The Eurographics 2016 Technical Papers Program will showcase innovative
research in Computer Graphics and related areas. We invite submissions of
new ideas, and encourage all forms of research creativity and originality.
We are interested in practice, experience, novel applications, technological
or theoretical papers, with the ambition of setting the standard in the
field and stimulating future trends.
Accepted full papers will be presented at Eurographics 2016 and published in
a special issue of the Eurographics journal Computer Graphics Forum.
Therefore, submissions will undergo a two-step review process. We encourage
submissions from all areas related to computer graphics, including but not
limited to rendering, modeling, animation, simulation, visualization,
virtual and augmented reality, display technology, image processing, visual
computing, computer-aided fabrication, human-computer interaction, and
related disciplines.
Submission Dates
A preliminary abstract is due by 23:59 GMT, Friday, September 18, 2015, and
the full paper deadline is 23:59 GMT, Friday, September 25, 2015. Note that
a full paper can only be submitted if an abstract has been submitted by the
abstract deadline.
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory and will be conducted using
the <>
<> Submission and Review
Management (SRMv2) system. Papers must be written in English, must be
anonymized, and must be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer
Graphics Forum guidelines.
<> The publication
guidelines and LaTeX templates are available on SRMv2. Accepted papers must
be presented orally in English at Eurographics 2016. This event uses a
double-blind reviewing approach, so please be sure to remove all personal
data (such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your submission. References
to your own work should be made in the third person to maintain anonymity.
Reviewers are asked to keep confidential all materials sent to them for
evaluation. Non anonymous submissions will be rejected without review.
Note that this year, there is no arbitrary maximum length imposed on papers.
Papers should only be as long as they need to be, but not longer. Reviewers
might rank submissions perceived as being either repetitive or unnecessarily
long, lower than they would score concisely written papers.
Double Submission Policy
Authors are required to include a declaration that they have not previously
published the scientific contribution claimed in their paper, nor has it
been submitted to or is currently under review in any other conference or
journal before or during the Eurographics 2016 Technical Papers review
period. Any paper that does not adhere to these requirements will be
rejected without review.
Re-Submitted Material
For papers that have previously been reviewed by other venues and have been
rejected or withdrawn, the authors are encouraged to provide a cover letter
to describe the history of the paper (however, this does not imply reviewer
continuity). This cover letter can also answer the comments made in the
previous reviews, by either listing the changes that were made to comply
with them, or discussing/rebutting/clarifying some elements if need be.
Though not mandatory, this procedure is strongly encouraged. The cover
letter has to be submitted through SRM as an ‘Additional Attachment’ (see
last section of the SRM upload form for details).
Rebuttal, Notification, Publication & Prizes
● The reviews will be made available to the authors on November 13,
2015. During a rebuttal period from November 13 to November 18, 2015 authors
will be able to submit a brief document to address any factual errors or
clarify any issues raised by reviews.
● The date for notification of the results of the first round of the
review process is December 5, 2015.
● Revised versions of the papers conditionally accepted in the first
round must be submitted by December 31, 2015. The final notification of the
outcome of the second reviewing round will be made on January 15, 2016. The
camera-ready version of accepted papers will be due on January 31, 2016.
● From all accepted and presented papers, an international jury will
select the best papers. The best paper will receive the Günter Enderle
Award, including a cash prize of 1000 Euros, presented at Eurographics 2016.
For any question concerning full paper submissions please contact the papers
program co-chairs: <> chairs-eg2016(a)
Full Papers CoChairs
Joaquim Jorge, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Ming C. Lin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
[** Registration & Last Call For Papers **]
[** please circulate to friends & colleagues **]
Dear all,
Only 2 days left before submission deadline => Last Call for Papers,
July 23
And dont forget to register for VriPhys2015 in Lyon!
You will find all the needed information here:
in section "Practical Information > Registration"
Best regards, and see you in Lyon!
The 12th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical
Simulation (VRIPHYS) November 4-5, 2015, Lyon (France) Submission
deadline ** July 23, 2015 **
We are pleased to announce the 12th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS 2015. The workshop is hosted by LIRIS and
the Université Lyon 1 and will take place on Nov. 4-5, 2015. It is
organized in cooperation with EuroGraphics (EG) and will be preceded by a
Sofa-users day.
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality. The workshop provides an
opportunity for researches in virtual reality and computer animation to
present and discuss their latest results and to share ideas for potential
directions of future research.
