Dear friends and colleagues,
We are very excited to announce that the computer graphics group
at the University of Montreal (LIGUM) has secured an opening for
a tenure-track position in computer graphics at the rank of
Assistant Professor. As such, we are looking for a highly
motivated, strong candidate with a proven track record to
strengthen and complement our lab. We will seriously consider all
candidates with any experience in computer graphics (defined
If you are, or know of, strong candidates, please do not hesitate
to forward them our official announcement (see below). Any PhD
student applicants will be expected to have graduated by June
1st, 2016. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact us: Derek Nowrouzezahrai (derek(a) or
Pierre Poulin (poulin(a) We can also provide
additional information that is not in the official posting, such
as details on UdeMontreal's generous consulting and sabbatical
policies, UdeMontreal's unique recurring funding package, our
student population, as well as information about the city of
Montreal (e.g., cost of living, social climate, etc.).
Note that the deadline for the submitting the application
materials is fast approaching (November 9th, 2015), however we
will continue to accept reference letters until a later date
(November 30th, 2015).
For more information about the LIGUM, visit our lab website:
You can also see our personal websites: and
Official announcement in English:
Official announcement in French:
Dear All,
We are pleased to inform you that we organize a SOFA (half-)day in Lyon,
before the VRIPHYS EuroGraphics Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and
Physical Simulation. The event will take place on November 3 afternoon.
SOFA is an open-source framework primarily targeted at real-time simulation,
with an emphasis on medical simulation. It is mostly intended for the
research community to help develop newer models and algorithms.
This idea of this meeting is to propose some tutorials for SOFA and to
present recent work based on SOFA. This will also be the opportunity to
increase exchange and communication within the SOFA community.
The inscription for this event is free. However, registration is mandatory,
just sent an email to
0SOFA-User%20Day> vriphys2015(a)
Preliminary program (Nov. 3, 14:00 - 17:00):
. Main principles of SOFA (30min)
. How to create your own scene (XML / Python) (30min)
-- short discussion time --
. Examples of recent applications: (1h)
. Soft-Robot
. Neurosurgical simulator
. Cryosurgery simulator
. Augmented reality
. Solvers in Compliant
. Interactive tools for scene creation - Live Coding (30min)
-- short break --
. Future: a SOFA consortium (15min+discussion)
EUROGRAPHICS 2016 - 2nd Call for Tutorials
(Submissions deadline: October 23th, 2015)
The Eurographics 2016 Tutorials Committee invites you to propose tutorials
teaching the technical background of a given subject, or demonstrating its
potential creative applications. Tutorials are intended to show what can be
done, but even more importantly, how this is done and what kind of tools can
be used to do it. In a proposal for a tutorial you should consider that
tutorial attendees come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from research and
development to education and application.
We are soliciting half-day and full-day tutorial proposals at the beginning,
intermediate, or advanced level in all areas pertinent to Computer Graphics.
Half-day tutorials are about three hours, plus a coffee break in the middle.
Full-day tutorials are twice that long, plus two coffee breaks and a longer
lunch break. Tutorial proposals are about 4-5 pages in length, clearly
indicating the audience that is addressed as well as the syllabus of
instruction. They will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs, supported by
external reviewers. The final selection will be based on quality of the
submission, qualification of the presenters, relevance to the conference
topics, and balance of topics.
Each accepted half day tutorial will be granted a free conference
registration for one speaker, while each full-day tutorial will be granted a
maximum of two free conference registrations.
For any question concerning tutorial submissions please contact the papers
program co-chairs:
Tutorial proposals (in PDF) should be submitted via email to the tutorial
co-chairs (chairs-eg2016tutorials(a) The full proposal (4-5 pages)
should be submitted by Friday, October 23th, 2015, 23:59 UTC/GMT. The
acceptance notification date is Friday, December 4th, 2015.
The full proposal should contain the following information:
Presenter(s) details:
email address(es)
Tutorial details:
Title of Tutorial
Half or full day tutorial (either 2×90 minutes or 4×90
A detailed outline of the tutorial.
A statement on the necessary background and potential target
audience for the tutorial.
A brief resume of the presenter(s) indicating their
background in the area the tutorial addresses.
