EG'2016 Call for European Projects Demos
The Eurographics 2016 Conference and Exhibition is your opportunity to gain visibility for your project results, being technologies or services, and to further disseminate such results to the most prominent companies, entrepreneurs and researchers in the field, as well as to funding agencies, business angels and venture capital. We would like to invite your project consortium to become part of Eurographics 2016 by presenting your EU-project results in this event, and we offer the following package, in return for the payment of 1.500 €:
- Promotional materials of your EU-project to be included in the participant’s bags;
- Five-minutes presentation slot in EU-Project fast forward session;
- Booth with 2x3m in the Exhibition Hall for the whole duration of the conference.
Note that, while one person will be granted access to the venue as an exhibitor, no free registration is included in this package. All team members that wish to participate in the event are welcome, but should register via the website ( <> Registration fees start at 350 €.
For further details about sponsoring opportunities, the reader is referred to the following web link: <…>
Submission Details
The submission should be sent to the industrial seminars chairs by email ( <> chairs-eg2016industry(a), in form of a one page PDF, stating the intention of your consortium of having an EU-Project demonstration booth, the project acronym, name, reference and web site, and all required billing information. In response, an exhibitor invoice will be issued by the Eurographics 2016 organizing institution.
The deadline for submission is February 26th, 2016.
Decision about acceptance will be notified on March 4th, 2016.
For further information please contact the industrial co-chairs at <> chairs-eg2016industry(a)
Industrial Program Chairs
<> chairs-eg2016industry(a)
Miguel Sales Dias, Microsoft, ISCTE-IUL, Portugal
Xiaomao Wu, Smartisense GmbH, Germany
Expressive 2016 Call for Papers Reminder
Date: May 79, 2016
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
URL: <>
Co-sponsored by: ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics
Abstract submission deadline: February 1, 2016
Paper submission deadline: February 7, 2016
Acceptance notification: March 13, 2016
Expressive 2016 is a joint symposium that includes
* Computational Aesthetics (CAe)
<> ,
* <> Non-Photorealistic
Animation and Rendering (NPAR), and
* <> Sketch-Based Interfaces
and Modelling (SBIM).
The conference will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, May 79, 2016, and it
will be co-located with the <> Eurographics 2016
conference. A single registration for Expressive 2016 will include all three
Invited talks and artists talks will be shared among the conferences and
sessions will be mixed. The submission, review, and publication process for
the event will be handled jointly across the three conferences. Each paper
submission should be designated as belonging to one of the three tracks.
Computational Aesthetics
Computational Aesthetics (CAe) bridges the analytic and synthetic by
integrating aspects of computer science, philosophy, psychology, and the
fine, applied & performing arts. It seeks to facilitate both the analysis
and the augmentation of creative behaviors. CAe also investigates the
creation of tools that can enhance the expressive power of the fine and
applied arts and furthers our understanding of aesthetic evaluation,
perception, and meaning. The Computational Aesthetics conference brings
together individuals with technical experience of developing computer-based
tools to solve aesthetic problems and people with artistic/design
backgrounds who use these new tools and inform their design. Refereed
CAepapers and artworks aim to facilitate a dialog between scientists and
engineers, and also artists and designers. Presentations will provide a
snapshot of the latest technical breakthroughs and the most recent artistic
or design achievements in applying computer-based techniques to solve
aesthetic problems.
Technical submissions are invited across the broad range of areas covered by
Computational Aesthetics. Specific technical areas include, but are not
limited to:
* computational analysis and modeling of creative behavior (AI,
* artistic image transformation techniques (colors, edges, patterns,
* image style and salience analysis (paintings, photographs, others)
* visualization (perceptual, affective or aesthetics based)
* sketching, simplification techniques (artistic, cognitive)
* composition, visual balance, layout
* non-photorealistic and illustrative rendering addressing
computational aesthetics
* empirically based metrics of aesthetic attributes
* applied visual perception (color appearance, spatial vision, and
other aspects)
* measuring and describing aesthetics
* computational tools for artists
Successful submissions can, for example, describe novel technical approaches
that address one or more of the areas mentioned above (or beyond). However,
we are equally interested in papers that discuss the use of existing
techniques but combine them in an interesting new way or apply them in a new
context that addresses problems in computational aesthetics.
Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
Advances in pen-based computer hardware have enabled digital sketch-based
interfaces to emerge as a powerful way to combine the quick and intuitive
feel of paper with the power of computation. However, fully realizing the
potential of these sketch-based systems requires effective input devices,
user interface design and underlying algorithms to analyze the input. The
goal of this symposium is to explore models, algorithms and technologies
needed to enable effective sketch-based interfaces. It investigates novel
methods for classification and recognition of hand-drawn shapes, and ways of
using these techniques for creating or editing digital models, text,
mathematics and 3D shapes. Likewise, the symposium explores the application
of sketch-based interfaces to 3D computer graphics, animation, CAD and
computer games, as well as other specific applications such as diagram
editing, note taking and novel input devices. Finally, the symposium
welcomes empirical user studies aimed at clarifying the nature of
sketch-based interfaces and comparing them to other interaction techniques.
Created in 2004, SBIM provides a unique venue for researchers, students and
practitioners interested in sketch-based techniques to interact with one
another, share lessons learned, show new results and discuss open issues.
Topic areas for SBIM 2016 include but are not limited to:
* Multimodal interfaces for sketching
* Novel sketch input and editing devices
* Novel pen-based interaction techniques
* Low level ink processing and pen stroke segmentation
* Sketch parsing, classification and recognition
* Sketch-based interfaces for CAD systems
* Sketch-based modeling and editing of 3D shapes
* Sketch-based control of animations
* Sketch-based interfaces for other applications (surface editing,
diagram creation, mathematical annotations, games, etc.)
* Rendering techniques for sketch-based systems (NPR)
* Sketches for medical and volume data editing
* Sketch-based retrieval of multimedia information
* Usability studies of sketch-based systems
* Studies of the impact of sketching on creativity and design
* Multi-touch interfaces and applications
Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering
Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) refers to computational
techniques for visual communication. Such techniques usually generate
imagery and motion which is expressive, rather than photorealistic, although
they may incorporate realistic elements.
We invite researchers, artists, and practitioners of all areas connected to
non-photorealistic animation and rendering to submit papers and posters on
their work. Submitted papers should be self-classified into one of the
following three categories:
Research: new algorithms, scientific studies, analysis, or data (i.e.,
traditional NPAR papers). These must contain novel results that make a
substantive contribution to the field.
Production: candid discussion of the process of creating a work (e.g., film,
image, game) or art tool (e.g., paint or CAD program, software library).
Meta: statements about research that do not contain new results, e.g.: grand
challenges, position papers, evaluation standards, surveys, and primers on
art / aesthetics / psychophysics for a computer science audience.
All work must be previously unpublished and contain a novel contribution.
Production and Meta papers need not contain original research or results.
Topic areas of NPAR 2016 include, but are not limited to:
* Expressive character animation and physics
* Abstraction and stylization of images/video
* Interaction techniques
* Accounts of real productions (e.g., animated films)
* NPAR in real software products (e.g., modeling, visualization,
presentation software)
* Visual composition
* Hardware acceleration
* Evaluation methods for NPAR algorithms
* Psychophysics of NPAR
* Rendering and layout for text and presentation graphics
* Quantitative analysis of human artists
* Generative or evolutionary approaches
* Style transfer
* Temporal and spatial coherence
* Adapting classic CG effects like motion blur, depth of field, and
lighting for NPAR
* Simulation of natural media and traditional styles
* Non-traditional camera models
* Position papers on grand challenges
Technical Paper Submissions
Technical papers should present original, unpublished work. There is no
absolute maximum length for paper submissions; please use the
nts/> SIGGRAPH length guidelines. In particular, note that papers longer
than 810 pages must make a very significant contribution to be accepted.
