3D Shape Retrieval Challenge, SHREC2020, http://www.shrec.net/
Call for Track Proposals
*New this year: In 2020, full paper submissions will follow a two-stage
review process and will be published in the international journal Computes &
Graphics upon acceptance.*
The general objective of the 3D Shape Retrieval Contest is to evaluate the
effectiveness of 3D-shape retrieval algorithms. SHREC2020 is the fifteens
edition of the contest. Like previous years, it is organized in conjunction
with the Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, where the results
will be reviewed and presented, https://workshop.cgv.tugraz.at/3dor2020/.
Thanks to the efforts of previous track organizers, SHREC already provides
many resources to compare and evaluate 3D retrieval methods. For this year's
contest, we aim to explore new and updated tracks. Therefore, the
participants are invited to have an active role in the organization of the
event. This includes proposing track themes, building or acquiring a test
collection, and deciding upon the queries, relevance assessment, and
performance measures.
The participants of each track will collectively write a paper, which will
be peer reviewed, and published in Computers & Graphics upon acceptance. At
least one author per track must register for the workshop, and present the
results. We also cordially invite all participants of a track to register
and attend the workshop.
The tracks organized in the past years have covered different aspects and
tasks of 3D shape retrieval, for example: rigid or non-rigid models; partial
(e.g. range scan) or complete models; sketch-based 3D retrieval; generic or
domain specific models (e.g. CAD, biometrics, architectural and protein),
and various aspects such as metric learning, outlier detection,
correspondence, robustness, stability, registration, classification,
recognition, pose estimation, and machine learning.
Now we solicit again proposals for tracks. You may opt for one of the above
themes, or propose new ones. Track organizers are responsible for all
aspects of organizing the track, such as: the task, the data collection
(copyright issues, etc.), the queries, the ground truth, the experimental
design, the evaluation method, and the procedural aspects, writing the final
paper in collaboration with the contestants, and submitting it. See the
SHREC home page http://www.shrec.net/ for examples of organizational aspects
of previous tracks.
The following list is a step-by-step description of the activities:
. Potential track organizers send their proposal to shrec(a)cs.uu.nl
<mailto:shrec@cs.uu.nl> , describing the envisioned task, collection,
queries, ground truth, evaluation method, and expected number of
. Promising tracks and their organizers will be listed at the SHREC web
page, the track organizers start working out the details.
. Participants register for the tracks they want to participate in.
. Each track is performed according to its own schedule.
. The track organizers collect the results.
. The track results are combined into a joint paper. Papers are subject to
peer review, accepted journal papers are published in Computers & Graphics.
. The description of the tracks and their results are presented at the
Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (4-5 September 2020, Graz,
*SHREC Time Schedule*
. February 17, 2020: Submission deadline for track proposals.
. February 21, 2020: Notification of acceptance of track proposals.
. Feb, March 2020: Each track has its own time line.
. April 03, 2020: Each track is completed, and results are included in a
track report, submitted for review.
. May 1, 2020: Reviews done, first stage decision on acceptance or
. May 22, 2020: First revision.
. May 29, 2020: Second stage decision on acceptance or rejection.
. June 12, 2020: First revision.
. June 19, 2020: Final decision on acceptance or rejection.
. September 1, 2020: Publication online in Computers & Graphics.
. September 4-5, 2020: Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2020,
featuring SHREC 2020.
The individual tracks will have their own time schedule for registration of
participants, release of queries or submission of executables, and
submission of results, etc.
For information about the challenge, and the results of previous editions,
see the SHREC home page, http://www.shrec.net/, or contact shrec(a)cs.uu.nl
<mailto:shrec@cs.uu.nl> .
13th Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2020 (3DOR'20)
in Cooperation with Eurographics (pending) and Elsevier
September 4-5, 2020
Graz University of Technology, Austria
New this year:
In 2020, full paper submissions will follow a two-stage review process and
will be published in Computes & Graphics (Elsevier).