If a (similar) tutorial was previously held, indicate the location (i.e.,
which conference), date, and the number of attendees. Please provide
information highlighting changes, improvements and/or why the tutorial
should be held again in this form.
Sample course notes, although not required in the submission, are highly
encouraged to accompany the tutorial proposals. Notes may include original
text, formatted according to the Eurographics publication guidelines,
reprints of earlier papers (subject to copyright approval), slides and any
other material the authors consider useful. All course notes of accepted
tutorials will be distributed to conference participants online and on
USB-Sticks. The acceptance of tutorial proposals is contingent upon the
final submission of complete course notes.
The 2015 ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games 2015 (MIG)
November 16-18, 2015, Paris, France
The 8th ACM International Conference on Motion in Games will take place in Paris, France from November 16-18, 2015 and be hosted by Telecom ParisTech. MIG is sponsored by ACM and held in cooperation with Eurographics.
Games have become a very important medium for education, therapy and entertainment. Motion plays a crucial role in computer games. Characters move around, objects are manipulated or move due to physical constraints, entities are animated, and the camera moves through the scene. Even the motion of the player is used as input to games. Motion is currently studied in many different areas of research, including graphics and animation, game technology, robotics, simulation, computer vision, and also physics, psychology, and urban studies. Cross-fertilization between these communities can considerably advance the state-of- the-art in the area. The goal of the Motion in Games conference is to bring together researchers from this variety of fields to present their most recent results, to initiate collaborations, and to contribute to the establishment of the research area. The conference will consist of regular paper sessions, poster presentations, as well as presentations by a selection of established researchers in areas related to games and simulation. The conference program will also include cultural and social events that foster casual and friendly interactions among the participants. MIG provides an intimate forum for researchers and practitioners to present their research results, inspire new ideas, and promote cross-disciplinary collaborations.
We have an exciting program planned for 2015 with four keynote speakers that are at the forefront of research in character animation, games, and artificial intelligence.
(1) Jean-Paul Laumond, Directeur de Recherche, LAAS-CNRS, France
(2) Robert W. Sumner, Associate Director, Disney Research Zurich
(3) Nadia Berthouze, Professor Affective Interaction and Computing, University College London
(4) Alex Champandard, Editor in Chief, Technical Director & Entrepreneur at
Motion in Games will hold a “Games meet Academia" panel whose aim is to stimulate an active debate between practitioners and researchers alike, in an effort to bridge the gap between advanced research and development in computer games, and fundamental research in interactive computer animation.
Conference chair
Catherine Pelachaud, CNRS - LTCI, Telecom ParisTech, France
Program Chairs
Marc Christie, University of Rennes 1/INRIA Rennes, France
Mubbasir Kapadia, Rutgers University, USA.
Registration before October 17th, 2015:
ACM/SIGGRAPH Professional Member € 390
Non-member € 440
Student € 270
Registration from October 17th (included), 2015 and on-site price:
ACM/SIGGRAPH Professional Member € 440
Non-member € 490
Student € 290
Register here:
Nov. 16th - 9:30-10:30 – Keynote Talk #1
Speaker: Jean-Paul Laumond (LAAS CNRS FRANCE)
Title: The Yoyo-Man
Humans are not walking, they are rolling! The objective of the talk is to give sense to this obscure statement. Indeed, the wheel may be a plausible model of bipedal walking. We report on preliminary results developed along three perspectives combining biomechanics, neurophysiology and robotics. From a motion capture data basis of human walkers we first identify the center of mass (CoM) as a geometric center from which the motions of the feet are organized. Then we show how rimless wheels that model most passive walkers are better controlled when equipped with a stabilized mass on top of them. CoM and head play complementary roles that define what we call the Yoyo-Man.
