S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S !!!!!
Athens (GREECE), 29 - 30 of May, 2009
In cooperation with Eurographics
General Chair: Dimitri PLEMENOS (plemenos(a)numericable.com)
Local Chair: George MIAOULIS (gmiaoul(a)teiath.gr)
Invited speakers: Elena MARTINOVA (Russia), Alfred INSELBERG (Israel),
Mateu SBERT (Spain)
REGISTRATION FEES: 190 Euro (regular participants)
130 Euro (students)
Payment by Bank transfer (see http://3ia.teiath.gr)
Friday, May 29, 2009, Morning
09:15 a.m: Reception
09:50 a.m: Opening of the Conference
10:00 a.m: Invited speaker (Elena Martinova)
Realistic skin rendering on modern GPU.
Elena Martinova (RUSSIA)
11:00 a.m: Coffee break
1st session: Human modelling and animation
11:30 a.m.: Affective states in behavior networks.
Anja Johansson, Pierangello Dell'Aqua (SWEDEN).
12:00 a.m.: A framework for simulating the behavior of various
kinds of crowds.
Hakim Soussi, Joël Savelli, Marc Neveu (FRANCE).
2nd session: Textures
12:20 a.m.: GENSHADE:Automation of texture production.
Alaa Eldin M. Ibrahim (KOWAIT), Donald H. House (USA).
12:40 a.m.: Developing Dynamic Cellular Textures From Monotone
Patterns Using Voronoi Diagrams.
A.H.F. Navid, A.Z. Nasrollahy, A. Bastanfard (IRAN).
13:00 a.m. Lunch
Friday, May 29, 2009, Afternoon
02:30 p.m.: Invited speaker (Mateu Sbert)
Viewpoint Selection, Mesh Saliency and Geometry
Mateu Sbert, Miquel Feixas, Miguel Chover (SPAIN).
3rd session: Visualization
03:30 p.m.: A Neural Network Classifier of Volume Datasets.
D. Zukic, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb (GERMANY).
04:00 p.m.: Photometric Compression and Interpolation for
Light Source Representation.
S. Delepoulle, C. Renaud, P. Preux (FRANCE).
04:30 p.m: Coffee break
4th session: Image modelling and processing
05:00 p.m.: An Intelligent System for Overlaying Texts on
Background Images Based on Computational Aesthetics.
Chien-Yin Lai, Sheng-Wen Shih, Jen-Shin Hong (TAIWAN).
05:30 p.m.: Efficient algorithm of noise removal from a torn paper.
T. Nawaz, K. A. Qazim, I. Ashraf (PAKISTAN).
05:50 p.m.: AURAL: An Evolutionary Interface for a Robotic
Sonification Process.
A. Moroni, E. Guimaraes, G. de Paula, J. Manzolli (BRAZIL).
06:20 p.m.: End of session
Saturday, May 30, 2009, Morning
09:30 a.m.: Invited speaker (Alfred Inselberg)
Visualizing Multidimensional Geometry with
Applications to AI.
Alfred Inselberg (ISRAEL).
5th session: Modelling
10:30 a.m.: An Adjectival Interface for Procedural Content Generation.
Carl Hultquist, James Gain (SOUTH AFRICA), David Cairns (UK).
11:00 a.m.: Automation of style acquisition and implementation in 3D
scene synthesis.
Dimitrios Makris, Georgios Bardis, Georgios Miaoulis (GREECE),
Dimitri Plemenos (FRANCE).
11:30 a.m.: Coffee break
6th session: Scene description and interpretation
12:00 a.m.: Performance Evaluation of User's Profile Estimation Methods
in a Declarative Collaborative Framework.
N. Doulamis, J. Dragonas, A. Doulamis, G. Miaoulis (GREECE),
D. Plemenos (FRANCE).
12:30 a.m.: Optimal Scene Interpretation: Semantic Management
of 3-D Objects from a Point Cloud Scene.
Paul Cotofrei, Christophe Kunzi and Kilian Stoffel
12:50 a.m.: Lunch
Saturday, May 30, 2009, Afternoon
7th session: Evolutionary methods
02:30 p.m.: Evolutionary techniques.
Alaa Eldin M. Ibrahim (KOWAIT), Donald H. House (USA).
8th session: Various themes
02:50 p.m.: Reconstruction of Three Dimensional Spatial Clusters
Using Monocular Camera.
Kai Zhou, Michael Zillich and Markus Vincze (AUSTRIA).
03:10 p.m.: Game technologies usage for users attraction to
educational resources.
A. Lavrov, N. Ilyina (RUSSIA).
03:30 p.m.: Raster Image Transformation for Laser Engraving Machine
NC Programming.
