SMI'2021 Shape Modeling International Conference
November 14th-16th, 2021
Important Dates
Full paper submission: Wednesday, June 30th, 2021
First review notification: Wednesday, July 28th, 2021
Revised papers: Wednesday, September 15th, 2021
Second review notification: Wednesday, October 6th, 2021
Camera ready full papers due: Wednesday, October 20th, 2021
Conference: Sunday-Tuesday, November 14th-16th, 2021
All deadlines at 23:59 UTC/GMT
(Papers will be available by the time conference starts)
(Final Proceedings will be available in January 2022)
Call for Papers
Shape Modeling International (SMI 2021) provides an international forum for
the dissemination of new mathematical theories and computational techniques
for modeling, simulating and processing digital representations of shapes
and their properties to a community of researchers, developers, students,
and practitioners across a wide range of fields. Conference proceedings will
be published in a Special Issue of Computer & Graphics Journal, Elsevier.
Papers presenting original research are being sought in all areas of shape
modeling and its applications.
Acquisition and reconstruction
Behavior and animation models
Compression and streaming
Computational topology
Correspondence and registration
Curves and surfaces
Deep Learning Techniques for Shape Processing
Digital fabrication and 3D printing
Exploration of shape collections
Feature extraction and classification
Healing and resampling
Implicit surfaces
Interactive modeling, design and editing
Medial and skeletal representations
Parametric and procedural models
Semantics of shapes
Shape analysis and retrieval
Shape correspondence and retrieval
Shape modeling applications (biomedical, GIS, artistic, cultural heritage
and others)
Shape statistics
Shape transformation, bending and deformation
Sketching and 3D input modalities
Triangle and polygonal meshes
Shape modelling for 3D printing and fabrication
Biomedical applications
Artistic and cultural applications
Submission Guidelines
Papers should present previously unpublished, original results that are not
simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
Submissions should be formatted according to the style guidelines for the
Computers &Graphics Journal and should not exceed 12 pages, including
figures and references. We strongly recommend using the LaTeX template to
format your paper. We also accept papers formatted by MS Word according to
the style guidelines for Computers & Graphics. The file must be exported to
pdf file for the first round of submission. For format details, please refer
to Computers & Graphics Guide for Authors.
The SMI 2021 conference will use a double-blind review process.
Consequently, all submissions must be anonymous. All papers should be
submitted directly via the journal online submission system of Computers &
Graphics. When submitting your paper to SMI 2021, please make sure that the
type of article is specified by "SI: SMI 2021".
Any accepted paper is required to have at least one registered author to
attend and present the paper at the conference. We are planning to make
registration free for all attendees.
Important notice to all attendees: SMI 2021 will be organized as a
teleconference due to the coronavirus outbreak. The conference program will
be exactly the same as in previous years; it will include paper
presentations, keynote talks, and several workshops but everything will be
done using remote conferencing services. All attendees will participate in
the conference remotely with video/audio and slide sharing; there will be no
on-site participation.
SMI Conference Chairs
Ergun Akleman (Texas A&M University, USA)
Stefanie Hahmann (University of grenoble, France)
Jorg Peters (University of Florida, USA)
Technical Paper Chairs
Silvia Biasotti (CNR, Geneo, Italy)
Yang Liu (Microsoft Research, China)
Bo Zhou (Dartmouth, USA)
LDAV 2021 - Large Data Analysis and Visualization
The 11th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization, held in
conjunction with IEEE VIS 2021, October 25, 2021, virtual conference
Contact: <> papers(a)
Data scales are increasing throughout scientific, business, and research
contexts. Large-scale scientific simulations, observation technologies,
sensor networks, and experiments are generating enormous datasets, with some
projects approaching the multiple exabyte range in the near term.
Gaining insight from massive data is critical for disciplines such as
climate science, nuclear physics, security, materials design,
transportation, urban planning, and so on. Business-critical decisions are
made based on massive data in domains like social media, machine learning,
software telemetry, and business intelligence. The tools and approaches
needed to search, analyze, and visualize data at extreme scales can be fully
realized only from end-to-end solutions, and with collective,
interdisciplinary efforts.
