Abstract DEADLINE FRIDAY October 7th, 23:59 GMT => REQUIRED for any Full
Paper submission
The Eurographics 2017 Full Papers Program will showcase innovative research
in Computer Graphics and related areas. We invite submissions of new ideas,
and encourage all forms of research creativity and originality. We are
interested in practice, experience,…
[View More] novel applications, technological or
theoretical papers, with the ambition of setting the standard in the field
and stimulating future trends.
Accepted full papers will be presented at <http://eurographics2017.fr/>
Eurographics 2017 and published in a special issue of the Eurographics
journal <https://www.eg.org/index.php/publications/computer-graphics-forum>
Computer Graphics Forum, and the submissions will undergo a two-step review
process. We encourage submissions from all areas related to computer
graphics, including but not limited to rendering, modeling, animation,
simulation, visualization, virtual and augmented reality, display
technology, image processing, visual computing, computational fabrication,
human-computer interaction, and related disciplines.
October 7th, 2016, 23:59 GMT
Preliminary abstract due (required for any further submission)
October 14th , 2016, 23:59 GMT
Full papers due
December 1st, 2016
Reviews available
December 1st - December 06, 2016
Rebuttal period
December 23rd, 2016
First notification
January 18th, 2017
Revised version due
February 1st, 2017
Final notification
February 15st, 2017
Camera ready version due
Submission Dates
A preliminary abstract is due by 23:59 GMT, Friday, October 7th, 2016, and
the full paper deadline is 23:59 GMT, Friday, October 14th, 2016. Note that
a full paper can only be submitted if an abstract has been submitted by the
abstract deadline.
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory and will be conducted using
the <https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2017> Submission and Review
Management (SRMv2) system. Papers must be written in English, must be
anonymized, and must be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer
Graphics Forum guidelines.
<https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2017/Instruction> The publication
guidelines and LaTeX templates are available on SRMv2. Accepted papers must
be presented orally in English at Eurographics 2017. Review of full papers
is based on a double-blind reviewing approach, so please be sure to remove
all personal data (such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your
submission. References to your own work should be made in the third person
to maintain anonymity. Reviewers are asked to keep confidential all
materials sent to them for evaluation.
Note that CGF has a general recommendation for full technical papers, i.e.,
up to 10 pages (in CGF latex style including all images but excluding
references). Meanwhile CGF and EG2017 do not impose strict maximum lengths.
However, papers should only be as long as they need to be, but not longer.
Reviewers might rank submissions perceived as being either repetitive or
unnecessarily long lower than they would score concisely written papers.
Double Submission Policy
Authors are required to include a declaration stating that the scientific
contribution of their work is original: this means that no paper with
similar results has been published, or is submitted for consideration at
another venue during the review period of Eurographics 2017. Any paper that
does not adhere to these requirements will be rejected without review.
Re-Submitted Material
For papers that have previously been reviewed by other venues and have been
rejected or withdrawn, the authors are encouraged to provide a cover letter
to describe the history of the paper (however, this does not imply reviewer
continuity). This cover letter can also answer the comments made in the
previous reviews, by either listing the changes that were made to comply
with them, or discussing/rebutting/clarifying some elements if need be.
Though not mandatory, this procedure is strongly encouraged. The cover
letter has to be submitted through SRM as an Additional Attachment (see
last section of the SRM upload form for details).
Rebuttal, Notification, Publication, and Prizes
* The reviews will be made available to the authors on December 1st,
2016. During a rebuttal period from December 1st to December 6th, 2016,
authors will be able to submit a brief document to address any factual
errors or clarify any issues raised by reviews.
* The date for notification of the results of the first round of the
review process is December 23rd, 2016.
* Revised versions of the papers conditionally accepted in the first
round must be submitted by January 18th, 2017.
* The final notification of the outcome of the second reviewing round
will be made on February 1st, 2017.
* The camera-ready version of accepted papers will be due on February
15th, 2017.
