EuroVis 2023 Call for Short Papers
Submission deadline: extended to March 1, 2023 (Wednesday)
Submission via: https://new.precisionconference.com/eurovis23c
EuroVis 2023 features a short paper track to present late-breaking results, work in progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods.
A EuroVis short paper describes a more focused and concise research contribution and is likely to have a smaller — yet still significant — scope of contribution than a full paper. Short papers draw from the same paper types as full papers, as well as the same list of suggested topics. The following descriptive examples, which are characterized in contrast to full papers, may be helpful in understanding what kinds of submissions may be suitable for short papers:
- A new visualization technique or system and evidence of its utility compared to known techniques or systems (described in sufficient detail to assist an expert reader in replicating the technique or system, but without exhaustive implementation detail and evaluation).
- An incremental improvement or variation of an existing visualization technique or system with convincing evaluation.
- An extensive evaluation of an existing visualization technique or system.
- A well-proven counter-example to an existing visualization technique that helps to understand its limitations.
- A new implementation approach that has demonstrably addressed a significant technical issue (without extensive evaluation of the implementation).
- A new methodology for designing or studying visualization systems that has demonstrable benefits for the EuroVis community (without extensive evaluation of the methodology).
- The practical application of established visualization techniques or a design study that can provide insights for visualization research on which future contributors can build.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: extended to March 1, 2023 (Wednesday)
Notification: April 04, 2023 (Tuesday)
Camera Ready Version: April 18, 2023 (Tuesday)
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
Submission Instructions
Submissions for the short paper track should be at most 4 pages in CGF latex style, with an additional page allowed for references. All submissions must be original works that have not been published previously in any conference proceedings, magazine, journal, or edited book.
Short papers are to be submitted using the Precision Conference System (PCS):
Please select Society: Eurographics, Conference/Journal: EuroVis 2023, Track: EuroVis 2023 Short Papers.
Short papers will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process by an international program committee. Short papers will be electronically archived and are fully citable publications. All accepted short papers will be presented orally at the conference.
For detailed paper preparation and submission instructions please refer to the submission guidelines here:
Short Papers Chairs
Wolfgang Aigner, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Thomas Höllt, TU Delft, Netherlands
Bei Wang, University of Utah, United States of America
For any questions concerning short paper submissions please contact the full paper chairs at: shortpapers(at)eurovis.org.
Dear Colleagues,
based on a number of requests we have decided to extend the deadline for
submissions to the EuroVis workshop "Visualization in Environmental
Sciences" (EnvirVis) by one week until Friday, *10 March 2023.*
For more information, please take a look at the workshop website:
Best regards,
Karsten Rink,
EnvirVis Co-chair
You are cordially invited to contribute to the 21st EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on
Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH) which. GCH 2023 (
<https://www.gch2023.eu/)%20welcomes> https://www.gch2023.eu/) welcomes
presentations of new research, projects, demonstrations and applications
that demonstrate how computer graphics and other digital technologies are
impacting cultural heritage research, preservation and dissemination and
promoting sustainable cultural tourism. Specific sessions will be organised
to seek new challenges and projects involving different stakeholders of the
Heritage ecosystem. Hence, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary
approaches are particularly welcome to the event.
The 21st Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH 2023)
is organised in the astonishing location of Salento (Lecce, Italy), for the
first time as a joint event and in co-location with XRSalento (XRSalento
2023), that will be organised from the 6th to the 8th of September.
A special interactive session will be held by the two conferences, jointly,
dedicated to "XR for Cultural Heritage", that will contribute to cross
fertilisation among sectors. The events will run on site, with hybrid
support only for registered attendees.
The entire 2023 joint event, including GCH and XR Salento is entitled
"Salento Conference".
Focus of this year's forum, is to present and showcase new developments at
the crossroad of AI technologies with Rendering, Reconstruction and advanced
User Experience applications to CH.
Aim of EG GCH is to foster discussion between AI, Computer Vision, Computer
Graphics and HCI researchers with a dedicated focus on applications for the
Digital Cultural Heritage.
We encourage the community to participate to the panel discussion on hopes
and worries about the adoption of AI and reconstruction technologies by
scientists and practitioners in the field of Creative Industries and
Cultural Heritage.
For the research community, GCH 2023 will provide an excellent scientific
forum to exchange novel ideas and groundbreaking developments as well as to
identify future research and application opportunities. For practitioners,
GCH 2023 will provide a unique opportunity to feed into technical
developments as well as to identify new techniques and ideas which can be
transferred into practice.