The 11th IEEE Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV) symposium,
to be held in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2021, is specifically targeting
methodological innovation, algorithmic foundations, and possible end-to-end
solutions. The LDAV symposium will bring together domain experts, data
analysts, visualization researchers, and users to foster common ground for
solving both near- and long-term problems.
We are looking for papers on a broad range of topics related to collection,
analysis, manipulation, and visualization of large-scale data. We are
particularly interested in innovative approaches that combine information
visualization, visual analytics, and scientific visualization.
LDAV welcomes papers on techniques and algorithms, systems, application and
design studies, empirical studies, state of the practice, and position
statements. See the LDAV website for more details about topics. Please
contact the paper chairs ( <> papers(a) with
specific questions.
Representative topics include:
* Distributed, parallel, and multi-threaded computation
* Streaming methods
* Innovative software solutions
* Advanced hardware and GPU-based approaches
* Hierarchical data storage, retrieval, processing, and rendering
* Sampling, approximate query processing, and progressive computation
* Collection, management, and curation of massive datasets
* Scalable visualization and exploration methods
* Ensemble data visualization and analysis
* In-situ data analysis
* Best practices for large data visualization
* End-to-end system solutions in a large data context
* Industry solutions for big data analysis and visualization
* Collaboration or/and co-design of large data analysis with domain
* Cognitive issues specific to manipulating and understanding large
* Application case studies
* New challenges in visualizing experimental, observational, or
simulation data
As part of the review criteria, reviewers will be asked to assess whether
the contribution is in scope for LDAV, i.e., whether it considers "large
data." Therefore, we strongly encourage you to clearly identify the "large
data" aspect you address.
For LDAV, we define large data to be data of size and complexity that
require innovation to be processed and understood. With respect to size,
the techniques for handling this data require either using atypical hardware
or specialized techniques that run on typical hardware. Examples of
atypical hardware include supercomputers or novel hardware (such as a
just-released GPU, an understudied device like a FPGA, or a high-resolution
display), with corresponding techniques including, for example, efficient
parallelization. There are many examples of specialized techniques that
enable typical hardware to operate effectively on large data; canonical
examples including multi-resolution and streaming techniques. With respect
to complexity, techniques in scope for LDAV should be illuminating data sets
that are considerably larger than typical for a given task, for example, but
not restricted to: rendering, layout, analysis, etc. Finally, data may be
large relative to the resources available, and such examples are welcomed at
LDAV. For example, novel techniques may be needed to visualize or analyze
data on a Raspberry Pi or sensor network.
Submission Instructions:
LDAV is accepting both full papers and short papers. The manuscripts should
be formatted according to <>
guidelines from IEEE VGTC. Submission of an abstract is required prior to
submission of a paper or short paper.
Submission site note: Go to the <>
submission site ( <>, log in, go to 'Submissions', and
select Society 'VGTC', Conference 'LDAV 2021', and Track 'LDAV 2021 Papers'.
Full Papers
Full papers should have a maximum length of 9 pages with up to two (2)
additional pages allowed for only references (maximum total of 11 pages).
Full papers may make contributions in techniques, systems, applications,
evaluations, or theory. The contributions of full papers are reviewed based
on their novelty, contribution, replicability, and evaluation.
Short Papers
Short papers should have a length of 4-5 pages in total. Short papers are a
venue to report smaller contributions than full papers. Position papers and
showcases of interesting application of visualization are good topics for
short papers. Technique, system, application, evaluation, or theory papers
that have a smaller contribution than a full paper can also be submitted as
a short paper.
The proceedings of the symposium will be published together with the VIS
proceedings and via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Best Paper:
The LDAV Program Committee will present a Best Paper award to the authors
whose submission is deemed the strongest according to the reviewing
criteria. This award will be announced in conjunction with VIS 2021.
The Best Paper for LDAV will be published directly in IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). Further, other excellent papers
will be encouraged to submit journal versions of their work to TVCG (at
least 30% new scientific/technical content), with reviewer continuity.
Important Dates:
Please note: all deadlines are firm and no extensions will be granted.
