Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call for Papers
Please forward this mail to anyone interested
Call for Papers
24-26 June 2015
Strasbourg, France
Computer Graphics International is one of the oldest and true international
conference in Computer Graphics and one of the five most important ones
worldwide. It is an essential yearly meeting where academics present their
latest models and technologies, and explore new trends and ideas. In
previous years, it had been held in many different places worldwide - UK,
Germany, Australia, and many other nations in Europe, Asia, and America.
Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2015, the 32nd annual conference will
take place on June 24-26, 2015 in Strasbourg, France. The city of
Strasbourg is located in the center of Europe, at the crossroads of France,
Germany and Switzerland. The conference will be organized by the Computer
Graphics and Geometry Group of ICube Laboratory (CNRS/Université de
Accepted full-length papers will be published in the Visual Computer
journal. Authors of accepted short papers will be invited to submit an
extended version of their work to Visual Computer; these papers will follow
a fast track review process.
We invite original contributions that advance the state-of-the-art
in topics related, but not limited to:
- Graphics Systems Architecture
- Human Computer Interaction
- Rendering Techniques
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Shape and Surface Modeling
- Physically Based Modeling and Simulation
- Scientific Visualization
- Data Compression for Graphics
- Medical Imaging
- Computational and Discreet Geometry
- Multimedia and Web Graphics
- Image Based Rendering
- Graphics Toolkits
- Computational Photography
- Computer Animation
- Visual Analytics
- Shape and Image Retrieval
- Sketch Based Modeling
- 3D PrintingSurface and Volume Deformation
- Shape Analysis
- Graphics Hardware
- Parallel Systems and GPU
- Natural Phenomena
- Interactive Techniques
The selected 35 best full papers will appear as journal papers in the
special issue of the leading international journal The Visual Computer by
Springer Verlag publisher, and will be presented orally at the conference.
The scientific program of the conference will also include short papers and
Paper submission: Feb. 15th 2015
Paper notification: Mar. 18th 2015
Camera ready papers due: Apr. 8th 2015
Paper submission: Apr. 24th 2015
Paper notification: May 12th 2015
Camera ready papers due: May 22th 2015
<http://cgi2015.unistra.fr/index.html> http://cgi2015.unistra.fr/index.html
Conference chairs: Hyewon SEO, Victor OSTROMOUKHOV
Program chairs: Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN, Frederic CORDIER
Local organization: IGG, ICube Laboratory (CNRS/Université de Strasbourg)
General: Rémi ALLEGRE, Basile SAUVAGE, Hyewon SEO
Image coordination and publicity: Arash HABIBI
Technical support and administration: Olivier GENEVAUX
Relations with national and european institutions: Dominique BECHMANN
Apologies for cross postings.
20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D 2015)
Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH, Web3D Consortium, EDF, NVIDIA, Technological
Education Institute of Crete, and Region of Crete. In cooperation with
Date: June 18-21, 2015
Location: Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Webpage: <http://web3d2015.web3d.org/> http://web3d2015.web3d.org/
Important Deadlines:
March 16, 2015 - Paper Submission Deadline April 01, 2015 - Workshop,
Tutorial and Poster Submission Deadline
The 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D2015) will
address an extensive range of research topics related to Web-based 3D
Graphics. These topics include research on simulation and training using
Web3D, enabling technology of web-aware, interactive 3D graphics from mobile
devices up to high-end immersive environments, and the use of ubiquitous
multi-media across a wide range of applications and environments from:
. Cultural Heritage
. Telemedicine (eHealth)
. Transportation
. Industry
. Manufacturing
. Education (eLearning)
. Tourism
. Gaming
. Creativity and Digital Art
. Public Sector (eGovernment)
For the 2015 edition, we welcome works addressing the emerging opportunities
and research of portable, integrated information spaces over the web
including, but not limited to:
. Scalable and interoperable representations and modeling methods for
complex geometry, structure, and behaviors.
. 3D similarity search and matching, 3D search interfaces, and sketch-based
. Visualization and exploration of 3D object repositories.
. Scientific and medical visualization, medical simulation and training.
. 3D content creation, analysis tools and pipelines, and 3D classification.
. Generative and example-based shape modeling and optimization.
. 3D digitization.
. Streaming and rendering of large-scale models, animations, and virtual
. 3D compression and model optimization.
. Collaborative operation and distributed virtual environments.
. Web-wide human-computer interaction and 3D User Interfaces.