Types of Contributions
The event seeks different types of contributions including:
1. Research papers: original and innovative research (maximum 10 pages
inc. references)
2. Short papers: update of ongoing research activities or projects
(maximum 4 pages inc. references)
3. Posters/Demonstrations: overview of activities or
interdisciplinary projects (500 words abstract)
4. Panel sessions/Tutorials: for multidisciplinary/industry-oriented
Contributions are solicited within the following topics (but not limited
* Digitisation of Cultural Heritage resources, such as 3D scanning,
motion capture, multispectral imaging, X-ray, terahertz imaging
* Semantic technologies for digital libraries
* Material acquisition, reconstruction, preservation
* AI-based view synthesis for ad-hoc 2d and 3d reconstruction
* AI-based material reconstruction for rendering and presentation
* General AI technologies that could be beneficial for eXtended
Reality CH environments
* Advanced Image Based Rendering techniques
* Collaborative interactive eXtended and hybrid environments
* Emotional and cognitive user experience design
* Visualisation, AR and VR
* Multi-modal and interactive environments
* Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections
* Digital fabrication, including 3D printing and smart objects for
tangible interfaces
* Virtual Museums and Digital Technologies / Applications for Museums
* eXtended Reality Applications for Tangible or Intangible Heritage,
following UNESCO classification
Important Dates
Full papers
April 30th
June 1st
June 15th
Short papers and Posters
April 30th
June 1st
June 15th
Sessions, Panels and Tutorials
April 30th
June 1st
August 10th
Interactive Demo
June 1st
September 1st
September 5th
Authors are invited to submit original work presenting fundamental research,
practice and experience, or novel applications, in all areas of computer
graphics and related topics therein.
Contributions shall be submitted through the SRM-submission system of the
EG, which will open soon.
Papers must be written in English, must be anonymized, should not exceed 10
pages in length, and must be formatted according to the Eurographics
Computer Graphics Forum publication guidelines. Accepted papers must be
presented in English at GCH 2023. This event uses a double-blind reviewing
approach, so please remove all personal data (such as authors, affiliations,
etc.) from your submission. Reviewers are asked to keep confidential all
materials sent to them for evaluation.
Dear Colleagues,
— Please forward this to anyone who might be interested —
— Apologies for cross-posting —
With this email, we would like to remind you of the approaching deadline
for submissions to the 5th-anniversary issue of the Molecular Graphics and
Visual Analytics of Molecular Data Workshop (MolVA). All accepted papers
will be presented at MolVA 2023 Workshop <http://tinyurl.com/molva>, which
will be co-located with EuroVis 2023 <https://www.eurovis.org/> in Leipzig,
Germany. Therefore, at least one of the authors of an accepted paper will
have to register and attend the workshop.
Note that this call is for conference-only submissions where we invite both
full papers as well as short papers (2-4 pages for short and up to 8 pages
for full papers, both with an additional page reserved for references). All
papers will undergo a single-stage, double-blind peer review process. The
accepted papers will then be published in the EG digital library.
For more information, please see our webpage: http://tinyurl.com/molva
Important Dates
Submission Due: February 28, 2023
First Decision: March 21, 2023
Revised Papers Due: April 11, 2023
Final Decision: April 12, 2023
Publication / Workshop Date: June 12, 2023
As always, the suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
Molecular Graphics & Rendering
Web-based Molecular Graphics & Visualization
Immersive Analytics approaches using, e.g., VR/AR technologies
Visual Analysis of Molecular Data (e.g., molecular structures,
biological networks and pathways, or omics data)
Visualization of Dynamic Molecular Data & Large Molecular Systems
Machine-learning approaches for analysis of molecular data
Tools papers describing new molecular visualization tools or novel
features in existing tools
Best regards,
Jan Byška, Michael Krone, Bjorn Sommer
MolVA General Chairs
3-5 October 2023
Sousse, Tunisia
In cooperation with Eurographics and IEEE section of Tunisia.
Conference web page: https://cw2023.ieee.tn/
The conference will be held in hybrid mode with real and online attendance
== SCOPE ==
Cyberworlds are information spaces and communities that immensely augment
the way we interact, participate in business and receive information
throughout the world. Cyberworlds seriously impact our lives and the
evolution of the world economy by taking such forms as social networking
services, 3D shared virtual communities, and massively multiplayer online
role-playing games.
== TOPICS ==
CW 2023 will have the following tracks with topics not limited to:
- Visual Computing:
Extended reality (XR); Computer graphics; Computer animation; Visualization;
Image processing; Computer vision, Deep learning in visual computing, etc.
- Data Science for Immersive Communication:
Immersive visual analytics; Machine and deep learning in visual
communication; Collaborative visual analysis, etc.
- Applications:
Digital humans; Education in cyberspace; Shared art and cultural heritage;
Health care in cyberspace; Online games and living in shared virtual worlds;
Shared digital fabrication, etc.
