SGP 2016, Call for papers
Dahlem Cube, FU Berlin, June 20-24
The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) is the premier venue
for disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in geometry
processing. In this research area, concepts from mathematics, computer
science, and engineering are studied and applied to offer new insights and
design efficient algorithms for acquisition, modeling, analysis,
manipulation, simulation and other types of processing of 3D models and
shape collections.
In 2016, SGP will be held in Berlin, Germany, from June 20th to 24th. It
will be co-located with Shape Modeling International (SMI) and the Symposium
on Solid & Physical Modeling
(SPM) as part of the International Geometry Summit 2016. To continue a
successful tradition created in the past few years, the summit will offer a
graduate school on June 18th and 19th specifically targeted towards graduate
students. Courses will be taught by leading experts in the field and
complemented by interactive demonstrations to provide an in-depth knowledge
of some of the most important aspects of geometry processing.
We invite submissions related to, but not limited to, the following topics:
* Acquisition and reconstruction
* Analysis and fabrication for 3D printing
* Architectural geometry
* Discrete differential geometry
* Exploration and learning of shape collections
* Geometry and topology representations
* Geometry compression
* Geometry processing applications
* Interactive techniques
* Meshing and remeshing
* Multiresolution modeling
* Multimodal shape processing
* Processing of massive geometric datasets
* Shape analysis and synthesis
* Simulation and animation
* Smoothing and denoising
* Surface and volume parameterization and
Important Dates:
April 4 Abstract submission
April 8 Full paper submission
May 16 Notification of acceptance
May 30 Camera-ready
June 20-24 Three Days of Conference
Program Chairs:
Maks Ovsjanikov (Ecole Polytechnique)
Daniele Panozzo (New York University)
General Chair:
Leif Kobbelt (RWTH Aachen University)
Geometry Summit Chairs:
Marc Alexa (TU Berlin)
Konrad Polthier (FU Berlin)
Submission format:
There is no strict page limit, but make your paper longer than 10 pages only
if this is strongly justified. In order to be considered for reviewing, at
least an abstract must be submitted by April 4, and the full paper by April
8 2016 (23:59 UTC/GMT).
All submissions should be uploaded to the SRMv2 website:
Proceedings and Posters: The SGP proceedings will appear as a regular
electronic issue of Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of
the EUROGRAPHICS Association. In addition, SGP will have a joint poster
session with SMI and SPM.
Graduate School: SGP will feature a joint summer school with SMI and SPM in
the weekend before the conference, on June 18 and 19, 2016.
Awards: Following its tradition, SGP 2016 will attribute three best paper
awards as well as a software award recognizing the authors of an open-source
software that has greatly influenced the field. This year there will also be
two new forms of recognition: a dataset award and a reproducibility stamp,
designed to acknowledge the suppliers of high quality datasets used in
geometry processing and to recognize the effort of researchers who, in
addition to publishing their paper at SGP 2016, provide a complete
open-source implementation of their algorithm. The details about the two
awards are given on the Submission page of SGP 2016 website.
Apologies for cross-posting
Call for Papers: Eurographics Workshop on Graphics for Digital Fabrication
(GraDiFab 2016)
Lisbon, May 8, 2016. Co-located with the 37th annual conference of the
European Association for Computer Graphics.
Workshop URL:
Extended submissions deadline: February 28, 2016
** Aims and scope **
Digital fabrication technologies comprise a combination of programmable
digital tools, processes, materials and equipment which allow the creation
of physical objects of complexities not achievable by traditional
manufacturing processes. Computer graphics research is at the centre of
these developments, as it provides the underlying technologies which allow
creating, validating and processing the 3D shapes and textures to be
fabricated. We invite paper submission from a wide range of researchers and
experts investigating on the many aspects related to computer graphics and
digital fabrication technologies. This research is expected to contribute
towards the establishment of digital fabrication as a viable and effective
option for the creation of the objects of the future.
Topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
- 3D acquisition for digital fabrication
- Algorithms and design tools for digital fabrication
- Analysis for digital fabrication
- Computational architecture
- Multi-material fabrication
- Optimisation algorithms for 3D printing
- Validation tools
- Interactive techniques with fabricated objects
- User applications
The intended audience involves experts from a wide range of areas such as
computer graphics, additive manufacturing, computer aided design, material
engineering, human computer interaction as well as end users from a wide
range of applications including medicine, biology, engineering, arts and
architecture. Hence, papers will need to present innovative computer
graphics content but also refer to other areas or applications where they
have been, or are going to be, tested and evaluated.
** Submission instructions **
Submissions reporting new work or new ideas in a relevant research area
should be no longer than 10 pages and should follow the EG guidelines:
Authors are encouraged to submit printable 3D models along with their
submissions to demonstrate the application of their techniques and methods.
It is expected physical replicas will be exhibited during the workshop to
disseminate the research to the wider Eurographics audience.
Submissions will be reviewed by the International Programme Committee with a
minimum of three reviewers per paper. Successful submissions will be
presented at the workshop. Furthermore, proceedings of the workshop will be
published by EG Publishing in the EG Digital Library
** Important dates **
Paper submission: February 28th, 2016
Paper notification: March 15th, 2016
Camera-ready deadline: March 30th, 2016
Workshop: May 8th, 2016
Kind Regards,
Nico Pietroni, Karina Rodriguez and Asla Sa
Organisers of GraDiFab 2016
PhD research position
with the Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Group
at the University of Bremen, Germany
Job Description:
The work in this position will comprise research on 3D geometric algorithms,
virtual reality, and 3D visualization techniques. In many of the application
areas we are currently working on (e.g., space mission simulation or
operating rooms), efficient collision detection, penetration computation,
and collision handling algorithms are important enabling technologies. In
addition, visualization and interaction techniques are necessary for
providing good understanding of the progress and the results of the
simulation. Often, both the visualization and the interaction take place in
3D virtual environments.
The work will comprise the design and development of those techniques and
algorithms, in collaboration with a small team working already on various
interactive and VR simulator projects.
The tasks will also comprise a small amount of help with teaching in the
computer science program (e.g., as teaching assistant).
More information can be found at
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message.]
Eurographics 2016 Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
(EGPGV 2016)
June 6-7, 2016, Groningen, the Netherlands
Co-located with EuroVis 2016
Dear colleagues:
Due to several requests from authors, we postponed the full paper
submission deadline for EGPGV 2016 from February 19 to March 4, 2016.
Besides regular papers, this CfP also adds a call for visualization
showcases submissions (described below).
Call for Regular Papers
The importance of parallel computing is increasing rapidly with the
ubiquitous availability of multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and cluster systems.
Computationally demanding and data-intensive applications in graphics
and visualization are strongly affected by this trend and require novel
efficient parallel solutions. The aim of this symposium is to foster the
exchange of experiences and knowledge exploiting and defining new trends
in parallel graphics and visualization.
The proceedings of the EGPGV Symposium will be published in the
Eurographics Proceedings Series and in the Eurographics Digital Library.
Best papers from the EGPGV symposium will be invited to submit an
extended journal version to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics.
Focusing on parallel computing, the symposium seeks papers on graphics
and visualization techniques, data structures, algorithms, and systems for:
- large-data
- clusters
- (multi-)GPU computing, and heterogeneous, hybrid architectures
- out-of-core
- hybrid distributed and shared memory architectures
- grid and cloud environments
In particular the symposium topics include:
- computationally and data intensive rendering
- scientific visualization (volume rendering, flow and tensor visualization)
- information visualization and visual analytics
- simulations for virtual environments (physics-based animation,
collision detection, acoustics)
- mesh processing, level-of-detail, and geometric methods
- visual computing (image- and video-based rendering, image processing
and exploitation, segmentation)
- scheduling, memory management and data coherence
- large and high resolution displays, virtual environments
- scientific, engineering, and industrial applications
Submission instructions
You are invited to submit original and unpublished research works. Full
papers are expected to be eight to ten (8-10) pages in length, with the
final length appropriate to the contribution of the paper. Submissions
are to be formatted along the Eurographics paper publication guidelines.