Manuscripts must be written in English, and should follow the
Eurographics formatting instructions, including a title page with an
abstract and keywords, and a bibliography. The submission is electronic in
PDF format; supplemental video and images may also be submitted. Research
papers are reviewed double-blind and so must be anonymous when submitted.
Information on the submission process will be available on our website.
Paper submissions will be made electronically through the
<> Eurographics
Submission and Review Management (SRM) system. Please be sure to remove all
personal data (such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your submission.
References to your own work should be made in the third person to maintain
anonymity. Do not forget to designate the paper submission as belonging to
one of the three tracks.
Please also note that only PDF files will be accepted for your submission.
Make sure that all fonts are embedded in your PDF file. Additional material
such as additional images or videos may be submitted as PDF or as a zipped
archive (ZIP files) with a maximum size of 30 MB. For videos please ensure
that a commonly available format and codec is used. For example, make sure
that the video plays with VLC, which is available on most platforms.
Accepted papers will be published as a single conference proceedings by
Eurographics and will be available online via both the Eurographics Digital
Library and the ACM Digital Library.
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: February 1, 2016
Paper submission deadline: February 7, 2016
Acceptance notification: March 13, 2016
Papers camera-ready deadline: March 27, 2016
Conference: May 79, 2016
All deadlines are at 23:59:59 UTC/GMT.
Conference Chairs
General chair:
Luís Gonzaga Magalhães, University of Minho, Portugal
Manuel João Fonseca, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Metin Sezgin, Koç University, Turkey
CAe track chairs:
Angus Forbes, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Lyn Bartram, Simon Fraser University, Canada
NPAR track chairs:
Pierre Bénard, University of Bordeaux, France
Holger Winnemöller, Adobe Systems, USA
SBIM track chair:
Yotam Gingold, George Mason University, USA
Ergun Akleman, Texas A&M University, USA
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2016
The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2016 will take place in Trinity
College, Dublin, Ireland, over 22-24 June 2016. This 27th event continues
the series of highly successful Eurographics Symposia and Workshops on
rendering. It will be co-located with Eurographics High Performance
Graphics, which will be held 20-22 June 2016.
With the success of the last year's submission process, the "Experimental
Ideas & Implementations" track will be maintained in addition to the
traditional EGSR papers track (the "CGF track"). Authors will have the
choice of submitting their work to the CGF track, the experimental track, or
The CGF submission track will remain as is, continuing the long tradition of
disseminating state-of-the-art scientific results in rendering and related
fields. Accepted papers in this track will be published as an issue of
Computer Graphics Forum after a full peer review, including a rebuttal and a
second review cycle.
The "Experimental Ideas & Implementations" conference-papers track has as an
explicit goal to solicit submissions that describe either exciting new ideas
that have not yet been validated according to the high academic standard of
the CGF track, or interesting implementation issues for known algorithms in
industry-scale uses. The requirements on comparisons to related work,
citations, and quality of results are relaxed in exchange for key questions
such as the following. Is the idea stimulating and interesting? Would it
spark discussion and give valuable insights to the rendering community?
Papers in this track will undergo full double-blind peer review using its
own review form, and will be published in the EGSR conference proceedings
series and in the Eurographics Digital Library, but not the CGF journal.
There is no rebuttal or second review cycle. Consistent with common
practice, authors would have the opportunity to build upon the conference
paper, add comparisons and validation, and submit the work to a journal
later. Please see below for FAQ regarding the new track.
For both tracks, we are looking for work that shapes the future of rendering
and related fields. In particular, we encourage submission in the related
topics of appearance modeling, virtual/augmented reality, computational
displays, fabrication, and hardware architectures.
Neither track imposes a fixed maximum paper length. However, submissions
over 12 pages in length will be treated as exceptional cases, and length
must be proportional to contribution.
If a paper is submitted to both tracks, the reviewers will be initially left
oblivious of this fact. Of those papers rejected from the CGF track, the
chairs at their discretion may select the strongest of those papers and
submit them for an accelerated review to EI&I.