Olga V. Yepifanova, Alexander Inozemtsev, Dmitri I. Troitsky
03:50 p.m.: 3d-algorithms of conics construction in AutoCAD.
Alexander Kheyfets (RUSSIA).
04:10 p.m.: End of the conference
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a)unilim.fr I
I 83,rue d'Isle I http://msi.unilim.fr/~plemenos/ I
| | |
| Home address: | |
| 44, rue Antoine Bourdelle | Home phone: (+33) 5 55 43 80 60 |
| 87000 LIMOGES - FRANCE | Home e-mail: plemenos(a)numericable.com |
(Apologies for cross-posting)
We would appreciate if you could distribute this information by your
colleagues and co-workers.
XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
October 11-14, 2009
The Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing,
SIBGRAPI 2009, will be held at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do
Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, between October
11th and 14th, 2009.
SIBGRAPI is the most important Brazilian meeting in Computer
Graphics, Image Processing, and Computer Vision. Started in 1988 with
the sponsorship of the Brazilian Computer Society, this will be its 22th
edition. IEEE CS Press has published the proceedings of SIBGRAPI since
1997. All full papers are double blindly reviewed by three experts in the
of the work, and all papers considered high quality will be accepted.
As in the previews SIBGRAPI editions, the authors of the best papers can be
invited to submit extended versions of their work to international
journals in the field (best computer graphics papers have been published in
Computer Graphics Forum and The Visual Computer Journal, whereas the
best image processing and computer vision papers have been published in
Pattern Recognition Letters, Image and Vision Computing and Computerized
Medical Imaging and Graphics). A novelty for this year is the beginning of a
cooperation with the Eurographics Association, increasing the visibility of
Brazilian symposium considerably.
SIBGRAPI 2009 will be organized in collaboration with SBGames, the
largest conference in South America for Digital Game and Entertainment
As invited speakers, we have the pleasure to announce the presence of:
Prof. Jean-Daniel Boissonnat
Prof. Olga Sorkine (http://www.cs.nyu.edu/~sorkine/),
Prof. Janusz Konrad (http://iss.bu.edu/jkonrad/), and
Prof. Max A. Viergever (http://www.cs.uu.nl/staff/max.html).
Additional invited talks may be confirmed at a later date.
We invite you to participate by submitting your work in all areas of
Computer Graphics,Image Processing and Computer Vision.
The Full Papers are scheduled as oral presentations and published in
the IEEE Proceedings
for details of how to submit the paper).
Full Papers :
Submission: May 25, 2009 (Monday)
Reviews: June 23, 2009 (Tuesday)
Notification of Acceptance: June 30, 2009 (Tuesday)
Final Version: July 12, 2009 (Sunday)
Program chairs:
Luis Gustavo Nonato and Jacob Scharcanski
General Chairs:
Thomas Lewiner and Esteban Clua
10th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and
Cultural Heritage
7th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
September 22-25 2009, Malta
2nd Call for Papers - Paper Submission Deadlines extended
-Towards a "digital agenda" for the integration of technologies into
Archaeology and Cultural Heritage-
Nearly every organization whose mission includes promoting access to
cultural information, is well aware of the value of digital
applications, and digital technologies are finding their way into
cultural organizations. Nevertheless, a clear-cut division still exists
between humanities researchers, computer science researchers,
information scientists, librarians, and campus technologists, which
prevents a complete achievement of the potential represented by the
integration of these disciplines. Each community has distinctive
practices, lingo, assumptions, and concerns.
Understanding technology needs of the humanities, and more specifically
of Archaeology, Libraries and Cultural Heritage, has particular
relevance to the future of knowledge and education delivery, as well as,
to develop shared technology services to enhance humanities research now
and in the future. The main goal of this VAST is to bring together
professionals from all fields to start a true dialogue on CH needs and
ICT solutions and achieve a true integration of disciplines. This VAST
aims at disseminating the idea of a more systematic integration of
digital practices in research and education programs for CH, exploring
good practices, guidelines and skills development possibilities to
structure long-term initiatives and move towards a "digital agenda" for
Archaeology, Libraries and CH. This is why we are seeking contributions
that advance the state of the art in the technologies available to
support sustainability of human heritage.