3DOR is the dedicated workshop series for methods, applications and
benchmark-based evaluation of 3D object retrieval, classification, and
similarity-based object processing. The workshop also includes the 2020
edition of the 3D Shape Retrieval Contest, keynotes, project presentations,
and a social and networking event. Short papers will follow a one-stage
review process and will appear in the Eurographics Digital Library
Important Dates: SHREC Shape Retrieval Contest Timeline
17 February: SHREC track proposal submission to shrec(a)uu.nl
21 February: Notification of acceptance of SHREC track proposals
21 February - 03 April: Running of SHREC tracks
Important Dates: Full Paper Submissions for Computers & Graphics
03 April: Full paper submission, including SHREC papers
01 May: First decision
22 May: First revision
29 May: Second decision
12 June: Final version submission
19 June: Final decision
01 September 2020: Online publication
Important Dates: Short Paper Submission for EG Digital Library
01 June: Short paper submission
15 July: Short paper notification
30 July: Short Paper final version submission
01 September 2020: Online publication
4-5 September 2020: Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2020 (3DOR)
3D Object Retrieval Workshop Series
From the very beginning, the aim of the 3DOR Workshop series is to stimulate
researchers to present state-of-the-art work, learn about or discuss topics
in the field 3D object retrieval, search and exploration in a
multi-disciplinary context of expertise such as Computer Vision, Computer
Graphics, Machine Learning, Cognitive Science and Human-Computer
Interaction. 3DOR provides a cross-fertilization that will stimulate
discussions on the next steps in this important research area. 3DOR 2020
will be the 13th workshop in this series.
Search engines are now the default way in which most people engage with
information, as the vast majority of information is born digital. 3D digital
content is today pervasive: low-cost 3D scanners, 3D printers, and powerful
modelling software have made 3D models appeal to an increasing audience.
Repositories of 3D objects are rapidly growing in both number and size.
Time-dependant acquisition, animation and simulation give rise to 3D objects
as a function of time, yielding 4D objects. Yet, the task of exploring such
large 3D/4D object repositories and retrieving the models of interest
remains a challenging problem. It is crucial to develop algorithms for
content-based searching of 3D object collections; creating compact and
accurate descriptors for 3D objects; creating efficient storage structures
for databases of 3D objects; investigating theoretical aspects of practical
importance, such as the definition of the similarity concept; interfaces for
content-based 3D object search; visualization techniques for 3D search
results; real time aspects of techniques and algorithms; new challenges such
as faceted 3D browsing, social search and navigation of hybrid datasets. The
complex yet concrete problems above are drawing increasing attention from
the research community, which is becoming more and more varied in terms of
disciplines needed to solve various facets of the challenges.
The 3DOR Workshop series has been characterized since the beginning by a
specific attention to benchmarking with the organization of the session on
the 3D Shape Retrieval Contest (SHREC). The general objective of the 3D
Shape Retrieval Contest is to evaluate the effectiveness of 3D-shape
retrieval methods and algorithms. SHREC 2020 is the 15th edition of the
contest. As in previous years, it is organized in conjunction with the
Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval. Results papers from SHREC
tracks will be reviewed in a two stage-review process, like regular full
papers (see below). A separate call for participation in SHREC will be
issued shortly.
Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research and
application papers addressing all areas of 3D/4D Object Retrieval. State of
the art papers on specific topics of interest are particularly welcome.
Submissions are invited in the form of full papers, which will be
peer-reviewed by a two-stage review process, and published as a special
section of Computers and Graphics Journal (Elsevier). Also, short papers are
invited, which will follow a one-stage review process and will appear in the
Eurographics Digital Library (pending).
