2010 International Conference on Cyberworlds
20-22 October 2010, Singapore http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/SCE/cw2010
Organized by the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore.
In cooperation with Eurographics Association and Interactive Digital Media
R&D Program Office, Media Development Authority of Singapore The application
for IEEE Computer Society technical co-sponsorship has been submitted.
Cyberworlds are information worlds or communities created on cyberspace by
collaborating participants either intentionally or spontaneously. As
information worlds, they accumulate information regardless whether or not
anyone is in, and they can be with or without 2D or 3D visual graphics
appearance. The examples of such cyberworlds are communities created in
different social networking services, 3D shared virtual environments, and
multiplayer online games. Cyberworlds are closely related to the real world
and have a serious impact on it. Cyberworlds have been created and applied
in such areas as e-business, e-commerce, e-manufacturing, e-learning,
e-medicine, and cultural heritage, etc. Cyberworlds augment and sometimes
replace the real life and become a significant component of real economy.
The international conferences on Cyberworlds have being organized annually
since 2002 with the proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society and
special issues published in The Visual Computer and other research journals.
10th in the series, CW2010 will consist of paper sessions, tutorials,
industrial seminars, exhibitions and hands-on demonstrations where
researchers, artists, and vendors will show the state-of-the-art in the
field. CW2010 will have several parallel tracks including but not limited to
the following topics:
- Shared virtual worlds
- Collaborative spaces
- Virtual humans and avatars
- Intelligent talking agents
- Augmented reality in collaborative spaces
- Networked collaboration
- Haptic interaction and rendering
- Cognitive informatics
- Brain-computer interfaces
- EEG-based emotion recognition
- E-learning in virtual collaborative spaces
- Online multiplayer games
- Art and heritage in cyberspace
The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society,
placed in the IEEE Xplore and Computer Society digital libraries, and
submitted for indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and
other indexing services.
The best full papers will be selected for 2 special issues of the following
international journals:
- The Visual Computer (Springer)
- Transactions on Computational Science (Springer)
Important Dates:
Paper submission 30 April 2010
Notice of Acceptance 15 Jun 2010
Author registration 15 Jul 2010
Camera-ready paper 15 Jul 2010
Industrial Seminars/Exhibitions:
Key industrialists are invited to share their experience in creating and
applying cyberworlds to solve practical problems. Major research labs,
industrial companies and other institutions are invited to set up an
exhibition to present their group, the work and projects to the conference
participants. Please email your requests to cyberworlds{at}ntu.edu.sg or
call +65 6790-4292.
General Chair and Co-Chairs:
Alexei Sourin, NTU, Singapore.
Dieter Fellner, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany.
Daniel Thalmann, EPFL, Switzerland and NTU, Singapore.
Program Chair:
Olga Sourina, NTU, Singapore.
CONFIDENTIALITY: This email is intended solely for the person(s) named. The
contents may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended
recipient, please delete it, notify us, and do not copy or use it, nor
disclose its contents. Thank you.
Towards A Sustainable Earth: Print Only When Necessary
Eurographics 2010 Area Papers
In 2010, Eurographics will have a special focus on Mobile Visual Computing
and Dome Displays (http://www.eurographics2010.se/calls/area_papers/) which
will have paper sessions and other events within the conference devoted to
With Mobile Visual Computing we understand any aspects of computing images
for display on handheld devices, including software or hardware techniques
from graphics, vision and image processing, user interfaces and interaction.
Domed displays, with real-time computing, are becoming a much more widely
used approach to immersive computer graphics. The number of such sites is
increasingly rapidly and the technology and applications must advance to
meet the new challenges and opportunities which these systems provide. A new
domed display environment will be commissioned in Norrköping immediately
prior to the Eurographics conference, just minutes away from the conference
centre. It is intended that the dome will be used to host the dome areas
events and papers, and will provide an excellent environment for authors and
exhibitors to demonstrate new ideas for domed environments.
List of Topics
Suggested topics in the two areas are listed below but submissions are not
limited to just these topics, simply to the defined areas.