- 2/3/4D Data Capture and Processing in CH
- Augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations
- Data Acquisition Technologies
- Digital Libraries
- Digital capture and annotation of intangible heritage (performance,
audio, dance, oral)
- Interactive Environments and Applications for CH
- Long term preservation of digital artefacts
- Metadata, classification schema, ontologies and semantic processing
- Multilingual applications, tools and systems for CH
- Multimedia Data Acquisition, Management and Archiving
- Multi-modal interfaces and rendering for CH
- On-site and remotely sensed data collection
- Professional and Ethical Guidelines
- Serious games in CH
- Standards and Documentation
- Storytelling and Design of Heritage Communications
- Tools for Education and Training in CH
- Usability, Effectiveness and Interface Design for CH Applications
- Visualization
Archaeology: Dr Zahi Hawass - General Secretary of the Supreme Council
of Antiquities of Egypt
Museums: Mme. Christiane Naffah - Director of the Research and
Restoration Center for France Museums
The best papers presented at VAST 2009 will be selected for
re-submission on a special edition of the upcoming ACM Journal on
Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), an online, peer reviewed
**** - UPDATED - (NEW!) VAST-STARs - ****
VAST 2009 introduces the "VAST-STate-of-the-Art Reports (VAST-STARs)",
inspired by the EG STARs. These are papers providing useful novel
overviews of research in the fields of computer graphics, computer
science and related fields that can benefit the multidisciplinary
nature of VAST. They are survey papers in what the community considers
important areas that have not been covered before or recently. Their aim
is to give a detailed account of the principles, algorithms and open
problems of a research area, so that an interested reader can quickly
come up to speed in this field. We warmly encourage all colleagues to
submit to the VAST-STARs reports. Two VAST-STARs will be selected by
peer review and will be published in the local proceedings together with
the short/project papers. The VAST-STARs are also eligible for the best
papers award. VAST-STARs authors will present their work with a 60
minute presentation during VAST 2009. We are also happy to announce that
the chosen VAST-STARs will be invited to the Springer journal Virtual
Reality. ****
We are soliciting five types of contributions:
=Full research papers presenting new innovative results. These papers
will be published by Eurographics in a high-quality proceedings volume.
=VAST-STARs providing a useful novel overview of research in the fields
of computer graphics, computer science and related fields that can
benefit the multidisciplinary nature of VAST. These papers will be
published in the "Projects & Short Papers" proceedings volume and will
be invited to the Springer journal Virtual Reality.
=Project papers focusing on on-going projects, the description of
project organization, use of technology, and lesson learned not
innovative technical content. These papers will have an oral
presentation and will be included in a "Projects & Short Papers"
proceedings volume. Authors will have the option to present a poster
during the breaks to provide more information regarding the project.
=Short papers presenting preliminary ideas and works-in-progress. These
papers will have an oral presentation and will be published in the
"Projects & Short Papers" proceedings volume.
=Tutorials and Workshops: half-day and full-day working sessions that
provide an opportunity to educate and share on key topics of interest
face-to-face. Tutorial submissions will be published in the "Projects &
Short Papers" proceedings volume. Workshops that provide supplemental
materials in time for the CD-ROM printing will also be included. All
material will be made available on the VAST 2009 website.
All types of submissions will be reviewed and feedback given to the
authors. See detailed information on the VAST 2009 website under
Conference co-chairs: Kurt Debattista - University of Warwick, Sandro
Spina - University of Malta
Program Committee: Cinzia Perlingieri - University of California at
Berkeley, Denis Pitzalis - The Cyprus Institute, STARC
Local Organisational Committee: Sandro Spina - University of Malta,
Chris Porter - University of Malta, Keith Bugeja - University of Warwick.
VAST-STARs Committee: Fotis Liarokapis (Coventry University - UK),
Michael Ashley - University of California at Berkeley
- ISC -
Achille Felicetti (PIN - University of Florence)
Aderito Marcos (Universidade do Minho - Portugal)
Alan Chalmers (University of Warwick - UK)
Alan Smeaton (Dublin City University - Ireland)
Alberto Proenca (Universidade do Minho - Portugal)
Bianca Falcidieno (CNR - Italy)
Daniel Pletinckx (Visual Dimension - Belgium)
Daniel Thalmann (Virtual Reality Lab - Switzerland)
David Arnold (University of Brighton - UK)
Erik Champion (Massey University - New Zealand)
Eva Pietroni (CNR ITABC - Italy)
Eva Zányi (University of Warwick - UK)
Fotis Liarokapis (Coventry University - UK)
Graeme Earle (University of Southampton)
Holly Rushmeier (Yale University - USA)
Isabelle Bloch (ENST - France)
Kriste Sibul (ICOM-CC - Estonia)
Jean Angelo Beraldin (National Research Council - Canada)
Juan Barcelo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Spain)
Karina Rodriguez-Echavarria (University of Brighton - UK)
Luis Paulo Santos (Universidade do Minho - Portugal)
Maria Theodoridou (FORTH - Institute of Computer Science - Greece)
Mercedes Farjas (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Spain)
Michael Ashley (University of California at Berkeley)
Milena Dobreva (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgaria)
Nadia Thalmann (MIRALAB - Switzerland)
Paolo Cignoni (ISTI - CNR - Italy)
Robert Sablatnig (Vienna University of Technology - Austria)
Roberto Scopigno (ISTI-CNR - Italy)
Sofia Pescarin (CNR - Italy)
Stephen Stead (Paveprime Ltd - UK)
Sven Havemann (Graz University of Technology - Austria)
Vittore Casarosa (CNR - Italy)
Abstract submission (full/project/short/workshops/tutorials/VAST-STARs):
25th May 2009 (23:59 PTZ)
Paper submission for full papers and short papers
(full/project/short/workshops/tutorials/VAST-STARs): 29th May 2009
(23:59 PTZ)
Author notification: 28th June 2009
Camera-ready copies: 5th July 2009
Conference Web Site: http://www.vast2009.org/
Event Chairs: Kurt Debattista, Sandro Spina - org_committee<at>vast2009.org
Program Chairs: Cinzia Perlingieri, Denis Pitzalis -
General Info/Organisation/Logistics: Sandro Spina - info<at>vast2009.or
September 30 - October 2 2009
Chania, Crete, Greece
The Symposium for Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization
APGV unites researchers in the fields of perception, graphics, and
visualization. These fields can benefit from the exchange of ideas ---
in particular research in computer graphics and visualization can
benefit from and contribute to research in perception.