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
. 3D/4D shape analysis
. 3D/4D shape similarity and matching
. 3D/4D mesh sequence retrieval
. 3D/4D mobile media retrieval
. 3D/4D search in large scale data
. 3D/4D object classification, indexing, and mining
. Similarity of non-rigid shapes
. Shape correspondence
. 3D/4D shape decomposition, and segmentation
. Partial, part-in-whole, and many-to-many matching
. Matching under uncertainty and noise
. Semantics-driven 3D/4D object retrieval and classification
. Sketch-based retrieval
. Query interfaces and search modalities
. Benchmarking issues
. Deep learning for 3D/4D shape retrieval
. Generative/discriminative approaches in 3D object categorization
. Visual Analytics for 3D similarity assessment
. Applications in all areas relevant to 3D/4D objects, including multimedia
and information systems, CAD, architecture, games, biometrics, e-science,
e-learning, medicine, biology, and cultural heritage, among others.
Submission Information
For up-to-date submission information, please refer to the workshop webpage
at https://workshop.cgv.tugraz.at/3dor2020
Workshop Chairs
. Tobias Schreck, Graz University of Technology, Austria
. Theoharis Theoharis, NTNU Trondheim, Norway, and NKUA, Greece
Program Co-Chairs
. Ioannis Pratikakis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
. Michela Spagnuolo, CNR Imati, Italy
. Remco C. Veltkamp, Utrecht University, Netherlands
. to be confirmed
Dear all,
This is a gentle reminder for those who plan to submit a paper to the SPM conference organised is Strasbourg, France. The deadline for the abstract submission is tomorrow. The full paper submission is the 27th of January.
Kind regards,
Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM 2020)
Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) 2020 will be located in Strasbourg, France in June 2 – 4, 2020.
SPM is an international conference series organised annually with the support of the Solid Modeling Association (SMA). The conference aims at all aspects of geometric and physical modeling, and their application in design, analysis and manufacturing, as well as in biomedical, geophysical, digital entertainment, and other areas. The conference also serves as a ceremony for awarding the 2020 Pierre Bézier Prize for contributions to solid, shape, and physical modeling.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- 3D fabrication/printing/manufacturing technologies
- Anisotropic/heterogeneous/composite materials
- Applied algebraic and differential geometry
- Applied computational geometry and topology
- Conceptual, collaborative, and distributed design
- Computational fabrication
- Curve, surface, and manifold modeling
- Dimensioning and tolerancing
- Feature modeling, recognition, and understanding
- Geometric algorithms
- Geometric and topological representations
- Geometric constraint solving and parametric modeling
- Geometric interpolation and smoothing
- Geometry generation and processing
- Geometry compression and transmission
- Isogeometric analysis
- Meshing and mesh optimization
- Multi-resolution modeling
- Multi-scale modeling
- Numerical analysis of geometric algorithms
- Physically-based modeling and simulation
- Product data exchange, standards, and interoperability
- Reverse engineering/reconstruction of surfaces/solids
- Robustness and validity of geometric computations
- Shape modeling, synthesis and analysis
Paper Submissions: Accepted full-length papers will be published in Computer-Aided Design (Elsevier) after a rigorous two-stage double-blind review process. The submitted papers must be written in English and present original, previously unpublished results that are not simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Submission guidelines can be found in the Conference Homepage: https://spm2020.sciencesconf.org <https://spm2020.sciencesconf.org/>
Important Dates:
Abstract for full papers: January 17, 2020 January 15, 2020
Full paper submission: January 27, 2020 January 20, 2020
First review notification: Feb 28, 2020
Revised papers due: March 21, 2020
Final notification: April 10, 2020
Camera ready papers: April 24, 2020
Conference: June 2-4, 2020
Conference Co-chairs:
Hyewon Seo CNRS / University of Strasbourg, France
Frederic Cordier University of Haute-Alsace, France
Charlie C.L. Wang The Chinese University of Hong Kong / Delft University of Technology
Program Co-chairs:
Xin (Shane) Li Louisiana State University, USA
Michael Barton Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain
Sai Nelaturi Systems Sciences Lab, Parc, USA
Contact: <mailto:pchairs-spm2020@cct.lsu.edu> pchairs-spm2020(a)cct.lsu.edu
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to contribute to:
Workshop on Molecular Graphics and Visual Analysis of Molecular Data
(co-located with EuroVis & Eurographics 2020), May 25th, 2020, Norrköping,
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: February 21, 2020
Notification of Acceptance: March 24, 2020
Camera-ready Deadline: April 8, 2020
Workshop Date: May 25, 2020
Molecular visualization and graphics is one of the oldest branches of
scientific visualization, which has been developing for over 50 years. Due
to the continuous advances in both computational biology and computer
graphics techniques, molecular graphics and visualization are very active
areas of research. Not only the ever-increasing dataset sizes yield a
constant challenge for visual analysis, but also new technologies like
advances in web-based graphics or augmented and virtual reality open new
possibilities. This half-day multidisciplinary workshop - which is held in
conjunction with EuroVis for the third time and with Eurographics for the
first time - brings together visualization and computer graphics
researchers working with molecular data.
