After several requests, the deadline of the STAR sketches has been extended
to the 15th of December 2015!
All accepted STARs will be published in Computer Graphics Forum
EuroVis 2016 is the 18th annual scientific gathering on visualization
jointly organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization
and the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee. EuroVis 2016
will be held in Groningen, The Netherlands from June 6-10, 2016.
For the first time, all accepted EuroVis 2016 STAR reports will be published
in Computer Graphics Forum. State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) are intended
to provide up-to-date and comprehensive surveys on topics of interest to the
visualization research community. We encourage the submission of STARs on
topics that have not yet been covered in any recent previous STAR or other
survey. We welcome submissions that introduce emerging technologies, as
well as proposals on more traditional visualization topics. We also welcome
contributions from related disciplines and application areas demonstrating
contributions to, or benefits from, the area of visualization including, but
not limited to, visual computing, computer graphics, human-computer
interaction, virtual reality, image processing, computer vision, psychology,
geography, chemistry, computational fluid dynamics, data analysis,
computational sciences, medicine, biology, economy, politology, etc.
As part of the acceptance process into Computer Graphics Forum, STARs will
undergo a multi-stage process. First, authors are being asked to submit an
initial sketch. A STAR sketch briefly describes the planned STAR by
outlining the topic, discussing its relevance for the visualization
community, providing the planned structure and outline of the STAR together
with all key references, and short biographies of the authors. The length of
a STAR sketch is limited to three pages whereby the last page may only
contain references. The format of the sketch can be found at
STAR sketches will be reviewed by the STAR program co-chairs for suitability
and relevance, and the authors of accepted sketches will be invited to
submit a full STAR. Full STAR submissions will then undergo a single blind,
double cycle review, similar to the one for regular papers, where three
external experts on the respective topic will evaluate the STAR. Full
submissions are 25 pages maximum.
Electronic submission of the STAR sketch and full proposal is mandatory and
will be conducted using <> according to the guidelines defined
We plan to schedule each STAR as a 50-100 minute presentation as in
Eurographics conferences (subject to the schedule management of the EuroVis
2016 program). In any circumstance, a STAR presentation will always be given
a longer time slot than that for a full paper.
For any questions concerning STAR submissions please contact the STARs
co-chairs: eurovis2016_star(a)
Important Dates
Submission of STAR sketch (up to 3 pages): Extended to December 15, 2015
Invitation for full STAR submission: December 23, 2015
Submission of full STAR: February 14, 2016
Review notification: March 18, 2016
Second round submission: April 18, 2016
Second review notification: May 1, 2016
Camera ready deadline: May 15, 2016
General Chair
Jos Roerdink, Univeristy of Gronigen, The Netherlands
STAR Chairs
Anna Vilanova ( <> A.Vilanova(a), Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands
Ross Maciejewski ( <> rmacieje(a), Arizona
State University, USA
Timo Ropinski ( <> timo.ropinski(a),
Ulm University, Germany
The School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology at Manchester
Metropolitan University is making a targeted, strategic investment in
academic positions, in order to both strengthen our growing reputation in
applied research, and continue to provide an excellent level of support for
taught courses. These posts address both priorities by combining a part-time
PhD programme with ten hours per week (on average) of teaching support. At
the completion of the contract, the successful candidate will have gained
both a doctoral qualification and significant teaching experience.
Please see the list of projects offered, below, along with links to the full
project description and the appropriate advertisement (and information on
how to apply):
Repurposing Gaming Technologies for Effective Cell Manipulation Training
Bookshop Clearance
Eurographics is having a clearance sale of printed proceedings, that are
held in stock in Germany. Items will be supplied subject to availability!
Those books will be offered free of charge to people who are willing to pay
the delivery costs.
Don't miss this occasion to complete your own library - so please have a
look at the list of books available.
How do you place an order?
Publication Order Form
Call for Education Papers
We are seeking original contributions for presentation and publication in
the EG 2016 education track. The scope of the track includes topics in
education in computer graphics, computer graphics in education, effective
teaching tips and techniques focusing on computer graphics course content,
and outstanding student projects in computer graphics. Authors are invited
to submit papers, panels and student projects.