We expect that the submissions will clearly discuss the novel and
significant contributions as well as related work in the field. Authors
must highlight how their contributions differ and advance the state of
the art in parallel graphics and visualization. The full paper and all
supplementary material must be submitted via the PCS online system.
Additional submission details will be announced shortly on
Call for Visualization Showcases
This year we present the second edition of the Visualization Showcase.
This track provides a forum for the year's most instrumental movies in
parallel graphics and visualization. Finalists will compete for the Best
Visualization Award, and each finalist will present his or her movie during
a dedicated session at EGPGV '16 in a 10-minute presentation. Movies
are judged based on how they illuminate science, by the quality of the
and for innovations in the process used for creating the movie. Accepted
submissions will appear as short papers in the symposium proceedings.
Review and selection process for Visualization Showcases
Submissions need to include a movie (up to 150MB in size) and a short
paper (up to 4 pages including references). The short paper should describe
the scientific story conveyed by the movie, how the visualization helps
scientific discovery, and the "state-of-the-practice" information behind
making the movie.
Each showcase submission will be peer-reviewed by the EGPGV International
Program Committee. Criteria for revision include:
* Compelling visualization
* Visualizing data involving parallel graphics and/or parallel visualization
in a
significant way (e.g., data size, parallel processing, parallel rendering)
* Meaningful and compelling science story
* Description of visualization techniques necessary to accomplish the movie
Important Dates
Papers Submission: March 4 (extended from
February 19), 2016
Showcase Submission: March 25, 2016
Author Notification (full papers): April 15, 2016
Author Notification (showcases): April 15, 2016
Camera-Ready Submission (full papers): April 25, 2016
Camera-Ready Submission (showcases): April 25, 2016
Symposium: June 6-7, 2016
Symposium Chair
Alexandru Telea, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Program Chairs
Wes Bethel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4, Italy
Program Committee
Marco Ament, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Ulf Assarsson, Chalmers University, Sweden
Janine Bennett, SANDIA Labs, USA
Hank Childs, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Kurt Debattista, University of Warwick, UK
Stefan Eilemann, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Elmar Eisemann, TU Delft, the Netherlands
Kelly Gaither, University Texas/Austin, USA
Christoph Garth, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Berk Geveci, Kitware, USA
Michael Guthe, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Andrei Jalba, TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Jens Krüger, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Torsten Kuhlen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Fabio Marton, CRS4, Italy
Patrick McCormick, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Kenneth Moreland, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Renato Pajarola, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Bruno Raffin, INRIA Grenoble, France
Filip Sadlo, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Daniel Weiskopf, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Michael Wimmer, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
SCCG2016 deadline extension
32nd Spring conference on Computer Graphics
The submission deadline has been extended to 21.2.2016
Date: April 27-29, 2016
Location: Smolenice castle, Slovakia
Conference chair: Michela Spagnuolo
Program chairs: Roman Ďurikovič
Invited speakers: Enrico Gobbetti, Remco C. Veltkamp
Please, visit for more information
We are looking forward to your submissions!
With best regards,
Elena Šikudová
on behalf of the Organizing Committee
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message.]
Eurographics 2016 Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
(EGPGV 2016)
June 6-7, 2016, Groningen, the Netherlands
Co-located with EuroVis 2016
Call for Papers
The importance of parallel computing is increasing rapidly with the
ubiquitous availability of multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and cluster systems.
Computationally demanding and data-intensive applications in graphics
and visualization are strongly affected by this trend and require novel
efficient parallel solutions. The aim of this symposium is to foster the
exchange of experiences and knowledge exploiting and defining new trends
in parallel graphics and visualization.
The proceedings of the EGPGV Symposium will be published in the
Eurographics Proceedings Series and in the Eurographics Digital Library.
Best papers from the EGPGV symposium will be invited to submit an
extended journal version to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics.