Mobile Visual Computing:
a.. Mobile graphics algorithms
b.. Mobile graphics applications
c.. Mobile graphics hardware
d.. Graphical user interfaces for mobile devices
e.. Visualization on handheld devices
f.. Handheld displays
g.. Mobile augmented reality
h.. Mobile computational photography
i.. User studies, human factors, evaluation of interaction techniques
Domed Displays:
a.. Projection systems and technologies
b.. Audio environment technologies and methods
c.. Interaction systems for small and large audiences
d.. Software development platforms
e.. Mixed media dome shows
f.. Combining live performance in dome environments
g.. Dome special effects
h.. Applications: practical, education and entertainment
Accepted papers will be presented at Eurographics 2010 as an oral
presentation, and will be published in the Areas Papers proceedings and
included in the conference digital media.
Authors are invited to submit both normal research papers, as well as
contributions that might be difficult to position as a regular or a short
paper because they are too much oriented towards the application or address
emergent, yet preliminary ideas on the future of Mobile Visual Computing and
Dome Displays.
The submission deadline for areas papers is December 11, 2009.
For any question concerning areas papers submissions please contact the
areas programme co-chairs: areas(a)eurographics2010.se
Submission Details
Submitted areas papers should be formatted according to the Eurographics
Areas publication style. For submission purposes, you should submit a paper
of up to 8 pages in length, or four pages for a short paper, according to
the submission guidelines. Anonymous submissions will be made electronically
through the Eurographics online submission system. Please indicate the area
to which your work is submitted.
Areas Co-Chairs
Matt Cooper, Linköping University, SE
Kari Pulli, Nokia Research Center, US
Committee Members
Mobile Visual Computing
Tomi Aarnio, Nokia Research Center, Finland
Emmanuel Agu, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Tolga Capin, Bilkent University, Turkey
Luca Chittaro, Universita di Udine, Italy
Thomas Ertl, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Hendrik Lensch, Universität Ulm, Germany
Manuel Menezes de Oliveira Neto, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,
Antti Nurminen, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Vidya Setlur, Nokia Research Center, USA
Jacob Ström, Ericsson Research, Sweden
Daniel Wagner, Technische Universität Graz, Austria
Jeong-Ho Woo, KAIST, Korea
Woontack Woo, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Hoi-Jun Yoo, KAIST, Korea
Domed Displays
EuroVis 2010 Call For Papers
We invite you to participate in EuroVis 2010, to be held in
Bordeaux, France, June 9-11, 2010. EuroVis 2010 is the
twelfth annual Visualization Symposium, jointly organized
by the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization and
the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee.
Papers accepted for EuroVis will be published in a special
issue of Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal
of the Eurographics Association, using a two-stage review process.
Papers should be at most 9 pages excluding references and at
most 10 pages including references.
Important dates:
Nov 27 2009: Abstracts due
Dec 4 2009: Full papers due
Feb 12 2010: First reviewing cycle notifications announced
Mar 5 2010: Second reviewing cycle papers due
Mar 19 2010: Final decisions announced
Apr 9 2010: Poster submissions due
Apr 23 2010: Poster notifications announced
Suggested topics for research papers include, but are not limited to:
* Visualization Taxonomies and Models
* Spatial Data in Visualization: scalar, vector and tensor fields,
multi-field and multi-variate, multi-dimensional, multi-resolution,
irregular and unstructured grids, geographic data, molecular data
* Non-Spatial Data (Information Visualization): graphs and trees,
high-dimensional data, dimensionality reduction, ambient information,
text and documents, time series data
* Visualization Techniques: metrical, geometrical, topological,
pixel-oriented, point-based, volume-based, icon- and glyph-based,
graph-based, feature-based, hierarchical, illustrative,
view-dependent, focus + context, statistical graphics, animation
* Interaction: human-computer interaction, interaction design,
zooming and navigation, linking + brushing, coordinated multiple
views, data editing, manipulation and deformation
* Visual Analytics, Visual Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Large Data Visualization: time-varying data, streams, compression,
parallel and distributed, scalability, visualization over networks
* Hardware for Visualization: visualization hardware,
hardware/GPU acceleration, volume hardware, display devices,
haptics for visualization
* General Topics: visual design, cognition, perception, aesthetics,
uncertainty, design studies, novel algorithms and mathematics,
presentation/production/dissemination, collaborative and distributed,
mobile/ubiquitous, visualization systems, problem-solving
environments, virtual environments, visualization for the masses,
* Evaluation and User Studies: task and requirements analysis,
metrics and benchmarks, qualitative evaluation, quantitative
evaluation, laboratory studies, field studies, usability studies
* Application Areas of Visualization: physical sciences,
bioinformatics and life sciences, engineering, geographic,
earth/space/environmental, information sciences, software,
financial, humanities, social sciences, education
Co-located Event: EuroVAST 2010
EuroVAST 2010 is the first international symposium on visual
analytics science and technology held in Europe. The goal of
the symposium is to promote and advance the combination and
integration of visualization and analytics methods for the purpose
of problem solving in a variety of application domains
(engineering, business, public policy, medicine, security, etc).
