Subject: Graphics Hardware 2006: Paper submissions now open!
Call For Participation
ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics Graphics Hardware
3-4 September 2006, Vienna, Austria
Submissions now open: <>
Graphics Hardware is a highly visible, established international forum
for exchanging experience and knowledge related to computer graphics
hardware. The event, held annually since 1986, offers a unique
perspective on graphics hardware by combining discussions and
constructive critique of innovative concepts as well as product-level
designs. It is an inclusive forum for the entire graphics hardware
community and brings together researchers, engineers, and architects.
The program features two days of paper and industry presentations,
with ample time for discussion during breaks, lunches, and the
workshop banquet. This year's event will be held in Vienna, Austria,
jointly with Eurographics.
Our website is located at <>.
Friday, April 21: Deadline for paper submissions
(11:59 pm Pacific Daylight Time)
Friday, June 2: Notification of acceptance
Friday, June 23: Camera-ready papers due
Saturday, July 15: Deadline for Hot 3D systems abstracts
Saturday, August 12: Final Hot3D presentations due
Sun/Mon, September 3/4: Conference
Full CFP: <>
Submissions: <>
To facilitate sending announcements to those interested in Graphics
Hardware, we have moved our mailing list onto a listserv. We hope this
will be more convenient for attendees, organizers, and all others who
are interested in graphics hardware alike. We promise this will be an
low-volume mailing list, limited to the call for papers, submissions,
the announcement of the GH program, and the wrapup email. Details for
unsubscription are at the end of this message, or visit
Despite what it says below, posting to this list is disabled for all
but the list moderator, and you won't get monthly email password
reminders unless you specifically sign up for them.
The Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments will take place in
Lisbon, Portugal on May 8 - 10, 2006. Details of the programme are
now available at
IMPORTANT: The Early Bird Registration date is 31 March.
We have assembled a high-quality programme of full papers, research
sketches and invited talks, organised as a single track. We are
particularly pleased that Roberta Klatzky, Professor of Psychology at
Carnegie Mellon University, will give a keynote talk entitled 'How
Psychophysics can Inform Device Design for Virtual and Augmented
Reality'. For anyone involved in virtual environments this is surely
an opportunity not to be missed!
The Symposium will take place in the Gulbenkian Foundation Congress
Centre. On the website you can find details of the programme,
registration procedure, and hotel reservations.
Do make the trip if you can. It promises to be an enjoyable and
stimulating event.
We hope to see you in Lisbon.
Joaquim Jorge
EGVE Symposium Chair
Ming Lin and Roger Hubbold
IPC Co-Chairs
Second Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena
Vienna, Austria, September 5, 2006
Program Co-Chairs:
Norishige Chiba
Eric Galin
Call for papers
Synthesizing realistic natural scenes is a challenging and important problem
in computer graphics. The challenge stems not only from the complexity and
diversity of objects and natural phenomena interacting together, but also
from the huge amount of small details that should be modeled to obtain
realistic models and physically plausible simulations. Therefore, there is
still a need for interactive modeling and simulation techniques capable for
handling complex synthetic sceneries. The purpose of this workshop is to
explore novel techniques for modeling, animating, simulating and rendering
complex natural phenomena.
The workshop will build on work done in recent years including simulating
aging and weathering of synthetic objects, plant modeling, ecosystem
simulation, gaseous phenomena and liquid flows. It will focus on
non-concious or inanimate nature like rock, trees, oceans, wind, meadows
(animals and humans as part of nature should be excluded). Work in this
area, promising as it is, is still far from complete.
Authors are invited to submit technical papers in these or related areas.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Plant structure modeling
- Ecosystem simulation
- Gaseous phenomena (clouds, fog .)
- Simulating liquid flows
- Modeling fire and smoke
- Aging and weathering
- Terrain modeling
Submission Procedure (all submissions are electronic)
Authors are requested to submit papers, no longer than 8 pages, with the
main body set in Eurographics Conference Paper Format. Each paper should
contain title, authors' names and affiliations, abstract, keywords, text,
illustrations and references. Detailed guidelines are available through the
Workshop Site under instructions for authors. Submissions will be done
electronically. We will accept papers in PDF format only. Please contact the
conference organizers should you experience any problems with electronic
submission. Post-workshop proceedings will be available on-line through the
Eurographics Digital Library and in paper book form in the Eurographics Book
Series. Selection will be based upon technical and scientific content and
relevance to the workshop.