Abstract Deadline (firm):
June 21, 2021, 11:59 PM (AOE)
Paper Submission (firm):
June 25, 2021, 11:59 PM (AOE)
Author Notification:
July 30, 2021
Camera-Ready Deadline:
August 15, 2021
A fully funded research assistant / PhD student position is available in the
Graphics & Geometric Computing group at Osnabrück University, Germany.
The position is part of the "Nonlinear Curved Simplicial Meshing research
project (DFG). The focus is on novel reliable algorithms for the generation
and optimization of 2D and 3D meshes, in particular with curved elements,
and their applications in geometry processing, modeling, graphics, and
We are looking for candidates with an interest in geometric algorithms and
data structures. Programming experience in C++ will be beneficial.
Successful candidates must hold a Master's or equivalent degree in Computer
Science, Mathematics, or an adjoining discipline, and should be able to work
as a cooperative yet independent member of an international group.
Official offer and application details are available at
For further information, candidates can contact Prof. Marcel Campen at
campen(a) Deadline: April 30th 2021
We are looking for applications to a Researcher (m/w/d) position at our
Saarbrücken Site of the German Research Center for Artificial
Intelligence (DFKI) for the area of motion synthesis, agent simulation
and optimization in the group of Prof. Philipp Slusallek. We are
searching for individuals with a strong background in large, distributed
software systems, game development and object-oriented programming
languages who want to work several topics in the area, including the
development of a distributed framework for human motion blending and
sequencing in industrial applications. The full job posting is available
Preferably, we are looking for people experienced with Unity or C# and
OOP-patterns to build a general motion blending framework implementing
various existing methods and bringing them together in a meaningful
framework architecture.
We would be delighted if you could distribute this information to
interested people in your environment.
EG GCH 2021, 4-6 November 2021, Bournemouth, UK
Call for papers ( <>
The 19th <> EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and
Cultural Heritage (GCH 2021) will engage practitioners and researchers
across the world working at the interface of novel 3D digital technologies
and cultural heritage. This year, circumstances depending, EG GCH will be
run in a hybrid format, organised by the University of Bournemouth, UK. This
will allow those who are able to attend the conference in person to do so,
while those that can't, especially if the pandemic is still raging at the
time of the conference, will also not miss out on this exciting event.
GCH 2021 welcomes presentations of new research, projects and applications
that demonstrate how computer graphics and other digital technologies are
impacting cultural heritage research, preservation and dissemination and
promoting sustainable cultural tourism. Specific sessions will be organised
for active networking to seek new challenges and projects involving
different stakeholders of the Heritage ecosystem. Hence, interdisciplinary
and multidisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome to the event.
For the research community, GCH 2021 will provide, as always, an excellent
scientific forum to exchange novel ideas and developments as well as to
identify future research and application opportunities. For practitioners,
GCH 2021 will provide a unique opportunity to feed into technical
developments as well as to identify new techniques and ideas which can be
transferred into practice.
The event seeks different types of contributions including:
1. Research papers: original and innovative research (maximum 10 pages)
2. Short papers: update of ongoing research activities or projects
(maximum 4 pages)
3. Posters: overview of activities or national/international
interdisciplinary projects (500 words abstract)
4. Panel sessions for multidisciplinary/industry-oriented projects
5. Special Session on Interactive Digital Narratives
Contributions are solicited (but not limited to) in the following topics:
* Digitisation of Cultural Heritage resources, such as 3D scanning,
motion capture, multispectral imaging, X-ray, terahertz imaging
* Visual data analysis, processing and fusion
* Digital libraries, archiving and long-term preservation of 3D
* Visualisation and virtual museums
* Multi-modal and interactive environments
* Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections with digital
* Digital fabrication, including subtractive and additive methods such
as 3D printing
* Technologies for providing sustainable tourism solutions.
* Interactive Digital Narratives - a new special session for GCH 2021,
possible topics include:
* Cultural Heritage applications of Interactive Digital Narrative
including locative narratives and "Culture Games"
* Storytelling Technology for Cultural Heritage including authoring
tools and Procedural Narrative Generation
* Theoretical Frameworks of interactive narrative in the cultural
heritage domain and evaluation methodologies
Please read carefully the submission instructions [
<> link] and pay
attention to the important dates [
<> link] to make sure
you don't miss out on participating in GCH 2021.