Education papers should give new insights or experience that improve student
learning and that instructors can take into the classroom. Proposals for
panels should state the problem to be discussed and include a short
statement from proposed panelists. Notes on teaching tips and techniques
should describe proven ways to engage student interest or present difficult
topics. Notes on outstanding student projects should describe the learning
context for the project and show how the student brought individual
creativity to the work.
We invite submissions related to the following topics:
· teaching computer graphics in various curricula including computer
science, engineering, and arts;
· designing curricula for computer graphics and related disciplines
including image processing, animation and games;
· promoting undergraduate research in computer graphics;
· creating educational programs combining computer graphics with
other disciplines;
· exploiting visual tools and techniques to teach in other
· teaching the mathematical foundations of computer graphics and
related disciplines.
The best papers will be recommended to the editors of prestigious journals
in the field, CGF, C&G and IEEECG&A, who may invite the authors of these
papers to submit extended versions to their journals.
Submission Details
Anonymous submissions of up to 8 pages for education papers or up to 2 pages
for notes on teaching tips and techniques or outstanding student projects
must be formatted according to the
<> Eurographics Author's
guidelines. Submissions will be made electronically through the
EG_2015edu> Eurographics Submission and Review Management system and subject
to a review process.
Proposals for education panels should be emailed directly to the education
papers co-chairs at <>
The submission deadline for education papers is 23:59 UTC/GMT, Friday,
January 15th, 2016.
Notification to authors will be on Monday, February 15th, 2016.
Education Papers Co-Chairs
Beatriz Sousa Santos, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Jean-Michel Dischler, University of Strasbourg, France
International Program Committee
Eike Anderson, Bournemouth University,UK
Miho Aoki, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Gladimir Baranoski, University of Waterloo, Canada
Jean-Jacques Bourdin, Université Paris, France
Gitta Domik, Universität Paderborn, Germany
Giovanni Gallo, Università di Catania, Italy
Mark Johnson, Central College, USA
Lars Kjelldahl, KTH, Sweden
Steve Maddock, University of Sheffield, UK
Christopher Peters, KTH, Sweden
James Wolfer, Indiana University South Bend, USA
Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary
qualifications in order to fill one (1) full time Marie Curie Research
Fellow Position within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
and Informatics in the field of 3D Reconstruction and Computer Vision in
Cultural Heritage:
The Marie Curie Fellow will work within the 4D-CH-World Marie Curie IAPP
Programme ( 4D-CH-World is a major EU funded programme
which brings together six (6) leading European partners in a transnational
network, aiming at implementing a multidisciplinary and intersectorial
research and training programme between the academic and the industrial
partners in the field of Computer Graphics, Digital Libraries and Cultural
The project 4D-CH-World will analyze, design, research, develop and validate
an innovative system integrating the latest advances in computer vision and
learning, as well as, 3D modeling and virtual reality for the rapid and
cost-effective 4D maps reconstruction in the wild for personal use, and
support the aim of our European Commons and the digital libraries EUROPEANA
and UNESCO Memory of the World (MoW) to build a sense of a shared European
cultural history and identity. Specifically, we are interested in the
development of a fully automated time-varying 3D model engine for cultural
heritage urban environments from a large collection of historical images, in
order to fulfill professionals and organizations needs for more versatile
functionalities, offering not only access and retrieval of high quality
content but also supporting more sophisticated functionalities such
as interoperable (metadata) cultural object descriptions, immersion of
content into diverse (educational / cultural / research) contexts,
3D reconstruction of (partially) damaged artefacts.
The Marie Curie Fellow (One Experienced Researcher-ER) will be based at the
Cyprus University of Technology/Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering and Informatics (Digital Heritage Research Lab - in Limassol, Cyprus and will benefit also
from the projects transfer of knowledge and other complementary
training activities and short placements at other European partners of the
4D-CH-World Consortium.