Workshop Format
The workshop will take place just before the Eurographics'06 Conference
(September 5, Vienna, Austria) to encourage a broad range of participants.
As such, it will provide a very interesting opportunity for researchers that
want to attend or present communications at both events. The workshop will
be held in one day, including paper presentation and invited sessions.
Participation is open to everyone, not requiring submission of a paper.
Important Dates
May 18, 2006 Submission deadline
June 18, 2006 Notification of acceptance
July 8, 2006 Deadline for camera-ready copies
September 5, 2006 Workshop (one full day)
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Fourth Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing
in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, June 26-28 2006
Program Co-Chairs:
* Alla Sheffer, University of British Columbia
* Konrad Polthier, Freie Universität Berlin
Organizing Co-Chairs:
* Riccardo Scateni, Università di Cagliari
* Roberto Scopigno, ISTI-CNR Pisa
The Symposium on Geometry Processing is the premier venue for
disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in
computerized processing of geometric models. In this emerging
area, concepts from applied mathematics, computer science,
and engineering are used to design efficient algorithms for
acquisition, reconstruction, manipulation, simulation and
transmission of complex 3D models. Applications of geometry
processing algorithms cover a wide range of areas from multimedia,
entertainment, and classical computer-aided design, to bio-medical
computing, reverse engineering, and scientific computing.
We are now inviting submissions related to, but not limited to,
the following topics in geometry processing:
- geometry and topology representations
- compression of static or animated geometry
- surface and volume parameterization
- approximation and meshing
- reverse engineering
- simplification and level of detail
- smoothing and denoising
- computational geometry
- multiresolution shape analysis and synthesis
- geometric aspects of rendering and other fields
- interactive techniques
- animation and simulation
The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the
Eurographics Proceedings Series, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH.
NEW: proceedings will be full-color throughout.
In addition to the technical paper presentations the conference
will have two distinguished invited speakers:
* Markus Gross, ETH Zurich
* Ron Kimmel, Technion.
NEW: the industry panel will be a new conference feature where
representatives of major companies actively involved in geometry
processing and its application will present and discuss the most
challenging research problems in the work of their companies.
This year's panelists are:
* Richard Huddy (ATI)
* Arnaud Ribadeau-Dumas (Dassault Systèmes)
* Rasmus Tamstorf (Disney)
* Olivier Paugam (Mental Images)
A posters session will provide an additional informative look into
ongoing research. Papers with obvious potential but which missed
the threshold may be invited to be presented as posters during the
symposium. Two page abstracts of the posters will be published in
a separate volume distributed to the symposium participants.
* Electronic abstract submission deadline: April 19, 2006
* Electronic paper submission deadline: April 26, 2006
* Author notification: May 17, 2006
* Camera ready copy deadline: May 24, 2006
* Symposium: June 26-28, 2006
Details of the all-electronic submission procedure are available
on the official SGP website:
Authors are requested to submit an abstract of their paper (in
plain text format) by April 19, 2006. The abstract submission
should contain the names and institutions of all the authors,
contact information of one contact author (name, e-mail, postal
address, phone and fax numbers), and the working title and
abstract of the submission.
Submitted manuscripts should be prepared for double-blind review,
and should be original work, not concurrently submitted to any
other venue. The length of a submitted paper should typically not
exceed 10 pages, formatted in the proper publication style (LaTeX
files available online). A submission can also be accompanied by
electronic supplementary material (e.g. video).
Submitted papers will be carefully reviewed by members of the
Program Committee (see list online) and selected external reviewers.
17th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering
Nicosia, Cyprus, June 26-28, 2006
the Ayia Napa Summer Seminar
Ayia Napa, Cyprus, June 29 - July 1st, 2006
Call for papers
EGSR 2006 will take place in Nicosia, Cyprus, from June 26 to June 28,
2006. This is an event in the series of highly successful Eurographics
Symposia on Rendering and the Eurographics Workshops on Rendering,
held over the past 16 years.