Our sixth annual event provides an intimate, immersive forum for
exchanging ideas about areas of overlapping interests. For example,
one of the impressive achievements of our visual system is the
recovery of 3D structure from motion; computer graphics and animation
algorithms may provide controls and insights into how this mechanism
works. Likewise, determining how to make animated simulations of
characters that are undetectable from real humans may rely on insights
and research from perception.
We invite submissions of original work in the areas described above
that broadly meet two goals of our community:
Goal 1. Use insights from perception to advance the design of methods
for visual, auditory and haptic representation. Examples would
* applications of insights from perception to the development of
algorithms for more efficient, effective, or realistic modeling,
rendering, and animation
* applications of perception in the design and evaluation of
methods for more effective representation and communication of
* computational aesthetics, stylization, and perceptual aspects of
non-photorealistic rendering
* perceptual issues arising due to fusion of digital imaging,
computer vision, and computer graphics techniques
* perception-inspired interfaces for immersive activities in
virtual worlds
Goal 2. Advance and facilitate novel basic perception and cognition
research that uses and is relevant to applications in computer
graphics and visualization. Examples would include:
* perception and visuomotor control in computer games, virtual and
augmented environments
* fundamental contributions in spatial and temporal vision
* integration of empirical perception research with computational
* color vision and color appearance modeling
* the influence of attention and eye movements on visual
perception and visual memory
* statistical learning and perception of natural scenes
* perception of shapes, surfaces and materials
* visual illusions and perceptual organization having potential to
enhance image depiction
Important Dates
10 June 2009 Mandatory abstract submission
12 June 2009 Deadline for paper submission
17 July 2009 Notification of paper acceptance
31 July 2009 Final Papers Due
31 July 2009 Poster Submission Deadline
30 September-2 October 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece: Conference
Research can be submitted as a long paper (up to 8 pages and a 20
minute talk), a short paper (up to 4 pages + 15 min talk), or as a
poster presentation (1 page abstract). Papers that are not accepted
will automatically be considered for the poster session. Authors of
posters accepted by this route will of course have the option to
decline the opportunity to present a poster. Please check the
formatting guidelines before submitting your work on
http://www.apgv.org. Submissions do not need to be anonymous.
All papers will be carefully reviewed by our International Program
committee. Papers will be evaluated as submitted, given the limited
time between submission and final version. This year, under a new
agreement with the ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) and
the ACM Publications Board, the strongest accepted papers will be
accepted for "presentation" at APGV and accepted (with revisions) to
ACM TAP. These papers will form the ACM TAP "APGV 2009 special issue,"
and will be given the designation "presented at APGV" as part of their
TAP citation. For those papers so selected, we guarantee continuity of
reviewers. Should a paper so selected not be adequately revised to the
satisfaction of the editors for its final acceptance into TAP, it will
revert to the APGV proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Authors of
such special issue papers must agree to present the paper at APGV.
(As has always been the case, authors of regular APGV papers can still
submit to TAP regular issues with appropriate additions.)
Authors of accepted papers must prepare a final electronic version of
their paper that is "camera-ready". This electronic version will appear
in the ACM Digital Library as well as a conference proceedings DVD.