- Multimodal Interaction and Human Factors:
Man-machine interaction (haptics, olfaction, sonification); Human dynamics;
Communication; Collaboration; Entertainment; Digital assistants; Enhanced
living; Human augmentation, etc.
- Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) in Extended Reality (XR):
BCI applications; EEG-based neuroimaging; Mobile and adaptive BCIs;
Neurofeedback systems and games; Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity;
Machine-assisted cognitive enhancement, etc.
- Human Factors in Cyberspace:
Affective computing; Emotion artificial intelligence; Human factors in
transportation and industry; Biosignals; Internet of bodies; Machine and
deep learning for biosignal-based algorithms; Neuroergonomics; Cognitive
multimodal interfaces; Human factors in XR; Cognitive human-robot
interaction, etc.
- Cybercrime Prevention:
Identity and trust management; Content protection and digital rights
management; Information hiding and anonymity; Privacy protocols; Security
protocols; Malware detection; Attack detection, etc.
- Biometrics in Cyberspaces:
Behavioral biometrics; Biometric template protection; Emerging biometrics;
Multi-biometrics; Presentation attack detection, etc.
- Internet of Things:
Security of embedded systems; Security protocols; Security in V2X and smart
cities; Mobile networks security, IoT & big data, etc.
- Analysis of Digital traces in Cyberspaces:
Forensics (computer, mobile devices, network, social media); Altered content
detection (multimedia, deep fake); Digital data analysis (social media, file
carving), etc.
Full paper (8 pages)
Short paper (4 pages)
Poster paper (2 pages)
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS with all accepted papers will be published by
Conference Publishing Services as well as submitted to the IEEE Xplore
Digital Library, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, and reference
databases of all major referencing indices including EI Compendex, Scopus,
and SCI.
SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES will consider for publications extended versions of
the best accepted FULL papers.
Papers (Full/Short) Submission : April 21 (Friday)
Papers (Full/Short) Notification : May 29 (Monday)
Poster papers submission : June 12 (Monday)
Poster papers notification : June 26 (Monday)
Camera-ready submission : July 14 (Friday)
Author registration : July 14 (Friday)
General Co-Chairs: Najoua Essourki Ben Amara, Christophe Rosenberger
Program Co-Chairs: Alexei Sourin, Mohamed Ali Mahjoub
Contact: cw2023(a)easychair.org
Conference web page: https://cw2023.ieee.tn/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cw.cyberworlds
Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences 2023 (Eurographics Medical Prize): Deadline Extension (17 Feb 2023)
The Eurographics Association organizes a biannual competition, to acknowledge the contribution of computer graphics and visualization techniques in medicine and life sciences, and to encourage further development. Originally called “Eurographics Medical Prize”, the competition was renamed to “Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine” in 2010—in honor of Dirk Bartz, who passed away in March 2010. Dirk Bartz was a highly recognized and enthusiastic scientist, teacher, and promoter of Visual Computing in Medicine; furthermore, he was an active member of the Eurographics Association, and Chair of the EG Medical Prize, in 2007 and 2009. Before, the prize was co-located with the Eurographics Conference. Since 2021, it is co-located with EuroVis and it is broadened to include contributions in life sciences.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: February 10, 2023 (Friday) February 17, 2023 (Friday)
Notification: March 31, 2023 (Friday)
Camera-Ready: April 14, 2023 (Friday)
Talk at Conference and Award: June 12-16, 2023
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
Submissions to the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences 2023 are being invited from researchers and developers, who can demonstrate that a particular benefit in a medical/life sciences application has resulted from the use of visual computing technology that they have produced/developed. We welcome submissions from all areas of visual computing—examples include the use of new data visualization techniques, interaction methods, or virtual/augmented environments. Entries typically summarize a body of research and/or development that has been conducted over the course of a project, PhD thesis, etc. and weight is put on demonstrating the medical/life sciences impact of the work.
The judging panel will select the winning entry, based on its medical/life sciences value, use of visual computing methods, and novelty. The top three winning entries of the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences 2023 will receive a prize and their submission will be published in the EG Digital Library. All three winning teams will have an opportunity to present their results at EuroVis 2023, which means that at least one author of each winning team must register and attend, to present the results.
The <https://www.eg.org/wp/eurographics-awards-programme/other-eg-awards/dirk-ba…> Hall of Fame documents previous recipients of the prize.
Renata Georgia Raidou, TU Wien, Austria
Torsten W. Kuhlen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
For any questions concerning prize submissions please contact the prize co-chairs at: <mailto:dbprize@eurovis.org> dbprize(at)eurovis.org.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions will be made electronically through the Precision Conference System.