Core conference topics include (but are not limited to):
Global illumination
Real-time and offline rendering
Acquisition, modeling, and manipulation of light transport & appearance
Realistic, non-photorealistic, 2D, and 3D image processing & synthesis
Mathematical techniques for image synthesis
Computational photography/optics/displays
Image synthesis for augmented or virtual reality
Software and hardware systems/architectures for rendering
Audio/sound rendering
Important dates (applying to both CGF and EI&I tracks unless specifically
Abstract deadline Monday 28 March 2016
Papers deadline Friday 1 April 2016
Reviews due Wednesday 4 May 2016
Rebuttal due Monday 9 May 2016 (CGF track)
Author notification Tuesday 17 May 2016
Final papers due Tuesday 24 May 2016
Final notification Friday 27 May 2016 (CGF track)
All times are 23:59 (midnight) UTC.
More information can be found on the conference webpage:
We hope to see you and your work in Dublin!
Elmar Eisemann
Eugene Fiume
EGSR 2016 papers chairs
Frequently Asked Questions about the Experimental Ideas & Implementations
Q: What's the process with the extended journal version?
A: Once you have a paper accepted in the new track and published in the
conference proceedings, many journals, CGF included, apply the rule by which
adding 30% new material and addressing any major issues that had precluded
journal publication would qualify the revised paper for consideration in the
journal. The authors should indicate the nature of the submission in a cover
In addition, the EGSR papers committee and CGF editors may, at their
discretion, invite select papers from the Experimental Ideas &
Implementations track to a fast-track second review cycle in Computer
Graphics Forum.
Q: Why would I submit to both tracks?
A: Should the committee decide your paper is not, in the form it was
submitted, suitable for the CGF track, it could then be forwarded to the
Experimental Ideas & Implementations track by the paper chairs. You, the
author, get a paper, valuable feedback, visibility for your ideas, and the
possibility of later extending your work into a journal paper if the work is
accepted in this second track.
However, if you feel your contribution clearly falls within the scope of the
Experimental Ideas & Implementations track but not the CGF track, please
only submit to the former. This makes the job of the reviewers and the
committee easier, which is of particular importance because the review
schedule is tight.
Q: What if my paper includes interesting system and implementation details
but less algorithmic or mathematical novelty?
A: We would love to consider your work for the Experimental Ideas &
Implementations track!
Q: What if I have an intriguing idea but I have no idea if it works or not,
or it only works in a certain special case?
A: We would love to consider your paper for the Experimental Ideas &
Implementations track! Come present it and we'll all talk about it together.
Q: Are Experimental Ideas & Implementations papers presented in separate
A: No. In the spirit of promoting new and interesting ideas, all papers will
be presented alongside in sessions that fit their topic.
Pacific Graphics 2016 Call For Papers (
Pacific Graphics is an annual international conference on computer graphics
and publications. As a highly successful conference series, Pacific Graphics
provides a premium forum for researchers, developers, practitioners in the
Pacific Rim and around the world to present and discuss new problems,
solutions, and technologies in computer graphics and related areas.
The 24th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific
Graphics 2016) will be hosted by Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
(OIST) and held in Okinawa, Japan, during October 11-14, 2016. Pacific
Graphics is an annual international conference on computer graphics and
applications. As a highly successful conference series, Pacific Graphics
provides a premium forum for researchers, developers, practitioners in the
Pacific Rim and around the world to present and discuss new problems,
solutions, and technologies in computer graphics and related areas.
Paper submission:
Original unpublished papers are invited in all areas of computer graphics
and its publications. The topics include (but are not limited to) modeling,
rendering, animation, and imaging, as well as visualization, human-computer
interaction, and graphics systems and applications. Any interesting new
ideas related to computer graphics and applications are welcome.
Paper publication:
The conference will have a full paper track as well as a short paper track.
The full papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will
appear as a special issue of the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF). Short papers
will not appear in the CGF, but will be published electronically through the
EG Digital Library. Extended versions of selected, high-quality, short
papers will be invited to a SpringerOpen journal, Computational Visual
Papers submitted to Pacific Graphics 2016 must be original, unpublished
work. Any work that has previously been published or simultaneously been
submitted in a substantially similar form to any other conference or journal
will be rejected. Contributions must be written and presented in English.