* From all accepted and presented papers, an international jury will
select the best papers. The best paper will receive the Günter Enderle
Award, including a cash prize of 1,000 Euros, presented at Eurographics
For any question concerning full paper submissions please contact the papers
program co-chairs: <mailto:chairs-eg2017@eg.org> chairs-eg2017(a)eg.org
Full Papers Co-chairs
Bedrich Benes, Purdue University, USA, <mailto:bbenes@purdue.edu>
Loïc Barthe, IRIT, Université de Toulouse, France,
<mailto:loic.barthe@irit.fr> loic.barthe(a)irit.fr
[View Less]
full paper submission
The Eurographics 2017 Full Papers Program will showcase innovative research
in Computer Graphics and related areas. We invite submissions of new ideas,
and encourage all forms of research creativity and originality. We are
interested in practice, …
[View More]experience, novel applications, technological or
theoretical papers, with the ambition of setting the standard in the field
and stimulating future trends.
Accepted full papers will be presented at <http://eurographics2017.fr/>
Eurographics 2017 and published in a special issue of the Eurographics
journal <https://www.eg.org/index.php/publications/computer-graphics-forum>
Computer Graphics Forum, and the submissions will undergo a two-step review
process. We encourage submissions from all areas related to computer
graphics, including but not limited to rendering, modeling, animation,
simulation, visualization, virtual and augmented reality, display
technology, image processing, visual computing, computational fabrication,
human-computer interaction, and related disciplines.
October 7th, 2016, 23:59 GMT
Preliminary abstract due (required for any further submission)
October 14th , 2016, 23:59 GMT
Full papers due
December 1st, 2016
Reviews available
December 1st - December 06, 2016
Rebuttal period
December 23rd, 2016
First notification
January 18th, 2017
Revised version due
February 1st, 2017
Final notification
February 15st, 2017
Camera ready version due
Submission Dates
A preliminary abstract is due by 23:59 GMT, Friday, October 7th, 2016, and
the full paper deadline is 23:59 GMT, Friday, October 14th, 2016. Note that
a full paper can only be submitted if an abstract has been submitted by the
abstract deadline.
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory and will be conducted using
the <https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2017> Submission and Review
Management (SRMv2) system. Papers must be written in English, must be
anonymized, and must be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer
Graphics Forum guidelines.
<https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2017/Instruction> The publication
guidelines and LaTeX templates are available on SRMv2. Accepted papers must
be presented orally in English at Eurographics 2017. Review of full papers
is based on a double-blind reviewing approach, so please be sure to remove
all personal data (such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your
submission. References to your own work should be made in the third person
to maintain anonymity. Reviewers are asked to keep confidential all
materials sent to them for evaluation.
Note that CGF has a general recommendation for full technical papers, i.e.,
up to 10 pages (in CGF latex style including all images but excluding
references). Meanwhile CGF and EG2017 do not impose strict maximum lengths.
However, papers should only be as long as they need to be, but not longer.
Reviewers might rank submissions perceived as being either repetitive or
unnecessarily long lower than they would score concisely written papers.
Double Submission Policy
Authors are required to include a declaration stating that the scientific
contribution of their work is original: this means that no paper with
similar results has been published, or is submitted for consideration at
another venue during the review period of Eurographics 2017. Any paper that
does not adhere to these requirements will be rejected without review.
Re-Submitted Material
For papers that have previously been reviewed by other venues and have been
rejected or withdrawn, the authors are encouraged to provide a cover letter
to describe the history of the paper (however, this does not imply reviewer
continuity). This cover letter can also answer the comments made in the
previous reviews, by either listing the changes that were made to comply
with them, or discussing/rebutting/clarifying some elements if need be.
Though not mandatory, this procedure is strongly encouraged. The cover
letter has to be submitted through SRM as an Additional Attachment (see
last section of the SRM upload form for details).
Rebuttal, Notification, Publication, and Prizes
* The reviews will be made available to the authors on December 1st,
2016. During a rebuttal period from December 1st to December 6th, 2016,
authors will be able to submit a brief document to address any factual
errors or clarify any issues raised by reviews.
* The date for notification of the results of the first round of the
review process is December 23rd, 2016.
* Revised versions of the papers conditionally accepted in the first
round must be submitted by January 18th, 2017.
* The final notification of the outcome of the second reviewing round
will be made on February 1st, 2017.
* The camera-ready version of accepted papers will be due on February
15th, 2017.