Nov. 16th - 11:00-12:30 – Session #1: Character animation and motion-capture
Reduced Marker Layouts for Optical Motion Capture of Hands
Matthias Schröder, Jonathan Maycock and Mario Botsch
Adaptation Procedure for HMM-Based Sensor-Dependent Gesture Recognition
Sohaib Laraba, Joëlle Tilmanne and Thierry Dutoit
Segmenting Motion Capture Data Using a Qualitative Analysis
Durell Bouchard and Norman Badler
Optimal Marker Set for Motion Capture of Facial Dynamical Expressions
Clément Reverdy, Sylvie Gibet and Caroline Larboulette
Deep Signatures for Indexing and Retrieval in Large Motion Databases
Yingying Wang and Michael Neff
Nov. 16th - 14:00-15:00 – Keynote Talk #2
Speaker: Robert W. Sumner (Disney Research Zurich)
Title: Amplifying Creativity in Animation and Games
“Art challenges technology, and technology inspires the art.” These are the words John Lasseter used to describe his experience as an artist working with the technology leaders at Pixar three decades ago to pioneer what we know today as computer-generated animation. At the heart of this statement lies the idea that technology and art, when joined together, hold a unique and promising potential to amplify creativity. This very concept forms the central vision of the Animation and Games group at Disney Research Zurich. In this keynote talk, I will share our experiences as researchers working with Disney artists on technology to amplify creativity, including several tough challenges that art has given us, as well as a few successes in which we could inspire the art. Attendees can expect examples of recent research advances in animation, simulation, stylization, and, in Disney style, a little bit of singing.
Nov. 16th - 15:00-16:30 – Session #2: Character animation
Eye Movement Synthesis with 1/f Pink Noise
Andrew Duchowski, Sophie Joerg, Aubrey Lawson, Takumi Bolte, Lech Swirski and Krzysztof Krejtz
Avatar Reshaping and Automatic Rigging Using a Deformable Model
Andrew Feng, Dan Casas and Ari Shapiro
Motion Control via Muscle Synergies: Application to Throwing
Ana Lucia Cruz Ruiz, Charles Pontonnier, Jonathan Levy and Georges Dumont
A Closed-Form Solution for Human Finger Positioning
Roel Duits, A. Frank van der Stappen and Arjan Egges
Nov. 16th - 17:00-18:30 – Session #3: Crowds
DAVIS: Density-Adaptive Synthetic-Vision Based Steering for Virtual Crowds
Rowan Hughes, Jan Ondrej and John Dingliana
An Analysis of Manoeuvring in Dense Crowds
Sybren A. Stüvel, Arjan Egges, Frank van der Stappen and Thijs de Goeij
Evaluating and Optimizing Level of Service for Crowd Evacuations
Brandon Haworth, Muhammad Usman, Glen Berseth, Mubbasir Kapadia and Petros Faloutsos
ACCLMesh: Curvature-Based Navigation Mesh Generation
Glen Berseth, Mubbasir Kapadia and Petros Faloutsos
Nov. 16th - 18:30- – The “Wine & Cheese” poster session
A Generic Multi-Level Framework for Agent Navigation
Wouter van Toll, Norman Jaklin and Roland Geraerts
Virtual worlds’ influences on our mental balance and physical health: a survey with philosophical approaches
Maria Christoforou and Despina Michael
Autonomous Positioning of Avatars at a Guided Virtual Educational Trip
Fons Kuijk
Statistical Framework for Animation synthesis of Laughter
Yu Ding and Catherine Pelachaud
Gaze Shifts and Navigation in Virtual Environments: Towards a Prediction Model
Alessandro Canossa and Jeremy Badler
A Model to Compute People Disturbance in Crowds
Cliceres Mack Dal Bianco, Adriana Braun, Jovani Brasil and Soraia Raupp Musse
Simulated Postural Sway for the Improvement of Depth Perception in Pre-Generated Virtual Reality Panoramas
Matthew Bett
Recognizing Emotional Expressiveness in Raw 3D Body Motion Data
Haris Zacharatos, Christos Gatzoulis, Anargyros Chatzitofis and Yiorgos Chrysanthou
Study of Nine People in a Hallway
Claudio Pedica, Karl Kristinsson and Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson
Dynamic Hierarchical Search on the GPU
Francisco Garcia, Norman Badler and Mubbasir Kapadia
Improving crowd behaviour for emergency simulation using game-captured data
Marco Castorina and Eike Falk Anderson
A New and Simple Method for Balance Quantification
Venustiano Soancatl
Autonomous gaze animation for socially interactive virtual characters during multiparty interactions
Zerrin Yumak and Arjan Egges
Immersive scale-one movement analysis in the CAVE
Eray Molla, Christian Arevalo and Ronan Boulic
Towards Free Stepping Behavior Characterization
Ronan Boulic, Utku Evci, Eray Molla and Phanindra Pisupati
Nov. 17th - 8:30-9:30 – Keynote Talk #3
Speaker: Nadia Berthouze (University College of London Interaction Centre)
Title: “The body and its actions: how they can be used to manipulate the player’s experience”
Recent years have seen the emergence of game technology that involves and requires its users to be engaged through their body. In addition, studies in psychology have shown that our body expressions affect our emotional state, our cognitive abilities and our attitude towards the environment around us. This has generated an increased interest in understanding and exploiting this modality to automatically recognize, respond to and regulate users’ affective experience. In the first part of my talk, I will report on our studies aimed at understanding how body expressions and body movement can be used to modulate user experience in games and physical activity in real-life situations such as walking and physical rehabilitation. Then, I’ll discuss how emotional states can be automatically detected from body expressions, including muscle activity and touch behaviour. Examples from games and physical rehabilitation will be presented.