Submitted written entries have to be prepared as papers of up to 4 pages (+1 extra page for references) and must be formatted according to the <https://conferences.eg.org/eurovis2023/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2022/11/…> conference template .
The submission of complementary material like videos, demo applications, and references to additional publications of the authors, theses, etc. is highly welcome.
Dear fellow EG member,
The University of Siegen, Computer Graphics Group, looks for a researcher at
lecturer level with a strong international standing in Computer Graphics.
The position primarily involves independent research and teaching activities
in the field of computer graphics, e.g., in the areas of neural graphics,
rendering, scientific visualization or graphical simulation ideally also
related to machine learning and/or sensorics. Moreover, the person has to
teach of research related courses or hold seminars in English on Master
level. We support setting up independent activities in the acquisition of
third-party funded research projects.
While the position is assigned to the Computer Graphics chair, it offers
wide opportunities to collaborate with other chairs in Visual Computing and
Sensorics, e.g., related to machine learning and computer vision involving,
for instance, range or light-field data.
Applicants require a scientific university degree (Master or equivalent) in
the field of computer science or mathematics with focus on computer science,
and a doctorate in the field of computer science with clear reference to
computer graphics. We expect a high ability for scientific work and
experience in the research field of computer graphics, proven by high level
publications in scientific journals, or peer-reviewed conferences, as well
as pedagogical/didactic aptitude, demonstrated by experience in teaching and
supervising student theses.
Please apply via email to andreas.kolb(a)uni-siegen.de, or send an email in
case you have any question about this open position. Visit our website
https://www.cg.informatik.uni-siegen.de/ or the ZESS website
https://www.zess.uni-siegen.de to learn more about the environment.
Kind regards,
Andreas Kolb
Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences 2023 (Eurographics Medical Prize)
The Eurographics Association organizes a biannual competition, to acknowledge the contribution of computer graphics and visualization techniques in medicine and life sciences, and to encourage further development. Originally called “Eurographics Medical Prize”, the competition was renamed to “Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine” in 2010—in honor of Dirk Bartz, who passed away in March 2010. Dirk Bartz was a highly recognized and enthusiastic scientist, teacher, and promoter of Visual Computing in Medicine; furthermore, he was an active member of the Eurographics Association, and Chair of the EG Medical Prize, in 2007 and 2009. Before, the prize was co-located with the Eurographics Conference. Since 2021, it is co-located with EuroVis and it is broadened to include contributions in life sciences.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: February 10, 2023 (Friday)
Notification: March 31, 2023 (Friday)
Camera-Ready: April 14, 2023 (Friday)
Talk at Conference and Award: June 12-16, 2023
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
Submissions to the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences 2023 are being invited from researchers and developers, who can demonstrate that a particular benefit in a medical/life sciences application has resulted from the use of visual computing technology that they have produced/developed. We welcome submissions from all areas of visual computing—examples include the use of new data visualization techniques, interaction methods, or virtual/augmented environments. Entries typically summarize a body of research and/or development that has been conducted over the course of a project, PhD thesis, etc. and weight is put on demonstrating the medical/life sciences impact of the work.
The judging panel will select the winning entry, based on its medical/life sciences value, use of visual computing methods, and novelty. The top three winning entries of the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences 2023 will receive a prize and their submission will be published in the EG Digital Library. All three winning teams will have an opportunity to present their results at EuroVis 2023, which means that at least one author of each winning team must register and attend, to present the results.
The <https://www.eg.org/wp/eurographics-awards-programme/other-eg-awards/dirk-ba…> Hall of Fame documents previous recipients of the prize.
Renata Georgia Raidou, TU Wien, Austria
Torsten W. Kuhlen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
For any questions concerning prize submissions please contact the prize co-chairs at: <mailto:dbprize@eurovis.org> dbprize(at)eurovis.org.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions will be made electronically through the Precision Conference System.
Submitted written entries have to be prepared as papers of up to 4 pages (+1 extra page for references) and must be formatted according to the <https://conferences.eg.org/eurovis2023/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2022/11/…> conference template .
The submission of complementary material like videos, demo applications, and references to additional publications of the authors, theses, etc. is highly welcome.
We are pleased to announce High-Performance Graphics 2023. High-Performance
Graphics is the leading international forum for performance-oriented
graphics and imaging systems research including innovative algorithms,
efficient implementations, languages, compilers, parallelism, and hardware
architectures for high-performance graphics. The conference brings together
researchers, engineers, and architects to discuss the complex interactions
of parallel hardware, novel programming models, and efficient algorithms in
the design of systems for current and future graphics and visual computing
See https://www.highperformancegraphics.org/2023/call-for-participation/