Important dates
EG GCH 2021 has the following schedule - please add them to your diaries:
Research and Short Papers
Full papers submission deadline: 19 July 2021
Short papers submission deadline: 2 August 2021
Notification: 6 September 2021
Camera ready submission deadline: 27 September 2021
Submission deadline: 30 August 2021
Notification: 13 September 2021
Camera ready submission deadline: 27 September 2021
All accepted research and short papers will be published by the
<> Eurographics Association and archived in the
<> EG Digital Library.
The authors of up to five selected best papers will be invited to submit an
extended version to the <> ACM Journal on Computing
and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH).
We will seek to publish other contributions in collaboration with proposers
of tutorials and special sessions.
Research and short papers
Please submit your work via the SRM conference management system:
Log in with your existing SRM account, or create a new one using the
relevant links.
Templates for preparing paper submissions can be found here:
<>, in the SRM of
If you have any problems using the format template, please contact the
programme chairs directly at <>
For posters, please submit a 500-word abstract using the same template as
Organisation Committee
General Chair
Vedad Hulusic, Bournemouth University
Programme Chair
Alan Chalmers, University of Warwick
Special Session on IDN Chair
Charlie Hargood, Bournemouth University
Industrial Session Chair
Christos Gatzidis, Bournemouth University
EGSR 2021 - Award for Open Software/Dataset
"Nowadays, open-source software and open data sets are of high importance to
research in many domains, including Computer Graphics.
For this reason, the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering decided to honour
the best software/dataset publicly available.
We are looking for high-quality contributions that are expected to make (or
have made) a large impact on the community. All contributions that appeared
in the last 5 years (after 31. Dec. 2015) are eligible.
You can propose the work of others but are also invited to nominate
Please visit <>
DEADLINE for the nomination is the 14th of June 2021.
The winners will be honoured at this year's EGSR event.
For more information on the award programme at this year EGSR conference,
please visit
We are looking forward to hearing from you and hope you will join the
conference from the 29th of June to the 2nd of July!"
Prof. Dr. Elmar Eisemann
Computer Graphics and Visualization
TU Delft - EEMCS
phone: +31 15 27 82528
Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform you that the submission system for the EuroVis 2021
poster track is now open. Please mark the following dates in your calendars
and consider contributing to the poster session at EuroVis 2021.
Submission deadline: April 12, 2021
Notification: April 30, 2021
Camera-Ready Version: May 14, 2021
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
The poster track will present late-breaking results, work in progress,
follow-up extensions, application case studies, or evaluations of existing
methods related to visualization and computer graphics. In particular, it
provides young researchers, especially postgraduate students, with valuable
opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers and engage in
stimulating discussions leading to possible new collaborations. This year
we also invite posters describing open research problems defined by domain
scientists (e.g., physicians, biologists, industry partners, etc.).
We solicit poster submissions in the form of a sketch (i.e., an extended
abstract of at most 2 pages in the EuroVis poster format, with an
additional page allowed for references only). For detailed poster
preparation and submission instructions please refer to the webpage:
Kind regards,
Jan Byška, Stefan Jänicke, and Johanna Schmidt
EuroVis 2021 Posters Chairs
Dear Colleagues,
We (Jack van Wijk and Anna Vilanova) have (again) a vacancy for assistant or
associate professor in our visualization cluster at TU/e for data
visualization researchers looking for an academic career, see:
We appreciate it much if you can distribute this vacancy to potential
Thank you very much in advance,
Anna and Jack
Anna Vilanova
Professor Visual Analytics. Visualization Cluster
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
TU Eindhoven
T +31 (0)40 247 8333
<> a.vilanova(a)
De Zaale, Metaforum MF 4.062
PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven
_with grovelling apologies for cross-posting_
CGVC 2021, hosted by the University of Lincoln (UK), is the 39th annual computer graphics, visualization, and visual computing conference organized by the Eurographics UK Chapter. The objective of Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC) is to foster greater exchange between visual computing researchers and practitioners, to welcome more researchers and industry partners in the UK, Europe, and beyond into this rapidly growing area of research. CGVC's scope includes all areas of visual computing, and a steadily more wide-spread visibility that achieves a more wide-spread impact.
