Bookshop Clearance
Eurographics is having a clearance sale of printed proceedings, that are
held in stock in Germany. Items will be supplied subject to availability!
Those books will be offered free of charge to people who are willing to pay
the delivery costs in advance.
Don't miss this occasion to complete your own library - so please have a
look at the list of books available.
How do you place an order?
Please contact: publishing-support(a)
The EUROGRAPHICS 2020 Full Papers Program will showcase innovative research in Computer Graphics and related areas. We invite submissions of new ideas, and encourage all forms of research creativity and originality. We are interested in practice, experience, novel applications, technological, system or theoretical papers, with the ambition of setting the standard in the field and stimulating future trends.
Accepted full papers will be presented at EUROGRAPHICS 2020 and published in a special issue of the Eurographics journal Computer Graphics Forum; the submissions will undergo a double-blind two-step review process. We encourage submissions from all areas related to computer graphics, including but not limited to rendering, modeling, animation, simulation, visualization, virtual and augmented reality, display technology, image processing, computational imaging, computational fabrication, human-computer interaction, and deep learning techniques applied to graphics problems.
For the first time the two conferences Eurographics and Eurovis (EGEV) will run together, as a single event, to be hosted in Norrköping, Sweden. The conference will be hosted at the Louis de Geer Conference Centre, in the centre of the city, and will be organized by the department of Media and Information Technology at the university of Linköping, May 25th-29th, 2020.
More information on Eurographics 2020 is available at
* Timeline
Sep. 26, 2019 Preliminary abstract due (required for any further submission)
Oct. 3, 2019 Full paper due
Nov. 21, 2019 Reviews available rebuttal start
Nov. 21, 2019 Rebuttal due
Dec. 12, 2019 Notification to Authors
Jan. 31, 2020 Revised version due
Feb. 14, 2020 Final notification
Mar. 6, 2020 Camera-ready version due
May 25, 2020 Conference in Norrköping
All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
* Submission dates
A preliminary abstract is due by 23:59 UTC, September 26, 2019, and the full paper deadline is 23:59 UTC, October 3, 2019. Note that a full paper can only be submitted if an abstract has been submitted by the abstract deadline.
* Submission details
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory and will be conducted using the Submission and Review Management (SRMv2) system ( Papers must be written in English, must be anonymized, and must be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum guidelines. The publication guidelines and LaTeX templates are available on SRMv2 at Accepted papers must be presented orally in English at Eurographics 2020. Review of full papers is based on a double-blind reviewing approach, so please be sure to remove all personal data (such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your submission. References to your own work should be made in the third person to maintain anonymity. Reviewers are asked to keep confidential all materials sent to them for evaluation.
There is no maximum length imposed on papers. However, papers should only be as long as they need to be, but not longer. Reviewers might rank submissions perceived as being either repetitive or unnecessarily long lower than they would score concisely written papers.
*Plagiarism and Prior Art
A submission to the Eurographics Full Papers program should describe an original work of the authors. Authors must not use ideas or content originating from others without properly crediting their original sources. Note that such sources are not limited to peer-reviewed publications, but also include patents, textbooks, technical reports, theses, unpublished work posted on arXiv, as well as other posts on the World Wide Web. Failure to comply with this requirement will be considered plagiarism and result in rejection.
Authors are not required to discuss and compare their work with non-peer reviewed (pre-publication) works (arXiv, technical reports, theses, etc.), although they must properly cite those that inspired them and are encouraged to mention all related works they are aware of. Authors of conditionally accepted papers should be prepared to cite pre-publications listed by reviewers in their final revision as concurrent work, but are not required to detail how their work compares to or differs from these pre-publications.
Re-submitted material
For papers that have previously been reviewed by other venues and have been rejected or withdrawn, the authors are encouraged to provide a cover letter to describe the history of the paper (however, this does not imply reviewer continuity). This cover letter can also answer the comments made in the previous reviews, by either listing the changes that were made to comply with them, or discussing/rebutting/clarifying some elements if need be. Though not mandatory, this procedure is strongly encouraged. The cover letter has to be submitted through SRM as an ‘Additional Attachment’ (see last section of the SRM upload form for details).
* Graphics Replicability Stamp Initiative
Authors who are willing to go one step further toward replicability of their contributed algorithm and provide a complete open-source implementation, can get an additional recognition via submission to the Graphics Replicability Stamp Initiative (see All articles published in the Computer Graphics Forum are eligible to apply for the stamp.