Whereas molecular graphics is an established topic for many years, the
hybrid-dimensional visual analysis of molecular structures is still a quite
new research field with a lot of potential. We would like to encourage
submissions especially using new technologies, such as immersive analytics
or ML-related approaches.
We invite short papers as well as full papers (2-4 pages for short and up
to 8 pages for full papers, both with an additional page reserved for
references). All papers will undergo a single-stage, double-blind peer
review process. Accepted papers will be published in the EG digital
library. The workshop will be held in Norrköping, Sweden, May 25th, 2020,
as part of EuroVis & Eurographics 2020.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Molecular Graphics & Rendering
- Web-based Molecular Graphics & Visualization
- Immersive Analytics approaches using, e.g., VR/AR technologies
- Visual Analysis of Molecular Data (e.g., molecular structures, biological
networks, and pathways, or omics data)
- Visualization of Dynamic Molecular Data & Large Molecular Systems
- Tools papers describing new molecular visualization tools or novel
features in existing tools
More info:
Organizers and Contact
- Jan Byska, University of Bergen, Norway
- Michael Krone, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Bjorn Sommer, Royal College of Art, UK
If you have any questions, please contact us:
mailto: molva.eurovis(a)gmail.com
Please submit your short and full papers via PCS (Deadline: February 21,
2020): https://new.precisionconference.com/ (EuroVis & Eurographics 2020
MolVA Workshop)
Please follow the EG guidelines for writing the paper. You can find more
info here and templates below:
Best regards,
Jan Byška, Michael Krone, Bjorn Sommer
MolVA 2020 Organizing Committee
The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2020 (https://egsr2020.london/)
will take place in London, England from June 29th to July 2nd, 2020. This
31th event continues the series of highly successful Eurographics Symposia
and Workshops on Rendering.
This year, EGSR features two paper submission tracks: the Research Track
and the Industry Track (new as of last year). Information about both tracks
is available here: https://egsr2020.london/call-for-papers/.
Research Track
All accepted research papers will be presented at EGSR 2020 and archived in
Eurographics digital library (exact publication modalities pending).
Furthermore, a selection of them will be published in an issue of the
Graphics Forum (CGF) journal, based on both the recommendations of the
and the outcome of a second cycle of review.
We are looking for work that shapes the future of rendering in computer
and related fields, such as virtual and augmented reality, deep learning,
computational photography.
There is no fixed minimum or maximum paper length. However, submissions over
12 pages in length will be treated as exceptional cases, and length must be
proportional to contribution.
For each submitted paper, a minimum of 3 reviews will be provided to the
authors, who will then be able to provide a rebuttal to clarify
misunderstandings and answer the reviewers' questions. The reviewers will
discuss and decide on the acceptance of the paper to the EGSR 2020 program.
the event of acceptance, the authors will submit a revised version of their
manuscript prior to the conference.