Submission Deadline: 4th June 2021
Notification of Acceptance: 23rd July 2021
Camera Ready: 6th August
Conference (online & in-person): 8-10 September 2021
More info:
Call for Papers
We welcome contributions in the form of full papers, short papers, viewpoint papers and extended abstracts (posters). Submissions are optionally single- or double-blind: authors may choose whether to anonymize their submission or not. Reviewers’ identities are not revealed.
Full Papers
A full paper submission is upto 8 pages describing completed research, plus 1 page of references only. Papers are refereed by members of the EGUK programme committee. Authors of accepted papers are expected to give a 20-minute presentation at the conference. Accepted papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library and will serve as full paper publications.
Short Papers
The purpose of short papers is to present late-breaking results, work-in -progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. Short papers will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process by an international programme committee. They will be electronically archived and are fully citable publications. Submissions for the short paper track should be at most 4 pages, with an additional page allowed for references. Accepted short papers will be presented orally at the conference in (approximately) 12-15 minute presentations.
Viewpoint Papers
CGVC also features a viewpoint paper track (also known as position paper) which enables researchers a new possibility to publish their ideas. Viewpoints articles offer detailed technical opinions on trends in visual computing or reports on how visual computing has contributed to the comprehension of data or phenomena. We encourage discussions of challenges or limitations in today's methods and areas of potential new research topics. We are also interested in application discussions that focus on the physical, life or social sciences, engineering, or commerce, for example, or related to the process of visual computing in general. We encourage an emphasis on lessons learned from practical experience for application discussions, particularly where visual computing has been employed in a real, working environment. Viewpoint papers are submitted with author names and affiliations. Accepted viewpoint papers will be electronically archived, are fully citable publications and will be presented orally at the conference in (approximately) 12-15 minute presentations.
Extended Abstracts / Posters
The purpose of this track is to present late-breaking results, work in progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. In particular, it provides young researchers, especially postgraduate students, with valuable opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers, and engage in stimulating discussions. The poster track will be managed by the co-chair team and the International Programme Committee (IPC). We solicit poster submissions in the form of an extended abstract of at most 2 pages (with an additional page allowed for references only). Posters will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process. Accepted posters, size A1 recommended, will be presented at the poster viewing session of the conference.
In addition to directly submitted posters, some submissions to the full, short and viewpoint paper tracks, that are not accepted for publication but are deemed suitable, will be offered an opportunity to be presented as posters. Such submissions will not require an additional review process.
Traditionally, the materials in a poster/sketch can be reused later by the original authors for a more extensive publication (i.e., a full paper) with more detailed content and mature results. This should not be considered as self-plagiarism. However, as posters/sketches are citable, researchers are encouraged to acknowledge novel ideas and results presented in posters/sketches. A poster may describe a piece of work in any aspect of visual computing. For posters, we particularly encourage a summary report of collaborative projects, work-in-progress, and application case studies.
Accepted abstracts do not appear in the Eurographics digital library. An extended abstract and industrial project abstract are not considered as a paper publication, instead being similar to a SIGGRAPH one‐page sketch or to a conference poster without an associated paper. As such, presenting an extended abstract at this conference has no effect on your ability to publish a fuller version of the same work in another venue.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Computer Graphics
Computer Vision
Virtual Reality
Visual Analytics
Visual Data Science
Computer Animation
Computer-based Arts and Entertainment
Image processing
Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques
Graphics Architectures and Acceleration Hardware
Medical Imaging
Multimedia Visualisation
Computer Games
Rendering Techniques
Scientific Visualisation and Big Data
Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
Geospatial Visualisation
Augmented Reality and Collaborative Environments
Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices
Human Computer Interaction, Robotics, and Haptics
Modelling Methods
We will hold this year's CGVC paper and poster sessions online. We plan to host an in-person social event (as the Covid situation allows).
Kind regards, Tom Kelly (scstke(a);