Authors may submit to either the full paper or short paper track. Authors
can also specify if they would be willing to have their full paper
submission considered for short paper in the event the paper is not
accepted. Full papers submission are limited to a maximum of 10 pages. Short
papers are limited to a maximum of 4 pages. The review process will be
double blind. Please remove all personal data (e.g. names, affiliation,
etc.) from your submission.
Important Dates:
- Abstract Submission: May 27, 2016
- Paper Submission: June 3, 2016
- Author Notification: July 17
- Camera Ready: August 16, 2016
- Conference: October 11 (Tue) - 14 (Fri), 2016
Conference Organization:
- Conference co-chairs
Chandrajit Bajaj (University of Texas Austin)
Thomas Ertl (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Tomoyuki Nishita (Hiroshima Shudo University/UEI Research, Japan)
- Program co-chairs
Eitan Grinspun (Columbia University, USA)
Bernd Bickel (IST Austria)
Yoshinori Dobashi (Hokkaido University, Japan)
The Interactive Graphics and Simulation Group, established in 2014 at
Innsbruck University, Austria, invites applications for the position of
a PhD student with focus on biomechanical tissue simulation, with an
application in surgical planning.
We are seeking a motivated and talented PhD student with interest and
skill in tissue deformation simulation and biomechanical modelling.
The activity will be carried out in the context of improving planning
for forearm surgery, by analyzing and simulating anatomical structures
relevant for distal stability during pro-supination. The work will be
performed within the scope of a collaborative Swiss-Austrian research
The position is open immediately until filled. It is offered on the
level of a non-permanent university research student for three years.
Candidates should send electronically an application with letter of
motivation, complete CV, grades and transcripts, relevant certificates,
and possible links to relevant prior publications via email. The compiled
material should be sent in PDF format to:
<> matthias.harders(a)
Please feel free to get in contact in case of questions. We are looking
forward to hearing from you.
Matthias Harders
Interactive Graphics and Simulation Group
Institute of Computer Science
Innsbruck University
24-25 of May, 2016
Uppsala University, Campus Gotland, Visby, Sweden
First Call for Papers
SIGRAD is the premier Nordic forum for computer graphics and visualization
advances for academia and industry, with a special focus on visualization
and interactive graphics in computer games and education in Sweden.
SIGRAD2016 welcomes paper submission from around the World,
not only the Nordic area.
SIGRAD2016 will be organized by the Department of Game Design of the Uppsala
University, Campus Gotland (Sweden), in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS,
and The Society for Art and Science.
The topics covered by SIGRAD2016 will include Computer Graphics and
Visualization, but are not limited to:
-Interactive computer graphics and animation techniques
-Virtual collaborative spaces
-Scientific Visualization
-Computer Games and Multi-user web games
-Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality
-Virtual humans and avatars
-Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
*Publication and Presentation*
Submission categories include paper (up to 8 pages), and poster paper (up to
2 pages). All papers will be published in the same conference proceedings.
Papers will be scheduled for oral presentation, Poster papers will also have
an opportunity to make a brief oral presentation (fast-forward format) in
addition to the classical Poster session or new electric poster session
using Note PC.
* Important Dates *
- Proposals for Special Sessions : 25 February, 2016
- Paper submission : 20 March, 2016
- Authors notification : 5 April, 2016
- Poster submission : 10 April, 2016
- Authors registration : 20 April, 2016
- Camera-ready paper : 20 April, 2016
- Conference date : 24-25 of May 2016 just after GGC (Gotland Game
* Organization *
Honorary Chair:
- Hans Svensson, (Uppsala University)
General Chair
- Steven Bachelder (Uppsala University)
Program Chair
- Masaki Hayashi (Uppsala University)
Finance Chair
- Masayuki Nakajima (Uppsala University)
* Contact *
For any question or inquire regarding this conference, please contact
Secretary Masayuki Nakajima:
masayuki.nakajima (AT)
Eurographics 2016 Call for Student Volunteers
The EG 2016 Student Volunteer program is a great opportunity for young
researchers to attend a major conference in Computer Graphics and to
establish and expand their network with the most relevant academics,
professionals and other students in the field. Student Volunteers are
integral part of the success of a conference. We are recruiting a team of
enthusiastic and reliable students who help us host and manage a very
successful, productive and enjoyable conference.