EuroVAST will be held on June 8, 2010 in Bordeaux, France,
co-located with the annual EuroVis 2010 Conference. The EuroVAST
program will feature a number of invited speakers from research
and industry as well as a poster program. Full papers should
be submitted to the EuroVis conference, which solicits visual
analytics as one of the core paper topics. EuroVAST is sponsored
by the European Coordination Action "VisMaster: Visual Analytics -
Mastering the Information Age" in cooperation with Eurographics.
EuroVAST web page: www.vismaster.eu/EuroVAST
Poster Submission Deadline for EuroVAST: February 15, 2010
The EuroVis 2010 symposium co-chairs,
Guy Melançon, Université de Bordeaux, France
Tamara Munzner, University of British Columbia, Canada
Daniel Weiskopf, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
******************* Call for Papers ***************************************
The Eurographics Ireland 2009 Workshop will be hosted by the Graphics
Vision and Visualisation Group in the School of Computer Science and
Statistics at Trinity College Dublin on Friday the 11th of December,
Authors are invited to submit papers for the 2009 Workshop of the
Irish Chapter of Eurographics (the European Association for Computer
Graphics). Submissions relating to all of Computer Graphics are
welcome. The theme of the workshop will be "Animate & Illuminate", but
we hope to bring together a diverse group of people interested in the
theory and applications of Computer Graphics and its intersection with
other areas, such as Perception, Games, Physics, Computer Vision,
Audio, and Haptics.
These include, but are not limited to, the following:
Audio Rendering
CAD/CAM & GIS Systems
Computational Geometry
Computational Photography
Computer Aided Geometric Design
Computer Games
Computer Vision & Image Processing
Crowd Rendering
Educational Aspects of Graphics
Geometric Modeling
Global Illumination
Graphics and Perception
Graphics for/from the World Wide Web
Graphics for Medicine
Graphics Hardware
High Dynamic Range Imaging
Human Computer Interfaces
Image Based Rendering
Mathematical Aspects of Graphics
Parallel & Distributed Graphics
Pattern Recognition
Physical Simulation
Procedural Techniques
Virtual Reality
Submissions relating to all aspects of Computer Graphics are invited.
We invite papers, 6-8 pages long, in the categories of applications or
research. High quality submissions describing work-in-progress will
also be considered. Papers must be written and presented in English.
The main contribution of the paper should not previously have appeared
in, or be submitted to, any other conference or journal. Acceptance of
papers will be determined by a review committee.
If accepted, you will be expected to deliver an oral presentation at
the workshop. All accepted papers will appear in the printed
proceedings and there will be a prize for the best paper. Authors of
some rejected papers with high potential will be invited to present
their work as a poster.
Papers must be submitted no later than Friday 30th October (12
Midnight GMT). Submissions should be emailed in pdf form to
egirl09(a)scss.tcd.ie. The subject of the email should be "EG Ireland 09
Submission". The submission guidelines for Eurographics Workshops can
be found at:
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: Friday 30th October, 2009
Acceptance notification: Friday 13th November, 2009
Camera-ready copy due: Friday 27th November, 2009
Workshop: Friday 11th of December, 2009
Apologies for cross postings - please forward to interested parties
To: general(a)eg.org
Deadline Extended: October 25, 2009 13:00 GMT for full papers
W S C G ' 2010 - Call for Papers
18-th International Conference in Central Europe
on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2010
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS Association
to be held at University of West Bohemia, Plzen [Pilsen], Czech Republic,
close to Prague - the Golden European City
February 1-4, 2010
Keynote speakers
* Todor Georgiev: Plenoptic Camera and Integral Photography (new developments), Adobe Systems Inc., USA
* Bedrich Benes: Virtual Landscaping, Purdue University, USA
Topics included
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, integral photography, image processing and pattern recognition, fundamental algorithms, GPU computation, graphical human computer interfaces, geometric modeling, computer aided geometric design, computational geometry, rendering and virtual reality, animation and multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, object oriented graphics, parallel and distributed graphics, mathematical aspects, CAD and GIS systems and others.