Topics of interest
We invite original contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in topics
related, but not limited, to:
* Physically-based rendering (PBR) and global illumination
* Monte Carlo sampling and integration
* Real-time rendering, including ray tracing, acceleration structures, and
GPU algorithms
* Image processing for rendering, including denoising
* Machine learning for rendering and rendering for machine learning
* Augmented/virtual reality, including rendering, input, and output
* Rendering software systems
* Procedural modelling, texture, geometry, and simulation
* Image-based rendering (IBR)
* Computational photography, optics & displays
* Expressive rendering and image manipulation (NPR)
* Material and scattering models
* Inverse and differentiable rendering
* Acquisition and modeling of geometry and appearance
* Human perception of rendered images
* Specialized rendering hardware
* Scientific visualization, e.g. large-scale data visualization and volume
* Audio/sound rendering
How to Submit Your Work
Please submit your work using the SRM online submission system
The submission should use the EGSR 2020 LaTeX template available on SRM:
(First create an account on the SRM system to download the template).
Important dates (All times are midnight, 23:59 UTC)
* Abstract deadline: April 2, 2020
* Papers deadline: April 7, 2020
* Reviews released to authors: May 10, 2020
* Rebuttals due: May 14, 2020
* Author notification: May 25, 2020
* Final papers due: June 15, 2020
Program chairs
* Carsten Dachsbacher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
* Matt Pharr, NVIDIA
Local organizing committee
* Abhijeet Ghosh, Imperial College London
* Tobias Ritschel, University College London
* Tim Weyrich, University College London
Program committee
Coming soon!
Dear computer graphics education practitioner:
**The deadline for the submission of papers to the EG Education Program is
the 21th of January**
There are now two weeks to prepare a submission showcasing amazing new
content, for all the ones of us working on education in Computer Graphics
(and related fields) and willing to share their experiences.
=== EG Education Papers: Call For Papers
We are seeking original contributions for presentation and publication in
the EG2019 education track. We wish to build and enhance a vibrant community
of Computer Graphics teachers who share their knowledge and experience of
bringing computer graphics to the classroom and getting others excited about
the field.
The scope of the track includes topics in education related to computer
graphics, computer graphics in education, teaching/classroom experience
related to computer graphics content, assignments and outstanding student
projects in computer graphics. We invite authors to submit papers, panels
and student projects related to the following topics:
* Teaching Computer Graphics to diverse audiences (e.g. computer science,
engineering, arts);
* Designing curricula for Computer Graphics and related disciplines (e.g.
image processing, visualization, animation and games);
* Designing and teaching online and hybrid courses in computer graphics;
* Classroom challenges in computer graphics (e.g. innovative and effective
* Engaging student interest, managing diverse student backgrounds, teaching
mathematical foundations);
* Enabling and exploiting visual tools and techniques to teach in other
* Incorporating modern technology in Computer Graphics courses (e.g. VR, AR,
3D printing)
* Bringing Computer Graphics research into the classroom;
* Promoting undergraduate research in Computer Graphics.
The best papers will be recommended to the editors of prestigious journals
in the field, Computer Graphics Forum, Computers and Graphics and IEEE
Computer Graphics & * Applications, who may invite the authors of these
papers to submit extended versions to their journals. The best nifty
assignments may be published in the CGEMS.
* Education papers and experience reports should provide new insights or
experience that improve student learning and emphasize on how instructors
can directly use them in the classroom.
* Proposals for panels should state the problem and include a short
statement from proposed panelists.
* Assignments should explain the assignment; provide examples of handouts
and starter code and example student work. Authors may provide them as
supplementary materials during submission, and agree to provide access to
them online upon acceptance.
* Outstanding student projects (individual or group) should describe the
learning context for the project and show how the student(s) brought
creativity to the work. Upon acceptance, authors are expected to demonstrate
the project during their presentation.
=== Submission Details
Anonymous submissions of up to 8 pages for education papers, 4 page for
effective assignments or up to 2 pages for notes on assignments or
outstanding student projects, must be formatted according to the
Eurographics Author's guidelines. Submissions will be made electronically
through the Eurographics Submission and Review Management system and subject
to a review process.