. 3D City Models & Web3D, Geo-visualization.
. Mixed and Augmented Reality, including standardization aspects.
. Web3D and associated APIs, toolkits, and frameworks.
. Novel Web3D interaction paradigms for mobile/handheld applications.
. Agents, animated humanoids, and complex reactive characters.
. Interactive Web 3D applications in all applications and sectors.
. Script algorithms and programming for lightweight Web3D.
. Networking transmission over mobile Internet . 3D engine and cloud gaming.
. Data analysis and intelligent algorithms for big Web3D data.
. Web3D technologies for sustainable energy and power systems applications.
Call for Papers
We welcome the submission of papers presenting original work in Web3D
research and application on the topics including but not limited to as
described above. All submissions will be peer-reviewed for quality and
contribution by the conference International Program Committee. In
collaboration with the Editor-in-Chief of Graphical Models, the best papers
of Web3D 2015 will be invited to submit their extended versions for
publication in a forthcoming special issue of the journal after an
additional review cycle.
Authors are invited to submit full papers (up to 9 pages, including figures
and references) or short papers (up to 4 pages, including figures and
references) in PDF format via the Submission Site at
http://web3d2015.web3d.org/papers.html. Papers must be formatted using the
document templates for conferences sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH (please refer
to <http://www.siggraph.org/learn/instructions-authors>
Poster Submission Instructions
Web3D 2015 offers a timely venue to present and discuss new web 3D research
through a forum that encourages graphical presentation, demonstration and
active engagement with participants. We particularly encourage contributions
that take advantage of the nature of the poster space to present and raise
awareness of the work in effective and imaginative ways. Submissions will be
reviewed by the Program Committee for contribution and interest to
conference topics. For more information, please see the poster submission
instructions at <http://web3d2015.web3d.org/posters.html>
Tutorial and Workshop Submission Instructions
Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are
encouraged. As in previous years, Web3D 2015 will also feature a number of
co-located Workshop sessions. The series of Workshops and Tutorials are
intended to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from both the
Web and 3D graphics communities to discuss and exchange positions on current
and emergent 3D Web topics.
For more details about Workshop proposals:
For more details about Tutorial Sessions:
Important Dates
March 16, 2015 - Paper Submission Deadline April 01, 2015 - Workshop
Submission deadline April 01, 2015 - Tutorial Submission Deadline April 01,
2015 - Poster Submission Deadline April 19, 2015 - Paper Notification April
20, 2015 - Tutorial Notification April 29, 2015 - Camera-ready Papers
May 10, 2015 - Early conference registration Jun 01, 2015 - Regular
conference registration
Contact Information
Program Chairs
Dr. Jinyuan Jia, Tongji University, China Dr. Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Armstrong
State University, USA Dr. Tobias Schreck, University of Konstanz, Germany
Tutorial Chair
Dr. Tobias Alexander Franke, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Workshop Chairs
Sandy Ressler, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA David
Catuhe, Microsoft, USA
General Chairs
Dr. Athanasios G. Malamos, Technological Educational Institute of Crete,
Greece Christophe Mouton, EDF, France
Steering Committee
Don Brutzman, Naval Postgraduate School, United States Nicholas F. Polys,
Virginia Tech, United States
Full papers will handled through Elsevier COMPUTERS AND GRAPHICS (CAG)
reviewing system.
Use <http://ees.elsevier.com/cag> http://ees.elsevier.com/cag for
submissions High Quality Papers Will be Published in a Special Section of
Remaining accepted papers to be published on ACM Digital Library
Important dates:
Paper submission: February 8
First Decision: March 8
Revised version due: March 15
Final decision: March 22
Camera ready papers due: March 29, 2015
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce the 2015 edition of the Computer Graphics Forum
Cover Contest.
Entries are due February 28, 2015. The full announcement and submission site
can be found at:
<http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/cgf/> http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/cgf/
We are looking for the cover image to appear on 2015 issues of Computer
Graphics Forum. Thanks again to Federico Ponchio for coordinating.
Why don't you send us an interesting image from one of your latest papers?
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Richard Zhang and Oliver Deussen
3D Object Retrieval Workshop (3DOR) 2015
Co-located event with Eurographics 2015
Website: <http://vc.ee.duth.gr/3dor2015/> http://vc.ee.duth.gr/3dor2015/
Do you remember the days when retrieving the data that you needed from the
internet was a matter of visiting sites your friends knew? The days when you
would try out alternative search engines to find a single result? Was it a
coincidence that text retrieval engines flourished with the explosion of
textual information on the internet that could not be manually explored?
