26th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence
21st Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
<http://icat-egve-2016.org/> http://icat-egve-2016.org/
December 7th-9th, Little Rock, AR, USA
Come and join us Dec 7th-9th in Little Rock Arkansas for three days of
exciting new research presentations, innovative ideas, and inspiring
conversations in Virtual and Augmented Reality. Mingle with the leading
VR/AR scientists, industry professionals and visionaries, share your ideas
and experiences, and try the newest technologies displayed at the VR Plaza
exhibit area.
We have just released the final program at
http://icat-egve-2016.org/program-overview.html, please take a look, we are
sure you will find a number of interesting topics.
The event will be held at the Bill Clinton Presidential Library so it is
also an opportunity to experience a wonderful part of US history.
For more information and detailed program visit:
<http://icat-egve-2016.org/> http://icat-egve-2016.org/
Looking forward to seeing many of you here in Little Rock!
Carolina Cruz-Neira
Kiyoshi Kiyokawa
Conference Co-Chairs
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce the 2017 edition of the Computer Graphics Forum
Cover Contest.
Entries are due November 30, 2016. The full announcement and submission site
can be found at:
<http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/cgf/> http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/cgf/
We are looking for the cover image to appear on 2017 issues of Computer
Graphics Forum. Thanks again to Federico Ponchio for coordinating.
Why don't you send us an interesting image from one of your latest papers?
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Richard Zhang and Min Chen
Call for Papers: Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and
Film Editing (WICED'2017).
The expressive use of virtual cameras, mise-en-scene, lighting and editing
(montage) within 3D synthetic environment shows great promise to extend the
communicative power of film and video into the artificial environments of
interactive games and virtual worlds.
At the same time, recent advances in computer vision-based object, actor and
action recognition make it possible to envision novel re-cinematography
(re-lighting, re-framing) and automatic editing of live-action video.
The workshop series is intended to bridge the gap between the two areas and
confront research being performed in both domains.
One common area of active research is the representation and
understanding of the story to be told and its relation to its communicative
goals. Another area is the extension of traditional film grammar towards
more immersive and interactive experiences, and the emergence of virtual
reality and augmented reality movie making.
This one-day workshop aims to bring together researchers and industrial
experts working in all aspects of digital cinematography and film editing
in their respective fields, including 3D graphics, artificial intelligence,
computer vision, visualization, interactive narrative, cognitive
and perceptual psychology, computational linguistics, computational
aesthetics and visual effects.
Drawing upon cutting edge research and technologies regarding both the
production and comprehension of cinematographic art-work, the workshop
seeks to offer a glimpse of the future of cinematography and film editing,
as well as a forum for discussion of outstanding research issues.
The 6th edition of the workshop will take place at Villa Lumiere, 25 rue du
Premier Film, in Lyon, France on April 24, 2017, immediately before
Eurographics 2017. The workshop will include a visit of the Lumiere Museum,
which honours the contribution to filmmaking by Auguste and Louis Lumière
- inventors of the cinématographe and fathers of the cinema.
Researchers should submit one of:
Regular paper (max 8 pages) reporting new work or new ideas in a relevant
research area.
Short paper (max 4 pages) describing work in progress or a vision of the
near term future of intelligent cinematography.
Submission information will be updated on the workshop site
Proceedings of the workshop will be published by EG Publishing in the EG
Digital Library.
Topics of interest
Camera path planning and visibility
Interactive and automatic camera control
Automatic video editing
Movie pre-vizualization
Game cinematics, cinematic replays, and machinima
Virtual reality and augmented reality movie making
Immersive and interactive cinema
Natural user interfaces for cinematography and editing
Expressive performance of virtual characters
Cognitive models of film perception
Automatic video analysis of movies
Re-cinematography, re-lighting and re-framing
Computer-assisted multi-camera production
Evaluation methodologies and user experience
Analysis of film style
Important Dates
Paper submission: February 10, 2017.
Notification to authors: March 10, 2017.
Camera-ready deadline: March 24, 2017.
Workshop held: April 24, 2017.
Organizing committee
The international workshop series is supervised by a steering committee
composed of Magy Seif El-Nasr (Northeastern University), R. Michael Young
(NC State University), Joseph Magliano (Northern Illinois University),
Paolo Burelli (Aalborg University Copenhagen), Arnav Jhala (UC Santa Cruz),
and Remi Ronfard (Inria Grenoble).
This 6th edition of the workshop is co-organized by William Bares (College
of Charleston, South Carolina, USA), Vineet Gandhi (IIIT, Hyderabad),
Quentin Galvane (Technicolor R&D, France) and Rémi Ronfard (Inria, France).