Nov. 17th - 9:30-11:00 – Session #4: Planning
Automated Interactive Narrative Synthesis using Dramatic Theory
Carlos Antonio Dominguez, Yuya Ichimura and Mubbasir Kapadia
RT-RRT*: A Real-Time Path Planning Algorithm Based On RRT*
Kourosh Naderi, Joose Rajamäki and Perttu Hämäläinen
Multi-Modal Data-Driven Motion Planning and Synthesis
Mentar Mahmudi and Marcelo Kallmann
Nov. 17th - 11:30-12:30 – Session #5: Simulation
Interactive Arbitrarily Detailed Cutting of Thin Sheets
Pierre-Luc Manteaux, Wei-Lun Sun, François Faure, Marie-Paule Cani and James F. O’Brien
Pattern-Guided Simulations of Immersed Rigid Bodies
Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata
Interactive procedural simulation of paper tearing with sound
Thibault Lejemble, Amélie Fondevilla, Nicolas Durin, Thibault Blanc-Beyne, Camille Schreck, Pierre-Luc Manteaux, Paul G. Kry and Marie-Paule Cani
Camera-on-rails: Automated Computation of Constrained Camera Paths
Quentin Galvane, Marc Christie, Christophe Lino and Rémi Ronfard
Nov. 17th - 14:00-16:00 – Session #6: Taking control
The Sea Is Your Mirror
Marc Parenthoën, Fred Murie and Flavien Thery
Crowd Art: Density and Flow Based Crowd Motion Design
Kevin Jordao, Panayiotis Charalambous, Marc Christie, Julien Pettre and Marie-Paule Cani
Real-time gait control for partially immersed bipeds
Samuel Carensac, Nicolas Pronost and Saida Bouakaz
Robust Balance Shift Control with Posture Optimization
Zumra Kavafoglu, Ersan Kavafoglu and Arjan Egges
Carpet Unrolling Descriptors for Character Control On Uneven Terrain
Mark Miller, Daniel Holden, Rami Al-Ashqar, Christophe Dubach, Kenny Mitchell and Taku Komura
Nov. 17th - 16:30-18:30 – Game Panel
Title: Games meet Academia
This “Games meet Academia” panel aims at stimulating an active debate between practitioners and researchers alike, in an effort to bridge the gap between advanced research and development in computer games, and fundamental research in interactive computer animation.
8:30-9:30 – Keynote Talk #4
Speaker: Alex Champandard (
Title: Modern AI and Its Impact on Animation and Movement
In this talk, you'll learn about the fast progress being made in Artificial Intelligence in the games industry, and see how this is impacting challenging problems like animation and movement. What exactly is motion matching and why is it only possible now? How can machine learning help and why are developers ready for new techniques? Alex will explain all this and more in a forward looking presentation.
Nov. 18th - 9:30-10:30 – Session #7: Collisions
Clustering and Collision Detection for Clustered Shape Matching
Ben Jones, April Martin, Josh Levine, Tamar Shinar and Adam Bargteil
Fast Contact Determination for Intersecting Deformable Solids
Oscar Civit-Flores and Antonio Susín
Collision Detection for Articulated Deformable Characters
Nadine Abu Rumman, Marco Schaerf and Dominique Bechmann
Nov. 18th - 11:00-12:30 – Session #8: Realism, aesthetics, visualization and registration
Animation Realism Affects Perceived Character Appeal of a Self-Virtual Face
Elena Kokkinara and Rachel McDonnell
Fin Textures for Real-Time Painterly Aesthetics
Nicolas Imhof, Antoine Milliez, Flurin Jenal, Rene Bauer, Markus Gross and Robert W. Sumner
HeapCraft: Interactive Data Exploration and Visualization Tools for Understanding and Influencing Player Behavior in Minecraft
Stephan Müller, Barbara Solenthaler, Mubbasir Kapadia, Seth Frey, Severin Klingler, Richard Mann, Robert W. Sumner and Markus Gross
Automatic and Adaptable Registration of Live RGBD Video Streams
Afsaneh Rafighi, Sahand Seifi and Oscar Meruvia-Pastor
See you in Paris!
# Apologies for multiple postings
14th ACM International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its
Applications in Industry - ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI 2015
Kobe Port Island Center, Kobe, Japan
October 30th - November 1st, 2015
Call for Participation
VRCAI is an annual ACM SIGGRAPH-sponsored international conference on
virtual reality continuum and its applications. The 14th ACM International
Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry
(VRCAI 2015) will take place during October 30th to November 1st in Kobe,
co-located with ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015.
Early Bird Registration Deadline: October 15, 2015
Accommodation is available for registered participants.
This year we have accepted eight long papers, eight short papers, thirty-one
posters and demos. We have also invited five SIGGRAPH ASIA
2015 posters as a part of a collaboration with VRCAI and SIGGRAPH ASIA. The
detailed program is available on our website. In particular, we are happy to
announce Hiroo Iwata from University of Tsukuba and Shigeru Kuriyama from
Toyohashi University of Technology as Keynote Speakers.
Inquiry can be sent to: <>
See you soon in Kobe.
Conference Co-Chairs:
Issei Fujishiro, Keio University, Japan
Zhigeng Pan, Hangzhou Normal University, China Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, NTU,
Singapore & MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Program Co-Chairs:
Masaki Oshita, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Xubo Yang, Shanghai
Jiao Tong University, China Hyun Seung Yang, KAIST, Korea
Posters&Demos Chair
Tomohiko Mukai, Tokai University, Japan
Dear Eurographics member,
the Eurographics Association seeks applicants for the position of the
Co-Chief Editor of the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) journal for a four-year
term starting Jan 1st, 2016, and lasting until Dec 31st, 2019.
Please consider applying yourself or distribute the attached announcement to
suitable experts who might be interested to perform this important duty for
our community.
In any case Eurographics does expect all applications in by November 15,
Thanks for your support,
Dieter Fellner
Dieter W. Fellner, Professor
Chairman of the Eurographics Publications Board
[** Registration & Call For Posters and Work-In-Progess Session **]
[** please circulate to friends & colleagues **]
Dear all,
Please find hereafter the call for Poster and Work-in-Progress session for
VriPhys2015 in Lyon!
And, dont forget to register, only a few days left before early-bird
You will find all the needed information here:
in section "Practical Information > Registration"
Best regards, and see you in Lyon!
12th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation
(VRIPHYS) November 4-5, 2015, Lyon (France) Submission deadline ** Sept, 30
2015 **
Work in Progress (WIP) Session
In the scope of the VRIPHYS 2015 conference, an oral session with short
presentations (typically 15 min including discussion) will be organized.
These presentations should focus on aspects related to Virtual Reality
Interaction and Physical Simulation.
Work in progress, too speculative, unpublished or recent results are
particularly well suited for this session. The presented work will not be
included in the proceedings, so that participants get feedback on their work
without preventing them from submitting their work later. Therefore this is
well suited for Ph.D. candidates, but not restricted to.
Authors are also invited to submit proposals for poster presentations.
Posters will be displayed during the conference and will form the focus of a
posters session to be run in conjunction with one of the social events. We
encourage submissions from all areas which may be of interest to the
Authors will be expected to be present at their posters during the posters
session to discuss their work and answer questions.