The local organizers of the conference are Yiorgos Chrysanthou and
Daniel Cohen-Or. The program chairs are Wolfgang Heidrich and Tomas
Following the EGSR'06, there will be a 3 day seminar in Ayia Napa
which aims to provide a forum for some of the leading researchers
in computer graphics to present their ideas and vision. For more
information on participation in this seminar please see the website:
All the information below relates to the EGSR 2006.
Conference topics
Conference topics include (but are not limited to):
- Global illumination methods
- Monte Carlo techniques
- Finite element techniques
- Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing
- Shadows and visibility
- Human perception and error measures
- Texture models, analysis, and synthesis
- Image-based methods
- Sensing for graphics
- Point-based rendering
- New rendering hardware and new uses of existing hardware
- Real-time rendering and real-time ray tracing
- Systems and software architecture for rendering
- Virtual/augmented reality and interactive systems
- Rendering dynamic/animated environments
- Non-photorealistic rendering
We welcome short papers (max. 6 pages) as well as full papers (max. 12
pages). The presentation format will allow for ample discussion
time. Only electronic submissions will be accepted.
Conference web site
Program committee co-chairs
Wolfgang Heidrich (CA)
Tomas Akenine-Muller (SE)
International program committee
Timo Aila (SF)
Kavita Bala (US)
Philippe Bekaert (BE)
Per Christensen (US)
Oliver Deussen (DE)
Fredo Durand (US)
Ph?lip Dutre (BE)
Aaron Hertzmann (CA)
Nicolas Holzschuch (FR)
Jan Kautz (US)
Alexander Keller (DE)
Hendrik Lensch (US)
Dani Lischinski (IS)
Marcus Magnor (DE)
Steve Marschner (US)
Wojciech Matusik (US)
Ann McNamara (IR)
Karol Myszkowski (DE)
Sumanta Pattanaik (US)
Fabio Pellacini (US)
Matt Pharr (US)
Ravi Ramamoorthi (US)
Eric Reinhard (UK)
Szymon Rusikiewicz (US)
Peter-Pike Sloan (US)
Marc Stamminger (DE)
Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (HU)
Nicolas Tsingos (FR)
Bruce Walter (US)
Greg Ward (US)
Organizing chairs
Yiorgos Chrysanthou (CY)
Daniel Cohen-Or (IL)
Keynote speakers
* Petri Nordlund, Bitboys
* Shree Nayar, Columbia University
Important Dates
Electronic abstract submission deadline:
April 10 (Mon)
Electronic paper submission deadline:
April 13 (Thu)
Author notification:
May 17 (Wed)
Camera-ready copy deadline:
May 24 (Wed)
Symposium dates:
June 26-June 28, 2006 (Mon-Wed)
Note: this year there is very little time between acceptance
notification and the due date for camera ready copies of the
paper. This is due to restrictions imposed by the publisher. We will
therefore have to strictly enforce all deadlines.
Dear EG community,
the deadline for Smart Graphics 2006 is this coming friday. This
year's symposium will be held back to back with CogSci 2006 and WCCI
2006 in order to spare your travel budgets, so please consider us in
your publication plans and in your travel schedule ;-)
SG06: 6th International Symposium on SMART GRAPHICS
July 23-25 2006
Vancouver Canada
Graphics become Smart Graphics when their design and implementation
are grounded in an understanding of human abilities, activities, and
motivations from design experience and the broad spectrum of cognitive
and social sciences.
When knowledge from these diverse fields is combined with new methods,
tools and techniques in AI, HCI and computer graphics, environments
are created that
(1) engage the user and are esthetically satisfying;
(2) participate in human cognition as external or distributed
(3) are sensitive to the real-time demands of the interaction in the
context of the available informational and computational
resources; and
(4) adapt the form of the output according to a wider set of
constraints such as an individual's perceptual, attentive, and
motor abilities and the nature of the presentation media and
available interaction devices.