Program Chairs
Bobby Bodenheimer, Vanderbilt University
Carol O'Sullivan, Trinity College Dublin
Conference Chair
Katerina Mania, Technical University of Crete
Outreach Chair
Betty Mohler, MPI for Biological Cybernetics
International Program Committee
Martin Banks, University of California, Berkeley
Volker Blanz, University of Siegen
Marina Blog, University of Bradford
Alan Chalmers, University of Warwick
Sarah Creem-Regehr, University of Utah
Douglas Cunningham, University of Tuebingen
James Elder, York University
Roland Fleming, MPI for Biological Cybernetics
Diego Gutierrez, University of Zaragoza
Matthias Harders, ETH Zurich
Mary Hayhoe, University of Texas, Austin
Christopher G. Healey, North Carolina State University
Victoria Interrante, University of Minnesota
Roberta Klatzky, Carnegie-Mellon University
Joe Kearney, University of Iowa
Jonathan Kelly, Vanderbilt University/Iowa State University
Michael Langer, McGill University
Rafal Mantiuk, University of British Columbia
Rachel McDonnell, Trinity College Dublin
Gary Meyer, University of Minnesota
Ann McNamara, Texas A&M University
Betty Mohler, MPI for Biological Cybernetics
Karol Myszkowski, MPI Informatik
Adar Pelah, University of York
Sylvia Pont, Delft University of Technology
Erik Reinhard, University of Bristol
Bernhard Riecke, Simon Fraser University
Veronica Sundstedt, Trinity College Dublin
William B. Thompson, University of Utah
Christian Wallraven, MPI for Biological Cybernetics
Greg Ward, Anywhere Software
Andrew Welchman, Birmingham Unversity
S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S !!!!!
Athens (GREECE), 29 - 30 of May, 2009
In cooperation with Eurographics
General Chair: Dimitri PLEMENOS (plemenos(a)numericable.com)
Local Chair: George MIAOULIS (gmiaoul(a)teiath.gr)
Invited speakers: Elena MARTINOVA (Russia), Alfred INSELBERG (Israel),
Mateu SBERT (Spain)
REGISTRATION FEES: 190 Euro (regular participants)
130 Euro (students)
Payment by Bank transfer (see http://3ia.teiath.gr)
Friday, May 29, 2009, Morning
09:15 a.m: Reception
09:50 a.m: Opening of the Conference
10:00 a.m: Invited speaker (Elena Martinova)
Realistic skin rendering on modern GPU.
Elena Martinova (RUSSIA)
11:00 a.m: Coffee break
1st session: Human modelling and animation
11:30 a.m.: Affective states in behavior networks.
Anja Johansson, Pierangello Dell'Aqua (SWEDEN).
12:00 a.m.: A framework for simulating the behavior of various
kinds of crowds.
Hakim Soussi, Joël Savelli, Marc Neveu (FRANCE).
2nd session: Textures
12:20 a.m.: GENSHADE:Automation of texture production.
Alaa Eldin M. Ibrahim (KOWAIT), Donald H. House (USA).
12:40 a.m.: Developing Dynamic Cellular Textures From Monotone
Patterns Using Voronoi Diagrams.
A.H.F. Navid, A.Z. Nasrollahy, A. Bastanfard (IRAN).
13:00 a.m. Lunch
Friday, May 29, 2009, Afternoon
02:30 p.m.: Invited speaker (Mateu Sbert)
Viewpoint Selection, Mesh Saliency and Geometry
Mateu Sbert, Miquel Feixas, Miguel Chover (SPAIN).
3rd session: Visualization
03:30 p.m.: A Neural Network Classifier of Volume Datasets.
D. Zukic, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb (GERMANY).
04:00 p.m.: Photometric Compression and Interpolation for
Light Source Representation.
S. Delepoulle, C. Renaud, P. Preux (FRANCE).
04:30 p.m: Coffee break
4th session: Image modelling and processing
05:00 p.m.: An Intelligent System for Overlaying Texts on
Background Images Based on Computational Aesthetics.
Chien-Yin Lai, Sheng-Wen Shih, Jen-Shin Hong (TAIWAN).
05:30 p.m.: Efficient algorithm of noise removal from a torn paper.
T. Nawaz, K. A. Qazim, I. Ashraf (PAKISTAN).
05:50 p.m.: End of session
Saturday, May 30, 2009, Morning
09:30 a.m.: Invited speaker (Alfred Inselberg)
Visualizing Multidimensional Geometry with
Applications to AI.
Alfred Inselberg (ISRAEL).
5th session: Modelling
10:30 a.m.: An Adjectival Interface for Procedural Content Generation.
Carl Hultquist, James Gain (SOUTH AFRICA), David Cairns (UK).
11:00 a.m.: Automation of style acquisition and implementation in 3D
scene synthesis.
Dimitrios Makris, Georgios Bardis, Georgios Miaoulis (GREECE),
Dimitri Plemenos (FRANCE).