Duties and Benefits
A wide range of responsibilities will be assigned to volunteers, such as:
* registration desk support;
* participant badge checks at the venue;
* help desk support;
* setting up and maintaining posters and/or other arrangements;
* audio and video support;
* fielding questions at technical sessions;
* providing help and information to participants;
* helping hand for organizing committee.
As a general rule, no special skills are required except for a couple of
positions. For these, we are looking for people with good photography,
blogging, tweeting and A/V skills.
Volunteers are required to show up 5-10 minutes before their allotted
service times and be available to help out for unforeseen surprises, which
are difficult to predict. We expect every volunteer to commit to a total of
about 20 volunteer hours of work at the conference.
For their time and unmeasurable efforts, student volunteers will receive an
awesome free t-shirt and a full student registration. This includes free
access to the entire conference, including technical sessions, workshops,
poster sessions and reception. Student volunteers will have an exclusive SV
party, also included. Student volunteers usually get to attend most of the
sessions, even when volunteering.
Arriving and Leaving
Student volunteers should arrive at or before 6:30 pm on Sunday (May 8) for
the SV orientation (SVs that will help with workshops need also to be
available from 9 am to 6pm on May 7 and 8) and be available until the end of
the conference on the next Friday (May 13).
Student volunteers are responsible for their traveling and lodging expenses.
Application Process
Applicants must be PhD or MSc students during the 2015-2016 academic year.
All volunteers must have a positive attitude and good communication skills
in English. To apply for a student volunteer position, please fill out
<> this form <
<>>. In case of acceptance,
a proof of valid student status (ID card, document signed by advisor or dean
of department) should be e-mailed to us to complete registration.
The deadline for applications is February 5, 2016. We will send out
notifications until February 26, 2016.
The Student Volunteer Chairs
( <> chairs-eg2016VS(a)
Bruno Araújo, University of Toronto, Canada
Daniel Mendes, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Call for papers SCCG2016
32nd Spring conference on Computer Graphics
Date and venue
Date: April 27-29, 2016
Location: Smolenice castle, Slovakia
Conference chair: Michela Spagnuolo
Program chairs: Roman Ďurikovič
Invited speakers: Will be announced later
We invite the authors in the field of computer graphics to submit their
scientific papers. Topics include: rendering, geometry modeling, natural
phenomena, visualization, image processing, computer vision and others We
welcome scientific papers to be printed in Computers and Graphics journal or
in the proceedings as appointed by the IPC. Post-conference proceedings will
be published by ACM Digital Library (ACM Publishing House).
SCCG 2016 scientific full papers will be handled through Elsevier Computers
& Graphics journal paper reviewing system. Papers exhibiting high quality
will be published in a special section of this internationally highly
recognized journal. The remaining accepted papers will be published in the
conference proceedings and later published in ACM Digital Library.
We also welcome posters covering your recent research work, late-breaking
technical results and work in progress. These will be printed in the posters
Important dates
Paper submission: February 14, 2016
First decision: March 13, 2016
Revised version due: March 20, 2016
Final decision: March 27, 2016
Camera ready: April 3, 2016
Poster submission: March 20, 2016
Notification of acceptance: March 27, 2016
We are looking forward to your submissions!
With best regards,
Elena Šikudová
on behalf of the Organizing Committee
CFP - Apologies for multiple copies
Computer Graphics International 2016: CGI'16
28th June - 1st July 2016
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Computer Graphics International is one of the oldest, international annual
conferences in Computer Graphics and one of the most important ones
worldwide. It is an essential yearly meeting where academics present their
latest models and technologies, and explore new trends and ideas. Since 1983
it has been held in numerous different places worldwide - Geneva, Tokyo,
Sydney, and many countries in Europe, Asia, and The Americas.