The International Symposium on Smart Graphics brings together people
from the fields of Cognitive Science, Computer Graphics, Artificial
Intelligence and Graphics Design to build this new and emerging area
of study. A growing interest in visual analytics and interaction
science on the part of applications developers and granting agencies
has led us to co-locate this years conference with the 28th Annual
Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society and the IEEE World Congress
in Computational Intelligence.
SG06 welcomes submissions from computer graphics, HCI & AI researchers
and practitioners, cognitive scientists, artists and graphic designers
interested in a theoretically motivated interdisciplinary approach to
the design of interactive visual, auditory, and haptic displays.
It is planned to publish the proceedings in the Springer LNCS series,
as in the previous years.
For a full description of the scope of the Symposium, and details of
previous events see the website:
Contact: Brian Fisher (fisher(a)
Submission Categories:
Full papers
System demonstrations and artwork
Important Dates:
March 24, 2006 (submission deadline)
April 14, 2006 (notification of results)
April 28, 2006 (camera ready copy due)
July 23-25 (Symposium)
(between the IEEE World Congress in Computational Intelligence, July
16-21 and the 28th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society,
July 26-29, both in Vancouver)
Andreas Butz (University of Munich, Germany)
Brian Fisher (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Antonio Krueger (Universitzy of Muenster, Germany)
Patrick Olivier (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK)
Elisabeth Andre (University of Augsburg)
William Bares (Millsaps College)
Marc Cavazza (Teeside University)
Marc Christie (Université de Nantes)
Sarah Diamond (Ontario College of Art and Design)
Steven Feiner (Columbia University)
Sid Fels (University of British Columbia)
Knut Hartmann (University of Magdeburg)
Rainer Malaka (European Media Lab)
Shigeru Owada (University of Tokyo)
W. Bradford Paley (Digital Image Design)
Bernhard Preim (University of Magdeburg)
Thomas Rist (University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg))
Stefan Schlechtweg (University of Magdeburg)
Lucia Terrenghi (University of Munich)
Sha Xinwei (Concordia University)
Massimo Zancanaro (ITC-irst Trento)
Michelle Zhou (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Patrick Olivier
Informatics Research Institute
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
To unsubscribe, send an empty email to
For further details of CHI lists see
Limoges (FRANCE), May 23 - 24, 2006
Brian BARSKY, University of Berkeley (USA)
Marina GAVRILOVA, University of Calgary (Canada)
Zhigeng PAN, Zhejiang University (China)
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| DEADLINE: March 27, 2006 |
Reviewing of full papers submitted to the 3IA'2006 conference
is currently in process by the IPC of the conference. Short
papers can now be submitted up to March 27, 2006.
The 3IA International Conference on Computer Graphics and
Artificial Intelligence takes place every year in Limoges
(FRANCE). The aim of this Conference is to present the current
state of researches of Computer Graphics researchers who
use Artificial Intelligence techniques.
The ninth 3IA International Conference (3IA'2006) will take place
in May 2006, in Limoges (FRANCE).
Under the title "Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence", several
themes could be covered by the authors of papers. The following list gives
an idea of possible themes :
- Artificial intelligence techniques in scene modeling.
- Declarative techniques in scene modeling.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in rendering.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in construction of geometric figures.
- Animation and artificial intelligence.
- Behavioural animation.
- Design of intelligent graphic interfaces.
- Scene properties description techniques.
- Intelligent methods of exploring virtual worlds.
- Computer graphics and learning.
- Combination of classical and AI techniques.
- Application of AI techniques in CAD.
- ...