Position: Experienced Researcher (ER) at the time of the relevant
recruitment by the host organisation (CUT) and need to be in possession of a
doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research
Applicants should have:
- A PhD degree from a recognized university in Computer Science,
Engineering and preferably on Computer Vision/Computer Graphics or other
related field (Post-Doc position)
- or a BSc., MSc, BA, MA Degree from a recognized university in
Computer Science, Engineering and preferably on Computer
Vision/Computer Graphics, HBIM (Heritage Building Information
Management) or other related fields with at least four (4) years of a
continuous full-time research experience in the field of Computer
Vision/Graphics and Digital Libraries
- Excellent knowledge of the English language (spoken and written)
Τhe appointment for the ER will be for a period of twelve (12) months. The
monthly gross salary for this position will be 4080,37 Euro (48.964,50
Euro/year - employer and employee contributions to the Cyprus
government funds will be deducted from this amount). In addition the fellows
will receive mobility and a research development allowance.
Start of the Fellowship: Directly after the interview and as soon as
possible - latest 01/01/2016 !
For more details on salary and other benefits please refer:
1. to Marie Curie website at
2. The FP7-PEOPLE 2012 (Marie Curie actions) Work Programme
Applicants are requested to submit the following:
1. A complete curriculum vitae (only on EuroCV Format) - 2 copies (CV
Template available:
2. A one-page summary of their research experience and future research
goals (as applicable) - 2 copies.
3. A copy of their most representative publications (if applicable) - 2
4. The names and contact information of two people who are willing to
provide references - 2 copies.
5. Proof of their qualifications - 2 copies.
6. Complete contact information along with dates available for an interview
and for commencing employment - 2 copies
Applications must be submitted in a closed envelope marked as
"Application Marie Curie Research Fellow Positions - Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering and Informatics/Digital Heritage
Lab" at the
premises of the Cyprus University of Technology, Human Resource Department,
Limassol Savings Co-operative Bank Building, 4th Floor, Arch. Kyprianos 31,
3036 Limassol or must be sent via registered post (P.O. Box 50329, CY-3603
Limassol) with a clearly visible post office stamp of a date not later than
16th November 2015, 14:00 p.m. which is the deadline for the submission of
the applications.
Applicants are also requested to send their applications
electronically to this email address marinos.ioannides(a) before
the deadline of 16th November 2015, however, please note that the
electronic submission alone will not be considered as a formal
application unless the printed application is received by the Human
Resources Department as requested in the previous paragraph.
For enquiries: marinos.ioannides(a) and Tel. +357-2500-2020
Explanation for the eligibility of a researcher:
1. Full-time equivalent research experience is measured from the date when
a researcher obtained the degree which would formally entitle him or her to
embark on a doctorate, either in the country in which the degree was
obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited
or seconded, irrespective of whether or not a doctorate is or was
ever envisaged.
2. Mobility: at the time of the relevant deadline for recruitment by the
host organisation, researchers must not have resided or carried out their
main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation
for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference
date. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are
not taken into account.
Note: The position has been published also at Euraxess:
All accepted STARs will be published in Computer Graphics Forum
EuroVis 2016 is the 18th annual scientific gathering on visualization
jointly organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization
and the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee. EuroVis 2016
will be held in Groningen, The Netherlands from June 6-10, 2016.
For the first time, all accepted EuroVis 2016 STAR reports will be published
in Computer Graphics Forum. State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) are intended
to provide up-to-date and comprehensive surveys on topics of interest to the
visualization research community. We encourage the submission of STARs on
topics that have not yet been covered in any recent previous STAR or other
survey. We welcome submissions that introduce emerging technologies, as
well as proposals on more traditional visualization topics. We also welcome
contributions from related disciplines and application areas demonstrating
contributions to, or benefits from, the area of visualization including, but
not limited to, visual computing, computer graphics, human-computer
interaction, virtual reality, image processing, computer vision, psychology,
geography, chemistry, computational fluid dynamics, data analysis,
computational sciences, medicine, biology, economy, politology, etc.