A new wave of information is now underway. Low-cost 3D scanners and 3D
printers combined with popular applications of Computer Graphics and Vision
are making 3D object models appeal to an increasing audience. See for
example repositories such as <http://shapes.aimatshape.net/>
http://shapes.aimatshape.net/ , <https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/>
As these 3D object collections are growing, the importance of effective
retrieval, search and exploration is increasing. Because it is easier to
find something than to create it from scratch and because manual browsing
quickly becomes intractable as a collection grows.
To this effect it is crucial to develop algorithms for the content-based
searching of 3D object collections; creating compact and accurate
descriptors for 3D objects; indexing 3D objects; creating efficient storage
structures for data bases of 3D objects; investigating theoretical aspects
of practical importance such as what it means for two shapes to be similar;
interfaces for content-based 3D object search; visualization techniques for
3D search results; real time aspects of techniques and algorithms. Many
fields of Computer Science and beyond can offer their valuable knowledge to
this complex but highly interesting and practical problem.
The aim of the 3DOR Workshop series is to stimulate researchers from
different fields such as Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Machine
Learning, Cognitive Science and Human-Computer Interaction who work on or
are interested in 3D object retrieval search and exploration, to present
state-of-the-art work in the field or learn about it and participate in
discussions. This will provide a cross-fertilization that will stimulate
discussions on the next steps in this important research area. 3DOR 2015will
be the 8th workshop in this series.
3DOR 2015 will be a 2-day event for the first time and will contain the
following tracks: research papers, posters, 2 keynote speeches (NEW!), EU
project presentations and networking (NEW!), industrial session (NEW!).
Call for Papers, Posters and System Demonstrations
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research and
application papers addressing all areas of 3D Object Retrieval. Submissions
are invited in the form of full papers (up to 8 pages) and short papers
presented in a poster session (up to 4 pages).
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- 3D object similarity and matching
- 3D video retrieval
- 3D mobile media retrieval
- 3D object retrieval and Web3D
- 3D search in large scale data
- Personalized 3D search
- 3D object classification, indexing, and mining
- Similarity of non-rigid shapes
- Feature extraction, decomposition, and segmentation
- Multi-level representations for matching and retrieval
- Partial, part-in-whole, and many-to-many matching
- Matching under uncertainty and noise
- Semantics-driven 3D object retrieval and classification
- Sketch-based retrieval
- Query interfaces and search modalities
- Benchmarking issues
- Relevance feedback methods
- Active learning
- Statistical techniques for 3D shape analysis and retrieval
- Generative/discriminative approaches in 3D object categorization
- Applications in multimedia, CAD, architecture, games, biometrics,
e-science, e-learning, medicine, biology, and cultural heritage.
This years workshop will also feature the 10th Shape Retrieval Evaluation
Contest ( SHREC2015 - <http://www.projects.science.uu.nl/shrec/>
http://www.projects.science.uu.nl/shrec/ )
It is planned to have extended versions of selected papers from the Workshop
appearing, after a further review, in a special issue of an international
journal. Selected papers from previous workshops appeared in special issues
of The Visual Computer (TVC) journal.