Topics of interest
Include, but are not limited to:
* animation, e.g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and
geometric approaches
* virtual and augmented reality
* planning, learning, optimization for animation
* interfaces for creating and editing animations
* perception in animation
* autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior
* natural phenomena
* mathematical foundations of animation
* haptics
* sound interfaces
* related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling
* applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
Paper submissions in PDF should be formatted according to the EG publication
style, and the EG exclusive licence form has to be filled, following the
Submissions must be anonymous, should be written in English and should not
exceed 10 pages. We encourage the submission of supplementary videos to
particularly illustrate dynamic aspects of a submission. All materials will
be submitted electronically through the SRM portal before July 23, 2015.
All submissions will be reviewed by members of the International Program
Committee. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop. A full
proceedings with all accepted papers will be published at the time of the
Important dates
Full Paper Submission: July 23, 2015
Full Paper Notification: Sept. 11, 2015
Camera-ready: Sept. 24, 2015
Conference: Nov. 4-5, 2015
Poster/Work in Progress submission: Sept. 17, 2015 Poster/Work in
Progress notification : Sept. 24, 2015
Best papers award
The "best papers Award" will be given to the author(s) of full papers
presented at the conference, selected by the Organizing Committee. The
authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version to
the journal Computers & Graphics, for publication in a Virtual Special Issue
SOFA-users day
Following the half-day held in Lille in 2013
(, this year VRIPHYS will once
again be preceded by a tutorial/workshop for SOFA-users. SOFA is an Open
Source framework primarily targeted at real-time simulation, with an
emphasis on medical simulation. It is mostly intended for the research
community to help develop newer algorithms, but can also be used as an
efficient prototyping tool.
General Chair
Fabrice JAILLET IUT Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Florence ZARA Université Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Gabriel ZACHMANN University of Bremen, Germany
For more information, please visit
See you in Lyon!
[apologies for multiple postings]
Eurographics 2016 Conference
May 9-13, 2016 - Lisbon, Portugal
Accepted STARs will be published in Computer Graphics Forum
State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) provide an up-to-date and comprehensive
overview of a special topic of current interest related to Computer
We welcome submissions on all topics relevant to EUROGRAPHICS, and
particularly encourage STARs on topics that have not been covered in any
recent previous STAR. A STAR can also address the use of Computer Graphics
techniques in a different scientific discipline or in industrial practice.
For examples of suitable STAR topics, please refer to the EUROGRAPHICS
digital library.
At EUROGRAPHICS 2016, the authors of a STAR will be given 90 minutes to
present the report at a level that also allows non-experts in the particular
domain to follow this presentation.
For any questions concerning STAR submissions please contact the STARs
co-chairs: <> chairs-eg2016stars(a)
** Important Dates **
Full STAR submission: September 11, 2015
First review notification: January 8, 2016
Revised STAR submission: February 12, 2016
Second review notification: March 11, 2016
Final STAR submission: March 25, 2016
** Submission Details **
This year, STARs will undergo a single blind, double cycle review, similar
to the one for regular papers. Hence, there is no need to prepare a STAR
proposal first, and the full-length STAR with no more than 25 pages must be
submitted before the submission deadline.
Each STAR will be reviewed by three members of the IPC who are experts in
the respective topic. Accepted STARs will be published in a special issue of
Computer Graphics Forum, which appears right before the Eurographics
conference. Submissions needing a major revision will be transferred to the
standard submission track of Computer Graphics Forum.
Brief biographies of the authors should be included in the submission,
demonstrating their qualification to produce the proposed STAR.
Electronic submission of STARs is mandatory and will be conducted using the
<> EG Submission and Review Management System
The deadline for the submission of STAR proposals is 23:59 UTC/GMT,
September 11, 2015, with notification of conditional acceptance on January
8, 2016. The revised version of conditionally accepted STARs will have to be
submitted at a later date for a second review, and the camera ready version
will be due about 6 weeks before the start of the conference.
STAR Chairs
Joaquim Madeira, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Gustavo Patow, University of Girona, Spain
Teresa Romão, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
[** please circulate to friends & colleagues **]
Dear all,
The registration is now open for VriPhys2015 in Lyon!
You will find all the needed information here:
in section "Practical Information > Registration"
And of course, submission is still open => Extended Call for Papers,
July 23
Best regards, and see you in Lyon!