Information for authors
Important dates:
Paper upload: October 25, 2009 13:00 GMT - EXTENDED
WEB address for upload: http://wscg-reg.zcu.cz/wscg/
Author's notification: December 10, 2009
Up to 8 pages of A4 format,
additional material (video as MPEG, AVI, color plates etc.) up to 5 MB
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG proceedings with ISBN and all papers will be available on-line on WSCG WEB site with no access restriction.
Feel free to visit http://wscg.zcu.cz, where all papers are available on-line since 1992 (no access restriction)
SELECTED papers will be published in
the Journal of WSCG, Vol.18. ISSN 1213-6972
Journal of WSCG and WSCG proceedings, including Communication papers and posters, are indexed by ISI (Thomson Reuters www.isiknowledge.com/ - see http://wscg.zcu.cz/!-ISI-Record.pdf ), SCOPUS and others.
Journal of WSCG and WSCG proceedings are sent also to other indexing institutions.
If you would have a recommendation for a reviewer, please, ask him/her to register at http://wscg-reg.zcu.cz/wscg/ and send contact data to skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz subj. WSCG reviewer.
Organizer and conference office
Vaclav Skala, c/o University of West Bohemia, Campus Bory,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Univerzitni 8, Box 314, CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz Subject: INFO WSCG 2010
http://wscg.zcu.cz Fax: +420-37-78-22-578 Tel./Fax: +420-37-763-2457
C a l l f o r C o n t r i b u t i o n s
2nd Eurographics Workshop on
Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM)
July 1-2, 2010 - Universitaet Leipzig, Germany
Aims and Scope
Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine addresses the integration of
state-of-the-art visualization and image analysis for application to
research in biology and medicine. Integrating visualization and image
analysis brings with it particular challenges, but also yields new
possibilities, especially when extended for application to the wide gamut of
research topics in biology and medicine, such as molecular imaging,
quantitative longitudinal studies, pre- and intra-operative surgical
guidance, and the diverse field of system biology.
VCBM is unique in that it will bring together researchers and practitioners
from visualization, image processing and biology and medicine. We expect to
attract a number of attendees with biological and medical backgrounds, also
from the surrounding academic medical centers. This will pose a unique
opportunity to showcase the latest ideas from engineering and science, to
get feedback from biological and medical practitioners, and to explore new
possibilities for cooperative research. VCBM solicits the submission of
original application-oriented research papers that advance the fusion of
visualization and image analysis with imaging-based medicine and biological
science. All papers should focus on a well-defined biological or medical
context, and should demonstrate a significant innovation or improvement in
visual computing that addresses ongoing problems in that context.
Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
- Applications in cardiovascular medicine, neurosurgery, radiology, and
other medical disciplines
- Applications on Gene Expression Data and other system biology topics
- Visualization methods for neurobiology, plant biology and developmental
- Interactive segmentation and registration
- Computer-aided diagnosis and detection
- Intervention and therapy planning (eg. pre-operative surgical or radiation
therapy planning)
- Intra-operative guidance for surgery
- Visualization and Simulation for Surgical Training
- Coupled simulation and visualization
- Multi-field medical visualization and processing (multi-modality,
structural + functional)
- Perception-based studies for medical visual computing
- Reconstruction from image data, such as microscopic or radiological data
- Creation and visualization of biological/medical atlases
Submission Information
Paper submission is electronic only. Full details, including formatting
instructions and the submission procedure are provided through the workshop
webpage at http://vcbm.org/2010/submission-info/. Papers should be formatted
according to the EG workshop publication guidelines
(http://www.eg.org/publications/guidelines). You are strongly recommended to
use the respective EG LaTeX style files available. Papers should not exceed
8 pages in length.
Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and will appear in the
EG-published conference proceedings. A small number of excellent papers will
be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for the VCBM 2010
Special Issue of Elsevier's Journal Computers and Graphics. Supplementary
material (e.g. videos) can also be provided, and will be considered when the
paper is reviewed; see the submission site for full details.