Workshop Chairs
Ioannis PRATIKAKIS, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Theoharis THEOHARIS, NTNU, Norway
Programme Chairs
Luc Van GOOL, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Remco VELTKAMP, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Programme Committee
· Ceyhun B. Akgul, (Vistek-ISRA Vision, Turkey)
· Yiannis Aloimonos (UMIACS, USA)
· Andrea Giachetti (University of Verona, Italy)
· Benjamin Bustos (University of Chile, Chile)
· Halim Benhabiles (ESIGELEC Rouen, France)
· Stefano Berretti (University of Florence, Italy)
· Silvia Biasotti (IMATI CNR Genoa, Italy)
· Michael Bronstein (Universita' della Svizzera Italiana,
· Umberto Castellani(University of Verona, Italy)
· Mohamed Daoudi (Télécom Lille 1 / Institut Mines-Télécom, France)
· Petros Daras (Information Technologies Institute, Greece)
· Alberto Del Bimbo(University of Florence, Italy)
· Leo Dorst (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
· Bianca Falcidieno(IMATI-CNR, Italy)
· Dieter Fellner (Fraunhofer IGD, Germany)
· Alfredo Ferreira (Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal)
· Daniela Giorgi (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
· Afzal Godil (National Institute of the Standards and Technology,
· Yossi Keller (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
· Ron Kimmel (Technion, Israel)
· Hamid Laga (University of South Australia, Australia)
· Guillaume Lavoue (INSA Lyon, France)
· Niloy Mitra (University College of London, UK)
· Georgios Papaioannou (AUEB, Greece)
· David Picard (ETIS-ENSEA, France)
· Herindrasana Ramampiaro (NTNU, Norway)
· William Regli (Drexel University, USA)
· Marcos Rodrigues (University of Sheffield, UK)
· Raif M. Rustamov (Stanford University, USA)
· Dietmar Saupe, (University of Konstanz, Germany)
· Nickolas S. Sapidis (University of Western Macedonia, Greece)
· Ivan Sipiran (University of Konstanz, Germany)
· Tobias Schreck (University of Konstanz, Germany)
· Hedi Tabia (ETIS-ENSEA, France)
· Oliver van Kaick (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
· Jean-Philippe Vandeborre (Télécom Lille 1 / Institut
Mines-Télécom, LIFL, France)
· Hazem Wannous (University Lille1 / LIFL, France)
· Stefanie Wuhrer (Saarland University / Max Planck Institute,
Important dates
Paper submission : Feb. 20, 2015
Notification of authors : Mar. 27, 2015
Camera-ready papers due : Apr. 13, 2015
Workshop dates : May 2-3, 2015
E G P G V 2015
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
25 - 26 May, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
*** EGPGV 2015 - Call for Papers ***
Welcome to the 15th EGPGV, the Eurographics Symposium on
Parallel Graphics and Visualization. The event will take place
on May 25 - 26 in Cagliari, island of Sardinia, Italy.
The Symposium will be held in conjunction with EuroVis 2015.
*** NOTE: there are two tracks for this year's symposium, full papers
and visualization showcase short papers ***
The importance of parallel computing is increasing rapidly with the
ubiquitous availability of multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and cluster systems.
Computationally demanding and data-intensive applications in graphics
and visualization are strongly affected by this trend and require novel
efficient parallel solutions. The aim of this symposium is to foster the
exchange of experiences and knowledge exploiting and defining new trends
in parallel graphics and visualization.
The proceedings of the EGPGV Symposium will be published in the
Eurographics Proceedings Series and in the Eurographics Digital Library.
Focusing on parallel computing, the symposium seeks papers on graphics
and visualization techniques, data structures, algorithms, and systems for:
* large-data
* clusters
* (multi-)GPU computing, and heterogeneous, hybrid architectures
* out-of-core
* hybrid distributed and shared memory architectures
* grid and cloud environments
In particular the symposium topics include:
* computationally and data intensive rendering
* scientific visualization (volume rendering, flow and tensor
* information visualization and visual analytics
* simulations for virtual environments (physics-based animation,
collision detection, acoustic)
* mesh processing, level-of-detail, and geometric methods
* visual computing (image- and video-based rendering, image processing
and exploitation, segmentation)
* scheduling, memory management and data coherence
* large and high resolution displays, virtual environments
* scientific, engineering, and industrial applications
Full papers are expected to be eight to ten (8-10) pages in length, with
the final length appropriate to the contribution of the paper. Papers
should be submitted using the Eurographics Conference style
> (
Please use this linked version, which contains the correct details for
The expected schedule is as follows:
* Full Paper Due: February 13, 2014
* Author Notification: March 27, 2014
* Camera-Ready Paper Due: April 8, 2014
The best paper will be invited to submit an extended version to IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).
Scientific Visualization Showcase
This year we present a new track for EGPGV 2015, which provides a forum
for the year's most instrumental movies in parallel graphics and
visualization. Finalists will compete for the Best Visualization Award,
and each finalist will present his or her movie during a dedicated
session at EGPGV '15 in a 10-minute presentation. Movies are judged
based on how their movie illuminates science, by the quality of the
movie, and for innovations in the process used for creating the movie.
The accepted submissions will appear as short papers in the symposium
Review and selection process:
Submission should include "Visualization Showcase:" at the beginning of
the paper title. Submissions needed to include a movie (up to 150MB in
size) and a short paper (up to 4 pages including references). The short
paper should describe the scientific story conveyed by the movie, how
the visualization helps scientific discovery, and the
"state-of-the-practice" information behind making the movie. The short
paper should be submitted using the Eurographics Conference style
> (
Please use this linked version, which contains the correct details for
Each submission will be peer reviewed by the EGPGV Paper Chairs.
Criteria for revision include:
1. Compelling visualization
2. Visualizing data involving parallel graphics and/or visualization in
a significant way (e.g., data size, parallel processing, parallel
3. Meaningful and compelling science story
4. Description of visualization techniques necessary to accomplish the
The expected schedule is as follows:
* Showcase Submission Due: February 28, 2014
* Author Notification: March 27, 2014
* Camera-Ready Paper Due: April 8, 2014
SMI2015 - Shape Modelling International
Telecom Lille/LIFL Lille (France), June 24-26, 2015
Shape Modelling International (SMI2015) Shape Modeling International
(SMI2015) provides an international forum for the dissemination of new
mathematical theories and computational techniques for modeling, simulating,
and processing digital representations of shapes and their properties to a
community of researchers, developers, students, and practitioners across a
wide range of fields. Conference Proceedings will be published in a special
issue of the Computers and Graphics Journal (Elsevier) after a rigorous
two-stage reviewing process. Papers presenting original research are being
sought in all areas of shape modeling and its applications, including (but
not limited to):
- Acquisition & reconstruction
- Healing & resampling
- Correspondence & registration
- Shape transformation & deformation
- Compression & streaming
- Implicit surfaces
- Interactive design, Interactive editing
- Sketching & 3D input
- Computational topology
- Exploration and analysis of shape collections
- Interactive design and editing
- Curves and surfaces
- Parametric & procedural models
- Volume & multidimensional modelling
- Multi-resolution techniques
- Subdivision methods
- Shape analysis, Semantics of shapes
- Shape matching & retrieval
- Features extraction & classification
- Segmentation
- Shape modelling for 3D printing and fabrication
- Medical images computing and analysis
- Submission: March 9 2015
- 1st Decision due: April 6
- Revised papers due: April 20
- 2nd Review Notification: May 4
- Final Versions Submitted: May 15
SMI 2015 will feature one day with tutorials (23 June 2015) on shape
modeling and related topics. Proposals are sought for tutorials teaching the
technical background of a given subject or demonstrating its applications.
Tutorial proposal (2-4 pages, including abstract, programme, and speakers'
biography) can be e-mailed to the Program Chairs (
<mailto:smi2015@ge.imati.cnr.it> smi2015(a)ge.imati.cnr.it) by 4 May 2015.
Additional submission details are available on the conference web site.
Mohamed Daoudi (Telecom Lille/ LIFL, France)
Bianca Falcidieno (CNR-IMATI, Italy, EG Fellow)
Giuseppe Patane' (CNR-IMATI, Italy)
Jean-Philippe Vandeborre (Telecom Lille/ LIFL, France)
Remco Veltkamp (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Call for Posters
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations of recent
results, work in progress, new ideas and other smaller projects which may be
of interest to the general community but which are still too speculative,
incomplete or not of sufficient extent to warrant a full paper.
Accepted posters will be included in the digital media. Posters will also be
displayed during the conference and will form the focus of a posters session
to be run in conjunction with one of the social events. We encourage
submissions from all areas related to computer graphics, such as rendering,
modeling, visualization, animation, simulation, virtual reality, computer
vision, and imaging.
Authors of accepted posters will be expected to be present at their posters
during the posters session to discuss their work and answer questions.
Submission Details
Submitted posters should be in the form of a 2 page paper which must be
formatted according to the
<http://www.eg.org/index.php/publications/guidelines> Eurographics Author's
guidelines and may be accompanied by a preliminary version of the actual
poster if the authors wish it. Anonymous submissions will be made
electronically through the
EG_2015P> Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRM) system and
subject do a review process.
Authors will be notified in time for submission of a final version in two
formats, a 2 page paper and an A4 version of the final poster. Both formats
will be included in the conference digital media with the proceedings and
other material.
For any question concerning poster submissions please contact the posters
co-chairs: <mailto:chairs-eg2015p@eg.org> chairs-eg2015p(a)eg.org
The submission deadline for posters is 23:59 UTC/GMT, Friday, February 6th,
Notification to authors will be on Friday, March 6th, 2015.