Program chairs
William Bares, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, USA
Rémi Ronfard, INRIA / LJK, France (remi.ronfard(a)inria.fr)
Program committee (tentative)
John Bateman, University of Bremen (bateman(a)uni-bremen.de)
Paolo Burelli, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark (pabu(a)itu.dk)
Peter Carr, Disney Research, Pittsburgh (peter.carr(a)disneyresearch.com)
Brad Cassell, NC State University, USA (bacassel(a)ncsu.edu)
Yun-Gyung Cheong, ITU Copenhagen, Denmark
Marc Christie, U. Rennes and INRIA, France (marc.christie(a)irisa.fr)
Michael Gleicher, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Arnav Jhala, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA (jhala(a)soe.ucsc.edu)
Tsai-yen Li (National Cheng Chi University) (li(a)nccu.edu.tw)
Henry Lowood, Stanford University, USA (lowood(a)stanford.edu)
Joseph Magliano, Northern Illinois University, USA (jmagliano(a)niu.edu)
Tim J. Smith [ubtsmi02(a)mail.bbk.ac.uk]
Roberto Ranon, University of Udine, Italy (roberto.ranon(a)uniud.it)
Mark Riedl, Georgia Tech, USA (riedl(a)cc.gatech.edu)
Alexander Sorkine-Hornung, Disney Research Zurich (alex(a)disneyresearch.com)
I-Cheng Yeh (Yuan Ze University) (ichenyeh(a)saturn.yzu.edu.tw)
Michael Young, NC State University, USA (young(a)csc.ncsu.edu)
******** EUROVIS 2017 ********
EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization
June 12th to 16th, 2017
Barcelona, Spain
EuroVis 2017, hosted by ViRVIG in Spain, is the 19th annual visualization
gathering organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data
Visualization and supported by the IEEE Visualization and Graphics
Technical Committee (IEEE VGTC). EuroVis has been a Eurographics
and IEEE co-supported international visualization symposium
held in Europe annually since 1999. Since 2014 EuroVis is a conference.
Authors are invited to submit original work presenting fundamental
research, practice and experience, or novel applications in all areas of
visualization and related topics thereof.
EuroVis full papers are published as a special issue of Computer Graphics
Forum (CGF), the International Journal of the Eurographics Association,
using a two-stage review process. STARs are also Computer Graphics Forum
papers and follow a three-stage review process. EuroVis Short Papers will be
electronically archived in the Eurographics Digital Library and are fully
citable publications.
** Important dates:
Full paper abstracts: Monday, 05/Dec/2016
Full papers: Monday, 12/Dec/2016
STAR sketches: Sunday, 09/Oct/2016 (closed)
STAR submission: Monday, 26/Jan/2017
Short Papers: Friday, 17/Feb/2017
Posters: Friday, 07/Apr/2017
Please note that an abstract submission is *required* one week before the
full papers deadline to assist the papers chairs in allocating reviewers
and ensure that the review process runs to time.
** Committees (http://eurovis2017.virvig.es/index.php/organization):
General Chairs
Isabel Navazo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
Pere-Pau Vázquez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona,
Papers Chairs <ev2017-full(a)cs.upc.edu>
Jeffrey Heer (University of Washington, USA)
Timo Ropinski (Ulm University, Germany)
Jack van Wijk (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands)
STARs Chairs <ev2017-star(a)cs.upc.edu>
Miriah Meyer (University of Utah, USA)
Shigeo Takahashi (University of Aizu, Japan)
Anna Vilanova (TU Delft, the Netherlands)
Short Papers Chairs <ev2017-short(a)cs.upc.edu>
Barbora Kozlíková (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Tobias Schreck (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
Thomas Wischgoll (Wright University, USA)
Posters Chairs <ev2017-poster(a)cs.upc.edu>
Anna Puig (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
Tobias Isenberg (Inria, France)
The Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems Group of the Faculty of Science
and Technology at the University of Siegen aims to fill at the earliest
possible date the following vacancy:
one Post Doc for Computer Graphics (focus: fluid simulation)
(fulltime position, salary scale 13 TV-L)
This position is initially limited in time to a period of two years with
potential for contract prolongation depending on a positive project
development. The term is limited by the regulations of the German
Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG).
Your tasks:
We are looking for a talented researcher who has interest in contributing to
research in the field of particle based fluid simulation and visualization,
preferably with a strong implementation to realizing efficient algorithms
on graphic processors.
Your profile:
We expect excellent PhD grades in the fields of Computer Science or
Mathematics with a clear relation to particle based fluid simulation,
which finds reflection in pertinent high-level publications. We also
expect excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.