We invite you to contribute to the first VCBM Poster session. Poster
abstract submissions are due April 19, 2010. For accepted posters there will
be a session where all presenters will concurrently discuss their work with
VCBM attendees and a poster compendium that will contain the abstracts. The
poster session is a venue for several kinds of work. We welcome preliminary
findings that are not mature enough for a full paper, interesting work with
a contribution smaller than a typical research paper (student projects often
fall into this category), or late-breaking research where you would benefit
from feedback from the community before writing it up as a full paper. The
suggested topics are the same as for the papers. More information can be
found at the workshop website.
Conference Location
VCBM 2010 will be held in Leipzig, Germany. Leipzig hosts the 2nd oldest
university in Germany, which is currently celebrating its 600 anniversary.
Next to cultural landmarks (former home of Johann-Sebastian Bach and Felix
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, the Gewandhaus Orchestra, the New Leipzig School of
painting, etc.), it provides a rich research environment for medicine,
biology, bioinformatics, and visual computing. It is conveniently located in
the heart of Europe and it is a major hub of the German Railway (with direct
train connections from Frankfurt Airport). Nearby airports include the
Airport Leipzig/Halle and the airports of Berlin.
Invited Speakers
Roland Bammer, Stanford University
Anders Ynnermann, Linkoepings Universiteit
Workshop Cochairs
Dirk Bartz, Universitaet Leipzig
Charl Botha, Delft University of Technology
Joachim Hornegger, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg
Raghu Machiraju, The Ohio State University
Poster Chair
Alexander Wiebel, Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain
Sciences, Leipzig
Important Dates
Paper submission February 28, 2010
Author notification April 9, 2010
Poster submission April 19, 2010
Camera-ready papers due May 3, 2010
Workshop July 1-2, 2008
Contact information
For more information please visit http://vcbm.org/2010 or contact:
Dirk Bartz
Great opportunity to explore the Plzen (Pilsen) city, city where today's
beer fermentation was invented (http://www.zcu.cz/plzen/)
with some time spent in Prague, the Golden European city of the Europe
Deadline EXTENDED:
Paper upload (annonymous and affiliated - upto 8 pages A4):
October 25, 2009 13:00 GMT (London time)
Dear WSCG friend,
this is the 18-th WSCG Call for Papers - Deadline was EXTENDED to October
25, 2009
Feel free to visit http://wscg.zcu.cz, where all papers are available
on-line since 1992 (no access restriction).
W S C G ' 2010
(formerly the Winter School of Computer Graphics)
18-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics,
Visualization and Computer Vision 2010
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS
to be held at University of West Bohemia, Pilsen [Plzen], Czech Republic,
close to Prague - the Golden European City
February 1-4, 2010
Information for authors
Important dates:
Paper upload: October 25, 2009
Author's notification: December 10, 2009
Up to 8 pages of A4 format, additional material
(video as MPEG, AVI, color plates etc.) up to 5 MB
Topics included
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and
pattern recognition, fundamental algorithms, GPU computation, graphical
human computer interfaces, geometric modeling, computer aided geometric
design, computational geometry, rendering and virtual reality, animation and
multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, object oriented
graphics, parallel and distributed graphics, WWW technologies, CAD and GIS
systems and others.
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG
proceedings with ISBN and all papers will be available on-line on WSCG WEB
site with no access restriction.
SELECTED best papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, Vol.18. ISSN
Journal of WSCG and WSCG proceedings, including Communication papers and
posters, are indexed by ISI (Thompson Reuters www.isiknowledge.com/ - see
http://wscg.zcu.cz/!-ISI-Record.pdf ).
Journal of WSCG and WSCG proceedings are sent also to other indexing
Organizer and conference office
Vaclav Skala, c/o University of West Bohemia, Campus Bory,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Univerzitni 8, Box 314, CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz Subject: INFO WSCG 2010
http://wscg.zcu.cz Fax: +420-37-78-22-578 Tel./Fax:
Eurographics 2010 Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
May 2-3, 2010, Norrköping, Sweden
Co-located with Eurographics '10
Call for Papers
Aims and Scope of the Symposium
The importance of parallel computing is again increasing rapidly with the
ubiquitous availability of multi-core CPUs, many-pipe GPUs as well as
cluster systems. Computationally demanding disciplines such as realistic 3D
computer graphics and high-performance scientific visualization are strongly
affected by this trend and require novel efficient parallel graphics and
visualization solutions.