Dimitri PLEMENOS, Professor
Universite de Limoges
Faculte des Sciences
XLIM Laboratory
83, rue d'Isle
phone : (+ 33) 5 55 43 69 74, (+33) 5 55 43 69 76
fax : (+33) 5 55 43 69 77
E-mail : plemenos(a)
CONFERENCE E-mail : plemenos(a)
Yury BAYAKOVSKY (Russia)
Rene CAUBET (France),
Giovanni DE PAOLI (Canada)
Jean-Francois DUFOURD (France),
Yves DUTHEN (France)
Eugene FIUME (Canada),
Djamchid GHAZANFARPOUR (France),
Gerard HEGRON (France),
Andres IGLESIAS (Spain),
Andrey IONES (USA)
Prem KALRA (India),
Stanislav KLIMENKO (Russia),
Ivana KOLINGEROVA (Czech Republic),
Jean-Claude LAFON (France),
Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN (Switzerland),
Michel MERIAUX (France),
Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Zhigeng PAN (China),
Bernard PEROCHE (France),
Pascal LIENHARDT (France),
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France),
Xavier PUEYO (Spain),
Mateu SBERT (Spain),
Vaclav SKALA (Czech Republic),
Daniel THALMANN (Switzerland),
Jiri ZARA (Czech Republic).
Pierre BARRAL, Karim TAMINE, Claude TOULET, Benoit CRESPIN,
Pierre-Francois BONNEFOI, Vincent JOLIVET, Michel GAUTHIER,
Olivier TERRAZ, Pascale FRIBAULT, Sylvain DESROCHE, Dmitry
Yann COULAIS, Damien PORQUET, Jean-Francois ELHAJJAR,
Georges MIAOULIS, Jean DRAGONAS, Georges BARDIS, Vassilios
Return of the intention form: today.
Paper submission deadline: DEADLINE EXTENDED : February 11, 2006
Paper acceptance notification: March 20, 2006.
Short paper submission deadline: March 27, 2006.
Short paper acceptance notification: April 7, 2006
Final papers due : April 15, 2006.
Papers should be sent as attached PDF files by e-mail to the general
Chair of the Conference. It is also possible to submit a paper
in PDF format by ftp. In this case, please use the following
username: 3ia2006
password: dep0t (the "o" of "depot" is a "0")
Maximal length: 12 pages
Font to use: times
Characters size: 12 pt for text, 18 pt bold for title, 14 pt bold
for section titles and 12 pt bold for sub-section titles.
Paper format: two-column A4 format
180 Euros (Students: 120 Euros)
- the proceedings of the conference,
- two lunches in the university canteen,
- a dinner in a restaurant Wednesday night.
Participation Form to the 3IA'2006 conference
(to be retourned to the general chair of the conference)
Professional address:
Phone number:
I intend to participate to the 3IA'2006 conference in Limoges (France).
--- ---
I intend to submit a paper : yes I I no I I
--- ---
Title of the paper:
Do not send money for the moment. You will be informed later of the mode
of payment.
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire MSI I E-MAIL: plemenos(a) I
I 83,rue d'Isle I I
Extended Paper Submission Deadline: March 29, 2006
Submission web site:
SIACG 2006 -3rd Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics
EPCG: 14º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica
CEIG: XVI Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica
Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 5-7, 2006
This symposium is the third of a series of similar events organised every
other year and alternating between Europe and South America. Its mission
is to foster co-operation through joint projects and the exchange of
scholars, ideas and information between the Computer Graphics communities
in Spain, Portugal and Latin America. The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the Eurographics Proceedings Series.
This symposium replaces this year's annual events of the Spanish and
Portuguese Chapters of Eurographics.
Important Dates
29 March 2006: Submission deadline
06 May 2006: Notification of acceptance
13 May 2006: Short presentations and poster proposals due
21 May 2006: Camera ready papers and pre-registration deadline
05-07 July 2006: Conference
We invite researchers, students, academicians and practicians to
contribute papers from all areas related to computer graphics, multimedia
and hardware. In particular we are looking to novel applications,
algorithms and the human aspects of interaction with graphics.
Authors are invited to submit contributions addressing one or more of the
following (non-exhaustive) list of major areas/topics:
Computer Graphics Systems and Hardware
Computer Animation
Rendering Techniques and Global Illumination
Real-Time Rendering
Virtual Reality and Computer Human Interface
Computational Geometry and its Applications
Geometric Computing and Solid Modelling
Scientific Visualisation
Volume Graphics
Augmented and Mixed Reality
Game Design and Game Engine Development
Virtual Humans and Artificial Life
3D Reconstruction
GPU Programming
Graphical User Interfaces
Interaction Architectures and Models
Multimodal User Interfaces
Graphics and Multimedia
Computer Graphics for Mobile Applications
Computer Graphics applications (Arts, Education, Engineering, Entertainment, Medicine and Science)
Invited speakers
Marie-Paule Cani
Anselmo Lastra Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina
Mel Slater Department of Computer Science University College London
Santiago de Compostela is mainly a monumental town, a stony miracle which
has been shaped around the Apostle St James's sepulchre along the
centuries, and which has resulted in one of the most splendid and harmonic
architectural ensembles in the world. Considered to be one of the three
spiritual capitals of Christendom together with Rome and Jerusalem, from
the Middle Ages it became the goal of religious pilgrimages, a phenomenon
that would give birth to the pilgrims' Road to Santiago, the real spine of
the art and the thought from which, as Goethe said, the idea of Europe
would be born.
The conference venue will be the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, at
the Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñería (Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa,
15782-Santiago de Compostela)
Paper Submission
Submissions are invited as either a full paper of 6 to 10 pages (A4 paper)
for oral presentation or as a short paper of 2 to 4 pages (A4 paper). The
papers must be written in English, although presentations can be delivered
in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The program committee, composed of
internationally renowned experts, will review the submissions.
Guidelines for the authors
The submission system is open: (Submission Deadline March, 29th)
Organized by
Eurographics Spanish Chapter
Eurographics Portuguese Chapter
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Conference co-chair
António Ramires Fernandes, U. Minho (PT)
Juan Carlos Torres, UGR (ES)
International Program Committee Co-chairs
Pere Brunet, UPC (ES)
Nuno Correia, U. Nova de Lisboa (PT)
Gladimir V. G. Baranoski, U. Waterloo (CA)
International Program Committee
Dolors Ayala Vallespi (Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
George Baciu (Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
Rui Bastos (nVidia, U.S.A.)
Imma Boada (Univ. de Girona, Spain)
Beatriz Carmo (DI/FC/UL, Portugal)
Eva Cerezo (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
Teresa Chambel (DI/FC/UL, Portugal)
Paolo Cignoni (CNR, Italy)
Mário Costa Sousa (University of Calgary, Canada)
Francisco Feito (Universidad de Jaen, Spain)
Adérito Fernandes Marcos (CCG-DSI/EE/UM, Portugal)
Pablo Figueroa (University of Andes, Colombia)
Julian Flores (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Alex Garcia-Alonso (CEIT, San Sebastian, Spain)
Christian Hofsetz (Unisinos, Brazil)
Joaquim A. Jorge (INESC-IST/UTL, Portugal)
HyungSeok Kim (MiraLab, Switzerland)
Anselmo Lastra (University of North Carolina, U.S.A.)
Marcio Lobo Netto (USP, Brazil)
Adriano Lopes (DI/FCT/UNL, Portugal)
Joaquim Madeira (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
Manuel Menezes de Oliveira Netto (UFRGS, Brazil)
Isabel Navazo (Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Fernando Nunes Ferreira (FEUP, Portugal)
Maria Cristina F. de Oliveira (USP, Brazil)
Francisco Perales (Universidad de les Illes Balears, Spain)
João Pereira (IST/UTL, Portugal)
Manuel Próspero dos Santos (DI/FCT/UNL, Portugal)
Xavier Pueyo (Universidad de Girona, Spain)
Anna Puig (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain)
Ricardo Quiros (Universidad Jaume I, Castellon, Spain)
Christophe Renaud (Universite du Littoral, France)
Robson Rodrigues Lemos (UCS, Brazil)
Jon G. Rokne (The University of Calgary, Canada)
Teresa Romão (University of Évora, Portugal)
José Miguel Salles Dias (ADETI-ISCTE, Portugal)
Mateu Sbert Casasayas (University of Girona, Spain)
Jacob Scharcanski (UFRGS, Brazil)
Francisco Jose Seron (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
Claudio Silva (University of Utah, USA)
Vaklav Skala (University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic)
A. Augusto de Sousa (University of Porto, Portugal)
Beatriz Sousa Santos (IEETA/UA, Portugal)
José Carlos Teixeira (FCT/UC, Portugal)
Juan Carlos Torres (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Carlos Ureña (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Alvar Vinacua (Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Roberto Vivo (Universidad de Valencia, Spain)
Burkhard Wunsche (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Local Organising Committee
Julián Flores, USC (ES)
Pedro Saco, USC (ES)
Juan E. Arias, USC (ES)
Jose Taboada, USC (ES)
Juan Carlos Torres | jctorres(a)
Dpt. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos |
ETS. Ing. Informatica | Phone: (+34) 958 243 181
Univ. Granada (SPAIN) | FAX: (+34) 958 243 171
****** IVA 2006 Call for Papers ******
The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
Plus GALA - Gathering of Life-Like Agents
August 21 - 23, 2006
Marina del Rey, California, USA
Organizing Committee:
Ruth Aylett (Heriot-Watt University)
Daniel Ballin (BT Group)
Jonathan Gratch (University of Southern California)
Patrick Olivier (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne)
Michael Young (North Carolina State University)
Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) are autonomous, graphically embodied agents in an interactive, 2D or 3D virtual environment. They are able to interact intelligently with the environment, other IVAs, and especially with human users. The conference is an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners in computer graphics, animation, computer games, virtual environments, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, cognitive modeling, human-computer interaction and A-life.