To present your work during these Posters and WIP sessions, please send us
an abstract (2 pages max.) which must be formatted following the same
guidelines as for the full papers by September 30, 2015. A preliminary
version of the poster could also be sent if appropriate.
Notification of acceptance will be sent on the fly within a few days.
For any question concerning Poster and WIP submissions please contact:
<> vriphys2015(a)
General Chair
Fabrice JAILLET IUT Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Florence ZARA Université Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Gabriel ZACHMANN University of Bremen, Germany
For more information, please visit
The Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS) and the
Visualization Research Centre (VISUS) at the University of Stuttgart
announce open positions for
Research Associates (PhD candidates or Postdocs)
(full-time position TV-L E13 for up to 3 years in the context of different
research projects)
. Scientific Visualization (for the simulation of flows and particles)
. Visual Analytics (for text, motion patterns, digital humanities)
. Computer Graphics (image-based rendering, comput. photography,
material models)
. Interaction with Mobile Devices and Ubiquitous Computing
Required qualifications
. Above-average M.Sc. degree or equivalent in Computer Science or
related fields
. Motivation to perform independent research in an interdisciplinary
. Preferably previous experience related to the respective topic
. Expertise in software development for graphics/interactive systems
. Good communication and writing skills in English and German (or
basic German skills and the willingness to improve them)
The University of Stuttgart is an equal opportunity employer. Applications
from women are strongly encouraged. Severely challenged persons will be
given preference in case of equal qualifications.
Contact and further information
Please refer to our home page at for more
In order to apply, please email your application as a single PDF document
before September 30th, 2015 to:
Ms. Maria Schulz University of Stuttgart, Visualization Research Centre
# Apologies for multiple postings
14th ACM International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its
Applications in Industry - ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI 2015
Kobe Port Island Center, Kobe, Japan
October 30th - November 1st, 2015
Last Call for Poster Papers
VRCAI is an annual ACM SIGGRAPH-sponsored international conference on
virtual reality continuum and its applications. The 14th ACM International
Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry
(VRCAI 2015) will take place during October 30th to November 1st in Kobe,
co-located with ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015.
The Posters and Demos sessions will present late-breaking results, work in
progress, application case studies and follow-up extensions or evaluations
of existing methods in the VRC field. Expected topics are listed on our
In particular, it provides young researchers and graduate students with
valuable opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers, and
engage in stimulating discussions. Discounted rates are available for all
All submissions will be considered for Best Poster Awards, and will be
conferred during the conference. Furthermore, we are planning that best
posters will be invited to give the presentation at SIGGRAPH ASIA
2015 Poster sessions. Details will be announced at our website later.
Important Dates
Poster paper submission due: September 19, 2015 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: September 28, 2015
Submissions should be a publication-ready version of one- or two-page
abstract in the PDF format with full author names and affiliations.
Supplementary videos and images are recommended. For more details about the
submission procedure, please refer to our website at
Work submitted as a poster paper is still eligible for later publication.
The poster papers and the supplemental materials will be distributed to the
attendees on the conference proceedings, and will not be included in any
digital libraries.
Accepted posters will require that at least one author attends the
conference to present the poster and fast-forward presentation session that
will take place during the conference and will give a chance for the authors
to orally present a very brief summary of their work to all conference
attendees. Authors will be required to make an A0 landscape/portrait poster
and to prepare one slide for presentation at the conference.
Inquiry can be sent to: <>
Organizing Committee
Conference Co-Chairs:
Issei Fujishiro, Keio University, Japan
Zhigeng Pan, Hangzhou Normal University, China Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, NTU,
Singapore & MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Program Co-Chairs:
Masaki Oshita, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Xubo Yang, Shanghai
Jiao Tong University, China Hyun Seung Yang, KAIST, Korea
Posters/Demos Chair
Tomohiko Mukai, Tokai University, Japan
Steering Committee:
Zhigeng Pan, China (STC Chair)
Matt Adcock, Australia
Judy Brown, USA
Yiyu Cai, Singapore
Masayuki Nakajima, Sweden
Daniel Thalmann, Singapore
Enhua Wu, Macao, China
Hyun Seung Yang, Korea
Xiaopeng Zhang, China