* From all accepted and presented papers, an international jury will
select the best papers. The best paper will receive the Günter Enderle
Award, including a cash prize of 1,000 Euros, presented at Eurographics
For any question concerning full paper submissions please contact the papers
program co-chairs: <mailto:chairs-eg2017@eg.org> chairs-eg2017(a)eg.org
Full Papers Co-chairs
Bedrich Benes, Purdue University, USA, <mailto:bbenes@purdue.edu>
Loïc Barthe, IRIT, Université de Toulouse, France,
<mailto:loic.barthe@irit.fr> loic.barthe(a)irit.fr
[View Less]
26th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence
21st Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
Oct 7, 2016: Paper submission deadline
Oct 12, 2016: Poster Submission Deadline
Oct 19, 2016: Demo Submission Deadline
<http://icat-egve-2016.org/> http://icat-egve-2016.org/
Call for Papers
ICAT-EGVE 2016 is the merger of the 26th International Conference on
Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2016) and the …
[View More]21st Eurographics
Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2016). ICAT-EGVE 2016 will be held
in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, from December 7th to 9th 2016.
We are fortunate to have been able to secure an exceptional venue for this
event: the conference will be held at the Clinton Presidential Library.
This international event will be a unique opportunity for researchers,
developers, and users to share their experience and knowledge of virtual
reality, as well as augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user
interfaces. And, of course, it is a good time to renew old friendships, make
new ones, and experience all that Little Rock has to offer.
ICAT-EGVE 2016 seeks original, high-quality research papers in all areas
of virtual reality, as well as augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D
user interfaces. Research papers should describe results that contribute
to advancements in the following areas:
- 3D interaction for VR/AR
- VR/AR systems and toolkits
- Immersive projection technologies and other advanced display technologies
- Presence, cognition, and embodiment in VR/AR/MR
- Haptics, audio, and other non-visual modalities
- User studies and evaluation
- Multi-user and distributed VR, tele-immersion and tele-presence
- Serious games and edutainment using VR/AR/MR
- Novel devices (both input and output) for VR, AR, MR, and haptics
- Applications of VR/AR/MR
Papers in other related areas are welcome, too, of course.
All accepted papers will be published in the Digital Library of the
Eurographics. In addition, they will be cited and indexed in the ACM
Digital Library including the DOI.
Full papers must be in English and not exceed eight (8) pages in length.
Short papers must be in English and not exceed four (4) pages in length.
Both full and short papers should be formatted using the Eurographics
ICAT-EGVE uses a double-blind review process. Therefore, submissions
should not contain information (including citations and optional videos)
that unnecessarily identifies the authors or their institutions or places
of work.
All papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files. Authors are
encouraged to submit videos to aid the program committee in the review of
their submissions.
Papers must be submitted through SRM (
For posters and demos, please see the website ( <http://icat-egve-2016.org/>
http://icat-egve-2016.org) for details.
Important Dates
Submission deadline (papers): October 7th, 2016
Submission deadline (posters): October 12th, 2016
Submission deadline (demos): October 19th, 2016
Notification of results(papers/posters): October 23rd, 2016
Notification of results(demos): October 26th, 2016
Camera-ready: November 2nd, 2016
Conference: December 7-9, 2016
Best Papers
As in previous years, the authors of the best papers (to be selected
by the award committee) will be offered to submit an extended version of
their paper to the journal Presence.
Best Posters and Demos
To encourage high-quality submissions, awards will be presented to
the best posters and demos. The best posters will be selected by
review scores and presentation evaluation by poster chairs at the
The best demos will be selected by review scores and audience votes
at the conference.
