[Apologies for multiple postings]
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
CNRS Paris Michel Ange, Paris
11-13 July, 2018
http://sca2018.inria.fr <http://sca2018.inria.fr/>
Extension of posters submission deadline (final): June 11, 2018
This is your last chance to submit your poster. Don't miss this opportunity
to contribute to the conference! Authors will be notified of acceptance by
June 15.
In addition to more traditional submissions, we also encourage PhD students
to present their current research topic.
Call for posters
We invite submissions to the poster and demo session, which has
traditionally been an integral part of the SCA program. The poster session
will follow a posters fast-forward session during which all presenters will
have the opportunity to give a one-to-two minute description of their work.
Additionally, a best paper award will be given to the top poster!
We encourage any of the following types of poster submissions:
- Up and coming computer animation research
- Technically novel production work
- Lab overviews which present a snapshot of the ongoing
animation-related research at a given institution
- Half-baked ideas and negative results
- Work done outside of SCA that would be of interest to the computer
animation community. This includes animation-related works recently accepted
to other conferences such as I3D or NPAR.
- PhD students's research topics
We recall that poster abstracts will be included in the ACM and EG Digital
Libraries, thus providing a better and longstanding referencing to such
works. Note however that as usual, a SCA poster does not preclure subsequent
publication of a complete paper on the same topic by the same authors.
Poster Submissions
- Submission website (https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/SCA_2018-p)
- SCA will be using the Eurographics / Computer Graphics Forum template
- Submission deadline: June 11 2018 - 23:59 UTC
Submission Instructions
Posters instructions can be found at
Poster submissions must be camera-ready, with author names and affiliations
listed. The review process will be single blind. Poster abstracts should
consist of a PDF formatted paper according to the Eurographics / Computer
Graphics Forum publication style given above. As last year, poster abstracts
are permitted to be up to two pages in length. Posters should be written and
presented in English. Supplementary material such as videos may also be
submitted electronically and will be made available to reviewers. Finally,
we also encourage the authors to submit a draft of the poster of size A0 in
PDF as supplementary material.
Fast Forward Slide
Authors of accepted posters will be required to provide a short video
describing their work for the Poster Fast Forward session. Video guidelines
will be provided to presenters.
Oral Presentation
For the final presentation, videos and interactive demonstrations are highly
encouraged. We will provide electrical outlets and tables so that authors
can display such demonstrations using their own equipment.
Important dates
Submission deadline: June 11, 2018 - 23:59 UTC
Poster Notification: June 15, 2018
Camera-ready posters abstract due: June 22, 2018
About SCA
SCA is the premier forum for innovations in the software and technology of
computer animation. It unites researchers and practitioners working on all
aspects of time-based phenomena. Our focused, intimate gathering, with
single track program and emphasis on community interaction, makes SCA the
best venue to exchange research results, get inspired, and set up
o Conference Chairs
Maud Marchal, IRISA-INSA
Damien Rohmer, Ecole Polytechnique
o Program Chairs
Thabo Beeler, Disney Research Zurich
Nils Thuerey, Technical University of Munich
o Posters Chair
Melina Skouras, Inria
The 36th Annual Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics Association,
13-14 September 2018, Swansea University, UK
The annual EGUK conference is a meeting place for all those in the UK working in computer graphics and visual computing (including, Computer Graphics and Vision, Information and Scientific Visualization, and Visual Analytics). It attracts researchers from across the country and from further afield.
The 2018 conference Computer Graphics & Visual Computing will be an overnight meeting (lunchtime to lunchtime). The conference wants to focus on increasing the dialogue between academic research groups, researchers in academic and in industrial developments. In order to facilitate such dialogue, we are seeking contributions in the form of full papers, short papers, viewpoint papers, and extended abstracts (poster papers).
• Full papers - a paper of 4 to 8 pages describing completed research, plus an additional page of references. Papers are refereed by members of an international program committee (IPC). Authors of accepted papers are expected to give a 20 minute presentation at the conference. Accepted papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library and will serve as full paper publications.
• Short papers - The purpose of short papers is to present late-breaking results, work-in-progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. Short papers will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage double-blind process by an international program committee (IPC). They will be electronically archived and are fully citable publications. Submissions for the short paper track should be at most 4 pages, with an additional page allowed for references. Accepted short papers will be presented orally at the conference in (approximately) 15 minute presentations.
• Viewpoint Papers (aka. Position paper, ***new in CGVC2018***) - Viewpoint paper track enables researchers a new possibility to publish their ideas. Viewpoints articles offer detailed technical opinions on trends in visual computing or reports on how visual computing has contributed to the comprehension of data or phenomena, without the need to present completed research work and/or validated results. We encourage discussions of challenges or limitations in today's methods and areas of potential new topics of research. We are also interested in application discussions that focus on, for example, the areas of physical, life or social sciences, engineering, or commerce, or areas related to the process of visual computing in general. We encourage an emphasis on lessons learned from practical experience for application discussions, particularly where visual computing has been employed in a real, working environment. Viewpoint papers are submitted with author names and affiliations (at most 4-pages). Accepted viewpoint papers will be electronically archived, are fully citable publications and will be presented orally at the conference in (approximately) 15 minute presentations.
Submissions to the full, short and viewpoint paper tracks that are not accepted for publication but are deemed suitable for poster presentation by the IPC will be offered an opportunity to present in the poster track.
• Extended Abstracts (Poster Papers) - CGVC 2018 is re-introducing a poster track. The purpose of this track is to present late-breaking results, work in progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. In particular, it provides young researchers, especially postgraduate students, with valuable opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers, and engage in stimulating discussions. The poster track will be managed by the co-chair team and the International Program Committee (IPC) for the papers track. We solicit poster submissions in the form of a poster and an accompanying sketch (i.e., an extended abstract of at most 2 pages, with an additional page allowed for references only). Posters will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage double-blind process. Accepted posters will be presented at the poster viewing session of the conference.
Accepted extended abstracts (poster papers) do not appear in the Eurographics digital library, and will not be considered as a paper publication, instead being similar to a SIGGRAPH one-page sketch or to a conference poster without an associated full paper. As such, presenting an extended abstract or a poster at the conference has no effect on your ability to publish a fuller version of the same work in another venue.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Computer Graphics
Computer Vision
Virtual Reality
Visual Analytics
Visual Data Science
Computer Animation
Computer-based Arts and Entertainment
Image processing
Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques
Graphics Architectures and Acceleration Hardware
Medical Imaging
Multimedia Visualisation
Computer Games
Rendering Techniques
Scientific Visualisation and Big Data
Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
Geospatial Visualisation
Augmented Reality and Collaborative Environments
Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices
Human Computer Interaction, Robotics, and Haptics
Modelling Methods
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline (extended): 22 June 2018 (Fri)
Notification of Acceptance: 24 July 2018 (Tue)
Camera Ready: 11 August 2018 (Sat)
Conference: 13-14 September 2018 (Thu-Fri)
Publication type | Page limit | Accepted publication
Full Paper | 4-8 pages, + 1-page refs only | fully citable publication
Short Paper | 2-4 pages, + 1-page refs only | fully citable publication
Viewpoint Paper (i.e. Position Paper) | 2-4 pages, + 1-page refs only | fully citable publication
Extended Abstract (i.e. Poster Paper) | 1-2 pages | not considered as a paper publication
Programme Chairs
Gary KL Tam (Swansea University)
Franck Vidal (Bangor University)
Contact: chairs-cgvc2018(a)eg.org <mailto:chairs-cgvc2018@eg.org>
Conference Chair
Robert S. Laramee (Swansea University)
Local organisers
Richard Roberts (Swansea University)
Dylan Rees (Swansea University)
Liam McNabb (Swansea University)
GCH 2018: Call for Papers
Important note: "Visual Heritage 2018" is an event joining the two workshops "GCH 2018" and "CHNT 2018". The two workshops have separate calls for papers. This call is for GCH 2018 - for submission to CHNT 2018, please see www.chnt.at <http://www.chnt.at> !
The 16th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
held in Vienna, Austria, November 12-15, 2018
is organized in cooperation with <http://www.chnt.at> CHNT (Cultural Heritage and New Technologies) as
<http://2018.visualheritage.org> Visual Heritage 2018
Important Dates
Submission deadline regular papers June 20, 2018 (3 weeks left!)
Review notification (regular papers) August 6, 2018
Submission deadline short / project papers August 13, 2018
Review notification (other submission types) September 10, 2018
Submission of camera ready (regular papers) September 10, 2018
Submission of camera ready (other papers) September 21, 2018
Registration deadline speaker September 21, 2018
General Information
Since 2018 is a key year for the Cultural Heritage community, two established communities working on the domain of ICT & CH have decided to join forces and organize a federated event. The aims of this federated event are: to bring two slightly different communities together in the same venue (one oriented to research in visual technology, the other focusing on the application of those technologies to CH); to share experiences and discuss methodologies concerning digital visual media and their use in the context of cultural heritage applications; and to enable an increased cross-fertilization among those communities and foster collaboration.
GCH 2018 aims to establish an international dialogue between ICT experts and CH scientists to advance the understanding of critical requirements for processing, managing, and delivering cultural heritage information to a broad audience. The objective of the workshop is to introduce and showcase new techniques and applications for supporting Cultural Heritage information ranging from data acquisition, analysis and synthesis, 3D documentation, and data management, to new forms of interactive presentation and 3D printing solutions. Interdisciplinary approaches for analysis, classification and interpretation of cultural artefacts are particularly relevant to the event. GCH 2018 as part of Visual Heritage 2018 provides a scientific forum to exchange novel ideas and techniques in research, education and dissemination of Cultural Heritage information, to transfer them into practice, and identify future research and application opportunities.
We seek original, innovative and previously unpublished contributions in the visual computing area applied to digital cultural heritage, challenging the state-of-the-art solutions, presenting experiences and projects in this domain and leveraging new ideas for future developments. Equally, original contributions in the cultural heritage field of relevance to visual computing are welcome. Contributions are solicited in (but not limited to) the following areas:
* 2/3/4D data acquisition and processing in Cultural Heritage
* Multispectral imaging and data fusion
* Digital acquisition, representation and communication of intangible heritage
* Material acquisition analysis
* Heterogeneous data collection, integration and management
* 3D printing of cultural assets
* Shape analysis and interpretation
* Similarity search of digital artefacts
* Visualization and Virtual Museums including storytelling and design of heritage communications
* Multi-modal and interactive environments and applications for Cultural Heritage
* Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations
* Semantic-aware representation of digital artefacts (metadata, classification schemes, annotation)
* Digital libraries, archiving and long-term preservation of 3D documents
* Standards and documentation
* Serious games in Cultural Heritage
* Organizational aspects of cooperation between ICT and CH experts for project development
* Best practices for deployment of novel ICT solution in the CH domain, including budgeting and maintenance
* User demand and reception of ICT solutions in CH institutions
In cooperation with CHNT, GCH is also planning for a half-day tutorial program, addressing practices and challenges in the important areas of acquisition and presentation of CH content.
Paper Categories
We accept four categories of papers: full papers, short papers, project papers, tutorials. Note that full papers and other paper categories have different deadlines as indicated above.
Full papers showcase original research in visual heritage.
Short papers showcase recent results, work in progress, and new ideas.
Project papers offer an opportunity to present results of projects in the visual heritage field. Participants to the project presentation sessions will have a unique opportunity for the dissemination of their project developments and products to a broad multi-disciplinary, multi-national and multi-organisational community, which satisfies the core demand of dissemination and valorisation of every funded project.The paper should describe the research and development activities.
Tutorials instruct participants about the background of visual heritage technologies. Tutorial proposals should include the topics to be covered in the presentation session. Presentation time will be longer than regular papers, please contact us for individual requirements.
Page limits are 10 pages for full papers, and 4 pages for all other categories.
GCH 2018 uses the Submission and Review Management (SRM) system of EUROGRAPHICS. Online submission is now open on the SRM site, which also provides detailed information about the submission process:
<https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/GCH_2018> https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/GCH_2018
Please use the EUROGRAPHICS LaTeX Package ( <https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/GCH_2018/GetConferenceFile?fileID=8635> https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/GCH_2018/GetConferenceFile?fileID=8635) to prepare your submission according to the EUROGRAPHICS style guide. Submissions can be accompanied by electronic supplementary material (e.g., images, video, demo).