You will be given opportunity to work towards your habilitation.
The University of Siegen is an equal-opportunity employer and is committed
to increasing the number of women involved in research and teaching. We
therefore encourage qualified women to apply. The University of Siegen
offers excellent opportunities to combine career and family. Applications
from competent disabled persons are welcome.
Written applications including a full CV, certificates, grade transcripts
and two letters of recommendation should be sent to Prof. Andreas Kolb,
University of Siegen, ET-I, Computergraphik no later than 02.11.2016 under
ref. Mark 2016/Fak.IV/ETI/WM/217.
For more information on the Chair and the University of Siegen please refer
to our homepage <http://www.cg.informatik.uni-siegen.de>
http://www.cg.informatik.uni-siegen.de and
<http://www.uni-siegen.de> http://www.uni-siegen.de.
>> Unique opportunity to visit Plzen, the city of BEER <<
WSCG 2017 Call for Papers - Submissions by January 20, 2017
WSCG 2017 - 25th International Conference on Computer Graphics,
Visualization and Computer Vision
Plzen [Pilsen], close to Praha [Prague], Czech Republic
May 29 - June 2, 2017
<http://www.wscg.cz> http://www.wscg.cz <http://www.wscg.eu>
In cooperation with the Eurographics Association, ACM and SIGGRAPH listed
Supported by IFIP TC5 WG 5.10 and NVIDIA (Czech Rep.)
Conference Co-Chairs
Paul Bourke, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Important dates
Workshop or special session proposal December 10, 2016
Paper abstract submission January 5, 2017 (only
Paper submission (formatted full text) January 20, 2017 21:00 GMT (London,
Acceptance decision April 20, 2017
Final version to be submitted by April 30, 2017
Venue May
29 - June 2, 2017
MAIN TOPICS (not limited to)
Computer graphics
Scientific visualization
Medical visualization
Computer vision
Image processing
Pattern recognition
Graphical HCI
Geometric modelling
Rendering and animation
Virtual reality & haptic systems
Medical imaging
Graphical interaction
Computational photography
Data compression for graphics
Image based rendering
Physically based modelling
Shape analysis
Shape modelling & retrieval
Interpolation & Approximation
GPU & Parallel graphics
CAD, CAGD and GIS systems
Geometry Algebra application
Related mathematics and other topics
WSCG proceedings will be published in the Computer Science Research Notes
(CSRN), ISSN 2464-4614.
The best papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, ISSN 1213-6972.
The Journal of WSCG and CSRN will be sent for indexing to SCOPUS, Thomson
Reuters/WoS-ISI, INSPEC etc. for citation indexing and other purposes.
Recent publications are available at the Digital repository
<http://wscg.zcu.cz/DL/wscg_DL.htm> http://wscg.zcu.cz/DL/wscg_DL.htm -
papers since 1992
Prof.Vaclav Skala
c/o Univ. of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Dept. of Computer
Science and Engineering,
Univerzitni 8, CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
<mailto:skala@kiv.zcu.cz> skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz Subj. WSCG 2017
Call for Education Papers
We are seeking original contributions for presentation and publication in
the EG 2017 education track. We seek to build and enhance a vibrant
community of computer graphics teachers who share their knowledge and
experience of bringing computer graphics to the classroom and getting others
excited about the field.
The scope of the track includes topics in education related to computer
graphics, computer graphics in education, teaching/classroom experience
related to computer graphics content, "nifty assignments" and outstanding
student projects in computer graphics. Authors are invited to submit papers,
panels and student projects.
We invite submissions related to the following topics:
o Teaching computer graphics to diverse audiences (e.g. computer science,
engineering, arts, etc.);
o Designing curricula for computer graphics and related disciplines (e.g.
image processing, visualization, animation and games, etc.);
o Designing and teaching online and hybrid courses in computer graphics;
o Classroom challenges in computer graphics (e.g. innovative and effective
assessment, engaging student interest, managing diverse student backgrounds,
teaching mathematical foundations, etc.);
o Enabling and exploiting visual tools and techniques to teach in other
o Incorporating modern technology in computer graphics courses (e.g. VR,
AR, 3D printing, etc.);
o Bringing computer graphics research into the classroom;
o Promoting undergraduate research in computer graphics;
The best papers will be recommended to the editors of prestigious journals
in the field, CGF, C&G and IEEECG&A, who may invite the authors of these
papers to submit extended versions to their journals. The best nifty
assignments may be published in the CGEMS.
. Education papers and experience reports should provide new insights or
experience that improve student learning and emphasize on how instructors
can directly use them in the classroom.