The 12th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical
Simulation (VRIPHYS) November 4-5, 2015, Lyon (France) Submission
deadline ** July 23, 2015 **
We are pleased to announce the 12th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS 2015. The workshop is hosted by LIRIS and
the Université Lyon 1 and will take place on Nov. 4-5, 2015. It is
organized in cooperation with EuroGraphics (EG) and will be preceded by a
Sofa-users day.
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality. The workshop provides an
opportunity for researches in virtual reality and computer animation to
present and discuss their latest results and to share ideas for potential
directions of future research.
Topics of interest
Include, but are not limited to:
* animation, e.g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and
geometric approaches
* virtual and augmented reality
* planning, learning, optimization for animation
* interfaces for creating and editing animations
* perception in animation
* autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior
* natural phenomena
* mathematical foundations of animation
* haptics
* sound interfaces
* related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling
* applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
Paper submissions in PDF should be formatted according to the EG publication
style, and the EG exclusive licence form has to be filled, following the
Submissions must be anonymous, should be written in English and should not
exceed 10 pages. We encourage the submission of supplementary videos to
particularly illustrate dynamic aspects of a submission. All materials will
be submitted electronically through the SRM portal before July 23, 2015.
All submissions will be reviewed by members of the International Program
Committee. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop. A full
proceedings with all accepted papers will be published at the time of the
Important dates
Full Paper Submission: July 23, 2015
Full Paper Notification: Sept. 11, 2015
Camera-ready: Sept. 24, 2015
Conference: Nov. 4-5, 2015
Poster/Work in Progress submission: Sept. 17, 2015 Poster/Work in
Progress notification : Sept. 24, 2015
Best papers award
The "best papers Award" will be given to the author(s) of full papers
presented at the conference, selected by the Organizing Committee. The
authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version to
the journal Computers & Graphics, for publication in a Virtual Special Issue
SOFA-users day
Following the half-day held in Lille in 2013
(, this year VRIPHYS will once
again be preceded by a tutorial/workshop for SOFA-users. SOFA is an Open
Source framework primarily targeted at real-time simulation, with an
emphasis on medical simulation. It is mostly intended for the research
community to help develop newer algorithms, but can also be used as an
efficient prototyping tool.
General Chair
Fabrice JAILLET IUT Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Florence ZARA Université Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Gabriel ZACHMANN University of Bremen, Germany
For more information, please visit
See you in Lyon!
[apologies for multiple postings]
Eurographics 2016 Conference
May 9-13, 2016 - Lisbon, Portugal
The Eurographics 2016 Workshop Committee invites active members of the
community to submit proposals for Workshops to be held at the Eurographics
2016 Conference. Accepted workshops will take place during the weekend
before the main conference (May 7-8).
The workshops should focus on topics relevant to the Eurographics
researchers and offer a forum for discussions and interactions among
participants. They should differ from the main topics covered in the
conference yet attract fellow members of the community.
* Submission Details
The Workshop proposal should not exceed 5 pages (including CFP) and should
include the following details:
- Title
- Abstract
- Relevance and significance of this workshop to the main conference
- A short history of the workshop, if not being offered for the first time
- Length: Full day or half day
- Short bio of the workshop organizers (who should be experts in the related
topics and preferably from multiple institutions)
- Estimated paper submission volume and paper acceptance rate
- Expected attendance
-A draft workshop call for papers with:
- Names, affiliations, addresses and email addresses of the workshop
- A list of potential Program Committee members and their affiliations
Workshop proposal submissions should be sent to:
<> chairs-eg2016workshops(a)
* Review
Workshop proposals will be reviewed by EG2016 Workshop Chairs based on three
a) the likely interest of the workshop to EG attendees
b) the breadth and depth of the topic
c) the expertise and credential of the organizer(s)
* Important Dates
Proposal Submission Deadline: September 15, 2015 Notification of Acceptance:
September 30, 2015 Workshop Days: May 7-8, 2016
For accepted workshops: Note that each accepted workshop should be
responsible for deciding their own submission and review timeline,
publicizing the workshop and compile the program. However, notification and
camera-ready deadline are enforced by the publisher and cannot be changed.
Thus, the deadline for Chairs to make sure that all materials from their
workshops are delivered to Proceedings Chairs in the camera ready format is
March 30, 2016.
* Examples of Successful Workshops from the last three years (2013 - 2015)
- 3DOR - 3D Object Retrieval Workshop ( <>
- WICED - Intelligent Camera Control, Cinematography and Editing
- ILE - Immersive Learning and Education
( <>
- UDMV - Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation
( <>
- EGPGV - Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
( <>
* Workshop Chairs
Manuel J. Fonseca, University of Lisbon, Portugal Jiri Zara, Technical
University of Prague, Czech Republic
Thank you for spreading this new opening to potential candidates.