ICAT-EGVE 2016 will take place in the Clinton Presidential Library and
( <https://www.clintonlibrary.gov/> https://www.clintonlibrary.gov/) in
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
General Co-Chairs
Carolina Cruz-Neira, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Osaka University, Japan
Program Co-Chairs
Dirk Reiners, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Frank Steinicke, University of Hamburg, Germany
Daisuke Iwai, Osaka University, Japan
Poster Co-Chairs
Regis Kopper, Duke University, USA
Pedro Morillo, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Demo Co-Chairs
Tom Coffin, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Gabriel Zachmann, University of Bremen, Germany
Akihiko Shirai, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Best Paper Award Committee
Greg Welch The University of Central Florida, USA
Young-ho Chai Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea
Gerd Bruder University of Hamburg, Germany
Paper: icat-egve-2016-programchairs [at] ualr [dot] edu
Poster: icat-egve-2016-posterchairs [at] ualr [dot] edu
Demo: icat-egve-2016-demochairs [at] ualr [dot] edu
Any other questions: icat-egve-2016 [at] ualr [dot] edu
[View Less]
All accepted STARs will be published in Computer Graphics Forum
Important Upcoming Dates
Submission of STAR sketch (two pages +references+bibliography): October 9,
Invitation for full STAR submission: October 30, 2016
Submission of full STAR: January 26, 2017
EuroVis 2017 is the 19th annual scientific gathering on visualization
jointly organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization
and the IEEE Visualization and Graphics …
[View More]Technical Committee. EuroVis 2017
will be held in Barcelona, Spain, from June 12th till June the 16th, 2017
Like last year, all accepted EuroVis 2017 STAR reports will be published in
Computer Graphics Forum. State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) are intended to
provide up-to-date and comprehensive surveys on topics of interest to the
visualization research community. We encourage the submission of STARs on
topics that have not yet been covered in any recent previous STAR or other
survey. We welcome submissions that introduce emerging technologies, as
well as proposals on more traditional visualization topics. We also welcome
contributions from related disciplines and application areas demonstrating
contributions to, or benefits from, the area of visualization including, but
not limited to, visual computing, computer graphics, human-computer
interaction, virtual reality, image processing, computer vision, psychology,
geography, chemistry, computational fluid dynamics, data analysis,
computational sciences, medicine, biology, economy, politology, etc.
As part of the acceptance process into Computer Graphics Forum, STARs will
undergo a multi-stage process. First, authors are being asked to submit an
initial sketch by October 9, 2016. A STAR sketch briefly describes the
planned STAR by outlining the topic, discussing its relevance for the
visualization community, providing the planned structure and outline of the
STAR together with all key references, and short biographies of the authors.
The length of a STAR sketch main text is limited to two page. References and
short biographies are considered extra pages and are not counted within the
two page limit. Bibliographies should be limited to 200 words per author.
The format of the sketch can be found at <http://eurovis2017.virvig.es>
http://eurovis2017.virvig.es. STAR sketches will be reviewed by the STAR IPC
and comments on suitability and relevance will be provided by October 30,
2016. Authors will then be required to submit a full STAR. Full STAR
submissions will then undergo a single blind, double cycle review, similar
to the one for regular papers submitted to Computer Graphics Forum, where
three external experts on the respective topic will evaluate the STAR. Full
submissions are 25 pages maximum. To demonstrate the relevant expertise
needed to produce the proposed STAR, authors are required to submit the
brief biographies of all authors as a piece of supplementary materials.
Electronic submission of the STAR sketch and full proposal is mandatory and
will be conducted using <https://precisionconference.com/~vgtc/>
https://precisionconference.com/~vgtc/ according to the guidelines defined
at <http://eurovis2017.virvig.es> http://eurovis2017.virvig.es
We plan to schedule each STAR as a 40-100 minute presentation as in
Eurographics conferences (subject to the schedule management of the EuroVis
2017 program). In any circumstance, a STAR presentation will always be given
a longer time slot than that for a full paper.
For any questions concerning STAR submissions please contact the STARs
co-chairs: ev2017-star(a)cs.upc.edu.
Important Dates
Submission of STAR sketch (two pages +references+bibliography): October 9,
Invitation for full STAR submission: October 30, 2016
Submission of full STAR: January 26, 2017
Review notification: March 12, 2017
Second round submission: April 19, 2017
Second review notification: April 30, 2017
Camera ready deadline: May 14, 2017
General Chairs
Isabel Navazo and Pere-Pau Vázquez, ViRVIG Group, Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
STAR Chairs (ev2017-star(a)cs.upc.edu)
Miriah Meyer, University of Utah, USA
Shigeo Takahashi, University of Aizu, Japan
Anna Vilanova, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
[View Less]
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Computer Graphics - Victoria University of
Wellington, New Zealand
The University is seeking to further enhance its already strong academic
strengths in computer graphics, computer science and software engineering.
The successful candidate will be given a permanent position and be appointed
at the Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level, equivalent to a US Assistant
Professor. They will have responsibility for teaching in the School's
existing undergraduate and …
[View More]postgraduate computer graphics programmes, and
also be able to demonstrate some past software development experience either
in an industry or academic context. The programmes were set up with input
from local industry, including game company PikPok and visual effects giant
Weta Digital, and the computer graphics team collaborates actively with
these companies.
The appointee will also be expected to have and maintain an active research
profile and have the ability to secure industry and other external funding.
The ability and willingness to teach in one of the following fields is
required, and the appointee will also be able to complement and extend the
School's existing research strengths in these fields. The fields of interest
are all areas of Computer Graphics and related fields (e.g. computer vision,
virtual/augmented reality), but applications are particularly welcome from
candidates with expertise in the areas of vision-driven computer graphics,
visual effects or post production. The successful candidate is expected to
have a PhD in Computer Graphics, Computer Science or a related discipline.
Victoria University of Wellington is New Zealand's top ranked research
University. As New Zealand's capital city university, we enjoy the benefits
of New Zealand's wonderful landscape and lifestyle, contacts with
Government, national research funders and a host of nearby research
institutes. The School of Engineering and Computer Science prides itself on
its collegiality and multidisciplinary collaborations with many of New
Zealand's top ranked research clusters. This is a rare opportunity to
develop your career at a quality institution in one of the most liveable
cities in the world.
Further information can be obtained from Prof Neil Dodgson at
<mailto:neil.dodgson@vuw.ac.nz> neil.dodgson(a)vuw.ac.nz phone +64 4 463 6922.
Please complete the online application form and submit your CV and cover
letter by attachment at
Job Reference Number: 1235
Applications close on 19 October 2016
[View Less]
26th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence
21st Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
Sept 30, 2016: Paper submission deadline
Oct 12, 2016: Poster Submission Deadline
Oct 19, 2016: Demo Submission Deadline
http:// <http://icat-egve-2016.org/> icat-egve-2016.org/
Call for Papers
ICAT-EGVE 2016 is the merger of the 26th International Conference on
Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2016) and the …
[View More]21st Eurographics
Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2016). ICAT-EGVE 2016 will be held
in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, from December 7th to 9th 2016.
We are fortunate to have been able to secure an exceptional venue for this
event: the conference will be held at the Clinton Presidential Library.
This international event will be a unique opportunity for researchers,
developers, and users to share their experience and knowledge of virtual
reality, as well as augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user
interfaces. And, of course, it is a good time to renew old friendships, make
new ones, and experience all that Little Rock has to offer.
ICAT-EGVE 2016 seeks original, high-quality research papers in all areas
of virtual reality, as well as augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D
user interfaces. Research papers should describe results that contribute
to advancements in the following areas:
- 3D interaction for VR/AR
- VR/AR systems and toolkits
- Immersive projection technologies and other advanced display technologies
- Presence, cognition, and embodiment in VR/AR/MR
- Haptics, audio, and other non-visual modalities
- User studies and evaluation
- Multi-user and distributed VR, tele-immersion and tele-presence
- Serious games and edutainment using VR/AR/MR
- Novel devices (both input and output) for VR, AR, MR, and haptics
- Applications of VR/AR/MR
Papers in other related areas are welcome, too, of course.
All accepted papers will be published in the Digital Library of the
Eurographics. In addition, they will be cited and indexed in the ACM
Digital Library including the DOI.
Full papers must be in English and not exceed eight (8) pages in length.
Short papers must be in English and not exceed four (4) pages in length.
Both full and short papers should be formatted using the Eurographics
ICAT-EGVE uses a double-blind review process. Therefore, submissions
should not contain information (including citations and optional videos)
that unnecessarily identifies the authors or their institutions or places
of work.
All papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files. Authors are
encouraged to submit videos to aid the program committee in the review of
their submissions.
Papers must be submitted through SRM (https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/
<https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/ICAT-EGVE_2016> ICAT-EGVE_2016).
For posters and demos, please see the website (http://
<http://icat-egve-2016.org/> icat-egve-2016.org) for details.
Important Dates
Submission deadline (papers): September 30th, 2016
Submission deadline (posters): October 12th, 2016
Submission deadline (demos): October 19th, 2016
Notification of results(papers/posters): October 23rd, 2016
Notification of results(demos): October 26th, 2016
Camera-ready: November 2nd, 2016
Conference: December 7-9, 2016
Best Papers
As in previous years, the authors of the best papers (to be selected
by the award committee) will be offered to submit an extended version of
their paper to the journal Presence.