IVA'06 will be a multidisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry with an interest in the design, implementation, and evaluation of IVAs and IVA applications. We aim for a lively program of timely, high-quality presentations and demonstrations to discuss the state of the art and future of Intelligent Virtual Agents. Papers will be published in the Springer-Verlag LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) series.
IVA'06 will also host GALA - The Gathering of Life-like Agents - see
Topics of Interest:
- IVA design and modeling
- Conceptual architectures for learning IVAs, improvisational IVAs,
multi-user/multi-IVA interaction, and crowd simulations with IVAs
- IVA application fields, pilot systems, and experience reports
- Evaluation of IVAs and IVA applications
- Software engineering issues
Important Dates:
7 April 2006: Deadline for submissions of contributions
12 May 2006: Authors notification
26 May 2006: Submission of camera ready contributions
3rd International Conference on BioMedical Visualisation, MediVis06
************** ***************
5-7 July 2006
University of London
Call for Papers, Videos and Participation
MediVis has evolved rapidly from its original concentration purely on medical visualisation and is now possibly the leading interdisciplinary forum for researchers and professionals in the bio-medical domain to exchange ideas and report results on visualisation within their disciplines to the wider world. It thus provides important support for researchers who are faced increasingly with the necessity of adopting a multidisciplinary approach to address the problems faced in pushing forward the boundaries of modern medicine.
Further information is available at:
Supported by:
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
The School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield
Department of Information Systems and Multimedia, University of Greenwich, UK
CCGV - Centre for Computer Graphics & Visualisation, University of Luton
VGRU, BCIM, London South Bank University, UK
Institute for Computing Research (ICR)-BCIM, London South Bank University, UK
National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, UK
Department of Visual Art, University of Northern Colorado, USA
HCI Graduate Program, Indiana University School of Informatics, IUPUI, USA
School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University, USA
Information and Computer Science Department, KFUPM, SA
College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University, USA
University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
The Institute of Media and Communications Management of the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
University of Oregon, USA
The Visualisation Lab, University of Plymouth, UK
Endorsed by:
Information Visualisation Society
Digital Entertainment Society
Important Dates:
31 March 2006 - Submission of papers
25 April 2006 - Submission of camera-ready copy & early registration closes
Papers can be submitted to:
Anita D'Pour
Conference Co-ordinator
P.O. BOX 29, HATFIELD, AL9 7ZL, United Kingdom.
T: (Int. +44) 1707 - 652 224
F: (Int. +44) 1707 - 652 247
E: IV06(a)
Professor Chris Moore
North Western Medical Physics, Christie Hospital
Wilmslow Road, Withington, Manchester M20 4BX
Tel: +44 (0)161 446 3533
Fax: +44 (0)161 446 3545
Email: chris.moore(a)
Professor Gordon Clapworthy
University of Luton, Park Square, Luton, LU1 3JU, UK
Email: gordon.clapworthy(a)