(Please excuse any multiple postings)
PhD Student Position in Physically-Based Simulation
The newly founded Interactive Graphics and Simulation Group at
the University of Innsbruck, Austria invites applications for
the position of a PhD student in physically-based simulation,
with an application in surgical simulation.
We are seeking a motivated and talented PhD student with interest
and skill in physically-based simulation and surgical simulators.
The main focus will be on new approaches of interactive tissue
deformation computation in medical training systems. There is a
possibility for collaboration with an industrial partner in this
Candidates should have earned a Master or Diploma degree in
Computer Science, Mathematics, or other related fields. Good
knowledge in physically-based simulation is expected. In addition,
some experience with surgical simulation is of advantage. Further,
knowledge of virtual/augmented reality and computer haptics is
also a plus. Experience and knowledge in C/C++ programming is
expected, as well as a good level in English, both written and
Candidates should send electronically an application with complete
CV, grades and transcripts, relevant certificates, and links to
relevant prior publications via email. The compiled material
should be sent in PDF format to:
<> matthias.harders(a)
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Matthias Harders
Interactive Graphics and Simulation Group
University of Innsbruck
STAG 2015 - Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics
Verona, October 15,16 2015
The aim of the conference is to focus on smart novel ideas and smart
customization of existing modeling and rendering techniques for
effective Computer Graphics applications. The goal is also to bring
together practitioners, users and researchers, which will hopefully
inspire further collaboration between participants particularly between
academia and industry.
The topics are (but not limited to):
Modeling Rendering
Animation Imaging and image processing
Human-Computer Interaction
Graphics systems Applications
Information visualization
Volume graphics Web graphics
In particular, we are looking for:
Tricks and Hacks: clever ways to optimize or otherwise improve
known techniques or algorithms for real-world applications
Original Techniques and Algorithms: new ways to solve real
problems. Methods that offer improvements over ones in common use.
Experience/Advice: how to make practical use of known research
results. For example, what are the parameter settings that really work?
How much precision is needed? How many data points?
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: July 31, 2015
Notification: September 11, 2015
Camera ready: September 20, 2015
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory. Papers must be written
in English, must be anonymized, should not exceed 10 pages in length,
and must be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer Graphics
Forum publication guidelines. This event uses a double-blind reviewing
approach, so please remove all personal data (like such as authors,
affiliations, etc.) from your submission. Reviewers are asked to keep
confidential all materials sent to them for evaluation.
Authors of the three selected best papers will be invited to submit an
extended version of their works for review and potential publication in
a Special Issue of the Elsevier Computer and Graphics journal (
<> )
Program Committee:
Marco Agus, CRS4
Francesco Banterle, ISTI - CNR
Silvia Biasotti, IMATI - CNR
Matteo Dellepiane, ISTI - CNR
Marco Fratarcangeli, Chalmers University of Technology
Fabio Ganovelli, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Valeria Garro, ISTI - CNR
Andrea Giachetti, Università di Verona
Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4
Jose A. Iglesias-Guitian, Disney Research
Federico Iuricich, DISI - Università di Genova
Fabio Marton, CRS4
Paolo Pingi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Gianni Pintore, CRS4
Riccardo Scateni, Università di Cagliari
Alberto Signoroni, Università di Brescia
Davide Spano, Università di Cagliari
Marc Stamminger, University of Erlangen
Filippo Stanco, Università di Catania
Marco Tarini, Università dell'Insubria
Event Chair: Andrea Giachetti (University of Verona)
[Extension of VRIPHYS deadline!]
[Please circulate to friends & colleagues]
Extended Call for Papers for VRIPHYS 2015, July 23
Best regards, and see you in Lyon!
The 12th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical
Simulation (VRIPHYS) November 4-5, 2015, Lyon (France) Submission
deadline ** July 23, 2015 **
We are pleased to announce the 12th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS 2015. The workshop is hosted by LIRIS and
the Université Lyon 1 and will take place on Nov. 4-5, 2015. It is
organized in cooperation with EuroGraphics (EG) and will be preceded by a
Sofa-users day.
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality. The workshop provides an
opportunity for researches in virtual reality and computer animation to
present and discuss their latest results and to share ideas for potential
directions of future research.