Best Posters and Demos
To encourage high-quality submissions, awards will be presented to
the best posters and demos. The best posters will be selected by
review scores and presentation evaluation by poster chairs at the
The best demos will be selected by review scores and audience votes
at the conference.
ICAT-EGVE 2016 will take place in the Clinton Presidential Library and
(https://www.clintonlibrary.gov/) in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
General Co-Chairs
Carolina Cruz-Neira, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Osaka University, Japan
Program Co-Chairs
Dirk Reiners, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Frank Steinicke, University of Hamburg, Germany
Daisuke Iwai, Osaka University, Japan
Poster Co-Chairs
Regis Kopper, Duke University, USA
Pedro Morillo, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Demo Co-Chairs
Tom Coffin, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Gabriel Zachmann, University of Bremen, Germany
Akihiko Shirai, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Best Paper Award Committee
Greg Welch The University of Central Florida, USA
Young-ho Chai Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea
Gerd Bruder University of Hamburg, Germany
Paper: icat-egve-2016-programchairs [at] ualr [dot] edu
Poster: icat-egve-2016-posterchairs [at] ualr [dot] edu
Demo: icat-egve-2016-demochairs [at] ualr [dot] edu
Any other questions: icat-egve-2016 [at] ualr [dot] edu
[View Less]
The Eurographics 2017 Full Papers Program will showcase innovative research
in Computer Graphics and related areas. We invite submissions of new ideas,
and encourage all forms of research creativity and originality. We are
interested in practice, experience, novel applications, technological or
theoretical papers, with the ambition of setting the standard in the field
and stimulating future trends.
Accepted full papers will be presented at <http:/…
[View More]/eurographics2017.fr/>
Eurographics 2017 and published in a special issue of the Eurographics
journal <https://www.eg.org/index.php/publications/computer-graphics-forum>
Computer Graphics Forum, and the submissions will undergo a two-step review
process. We encourage submissions from all areas related to computer
graphics, including but not limited to rendering, modeling, animation,
simulation, visualization, virtual and augmented reality, display
technology, image processing, visual computing, computational fabrication,
human-computer interaction, and related disciplines.
October 7th, 2016, 23:59 GMT
Preliminary abstract due (required for any further submission)
October 14th , 2016, 23:59 GMT
Full papers due
December 1st, 2016
Reviews available
December 1st - December 06, 2016
Rebuttal period
December 23rd, 2016
First notification
January 18th, 2017
Revised version due
February 1st, 2017
Final notification
February 15st, 2017
Camera ready version due
Submission Dates
A preliminary abstract is due by 23:59 GMT, Friday, October 7th, 2016, and
the full paper deadline is 23:59 GMT, Friday, October 14th, 2016. Note that
a full paper can only be submitted if an abstract has been submitted by the
abstract deadline.
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory and will be conducted using
the <https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2017> Submission and Review
Management (SRMv2) system. Papers must be written in English, must be
anonymized, and must be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer
Graphics Forum guidelines.
<https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2017/Instruction> The publication
guidelines and LaTeX templates are available on SRMv2. Accepted papers must
be presented orally in English at Eurographics 2017. Review of full papers
is based on a double-blind reviewing approach, so please be sure to remove
all personal data (such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your
submission. References to your own work should be made in the third person
to maintain anonymity. Reviewers are asked to keep confidential all
materials sent to them for evaluation.
Note that CGF has a general recommendation for full technical papers, i.e.,
up to 10 pages (in CGF latex style including all images but excluding
references). Meanwhile CGF and EG2017 do not impose strict maximum lengths.
However, papers should only be as long as they need to be, but not longer.
Reviewers might rank submissions perceived as being either repetitive or
unnecessarily long lower than they would score concisely written papers.
Double Submission Policy
Authors are required to include a declaration stating that the scientific
contribution of their work is original: this means that no paper with
similar results has been published, or is submitted for consideration at
another venue during the review period of Eurographics 2017. Any paper that
does not adhere to these requirements will be rejected without review.
Re-Submitted Material
For papers that have previously been reviewed by other venues and have been
rejected or withdrawn, the authors are encouraged to provide a cover letter
to describe the history of the paper (however, this does not imply reviewer
continuity). This cover letter can also answer the comments made in the
previous reviews, by either listing the changes that were made to comply
with them, or discussing/rebutting/clarifying some elements if need be.