Focusing on parallel computing, the symposium seeks papers on graphics
and visualization techniques, data structures, algorithms, and systems for:
- large-data
- clusters
- (multi-)GPU computing, and heterogeneous, hybrid architectures
- out-of-core
- hybrid distributed and shared memory architectures
- grid and cloud environments
In particular the symposium topics include:
- computationally and data intensive rendering
- scientific visualization (volume rendering, flow and tensor visualization)
- information visualization and visual analytics
- simulations for virtual environments (physics-based animation,
collision detection, acoustics)
- mesh processing, level-of-detail, and geometric methods
- visual computing (image- and video-based rendering, image processing
and exploitation, segmentation)
- scheduling, memory management and data coherence
- large and high resolution displays, virtual environments
- scientific, engineering, and industrial applications
Important Dates
Paper Submission: February 19, 2016
Author Notification: April 1, 2016
Camera-Ready papers: April 15, 2016
Symposium: June 6-7, 2016
Submission instructions
You are invited to submit original and unpublished research works. Full
papers are expected to be eight to ten (8-10) pages in length, with the
final length appropriate to the contribution of the paper. Submissions
are to be formatted along the Eurographics paper publication guidelines.
We expect that the submissions will clearly discuss the novel and
significant contributions as well as related work in the field. Authors
must highlight how their contributions differ and advance the state of
the art in parallel graphics and visualization. The full paper and all
supplementary material must be submitted via the PCS online system.
Additional submission details will be announced shortly on
Symposium Chair
Alexandru Telea, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Program Chairs
Wes Bethel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4, Italy
Program Committee
Marco Ament, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Ulf Assarsson, Chalmers University, Sweden
Janine Bennett, SANDIA Labs, USA
Hank Childs, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Kurt Debattista, University of Warwick, UK
Stefan Eilemann, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Elmar Eisemann, TU Delft, the Netherlands
Kelly Gaither, University Texas/Austin, USA
Christoph Garth, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Berk Geveci, Kitware, USA
Michael Guthe, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Andrei Jalba, TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Jens Krüger, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Torsten Kuhlen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Fabio Marton, CRS4, Italy
Patrick McCormick, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Kenneth Moreland, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Renato Pajarola, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Bruno Raffin, INRIA Grenoble, France
Filip Sadlo, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Daniel Weiskopf, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Michael Wimmer, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Eurographics 2016
Date: May 913, 2016
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
URL: <>
**** Posters Submission Deadline extension: Feb. 19 2016 *****
Call for Posters
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations of recent
results, work in progress, new ideas and other smaller projects which may be
of interest to the general community but which are still too speculative,
incomplete or not of sufficient extent to warrant a full paper.
Accepted posters will be included in the digital media. Posters will also be
displayed during the conference and will form the focus of a posters session
to be run in conjunction with one of the social events. We encourage
submissions from all areas related to computer graphics, such as rendering,
modeling, visualization, animation, simulation, virtual reality, computer
vision, and imaging.
Authors of accepted posters will be expected to be present at their posters
during the posters session to discuss their work and answer questions.
Submission Details
Submitted posters should be in the form of a 2 page paper which must be
formatted according to the Eurographics Authors guidelines(
<> and may be accompanied
by a preliminary version of the actual poster if the authors wish it.
Anonymous submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics
Submission and Review Management (SRM) system (
<> and subject to a review
The authors of accepted poster will be asked to submit a final version in
two formats: a 2 page paper and an A4 version of the final poster. Both
formats will be included in the conference digital media with the
proceedings and other material.
For any question concerning poster submissions please contact the posters
co-chairs: chairs-eg2016posters(a)
The submission deadline for posters is 23:59 UTC/GMT, Friday, February 19th,
Notification to authors will be on Friday, March 11th, 2016.