Topics of interest
Include, but are not limited to:
* animation, e.g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and
geometric approaches
* virtual and augmented reality
* planning, learning, optimization for animation
* interfaces for creating and editing animations
* perception in animation
* autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior
* natural phenomena
* mathematical foundations of animation
* haptics
* sound interfaces
* related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling
* applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
Paper submissions in PDF should be formatted according to the EG publication
style, and the EG exclusive licence form has to be filled, following the
Submissions must be anonymous, should be written in English and should not
exceed 10 pages. We encourage the submission of supplementary videos to
particularly illustrate dynamic aspects of a submission. All materials will
be submitted electronically through the SRM portal before July 23, 2015.
All submissions will be reviewed by members of the International Program
Committee. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop. A full
proceedings with all accepted papers will be published at the time of the
Important dates
Full Paper Submission: July 23, 2015
Full Paper Notification: Sept. 11, 2015
Camera-ready: Sept. 24, 2015
Conference: Nov. 4-5, 2015
Poster/Work in Progress submission: Sept. 17, 2015 Poster/Work in
Progress notification : Sept. 24, 2015
Best papers award
The "best papers Award" will be given to the author(s) of full papers
presented at the conference, selected by the Organizing Committee. The
authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version to
the journal Computers & Graphics, for publication in a Virtual Special Issue
SOFA-users day
Following the half-day held in Lille in 2013 (
<>, this year VRIPHYS will once again
be preceded by a tutorial/workshop for SOFA-users. SOFA is an Open Source
framework primarily targeted at real-time simulation, with an emphasis on
medical simulation. It is mostly intended for the research community to help
develop newer algorithms, but can also be used as an efficient prototyping
General Chair
Fabrice JAILLET IUT Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon,
Florence ZARA Université Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Gabriel ZACHMANN University of Bremen, Germany
For more information, please visit
See you in Lyon!
STAG 2015 - Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics
Verona, October 15,16 2015
The aim of the conference is to focus on smart novel ideas and smart
customization of existing modeling and rendering techniques for effective
Computer Graphics applications. The goal is also to bring together
practitioners, users and researchers, which will hopefully inspire further
collaboration between participants particularly between academia and
The topics are (but not limited to):
Modeling Rendering
Animation Imaging and image processing
Human-Computer Interaction
Graphics systems Applications
Information visualization
Volume graphics Web graphics
In particular, we are looking for:
Tricks and Hacks: clever ways to optimize or otherwise improve known
techniques or algorithms for real-world applications
Original Techniques and Algorithms: new ways to solve real problems.
Methods that offer improvements over ones in common use.
Experience/Advice: how to make practical use of known research results.
For example, what are the parameter settings that really work? How much
precision is needed? How many data points?
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: July 31, 2015
Notification: September 11, 2015
Camera ready: September 20, 2015
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory. Papers must be written in
English, must be anonymized, should not exceed 10 pages in length, and must
be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum
publication guidelines. This event uses a double-blind reviewing approach,
so please remove all personal data (like such as authors, affiliations,
etc.) from your submission. Reviewers are asked to keep confidential all
materials sent to them for evaluation.
Authors of the three selected best papers will be invited to submit an
extended version of their works for review and potential publication in a
Special Issue of the Computer and Graphics journal edited by Springer
Program Committee (tentative):
Marco Agus, CRS4
Francesco Banterle, ISTI - CNR
Silvia Biasotti, IMATI - CNR
Matteo Dellepiane, ISTI - CNR
Marco Fratarcangeli, Chalmers University of Technology
Fabio Ganovelli, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Valeria Garro, ISTI - CNR
Andrea Giachetti, Università di Verona
Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4
Jose A. Iglesias-Guitian, Disney Research
Fabio Marton, CRS4
Paolo Pingi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Gianni Pintore, CRS4
Riccardo Scateni, Università di Cagliari
Alberto Signoroni, Università di Brescia
Davide Spano, Università di Cagliari
Marc Stamminger, University of Erlangen
Filippo Stanco, Università di Catania
Marco Tarini, Università dell'Insubria
Event Chair: Andrea Giachetti (University of Verona)
Program Chairs: Silvia Biasotti (IMATI-CNR), Marco Tarini, Università
Bookshop Clearance
Eurographics is having a clearance sale of printed proceedings, that are
held in stock in Germany. Items will be supplied subject to availability!
Those books will be offered free of charge to people who are willing to pay
the delivery costs.
Don't miss this occasion to complete your own library - so please have a
look at the list of books available.
How do you place an order?
Publication Order Form