Building on the success of previous EGPGV symposia, we happily announce the
10th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization. EGPGV is
the premier international event focusing on parallel graphics and
visualization technology, where novel solutions exploiting and defining new
trends in parallel hardware and software architectures are presented. The
aim of the symposium is to strongly encourage exchange of experiences and
knowledge in parallel and distributed visual computing and its application
to all aspects of computer graphics and data visualization.
All papers should have a direct relation to some aspect of parallelism in
graphics or visualization such as multi-core computing, multi-pipe GPU
rendering/computing, distributed systems, clusters or grid environments.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Photo-realistic rendering
- Volume rendering
- Large data set visualization
- GPGPU applications
- Simulations for interactive applications
- Cluster based graphics and visualization systems
- Large and high resolution displays
- Efficient graphics and visualization methods
- Out of core rendering from/for multiple resources
- Parallel visual computing
- Large scale simulations and graphics rendering
- Visualization and graphics for scientific, engineering and commercial
- Graphics and visualization in Grid environments
- Multimodal applications
- Scheduling, memory management and data coherence
The EGPGV Symposium is co-located with the EUROGRAPHICS Annual Conference,
which will take place May 3-7, 2010.
See also: http://www.eurographics2010.se/
Paper Submission and Important Dates
The proceedings of the Symposium will be published in the Eurographics
Proceedings Series and on the Eurographics Digital Library.
Paper submission: January 27th, 2009
Author notification: March 9th, 2010
Camera-ready paper: March 17th, 2010
Symposium Chair
Renato Pajarola, University of Zurich
Program Chairs
James Ahrens, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Kurt Debattista, University of Warwick
Call for posters.
The Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference (EG_IT) is the main italian
conference on Computer Graphics. Organized by the EUROGRAPHICS
Italian Chapter, the 7th EG_IT will be held in Verona on 22-23
October, 2009.
The scientific program of the conference will consist of high-quality
talks by distinguished speakers and contributed posters. There will
be no
published proceedings, so that participants are encouraged to present
posters on their ongoing or recently published work.
The deadline is October 8, 2009.
Invited speakers:
Oliver Bimber (Bauhaus-University Weimar)
Eoin Brazil (University of Limerick)
Giandomenico Caruso (Poiltecnico di Milano)
Massimiliano Corsini and Paolo Cignoni (ISTI-CNR, Pisa)
Raffaele De Amicis (Graphitech, Trento)
André Gagalowicz (INRIA Rocquencourt)
Enrico Gobbetti and Marco Agus (CRS4, Pula)
Michael Goesele (T.U. Darmstadt)
José Antonio Iglesias Guitiàn (CRS4, Pula)
Sylvain Lefebvre (INRIA)
Renato Pajarola (University of Zurich)
Jean Philippe Pernot (LSIS - CNRS, Aix-en-Provence)
Enrico Puppo (University of Genova)
Fabio Remondino (FBK, Trento)
Lauri Savioja (Helsinki University of Technology)
Jerome Schmid (MIRALAB, University of Geneva)
Michela Spagnuolo (IMATI-CNR, Genova)
André Stork (Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt)
Luc Van Gool (ETH Zurich - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Gualtiero Volpe (University of Genova)
Michael Wimmer (T.U. Wien)
For more information, please visit the Conference web site at:
EG_IT 2009 Organising Committee
Umberto Castellani
Andrea Fusiello
Andrea Giachetti
Vittorio Murino
Braunschweig (Germany),
November 16 - 18, 2009
Sponsored by
DFG, Simi GmbH, Nvidia GmbH
| |
| October 1, 2009 |
Vision, Modeling and Visualization are symbiotic disciplines. Although,
they are different in terminology and formalism, they profit from the
synergy of jointly encountered problems and jointly used technologies.
Special interest topics range from image-based modeling and rendering,
future directions of photography, hardware graphics up to medical and
information Visualization.
* Browse to our web registration form
* Follow the guidelines
* Early bird deadline: October 1, 2009
* vmv09(a)tu-bs.de
* http://vmv09.tu-bs.de
* Marcus Magnor
* Bodo Rosenhahn
* Holger Theisel