* Rebuttal, Notification, Publication, and Prizes
The reviews will be made available to the authors on November 21, 2019. During a rebuttal period from November 21 to November 27 2018, authors will be able to submit a brief document to address any factual errors or clarify any issues raised by reviews. The date for notification of the results of the first round of the review process is December 12, 2019. Revised versions of papers conditionally accepted in the first round must be submitted by January 31, 2020. The final notification of the outcome of the second reviewing round will be made on February 14, 2020. The camera-ready version of accepted papers will be due on March 6, 2020. From all accepted and presented papers, an international jury will select the best papers. The first best paper will receive the Günter Enderle Award, including a cash prize of €1,000, presented at Eurographics 2020.
Eurographics Full Papers Chairs
Daniele Panozzo, New York, USA
Ulf Assarsson, Chalmers, Sweden
For question concerning full paper submissions please contact the papers program chairs:
Position: ITN – 3 year fulltime research fellow position within EVOCATION (EU H2020 research and innovation project under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813170)
Project website: EVOCATION -
ID: CHD-ColorESR11 with option for PhD at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Topic: Color Calibration Workflows in 3D
Existing color calibration workflows typically target the 2D domain and standards are already well established. In 3D however, there is nothing … yet.
The main task is to extend existing or develop new color management workflows for photogrammetry and other techniques of 3D digitization, towards a unified and standardized pipeline establishing a faithful correspondence between the virtual 3D representation of an object and its physical appearance.
The candidate will closely collaborate with other international fellows within a European research project in order to build a bridge from physical object acquisition to its virtual representation and subsequently to its color-calibrated, 3D printed replica.
Expected results
The fellow is expected to:
* develop automated color-calibration workflows for autonomous 3D digitization technologies.
* publish relevant scientific research papers and reports.
* participate in standardization efforts of the color-science community for 3D color calibration.
Candidate profile
The candidate should:
* have a master degree in computer science and be fluent in English and C++.
* have a solid background in mathematics and image processing.
* be an independent thinker, proactive, responsible and efficient
* be a team-player, motivated for excellence
Host institution
Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Germany
Supervisors: P. Santos, M. Domajnko and M. Ritz
Related websites
Fraunhofer IGD
PhD-granting institution
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Training: You will gain scientific skills in cutting-edge technologies focusing on translational science in expert laboratories, in a highly stimulating and collaborative environment. There will be opportunities for short term secondments in collaborative laboratories within the network.
PhD: If Applicable: You will register in the doctorate program at the associated University.
Salary: You will receive a highly competitive salary according to Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions rules. Exact salary is calculated per country and includes living and mobility allowances.
Hosting conditions: You will have a supervisory team to develop training and career plans.
Eligibility criteria:
At the time of recruitment, you must fulfill the requirements defined for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), meaning that you are in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of your research career and have NOT yet been awarded the doctorate degree.
Candidates who have worked in Germany are eligible for recruitment only if they have resided or carried out their main activity outside of Germany for more than 24 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment.
The time of recruitment normally is the first day of the employment of the fellow for the purpose of the project (i.e. the starting date indicated in the employment contract).
You need to be flexible to travel throughout Europe in order to exchange expertise between the partners of EVOCATION consortia.
In case of positive evaluation of your application we will get in touch with you shortly after your application.
Employment details
Starting date: as soon as possible
Contract duration: 36 months
Benefits and salary: Successful candidates will receive a competitive salary and employment benefits in accordance with the MSCA regulations for early stage researchers and the host country, respectively.
The exact salary will be confirmed upon appointment and consists of the following allowances:
* Living allowance basic gross salary: € 3,171.90 per month. This amount is adjusted through the application of a country correction coefficient to the living allowance of the country in which the researcher will be recruited.
* Mobility allowance: € 600 per month
* Family allowance (if applicable): € 500 per month
* Additional funding for participation to courses, workshops, conferences, etc. is available.
Net salary results from deducting compulsory (employer/employee) social security contribution, as well as direct national and local taxes (e.g., income tax) from the gross amount.
Full Regulations governing this application:
For full details governing this job offer, please visit the EU website (H2020 Programme - Guide for Applicants to Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions - Innovative Training Networks (ITN)):…
Contact: Eva Kühnel
Secretary to the Competence Center Cultural Heritage Digitization
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD
Fraunhoferstr. 5 | 64283 Darmstadt | Germany
Phone: +49 6151 155-475 | Fax: +49 6151 155-139
eva.kuehnel(a) |
----- Call For Posters - ICGI'2019 -----
Important dates:
Poster submission deadline: October 7, 2019
Authors' notification: October 17, 2019
ICGI 2019 Conference:
The ICGI 2019 - International Conference on Graphics and Interaction 2019
will take place between 21 and 22 November 2019 at the University of
Algarve, in Faro, Portugal in a joint organization with the Eurographics
Portuguese Chapter.
The ICGI'2019 aims to bring together researchers, teachers, and
professionals in the areas of Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Computer
Vision and Human-Computer Interaction, providing a forum for the
dissemination of work carried out or ongoing and the exchange of scientific
results, experiences, and new knowledge between the academic, industrial and
end-user communities.
The Scientific Program will include presentations of long and short papers,
invited plenary presentations and a poster session.
Authors are invited to submit original posters, in the same format as the
papers, with a maximum of 2 pages to be included in the proceedings. The
official languages of the conference are English, Portuguese and Spanish.
The accepted papers posters appear in the ICGI 2019 digital proceedings
(book with ISBN) and authors will be invited to present their works at a
Poster Session. Posters submission should be formatted according to the
instructions available at
ml> IEEE and should not present any information that identifies its authors
(double-blind review). References to works by the same authors should be
indicated as [BFRP]. The posters must not exceed the two-page limit,
including references.
The submissions can only be done electronically, in PDF format, through the
<> conference submission
Submitted manuscripts should address original research in all areas related
to Computer Graphics and Interaction, including, but not limited to:
* Accessibility
* Adaptive and Intelligent Interfaces
* Animation and Simulation
* Applications
* Autonomous and Intelligent Agents in Virtual Environments
* CG Modelling
* Cognitive Psychology
* Collaborative Work
* Computer Animation
* Computer Games
* Computer Graphics Algorithms
* Computer Graphics and Interaction in Education
* Computer Vision and 3D Reconstruction
* Creativity and Digital Art
* Ergonomics
* Ethnography
* Image Processing and Analysis
* Interaction Evaluation
* Multimedia and Hypermedia
* Multimodal and Multisensory Interfaces
* Presence, Engagement, and Immersion
* Scientific and Information Visualisation
* Simulation and Animation
* Social and Organisational Aspects
* Tangible Interfaces
* Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing
* Usability and UX
* User-Centered Design
* Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality
EGPGV 2020 - Call for Papers (Early Submission)
Early Abstract Deadline: October 11, 2019
Early Paper Deadline: October 18, 2019
The Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV)
aims to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge on exploiting and
defining new trends in parallel graphics and visualization. This area is of
growing importance due to the rapidly increasing availability of multi-core
CPUs, GPUs, and cluster systems. Computationally demanding and
data-intensive applications in graphics and visualization are strongly
affected by this trend and require novel, efficient parallel solutions.
EGPGV has two submission deadlines: early submission in fall and regular
submission in spring. This offers authors the flexibility to choose between
two separate submission deadlines. The early submission deadline provides
the opportunity of improving manuscripts and resubmitting them to the spring
deadline in case they are not successful in the fall review phase,
resembling a major revision review process. An FAQ about the early
submission process can be found at the bottom of this email. Please notice
also that this year there are abstract deadlines one week in advance to the
paper deadlines.
EGPGV 2020 will be collocated with Eurographics and EuroVis 2020, held May
25-29, 2020, in Norrkoeping, Sweden. The proceedings of EGPGV will be
published in the Eurographics Proceedings Series and in the Eurographics
Digital Library. Best papers from the EGPGV symposium will be invited to
submit an extended journal version to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics.
EGPGV seeks papers on graphics and visualization that involve any type of
parallel computing, and/or focus on very large data sets. Papers on
techniques, data structures, algorithms, systems, and applications are
welcomed. Parallel computing is broadly defined, including high-performance
computing and cloud environments, (multi-)GPU computing and heterogeneous,
hybrid architectures, and shared and/or distributed memory architectures.
Further, papers focused on processing very large data sets (either for
visualization or graphics) are welcomed, even if they do not have a
particular focus on parallelism.
Typical symposium topics include:
- Computationally and data intensive rendering
- Scientific visualization (e.g., volume rendering, flow, and tensor
- Information visualization and visual analytics
- In situ analytics and in situ visualization
- Out-of-core processing of large data sets for visualization or graphics
- Simulations for virtual environments (physics-based animation, collision
detection, acoustics)
- Mesh processing, level-of-detail, and geometric methods
- Visual computing (image- and video-based rendering, image processing and
exploitation, segmentation)
- Scheduling, memory management, and data coherence
- Parallelization approaches and algorithms, such as MapReduce
- Database-related methods, algorithms or approaches, and query-based
- Advanced hardware for data handling or visualization
- Large and high resolution displays, virtual environments
- Scientific, engineering, and industrial applications
- Data analytics on large scientific data sets
- Machine learning as applied to parallel graphics, visualization, and/or
large data analytics
In general, appropriate topics for the symposium fall into one of four
(1) parallel graphics,
(2) rendering of very large data sets,
(3) parallel visualization and analytics, and
(4) processing of large data sets for visualization or analytics.
EGPGV again calls for Full Papers (8 to 10 pages) and Short Papers (up to 4
pages) in Eurographics format. The EGPGV webpage will be updated soon with
more details on submission.
Important Dates:
Oct 11, 2019 - Early Abstract Deadline
Oct 18, 2019 - Early Paper Deadline
Nov 29, 2019 - Notification
Feb 06, 2020 - Abstract Deadline
Feb 13, 2020 - Paper Deadline
Mar 16, 2020 - Notification
Apr 13, 2020 - Camera-Ready Version (tentative)
For additional information, please visit
and feel free to contact us via
EGPGV Leadership:
Symposium Chair: Steffen Frey, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Program Co-Chair: Jian Huang, University of Tennessee, United States
Program Co-Chair: Filip Sadlo, Heidelberg University, Germany
Student Program Chair: Mohammad Raji, University of Tennessee, United States
FAQ on Early Submission:
Q: What happens if my paper is accepted in the early submission review
A: Your paper will have the exact same status as any paper accepted during
the regular submission deadline. It will appear in the proceedings and you
will present your paper at EGPGV20. Further, you may place your paper on
your website and advertise it as a paper that will appear at EGPGV20.
Q: What happens if my paper is not accepted in the early submission review
A: Papers not accepted during the early submission review cycle may be
resubmitted as new during the regular review cycles. Authors can indicate to
the Chairs whether they would like the same reviewers (effectively treating
the initial review as a revision).
Q: If I do not submit to the early submission deadline, then can I still
submit to the regular submission deadline?
A: You can absolutely submit to only the regular submission deadline.
Q: What is the timeline for the regular submission deadline?
A: We are still in discussions with Eurographics with respect to
camera-ready deadlines. Traditionally, EGPGV has a submission deadline of
late February and a notification of early April. We expect the timeline for
the regular submissions to match this traditional schedule.
STAG2019: Call for contributions
Extended submission deadlines
STAG 2019 - Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics Cagliari, November
14-15, 2019 <>
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG) is an annual international
conference organized by the Italian Chapter of the Eurographics association.
For its sixth edition the conference will be held in Cagliari (Italy) on
November 14-15, 2019.
The aim of STAG is the dissemination of research activities and novel ideas
on both theoretical and application oriented aspects of Computer Graphics,
bringing together researchers and practitioners from both national and
international scientific communities to share their latest developments.
This year we invite contributions in the form of full papers or posters, and
we will host, as usual, the EG-Italy thesis award ceremony.
Full Papers
Contributions on new ways to solve real problems, clever solutions to
optimize or otherwise improve techniques and algorithms for real-world
applications are encouraged. System, libraries, and workflow papers with
impact on real-world applications are also welcome. We encourage submissions
in all areas of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Visual Computing, and
related disciplines.
Full papers might be accepted, rejected, or accepted as posters. From all
accepted full papers, an international jury will assign the best paper
Full papers are included in the STAG proceedings, published in the
Eurographics Digital Library.
Authors of a selection of the most outstanding papers will be invited to
submit an extended version of their work to a Special Issue of the Computers
& Graphics Journal (Elsevier). Upcoming papers of the last edition can be
10410J46Z23> here.
For submission information please visit
Important dates
Papers submission: September 13th, 2019 September 20th, 2019 (12:00 GMT
noon) (Extended)
Notification: October 16th, 2019
Camera Ready: October 25th, 2019
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations at STAG
2019. We welcome posters which present recent results, work in progress, new
ideas and small-scale projects which may be of interest to the community,
but which are still too speculative, incomplete, or whose scope is not wide
enough to warrant a full paper. Posters provide a good opportunity for
displaying and discussing ideas. We encourage submissions in all areas of
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Visual Computing, and related
Posters will be displayed during the conference, whereas a dedicated poster
session will run in conjunction with the social event.