CGI'16: Computer Graphics International 2016, the 33rd annual conference
will take place on June 28th - July 1st 2016 in Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Crete is the 5th biggest Mediterranean Island, lies in the southern frontier
of Europe and is one of the most popular European tourism destinations. The
conference is organized by the Institute of Computer Science of the
Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (ICS-CVRL/FORTH) in
cooperation with ACM-SIGGRAPH and The Eurographics Association.
Accepted full-length papers will be published in The Visual Computer Journal
by Springer. Authors of the highest ranked accepted short papers will be
invited to submit an extended version of their work to the Visual Computer
Journal; these papers will follow a fast track review process. The rest of
the accepted short papers will be published by the ACM Digital Library
within its International Conference Proceedings Series.
We invite original contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in topics
related, but not limited to:
* Graphics Systems Architectures
* Human Computer Interaction
* Rendering Techniques
* Virtual and Augmented Reality
* Shape and Surface Modeling
* Physically Based Modeling and Simulation
* Scientific Visualization
* Data Compression for Graphics
* Medical Imaging
* Computational and Discreet Geometry
* Multimedia and Web Graphics
* Mobile Graphics Toolkits
* Virtual Heritage applications
* Geometric Algebra Computing
* Geometric/Clifford Algebras for Graphics
* Computational Photography
* Visual Analytics
* Shape and Image Retrieval
* Sketch Based Modeling
* 3D Printing
* Surface and Volume Deformation
* Shape Analysis
* Parallel Systems and GPU
* Augmented cognition and Mixed Reality
* Realistic and Perceptual Rendering
* HDR Image and Video Techniques
* Augmented Cognition in Mixed Reality
* Virtual Heritage
* Computer graphics techniques in serious games
Several important Co-Located Events (GACSE'16 workshop, Summer Schools and
Tutorials) are also supporting the main CGI'16 conference this year:
* Full Paper submission: Feb. 14th 2016
* Full Paper notification: Mar. 25th 2016
* Camera ready full papers due: Apr. 8th 2016
* Short Paper/Poster submission: Apr. 24th 2016
* Short Paper/Poster notification: May 13th 2016
* Camera ready short papers due: May 22th 2016
* Conference Chair: George Papagiannakis - University of Crete & FORTH,
* Program Co-Chairs:
* Panos Trahanias - University of Crete & FORTH, Greece,
* Daniel Thalmann - EPFL, Switzerland & Nanyang Technological University,
For more details please visit: <>
Call for Posters
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations of recent
results, work in progress, new ideas and other smaller projects which may be
of interest to the general community but which are still too speculative,
incomplete or not of sufficient extent to warrant a full paper.
Accepted posters will be included in the digital media. Posters will also be
displayed during the conference and will form the focus of a posters session
to be run in conjunction with one of the social events. We encourage
submissions from all areas related to computer graphics, such as rendering,
modeling, visualization, animation, simulation, virtual reality, computer
vision, and imaging.
Authors of accepted posters will be expected to be present at their posters
during the posters session to discuss their work and answer questions.
Submission Details
Submitted posters should be in the form of a 2 page paper which must be
formatted according to the Eurographics Authors guidelines
( and may be accompanied
by a preliminary version of the actual poster if the authors wish it.
Anonymous submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics
Submission and Review Management (SRM) system
( and subject to a review
The authors of accepted poster will be asked to submit a final version in
two formats: a 2 page paper and an A4 version of the final poster. Both
formats will be included in the conference digital media with the
proceedings and other material.
For any question concerning poster submissions please contact the posters
co-chairs: chairs-eg2016posters(a)
The submission deadline for posters is 23:59 UTC/GMT, Friday, February 12th,
Notification to authors will be on Friday, March 11th, 2016.
Posters Co-Chairs
Luis Gonzaga Magalhães, University of Minho, Portugal
Rafal Mantiuk, University of Cambridge, UK