Posters Co-Chairs
Luis Gonzaga Magalhães, University of Minho, Portugal
Rafal Mantiuk, University of Cambridge, UK
/// 4th EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in
/// "From Medical Visualization Concepts to Certified Applications"
/// <>
*** Call for Papers ***
For the fourth time, EuroRV3 will be held in conjunction with EuroVis. The
purpose of this workshop is to develop a common sense of good
reproducibility in our community. Workshop papers will be peer-reviewed in a
one-stage process by an international program committee. They will be
electronically archived in the Eurographics Digital Library and are fully
citable publications. Submissions for the EuroRV3 track should be 4 pages
(at most), excluding references, and 5 pages (at most), in total. They will
be orally presented at the workshop. EuroRV3 2016 will be held in Groningen,
the Netherlands, June 6, 2013 as part of EuroVis 2016.
This year, the workshop is subtitled From Medical Visualization Concepts to
Certified Applications and we encourage authors to share both positive and
negative experience that could be beneficial to the visualization community
regarding - but not limited - to the following topics:
* reproducibility of visualization algorithms, especially in medical
* experiences with the validation or verification of medical visualization,
medical image processing, segmentation, feature detection, or feature
tracking algorithms
* experiences with certification procedures of existing software or design
decisions to ensure easier certification of software regarding governmental
regulations or other standards
* visualization-related national or international standards for approving
software in critical environments, such as for medical applications
* evaluation of existing visualization techniques or systems regarding
certification or verification
* new implementation approaches that have demonstrably addressed significant
technical issues
* new methodologies for designing or studying visualization systems that
have demonstrable benefits for the visualization community
Further details and submission details can be found at:
*** Important Dates ***
Papers Submission Deadline: February 26th, 2016
Acceptance Notification: March 25th, 2016
Camera-ready Deadline: April 15th, 2016
Workshop Dates: June 6-7, 2016
*** Workshop Co-Chairs ***
Kai Lawonn, University of Koblenz, Germany
Mario Hlawitschka, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Paul Rosenthal, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us:
<> chairs(a)
< !! Deadlines Extension to February 19, 2016 !! >
SHREC 2016: Track on Partial Shape Queries for 3D Object Retrieval
( <>
Despite numerous recent efforts, 3D object retrieval based on partial shape
queries remains a challenging problem, far from being solved. The problem
can be defined as: given a partial view of a shape as query, retrieve all
partially similar 3D models from a repository. The objective of this track
is to evaluate the performance of partial 3D object retrieval methods, for
partial shape queries of various qualities and degrees of partiality.
The dataset used for evaluation is related to the cultural heritage domain
and consists of 3D pottery models originating from the Virtual Hampson
Museum collection ( <> The dataset consists of 383 models classified
to 6 distinct geometrically defined classes (bottle, bowl, jar, effigy,
lithics and others).
The partial shape queries are provided in 3 different forms: (i) artificial
queries created by slicing and cap filling of the complete 3D models, (ii)
real high quality queries, obtained with the smartSCAN Breuckmann scanner,
(iii) real low quality queries, obtained with Microsoft Kinect V2 sensor.
In the case of (ii) and (iii), the queries were created by scanning
derivative vessels that have been constructed by a professional potter using
the Hampson models as a template. For all 3 forms, queries are provided for
multiple degrees of partiality.
Task and procedure
Prospective participants are expected to:
. send an e-mail to ipratika(at) until the registration
deadline (February 8, 2016), in order to confirm their participation. All
group members and their affiliations should be indicated,
. submit a distance matrix for each retrieval setting. Each such
setting is associated with one of the 3 different forms of queries, with a
specified degree of partiality. Each matrix might be the result of a
different algorithm, or a different parameter setting. It is not mandatory
for each group to address all 3 forms of queries. Detailed information on
the distance matrix file format will be provided soon,
. submit one or many runs.
. provide a one-page description of the testing method.
Each method will be evaluated based on its distance matrices, using standard
retrieval scores (nearest neighbor, first tier, second tier, etc).
The track results will be presented into a joint paper, to be published in
the proceedings of EG 3DOR 2016.