Submitted content must be original work; papers or summaries of papers that have already been published or submitted elsewhere (including in another language) are not acceptable as paper submission to GCH 2018 and will be rejected without review.
Submitted papers will be carefully reviewed by members of the Program Committee and selected external reviewers. GCH 2018 uses a double-blind peer-review process to evaluate the submissions, so submission need to be properly anonymized. However, the complete information about all co-authors needs to be entered into SRM.
All accepted papers will be published by the Eurographics Association and archived in the EG Digital Library. In addition, best papers will be selected and awarded at the conference; those will be invited in extended version for further review and publication in the ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (ACM JOCCH).
Robert Sablatnig, TU Wien
Michael Wimmer, TU Wien
GCH2018 Program Co-Chairs
Pacific Graphics 2018 (PG 2018)
Hong Kong, 8 - 11 October, 2018
Pacific Graphics is an annual international conference on computer graphics
and applications. It is one of flagship conferences of
<http://www.asiagraphics.org/> Asia Graphics Association. As a highly
successful conference series, Pacific Graphics provides a premium forum for
researchers, developers, practitioners in the Pacific Rim and around the
world to present and discuss new problems, solutions, and technologies in
computer graphics and related areas.
Call for Papers
Original unpublished papers are invited in all areas of computer graphics
and its applications. The topics include (but are not limited to) modeling,
rendering, animation, and imaging, as well as visualization, human-computer
interaction, and graphics systems and applications. Papers should be
submitted through the <https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/PG_2018> SRM
Pacific Graphics 2018 accepts full papers, short papers and poster papers.
All the full (regular) papers of Pacific Graphics 2018 will be published as
a special issue of the
<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-8659> Computer
Graphics Forum (CGF), the journal of the Eurographics Association. A few
submissions with strong potential but not accepted as regular papers will be
recommended for a second review cycle of CGF after major revisions. Short
papers and poster papers will not appear in CGF, but will be published
electronically through the EG digital library. Extended versions of
selected, high-quality, short papers will be invited to a SpringerOpen
journal, <http://www.springer.com/computer/image+processing/journal/41095>
Computational Visual Media.
Important Dates (GMT-7)
Abstract submission: 10 Jun, 2018
Full papers submission: 12 Jun, 2018
Reviews to authors: 18 Jul, 2018
Rebuttals due: 22 Jul, 2018
Decision notification: 01 Aug, 2018
Final acceptance notification (for regular papers only): 27 Aug, 2018
Camera ready: 31 Aug, 2018
PG18 General Co-chairs
Hujun Bao, Zhejiang University
Horace H. S. Ip, City University of Hong Kong
Hans-Peter Seidel, Max-Planck-Institut Informatik
Alla Sheffer, University of British Columbia
PG18 Program Co-chairs
Hongbo Fu, City University of Hong Kong
Abhijeet Ghosh, Imperial College London
Johannes Kopf, Facebook Research
PG18 Organization Chair
David Junhui Hou, City University of Hong Kong
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Call for Papers
SC18 Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Showcase
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage, and Analysis, November 11-16, Dallas, TX, USA
*** Submissions due July 31, 2018 ***
SC18's Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Showcase provides a forum
for the year's most instrumental movies in HPC. Selected entries will be
displayed live in a museum/art gallery format. Six accepted finalists will
compete for the Best Visualization Award, and each finalist will present
his or her movie during a dedicated 15-minute presentation. Movies are
judged by overall quality, how they illuminate science, and for creative
innovations in the movie production process.
**Accepted submissions will be published in a virtual special issue of
Parallel Computing.** There will also be both a live display throughout the
conference so that attendees can experience and enjoy the latest in science
and engineering HPC results expressed through state-of-the-art
visualization technologies and a session at SC18 dedicated to the accepted
Submissions need to include a movie (up to 1GB in size) and a short paper
(up to 6 pages including references). The short paper should describe the
scientific story conveyed by the movie, how the visualization helps
scientific discovery, and the "state-of-the-practice" information behind
making the movie.
Each submission will be peer reviewed by the Visualization & Data Analytics
Showcase Committee. Criteria for review include:
* How effective is the visual communication of the data?
* How relevant to the HPC community is the visualization?