Though not mandatory, this procedure is strongly encouraged. The cover
letter has to be submitted through SRM as an Additional Attachment (see
last section of the SRM upload form for details).
Rebuttal, Notification, Publication, and Prizes
* The reviews will be made available to the authors on December 1st,
2016. During a rebuttal period from December 1st to December 6th, 2016,
authors will be able to submit a brief document to address any factual
errors or clarify any issues raised by reviews.
* The date for notification of the results of the first round of the
review process is December 23rd, 2016.
* Revised versions of the papers conditionally accepted in the first
round must be submitted by January 18th, 2017.
* The final notification of the outcome of the second reviewing round
will be made on February 1st, 2017.
* The camera-ready version of accepted papers will be due on February
15th, 2017.
* From all accepted and presented papers, an international jury will
select the best papers. The best paper will receive the Günter Enderle
Award, including a cash prize of 1,000 Euros, presented at Eurographics
For any question concerning full paper submissions please contact the papers
program co-chairs: <mailto:chairs-eg2017@eg.org> chairs-eg2017(a)eg.org
Full Papers Co-chairs
Bedrich Benes, Purdue University, USA, <mailto:bbenes@purdue.edu>
Loïc Barthe, IRIT, Université de Toulouse, France,
<mailto:loic.barthe@irit.fr> loic.barthe(a)irit.fr
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**Deadline extended:** Due to some technical issues the submission deadline
is extended to Sep 20, 2016. If you submitted your work to either VMV Poster
track and received no confirmation, please resubmit.
The VMV Symposium series is well-established as Germany's premier symposium
that covers the fields of computer graphics, computer vision, visualization,
and visual analytics, and it has reached significant international
visibility. VMV offers researchers the opportunity to discuss a wide …
[View More]range
of different topics within an open, international, and interdisciplinary
For this year's conference, we offer a student posters track as well as a
special "nectar track", see below.
Student poster track:
To enable a better research dissemination and sharing of ideas,
presentations of current work in any area in computer graphics, computer
vision, and visualization are welcome to the submission. BSc and MSc
students are encouraged to submit a poster abstract related to any area in
computer graphics, computer vision, and visualization. The main author of
the submission should be a student. The goal is to enable easily sharing of
preliminary research ideas, results of student projects (explicitly
including bachelor and masters theses), applications and case studies,
experience reports.
Nectar track:
We would like to allow for a presentation and discussion of very
high-quality results at VMV. For this reason we allow few poster
presentation for papers originally published elsewhere. This should be the
best result in the field over the coarse of few years that would provoke
discussion and enable overview of important scientific results for VMV
The original paper would have been published at one of the major conferences
or journals relevant to VMV, e.g., ICCV, Vis, SIGGRAPH, Eurographics,
SIGGRAPH Asia, and PAMI, IJCV, ToG, TVCG, starting from year 2014. The
organizers reserve the right to refuse a contribution. Decisions on
acceptance will be made based on quality, relevance, and availability of
presentation slots.
Submission instructions:
Student poster track: Please submit an extended abstract of the poster (max.
2 pages, using the usual VMV LaTeX template
http://vmv2016.uni-bayreuth.de/files/egPublStyle-VMV16.zip ) to
<mailto:vmv-posters@uni-bayreuth.de> vmv-posters(a)uni-bayreuth.de. Poster
submissions will be reviewed. Accepted poster abstracts will be included in
the workshop electronic proceedings. The poster submission is single-blind.
Nectar track: Please email <mailto:vmv-posters@uni-bayreuth.de>
vmv-posters(a)uni-bayreuth.de with subject "VMV Nectar Track" and following
* Title of contribution
* Authors
* Planned presenter of the poster
* Journal/Conference
* Volume/Year/Page No.
Should you encounter problems sending submissions to
<mailto:vmv-posters@uni-bayreuth.de> vmv-posters(a)uni-bayreuth.de, please
send the submission to the Posters Chair,
<mailto:oleg.lobachev@uni-bayreuth.de> oleg.lobachev(a)uni-bayreuth.de. For
any inquiries on either of tracks please also contact
<mailto:oleg.lobachev@uni-bayreuth.de> oleg.lobachev(a)uni-bayreuth.de.