As part of the acceptance process into Computer Graphics Forum, STARs will
undergo a multi-stage process. First, authors are being asked to submit an
initial sketch. A STAR sketch briefly describes the planned STAR by
outlining the topic, discussing its relevance for the visualization
community, providing the planned structure and outline of the STAR together
with all key references, and short biographies of the authors. The length of
a STAR sketch is limited to three pages whereby the last page may only
contain references. The format of the sketch can be found at
STAR sketches will be reviewed by the STAR program co-chairs for suitability
and relevance, and the authors of accepted sketches will be invited to
submit a full STAR. Full STAR submissions will then undergo a single blind,
double cycle review, similar to the one for regular papers, where three
external experts on the respective topic will evaluate the STAR. Full
submissions are 25 pages maximum.
Electronic submission of the STAR sketch and full proposal is mandatory and
will be conducted using <> according to the guidelines defined
We plan to schedule each STAR as a 50-100 minute presentation as in
Eurographics conferences (subject to the schedule management of the EuroVis
2016 program). In any circumstance, a STAR presentation will always be given
a longer time slot than that for a full paper.
For any questions concerning STAR submissions please contact the STARs
co-chairs: eurovis2016_star(a)
Important Dates
Submission of STAR sketch (up to 3 pages): December 11, 2015
Invitation for full STAR submission: December 23, 2015
Submission of full STAR: February 14, 2016
Review notification: March 18, 2016
Second round submission: April 18, 2016
Second review notification: May 1, 2016
Camera ready deadline: May 15, 2016
General Chair
Jos Roerdink, Univeristy of Gronigen, The Netherlands
STAR Chairs
Anna Vilanova (A.Vilanova(a), Delft University of Technology, The
Ross Maciejewski (rmacieje(a), Arizona State University, USA
Timo Ropinski (timo.ropinski(a), Ulm University, Germany
******** EUROVIS 2016 ********
EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization
June 6-10, 2016
Groningen, The Netherlands
EuroVis 2016, hosted by the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, is
the 18th annual visualization gathering organized by the Eurographics
Working Group on Data Visualization and supported by the IEEE Visualization
and Graphics Technical Committee (IEEE VGTC). EuroVis has been a
Eurographics and IEEE co-supported international visualization symposium
held in Europe annually since 1999. EuroVis has been a conference since
Authors are invited to submit original work presenting fundamental research,
practice and experience, or novel applications in all areas of visualization
and related topics.
EuroVis full papers are published as a special issue of Computer Graphics
Forum (CGF), the International Journal of the Eurographics Association,
using a two-stage review process. Also, State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs)
will undergo a two-stage review process and for the first time all accepted
STARs will be published in Computer Graphics Forum. EuroVis Short Papers
will be electronically archived in the Eurographics Digital Library and are
fully citable publications.
** Important dates
( <>
Full Paper Abstracts: Friday 4 December 2015
Full Papers: Friday 11 December 2015
STAR sketch: Friday 11 December 2015
STAR invitation to submit: Wednesday 23 December 2015
Full STARs: Sunday 14 February 2016
Short Papers: Friday 19 February 2016
Posters: Friday 8 April 2016
Please note that an abstract submission is required one week before the full
papers deadline to assist the papers chairs in allocating reviewers and
ensure that the review process runs to time. Also, for STARs a short sketch
is required that will be reviewed for suitability and relevance by the STAR
** Committees ( <>
General Chair
Jos Roerdink, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Papers Chairs
Kwan-Liu Ma, University of California at Davis, USA Giuseppe Santucci,
University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy Jarke van Wijk, Eindhoven University
of Technology, the Netherlands
STARs Chairs
Ross Maciejewski, Arizona State University, USA Timo Ropinski, Ulm
University, Germany Anna Vilanova, TU Delft, the Netherlands
Short Papers Chairs
Enrico Bertini, New York University, USA Niklas Elmqvist, University of
Maryland, USA
Thomas Wischgoll, Wright University, USA
Posters Chairs
Tobias Isenberg, INRIA, France
Filip Sadlo, University of Heidelberg, Germany
The Eurographics Best PhD Thesis Award aims to recognize good thesis work in
Europe, to incentivize young researchers, and to offer them the opportunity
to publish the state of the art section of their thesis as a STAR in the
Computer Graphics Forum Journal. Eurographics annually grants three PhD
thesis awards. They are jointly sponsored by Eurographics and the Computer
Graphics Forum Journal. The PhD Thesis Awards Committee consists of five
The current Call will close on November 30th, 2015. Candidates will be PhD
Theses defended and mainly conducted in Europe or in countries having a
Eurographics Chapter or in EG Organizational Member Institutions (
<> ). Theses defended and
awarded the degree from May 1st, 2014, up October 31st, 2015, are eligible
in this edition. The required documentation includes:
1. The Thesis in English, or a link to the corresponding entry in the EG
Digital Library.