* What is the impact of the science story and how well is it told?
* What visualization techniques were necessary to create the movie?
Finally, submissions should consider SC18's overall theme "HPC Inspires."
All submissions comprise a video and accompanying manuscript. The video
submitted should be in MP4, MOV, or AVI format and use a codec that will
play in typical desktop computer media players. There is no hard limit on
video length, but typical videos are less than 10 minutes long, and the
submitted file should be no more than 1GB.
The manuscript must be no more than 6 pages including references. The
manuscripts should be formatted according to the guidelines for the
Parallel Computing journal. Please use one of the following two templates
when formatting your manuscript:
* LaTeX template (preferred):
* Word template:
The manuscript should be uploaded as a pdf for the initial submission.
Authors of accepted submissions will have to send the original material
(.tex or .docx files and any source image files) to Parallel Computing's
Visualization showcase entries are submitted through the SC Submission Site
( <https://submissions.supercomputing.org/>
https://submissions.supercomputing.org/). Sign in, click the "Make a New
Submission" tab, and then select the "Scientific Visualization & Data
Analytics Showcase" link.
The manuscripts of the six accepted submissions will be published in a
special virtual issue of Parallel Computing. Because the Parallel Computing
journal does not have the same publisher as the proceedings of the rest of
the SC conference, authors will have to resubmit their content. (There will
not, however, be a separate review process.)
After accepted authors present their work, a select committee will choose
among them for the Best Visualization Award. The winner of the Best
Visualization Award will be presented during the SC Awards Session.
Video/Manuscript Submission: July 31, 2018
Notifications Sent: September 15, 2018
Final Material Deadline: October 31
2018 International Conference on Graphics and Interaction - Call for papers
ICGI 2018 (http://gpcg.pt/ICGI2018/)
The ICGI 2018 - International Conference on Graphics and Interaction
2018 (former EPCGI - Portuguese Meeting on Computer Graphics and
Interaction) will take place between 15 and 16 November 2018 at the
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, in Portugal. It is a
joint organization between the Large-Scale Informatics Systems
Laboratory (LASIGE) and the Eurographics Portuguese Chapter with the
support of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
The ICGI'2018 aims to bring together researchers, teachers and
professionals in the areas of Computer Graphics, Image Processing,
Computer Vision and Human-Computer Interaction, providing a forum for
the dissemination of work carried out or ongoing and the exchange of
scientific results, experiences, and new knowledge between the academic,
industrial and end-user communities.
The Scientific Program will include presentations of long and short
papers, invited plenary presentations and poster session.
Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts reporting scientific
work, experiments or applications. Long papers should not exceed eight
pages and short papers should not exceed four pages. The poster
submission will consist of a manuscript, in the same format as the
papers, with a maximum of 2 pages to be included in the proceedings.
The accepted papers will appear in the ICGI 2018 digital proceedings
(book with ISBN). Similar to the previous (EPCGI) editions the necessary
procedures for the provision of long papers in the IEEE Xplore Digital
Library are being developed. The two previous editions have also been
indexed by Scopus and Web of Science.
Authors of high-quality papers will be selected and invited to submit
extended and significantly revised versions of their papers to the
following publications:
- Computers & Graphics
- International Journal of Creative Interfaces & Computer Graphics -
Note: the selected papers may be subject to the proper review process of
the respective publications and must be written in English.
Important dates:
Paper submission: July 12, 2018
Authors' notification: October 1, 2018
Camera-ready version (papers and posters): October 18, 2018
Submitted manuscripts should address original research in all areas
related to Computer Graphics and Interaction, including, but not limited to:
Adaptive and Intelligent Interfaces
Animation and Simulation
Autonomous and Intelligent Agents in Virtual Environments
CG Modelling
Cognitive Psychology
Collaborative Work
Computer Animation
Computer Games
Computer Graphics Algorithms
Computer Graphics and Interaction in Education
Computer Vision and 3D Reconstruction
Creativity and Digital Art
Image Processing and Analysis
Interaction Evaluation
Multimedia and Hypermedia
Multimodal and Multisensory Interfaces
Presence, Engagement and Immersion
Scientific and Information Visualisation
Simulation and Animation
Social and Organisational Aspects
Tangible Interfaces
Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing
Usability and UX
User Centered Design
Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION (apologies for multiple copies)
International School on Graphics and Geometry Processing for Digital
October 16-18, 2018 --- Brescia, Italy --- http://egit-school2018.unibs.it
Organized by: Eurographics Italian Chapter, University of Brescia,
University of Verona
AIMS AND SCOPE - This school will present tutorial courses on main aspects
of Geometry Processing and Computer Graphics methods that can be applied in
object manufacturing. The recent large-scale diffusion of 3D printers and
numerically controlled milling machines shifted the manufacturing landscape
from the production of many copies of identical objects to a market for
unique, personalized designs, allowing smart and low-cost manufacturing of a
variety of objects in different contexts.
To support the design and to enable the realization of objects with desired
structural and appearance properties, a huge amount of works appeared
recently in the Computer Graphics literature. A basic knowledge of the
available methods and of the underlying manufacturing technologies is rather
useful both for mathematicians and computer graphics experts, that can found
novel applications of their expertise, and for end users (engineers,
designers, specialists of various biomedical domains) that may discover what
is expected in the future of personalized manufacturing.
TARGET AUDIENCE - The school is mainly conceived to give a high quality
training opportunity to graduate students, PhD students as well as to young
researchers and industry practitioners. In particular there will be the
opportunity for PhD students to acquire CFU credits (corresponding to 20h of
courses) upon a final examination test.
LECTURERS - http://egit-school2018.unibs.it/index.php/lecturers/
Bernd Bickel (IST, Austria)
Marco Centin (University of Brescia, Italy)
Marco Livesu (IMATI/CNR, Genova, Italy)
Luigi Malomo (ISTI/CNR, Pisa, Italy)
Jonas Martinez (INRIA, France)
Fabio Pellacini (University of Roma "La Sapienza", Italy)
Marco Tarini (University of Milano "La Statale", Italy)
See the dedicated webpages
The school will be open to up to 50 pre-selected, motivated candidates.
Ph. D. students, Post-Docs as well as young researchers and industry
practitioners are encouraged to apply by filling the form available at the
web site http://egit-school2018.unibs.it/index.php/registration/
within July 31, 2018
Selected participants will be asked to register by September 23, 2018.
NOTICE The School will be co-located with the STAG 2018 conference
http://stag2018.unibs.it Participants to the school have the opportunity, if
the want, to submit a paper to STAG.
In case of acceptance, very special fee are foreseen to facilitate student
attendance to both events.
Silvia Biasotti (IMATI/CNR Genova)
Andrea Giachetti (University of Verona)
Alberto Signoroni (University of Brescia)
The school will be held in the beautiful "Old Library Room" located in the
monumental "San Faustino convent", one of the main historical seat of the
University of Brescia.
You will warmly welcome to Brescia! A beautiful historical and industrial
city that will surprise you!
Further requests of information can be addressed by email to
alberto.signoroni(a)unibs.it <mailto:alberto.signoroni@unibs.it>
ICVRV&ChinaVR 2018 Call for Papers
The 8th International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV
2018) and the 18th China Conference on Virtual Reality (ChinaVR 2018) will
be held in colocation in Qingdao, China, from October 22nd to 24th, 2018.
ICVRV & ChinaVR 2018 seeks original, high-quality papers in all areas
related to Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality
(MR). We invite submissions of new ideas, and encourage all forms of
research creativity and originality. We are interested in theoretical and
technological innovations, novel applications, practice and experience
analyses, and we hope to establish standards in this field and stimulate
future trends.
Topics (including but not limited to)
We seek contributions including, but not limited to, the following topics:
* VR/AR/MR Input Devices
* Human-Computer Interaction
* 3D Display, Tracking and Sensing
* Haptics, Audio, and Others
* Modeling, Simulation and Animation
* VR/AR/MR Computer Graphics
* Virtual Humans and Embodiment
* Distributed VR/AR/MR
* Systems, Toolkits and Applications
* Perception, Presence and Cognition
* Visualization
Submission Deadlines
ICVRV 2018 and ChinaVR 2018 use distinct submission systems, but share the
same submission schedules.
Each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) == GMT/UTC-12:00 on the
stated day, no matter where the submitter is located.
* Paper Abstract due: June 14th, 2018, 23:59
* Paper Submissions due: June 20th, 2018, 23:59
* Author Notification : August 8, 2018
* Camera-ready Material due: August 20, 2018
* Conference Dates: October 22nd - 24th, 2018
Contact Us
For more information, please contact the Conference Papers Chairs:
* Changhe Tu, Shandong University, China (chtu(a)sdu.edu.cn)
* <mailto:icvrv2018@gmail.com> icvrv2018(a)gmail.com (ICVRV)
* <mailto:chinavr2018@gmail.com> chinavr2018(a)gmail.com (ChinaVR)
For more information and updates, please visit the conference website at
IEEE CG&A Special Issue on Visual Computing with Deep Learning - Call for
The great success of deep learning techniques in computer vision, speech
recognition, and natural language processing has recently attracted much
attention. While machine learning techniques have long been used to solve a
wide range of graphics and visualization problems, most of them rely on
problem-specific "feature engineering" to extract favorable features from
the training data, which is often a manually-tweaked, time-consuming process
and usually does not generalize well. Deep learning techniques, on the other
hand, are capable of automatically discovering features appropriate for a
specific task from raw data, which reduces the need for feature engineering
and makes it easier to develop end-to-end solutions. The recent advances in
Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and reinforcement learning methods
show their potential for data generation and action planning. It is expected
that the use of deep learning techniques can significantly advance the
performance of many state-of-the-art graphics and visualization algorithms.
Unlike computer vision applications, which mainly focus on visual content
analysis and understanding, graphics and visualization tasks must often
create visual content (e.g., synthesizing an image, generating an animation
sequence, visualizing and interpreting spatial-temporal data) that exhibits
the high quality to be used in entertainment or visualization applications.
Furthermore, end-to-end deep learning techniques require a large amount of
labelled data to work optimally. This raises an additional challenge
because, unlike computer vision, which relies on natural images or video
that can be conveniently collected on Internet, high-quality synthesized
visual content with proper labeling is rare. Finally, different from many
vision tasks where automation is the ultimate goal, creating visual content
is often an interactive, progressive process. Therefore, user interaction
must be integrated into the learning and run-time computation process.
For this special issue, we are soliciting papers that describe algorithms,
data structures, tools and systems that use deep learning or facilitate the
use of deep learning for graphics and visualization tasks. More
specifically, we are looking for contributions that demonstrate practical
impact of deep learning on (but not limited to) the following topics:
Visual analytics applications
Object/scene reconstruction from RGB/RGBD images
Shape analysis and synthesis
Appearance capture and modeling
Global illumination and real-time rendering
Sound synthesis and rendering
Physics-based simulation of fluids and deformable objects
Performance-based face/body animation
Computational photography
Deep learning models and training schemes for visual content creation
Important Date:
Final submissions due: 1 July 2018
Publication date: March/April 2019
Guest Editors
Kun Zhou, kunzhou(a)zju.edu.cn
Xin Tong, Microsoft Research Asia, xtong(a)microsoft.com
Submission Guidelines
Non department articles submitted to IEEE CG&A should not exceed 8,000
words, including the main text, abstract, keywords, bibliography,
biographies, and table text, where a page is approximately 800 words.
Articles should include no more than 10 figures or images. Each 1/4 page
figure, image, and table counts for approx. 200 words. Note that all tables,
images, and illustrations must be appropriately scaled and legible; larger
elements should be accounted for accordingly with respect to word count.
Please limit the number of references to the most relevant and ensure to
delineate your work from relevant past articles in CG&A. Furthermore, avoid
an excessive number of references to published work that might only be
marginally relevant. Consider instead providing such pertinent background
material in sidebars for non-expert readers. Visit the CG&A style and length
guidelines at www.computer.org/web/peer-review/magazines. We also strongly
encourage you to submit multimedia (videos, podcasts, and so on) to enhance
your article. Visit the CG&A supplemental guidelines at
Please submit your paper using the online manuscript submission service at
https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cs-ieee. When uploading your paper, select
the appropriate special issue title under the category "Manuscript Type."
Also, include complete contact information for all authors. If you have any
questions about submitting your article, contact the peer review coordinator
at cga-ma(a)computer.org.