11:30 a.m.: Coffee break
6th session: Scene description and interpretation
12:00 a.m.: Performance Evaluation of User's Profile Estimation Methods
in a Declarative Collaborative Framework.
N. Doulamis, J. Dragonas, A. Doulamis, G. Miaoulis (GREECE),
D. Plemenos (FRANCE).
12:30 a.m.: Optimal Scene Interpretation: Semantic Management
of 3-D Objects from a Point Cloud Scene.
Paul Cotofrei, Christophe Kunzi and Kilian Stoffel
12:50 a.m.: Lunch
Saturday, May 30, 2009, Afternoon
7th session: Evolutionary methods
02:30 p.m.: AURAL: An Evolutionary Interface for a Robotic
Sonification Process.
A. Moroni, E. Guimaraes, G. de Paula, J. Manzolli (BRAZIL).
03:00 p.m.: Evolutionary techniques.
Alaa Eldin M. Ibrahim (KOWAIT), Donald H. House (USA).
8th session: Various themes
03:20 p.m.: Reconstruction of Three Dimensional Spatial Clusters
Using Monocular Camera.
Kai Zhou, Michael Zillich and Markus Vincze (AUSTRIA).
03:40 p.m.: Game technologies usage for users attraction to
educational resources.
A. Lavrov, N. Ilyina (RUSSIA).
04:00 p.m.: Raster Image Transformation for Laser Engraving Machine
NC Programming.
Olga V. Yepifanova, Alexander Inozemtsev, Dmitri I. Troitsky
04:20 p.m.: 3d-algorithms of conics construction in AutoCAD.
Alexander Kheyfets (RUSSIA).
04:40 p.m.: End of the conference
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a)unilim.fr I
I 83,rue d'Isle I http://msi.unilim.fr/~plemenos/ I
| | |
| Home address: | |
| 44, rue Antoine Bourdelle | Home phone: (+33) 5 55 43 80 60 |
| 87000 LIMOGES - FRANCE | Home e-mail: plemenos(a)numericable.com |
(Apologies for cross-posting)
We would appreciate if you could distribute this information by your
colleagues and co-workers.
XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
October 11-14, 2009
The Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing,
SIBGRAPI 2009, will be held at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do
Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, between October
11th and 14th, 2009.
SIBGRAPI is the most important Brazilian meeting in Computer
Graphics, Image Processing, and Computer Vision. Started in 1988 with the
sponsorship of the Brazilian Computer Society, this will be its 22th
edition. IEEE CS Press has published the proceedings of SIBGRAPI since
1997. All full papers are double blindly reviewed by three experts in the
of the work, and all papers considered high quality will be accepted.
As in the previews SIBGRAPI editions, the authors of the best papers shall
invited to submit extended versions of their work to international
journals in the field (best computer graphics papers have been
published in Computer
Graphics Forum and The Visual Computer Journal, whereas the best image
processing and computer vision papers have been published in Pattern
Recognition Letters,
Image and Vision Computing and Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics).
A novelty for this year is the beginning of a cooperation with the
Eurographics Association,
increasing the visibility of the Brazilian symposium considerably.
SIBGRAPI 2009 will be organized in collaboration with SBGames, the
largest conference in South America for Digital Game and Entertainment
As invited speakers, we have the pleasure to announce the presence of:
Prof. Jean-Daniel Boissonnat
Prof. Olga Sorkine (http://www.cs.nyu.edu/~sorkine/),
Prof. Janusz Konrad (http://iss.bu.edu/jkonrad/), and
Prof. Max A. Viergever (http://www.cs.uu.nl/staff/max.html).
Additional invited talks may be confirmed at a later date.
We invite you to participate by submitting your work in all areas of
Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Computer Vision.
The Full Papers are scheduled as oral presentations and published in
the IEEE Proceedings
for details of how to submit the paper).
Full Papers :
Submmission: May 17, 2009 (Sunday)
Reviews: June 23, 2009 (Tuesday)
Notification of Acceptance: June 29, 2009 (Monday)
Final Version: July 12, 2009 (Monday)
Program chairs:
Luis Gustavo Nonato and Jacob Scharcanski
General Chairs:
Thomas Lewiner and Esteban Clua
Call for Participation:
Eurographics/IEEE Symposium on Visualization
June 10 - 12, 2009
Berlin, Germany
- Early registration ends on Fri, May 9
- The program is available
- The keynote speakers are
* Pat Hanrahan, Stanford University
* Helmut Grubmüller, MPI Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen
- Two Visual Analytics related satellite events will take place
- Accomodation in the Harnack House is still available
We invite you to participate in EuroVis 2009, to be held in Berlin,
Germany, June 10-12, 2009. EuroVis 2009 is the 11th annual
Visualization Symposium jointly organized by the Eurographics Working
Group on Data Visualization and the IEEE Visualization and Graphics
Technical Committee.