. Proposals for panels should state the problem to be discussed and include
a short statement from proposed panelists.
. "Nifty assignments" should explain the assignment, provide examples of
handouts and starter code and example student work. Authors may provide them
as supplementary materials during submission, and agree to provide access to
them online upon acceptance.
. Outstanding student projects (individual or group) should describe the
learning context for the project and show how the student(s) brought
creativity to the work. Upon acceptance authors will be expected to
demonstrate the project during their presentation.
Submission Details
Anonymous submissions of up to 8 pages for education papers or up to 2 pages
for notes on nifty assignments or outstanding student projects must be
formatted according to the Eurographics Author's guidelines. Submissions
will be made electronically through the Eurographics Submission and Review
Management system and subject to a review process.
Proposals for education panels should be emailed directly to the education
papers co-chairs at <mailto:chairs-eg2017edu@eg.org>
The submission deadline for education papers is 23:59 UTC/GMT, Friday,
January 13th, 2017. Notification to authors will be on Friday, February
10th, 2017.
- See more at: <http://eurographics2017.fr/> http://eurographics2017.fr
Dear colleague,
this is just a reminder that the ICAT-EGVE demos deadline is approaching
fast: October 19!
Authors of accepted demos will have their demo descriptions published in the
proceedings and published and indexed by the EUROGRAPHIS digital library.
SPECIAL BONUS this year:
The event will be held at the Clinton Presidential Library. The demos will
be set up as a special event and will be open to the public. We will annouce
them to the community and we expect to see significant interest from the
public and business communitites. This is a great opportunity to really show
your work!
Submissions are fairly light-weight.
Details can be found at: <http://icat-egve-2016.org/call-for-demos.html>
Looking forward to your submission.
Best regards,
Gabriel Zachmann, on behalf of the demos co-chairs.
Open Position with the Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Group Bremen
Research assistant
with the Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Group at the University of
Bremen, Germany.
Salary is according to the German Federal pay scale, TV-L 13, full position.
Job Description:
The work in this position will comprise 3D geometric algorithms and virtual
reality in the context of medical simulation. The particular application is
the training of surgeons for procedures involving the replacement of hip
joints. The successful candidate will collaborate with other German partners
providing 3D models, force-feedback, and game software platforms. The job of
the successful candidate is to work on geometric algorithms for penetration
computations and the simulation of milling during the procedure. At the end
of the project, after two years, the system should enable surgery students
to experience a hip joint procedure both visually and haptically in a
virtual reality setup. This will greatly facilitate the training of surgeons
and help them make fewer mistakes when beginning to practice.
About us:
The position offers great opportunities for collaboration with other members
of both the computer graphics group and other groups. This job provides a
vibrant research environment where a broad range of activities related to 3D
graphics algorithms and virtual reality are being pursued. The successful
candidate will be working with a dynamic, friendly, and helpful team of
computer graphics researchers. Our research group is part of the school of
computer science at University of Bremen. Our university is a mid-sized
university with about 20,000 students, a lot of them from abroad, offering a
broad range of fringe benefits such as sports facilities, cultural
activities, and daycare.
Candidates should have an excellent Master's degree or equivalent in
computer science, or related disciplines such as mathematics, physics, etc.
Required skills are solid experience in C++ software development, and a good
command of English (reading/writing/speaking). Ideally, you have specialized
in real-time computer graphics or 3D geometric algorithms, you are capable
of effectively applying mathematical methods, and you have good knowledge in
GPGPU programming. In addition, the successful candidate will be highly
self-motivated, passionate about their work, and have good ability to work
both independently as well as in a team in a multidisciplinary environment.
Speaking German, at least for conversation, is a plus.
Conditions of Employment:
For the time being, the position is available until 31.8.2018 (under the
condition of job release), with the aim of extension.
As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female
employees in science, women are particularly encouraged to apply. In case of
equal personal aptitudes and qualification, disabled persons will be given
priority. Applicants with a migration background are welcome.
How to Apply & What to Do in Case of Questions:
Applications should comprise a cover letter, complete CV including any
achievements, degree certificates (including list of courses and grades),
names and contact details of at least two referees, and other credentials if
any (e.g., recommendation letters, publications, etc.). Application by email
is preferred.
We encourage candidates to apply immediately, but will continue to review
applications until the position is filled.
If you have any questions about the position, please do not hesitate to
address them to the above email address.
Prof. Dr. G. Zachmann
University of Bremen
Bibliothekstr. 1
28359 Bremen / Germany
Email: zach at cs.uni-bremen.de
For a paper-based application, please make sure you only send copies, as all
received application material will be destroyed after the selection process.