The authors of accepted posters will be asked to submit the final version of
their 2-page paper, which will be included in the conference proceedings.
For submission information please visit
Important dates
Papers submission: September 13th, 2019 September 20th, 2019 (12:00 GMT
noon) (Extended)
Notification: October 16th, 2019
Camera Ready: October 25th, 2019
Thesis Award
STAG 2019 will host, as usual, the EG-Italy thesis award ceremony. Starting
from this year, the award will be dedicated to the memory of
<> Matteo Dellepiane, whose
passion, enthusiasm, and commitment for science and computer graphics will
be of inspiration for all the recipients of this prize.
The Matteo Dellepiane Award recognizes high quality research thesis produced
in italian institutions. We aim to motivate young researchers, giving them
the opportunity to present their works at an international scientific venue.
Two awards will be granted: one for the best PhD thesis, and one for the
best MSc thesis.
For submission information please visit
The documentation must be sent to the Thesis Awards Chairs (
<> stag2019-thesis-awards(a) not later than 2019 September
15th, 2019 (extended). Nominations can be sent directly by the candidate,
the supervisor, or by any other person.
The organizing comittee,
Marco Agus, Massimiliano Corsini and Ruggero Pintus
Call for Participation
24th International Symposium on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV 2019)
September 30 - October 2, 2019, Rostock, Germany
* We are glad to announce the technical program of VMV 2019 with 19 full papers in seven sessions: <>
* The General Assembly of the GI FB GDV will take place on Tuesday, Oct 1, 16:00
VMV is a unique event that brings together scientists and people interested in the interdisciplinary fields of computer graphics, computer vision, visualization, and visual analytics, with special emphasis on the link between the disciplines. VMV offers researchers the opportunity to discuss a wide range of different topics within an open, international and interdisciplinary environment. The VMV symposium is also the annual meeting of the Computer Graphics Special Interest Group of the German Informatics Society.
Invited Talks and Program
We are pleased to announce two esteemed invited speakers for VMV 2019:
* Prof. Dr. Holger Theisel, University of Magdeburg
* Prof. Dr. Tom Ertl, University of Stuttgart
Details of the invited talks and the symposium program are available on the VMV 2019 website <>
Registration web page: <>
VMV General Chair: Oliver Staadt (University of Rostock, Germany)
VMV 2019 Program Co-Chairs:
* Hans-Jörg Schulz (Aarhus University, Denmark)
* Matthias Teschner (University of Freiburg, Germany)
* Michael Wimmer (TU Wien, Austria)
********Apologies for cross-posting********
17th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, November 6-9, 2019
*** Short papers and posters deadline: September 13th ***
The 17th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH 2019)
to engage practitioners and researchers across the world working at the
interface of novel digital technologies and cultural heritage. Taking place
the heart of the Balkans, in the city of Sarajevo this year's event will
the role of computer graphics and other digital technologies in
preserving and providing access to cultural heritage which might be
from natural and man-made threats such as climate change, economic hardship,
violence and neglect. As such, the event will enable participants to
and discuss new technologies and workflows available to heritage
to document, monitor, study, conserve/preserve and provide access to both
tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage. Interdisciplinary and
multidisciplinary approaches are particularly relevant to the event and this
reflected in the diversity of invited contributions. For the research
GCH 2019 provides an excellent scientific forum to exchange novel ideas and
developments as well as to identify future research and application
opportunities. For the practitioner community, GCH 2019 provides a unique
opportunity to feed into technical developments as well as to identify new
techniques and ideas which can be transferred into practice.
We invite short papers and posters presenting ongoing research activities or
projects with a maximum of 4 pages. Contributions are solicited (but not
to) in the following topics:
- Imaging techniques for Cultural Heritage processes, including visual
techniques such as 3D digitisation, motion capture, multispectral imaging,
terahertz imaging, and other techniques allowing to record Cultural
- Visual data processing and data fusion
- Digital libraries, archiving and long-term preservation of 3D documents
- Visual analysis of datasets, including semantic-aware representation of
digital artefacts (metadata, classification schemes, annotation), similarity
search and browsing.
- Visualization and virtual museums, including serious games and
- Multi-modal and interactive environments
- Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections with digital
- Digital fabrication, including subtractive and additive methods such as 3D
- Organizational aspects of cooperation between ICT and CH experts for
- Best practices and guidelines for deployment of ICT solution in the CH
including budgeting and maintenance
- User demand and reception of ICT solutions in CH institutions
Please submit your work via the SRM conference management system:
Templates for preparing paper submissions can be found here:
For posters, please submit a 500 word abstract.