This research field is geared towards the creation of foundations and
practical solutions for visualization and visual analysis of complex
data sets from all fields, ranging from sciences and engineering,
business and finance, to humanities, social sciences and education.
EuroVis brings together many of the best researchers in the field of
data visualization, and there will be ample opportunity for informal
discussions during breaks and the social event.
Up to date information about EuroVis is made available via the
official homepage http://www.eurovis.org.
For questions regarding organization, please contact the local
organizers at eurovis09[at]zib.de.
Looking forward to seeing you at EuroVis 2009,
Symposium Co-chairs
Hans-Christian Hege (Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany)
Ingrid Hotz (Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany)
Tamara Munzner (University of British Columbia, Canada)
2009 International Conference on CYBERWORLDS
7-11 September 2009 University of Bradford, UK
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and organized in-cooperation with ACM
and Eurographics
Deadline for submissions is extended until 30th April 2009
Invited Speakers (Confirmed thus far):
Prof Dr Frank Van Reeth, University of Hasselt, Belgium;
Prof. William Dutton, University of Oxford, UK;
Prof. Adrian Hilton, University of Surrey, UK;
Prof. Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, University of Geneva;
Prof. Daniel Thalmann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S !!!!!
Athens (GREECE), 29 - 30 of May, 2009
In cooperation with Eurographics
General Chair: Dimitri PLEMENOS (plemenos(a)numericable.com)
Local Chair: George MIAOULIS (gmiaoul(a)teiath.gr)
Invited speakers: Elena MARTINOVA (Russia), Alfred INSELBERG (Israel),
Mateu SBERT (Spain)
REGISTRATION FEES: 190 Euro (regular participants)
130 Euro (students)
Payment by Bank transfer (see http://3ia.teiath.gr)
Friday, May 29, 2009, Morning
09:15 a.m: Reception
09:50 a.m: Opening of the Conference
10:00 a.m: Invited speaker (Elena Martinova)
Realistic skin rendering on modern GPU.
Elena Martinova (RUSSIA)
11:00 a.m: Coffee break
1st session: Human modelling and animation
11:30 a.m.: Affective states in behavior networks.
Anja Johansson, Pierangello Dell'Aqua (SWEDEN).
12:00 a.m.: A framework for simulating the behavior of various
kinds of crowds.
Hakim Soussi, Joël Savelli, Marc Neveu (FRANCE).
2nd session: Textures
12:20 a.m.: GENSHADE:Automation of texture production.
Alaa Eldin M. Ibrahim (KOWAIT), Donald H. House (USA).
12:40 a.m.: Developing Dynamic Cellular Textures From Monotone
Patterns Using Voronoi Diagrams.
A.H.F. Navid, A.Z. Nasrollahy, A. Bastanfard (IRAN).
13:00 a.m. Lunch
Friday, May 29, 2009, Afternoon
02:30 p.m.: Invited speaker (Mateu Sbert)
Viewpoint Selection, Mesh Saliency and Geometry
Mateu Sbert, Miquel Feixas, Miguel Chover (SPAIN).
3rd session: Visualization
03:30 p.m.: A Neural Network Classifier of Volume Datasets.
D. Zukic, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb (GERMANY).
04:00 p.m.: Photometric Compression and Interpolation for
Light Source Representation.
S. Delepoulle, C. Renaud, P. Preux (FRANCE).
04:30 p.m: Coffee break
4th session: Image modelling and processing
05:00 p.m.: An Intelligent System for Overlaying Texts on
Background Images Based on Computational Aesthetics.
Chien-Yin Lai, Sheng-Wen Shih, Jen-Shin Hong (TAIWAN).
05:30 p.m.: Efficient algorithm of noise removal from a torn paper.
T. Nawaz, K. A. Qazim, I. Ashraf (PAKISTAN).
05:50 p.m.: End of session
Saturday, May 30, 2009, Morning
09:30 p.m.: Invited speaker (Alfred Inselberg)
Visualizing Multidimensional Geometry with
Applications to AI.
Alfred Inselberg (ISRAEL).
5th session: Modelling
10:30 a.m.: An Adjectival Interface for Procedural Content Generation.
Carl Hultquist, James Gain (SOUTH AFRICA), David Cairns (UK).
11:00 a.m.: Automation of style acquisition and implementation in 3D
scene synthesis.
Dimitrios Makris, Georgios Bardis, Georgios Miaoulis (GREECE),
Dimitri Plemenos (FRANCE).
11:30 a.m.: Coffee break
6th session: Scene description and interpretation
12:00 a.m.: Performance Evaluation of User's Profile Estimation Methods
in a Declarative Collaborative Framework.