Proposals for education panels should be emailed directly to the education
papers co-chairs at <mailto:chairs-eg2019edu@eg.org>
Submission deadline: January 21, 2019
Notification to authors: February 28, 2019
Camera-ready: March 11, 2019
Call for Papers
WSCG 2020 - 28. Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer
Vision 2020 Pilsen close to Prague, Czech Republic <http://www.wscg.eu>
http://www.wscg.eu <http://www.wscg.cz> http://www.wscg.cz Conference
rates: CORE B, Qualis B1, ERA B
WSCG 2020 (held annually at Pilsen [Plzen]-the CITY of BEER-since 1992)
28. Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2020
<http://www.wscg.eu> http://www.wscg.eu - main page of WSCG
<http://www.wscg.cz> http://www.wscg.cz - WSCG 2020 page
When: May 18 - 22, 2020
Where: Primavera Congress Center, Pilsen [Plzen] (the City of Beer),
close to Prague, Czech Republic
approx. 70 mins. from the Prague Airport by public transport
> Proposals for workshops and special session are welcome.
Important dates & Submission:
January 10, 2020 (EXTENDED) - Workshops/Special sessions proposals (via
January 31, 2020 (EXTENDED) - Abstract (recommended) (via submission
server only)
February 28, 2020 (EXTENDED)- Full, Short, Poster papers (via submission
server only)
May 18 - 22, 2020 - venue
Proceedings will be published in Computer Science Research Notes (ISSN
The best selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG (ISSN
>> "Pay to publish" strategy submission is NOT acceptable. << >> At least
one author has to present the paper at the conference. << >> Proceedings
will be made after the conference <<
Recent publications available via <http://wscg.zcu.cz/DL/wscg_DL.htm>
http://wscg.zcu.cz/DL/wscg_DL.htm - repository since 1992.
Accepted workshops/sessions:
- Meshless methods in Computer Graphics and Visualization
- Other agreements pending - still possible a proposal submission
Conference organizer & Chair
Prof. Vaclav Skala
Contact: <http://www.VaclavSkala.eu> http://www.VaclavSkala.eu,
<mailto:skala@kiv.zcu.cz> skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz subject: WSCG 2020 c/o University
of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences Dept. of Computer Science and
Engineering, Univerzitni 8, CZ 30614, Plzen, Czech Republic
Conference organizer
Prof.Vaclav Skala
WSCG Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision
<http://www.WSCG.eu> http://www.WSCG.eu <http://www.VaclavSkala.eu>
c/o University of West Bohemia
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dept.of Computer Science & Engineering
Univerzitni 8
CZ 306 14 Plzen
Czech Republic
tel. (420) 37-763-2473
Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM 2020)
Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) 2020 will be located in Strasbourg, France
in June 2 4, 2020.
SPM is an international conference series organised annually with the
support of the Solid Modeling Association (SMA). The conference aims at all
aspects of geometric and physical modeling, and their application in design,
analysis and manufacturing, as well as in biomedical, geophysical, digital
entertainment, and other areas. The conference also serves as a ceremony for
awarding the 2020 Pierre Bézier Prize for contributions to solid, shape, and
physical modeling.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- 3D fabrication/printing/manufacturing technologies
- Anisotropic/heterogeneous/composite materials
- Applied algebraic and differential geometry
- Applied computational geometry and topology
- Conceptual, collaborative, and distributed design
- Computational fabrication
- Curve, surface, and manifold modeling
- Dimensioning and tolerancing
- Feature modeling, recognition, and understanding
- Geometric algorithms
- Geometric and topological representations
- Geometric constraint solving and parametric modeling
- Geometric interpolation and smoothing
- Geometry generation and processing
- Geometry compression and transmission
- Isogeometric analysis
- Meshing and mesh optimization
- Multi-resolution modeling
- Multi-scale modeling
- Numerical analysis of geometric algorithms
- Physically-based modeling and simulation
- Product data exchange, standards, and interoperability
- Reverse engineering/reconstruction of surfaces/solids
- Robustness and validity of geometric computations
- Shape modeling, synthesis and analysis
Paper Submissions: Accepted full-length papers will be published in
Computer-Aided Design (Elsevier) after a rigorous two-stage double-blind
review process. The submitted papers must be written in English and present