CFP Web Page:
GIScience 2018 Workshop:
2nd Workshop On Computing Techniques For Spatio-Temporal Data
in Archaeology And Cultural Heritage (COARCH)
Second Call for Participation
Please be careful to extended deadlines!
Archaeological data, and more in general cultural heritage information, are
characterized by both spatial and
temporal dimensions that are often related to each other and are of
particular interest for supporting the
interpretation process that allows achieving new knowledge about ancient
For this reason, several research works proposed attempts to develop new
information management techniques,
some of them inherit directly from geographical information science.
However, cultural heritage and archaeology
still require a tailored support to:
the collection of spatio-temporal and their effective representation for
enhancing interoperability, especially
with the rise of 3D acquisition techniques that involves big data
the processing of raw data in order to identify artifacts and define their
allocation in space and time, in
relation with ontological developments.
the reconstruction of ancient structures (buildings, walls, castle, etc.)
or their temporal evolution, based on
deep learning process allowing automatic reconstruction, segmentation,
complex objects identification.
the integrated access and querying of the collected data in different
formats, structures, data models.
Knowledge representation
Modeling of spatio-temporal data in archaeology and cultural heritage
Techniques for supporting interoperability of spatio-temporal data
3D digital artifact capture, representation and manipulation
Workflow design for supporting the archaeological interpretation process
Knowledge discovery
Analytic tools to assist scholars research on archaeological data
Tools for reconstruction and processing of spatio-temporal evolution
Spatial temporal data mining on spatio-temporal data in archaeology
Machine learning techniques applied to archaeological data
Important Dates
Papers due: June 1st, 2018
Notification of acceptance: une 28th, 2018
Deadline for author registration: July 15th, 2018
Deadline for camera-ready papers: July 15th, 2018
Workshop: August 28, 2018
Depending on the number of accepted articles, the workshop can be either a
half- or full-day event. By default, the
workshop will be a half-day event (~3h30m overall), but can be extended to a
full-day event (~7h overall) in case of
high number of accepted papers.
Submissions of high quality papers describing research results or on-going
work are solicited. Submitted papers
should contain original, previously unpublished content, should be written
in English, and must not be
simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Submitted papers will be
refereed by at least three reviewers
for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will
be presented at the workshop and included
in the proceedings, which will be published together with the GIScience
proceedings in LIPIcs, the Leibniz
International Proceedings in Informatics series
(https://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics). Acceptance of a
paper is contingent on one author presenting the paper at the workshop.
Contribution length should range between 15 pages (including tables,
figures, and references). All papers should
follow the sample article provided by LIPIcs
LIPIcs also provides a LaTeX class and template for papers. Papers should be
submitted electronically via the
EasyChair system at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=coarch18.
Organization Committee
Pierre Hallot, Cultural Heritage Documentation, ULiège, Belgium
p.hallot(a)uliege.be <mailto:p.hallot@uliege.be> ;
Sara Migliorini, Computer Science, University of Verona, Italy
sara.migliorini(a)univr.it <mailto:sara.migliorini@univr.it> ;
Alberto Belussi, Computer Science, University of Verona, Italy
alberto.belussi(a)univr.it <mailto:alberto.belussi@univr.it> ;
Roland Billen, Geomatics Unit, ULiège rbillen(a)uliege.be
Program Committee
Eliseo Clementini, University of LAquila, Italy
Kathleen Stewart, University of Maryland, USA
Pierre Grussenmeyer, INSA Strasbourg, France
Livio de Luca, UMR CNRS / MCC Map, France
Xavier Rodier, Université de Tours, France
Marco Callieri, Visual Computing Lab of ISTI-CNR, Italy
Matteo Dellepiane, Visual Computing Lab of ISTI-CNR, Italy
Piergiovanna Grossi, University of Verona, Italy
Mauro Negri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Shawn Ross, Macquaire University, Australia, to be confirmed
Christina Garduno Freeman, University of Melbourne, to be confirmed
Gerald Hiebel, University of Innsbruck, Austria, to be confirmed
Roland Billen, ULiège, Belgium
Pierre Hallot, ULiège, Belgium
Alberto Belussi, University of Verona, Italy
Sara Migliorini, University of Verona, Italy