Posters Co-Chairs
<mailto:chairs-eg2015p@eg.org> Barbara Solenthaler, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
<mailto:chairs-eg2015p@eg.org> Enrico Puppo, University of Genoa, Italy
Call for papers 2015
31st Spring conference on Computer Graphics
Date and venue
Date: April 22-24, 2015
Location: Smolenice castle, Slovakia
Conference chair: Joaquim Jorge
Program chairs: Luis Paulo Santos, Roman Ďurikovič
Invited speakers: Will be announced later
We invite the authors in the field of computer graphics to submit their
scientific papers. Topics include: rendering, geometry modeling, natural
phenomena, visualization, image processing, computer vision and others (see
Conference topics) We welcome posters covering your recent research work,
late-breaking technical results and work in progress. These will be printed
in the posters proceedings.
We welcome scientific papers to be printed in COMPUTERS AND GRAPHICS journal
or in the proceedings as appointed by the IPC. Post-conference proceedings
will be published by ACM Digital Library (ACM Publishing House).
SCCG'2015 scientific full papers will be handled through Elsevier COMPUTERS
AND GRAPHICS journal paper reviewing system. Papers exhibiting high quality
will be published on a special section of this internationally highly
recognized journal. The remaining accepted papers will be published on the
conference proceedings and later published on ACM Digital Library
Important dates
Paper submission: February 8, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 8, 2015 Revised version due: March 15,
2015 Final decision: March 22, 2015 Camera ready: March 29, 2015
Poster submission: March 8, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 22, 2015 Camera ready: March 29, 2015
The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University,
Bratislava, Slovakia and The Slovak Society for Computer Science The
conference will be held in Smolenice castle, Slovak Republic (about
120 km from Vienna). This event is probably the oldest regular meeting of CG
community in Central Europe. The SCCG attempts to cover all interesting
projects from computer graphics, image processing and applications. The
philosophy of SCCG is to put together top experts with young researchers in
CG and to support a good communication channel for East-West exchange of
prospective ideas.
Extended Deadline: 15 January 2015 !!!
Notification: 20 February 2015
The deadline for this year's EG Medical Prize has been extended. Take the
chance to receive a high-end NVIDIA graphics card, the price money and a
free registration for Eurographics 2015 by submitting four pages summarizing
your contribution.
The Eurographics Association organizes a biannual competition to acknowledge
the contribution that computer graphics is playing in the medical field, and
to encourage further development. Originally called "Eurographics Medical
Prize, the competition was renamed to "Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual
Computing in Medicine" in 2010 -- in honor of Dirk Bartz who passed away far
too early in March 2010. Dirk Bartz was a highly recognized and enthusiastic
scientist, teacher and promoter of Visual Computing in Medicine;
furthermore, he was an active member of the Eurographics Association and
Chair of the EG Medical Prize 2007 and 2009.
Submissions for the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine 2015
are being invited from researchers and developers who can demonstrate that a
particular benefit has resulted from the use of computer graphics technology
in a medical application that they have produced. Examples of entries could
include the use of new data visualization techniques, interaction methods,
or virtual/augmented environments. Further information is available at
The top three winning entries of the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing
in Medicine 2015 will receive a prize and their submission will be published
in the "Short Papers and Medical Prize Awards" digital media proceedings of
Eurographics 2015. The judging panel will select the winning entry on the
basis of its clinical value, the use made of computer graphics, and its
novelty. All three winning teams will have an opportunity to briefly present
their results at Eurographics 2015, which means that at least one author of
each winning team must attend to present the results.
See the Hall of Fame
http://www.eurographics2015.ch/s/HallOfFame_20141016a.pdf for previous
recipients of the prize.
Submitted written entries have to be prepared as papers of up to 4 pages and
must be formatted according to the Eurographics Medical Prize Guidelines:
https://srm.eg.org/SRM_EG2013MED/subinstructions.html. The submission of
complementary material like videos, demo applications, and references to
additional publications of the authors, theses, etc .... is highly welcome!
Submissions will be made electronically through SRMV2 at
https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2015MED. Winning entries will be
published in the "Short Papers and Medical Prize Awards" digital media
proceedings of Eurographics 2015, and in the EG Digital Library.
For any question concerning medical prize submissions please contact the
medical prize co-chairs at: chairs-eg2015med(a)eg.org
Hans-Christian Hege, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
Timo Ropinski, Linköping University, Sweden