If you have any problem using this format templates, please contact the
programme chairs directly: chairs-gch2019(a)
All accepted short papers will be published by the Eurographics
Association and archived in the EG Digital Library.
Kind Regards,
Karina Rodriguez Echavarria, Selma Rizvic
GCH19 Programme Co-Chairs
Email: chairs-gch2019(a) <>
Dear colleagues:
we have a new fully funded PhD position in the Computer Graphics / Geometry
Processing field available in our group.
Thank you for spreading this opening to potential candidates -- and please
excuse any multiple postings.
-- Marcel Campen
Graphics & Geometric Computing group
Osnabrück University
We announce a
scientific research assistant (PhD student) position
at the University of Osnabrück, Germany, in the Graphics & Geometric
Computing group under supervision of Prof. Dr. Marcel Campen.
The research focus of the group ( is on
algorithmic processing of 3D geometric data and related areas, for
applications such as simulation, animation, fabrication, or analysis.
The ideal candidate has knowledge and a background in some of the following:
- Geometry Processing
- Computer Graphics
- Computational Geometry
- Programming, in particular C++
Questions concerning this offer and applications with the usual documents
should be submitted to Prof. Marcel Campen: campen(a)
The deadline for application is September 15th 2019.
The official announcement with application details can be found at:
STAG2019: Call for contributions
STAG 2019 - Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics Cagliari, November
14-15, 2019 <>
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG) is an annual international
conference organized by the Italian Chapter of the Eurographics association.
For its sixth edition the conference will be held in Cagliari (Italy) on
November 14-15, 2019.
The aim of STAG is the dissemination of research activities and novel ideas
on both theoretical and application oriented aspects of Computer Graphics,
bringing together researchers and practitioners from both national and
international scientific communities to share their latest developments.
This year we invite contributions in the form of full papers or posters, and
we will host, as usual, the EG-Italy thesis award ceremony.
Full Papers
Contributions on new ways to solve real problems, clever solutions to
optimize or otherwise improve techniques and algorithms for real-world
applications are encouraged. System, libraries, and workflow papers with
impact on real-world applications are also welcome. We encourage submissions
in all areas of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Visual Computing, and
related disciplines.
Full papers might be accepted, rejected, or accepted as posters. From all
accepted full papers, an international jury will assign the best paper
Full papers are included in the STAG proceedings, published in the
Eurographics Digital Library.
Authors of a selection of the most outstanding papers will be invited to
submit an extended version of their work to a Special Issue of the Computers
& Graphics Journal (Elsevier). Upcoming papers of the last edition can be
10410J46Z23> here.
For submission information please visit
Important dates
Papers submission: September 13th, 2019
Notification: October 16th, 2019
Camera Ready: October 25th, 2019
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations at STAG
2019. We welcome posters which present recent results, work in progress, new
ideas and small-scale projects which may be of interest to the community,
but which are still too speculative, incomplete, or whose scope is not wide
enough to warrant a full paper. Posters provide a good opportunity for
displaying and discussing ideas. We encourage submissions in all areas of
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Visual Computing, and related
Posters will be displayed during the conference, whereas a dedicated poster
session will run in conjunction with the social event.
The authors of accepted posters will be asked to submit the final version of
their 2-page paper, which will be included in the conference proceedings.
For submission information please visit
Important dates
Papers submission: September 13th, 2019
Notification: October 16th, 2019
Camera Ready: October 25th, 2019
Thesis Award
STAG 2019 will host, as usual, the EG-Italy thesis award ceremony. Starting
from this year, the award will be dedicated to the memory of
<> Matteo Dellepiane, whose
passion, enthusiasm, and commitment for science and computer graphics will
be of inspiration for all the recipients of this prize.
The Matteo Dellepiane Award recognizes high quality research thesis produced
in italian institutions. We aim to motivate young researchers, giving them
the opportunity to present their works at an international scientific venue.
Two awards will be granted: one for the best PhD thesis, and one for the
best MSc thesis.
For submission information please visit
The documentation must be sent to the Thesis Awards Chairs (
<> stag2019-thesis-awards(a) not later than 2019 September
15th, 2019 (extended). Nominations can be sent directly by the candidate,
the supervisor, or by any other person.
The organizing comittee,
Marco Agus, Massimiliano Corsini and Ruggero Pintus