N. Doulamis, J. Dragonas, A. Doulamis, G. Miaoulis (GREECE),
D. Plemenos (FRANCE).
12:30 a.m.: Optimal Scene Interpretation: Semantic Management
of 3-D Objects from a Point Cloud Scene.
Paul Cotofrei, Christophe Kunzi and Kilian Stoffel
12:50 a.m.: Lunch
Saturday, May 30, 2009, Afternoon
7th session: Evolutionary methods
02:30 p.m.: AURAL: An Evolutionary Interface for a Robotic
Sonification Process.
A. Moroni, E. Guimaraes, G. de Paula, J. Manzolli (BRAZIL).
03:00 p.m.: Evolutionary techniques.
Alaa Eldin M. Ibrahim (KOWAIT), Donald H. House (USA).
8th session: Various themes
03:20 p.m.: Reconstruction of Three Dimensional Spatial Clusters
Using Monocular Camera.
Kai Zhou, Michael Zillich and Markus Vincze (AUSTRIA).
03:40 p.m.: Game technologies usage for users attraction to
educational resources.
A. Lavrov, N. Ilyina (RUSSIA).
04:00 p.m.: Raster Image Transformation for Laser Engraving Machine
NC Programming.
Olga V. Yepifanova, Alexander Inozemtsev, Dmitri I. Troitsky
04:20 p.m.: 3d-algorithms of conics construction in AutoCAD.
Alexander Kheyfets (RUSSIA).
04:40 p.m.: End of the conference
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a)unilim.fr I
I 83,rue d'Isle I http://msi.unilim.fr/~plemenos/ I
| | |
| Home address: | |
| 44, rue Antoine Bourdelle | Home phone: (+33) 5 55 43 80 60 |
| 87000 LIMOGES - FRANCE | Home e-mail: plemenos(a)numericable.com |
GraVisMa 2009
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Mathematics
in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS Association
Call for Papers and Participation
GraVisMa workshop is a unique forum for researchers, practitioners,
developers and academia experts to discuss new approaches and methods in
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Scientific Computation, Scientific,
Medical and Information Visualization with applications of the latest
developments in Mathematics and Physics.
Goals of the GraVisMa workshops is to bring theory of the Projective
Geometry, Geometric Algebra and Conformal Geometry to practice especially in
the fields related to Computer Graphics and Vision, Scientific Computation
and Visualization.
GraVisMa workshop will bring new impulses to related fields of computer
science, especially in development of new approaches to algorithms and data
structures, will stimulate research activities between mathematicians and
computer science experts.
Informal atmosphere of the GraVisMa workshops will stimulate discussions
between researchers and practitioners, that will lead to further
international research collaborations and projects proposals as well.
Important dates
Extended Abstract (1 page A4 GraVisMa format/two column)
May 31, 2009
Acceptance notification for presentation:
June 30, 2009
Venue (Expected):
September 2-4, 2009
Paper submission (8 pages A4/double column):
September 30, 2009
Acceptance decision after reviews
November, 2009
Final paper submission
November, 2009
GraVisMa 2009 proceedings with ISBN*:
December, 2009
Abstract / Paper registration: http://wscg-reg.zcu.cz/GraVisMa/
Main topics of workshops (but not limited to)
Computer Science fields
Mathematical fields
· Computer Graphics
(modeling, rendering, 3D imaging)
· Computer Vision (3D reconstruction, image transformations)
· Algorithms and Data Structures
· GPU/CUDA/TESLA Computing
· Scientific and Medical Visualization
· Scientific Computing
· 3D TV and HCI related issues,
· Applications
· Numerical Computation
· Projective Geometry
· Geometric Algebra
· Conformal Algebra
· Grassmann Algebra
· Other related Mathematical Aspects
· Influence
o Mathematics to Computer Science
o Computer Science to Mathematics
· Educational Aspects
· Programming Tools and Systems
· Other related topics
Abstracts of accepted papers will be published in the GraVisMa proceedings
with ISBN
Post-conference proceedings papers (8 pages A4 format/double column -
GraVisMa format) will be anonymously reviewed and after revision accepted
papers will be published in GraVisMa FULL papers proceedings with ISBN.
The best papers will be selected to publication in the Journal of WSCG (with
ISSN indexed by ISI and others) and other recognized research journals.
Post-workshop DVD will be produced.
The GraVisMa workshop is to be held at
prof.Vaclav Skala
skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz Subj. GraVisMa
University of West Bohemia (http://www.zcu.cz)
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Center of Computer Graphics and Visualization
Plzen - Campus Bory http://www.zcu.cz/plzen/
Czech Republic
Come and explore the Plzen city, very historical and cultural city, famous
of invention of a unique beer technology used worldwide, nowadays.