Poster Session:
Authors should bring a hard copy of the poster with them. The required
dimensions are A0, portrait. At least one author should register at the
conference and present the poster personally. The presenter is expected to
engage in the discussion during the poster session.
Important Dates:
* Poster submission: EXTENDED Sep 20, 2016
* Notification: Sep 25, 2016
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ACM SIGGRAPH Conference Motion in Games 2016
Oct. 10-12, San Francisco
<https://mig2016.inria.fr/> https://mig2016.inria.fr/
Register now! <https://mig2016.inria.fr/registration/>
Games have become a very important medium for education, therapy and
entertainment. Motion plays a crucial role in computer …
[View More]games. Characters
move around, objects are manipulated or move due to physical constraints,
entities are animated, and the camera moves through the scene. Even the
motion of the player nowadays is used as input to games.
Motion is currently studied in many different areas of research, including
graphics and animation, game technology, robotics, simulation, computer
vision, and also physics, psychology, and urban studies. Cross-fertilization
between these communities can considerably advance the state-of-the-art in
the area.
The goal of the Motion in Games conference is to bring together researchers
from this variety of fields to present their most recent results, to
initiate collaborations, and to contribute to the establishment of the
research area. The conference will consist of regular paper sessions, poster
presentations, and as well as presentations by a selection of
internationally renowned speakers in all areas related to games and
simulation. The conference includes entertaining cultural and social events
that foster casual and friendly interactions among the participants.
We have assembled a strong set of papers for the conference:
<https://mig2016.inria.fr/program/> https://mig2016.inria.fr/program/
We also have an incredible set of keynote speakers. Simon Clavet from
Ubisoft will discuss game animation, Michiel van de Panne from the
University of British Columbia will discuss physics-based animation and Mark
Walsh of Motional A.i., and formerly from Pixar, will discuss effective use
of story and animation. <https://mig2016.inria.fr/invited-speakers/>
In addition, MiG is co-located this year with The Twelfth Annual AAAI
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment
<http://www.aiide.org/> http://www.aiide.org/, providing further opportunity
for networking.
It will be a great event! Please join us!
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Submission Deadline:
January 15, 2017
February 17, 2017
The Eurographics Association organizes a biannual competition to acknowledge
the contribution that computer graphics is playing in the medical field, and
to encourage further development. Originally called "Eurographics …
[View More]Medical
Prize" the competition was renamed to "Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing
in Medicine" in 2010 -- in honor of Dirk Bartz who passed away far too early
in March 2010. Dirk Bartz was a highly recognized and enthusiastic
scientist, teacher and promoter of Visual Computing in Medicine;
furthermore, he was an active member of the Eurographics Association and
Chair of the EG Medical Prize 2007 and 2009.
== CALL ==
Submissions for the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine 2017
are being invited from researchers and developers who can demonstrate that a
particular benefit has resulted from the use of computer graphics technology
in a medical application that they have produced. Examples of entries could
include the use of new data visualization techniques, interaction methods,
or virtual/augmented environments. Further information is available at:
The top three winning entries of the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing
in Medicine 2017 will receive a prize and their submission will be published
in the "Short Papers and Medical Prize Awards" digital media proceedings.
The judging panel will select the winning entry on the basis of its clinical
value, use made of computer graphics, and novelty. All three winning teams
will have an opportunity to briefly present their results at Eurographics
2017, which means that at least one author of each winning team must attend
to present the results.
See the Hall of Fame
https://www.eg.org/images/DirkBartzAward/HallOfFame_20151019-corr.pdf for
previous recipients of the prize.
Submitted written entries have to be prepared as papers of up to 4 pages and
must be formatted according to the Eurographics Medical Prize Guidelines at
The submission of complementary material like videos, demo applications, and
references to additional publications of the authors, theses, etc. is highly
welcome. Submissions will be made electronically through SRMV2 at
Winning entries will be published in the "Short Papers and Medical Prize
Awards" digital media proceedings, and in the EG Digital Library.
For any question concerning medical prize submissions please contact the
medical prize co-chairs at: chairs-eg2017med(a)eg.org
Stefan Bruckner, University of Bergen, Norway
Timo Ropinski, Ulm University, Germany
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