2. Names and contact details of four possible reviewers, of which at least
one is not the Thesis supervisor or one of the examiners or a co-author in a
publication resulting from the thesis. The connection of each possible
reviewer to the Thesis (Supervisor, Examiner, Co-author, None) should be
stated. The Awards Committee reserves the right to solicit reviews also from
persons not on this list.
3. The submission must include a link to the Thesis pdf in the Eurographics
Digital Library, Graphics Dissertation Online. Nominations must refer to
Thesis documents being publicly available at Graphics Dissertation Online.
Forms and procedures for submission of the thesis for archiving in the
Eurographics Digital Library are available at:
4. Full CV of the candidate with explicit mention of which publications
resulted from the thesis.
The documentation of candidate nominations must be sent by e-mail to the PhD
Thesis Awards chair, Paolo Cignoni ( <>
paolo.cignoni(a), not later than November 30th, 2015. Submissions
can be sent by the candidate, the supervisor or any other researcher. All
submitted material should be in English. Every Thesis can be submitted only
The PhD Thesis Awards Committee consists of five members. Committee
membership will be for five years terms, which will be staggered to ensure
continuity. The committee can decide, as an extraordinary measure, to
increase the number of awards in some years. The Committee will consider the
quality of the work, the review reports, the quality and impact of the
publications derived from the thesis, the coherence of the state of the art
section in the thesis and any other relevant aspect of the work.
Awarded researchers will be announced and receive a certificate at the
opening session of the Annual Eurographics Conference (where they will
profit from a free registration). They will also receive a three-years free
Eurographics membership, and will be invited to prepare a State-of-the-Art
paper within two months after the Conference. Submitted papers will follow a
fast track review cycle for publication in the STAR section of the Computer
Graphics Forum Journal.
Dear colleagues,
The Center for Geometry and Computational Design, TU Wien, invites
applications for
10 PhD positions
in the
Doctoral College 'Computational Design'.
Several of these positions have strong components of computer graphics.
Application deadline is November 15, 2015.
The Doctoral College starts in January 2016.
For further details see the announcement below and the following link:
I would appreciate if you could forward this announcement to qualified
Best regards,
Michael Wimmer
-- Dr. Michael
Institut fuer Computergraphik und Algorithmen tel: +43 (1) 58801
Technische Universitaet Wien fax: +43 (1) 58801
Favoritenstr. 9-11/5/E186
A-1040 Wien, Oesterreich
The Doctoral College Computational Design (DC:{CD}) at TU Wien, embedded
in the Center for Geometry and Computational Design, is the first PhD
program in Austria that is situated at the interface of several areas of
excellence in research: Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Software
Technology and Interactive Systems, Computer Aided Automation, Discrete
Mathematics and Geometry, Architectural Sciences, Art and Design,
History of Art, Building Archaeology and Restoration, Interdisciplinary
Construction Process Management and Mechanics of Materials and Structures.
The prerequisite for becoming a PhD student in the DC is a completed
master degree or equivalent (e.g., Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Inf.), preferably
with distinction, in the following fields:
. Architecture
. Civil engineering/structural engineering
. Computer science/informatics
. Mathematics
. Mechanical or industrial engineering
. Physics
For more details on PhD topics and how to apply see: