
and Visualization is now available from the web page.
There will be 19 high quality full papers and two invited speakers:
Dr. Alan Chalmers
"Rendering on Demand"
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Dr. James T. Klosowski
"The Challenges of Commodity-Based Visualization Clusters"
Visualization Systems, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
There will also be a short paper session presenting ongoing innovative work.
Join us in Braga, Portugal, for a two-day exciting symposium.
Registration details can be found at http://www.di.uminho.pt/egpgv06
Looking forward to meet you in May,
Luis Paulo Santos
Symposium Chair
Aims and Scope of the Symposium
Following successful previous workshops/symposia that were held in
Grenoble (F) 2004, Bristol (UK) 1996, Rennes (F) 1998, Girona (E)
2000, and Blaubeuren (D) 2002, we are happy to announce the 6th
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization. The
aim of this symposium is to share experiences and knowledge of
parallel and distributed computing and its application to all aspects
of computer graphics, virtual reality, scientific and engineering
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Cluster based graphics and visualization
Efficient graphics and visualization for shared and distributed memory systems
Parallel and distributed systems for large and high resolution displays
Parallel and distributed systems for photo-realistic rendering
Parallel volume rendering
Real-time systems for 3D virtual reality
Data coherence in graphics algorithms
Large data set visualization
Large model realistic rendering
Large scale simulations and graphics rendering
Graphics and visualization in grid environments
Parallel simulations for interactive applications
Parallelism within GPU architectures
GPU clusters
The EGPGV Symposium will follow the Eurovis06 Symposium on Visualization and the
Eurographics Workshop in Virtual Environments that will take place in Lisbon, Portugal,
on the same week, from the 8th to the 10th of May, 2006 .
Invited Speakers
Alan Chalmers
Department of Computer Science
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
James T. Klosowski
Visualization Systems
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Papers and Short Papers
The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the Eurographics Proceedings Series.
Selected papers will also be published in a Special Issue of the Journal of Parallel Computing, following a tradition established on 2004.
There will be a "best paper" award based on the content of the paper and selected by the Program chairs. There will also be a "best presentation" award based on the oral presentation and selected by all the symposium attendees.
Workshop and Program co-chairs
Luis Paulo Santos, University of Minho
Alan Heirich, Sony Computer Entertainment America
Local Organizers
Aderito Marcos, Center for Computer Graphics
Antonio Augusto Sousa, FE, University of Porto
Antonio Ramires Fernandes, DI, University of Minho
Cristina Santos, DEI, University of Minho
Joao Lu¡s Sobral, DI, University of Minho
Joao Madeiras Pereira, IST/INESC
Luis Paulo Santos, DI, University of Minho
Vitor Sa , DSI, University of Minho
Program Committee
Dirk Bartz, WSI/GRIS - VCM, University of Tubingen
Georges-Pierre Bonneau, CNRS
Kadi Bouatouch, IRISA
Montserrat Boo Cepeda, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Alan Chalmers, University of Bristol
Paolo Cignoni, IEI - CNR
Thomas Ertl, University of Stuttgart
Issei Fujishiro, Tohoku University
Charles Hansen, University of Utah
Jian Huang, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Ulrich Lang, ZAIG, University of Cologne
Margarita Amor Lopez, University of A Coruna
Kwan-Liu Ma, University of California, Davis
Jamie Painter, BlackMesa Capital
Xavier Pueyo, University of Girona
Erik Reinhard, University of Bristol
Bengt-Olaf Schneider, NVIDIA
Han-Wei Shen, Ohio State University
Claudio Silva, University of Utah
Philipp Slusallek, Saarland University
Rudiger Westermann, TU Mnchen
Craig M. Wittenbrink, NVIDIA
Web Page: http://www.di.uminho.pt/egpgv06
For further questions please contact egpgv06(a)di.uminho.pt