original, previously unpublished results that are not simultaneously
submitted elsewhere. Submission guidelines can be found in the Conference
Homepage: <https://spm2020.sciencesconf.org/>
Important Dates:
Abstract for full papers: January 15, 2020
Full paper submission: January 20, 2020
First review notification: Feb 28, 2020
Revised papers due: March 21, 2020
Final notification: April 10, 2020
Camera ready papers: April 24, 2020
Conference: June 2-4, 2020
Conference Co-chairs:
Hyewon Seo CNRS / University of Strasbourg, France
Cordier Frederic University of Haute-Alsace, France
Charlie C.L. Wang The Chinese University of Hong Kong / Delft University of
Program Co-chairs:
Xin (Shane) Li Louisiana State University, USA
Michael Barton Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain
Sai Nelaturi Systems Sciences Lab, Parc, USA
Contact: <mailto:pchairs-spm2020@cct.lsu.edu> pchairs-spm2020(a)cct.lsu.edu
Dear colleagues,
I would like to bring to your attention an open call for tenure track W2
(associate professor) faculty positions in the computer science department
of Saarland University, Germany.
Applications in the field of visual computing in general and computer
graphics in particular are very much encouraged.
Christian Theobalt
Saarland University Computer Science is seeking to hire initially 4
Associate Professors (W2) with six-year tenure track to a permanent W3
professorship. We are looking for highly motivated young researchers with a
background in the following research areas:
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Data Science, Big Data
- Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Programming Languages and Software Engineering
- Computer Architecture and High-Performance Computing
- Networked, Distributed, Embedded, Real-Time Systems
- Bioinformatics
- Computational Logic and Verification
- Theory and Algorithms
- Societal Aspects of Computing
We especially encourage applications of outstanding researchers in any
modern area of Computer Science. The position will be established in the
Department for Computer Science or in the Department for Language Science
and Technology at the Saarland Informatics Campus (SIC), located in
Saarbrücken. With its 800 researchers and more than 2.000 students from 81
countries, the SIC belongs to one of the leading locations for Computer
Science in Germany and in Europe. All areas of computer science are covered
at five globally renowned research institutes and three collaborating
university departments, as well as in a total of 21 academic programs.
Our Offer:
Associate professors have faculty status at Saarland University, including
the right to supervise bachelors, masters and PhD students.
They focus on world-class research, will lead their own research group and
will have a significantly reduced teaching load. In case of outstanding
performance, the position will be tenured as full professor (W3). The tenure
decision is made after at most 6 years. The position provides excellent
working conditions in a lively scientific community, embedded in the vibrant
research environment of the Saarland Informatics Campus.
Saarland University has leading departments in Computer Science and
Computational Linguistics, with more than 350 PhD students working on timely
topics (see <https://saarland-informatics-campus.de/>
https://saarland-informatics-campus.de/ for additional information).
Applicants must hold an outstanding PhD degree, typically have completed a
postdoc stay and have teaching experience. They must have demonstrated
outstanding research abilities and the potential to successfully lead their
own research group. Active contribution to research and teaching, including
basic lectures in computer science, is expected. Teaching languages are
English or German (basic courses). We expect sufficient German language
skills after an appropriate period.
Your Application:
Candidates should submit their application online at:
No additional paper copy is required. The application must contain:
- a cover letter and curriculum vitae
- a full list of publications
- a short prospective research plan (2-5 pages)
- copies of degree certificates
- full text copies of the five most important publications
- a list of references: 3-5 (including email addresses), at least one of
whom must be a person who is outside the group of your current or former
supervisors or colleagues. Applications will be accepted until
January 5th, 2020
Application talks will take place between Feb. 05 and Feb. 26, 2020.