January 13 - Call for participation
January 25 - Sample partial 3D queries and targets will be available online
February 19 - Registration deadline
February 22 - Distribution of the 3D partial query set
February 29 - Submission of the results and one-page description
March 15 - Track paper submission for review
April 1 - Camera-ready track paper submission
May 7-8 - EG 3DOR Workshop, including SHREC' 2016
Ioannis Pratikakis - Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Michalis Savelonas - Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Fotis Arnaoutoglou - Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Anestis Koutsoudis - Athena RC, Greece
Theoharis Theoharis - NTNU, Norway
Extended CFP - Apologies for multiple copies
Due to many requests from authors, the submission deadline
has been extended to March 4, 2016, 23h59 CET
Call for Papers : Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and
Film Editing (WICED'2016)
Co-located with Eurographics in Lisbon, Portugal.
The expressive use of virtual cameras, mise-en-scene, lighting and editing
(montage) within 3D synthetic environment shows great promise to extend the
communicative power of film and video into the artificial environments of
games and virtual worlds. Cinematics produced in virtual worlds play a role
not just for entertainment, but also for training, education, health-care
communication, simulation, visualization and many other contexts. The
automatic creation of cinematics in these environments holds the potential
to produce video sequences appropriate for the wide range of applications
and tailored to specific spatial, temporal, communicative, user and
application contexts. At the same time, recent advances in computer
vision-based object, actor and action recognition make it possible to
envision novel re-cinematography (re-lighting, re-framing) and automatic
editing of live-action video. This fifth workshop on intelligent
cinematography and editing is intended to bridge the gap between the two
areas and confront research being performed in both domains. One common area
of active research is the representation and understanding of the story to
be told and its relation to teaching, training or therapeutic goals. The
workshop is open to researchers and industrial experts working on the many
related aspects of digital cinematography and film editing in their
respective fields, including 3D graphics, artificial intelligence, computer
vision, visualization, interactive narrative, cognitive and perceptual
psychology, computational linguistics, computational aesthetics and visual
effects. These researchers will draw upon cutting edge research and
technologies regarding both the production and comprehension of
cinematographic art-works in virtual worlds and the real world.
Important Dates (NEW)
Paper submission: March 4, 2016. (Extended)
Notification to authors: April 1, 2016. (Extended)
Camera-ready deadline: April 15, 2016. (Extended)
Workshop held: Monday, May 9, 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal.
Researchers should submit one of:
* Regular paper (max 8 pages) reporting new work or new ideas in a relevant
research area.
* One-page abstract describing work in progress or a vision of the near term
future of intelligent cinematography.
Proceedings of the workshop will be published by EG Publishing in the EG
Digital Library.
Organizing committee
The international workshop series is supervised by a steering committee
composed of Magy Seif El-Nasr (Northeastern University), R. Michael Young
(NC State University), Joseph Magliano (Northern Illinois University), Paolo
Burelli (Aalborg University Copenhagen), Arnav Jhala (UC Santa Cruz), and
Remi Ronfard (Inria Grenoble).
This 5th edition of the workshop is co-organized by Rémi Ronfard (Chair,
Inria, France), Marc Christie (Co-chair, University of Rennes, France),
Quentin Galvane (Co-chair, Technicolor, France) and Arnav Jhala ( Program
Chair, University of California in Santa Cruz).
Topics of interest
* Camera path planning
* Visibility computation
* Viewpoint entropy
* Navigation techniques and proximal exploration
* Interactive camera control metaphors
* Approaches to framing and composition of individual shots
* Automatic and interactive lighting design
* Intelligent staging and blocking of virtual lights, cameras and actors
* Expressive performance of virtual characters
* Intelligent video editing tools
* Efficient algorithms for camera placement and shot sequence selection
* Natural user interfaces for camera control and video editing
* Parallels between cinematic and linguistic communication
* Cognitive models of the comprehension of virtual cinematics
* Re-cinematography, re-lighting and re-framing of live-action video
* Computer-assisted multi-camera production
* Virtual cinematography as a pre-visualisation tool for real-world filming
* Intelligent tools and novel interfaces for in-game cinematics, replays,
and machinima
* Intelligent generation of comic book layouts
* Evaluation methodologies and user experience
* Collaborative visual storytelling
* Creativity in cinematic communication
* Interactive and generative cinema
* Cinematic serious game and applications